#senior sua.....
shakingparadigm · 1 month
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they are sooooo cute
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timmie-p · 2 months
april fools post translation 👍 * indicates i have notes on the translation if you want to read below
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Hyun Woo —> He stopped acting in his childhood but is currently working on ALNST as a lighting crew member. Worries about his dull, slow sister
Hyuna —> The last and youngest of the ALNST cast to debut! Her real personality is gentle and innocent
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Mizi —> Fan favourite among the actors. Shy personality and very nervous about her first leading role
Sua —> The feisty actress is popular among her co-stars, thanks to her nonchalant friendliness
Sua: Great job on the shoot today. I’m sure Director Kim was only speaking so harshly because he was worried about your safety, so don’t take it personally.
Mizi: Yeah.. ((It’s sunbae!!! What should I do! What should I do!!))
Sfx: Thump thump thump [heartbeat sound]
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Ivan and Luka are actors from a different agency. They’re also in an idol group together (for the record, Luka hates it)
Ivan —> Ivan loves kids and voluntarily takes care of them
Luka —> Luka is Ivan’s best friend, so he’s forced to babysit with him
Baby Till —> Baby Till for flashback scenes
Baby Mizi —> Baby Mizi for flashback scenes when the kids are older
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Till —> Till, the youngest in the series, is actually the oldest in the cast and debuted with CF before he could even speak in a diaper commercial. Till has a strong “my pace”* persona. He just wants to quickly wrap up the shoot and go home. His dark circles are from overwork, not make-up.
Others —> Three people who want to approach their mysterious** senior but can’t
Ivan: ((Lamenting over delays..?))
Mizi: Want me to talk to him?
Luka: Yeah
Till: ((I want to go home))
Sfx: Spacing out~
*according to namu wiki, either someone who’s strongly independent and doesn’t care what others think or someone who’s always chill
**according to namu wiki, the adjective translates to a famous person who deliberately keeps their private life secret. i just went with mysterious bc it directly translates to “mystic”
i didn’t choose to translate sunbae in Mizi’s thoughts because it sounds weird and most of you probably know what it means anyway
lol it looks like everyone’s personalities were flipped. does that mean ivan actually hates kids? and till as the cool mysterious senior everyone is scared to talk to vs hyuna as no thoughts head empty is kinda funny. i have a feeling ivan and luka are shipped together a lot by fans in this au.. the woes of being besties. also mizisua is always canon 🙏 theyre so yuri
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neolxzr · 21 days
student au ivantill would be such peak "fell first fell harder" do you get me. the whole main cast has all known each other since they were kids and ivan's been nurturing his onesided crush ever since they were like. very tiny.
mizisua are best friends but grow up to realize their feelings for one another in like late middle school/early high school idk theyre around 14-15 and till has his crush on mizi crushed but mizi is the sweetest angel ever and he cant be mad at her for it. he only knows sua through mizi really and cant be too good a judge of character but he knows mizi loves her and wants to be supportive but hes a little sad. he starts spending a bit less time with her to give mizisua their space but also cause hes trying to get over his feelings.
enter: ivan. ivan has sworn off confessing to till outright for years cause he knew he liked mizi and the two of them have always butted heads so he figured he had no real chance and settled for being his kind of friend who lightly bullies him sometimes for attention. he grows out of this mostly as they age but he still makes it a point to spend as much time as he can with him because he's down horrendously. post-mizisua confession is the first time till is the one to initiate spending time together, and ivan is absolutely thrilled. till learns that he actually doesnt mind being around him and they become closer than they ever had been before.
they stay in this stage of being closer-than-before friends for like. most of high school and then they become seniors and talks about moving away to go to different schools start and WHAM. oh moment realization hits till like a truck. he doesn't want ivan to leave. he likes him. oh god. this is horrible. this is the worst thing that ever could have happened. there's no way ivan feels the same. dramatic irony
he agonizes over this for a long while. he tells mizi who tells sua who both are naturally already aware that ivan has been horribly hopelessly in love with till for nearly the entirety of his life and they want to laugh at him. but they dont. they consider just telling him but they dont and mizi encourages him to tell ivan how he feels.
time is running out. they're receiving college acceptance letters. ivan is accepted into some crazy prestigious university thats all the way across the country. he tells everyone together. till is happy for him. he's crying. ivan is confused. he tells him he doesn't want him to leave. "i love you." he feels awful about it. it's a selfish request. he shouldn't have said anything.
ivan is speechless. till is stammering out an apology. ivan drops the letter and steps closer. he's kissing him. "i love you too. i always have."
the end and everyone clapped happily ever after etc. anyway do you get me
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stranomavero-o · 14 days
Premessa: lavoro nella parte uffici di un grosso stabilimento di produzione.
Oggi una collega ha trovato una ragazzina di 17 anni in stage che piangeva in bagno (area produzione) perché un 50enne le ha offerto il caffè e poi ha cercato di farsi dare il numero di telefono e non contento ha cercato di seguirla finché lei si è rifugiata in un ufficio a caso.
Lei lo racconta alle colleghe senior che le dicono "Vabbè ma lui scherzava ti devi abituare". Scherzava, perché mai una ragazzina appena uscita da scuola alla sua prima esperienza in un ambiente lavorativo dovrebbe temere che magari questo maniaco la trascini in qualche anfratto dell'enorme stabilimento per farle del male? Non temere, il viscidone che ha più del doppio della tue età e magari il doppio della tua stazza stava solo scherzando, ti ha seguita per scherzo, ti ha chiesto il numero pur sapendo che sei minorenne per scherzo, stai al gioco e soprattutto stai zitta.
