#say around Yukine’s fight with Yato
runecel · 2 years
Ok so I am now seeing Noragami post back on my page, meaning the Noragami fandom went from desensitised as self defence to completely aware this is hell to. MADYDAY MADAY WE AIN’T COMING OUT OF THIS ALIVE!
Something tells me it’s trash dad isn’t it?
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kurisus · 6 months
Noragami reread: Volume 25, 26 & 27 thoughts
The last of the reread thoughts. Until the next reread (I'll still use the same tag!), and see you with the release of the final chapter shortly. Until then, I'll be mostly off the grid.
Volume 25 is...absolutely brutal. It starts right off with Yuka clearly seeing Hiyori as similar to her mother (aka someone who smiled her way through problems), then we get a flashback of Yukine's father finding the letters and ripping them up in front of him. The most chilling part is that he said he knew all along what was in them, but Yukine isn't even listening. And then there's the page of sound effects followed by an unsettling silence. I just. ANOTHER TOP 10 MOST GUTTING MOMENTS OF NORAGAMI. (Maybe I will actually compile a list.)
Nora goes back to trash dad because even though she's figured out he's full of shit, she still craves the love of a parent--she wasn't ever alive long enough to have it, so that yearning will never go away. So when he calls for her with a fake apology, she's never heard that from him before and believes him, and gets swept up in the moment of working as they used to. But the illusion is broken, and that's why she eventually turns on him.
Yato's struggle to get Yukine back contrasts beautifully with trash dad's backstory--a story about how the world is mean, and cruel, and you have to fight to survive because everyone's just in it for themselves. Trash dad is projecting his anger onto Yukine because he never had a father figure to look up to, but Yukine does now--Yato.
Yukine realizes this in what is still probably the most beautiful scene in the manga (although him asking Yato about him being buried is tied). I cried so many tears over this, and I will continue to do so.
Trash dad in Yomi with Izanami is a super interesting scene because of how casual she is with him. She sits with him a while, seemingly never pressures him to dine with her, and willingly tells him all about shinki and ayakashi while asking him about his own past. At the end of this, he steals the brush from her and escapes. When we see Izanami in the current story where Yato and Ebisu encounter her, she's desperate for a friend and keeps pushing food on them. So my guess is that back then, she was a lot more hospitable (or maybe just because she knew humans aren't allowed to leave Yomi), but him stealing from her and escaping caused her to become even more lonely and distrustful.
Likewise, what Father says about the brush naming shinki is very interesting too. The law of Yomi supercedes the law of heaven as far as spirits are concerned, because she was the first person to try naming ayakashi. Since Hagusa and Mizuchi were both named as corrupted spirits, the names bestowed by the brush can't be removed by Amaterasu. Could Izanami remove them? Probably.
That makes me wonder if, in the final chapter, because the brush is destroyed they will lose those names. It doesn't really matter, though, because (a) Yukine already made the choice to become a stray. That won't change. Same with Mizuchi, even if she'd personally gone around and begged every god to release her. But (b) both of them were pushed into this choice by a master manipulator, one who is dead and won't be able to control them anymore. And (c) Yukine, at least, has found his forever master. Mizuchi is...a little lost in that regard, but I'm hoping the fan theory that Kofuku names her comes true.
Not a lot from volumes 26 and 27, but I didn't notice before that trash dad separated himself from Fujisaki so he woke up, but how did his lifeline to Father get cut? I assume they'll explain it in the last chapter--maybe Yato stopped by? He's unable to talk super well (probably because he's feeling some of the effects of decapitation) but he would still remember the name...but that also fades as he talks to the police.
Side note, I love that his birth date is omitted in his student ID. The month and date, not just the year. Adachitoka said NO celebrating Fujisaki's birthday for you.
Now that I'm not distressed and angry about the Hiyori shinki thing (because I know it was reversed), I want to comment that I wish she had said, like, a single word while she was a shinki. Wondering where she is, or who that girl's body is, or something. I do just wish this whole business hadn't happened in the first place, but it is what it is. Since it was undone, it's not a dealbreaker.
As for my other ending hangups--I think Yukine's father won't have his fate mentioned, or maybe just a quick mention that he's dead. There's a point in Yukine's Hagusa arc where he decides his father isn't worth his time, basically, and the official translation talks about forgiveness. But it's not really forgiveness, it's just accepting that getting revenge won't do anything now.
Still kind of wish Hiyori and Bishamon had had more to do in the final arc, still think it's a bit funny that the gods started slaughtering humans only for them to go back to normal like 10 minutes later, don't really care that much though. As long as the trio stays alive and trash dad stays dead, I'll take it.
Discord reactions:
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star-shapedfruit · 9 months
Let's talk about Chapter 107- Part Deux (Ex Machina)
Man. Man.
Follow up post from this. Might as well keep this as a series because I guess verbal diarrhoea is a coping mechanism for me. Thoughts and predictions again. Spoilers below
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So it appears that yes, Hiyori is 100% dead now since we saw her memories through Yato (broke my fucking heart btw) and we're going down the shinki route.
Yato didn't want to name her. He had no choice. He had just watched the love of his life be murdered right in front of him and was about to see her be transformed into his Father's monstrous puppet. Naming her there and then before Father got the chance to was the only way to save her. This is the most brutal fucking chapter in the entire series I swear to GOD. (Though I think most of us can agree that from the small glimpse of Hakki we have so far, she looks gorgeous. That sakura design.. 🥺)
But seriously I'm hoping and praying that Hiyori is somehow going to retain her memories and either bypass the GGS or be pretty much immune to it. Like I said before, she's a special case. Because she already had ties to the Far Shore and to multiple gods, she might get a sort of get out of jail free card here. Plus it would just interrupt the flow of the finale to a really weird extent if she lost all of her memories. It'd be too jarring and weird imo. Perhaps she initially has all of them but then over time her Near Shore memories will eventually fade away.
(Reiterating what I said in the previous post. I have no idea how this is going to affect other shinkis with her being around in regards to the GGS. Or even if her existence will be allowed by Amaterasu. It's not like Ammy can wipe everyone's memories of Hiyori to safeguard them. But hey)
Also the fact that his shinkis are literally Snow White? Lol.
Lets say she retains her memories. Will she still be called Hiyori or will she have to go by Shirone even if hearing her name won't break her? Maybe it'll be a closely guarded secret by her and Yato. Having her name on a part of her body that can't be seen (like over her heart for instance because thematics) means it's hidden from view from anyone else, therefore nobody can use that name against her (KAZUMA. 👀) An extra layer of protection for her. It'll be her and Yato's (and probably Yukine's too) secret.
Speaking of Yukine, I'm guessing he's going to be out of action for this final final fight. With Hiyori slicing the Koto No Ha in half like an absolute boss ass bitch, it's likely that The Nation will collapse and everyone will return to their regular forms. Yukine will probably be in a bad shape and unfit to fight let alone even transform into Sekki. Meaning it's going to be Yato and Hiyori Vs Father working together as one. The Deux Ex Machina has appeared and she is pissed.
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(Literally though, first thing she does as a weapon is take a slice at Father and the brush. I didn't even realise she'd cut his fingers til the second read through. Looks like she might have even got his neck too? Dare I say...? Slay?)
So yeah. I'm hoping that because of her original ties to Yato and the Far Shore, her memories may not be lost. The two of them will team up to take down Father as possibly the most powerful shinki we've seen so far. Nobody has been able to make a dent in the Koto No Ha until now. Which is possibly why this is why the story is going this way. Yato has tried and failed to take down Father multiple times. He couldn't use Yukine for his final confrontation for obvious reasons so he went on a search to find a suitable and powerful enough shinki to take his place, and that ended up being Kazuma. Obviously didn't work out as intended though.
Funny how maybe the person he's needed to take down Father all along is Hiyori. Father might have ended up winning in the end but by killing her, he's essentially doomed himself.
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yatorihell · 6 months
Noragami Reread Volume 4-6
In which I wish Discord emojis were available to describe my feelings reading this arc
Chapter 12
Daikoku calling himself uncle to Yukine
Currently crying with Yato and Hiyori over Yukine
'Sooner or later she won't be able to live in her own world anymore' HA
Yato has known Hiyori less than 2 months and already doesn't want to lose her
'Cut ties isn't that your speciality' next chapter foreshadowing?
Chapter 13
It's so funny to think babies cry because ayakashi are bullying them
Kazuma's dedication to running Bishamons life shows why his father wanted him to run the salt business
Bishamon issues with past shinki totally aren't going to cause issues
Hiyori mentoring yukine
Kuraha is my fav of Bishamons shinki
Daikoku having 50 heart attacks during Bishamons visit
Kofuku can be scary sometimes
Daikoku is the biggest simp and I agree
Bishamon is an even bigger soft touch than Yato when it comes to humans
Chapter 14
'Once untied a bond cant be mended' HA
Bishamon queen of bottling it up
Foreshadowing of her not noticing a shinki in trouble
Yato telling Hiyori to leave him alone then replying to her tweets and following her around
'Will I forget them someday too' HA
Yukine finds a friend. ..
Not Yato taking Yukine's money and framing it as a lesson
The look on Suzuha's face that Tomoko never remembers him jsbdnd
'Smile you don't want to hurt your master' baby it don't work like that
'When did Yukine become our son' Daikoku you've always been a daddy what
Seeing the little home they've made at Kofuku’s place
'Hiyori will grow up and be what she wants to be' not u tho lol
'I never thought I'd never even be one of her memories' KILLING MYSELF!!