Io e la collega siamo ovviamente nere, furiose col viscido e ancora di più con queste mentecatte che siccome loro si sono prestate a sti atteggiamenti fuori da ogni grazia di dio dicono a una ragazzina di farci il callo. Ovviamente mi sono offerta di accompagnarla a parlare con HR, perché non è pensabile che sto lurido possa fare la stessa cosa con qualcun altro.
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abr · 2 months
Mentre il Pd tracolla, colpito da un virus autoimmune, la votopoli che da Bari si sta espandendo in mezza Italia, a mostrarci come il potere è stato l’unico legante a sinistra (...), il Movimento 5 stelle fa lo sciacallo. E cerca di rifarsi una verginità che non ha. (...)
Giuseppi prova a uscire dall’angolo della radicalità di sinistra e a calpestare i cadaveri degli ex alleati piddini, che cadono come mosche sotto i colpi delle procure, dei faccendieri, delle cosche e chi più ne ha più ne metta. E per farlo comincia la sua campagna elettorale attaccando. Proprio quelli che fino a un paio di settimane fa erano, insieme a lui, il cosiddetto modello Sardegna e tutte queste fantasie lubriche. (...)
Il problema è che (...) non c'è molta differenza (...). Basti pensare a (...) Virginia Raggi e Chiara Appendino. La prima si è trovata con tutto il suo cerchio magico condannato nella vicenda dello stadio della Roma a Tor di Valle. La collega ex sindaca di Torino fa invece la moralista contro il ministro del Turismo Daniela Santanchè ma si dimentica di dire che (...) lei (contrariamente alla Santanché) è stata condannata in primo grado e pure in Appello per il disastro di piazza San Carlo. Così come l’ex pm Cafiero De Raho che se ne sta seduto in commissione Antimafia a giudicare le accuse che vengono mosse contro di lui nello scandalo del dossieraggio di politici, imprenditori e vip italiani.
Se nel Pd si appellano a un recupero di Berlinguer (...) ci vorrebbe una bella seduta spiritica con Casaleggio senior per l’ex avvocato degli italiani, per ricordargli che questo breve e incompleto elenco bastava, anni fa, non solo a venire espulsi dal M5s ma a prendersi la gogna per anni.
Anche per questi, reato associativo con finalità di terronismo. Con l'aggravante dei futili motivi.
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What A Strange Girl
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Male Reader x Billlie Moon Sua
Length: 8400+
Tags: Boyfriend/Girlfriend
A/n- Happy birthday to Moon Sua. I am happy to give you all, one of the few Moon Sua fics out there. I hope you guys enjoy it.
People. We meet people almost every day of our lives. Some we instantly forget but others make an impression and stay with us. 
It’s your first day at a new school. To be honest you are quite nervous as it’s the first day of Senior year. People have already made their friend groups back and freshman year and now you are here, the odd one out. 
Your first steps into this new building were a bit nerve-wracking, but so far so good. The subtle glances toward you caught your attention but you gave them no mind as you finally entered the main office. The smell of lavender filled the air as you got closer and closer to the desk in the middle of the room. Finally getting closer you see a woman typing on her computer. 
“Um hi.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you come in. What can I help you with?” 
“Oh sorry to bother you but I’m a new student and I was told to come to the office to pick up my schedule as well as get a guide.” 
“Ah yes of course! It’s rare to get a new student who is a senior so I was already expecting you. I am Kim Minji, the school receptionist. Now let me pull out your class schedule and I believe your guide will be here any minute.” 
Looking through her table, she manages to find your schedule in the middle of all her documents and hand it to you. 
“Here you go. As you can see it shows how each day will go for you and what classes you will attend. Should you have any questions feel free to ask me or your g-“ 
Ms.Kim didn’t even get to finish her sentence as a girl ran into the office panting a bit for air. 
“I’m- sorry- I’m late. My alarm didn’t go off.” 
“Oh, it’s ok. I just handed him his schedule so you made it just on time. Make sure to show him around well.” 
“I will Miss Kim. Hello, there my name is Fukutomi Tsuki, what’s your name?” 
“Oh hello Tsuki. My name is Ryu Jin-Sang, please take care of me!” 
With a smile, you bow towards Tsuki and she bows back. 
“Now if you please follow me, I will give you a tour of the building and bring you to your homeroom as well. It’s the first day of the school year so homeroom lasts quite a bit.” 
Nodding towards Tsuki you both step out of the office and begin to slowly walk in the hallways. You probably didn’t notice but the school bell had already gone off and the hallways were now empty.
“So Tsuki, that’s not a Korean name. Are you Japanese?” 
“Yes indeed! I came from Osaka about 2 years ago.” 
“Did you already know Korean before you came here?” 
“That right there is the library, your books are already in your home room. No, I didn't know Korean before I came here but my father got a job offer and he had to take it.” 
“I can relate to that. I just moved for the same reason.” 
“I’m sorry about that. I know how hard it can be but I’m sure you won’t be alone. From what I heard I’m a few years younger than you but I would love to be your friend.” 
The warm smile that shined on her face showed you she was genuine about befriending you. 
“I would love to have you as a friend.” 
As you got to know more about Tsuki, your tour around the school continued as she showed you all of the important places you should know. Either way, this was a big school and it was certain you would get lost your first few days even after this tour. Finally, in front of a classroom, Tsuki looked at you and bowed. 
“This is where I leave you. From what I saw on your schedule we have lunch together so just look for me there ok?” 
“Ok Tsuki. Thank you once again for the tour.” 
With a wave Tsuki began to skip down the hallway, entering another classroom further down. Reaching out for the door you hesitate a bit but muster through and open the door. The room that had the voice of only the teacher becomes fully silent. 
“Ah Hello. You must be the new student. I am Mrs. Song and I will be your homeroom teacher. Please introduce yourself to the class.” 