Sakura overtones: 1
Kuguha needs to choke on a dick
Lol remember how violent Suzuha's death was in the anime and we don't even see it in the manga
ALSO that whole scene shadowed by Yukine saying how he made a new friend and is invited to picnic javdvbd
Chapter 15
Kuguha's plan to reincarnate Bishamon here we go
How long since Suzuha died that the flowers wilted and Bishamon noticed
'Yato said have fun and be careful treating me like a kid' papagami
'I won't forget' Hiyori you will
Yato tweeting from the bushes still following her
'Idk if you like each other or hate each other' it's very clear Yato likes her early on and Hiyori gets feelings later I want to die
Bishamon's Aiha armour is such a serve
Blight begins showing on Bishamon aha
'Who in their right mind would ever follow her around' you would Yato, multiple times
Father's first mention
The fact so many shinki look guilty of blight shows the state of the house
Kinuha checking Kuguha's dong during inspection
'Can the likes of a god really save us' WELL HE DID SO
Yato beating Kuguha with a stick is the mood
Chapter 16
'I'm not going to disappear not as long as there's one person who never forgets me' there is hope! (There isn't <3)
Hiyoru picking up meat buns for them
Yato in the trashcan following Hiyori again ft umbrella scene I'm so sad
Hiyori promising to visit every day
'I promise I won't forget' I wish I had certain emojis to convey the mood I feel
Yato back in the trashcan
'That lie of yours better be true' Rip Yato death by garbage truck
Broken window from Daikoku hitting Yato and chasing him to the roof
'Everything will be alright as long as I remember them' WILL YOU
Oh the DRAMA of the whole Yukine vs Bishamon monologue
Oh Suzuha really didn't defend himself I hate this
Chapter 17
We're 16 chapters in and Hiyori is already his weakness
Kofuku asking if Kazuma will go stray right over a panel of yato aha foreshadowing
Yato not leaving Kofuku's to hide because of Hiyori
Yatori height difference I need to keep an eye on how it changes
Hiyori was so active in fight scenes compared to now I miss her
Chapter 18
I'm such a slut for a kidnapping plot
Moans at Yato's angry face
'If you stay in in that form for too long you will die' AHA
Hiyori death foreshadowing tracker: 4
Devastating the hot guy you know is a mass murderer
The image of Kazubisha taking on young shinki making a new family
Yukine instantly assuming it's his fault Hiyori got taken I hate this
'Why won't you grant her wish' blushing Yato he's so down
Tenjins deal for Yato to cut Hiyori's ties
I wonder when Yato first went to heaven, would this have been it
The fucking sexual tension of Yato and Bishamon wanting to gut each other
Chapter 19
The fight scenes always go so hard
'Protect me' *5 mins later* not like that!
'Where's Hiyori?!' I'm passing away
Kazuma's willingness to be cut down if it saves Bishamon
Chapter 20
How absolutely devasting it would've been to be reading Noragami when Yukine got shattered and you had to wait a month to see what happened I say as if I've not sat through multiple cliffhangers and 2 hiatuses
Yukine becoming a blessed vessel makes me so sad
Bishamon still standing after the blight and fighting she really is girl gone wild
Shinki can ignore their call so the fact Kinuha went was probably more of a confirmed response, not that she would deny Bishamon anyway
Blighted Bishamon is so op I wanna see it again
Chapter 21
Hiyori coming to stop the fight because she knows she's the reason Yato came
Yato zoning out to kill Bishamon when Hiyori stops him
The shinki deaths are so graphic and Bishmaon has just lost it at this point
Chapter 22
Kazuma telling Bishamon the truth of the Ma Clan and solving hundreds of years worth of drama
Tbf Bishamon needed the reality check about her shinki, she's kind to a fault and that was what killed both clans
Bsihamon recalling how Kuguha used to teach the children he manipulated, once again he can choke on a dick
Yato taking responsibility wanting to kill the masked ayakashi because it has to do with Nora and by extension Father
The imagery of Kuguha falling from heaven
Hiyori gently holding Yato back I'm so fucking emo
The family reunion when they get back to Tenjin's I'm eating glass inconsolably
'You found your one irreplaceable someone' I hate this they don't know about Yukine arc!!!!!!
Completely forgot about Tenjin's deal lol
Eating glass at the infinity loop around Yato and Hiyori if I see it in the final chapter I'm ending it
'I will do what must be done' bitch if he does it in the final chapter I'm!!!!!
Chapter 23
'Why does my chest hurt like this?' For the forshadowing? That I die??
Kazuma and Touma having a sibling relationship and how she was killed whilst he watched ahhhh
Flashback time
Touma is such a nerd
Kuraha in a cone even though he's in human form lol
The exchange diary is a cute idea and apparently works
Humans are allowed to make mistakes <3
Adachitoka is such a tease we know Hiyori still has ties
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thedeliverygod · 8 months
Repostober: Day 10
This is from my drabble collection, Woven Together. Since it's all the rage to talk about Tsukuyomi these days, I figured I'd post a little fic about Yato turning out to be him ;]
Another Name
He heard that name a lot less these days, but it always brought a smile to his face.
Hiyori peeked out from around the corner, taking a few steps towards him with a sheepish smile, “Do you think you’ll ever get used to this?” She faltered, “I mean, I know it was your dream; but for it to happen so suddenly, isn’t it weird?”
“Yeah, it is…” He gave sort of a sad smile and tugged at his layers of traditional clothing, “And I really miss wearing my tracksuit, but Yukine says I should try to keep up appearances for a while.”
She let out a small laugh, “I never thought I would say this, but I kind of miss it too. You do look nice, though.” She glanced around the shrine grounds, “Speaking of Yukine-kun, where is he?”
Yato shrugged and glanced around as well, “He’s making his rounds, making sure everyone’s doing what they’re supposed to. He’s doing okay now, but he was pretty overwhelmed at first. Even said I should maybe transfer the guidepost position back to Hiromitsu. I guess he was my lead before… you know.” 
“O-oh.” She twiddled her fingers together, “Poor Yukine-kun, I’m sure it is a lot to take on. I know it is for you, too, so I’m glad you both have each other in all of this.”
His smile seemed more genuine this time as he nodded and answered, “Yeah, me too.”
“Well, um, I’m sure you must be busy, so I guess I’ll be on my way back home.” Hiyori started to turn away, spinning on her heel, “I’ll see you later, Yato.”
“Hiyori…” He reached out to catch her wrist as soon as she managed to take one step, “Will you—will you come with me for a minute?”
She turned her head and gave him a concerned look, but nodded. Yato let go of her wrist and led her out of the shrine gates, stopping just a few feet away. “What is it?” She frowned and tilted her head, “Is everything okay?”
“You mentioned how this was my dream, and it was for a long time—but it hasn’t been for a while now. There’s something so much more important to me.” He stared down at his feet, unsure and even scared.
Her expression softened and she asked quietly, “Is it anything I can help with?”
He looked up to her and reached out to tenderly take her hand, grasping it lightly, “It’s you, Hiyori.” He took a step closer and she could feel him shaking through his hand, “I love you.”
She was wide eyed and honestly in quite a bit of shock, so it was hard for her to find the words to answer him with.
So he kept talking, “You always seem so nervous around me now and it’s killing me. I know I probably haven’t been myself because there’s just so much crap I’m trying to get caught up with, so I’m sorry. But I—”
She moved forward and bumped into him, doing her best to fight the multiple layers of fabric and wrap her arms around him tightly. “I love you too, Yato.” She exhaled against him, “I just don’t know what that means, especially now that we know you’re Tsuku—”
“Don’t.” He stopped her from saying his other name, returning her embrace, “And I don’t really know either. But I can’t live without you, Hiyori. I can’t. So I don’t care what anyone from heaven or anywhere else has to say. Just… please keep coming to see me, okay? “
“Yato,” She looked up and gave him an incredulous look, “I just said that I loved you. You really think I’d stop seeing you just because you’re some sort of major god now?”
He gaped in response, “I-I dunno. I mean you sounded pretty hesitant! What am I supposed to do, read your mind!? I didn’t know what you meant!”
 Her shoulders fell and she shook her head, “You’re definitely still Yato, jumping to conclusions before you let me finish talking.” She reached up to pull him towards her, kissing his cheek, “I just meant we’ll have to figure it out, that’s all.”
“Easier said than done.” He mumbled in response, his cheeks flushed.
“It’ll just take time, like everything else.” She started to pull away, “I do really need to start heading home now, though. I’m sorry.”
Yato fumbled with his pockets for a moment before pulling out a smart phone and grinning, “Well, one of the good things about all of this is the money! I’ll be able to text you a lot easier now.”  
She gave a nervous laugh, “Yeah, great. Just don’t send me like twenty at a time, okay?”
“I’m so busy right now you’ll be lucky if I send you five a day.” He frowned and stuffed it back into his pocket before grinning again, “But if you come see me in person, then I can make an excuse to get away. Yukine too; we’ll just have to say it’s some sort of official business and no one will bat an eye.”
Hiyori sighed at that, “Don’t go getting yourselves in trouble, especially Yukine-kun. He’s not just in charge of you anymore, so don’t make him look like a bad influence to all of your other regalia.”
“Ah, yeah… I didn’t think about that.” Yato tapped a finger to his lips in thought before he let out a sigh, “There’s just so much to remember now. Sure you don’t wanna become a manager, Hiyori? You seem to know more about all of this than I do.”
“Uh, I don’t really have time for anything like that because of school. But thanks for the offer.” She waved him off with a few more nervous laughs before she started walking again, “I’ll be back tomorrow! Tell Yukine-kun that I said hello.”
He watched her as she walked away, calling back loudly, “Okay!” He continued to stare until he could barely make out her purple uniform through the crowd, until a voice snapped him out of his daze.
“Yato, what are you doing?” Yukine had one hand on his hip and a clipboard in the other, a displeased look on his face.
Yato blinked a few times before he answered, “I was just talking with Hiyori. She said to tell you hi from her.”
Yukine softened at that, a little smile creeping onto his lips, “Oh, okay. Well, some of the others were looking for you and freaking out so you should probably head back in…”
“Great.” Yato groaned, turning for the entrance, “I swear, Yukine. I think you’re the only one with patience around here.”
“Well, you’ve gotta remember how long they waited around for you until now.” Yukine pointed out as they headed back into the shrine, “So it’s only natural they worry something’s wrong when they can’t find you and you didn’t say anything before you left.”
“I guess, but I was literally two feet away from the shrine grounds.” He scratched his head, “And I was only out there for maybe ten minutes max. They’re going to need to chill out a bit if they want me to keep my sanity or I really will disappear in the middle of the night.”
Yukine sighed, “Alright, alright. I’ll talk to them about it. So what were you and Hiyori talking about anyway?”
“Oh, nothing, really. Just confessing our love to each other.” Yato answered matter-of-factly, causing Yukine to stop in his tracks.
His regalia nearly choked on his own spit, “You—what? You can’t be serious.”
“I am!” He grinned widely before hugging Yukine tightly, “So you and me should celebrate tonight!”
Yukine groaned and elbowed him, “Congrats, really, but get off of me!” After Yato had let go, he shook his head, “I mean I guess it makes a little more sense now that you’re actually somewhat respectable. If she would have told you last year, I would have called her crazy.”
“Hey!” Yato shot him a glare before his expression changed into a pout.
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ultraericthered · 2 years
Anime Update V2 24
Noragami Aragoto - I didn’t really see what the point was of Hiyori and Yukine’s skirmish with Kuguha in the woods other than to pile on more anxiety about Yato for Yukine, but I do so enjoy seeing Kuguha get trounced so I can’t complain too much. Yato and Hiiro also had a pretty sweet sibling moment before getting captured by Izanami, but Bishamon comes to save the day and fight back, also motivating Yato when she reveals that Hiyori and Yukine are waiting for him on the other side. But according to Ebisu, the only working solution for bringing back Yato and Bishamon will require a human sacrifice!