“Oh well hello. My name is Ryu Jinsang and I am 20. Please take care of me!” 
Small murmurs filled the classroom as the girls all began to eye you and smirk. The guys looked a bit annoyed but didn’t say anything. 
“Now you can go sit in the back with our class president Sua.” 
At that time a short girl in the back raised her hand, showing you who she was. Making your way to the back of the class, you find the empty seat that was next to the girl and take your seat. Taking a glance at the girl you noticed her fade-up features were unique. After a few seconds, the girl takes a glance at you and grabs your head, making you face the whiteboard. 
With that “invitation” you saw another teacher step in and start to write on the whiteboard. Two hours go by as the math lesson ends and you are all left in the classroom to just wait for your next teacher. Wanting to get to know your seatmate, you turned back in her direction and spoke up. 
“Hi, I’m Jinsang. You are?” 
“Moon Sua.” 
Her response was quite blunt but you try again. 
“So class president. Was this something people voted on or assigned to you? 
Just as you were gonna speak up again you feel a tap on your shoulder and see a girl. 
“Oh hello.” 
“Hi, I’m Arin. Why are you trying to talk to the little miss perfect right there?” 
“Little miss perfect? That doesn’t seem too nice.” 
“Well, she’s stuck up and barely has friends in school.” 
“That isn’t-
“Can you take your conversation elsewhere? I have plenty of things to do.” 
With a ring of the bell, all of the students begin to sit back down. 
“I guess I’ll talk to you later handsome.” 
As Arin goes back to her seat the next teacher comes in and starts the next class. Some much for it being the first day, they are giving full lessons. Soon another hour passes as the teacher then walks out leaving you with homework. With the sound of the bell, all of the students began to stand and walk out of the classroom. Others pulled out some lunch boxes and began to eat. 
As you grab your bag you notice something, Sua was already gone somehow. The growl from your stomach takes your attention away from that so you walk out and follow the masses of people. They could have been leading you to the wrong spot but it’s deemed luck was on your side as you entered the lunch room. 
The line to grab food was massive but you were glad to see it was moving quickly. Grabbing your tray, a small bowl of soup was put on the tray as well as various little sides. With your food now acquired you began to look around to find where to sit. 
The sudden yell that filled the lunch room got your attention as well as plenty of others. Looking in the direction of the sound, you see it’s Tsuki calling you over. At her table, another person is sitting but their back was facing you. Making it to the table, you pull out a seat and sit down and smile at Tsuki. Wanting to be nice as well you look towards the other girl sitting at the table to say hi but immediately recognize her. 
“Oh, Sua hello.” 
Sua gives you a quick nod, not raising her view from her food. 
“You met unnie already! I knew you were in the same class but I’m glad you met my best friend.” 
From what you have seen, Sua doesn’t seem like the type to make friends so that statement surprised you but before you could say anything Sua stood up from her seat and gave you and Tsuki a quick wave, walking out of the lunch room. 
Before you could even get a word out Tsuki asked you something. 
“Oppa, are you looking for a job?” 
“Oh that was a bit random but yes I am actually. I like to have my own money and am gonna look for a job later on, why do you ask?” 
“The place I work at is looking for a new worker and I decided to ask you. If you want I can mention you to my boss.” 
“If it’s no trouble then yeah go for it.” 
Tsuki excitedly jumped up from her seat and ran out of the lunch room. Was a bit weird but oh well. As you continue to eat your lunch the excited bunny returns to the lunch table, hanging up what seems to be a phone call. 
“But I didn’t even have an interview. I don’t even know what the job is.” 
“I told my boss you were a great friend and he agreed to take you on the spot. As for the job, it's easy and not bad at all. I will take you after school so meet me at the main entrance.” 
You had plenty of more questions but at the time the school bell rang once more, letting you know lunch was over. With a wave, Tsuki left the lunch room with the rest of the students. Looks like you have a new job then. 
The rest of the school day goes by in a Flash as most teachers for the rest of the day take it easy on all of you, just going over the syllabus for the rest of the year. Once class ended you made your way to the front door with Tsuki waiting for you. 
“Oppa! Come on. The bus comes in two minutes.” 
Following behind Tsuki you made it in time to the bus stop as the vehicle pulled up. Pulling out your bus pass you scan yours after Tsuki does the same and take a seat in the back of the bus with her. 
The ten-minute bus ride passed by quickly with Tsuki and you getting to know each other better. Once at your stop, the two of you hop off at the back exit and begin to walk a bit. The quick Thirty-second walk brings you to your location. Looking up at the sign you saw the name of the place, Penguin games. 
Once Tsuki opens the door you can safely assume this will be your new place of employment. Walking inside you notice the flashing light everywhere as you now know what business it is that you will be working at, an arcade. The walk to the back room takes a little bit but soon you walk through the double doors and arrive at an office. Tsuki knocks on the door as you both hear the words enter. 
The office is a nice white color with different penguin plushies all around. At the center of the office sits a woman who is by the looks of it playing games on her computer. Tsuki signals you to be quiet and sit down next to her. Taking a seat you wait for a few minutes until the woman looks up and smiles at the two of you. 
“Sorry I was killing the ender dragon with a couple of friends. How was school today guys?” 
“First day back and a few teachers already had lessons to teach. Not sure if it’s the same for Oppa.” 
“Oh, we had lessons already. I never understood why some teachers do that.” 
“Makes me glad I’m done with school already. Oh, where are my manners? Hello Jinsang, I am Myoui Mina, and welcome to Penguin Games. How are you?” 
“Oh, I am doing well Ms. Myoui.” 
“Please call me Mina, Ms.Myoui makes me feel old.” 
“Oh ok, Mina. Might I say it’s a very nice looking arcade you have out there?” 