Hunter x Hunter - The Heaven’s Arena arc engaged me at first and I do like the whole aesthetic of the place, but the more it goes on the more dull it becomes and it’s on the whole just a massive step down from the Hunter’s Exam arc. Too often I find it’s turning into Naruto where we’re treated to sensei lectures about how techniques and Nen energy works and I just don’t care - condense it and get back to the good stuff already! In both versions, the one consistent good point has been Hisoka. His fight with Kastro, the magic tricks he pulled off to win, and his exchanges with Machi were all gold, and we even learn that he’s been a member of the Phantom Troupe the whole time...sort of! And then we get the fight we were waiting for, Gon VS Hisoka, which honestly makes this arc worth sitting through just to see it. Gon finally gets to strike Hisoka and make him hurt, and while he’s still unable to defeat him at his level, Hisoka is now absolutely certain that the boy is a worthy adversary for him to kill.
Fruits Basket - How the Sohmas spent their Summer Vacation:
2001 - I think a lot of the comedy worked better here than in the later adaptation, a time when this version going more broad, slapstick and cartoonish has advantages. The more serious stuff with Hatori near the end didn’t land as well, and I was confused and uncomfortable with how Ayame seemed to take a victim blaming stance about Kana for daring to get married and be happy with someone else. Does he somehow not know that Hatori wiped her memories? ‘Cause if he knows what happened, he can’t act like this is some “betrayal!”
2019 - Why Yuki and Kyo were pretty quiet at first and took a while to get back into their usual argumentive swing actually had context this time given how last episode ended, whereas it was given no reason in the previous version. The talk between Shigure, Hatori, and Ayame was also phrased much better here, with Ayame being petty about Hatori missing out on happiness and wanting him to find a woman who’ll make him far happier than Kana portrayed as just that: petty.
Rozen Maiden - Kanaria, the second Rozen Maiden who I saw in the OVA at one point, finally gets into the Sakurada residence. The dolls staying there while both Jun and his sister are out find evidence of the break-in and disturbances around the house, making them think a burglar has broken in. Mayhem ensues. It was funny and all, but Kanaria really doesn’t do much for me. I’d normally love the heck out of a character like her, but here...doesn’t “clumsy troublemaker with an inflated self-image” kind of already belong to Suiseiseki? 
Fate Zero - The premiere episode of this prequel anime was a whole hour long, like the second season of Sound! Euphonium’s premiere, was this just something they did back then? But in any case wow, this show is immediately superior to Fate/Stay Night not only in the production value but in practically everything. My problem with Stay Night is that it mashed a whole different aspects into the Saber route and didn’t do it as well as, say, CLANNAD did, and pretty much all of the plot action was centralized by Shirou. Not even Shirou and Saber - just Shirou, who’s a great character and all, but I don’t think he needed to be the only viewpoint protagonist when other great characters like Rin Tohsaka were right there. Fate Zero has four different POVs in four different stories (Kiritsugu w/ Irisveil, Kirei and Tokiome, Kariya Matou, and Waver Velvet) interlinked by the coming Holy Grail war, which is a lot more the kind of thing I enjoy seeing.
The dub is great, too. Matthew Mercer is a better Kiritsugu than Kirk Thornton, Mela Lee is still on as a younger Rin Tohsaka, Crispin Freeman kills it as the younger, less villainous Kirei, Lucien Dodge is perfect for Waver, and Michael Donovan is so skin-crawlingly creepy and sinister as the vile Zouken Matou. Only issue is Liam O’Brien as Kariya, which distracts me a bit since I got used to him as Archer. Got chills at the ending where the servants are summoned, spotting not only Gilgamesh there, but Saber, voiced now by Kari Wahlgren!
Revolutionary Girl Utena - Yet again after two episodes of the arc, we’re given another weirdo Nanami filler episode, which I’d not mind as much if we hadn’t just had that Nanami recap two episodes ago! This one’s the ever notorious “Nanami’s Egg”, which isn’t quite as dark and freaky as the cowbell episode but still bizarre all the same, like the egg is a metaphor for more than one thing and because Nanami’s just gotten stupider she believes that she lay it, but it turns out it was Chu-Chu who’d died offscreen and got reincarnated. Huh?
Love Live! Nijigasaki School Idol Club S2 - A breather episode for Cute Girls To Do Cute Things, including a blatant Pokemon Go! reference with the “find the kitty cats” phone game. Lanzhu and her two gal pals are easing themselves into the club, but the star of the show here was Kasumi, more adorable, diabolical, and hapless than she’s ever been. And yeah, it’s a blatant repeat of Nico from that old “Who gets to be the Center?” episode, but Kasumi has always made stuff work by being this oddball blend of Nico’s personality and her “persona”. Sweet friendship song, montage, and group photo at the end too. Post-credits was an uh oh, though. Love Live, perhaps?
MAR - Round 3 of the War Games begins with the surprise re-appearance of Alan, who fights against Ali Baba of the Chess Pieces in the volcanic terrain. He doesn’t just beat him even easier than Dorothy beat her opponent, he claims the second casualty by dropping Ali Baba into lava, killing him! And unlike Dorothy’s fight, there was no real reason for him to do so! He just felt his pride was insulted and wasn’t gonna take that! Scariest guy on Team MAR!
AMC: Yuki Yuna Is A Hero - How the Hero Club spent their Summer Vacation, a more typical beach outing that gives way to more Cute Girls Do Cute Things antics. Not a whole lot of plot here other than Karin being gay with Fuu, Yuna being gay with Togo, and reminders of what the girls have (temporarily?) lost thanks to their battles with the Vertex. Then at the end we learn the missions ain’t done yet...
Talentless Nana - Finally got back to this one, though in hindsight maybe I should’ve waited for October to do so since it was the creepy “Necromancer” two parter. A creepy boy named Shinji who can reanimate the dead and is going out with a really hot tomboy with super strength named Yuuka becomes Nana’s next target for elimination, all while Kyouya is still skeptical about her involvement in the recent deaths...and then it turns out that Shinji is himself a living corpse and Yuuka is the true necromancer, with her own horde of zombies that she can control only at nighttime! Since Part 2 was notably lagging in a lot of places, Yuuka was the aspect that kept me interested and made it all work - she’s the first of Nana’s talented victims or adversaries (who aren’t Kyouya) who I actually enjoyed watching. Her voice acting coupled with the depths of her depravity gave her a sort of Junko Enoshima vibe, it was impressive how well they pulled off a DOUBLE Twist Villain with her, and she’s the first to give Nana a really serious challenge, with Nana only besting her through proving a theory with so many variables to it that it could’ve just as easily not gone well for her. The very end was a bit weird, though. Why did Nana even care about a victim’s morals and sins? She’d kill the talented regardless, as she even said, so why even?
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bakubabes-tatakae · 3 years
Request by anon: Omg you do write for him! In that case could I ask for a scenario where Yato and the reader are just cuddling and one thing leads to another and they end up having some passionate love making so then they just keep with the cuddling skin against skin? 👀🔥
It's been a really long time since I've written anything for Yato, but I'll say I forgot how much I loved to write for him. I hope you like it bby. 👏♥
Movies & Chill || {NSFW} Yato x fem!Reader
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Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, 18+ content, dirty talk, offensive language (swearing)
Word Count: 1.3k
The first thing that the two of you always did when Yukine was gone was a movie marathon. It was so rare that Yato got to pick what movie he wanted to watch when Yukine and yourself usually always sided together. As he popped the movie in the DVD player and ran back to the bed he wore a large smile, larger than you had seen in a long time.
Yato jumped onto the bed, shaking you and the bowl of popcorn that he had expressed the importance of having. He grabbed the remote and the bowl of popcorn and began to eat, watching the previews with excitement that you would have guessed had been from a child.
As the movie started you glanced over at him, wanting to settle yourself in the spot on his shoulder, but noticing that the bowl of popcorn was in your way. When he reached for the remote you took your moment, gripping the bowl of popcorn quickly and moving it to the nightstand. As he moved his hand to reach into it and felt your body glued to him instead, he was a little shocked. “I… Y/n, where’d the popcorn go?”
Your face went from a grin to narrowed eyes as you playfully whined at him. “Forget the popcorn, just let me cuddle with you, please?”
Yato softened when he saw the pleading look on your face. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you in. “Yea, yea. I’ll forget it for now, but only because I want to curl up with you.”
You curled into him more, getting as close to him as you could before looking back up at him. “Yato…”
You were met with a teasing shush as the movie played, his eyes full of love as he looked down at you. “What’s the matter, angel?”
Instead of answering him, you pushed your lips out, wrapping your hand around his head. Your lips touched his and you had half expected him to push away, wanting to watch the movie and not fool around. In your shock, Yato was more intrigued by your kiss than you had expected. His lips danced with your own, his tongue pushing for entrance as he found his body moving.
You felt his hands move to your body as he slowly turned, his body hovering over your own as his hands pinned you down. “This is why you wanted to cuddle with me, isn’t it?” He teased as he placed small kisses down your cheek to your chin. “You know that cuddling with me always ends in sex, princess.”
You felt his hands sliding between your legs as he slowly pushed his way into your shorts. It had never been a secret that Yato had been good with his hands, though they were rough and calloused from his years of fighting, they were exceptional once they made their way through your shorts. You whined as his fingers slowly rubbed against your folds, finding their way to your core with ease. He stroked your walls slowly and spoke softly. “Come on darling, was this what you were waiting for?”
You whined, not able to make sentences as he quickened his pace. Your hands moved to his body, gripping tightly as your hips began to grind against his fingers. He chuckled as he watched your needy figure. “Baby girl, did you need me this badly?” He pulled his fingers away, the sensation of pleasure leaving you as you cried out. “Let me give you something that’s going to satisfy you just a little more than those will.” He gripped the waistband of your shorts and pulled them down your legs with ease, tossing them to the side as he pulled his shirt over his head. You quickly pulled your own shirt, tossing it where he had just discarded his.
The sound of his belt coming undone filled the room as the ache in your loins grew more and more. You needed him, you had never wanted him this badly before. Maybe it was the fact that Yato had been more dominating than he ever had been before. Usually, he was a laydown and let you take over type of guy, rarely ever caring if you were in charge or not. Yato quickly kicked his pants and boxers off his legs, letting them fall off the end of the bed.
Hi took his length in his hands and pumped, watching you already squirming underneath him, anticipating his entrance. Yato lined himself up with your core and slowly pushed into you, just barely letting himself in, before pulling back out again. He was playing with you, loving the look on your face as you tried desperately to grab him and pull him further. Your voice was high-pitched and needy as he pushed into you again. “P-please, Yato.”
Yato smiled at you, pushing further into you, filling your walls with his girth. Your sounds were like music to his ears as he kept his pace slow, only speeding up the more that your nails dug into his back. “Now, now, keep yourself calm, angel. Wouldn’t want to end this too quickly, now would we?”
You pulled his body as close to you as you could, his cock hitting every wall that it possibly could. Yato’s grunts filled the room as they mixed with the blissful moans that escaped your mouth.
Yato whispered to you as his pace quickened. “I’m so close darling, not much longer now.”
You placed your hands on his face and pressed your lips to his. His hips were now moving as quickly as he could get them, chasing his high with reckless abandon.
You could feel the coil in your abdomen about to snap as his cock bottomed out inside your core, the heat in your stomach growing more and more. “F-fuck, Yato.”
His words were soft and low as he brought you to your release. “Come for me, angel. Go ahead, suffocate my cock.”
That was all it took. Your walls convulsed around him, and his face contorted at the feeling of it. Your quivering cunt clenched around his length as he rode out his high, emptying himself out inside your tight walls. Yato placed a soft kiss on your forehead and rolled back over onto his side of the bed.
You caught your breath as you looked back over at him, glancing at the tv a second later. “I think we might have missed the beginning of that?”
Yato laughed in amusement at your comment, rolling toward you as he wrapped you in his arms. The feeling of his soft skin against your own made a shiver run down your spine. You couldn’t remember the last time that the two of you had been this close. “I’d say we did.” He reached for the remote and restarted the movie, tucking you into his arms. Yato ran a hand through your hair and pressed his chin against your head. “Maybe this time we just cuddle and actually watch the movie?”
You smiled at him and nodded in agreement. “I’d love to. I just want to be with you Yato, that’s all I ever want.”
The movie began again, the first few minutes had been the only thing that you had remembered from before. Sitting in Yato’s arms had felt safe, like nothing was going to ever harm you. You wrapped an arm around the back of you, playing with the end of his hair as he cooed at your touch. His voice almost jumped you, you had thought he was too enveloped in the movie to say anything. “I love you.”
You grinned like an idiot, knowing that he would have known that you were without even being told or seeing it. He took a deep breath and leaned farther into you. “I love you, too, Y/n.”
Taglist: @monic00l @strangeinternetwasteland @rowley-with-ackerman @kyu-pine @barrysimpparker @saudade-mayari @nikiniki743 @mykuronekome @gudaworks
©2021 bakubabes-hatake, please do not repost/modify without my permission, please do not use my work as ASMR without my permission
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kanotototori · 2 years
Chapter 100 Thoughts (Part 2)
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(Continued from Part 1.)
Again, two concurrent sides of Father: one that’s thinking about the goal, “I got shit to do”, “I can’t die here so I’m gonna do whatever it takes to not die here” (like the previous panel of Father taunting Yato about Kazuma, definitely manipulation there) - and the other that’s vulnerable and raw right now.
And so, he clashes with the one person who he has the most emotional baggage about. So yes, there is manipulation... but there’s also vulnerability. Desperation.
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This moment, I think, is the one moment in this fight where Father is the most honest.
Saying something so outright personal is not Father’s mojo - it’s always been “we’re the only ones who won’t leave you”, “do you really think they can love you?”, “do you really think you can stand on your own?”, “I’m your lifeline, you’ll die without me”, basically just vague platitudes and undermining Yato’s independence as a person. But here, it’s “I let you do all of those things because you’re important to me.”
This is so unlike Father that I had to stand up and pace around my apartment and keysmash into Twitter for a couple because I could not believe what the hell I just read with my own two eyes. You’re important to me. You’re important.... to me.
Is Father actively trying not to die? Yes. But do I think he is being 100% honest about this one thing? Yes. We have talked at length about the little details dropped throughout the manga that hint at this very thing - and how Father thinks that his actions are not hurting Yato, but others’ are, and that he’s trying to protect him in a fucked up twisted way - so I am not going to hash it out all over again but... yeah.
What has been implied, finally spoken aloud: Yato is important to Father.
And I think it’s important to note that it’s about what Father does say as much as it is about what Yato doesn’t say.
Because Yato does not rebuke Father on ANY of this - in fact, he directly affirms what he says here...
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“Well said. That means you understand why I was so afraid of you! You knew that if you were the reason I could do whatever I wanted in safety that I would always come running back to you.”
(Another note on this: time and time again we have seen this exact scenario - letting Yato do whatever he wanted so he would come back to Father - play out in the manga but something sticks out in my mind... that is, the last Yato vs. Father fight, where Father says this:
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“You’re a pain in the ass but you’re still my son. That’s what I wished for, after all.”
And then we get this moment at the end of this chapter part:
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In which Father basically says, I have Yukine (the one person you care about most on the Far Shore) and Hiyori’s gonna die eventually, so why are you bothering to run away from me when I have everything you could ever want... and the implicit of that is “...I want you come back to me.”)
Yato even further elaborates that Father was the one who couldn’t let go (of Yato).
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And then this page, of course:
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It is a doozy.
Half of it is definitely “pls don’t kill me lol” but the other half... pure desperation, vulnerability tinged with a manipulative veneer because Father’s trying not to die. But it’s, again, incredibly unusual because Father does not beg. Period. He didn’t even beg when Yato almost killed him the first time around.
But here he is, pleading with Yato to come back to him, looking up at Yato standing over him. Even his dialogue boxes get progressively more scraggly and uneven, indicating that his voice is breaking more and more - which, btw, his last two boxes on the previous page were almost completely even.
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And also...
“You’ve been using me, too, after all!!”
This actually reminds me of a line that Father said to Kazuma in the exact same chapter that I showed above. Again, if you recall, Father is the CEO of Projecting...
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“Your unrequited love is merely what fuels Bishamon’s ability to keep using you.”
I was definitely getting the projection vibes from this line but I was scratching my head what this could even apply to with Father, as he seems to never have truly worshipped any god... of course, I should have known Adachitoka would’ve gone there.
Again, you kinda have to look past what we’re thinking as readers - “it’s Father who was using Yato!” - and think about what Father’s thought process is like here. Everything is give and take, life is a constant competition to survive, winners live on and losers die and make excuses, “it’s me vs. everyone else/the world”... so if Father is lashing out, of course it’s gonna be “you were just actually using me (to keep yourself alive) so you need to return the favor.” If you think about what Father says here and what he says a few pages earlier - “you’re important to me” - this very much could have been a moment of insecurity: “Yaboku is important to me, but he’s only using me (and that’s another betrayal from someone I cared about).”
And, of course... “Yaboku, you were my prayer.” Mournful sigh. Right back to Chapter 94 with Father’s whole “you’re a pain in the ass but you’re still my son, that’s what I wished for.” (You wished for what, sir? A son? And now you’re saying he was your prayer while begging him to come back to you? I see you.) True Wish theory still going strong.
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Father’s dialogue box goes right back to being mostly even so I definitely feel like this is said to be more manipulative but. That doesn’t change the fact that Father did want to preserve Yato’s existence, he did want to protect him - because he’s important to him.
And Yato’s face in both this page and the previous one... I know it’s manga so expressions are more subjective than they would have been animated for example, but in my opinion, Yato shows a kind of... quiet understanding of what Father is saying. Yato knows Father is a liar, but in this moment, I think he sees that what Father is saying here is true - he does care for him, he wants him to come back because he cares for him, and he wants to protect Yato’s existence. That... almost regretful face he makes in this page kills me.
And he offers Father a swift and merciful death. He could’ve offed Father several times in this fight but here, he simply tells him not to move and that he will make it quick. That is significant.
And the most surprising thing?
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Father seems to give up. With the way he was beginning to bow his head, I believe he was actually going to let himself be killed by Yato.
Father, who we have seen fight like hell to survive (whose entire world view is constructed on that very idea), literally right up until a few seconds ago, even - he gives up.
If that isn’t a testament to how much Yato means to him - that he would give up because he finally sees that they’ve reached the point of no return - then idk what is.
I talked about this a little bit on Twitter but I think Mizuchi’s words to Father - “I love you” - were actually a direct reaction to this. Because Mizuchi saw that it hurt Father, so she tries to reassure him - “(Yato may not appreciate you but) I love you (and it will be okay)”. My poor, poor girl. </3
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Not gonna lie, when I first read this page, I actually thought the “I love you” “I love you, Father” were echoing in Father’s head because he was the last character we saw besides Mizuchi before those words were said. And that’s partly because, again, I really, really, REALLY hope that this will shift Father’s perception of Mizuchi a bit - he has ignored her so many times in just these last 3~ fights alone, I really hope Adachitoka won’t be that repetitive. Nice bit of character development for Father, something to shake things up.
I am also partial to the idea that they were echoing inside Yato’s head - with the shot of those words over Yato’s hands about to swing down on Father symbolizing his inner conflict (thanks @gagiru for this one, it killed me) over the act that he’s about to do. Someone on Twitter brought up the idea that even though Yato is ready to be done with Father, there’s still things left unsaid that need to be said... and I really hope we’re heading in that direction, too.
Whew, I think that was actually my longest chapter thoughts. The scenes with Father are not being talked about nearly enough so of course it was my pleasure and my duty to talk about them in depth!
Until next time?
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eriace · 3 years
E s t r a n g e m e n t / / Yato
Reader: Female Genre: Angst;Fluff Character: Yato // Noragami Requested: Yes
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(y/n), Hiyori, Yato, and Yukine in weapon form are running for their lives. They ran and ran because a freaking big phantom is following them.
(y/n) is indeed a god, an old friend of yato to be exact but (y/n) is useless right now, she could do anything only to watch or run.
If you ask why, (y/n) doesn’t have a shinki, (y/n) didn’t want to have one because she thought she couldn’t be the great god for her shinki and ended up the shinki hating her master, well she doesn’t want that.
As they ran for their lives, (y/n) cursed herself and wished that she could have a shinki right now.
As time went on, Yato finally defeated the phantom. We thought it would end there, but it didn't.
There were these phantoms that not stopping showing themselves, they looked like a spider-looking things and there are freaking many of them.
(y/n) gasped and ran again away for the scene, but she was grazed by the phantom on her right arm, (y/n) could feel the sting on her right arm, as the blight scattered.
(y/n) groaned and sat on the corner where there is less phantom. (y/n) supported her back at the wall, and tried to control her breathing.
She didn’t know that Hiyori followed her, (y/n) smiled a little.
“ (y/n)-chan are you fine? Does it hurt?” Hiyori questioned as she was trying to hold it but (y/n) stopped her.