“Why thank you. I saved up a lot to build my dream arcade and it came out just as I imagined it. Now onto business. I normally have two workers at once here but an employee I had left and I need a new one. In total, I have 3 employees and you will be number 3. I take care of things other days by myself but having the 3 employees is helpful.” 
“Oh I’m always down to help and work when I can but what do I need to do on the job?” 
“Oh, it’s quite simple. You will just monitor the games and machines and empty the coin storage and fill up things that need to be filled. There is a lot of free time in this job so you can feel free to do your homework and such during this time.” 
It sounded simple and perfect for you. 
“That sounds great. When do I start?” 
“Well I have to take off today to meet up with some friends and Tsuki needed the day off so if there is any chance you can start today and your new coworkers can teach you?” 
You had sent really planned to work today but hey you were always down to make some money.
“Oh well sure. Is there a work uniform I need or something?” 
“No uniforms. Just wear whatever you want. I see you are still in your school uniform so if you have a spare change of clothes you can go put them on and I will introduce you to your partner in crime for the day.” 
“Sounds good.” 
Standing up you made your way over to the employee restroom and changed into a spare shirt and sweatpants you had. Stepping out of the restroom you see Tsuki wave at you from a distance and leave. 
“Great. Are you ready to get to work?” 
“Follow me then.” 
Exiting the back room, the two of you walk over to a counter in the corner of the arcade and see it’s empty. 
“She must be doing something, just give her a second.” 
Just as she said, a few seconds pass and a girl comes up to Mina cheerfully and waves her hand. 
“Oh, Mina! Sorry I was changing out the coins to the claw machine. Is the new guy here?” 
“Yes Sua, say hello to Jinsang.” 
Looking at the girl you see it’s your class president. Sua then walks up to you and stretches out her hand. 
“Hello, I am Moon Sua. I will be your coworker. I am looking forward to getting to know you more.” 
Bringing out your hand, you shake hers and respond. 
“Looking forward to learning from you.” 
“Awesome. Now I need to get going so if you guys need me just send me a message. Sua will give you my number later on so just text me so I can save it. Bye guys!” 
“Bye Mina!” 
As Mina walks off, you can’t help but notice she waddles a bit like a penguin and chuckle a bit. 
“What did you notice she waddles like a penguin?” 
From your previous interactions with Sua, you were worried she would scold you but she just laughed. 
“Yeah, I noticed that on my first day here also. Ok let’s show you how to do your job and we can just relax after.” 
“Oh ok. Lead the way.” 
Following Sua, you arrive at a racing game that displays a full symbol on the screen. At that time Sua pulls out a single key from her pocket and hands it to you. 
“This is your key. Keep it with you. It’s quite simple. People use money to get tokens to play on the machines. With this key, you take out the container that is filled and place an empty one. They are always next to the machine, the empty ones so all you need is the key. The machine for tokens only needs to be filled up in the morning but Mina does that on her own should you need to put more in the same key works.” 
Sue then uses her key and opens the machine, pulls out the container, and puts in an empty one. 
“Now with the tokens we just go over to the desk and throw them into the huge bucket in the bottom cabinet. The same key works ok?” 
“That's it. Simple job. Should any of the machines have any problems we just contact Mina and she will tell us to put a broken sign on it. She will take care of the rest.” 
“That’s all we do?” 
“That is all we do. Hence why she doesn’t need a lot of employees but it’s always best to have two people here in case. Mina is a great boss and lets us play as many games as we want as well. Just don’t let it distract you from helping people should they need it. Shoot one more thing. Should the claw machines need more prizes the first door on the right when you enter the employee area is the prizes. Same key.” 
“Wow, this seems pretty simple.” 
“As I said, it's pretty simple. Let’s go sit down!” 
Listening to Sua, you both arrive at the desk and take a seat next to each other. The sound of music and arcade games is all that can be heard at first until you hear a cough. 
“So we are both 20 but what month were you born?” 
“Oh, September 1st is my birthday.” 
“No way! My birthday is September 9th. Well, you are still older so I will call you Oppa if that is ok with you?” 
“Oh yeah, that’s fine. So how long have you been working here?” 
“Oh about a year now. It’s a very comfy job like Mina said. I’m sure you will come to love it as I do. So what’s your favorite type of game to play at an arcade?” 
“Oh well, I enjoy shooting games. What about yourself?” 
“SAME! Let’s go play.” 
Getting yanked by the arm, you find yourself in front of an arcade game. You could see it was a shooting game with a space theme. The sound of coins clinking caught your attention as the game screen changed. Taking hold of the game blaster, you saw little alien ships float around the screen. Sua jumps right into playing as she begins to take aim and pull the trigger. 
Seeing her game score increase rapidly, you begin to pull the trigger killing As many alien ships as you could. Sadly your score didn’t seem to increase a lot as Sua repeatedly stole your kills. 
“Come on Oppa. You are making this too easy for me.” 
“Maybe I’m just being nice and letting you win.” 
You didn’t say that with enough confidence as Sua giggled a bit. Wanting to prove her point, Sua began to push you so your shots wouldn't land. Fifteen more seconds pass as you see the game over screen. The results? Sua beat you by about three thousand points. 
“Yeah sure, you let me win.” 
Rolling your eyes, you were ready to challenge Sua to another game but some kids began to enter the arcade. Of course, wanting to look a little professional, the two of you walk back to the desk and take your seats behind it. Soon the sound of laughter and coins catch your ear's attention as the customers begin to play. 
At that time you saw Sua pull out her backpack from underneath the table. Soon her papers are spread around the table as she begins to start her homework. Following her example, you pull out your homework and commence it as well. 
Part of you was still curious if maybe this was the wrong girl you left earlier today but seeking the same homework you had as well as the name Moon Sua on top confirmed it was her. 