“ Don’t touch it Hiyori-san, it will also spread on you, and don’t mind me saying this, yes it hurts but not that kind of hurt. ” (y/n) said feeling so useless and weak.
As Hiyori was about to say something a phantom appeared, (y/n) eyes went wide, and took Hiyori’s hand with her left hand.
They ran but (y/n) stopped and held her blight with her left hand in an accident, she didn’t mean it, it really just hurts.
“ Hiyori run. ” (y/n) shouted as she could see the phantom was running towards them.
“ No, I can’t. ” Hiyori said.
“ I don’t want to leave you here. ” Hiyori added, (y/n)’s eyes softened, and really felt sorry because she couldn’t protect the girl.
As the phantom became nearer (y/n) looked at Hiyori and Hiyori nodded. They ran again but the phantom was fast. Yato approached us, you feel relief cause he’s gonna save you and Hiyori.
But that wasn’t the case, as Yato approached us, Yato carried Hiyori in bridal style and brought her to a safe place, (y/n) was left there dumbfounded as she continued running for the hideous monster.
(y/n) was on the verge of tears, but stopped it. (y/n) looked around, trying to find a shinki, luckily she found one. (y/n) inhale deeply and exhale it afterward, as she named her shinki.
As she received the weapon, she also received her shinki’s memories.
(y/n)’s eye watered at the memory but she wiped it afterward. The weapon is a shotgun and Mossberg 500 to be exact, (y/n) was happy because she really can’t fight in close battles.
She prefers a far-fight so guns are her type of weapon. (y/n) found a nice place and defeated the phantom with a nice blow.
(y/n) and her shinki happily walked to Kofuku’s shrine but (y/n) frowned afterward as she felt the blight spreading to her arms, (y/n)’s eyes darken as she also saw Yato.
“ (n/n), you looked defeated. ” Yato said as he put her arms around your neck.
You pushed him away and pulled your shinki inside of Kofuku’s shrine, letting him sit on the sofa.
“ Stay here, don’t talk to the one with a scarf a while ago, you could freely talk to a blonde with the same age as yours and also to a girl who has brown hair and a girl with pink hair. ” (y/n) explained, her shinki nodded.
You head to Kofuku’s bathroom and rinse the part of your body that has been blighted.
“ Oh hell no. ” you said to yourself as you ran out of the bathroom fully dressed and headed to your shinki.
He was there being questioned by her friends, all of them. (y/n) covered her shinki protectively.
“ What are you guys doing, can’t you see he’s uncomfortable? ” (y/n) questioned. Everyone became quiet.
“ (n/n) what’s his name? ” Kofuku questioned. “ Takiyo as a human, Tsukki as a weapon.” (y/n) answered quietly as she looked at Yato's eyes but broke afterward, she’s still angry about it earlier, but she couldn’t blame it on Hiyori.
Hiyori is just a human after all.
“ Aw, that’s a cute name. ” Kofuku said as she messed her shinki’s hair, (y/n) giggled.
“ So (n/n) how did you defeat the phantom a while ago? Do you think I would save you? You're a god though, oh wait you don’t have shinki a while ago. ” Yato jokingly questioned but because of your anger you just ran away leaving them inside with your shinki, you cried while running.
You really do assume that he will save you from there but assuming is really not a nice thing.
You were stopped from running because someone held your arm. (y/n) looked at that person with teary eyes and was about to tell her/him to go away and leave her alone.
She didn’t expect that person was Yato.
“ Sorry (n/n), I didn’t save you there, I'm sorry too if I teased you a while ago. ” Yato said as he wiped the tears in (y/n)’s face.
“ so don’t cry anymore. ” he added as he pulled you on a hug. (y/n) hugged back and wiped her remaining tears at Yato’s clothes.
(y/n) pulled away from the hug, a visible blush on her face, and giggled.
“ So ah, where is my shinki?” (y/n) questioned as Yato pointed behind him, you could see Kofuku, Daikoku, Yukine, Hiyori, and your shinki, Takiyo.
They ran towards you and Yato and it brings you and Yato in a tight group hug.
You accidentally kissed Yato on the cheeks because of how close you two are, it could also be because of Kofuku’s bad luck.
As the tight group hug ended, Yato and (y/n)’s faces are quite similar, they are both blushing.
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© eriace ;; don’t repost my works.
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fangirlincorporate · 2 years
My thoughts while reading Ch 50
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I feel like a complete asshole saying this, but Hiyori doesn’t have any idea about what to do with injuries despite wanting to be a doctor and having a highly prestigious doctor as a father? (at least I think he is).
I know it’s not common knowledge so I shouldn’t be so harsh with that mindset. I think I just have it ingrained in my mind what the basics are due to the training I have so when other people don’t know I have genuine confusion as to how they don’t. But again she is a child so it should be expected.
I think I have an idea as to where this is going now. She’s going to lose herself in the despair of what’s going on around her. That earlier scene with her giving Yato the beat down also got me thinking. Why doesn’t Yato teach her ways to defend herself in her actual body? After everything that’s happened up until now has that not been a thought in anyones mind?
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I’m still wondering why Yato went chasing after his dad only to not really fight him. There really must be something only he knows about. Which he should just tell Yukine what it is, but what do I know. Communication on the battlefield is important. He knows this. But instead he’s letting his dad hit him.
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He even went so far as to put his arm in front of Yukine. Now I really want to know what Koto’s abilities are that are making Yato hold back. What the heck is going on.
But also what’s this bit about his father saying he’s not the real enemy? Is there another hidden plot coming to the surface or is this just another manipulation tactic? Or was he just implying that Bishamon is the enemy since she comes in the next page?
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Ah yes Bisha to the rescue, but Koto high tailed it out of there faster than a bat out of hell. Too busy sneaking around in the shadows like a coward to face his enemies head on.
I know he’s not afraid of her. He’s just a slimy rat wanting to stay in the dark. 😤
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Again with them fighting. You’re on the same side guys! You just have different ideals. It’s a love hate relationship through and through.
But Yato is even worried about Bisha being unable to defeat his father. Just what is this dude capable of!? There is no way he’s genuinely stronger than Yato or Bisha. Mizuchi must have a really powerful ability that makes him on par with the Gods. I’m still a little lost on how he, a mortal, has lived this long but I’ll put the pieces together eventually. It just doesn’t make sense to me yet. (I’m a bit slow don’t judge me)
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Ah I see. Kind of. I need more than this to go off of to figure it all out. Does he cause blight? Or is it more than that? I guess I’ll read on to find out.
Even so without knowing his abilities I feel like Bisha could do some damage. She has Kazuma after all. Her shinki are all amazing in battle together. Yato should have more faith in her abilities and work on this crippling fear he has of his dad. He has to in order to protect the ones he loves most. OP ability or not.
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Oi Oi uncalled for Hiyori 😭 it’s not his fault. Pull yourself together it will be okay.
And trash dad is all smug thinking he’s won. Yeah okay bud. You have seen nothing yet.
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It’s definitely not going to go down like this but the idea of these two fighting makes me really sad. I know Hiyori is struggling, but somewhere in there she has to know it’s going to be okay. It always has been as long as Yato is there.
I bet this next chapter is gonna hurt.
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elibean · 3 years
this was a lil somethin i wrote aaaaages ago but i think i was planning to go back and fix it up a little, but after re-reading it now i’m actually kinda happy with it! idk i just want yukine to be happy please
check it out if you like, and let me know what you think!
             Yukine won’t look him in the eye. Yato wishes it didn’t hurt as much as it does. He tries to pretend everything is okay; he acts exactly as if the whole ordeal never happened.
             But things aren’t normal. Yukine has the name “Hagusa” on him now, Yukine knows the entirety of his past now, and Yukine…Yukine isn’t the same Yukine as he was before. And it hurts. It doesn’t sting; Yukine isn’t committing any sins, no. In fact, he’s not doing much of anything, other than continuing to fight Ayakashi and listening to Yato’s commands without any complaint or banter. So no, Yato’s not being blighted. It hurts in a different way.
             Yato’s no stranger to grief. To pain, to suffering, to regret, to all forms of negative emotions. But before, these feelings were due to atrocities he committed—and those atrocities could be blamed on Father. But this destruction was one he caused all on his own. He destroyed his prized hafuri, his Yukine, his pride and joy—he did this to him. And now Yukine was a husk of his former self.
             A few days passed. No change. A week. No change. A few weeks. No change. The only change Yato noticed was when they met back up with Hiyori. Yukine seemed to visibly brighten, and he talked just a little bit more. He even smiled once. Hiyori seemed just as concerned as Yato, but she too tried to act as if everything was normal. Kofuku and Daikoku acted the same too. Kofuku’s usual antics brought no reaction to Yukine, other than a quiet nod. Yato couldn’t take it. He’d ruined the one thing he’d swore he’d protect.
             Three weeks after the incident, a little before bedtime, Yato approached Yukine in their room.
             “Listen. I’m going to say something that…It’s hard. This isn’t easy to…I don’t want to do this,” Yato stumbled through his sentence. Yukine looked up as he was speaking, but as usual wouldn’t look him in the eye. “I want you to know…I don’t want to say this. But. I think…” Yato took a breath. “Should I release you? Release your name?” For the first time since the incident, Yukine looked him properly in the eye. Yukine’s own eyes grew wide. But he said nothing. “Listen, I…You’re hurting. You’re hurting so much, and I’m.” Yato scratched his head. “I’m only making it worse, aren’t I? My being here. And I…” Yato took another breath in. “Listen, I want you to be happy. Gods, since I named you that’s all I wanted. And I ruined it, and I’m still ruining it, and. You deserve the world, not some shitty no-name god who can’t take care of the best shinki he’s ever had. So I think it’s better if I release you, and you find another god…or don’t. Whatever you decide. Of course, you can still see Hiyori, and Kofuku, and everyone, but…you won’t have to deal with me. Or my sweaty hands,” Yato said the last part with a laugh. But Yukine wasn’t laughing. Or smiling. In fact, Yato noticed, a stray tear was falling down his face. And another. And…Yukine was crying. Great. Yato had made everything worse.
             “…No,” Yukine mumbled.
             “…Yukine?” Yato whispered.
             “No!” he shouted. Yato shut up. “Please don’t do that. Please don’t throw me away. I’ll…I’ll be better, I’ll do better,” his speech was getting faster now, and he was hiccupping between the tears, “I’ll listen better, I’ll do…Just please…”
             “Yukine!” Yato shouted, grabbing his shoulder, trying to shake some sense into him. “You don’t have to do anything. You’re the perfect shinki, a blessed vessel, it’s…it’s not about that. It’s that I think it might be better if you weren’t with me. I mean…”
             “Please don’t leave me,” Yukine whimpered. Yato reached forward and gave him a hug, Yukine sobbing into his shoulder. He began patting his hair with his other hand.
             “Shh, shh. I’m sorry, that was stupid of me. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here, Yukine. I’m not leaving,” he mumbled, continuing to stroke his hair as he sobbed and sobbed. When they pulled apart, Yato took a breath in.
             “That was stupid of me. I’m glad you said no, actually. I didn’t want you to say yes. But I thought that maybe that was best…”
             “Yeah, that was stupid of you,” Yukine snorted, wiping away some of his tears.
             “Hey, that’s the first time you’ve laughed since…you know, since then,” Yato pointed out. Yukine sniffled.
             “Yeah, really. Anyway, we’ll keep doing what we always have. Slaying Ayakashi, helping people out, me working to be the best god I can. But, Yukine…how can I…well,” Yato paused, thinking for a moment. “This is weird to say, but. I’m worried about you. You’re…different, from before, and I know, I know you’ve been through…well, a lot is an understatement, but…”
             “Shut up,” Yukine mumbled. Yato did as he was told. “I’ll try,” he mumbled. “To be better, I mean.”
             “That’s not it, Yukine!” Yato exclaimed. “You don’t need to be better. You need to be happy. Where’s the bratty kid who talked off his master every chance he got? Who kicked me when I said something stupid? Who cried when we sang happy birthday—”
             “Shut up!” Yukine exclaimed, a bit of red rising to his cheeks. Yato shrugged.
             “I’m worried,” he reiterated. Yukine sighed.
             “I don’t know that things can go back to the way they were,” Yukine began, quietly. “But…I can work on it,” he mumbled. Yato smiled softly.
             “I’ll be with ya every step of the way, kid.” Yukine smiled for a split second, but Yato caught it.  Then he turned around, settling back into his futon.
             “C’mon then, let’s get to bed. Shitty god,” Yukine grumbled. Yato broke into the widest of grins then.
             They had a long way to go. But they’d get there together.
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kurisus · 6 months
Noragami reread: Volume 21 & 22 thoughts
The closer we get to the final chapter drop, the bigger my feeling of dread grows, and the more I have to say in terms of thoughts. So, let's talk about this helping of pain.
I honestly can't figure out the deal with Fujisaki's sister and her kids. So, like, she puts the kids in her car and drives all the way to Tokyo to visit (? take care of??? they didn't really say why she was there) her missing brother, but she can't find him. Because he is missing. She leaves these young kids in the car and goes to look for him, but the kids get bored and wander off. They run into their uncle, who's chilling in a park nearby, and he's like "hey kiddos I have a really fun game for you. Play a prank on this kid that's gonna come by. Pretend you're lost [except they really are lost] and lure him into this tunnel it'll be funny." How did he know Yukine would be there either? Because Yukine was following him? Then the mother finds her kids and loads them back in the car...I guess to go back to the countryside...and doesn't believe her kids saying they met her brother. Like, the whole thing doesn't make sense. I guess Adachitoka just wanted to bring back the sister and kids, but the setup is so weird. If anyone else has an answer, please let me know, because this stumps me.
How I would rearrange this scene is that the sister is there to take care of Fujisaki and brought her kids, but while their mother is out shopping or whatever he takes the kids out without telling her, notices Yukine tailing him, and gets them to prank him. The mother finds them in the end and scolds her brother for taking off while he's sick. Since he's not really sick, she decides to go home the next day.
Moving on, Yukine's struggles really resonate. Poor kid thinks he has a loving family waiting for him, and doesn't understand why Yato refuses to tell him anything. Nora tries to tell him off, but he dismisses her too. So when he finds Yato with Kazuma, he realizes Yato was serious about cutting his lifeline. After all Yukine did to protect him in the previous arc, as well as Kazuma being there, this feels like a personal insult. Combined with his existing insecurities about being good enough, his PTSD from the box, and the agony of his past just out of reach, he just kind of...explodes. Just like how I want to explode reading this!
On a lighter note, obsessed with how angles and speech bubbles are used to disguise Kazuma's clothes while he argues with Yato, and then Yato points out those were the clothes he'd just changed out of. Hysterical. This goes well with the scene where Yato is wearing Hiyori's old uniform, but you don't see it till Yukine calls him out.
Okay, so, the thing with Hiyori. After Kazuma told her to fuck off, she tried to convince herself to stay home, but this resolution ends when she spots trash dad flying around and smiling. Thanks to this encounter, her cord is damaged, leading to it being broken later and enabling her to become a shinki. Upon the reread, I can see why it was important for her to be injured here--so that she doesn't run after Yato--but I'm still grumpy about the cord thing...and then she just runs after him the following volume anyway. Maybe if she was just injured, and the cord was intact...not sure. Like I said, grumpy.
Rereading volume 21 also made me realize another minor hangup I have with the ending is how much time we devote to Yato and Kazuma training together, and later fighting together, only for Kazuma to ultimately not to be the one to bring Father down. He weakened him, sure, but this partnership didn't amount to much outside of additional angst. I may adjust this feeling depending on how the remaining volumes go, but like I've said I don't like the Hiyori shinki thing so maybe Kazuma should've been the one to kill him. idk. He wronged Hiyori more, but [thrashes]
Nora saying to Yukine "your god is not your dad" pains me because he follows this by saying "if I was his actual kid, he wouldn't have left me" and then learning his parents DID abandon him--combined with projecting Yato as his father figure, this leads to him turning on Yato. His father is the one who leaves him, no matter who it is, no matter the reason.
There is also the fact that because of Nora (and Father telling her to), Yukine knows that gods know their pasts. Yato won't tell him anything--and hey, there's someone right here who's promising to do just that! Surrendering your name is fine, because the one who gave it to you betrayed you. The writing around this is so layered and complex and also I am deeply pained.
Switching gears to the Hiyori chapter. The conversation between her and her grandma takes on an interesting new context in light of recent events, and I wanna talk about it. The grandma is ready to die, but Hiyori doesn't want her to, because she'll never see her family again. Her grandma says that's a good point, but she'd rather be with the one she loves most, and urges Hiyori to do the same, before it's too late. But what's interesting is...Hiyori doesn't follow her advice. She does go off after Yato, because she knows her presence is needed to resolve things between him and Yukine, but what's crucial here is that at the funeral, seeing her crying mother reminds her that no matter what she has to come back home. So she's running off in a reckless move, but it's not because she has a death wish. She ALWAYS intended to come back, after helping with something very important. Plus, it was her grandma's time. Hiyori is young.
Overall, chapter 85 really highlights the foil between Hiyori and Nora. Here we have a "fake little girl" who was never given the chance to be a real human, and here is a real human girl who has a loving family, yet isn't doing things that most human girls do. The scary, scaly water creature is jealous of the ailing human girl, who is so unwell she can barely walk. Crying forever
Nora tells Hiyori that Yukine must have been killed before he was put in the fridge, because she has a more charitable view of his end, but Hiyori knows the truth--that he was buried alive. She puts it into words as we gaze at the empty coffin, and I just...god. god. Top 10 most gutting moments of Noragami.
In general reading about Yukine's past makes me want to die. The way his hope gets gradually crushed, all thanks to trash dad.
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[In the last screenshot, the speech bubbles on the second panel read "So he leaves me masterless, or he throws me out. What's the difference?"]
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oneofyatosfollowers · 3 years
Yatori Week 2021- Day 2
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32090953/chapters/79500055
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13905660/1/Yatori-Week-2021
Most other creatures that walk the Earth didn’t know this but pigeons were a very proud species. 
Being adopted from a long line of pure-blooded carriers and messengers, he had been given the very honorable names of Coo Phone, Smart Phone, and Smart Ho. After a spirit with glass over his eyes tied on his uniform- a white piece of cloth- he was handed off to another creature of the other side. One of the native existences of the other side who was brimmed with natural and unnatural power. When Coo Phone was first handed off to this existence, there had been another tiny spirit at his side with a similar power and a regular human female.
When Coo Phone had first settled in the large wooden bird house, it was clear he would have to serve two powerful spirits and two human souls. With ruffled feathers, Coo Phone carried out his job with pride. The tiny female spirit with the curly hair, the one called Kofuku, would often send letters to spirits on other pure lands. Hers often came in envelopes with many stickers that would fall off if the wind was too fast. Her human kin, called Daikoku, did not send letters very far, in fact he only sent them to her. At first Coo Phone was wary around this one’s massive size and booming roar, but he quickly proved to be a gentle soul. The spirit of the young human child was Coo Phone’s favorite. His name was Yukine and he was a sweet thing that actually appreciated Coo Phone’s services properly. Like the rest, he often sent messages to other pure lands and spirits in the metal and glass forest. The boy was also the only one who gave food on a regular basis and a snack after every hard mission.
It was his actual master that Coo Phone could not figure out. For starters, this powerful spirit was similar to Kofuku in that his existence was more sinister. Only instead of simply bringing misfortune, this being was made up of bloodlust and death. He was the one the others in the nest called Yato and he was typically loud and often moved with frantic, grand gestures. There were times Coo Phone sensed the underlying predatory instincts of his existence, but it was rare and he never acted on it. As such, it was Coo Phone’s duty to deliver the messages of this peaceful creature.
Despite receiving the majority of the messages, Yato only wrote one person: the human girl that frequented the nest. The others called her Hiyori. She would come, sit with Yukine, pet Coo Phone’s head and shoulders, then be on her way. As she walked away at the end of every day, the evil spirit was already leaning out the hole at the top of the nest, watching her closely. Being the brilliant messenger than he was, Coo Phone would start ruffling his feathers and prepare for the trip to Hiyori’s nest. Personally, Coo Phone found it rather normal, birds were often chittering in the tree until they fell asleep. It was odd the female just didn’t move it but it was possible she didn’t like Yato’s voice. Coo Phone should teach him to properly sing and dance so that they wouldn’t have to keep sending presents back and forth.
Especially since, at first, Hiyori didn’t seem to enjoy the messages Yato sent her. Once Coo Phone delivered the paper, she would glance over it as she gave Coo Phone some of her seeds. It didn’t take long for her to drop it. Even Coo Phone knew that if the present was not taken into the nest, that meant it wasn’t desirable. She would avoid Yato when she came to their nest during the day but she didn’t attack him when he approached so that was a good sign. At least, that was how it was at first. Eventually, the human didn’t look as irritated by his presence as she used to. Communicating with less of a growl than before, letting out a noise of joy and contentment more often at his chatter.
“I’m serious, Hiyori!” Yato was crowing, “I’ll show you if you don’t believe me!”