“I’m done already. How far along are you on the math homework.” 
You looked at Sua surprised as you saw her page filled with answers all over. She was already done with one page in a few minutes. 
“How are you done already?” 
“I’m not class president for no reason. Here you can copy.” 
You Weren't about to refuse such a nice offer, so you took her math sheet and proceeded to look over the answers and copy them. After a few minutes, you looked up and saw Sua was gone. Shifting your head around you slowly saw a head enter your field of vision. Sua was carrying the bucket full of tokens to the dispenser. 
Standing up you ran towards Sua and picked up the bucket she was struggling with. 
“Oh, thanks Oppa. The machine needed more tokens but you were busy so I didn’t want to bother you.” 
“Hey, this is our job, not just yours. I can finish that when I get a chance. You are already helping me enough with copying the answers.” 
With a smile, you followed Sua over to the machine. With her key, Sua opened the machine and pointed to where you had to put the coins. Raising the bucket up higher, you dumped the entire thing into the machine until it was full. Stepping back, Sua closed the machine and locked it. 
“Now you saw how it’s done. Must say it’s faster if it's the two of us. When it’s me and Tsuki we need to both lift the bucket to empty it.” 
“Glad to be of help. Let’s head back to the desk.” 
The rest of your shift went by in a flash as you just copied some of Sua’s homework and went around doing small jobs around the arcade. Soon it was closing time and Mina returned. 
“Alright you two, you can go home. Thank you for today and I will see you tomorrow.” 
Giving Mina a quick bow, the two of you grabbed your backpacks and made your way out of the building. Standing in front you looked at the time and saw it was 9 pm. 
“Well it’s late so I should head home. I will see you tomorrow!” 
“Wait Sua. Do you want someone to walk you home?” 
Sua looked at you and smiled. 
“Look at you, such a gentleman. Well, I wouldn't be opposed to a bodyguard at night.” 
“Let’s go then!” 
As Sua begins to walk, you follow her at her side. The silence of the street at night can be scary to some but to you, it was relaxing. Your walk so far has been silent until you decide to talk. 
“So we are working tomorrow?” 
“Yeah. You heard Mina, plus I’m sure Tsuki will be joining us as well.” 
“Oh, that’s cool. Tsuki sure is a hyper girl isn’t she?” 
“Oh yes, she is. Sometimes she can be a bit much but she’s one of my best friends. Don’t be scared to tell me if you think she is being too much, I will let her know.” 
“No no. If I needed to say something like that I would tell her myself but I’m sure she will be just fine. I have had plenty of hyper friends before.” 
Sua laughed a bit as you both continued to walk for a few more minutes until you reached a familiar street. 
“Hey, I live on this street.” 
“No way! Me too. I’m that yellow house right there.” 
“Wow, basically neighbors. I’m the green one a few down.” 
True enough your house was just three down from hers. 
“Well, then I guess we are gonna go to school together. Be outside my house at 6:45 so we can catch the 6:50 bus.” 
Sua was very direct but you didn’t mind it.
“6:45. Got it. Have a good night Sua.” 
“You too Oppa.” 
Sua then walked up to her front door, looked back, and waved at you. Once you waved back Sua finally entered her home. You weren’t sure why but the time you spent with Sua today made you happy. Feeling happy you began to walk home with a bit of a skip in your step, not noticing Sua looking at you through the blinds smiling. 
The next morning came and you found yourself standing outside Sua’s home five minutes early. Sua must have had some sort of sixth sense as she walks out of her home in uniform, ready for school. 
“Oh, you’re early, Great! I normally show up earlier than others but it seems you're the same.” 
“Yeah, I’m like that. Let’s get going.” 
With a nod, Sua and you begin to walk to the corner and wait for the bus. Soon the bus arrives and stops in front of you two. Stepping on the bus first, you take out your bus pass and scan it twice to pay for the two of you. Walking further into the bus, you extend your hand to point where to sit. Sitting down, you take the seat next to her and face her. 
“So how did you sleep?” 
“I slept well, thank you. I assume the same for you?” 
“Yeah, I'm still getting used to the new home but I slept ok.” 
Just as you were about to start talking again, the sudden yell of the word hi gets both of your attention. Tsuki walked her way over in front of the two of you and took a seat. 
“How was work yesterday guys?” 
“Hey Tsuki! It was good. Nice easy night. We took care of our homework since the machines didn’t need to be changed out.” 
“That’s great! See Oppa? I told you it was an easy job.” 
“Well, I like it so far.” 
Your small conversation continued as you finally arrived at your stop. All of you proceeded to stand up and walk out to the bus, a three-minute walk away from school. Beginning to walk the rest of the way, Tsuki and Sua continued to talk along the way with you listening in as well. 
“So Oppa. Are you gonna be working with the two of us today then?” 
“Oh yeah, I will. I’m excited to see how it goes with the three of us. Me and Sua played a few games so that was fun.” 
“Did she beat you in whatever game you played?” 
“I’m guessing that’s normal then.” 
“You bet. Just wait until later.” 
“Don’t worry. I’m sure I’ll get better with time.” 
You haven’t even noticed you passed the school gate at that time. Looking towards Sua, the happy smile she had on her face was gone and she looked very serious. 
“Yeah that’s what I thought as well but unnie seems to improve with time also.”
“Really now? I'm excited to see how fun the games will get then.” 
The one-word answer caught you off guard as Sua didn’t seem as happy as before. Looking at Tsuki, you could see her jumping up and down like this was normal. Finally arriving at your classroom, you waved goodbye to Tsuki and went to your seat. Sitting next to you, Sua started to take out her papers and line them up with the table. 
“So how long have you been living in that house?” 
“I’m busy.” 
The sudden change in her attitude still surprises you, so you just nod your head and look forward and stay silent. Soon the classroom fills with your classmates and class begins. Each time you tried to start small talk, Sua gave you a one-word answer or ignored you. 
When the clock struck noon, everyone proceeded to run to the cafeteria. Following the masses, you made it to the cafeteria and grabbed your lunch. Looking around you found Tsuki and Sua sitting at the same table. Walking over, you took a seat as Tsuki said hi. 
“How was class so far?” 
“Not bad. Nothing as always. I’m just ready to leave.” 
“Don’t worry I’m sure the rest of the day will go by fast, right unnie?” 
You had plenty of questions to ask Tsuki but you figured you would wait till it was just the two of you. The rest of your school day goes by quickly as you find yourself standing outside of the school gates. Tsuki comes out happily and grabs your arm. 
“Let's go! Unnie will meet us at work later.”
Following Tsuki, you take this opportunity to finally talk to her. 
“Hey Tsu. I have a question.” 
“And I may have an answer.” 
You chuckled a bit at the joke. 
“What's up with Sua? One moment she’s playful and a great girl to talk with. The next she’s mean and ignores me.” 
“I figured you would ask that. Look I know it takes some getting used to but Sua unnie is a great person. She acts like that because she’s class president. She wants people to take her seriously at school and if she’s messing around all the time they won’t.” 
“Ok I get that but there is such a thing as balance.”
“Hey, you can take that up with unnie. I’m happy with the relationship we have.” 
“Maybe I will.” 
Finally arriving at the arcade, you entered and got ready for work. 
A month passed by as your friendship with Tsuki and most importantly Sua grew. Sure at school, Sua was all tsundere but after school and at work she was a girl you were quickly falling for.
You found yourself currently at work, sitting behind the counter with Tsuki. Sua would be taking over for Tsuki in a bit as Tsuki had something to do later. You must have really been thinking as you felt Someone tap on your shoulder.
At that time Mina stood next to you, looking worried. 
“You seem to be deep in thought. What’s up?” 
“Um, it’s nothing.” 
“That’s a lie. Oppa had been deep in thought for a while now.” 
“Oh, thanks Tsuki.” 
“Come on Jinsang. What’s up?” 
The look both girls have you told you they wouldn't stop until you spoke. 
“Guys. What’s the chance Sua says yes to going on a date with me?” 
Both Mina and Tsuki don’t react until they both smile at each other and then look at you. 
“About time. Have you not seen how Sua is around you? She’s basically looking at you with heart eyes all the time.” 
“Yeah Oppa. It’s been pretty obvious. Even at school, I have seen times where she smiles a bit at your jokes but she goes back to being serious. She’s got it bad for you if she is starting to break her serious demeanor.” 
You hadn't even noticed those things before l, but if the others have then maybe it’s true?
“Jinsang. I’m sure about it. As a matter of fact, when she gets here I want you to ask her out for a date tonight.” 
“Um I work tonight and so does she. Tsuki is leaving as well.” 
“I can handle a night running this place alone. Ask her.” 
You didn’t even get to argue as Sua appeared right in front of all of you. 
“Ok, that's my queue to leave. I will see you all at school tomorrow.” 
“Bye Tsuki.” 
Everyone said their farewells to Tsuki as she left. Looking at Mina, she winked at you and walked away as well. Looking toward Sua, your heart began to beat faster but you decided to risk it. 
“Hey, Sua. Can I ask you something?” 
“Sure Oppa. What’s up?” 
“W-Well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date with me?” 
“A date?” 
“Yeah, a date. I enjoy spending time with you and I want to get to know you more.” 
Sua looked surprised at your question but her face suddenly changed to one of happiness and she nodded her head yes.
“Yes, I would love to go on a date with you. When?”
You couldn’t even respond as you heard a cough next to you. Looking for the source, you see Mina standing there with your backpack.
“You two go have some fun. I'll take care of the arcade.” 
“Mina. Are you sure about that?” 
“Yes, Sua. I will see you both tomorrow.” 
Thankful for the night off, you gave Mina a quick nod and grabbed Sua’s hand. The two of you ran out of the arcade onto the sidewalk. You were happy about getting a date with Sua but you didn’t think of where to take her. 
“So where should we go?” 
“What, you didn’t plan the perfect date for me?” 
The sound of sarcasm was apparent in her voice so you just laughed at her statement. 
“Well, I’m actually a pretty decent cook so how about you come to my house and I make you something?” 
“You know what. That sounds perfect to me.” 
Still holding onto Sua’s hand, you made your way to the bus stop just as it was arriving. Hoping on, you scanned your bus pass two times and took a seat near the entrance. Both you and Sua were silent but clearly happy. 
Your bus ride somehow felt shorter as you arrived at your stop. Hopping off the bus, you began your walk to your home. 
“It was really nice of Mina to let us go on our first date today.”
“Yeah, it was. If I’m gonna be honest, Mina and Tsuki said they could see that the two of us had feelings for each other.” 
“Oh. Well, Mina and Tsuki told me that same thing a bit ago. Apparently, it was very obvious.”
“Well, we have them to thank for us finally going on a date.” 
Finally arriving at your home, you made it to your front door and put your key in the slot. Once unlocked, you entered your home and brought Sua to the living room.
“Welcome to my home. Most of the time it’s just me here. This was supposed to be closer to my dad’s new job but he and my mom are gone on business trips most of the time.”
“I can relate. Mine are gone most of the time too but I know they love me.” 
“Same. Now let’s get to the kitchen and I’ll cook for you.”