“I do believe you can do it! I just can’t believe you can!” She chirped back. They continued to twitter with each other, sometimes touching as they swayed back and forth. It was like they didn’t even notice Yukine had left ages ago. Meanwhile, Coo Phone watched from a comfortable spot in the opening, cocking his head at their strange swaying, trying to find the rhythm in their mating ritual.
That was around the time she started accepting the gifts he sent. Looking over the thin white leaves and their markings with careful attention to detail. Coo Phone remembered how delighted he was when she sent one back. Not only did it make the trip worthwhile but it showed the two were having somewhat of a proper correspondence. Hiyori didn’t answer often- Yato was always the last to send something anyway- but it did become more frequent. It eventually got to the point where Coo Phone would be tired from flying back and forth and have to spend the night in her nest, much to Yato’s annoyance.
“Hey Smart Ho,” the dark being suddenly approached. Coo Phone startled, wings fluttering as he hopped away. Being surrounded by so much evil made Coo Phone’s natural senses weak to it but he refused to fly away. Even though Yato seemed more jittery than usual.
“Can you send this letter for me?” He offered it kindly instead of just signalling Coo Phone like he normally did. Yato didn’t need to say where he was supposed to go, it was already implied. Either way, Coo Phone hopped forward and prepared for the trip to the human female’s nest. But Yato didn’t put it on right away, instead the letter was lowered and it stayed there. Coo Phone stared at it with one eye.
“I messed up.” Yato continued, “she must really hate me now. I promised her I wouldn’t leave but,” with a sigh, he stared out the window with a longing expression. Coo Phone glanced out the window to ensure there wasn’t a threat before he looked back at Yato. Perhaps the being was thinking of going on a journey again, as he often did. He was a migratory creature, Coo Phone’s come to realize, leaving for one natural reason or another and coming back after some moon cycles. When that happened, the nest seemed to dim and grow quiet. The others were not migratory and did not travel with him. Therefore they were rather lonely when he was gone, Yukine and Hiyori even more so. Coo Phone had tried his best to sing- to fill the house and cheer them up- but his song was hardly as loud, nor did it seem to help.
Recently, Yato had come back from his migration brutally injured and it had greatly upset Yukine and Hiyori. It was the most aggressive Coo Phone had ever seen them. However, this flock was strong, and they eventually lulled back into their routine. This was the first message Yato had sent since then and Coo Phone was ready to continue on supporting their courtship. With another ruffle of his feathers, and the gift secure, Coo Phone took off into the winter air on the usual route. But alas! Hiyori had locked all her windows and closed the curtains. Coo Phone had taped his beak on the clear barrier, but she did not answer, despite the fact he could hear her moving around. This wasn’t the first time Coo Phone was not allowed in the nest. At least she didn’t put up those wretched metal thorns again. Untying the letter, Coo Phone left it on the upper entrance to her part of the nest, then returned to a disappointed Yato. He didn’t send another gift after that.
Days later, Coo Phone was on his way back from delivering a message from Kofuku to one of the older spirits when he spotted his master and Hiyori along the stone path of the metal forest. Their tweeting was raised in pitch so Coo Phone had no choice but to stop and listen, alert for any danger to flee from. Hiyori attacked Yato- a common occurrence- and was prepared to walk away when Yato reached out and grabbed her. Coo Phone flapped his way towards a closer tree, hopping along the branch as the members of his flock squabled.
“Hiyori, please, I just wanted to protect you!” Yato squawked.
“No, you just wanted to take the easy way, where only you would get hurt!” Hiyori answered harshly.
“Exactly! That way no one else would need to get hurt! Ever!”
“You would!”
“That’s okay! I would reincarnate. Neither you or Yukine can do that. It’s for the best!”
“I didn’t make you that shrine so that you could reincarnate!” Hiyori’s shriek echoed throughout the area. Coo Phone flinched and ruffled his feathers at the sound. Water was leaking from the girl’s eyes and she appeared to stop fighting, realizing Yato wouldn’t let go of her skinny wing. When he noticed she stopped pulling, Yato took another step.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted- I was just trying to-!” another step “I didn’t want anyone else to die because of me.” He sounded so miserably sad, the type of sorrow only someone who lived forever would know. Hiyori turned to look at him, but only slightly, her wet face quickly turned to the ground.
“It was not for the best. You reincarnating is not for the best. You- this you- dying, will never be for the best. Yukine and I keep telling you it’s not okay when you get hurt, we don’t care if it’s for our sake or someone else's. We don't like it. We are not okay when you get hurt and we will not be okay if you were to die.” She cried, “I would not be okay.” Turning her body fully towards him, Yato’s hold on her loosened as the space between them closed even more. More water fell to the stone beneath them and she sniffed loudly a few times.
“I’m not okay.” Hiyori said. There was a long pause as Yato looked at the water splotches by his feet.
“I’m not okay either.” He admitted quietly after a long pause. When Hiyori finally looked up at him, his hair was covering his eyes. Instead, Coo Phone watched their wings drop slightly.
“Hiyori, I’m sorry, I messed up. It's my fault. Just-”
“It’s not your fault,” she clucked sharply, “well, it is and it isn’t but I know you learned your lesson.” She watched his head bob. It was unclear who stepped closer this time, but Hiyori’s head was just barely brushing his chest.
“And remember what you promised us?”
“Don’t kill anyone.”
“Never to wander off again without asking.”
“We’re stronger together,” she nodded, “we’re safer together.” By now her head was fully resting on his chest and Yato watched the sky. Keeping watch for danger like a proper mate, Coo Phone was proud.
“You know, I wouldn’t be okay if you went away either.” Yato let his wings wrap around her gently, waiting for her to take the final step forward instead of pulling. She let her wings do the same.
“I know,” Hiyori sniffed, “please just stay with me.” She had her face buried as he took in a deep, deep breath and let it out slowly towards the sky. Coo Phone wondered if he wanted to fly away again, but he most likely wouldn’t anymore. Finally, after enough time had passed where Coo Phone was able to get comfortable, Yato looked down at her. The tips of his wings brushed under her hair and tried to wipe away the water. He nudged her eyes up and she blinked.
“I want nothing more.” He cooed. Yato continued to do his best to preen her face, eventually helping it to dry while she worked to stop sniffling. The air seemed lighter around them.
“But you know, I get mixed signals when you say things like that, then cry when I’m around,” Yato eventually clucked. She huffed and whacked him. As he warbled- considerably weaker than his usual noise- Hiyori looked back at the ground under them.
“How about I make it clearer then?” Before Yato could reply, she rose and let her beak rub against his, their mouths connecting. Coo Phone’s feathers fluffed up in embarrassment as he sunk his head into his shoulders. His eyes shut just as Yato’s did, Hiyori already in the moment. Coo Phone wondered why Hiyori accepted Yato’s advances without any sort of dance or song, the creature of darkness was hardly colorful, but some things were just meant to be.
“Does this mean you’ll let me in your room whenever?” Yato chirped when they separated.
“No it does not.”
“What about accepting gifts? Or going on dates every night instead of studying?”
“No, no, Yato, if you push it, not only will I jungle savate you but I’ll ignore all your messages.” At Hiyori’s call, Coo Phone got up and started to stretch. It seemed pointless for them to continue to share gifts when they were already together, but a proper carrier never questions the mission.
“What? All of them?” Yato whined, “even from our adorable precious baby Smart Ho?” He summoned Coo Phone again and the bird spread his wings and took off towards his master.
“Yes. Even them, if you take it too far,” Hiyori glared at him. They stared for a second before Yato let out a snort and twittered something at her, which she happily replied. As Coo Phone approached, Yato had her head in his wings again, his stubby beak preening her lovingly. She let out that same noise of happiness, louder and stronger than before as she covered his wings with hers. Their mouths pressed a couple more times, but it became difficult with their loud warbling. Yato managed to grab her, lifting her up in the air and spinning her around as she continued singing. Happy for them- and unable to properly land on his master- Coo Phone circled above them and cooed in celebration. He was so happy, in fact, that his insides clenched with joy and rippled with excitement.
“Oi bird brain!” Yato cawed from below. Frightened at the tone, Coo Phone looked down to see his master glaring up at him and waving his wing, a new spot of white dripping off his black head. With the threat in the spirit’s blue eyes, Coo Phone frantically flapped his wings away, deciding it was best to leave the two lovebirds alone.
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lala-change · 3 years
trashkine is just a self entitled scum that obviously had no qualms hurting others especially yato just to be favorite and rejoice in other shinkis yato use getting released or this scum will start throwing his jealousy trash and be a bitch get excused for it because yato never had a good shinki other than yukine and he was abused i fully support his decision to find his real dad and fully suffer the consequences of his own actions and see how it has hurt other people around him as well he needs to learn it first hand to develop even 0.0001% of his brain cell like the ablution which he mostly brought it on himself seriously just because u are dead doesn't mean u can hurt and take advantage on innocents who did nothing to u and be a ungrateful scum to yato he deserved better such a shame other people especially yato will have to suffer for this scum to mature which i am not sure if it will be even worth it and be and more contributable person to the shinki society seriously u were given a chance to live as a good person instead of wandering around as a ghost and do your job as a shinki not be trash i am glad i don't have sibling like him who get jealous at every little thing and would rejoice at me being rejected and abandon by my parent and flung it in front of me the second he get the chance to like a bitch and scum i personally think such people just bastards that care about themselves and will stop at nothing to get what they want like this scum i won’t care if a nuisance like that disappeared 1 day and he got excused for it because nora was worse but honestly he taking joy and shamelessly flinging it in her face the second he got the chance and that fight was just disgusting it just made it seem like he falling to her level what a hypocrite that he was not innocent in that fight he was practically the 1 who provoke her into starting that fight and reveling ggs and somehow he never gets called out for it because nora was worse 
he probably going to be more rotten he showed fully capable of by almost decimating yato and kazuma with a smile on his face he was pratically a ayakashi at this point and probably even a Exorcism can’t fully cleansed him at this point all i can say is good luck surviving and being a decent person again i don’t have much hope if it will last long if u somehow survive but it better than being worse than a self entitled scum yato being able to survive and keep u for this long was a miracle he deserved better honestly that to be the outlet of this trash issues 
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thedeliverygod · 3 years
My 2nd @noragamibigbang fic inspired by @slavhew's art which is right here for your viewing pleasure.
“Yato? Yato!” Yukine watched in horror as the god crumpled to his knees, then caught himself with his hands to keep himself upright.
As Yukine ran over to him, Kazuma asked quietly, “Is it because… we defeated his father?” Bishamon gave an audible gasp from his side.
The smaller boy vehemently shook his head in response, “But Hiyori--!”