Walking towards your kitchen, you open your cabinets and look for what to make. The problem was you forgot you barely had ingredients for anything. Going to your fridge, your eyes managed to notice some leftover Kimchi. In the corner of your kitchen, you had some freshly cooked rice from the morning, so you could only cook one thing. 
“Sua this is embarrassing but I’m out of stuff and I only have ingredients to make kimchi fried rice.” 
You expected Sua to be a little mad but instead, she just laughed and opened your fridge, pulling out the kimchi. 
“You get the rice and I’ll cut up the kimchi. Then we can combine them and get them cooked.” 
Without any other option, you followed what She said and got the rice ready. Once Sua had the kimchi as well as a few extra vegetables cut up, you pulled out a wok and threw it all together. The cooking process was quick as in a matter of minutes it was ready. Once you tried off the stove, Sua walked next to you and placed two plates ready for the food.
“Why thank you Sua.” 
Splitting the portions in half, you put the rice on the plates and threw the wok in the sink. Sua seemed to be ready for you as she had already put both plates on the kitchen table and was looking for something. 
“Where do you keep your forks?” 
“Cabinet next to your right hand.” 
Once Sua found the forks she came over and out one next to each plate and sat down. Pulling two sodas from the fridge, you did the same thing and finally took a seat. 
“Thank you for the meal!” 
Picking up your forks, you both dug into meals. Sure it wasn’t the fanciest thing but it still tasted good, at least you hoped. 
“You know, for some basic kimchi fried rice this is pretty good.” 
“Well, it was a team effort. I’m just glad you are enjoying your meal.” 
“Well, food is always good when you are with good company.”
You were happy to hear that statement from Sua. 
“So Sua. Tell me more about your life. Have you always lived in that home and this area?” 
“Yes actually. I’ve lived in that home my whole life. Once my brother moved out last year it seemed to increase the space there. We are lucky to live so close to the city so there is plenty to do.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed. Either way school and work take up a lot of our time.”
“Yeah, it really does. Either way, we have fun at the arcade. School on the other hand is such a pain.”
Just hearing the word school made you remember what you have always wanted to ask her. 
“Sua. I heard it from others but why are you so different at school?” 
“Wow, it took you a while to ask. Well, my father expects the best from me and my brother. When I became class president he told me to take it seriously as it could be good practice if I become a supervisor in a company.” 
“Well I get wanting to take it seriously because your father said to do it but You shouldn’t overdo it. Even in jobs, there is downtime to just relax and then times to be serious.”
“Wow. That’s true. Maybe I should be more relaxed.” 
“I’m not telling you to do it but I’m sure not being so serious at school all the time will relax you a bit.” 
With a nod, Sua smiled at you and continued to eat. The rest of your dinner went by great as you both talked, getting to know each other better. Even long after your food was done, your conversations continued until the sun went down.
“Well Sua, this has been a great first date. I hope it’s the first of many.”
“Of course, it’s the first of many but as a proper host you should give me a tour of your home before I leave.” 
“Oh well, of course. Just follow me.” 
Standing up, you began to walk as Sua followed you. Your tour of the house began as you showed her all of the lower-level rooms. Going up the stairs you continued to show the rooms until you made it to your own. 
“And finally this is my room. Not the best room ever but-“ 
Your sentence never got finished as you got pushed into your room. As you turned around, you saw Sua close the door and lock it. 
Like a hungry animal, Sua cornered you and then jumped on top of you. You thank god that your bed was behind you, so you landed on your back.
“Oppa. I need to relieve some stress. I figured my new boyfriend could help me with that.” 
The word boyfriend made you happy. The sudden grinding on your crotch then made you horny. As Sua continued to grind on your cock, you began to feel your member come to life.
Moving your hands, you take hold of her waist and pull her closer to your own body. Looking into Sua’s eyes, you could see how much she was craving you. Raising your head towards hers, you attach your lips to hers. You imagined your first kiss with Sua to be more romantic but you weren’t about to complain. 
The first few kisses were just pecks but soon you begin to push your tongue forward. With no fight, Sua let you enter her mouth as you began to swirl your tongue around. Your hands move from Sua’s waist, up towards her jacket. Removing her jacket, you made your way to her shirt buttons undoing them with a sense of urgency. 
Pulling back from the kiss, Sua reached down and began to undo your shirt buttons. Soon, your girlfriend’s shirt is wide open, showing you her white bra. You couldn’t help but notice how big her breasts were. Sua always dressed modestly so her assists were always hidden. 
Pulling off Sua’s top, you help Sua take off your shirt. The two of you just look at each other's bodies in amazement. Moving her hands back, Sua quickly undoes her bra exposing her beautiful mounds. 
Your lust took over as you brought your head down to her right nipple, attaching your lips to them. You start with small sucks on her nipple, then you begin to use your tongue to swirl around it like a thirsty animal. 
Small moans left Sua's mouth as you continued your assault on her right nipple. Wanting to fill her body with an amazing sensation, you moved your mouth to her left nipple and continued sucking. The grinding on your length started again as you began to release small moans of your own. 
As you kept on sucking on Sua’s boob, you began to feel your pants get a bit wet. You remember at that time that Sua had a skirt on so her Juices were already leaking. Bringing your head away from her breast you look at Sua and smirk. 
“Fuck Sua. You really do need to fuck huh?”
“Hurry up!” 
Sua didn’t even wait for your response as she got up from your legs and pulled down on her skirt, pulling something out of her pocket. Dropping down to her knees, sua crawled up to your legs as she began to undo your belt. Helping Sua, you raised your waist and pulled down on your pants and underwear. Your hard shaft flung a bit as you were throbbing already. 
“Looks like you need this as much as me.” 