“I think Hiyori is exactly the reason this is happening.” Nora answered from another few feet away, kneeling by Hiyori’s side, “Her cord was damaged by Father’s ayakashi a while back. She’s pushed herself far past her limits for multiple days now.”
As Yato continued to wheeze in discomfort, Yukine asked shakily, “So what are you saying?”
“She’s dying.”
The words rang in Yukine’s ears and he pulled his hands into fists against the ground as he yelled out, “No, no! This can’t be happening! I can’t lose you both! Not like this…” The tears started to spill out of his eyes and he reached out to cling to one of Yato’s arms, “I’m so sorry for everything… I was so stupid and selfish. Please, don’t leave me…”
“Kazuma, can you take a look at Iki-san?” Bishamon suggested with a gentle shove, “Maybe… there’s something we can do.”
“I don’t think—” Nora started but was quickly interrupted by Kazuma.
“I’ll do my best.”
Yato finally gathered enough strength to speak, answering his shinki, “Yukine, I’m not…” He paused to consider his words, correcting, “I’ll stay with you always, as long as I can.”
The boy nodded tearfully as Yato shifted to sit up on his knees, Yukine still holding on to his shoulder.
“Kazuma.” Yato called out as loudly as he could, his voice cracking, “How is she?”
He looked to Bishamon for guidance on what to say, the goddess motioning him to move forward with whatever it was. Sighing, Kazuma answered truthfully, “It doesn’t look good.”
“What are we gonna do?” Yukine blinked, tears still streaming down his face as he stared at his god.
Yato chewed on his lip as he thought of an answer, simply stating, “Hiyori’s made it through so much already. I’m sure she’ll find a way.” Watching the boy continue to cry and sniffle, he gave a small smile and added, “It’s okay, kiddo.” As soon as he finished talking, another shudder moved through him and he collapsed to the ground. His eyes moved towards where the others stood, his voice quiet, “Hiyori…”
“No!” Yukine shouted loudly as Yato fell, his words failing to catch up with his thoughts, “No, it’ll be—you’re-- We can still…” He closed his eyes and the tears fell harder.
“Yukine.” Yato reached up to cup his face tenderly, giving another smile, “It’ll be okay.”
After watching the others, Bishamon finally growled in frustration and turned to Nora, “You! Since you always seem to know everything, how do we save Yato?”
“I don’t know.” She answered, not meeting the god’s eyes.
Bishamon huffed, “Not that it matters to you if he dies. You’ve had so many masters, after all.”
“Of course it matters! You don’t know anything!” Nora jumped up and glared daggers into Bishamon.
A quiet voice broke the sharp silence that followed. “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this worked up.” Yato sat up on his side, supporting himself with one arm.
“You’re my brother, obviously I’m upset.” Nora huffed back to him, her body shaking.
“Brother?” Bishamon repeated in confusion, looking at Kazuma.
“Not literally.” He explained, reaching to adjust his glasses, “They were just raised together by the sorcerer, at least from my understanding.”
She nodded, though it was clear she still had many questions.
“Then come over here, Oneesan.” Yato looked at Nora with a soft smile while Yukine stared at her curiously, face still full of tears.
She gave another scoff, but smiled back as she made her way towards him, “Don’t call me that.”
“What would you prefer?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Hiiro.” She answered without skipping a beat, taking a seat on her knees next to Yukine.
The god smiled widely at that, “Ah, I should have known.”
“A-are you sure you don’t know anything to help Yato and Hiyori?” Yukine sniffled as he looked at Hiiro, wiping at his eyes with his coat sleeve, “Just… anything we could try?”
“You are the oldest one here, Hiiro. So, you’re the wisest by default.” Yato teased before he shuddered again, clutching his sides as if he was holding himself together.
Yukine moved back to cling to the god’s shoulder, “Yato!”
“If you weren’t already suffering, I’d make you pay for that.” Hiiro muttered, closing her eyes, “Just… let me think for a moment.” Taking a breath, she opened her eyes again and suggested, “Obviously, I have no way of knowing this would work and it’s just a guess… but maybe if you two talk to her and get her to regain consciousness that would be enough. After all, her soul doesn’t know that you’re safe now. Maybe that’s why she’s struggling.”
Yato and Yukine met each other’s eyes, “It’s worth a shot. Even if… it doesn’t work, I’d want to talk to her anyway while I can.” He looked towards the ground.
“…Same here.” Yukine added in a quiet voice.
Taking a breath, Yato tried to stand before he gave in and asked, “Can you two help me get over there?”
“Yeah.” Yukine moved under his arm to support him and Hiiro wordlessly moved to the other side.
Once they were close to Hiyori, Yato gently slipped himself out of their grasps and kneeled at her side. Taking her hand, he gripped it softly, “Hiyori, we’re here with you. Me and Yukine both.”
“Yeah, we… we made up, okay? So you don’t have to worry anymore.” Yukine added, rubbing at his eyes again before he also reached out to touch her arm, “Let’s all go home together.”
Yato leaned over even farther, his forehead touching hers as he closed his eyes, “Remember what I told you before? You can’t cross over yet… Not until you’re old and gray. You’ve still got so much to do and so many people who love you, Hiyori. All of that is waiting for you.”
His head jerked upward at the sound of a small voice.
Her eyes were barely open but she gave a small smile, repeating, “Yato, Yukine-kun.”
“Hiyori!” Yukine shouted eagerly while Yato continued to look over her in awe.
“I’m so happy to see you.” She greeted weakly, starting to move.
Yato held his free hand over her torso, urging her to stay put, “We’re really happy to see you too, but you’re in pretty bad shape. Don’t move too much, okay?”
She blinked in surprise before answering back in a mutter, “You don’t look too great yourself… You look really pale.”
“…Well, it was a pretty tough fight with Dad, so…” He fibbed, averting his eyes, “But I’ll catch you up on everything later. Right now, you just need to keep your strength.”
Hiyori hummed in agreement, closing her eyes and exhaling.
“Hiiro,” Yato called out, “Thank you, for your suggestion.”
Though Hiyori was confused, she also turned her head to look at the smaller girl and added, “Thank you from me too. For bringing me to them.”
Hiiro parted her lips, overwhelmed and surprised. After a moment, she let out breathlessly, “Y-you’re welcome…”
“Should we take Iki-san to a human doctor?” Bishamon asked after a beat of silence, nodding to Yato, “You and Yukine however can receive treatment at my manor.”
He looked at Hiyori, “Yeah. And unfortunately, we’ve got to take you somewhere around here, Hiyori. There’s no way you’d make it back to Tokyo like this.”
She covered her face with her hands, “I know you’re right, but… it’s going to be such a pain trying to explain how I got here to my parents.”
Yukine put a hand on her shoulder sympathetically, “We’ll think of something. Just let us take care of you for now.”
“We owe it to you.” Yato gripped her hand tightly.
“You do.” She agreed, giving him a sharp look, “That and a lot more.”
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rachi-roo · 3 years
Hi! Out of pure curiosity have you ever wrote any tickle HCs for Noragami? Specifically for Yato? 👉👈
I haven't yet... BUT NOW I'M GONNA! 💙💙
Thanks for the ask!!! 😚👌
Noragami: Yato tickle Head Canons!
Oh, Yato. Sweet, sweet, silly Yato. What a joy he is to be around. Happy, funny, good at listening. Is there anything this stray God can't do?
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Apparently handling a few tickles is one of the few things Yato is incapable of.
'God's aren't ticklish'
That is always his starting point when he knows he's in for a wrecking. And the result never changes. Yato is indeed very ticklish.
Always tries to escape but never teleports. Maybe he's too flustered and forgets he can actually do that? Silly boi.
Once you've got him he doesn't stop yapping.
'I'll never grant a wish for you again!'
'A plague of mildly irritating events will befall you!'
'Wait! Wait! Wait! I'll pay you!'
Blah, blah, blah. And he just won't stop squirming the entire time. His hands are all over the shop, trying to block and grab his attackers.
His weak spots are his neck, ribs, underarms and knees. The fluffy-fluff scarf is meant to be some form of protection. It offers no such thing.
Tickle bites work wonders on his neck, and raspberries. Lots and lots of raspberries on his neck, his laughter goes so squeaky and hiccuppy.
For his underarms, you can try pinning him yourself or getting some assistance. I'm sure there's a young blonde haired regalia around who would just love to assist you.
Once you have those arms up and out of the way Yatos chit chat becomes so fast, panicked and swamped with nervous laughter that you can't really understand what he's saying.
Yatos laughter is loud and cackly. Lots of screaming 'no'. His entire vocabulary becomes exclusively limited to 'no'. Short 'no', long 'no', giggly 'no', repeated out-of-breath 'nonononono'.
And he's a fighter. He will never just lay still and take it.
Tickling is a punishment for Yato if he spends money on stupid stuff or misuses Yukine. But it can also be to cheer him up if he's having a grump.
When he's had a few to drink, it becomes more of a game, more enjoyable for him and it ensures that he gets a good night's rest. He might even ask for it too if you're lucky. What an adorable sight it is to have a giddy Yato grinning at you as he asked very politely for some 'Pokeys~' as he calls them.
'*hic* Hey, y'know, I've had a pretty busy day a-nd *hic* I could r'lly go for s'me pokeeeys~'
Oh boy. You've annoyed Yato. I'd say run but, you won't get far.
Tickles from Yato usually mean he wants to get you back for something.
You eat his cheese melt buns? Tickles. You tell him not to spend money? Tickles. You confiscate his booze? Double tickles.
He's not the meanest ler out there, but he'll definitely have you begging him to stop. He's just far to skilled at tickling.
Usually he won't pin his victim, because he's so good at bringing the victim to their knees, he doesn't have to pin them. They have no choice but to lay there and laugh.
Rough and random tickles are his specially. Mercilessly attacking a bad spot, then a couple cruel pokes and scribbles elsewhere to distract you, before suddenly switching back.
And he's just so casual and sassy with his teasing! Like, damn it shut up!
'Thought you could worship another God without me finding out, huh? Nothing gets past me~'
'Weeellll... I guess I could stop if you buy me a little something to apologise~'
'I'm a God, so obviously I'm doing this for a good reason. You're just full of sins, you know?'
And then comes drunk ler Yato. He gets playful sometimes instead of emotional. Drunk tickles from Yato are far more fair. It's more like a tickle fight between him and whomever is unlucky enough to be sat beside him.
Drunken tickle fights, same as when he's in a Lee mood, will usually end up with him falling asleep (or rather passing out in his drunken state) as the tickles sap whatevers left of his energy. Leaving him a tired giggly ball on the floor.
Yato is a good boy and deserves all the love, adoration and followers in the world! All hail the mighty Yato God! 💙💙💙💙💙
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45% Lee - 55% Ler!
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