The warm sensation of a small hand wrapped around your cock. Slowly, Sua began to stroke your cock almost teasing you a bit. Now you understand how needy Sua was. As the strokes continued, you suddenly felt a wet sensation on your dick. Looking down you saw Sua’s face next to your cock. Her tongue began to swirl around your tip like an expert. 
“Ah, babe. That’s really good.”
“Well I’m glad you are enjoying it but I need to feel something too.”
As Sua removed her hand from your cock, you were a bit sad but seeing a wrapper in Sua’s hand let’s you know she was ready to keep going already. Ripping the wrapper open, Sua pulled out the condom and brought out the head. Putting the condom on top of your head, Sua brought the condom down wrapping it around your length.
“Where did you get the condom from?” 
“I’m pretty smart so I’m always ready. Now let’s make sure this thing is ready for me.” 
Sua's mouth suddenly wrapped around your length as she began to bob her head. The sudden feeling surprised you but it was a very warm welcome. As Sua continued to bob her head on your length, she would bring her head up to your tip and give it a few small sucks. The feeling was amazing but once again short-lived as Sua removed her mouth from your rod. 
Understanding what was next you moved your body further up the bed where the pillows were. Following you, Sua jumped back on your legs and lined her lips with your shaft. The sudden plunge Sua did on Your cock was one of the best things you ever felt in your life. 
Sua must have needed this badly as she went down on your length in one swop. Once your cock touched her womb, you helped Sua raise herself a bit and go back down on your cock. 
The first few times you don’t do much, just a few bounces. Once a smirk appeared on your girlfriend's mouth, you knew she was done getting used to your length. The sudden speed Sua begins to love surprises you, but the warmth of her tunnel Brings you back to your senses. 
Taking hold of her hips, you begin to help Sua raise her body and return down on your rod. The speed at which Sua continues to move increases with your help. The jiggle from your girlfriend's breast begins to hypnotize you, so you give in to your desire and bring your mouth back to her erect nipple. 
The sudden Sensation of your lips on her breast causes Sua to begin to moan louder. You suddenly feel a tight embrace on your head as Sua wraps her arms around you, trying to pull you in more to her cleavage. Moving to her left breast you begin to give it the same treats as you did before, causing your girlfriend to continue gripping on cock tightly.
Once your mouth gets a bit tired, you pull your mouth back and look into Sua’s eyes. Even while fucking, you could still see somehow the look of love you had for each other. Finally, your stamina begins to decrease as Sua’s does as well. 
You both knew that the two of you were tired and stopped moving. As you both panted for a bit of air, Sua suddenly got off your rod and then got on all fours. 
“I haven’t cummed yet. Get to work.” 
The welcome invitation back to Sua’s snatch brings you back to life as you line your length back up. As Sua looks back, she gives you that smirk once more telling you she is having fun. Just as before you plunge back into your girlfriend's wet passage.
The first few hip movements were slow but you knew your girlfriend was going to want more, so you gave her more. Taking hold of your girlfriend's waist, you began to ram harder into your girl’s core. 
“F-Fuck Oppa. Play with my tits please!” 
Raising her upper body, You take a handful of your girlfriend’s soft globes. Your fingers then begin to pinch her stiff nub, causing her to tighten her pussy around your cock. As your length repeatedly entered and left her walls, you saw Sua’s neck right in front of you. Wanting to claim your property, you bring your mouth to her neck giving her small kisses and bites. 
The repeated actions from your mouth leave behind love bites, which you are proud to leave. The three sources of stimulation begin to help Sua achieve her orgasm. 
“J-Just a little more Jin.”
Hearing those words causes you to use all the energy you had left to move your hips at an inhuman speed. Your cock begins to throb as Sua’s walls begin to constrict around it. The sudden scream from Sua's mouth acted as a catalyst for your frenzy. A rush of fluids leaks down your girlfriend's legs as her whole body begins to spasm. Sua’s walls began to try to milk you of all you had and successfully did it. 
Your cock began to throb as your load shot from your length, filling the condom. Somehow even after five shots, your load continued to come out of your cock. You were a bit worried it would overfill but once you shot your seventh rope, your orgasm ended.
Dropping down on your bed, you lay next to Sua as she lays there panting for air. A few minutes pass as you pull out of your girlfriend finally. Checking on her, you notice that she is dead asleep already. Picking her up, you lay her down on your pillow and tuck her into your bed. 
Cleaning yourself up a bit, you pick up both your school uniform as well as Sua’s and put them to wash. A few minutes pass and you then throw the clothes in the dryer and head back to your room. 
When you walk into your room, you see Sua looking at the door with her arms open. Walking towards your girlfriend, you join her in bed and wrap your arms around her. The warmth from her body was a great source of relaxation as your body begins to get tired. 
“I really needed that.” 
“I could tell. Well from now on I’m here to help you relax. Plus I want you to relax a bit more at school, ok?” 
“Might take me a while to change my attitude at school but I will try.” 
As your eyes begin to flutter, you can hear a giggle leave your girlfriend's mouth as she kisses your cheek. 
“Let’s sleep Oppa, Goodnight.” 
Once that word leaves your mouth you finally succumb to your exhaustion. 
The next day comes as you find yourself stepping off the bus with Tsuki and your beautiful girlfriend. 
“Why won’t you tell me what you guys did last night!?” 
“Because it’s a secret Tsuki. You should just be happy we are official already.” 
“Unnie. Won't you tell me?” 
As Tsuki begins to give Sua her sad eyes you begin to laugh as Sua looks away nervously.
“One day maybe. Like Oppa said, just be happy we are together.” 
The end of this conversation brings you to the front school gate. Holding your girlfriend’s hand you cross the gate as the murmurs of students begin to hit your ears. Looking around you can see how surprised people are about you and Sua. When you look at Sua she once again has a straight face, so you assumed you should let go of her hand. Letting go, you quickly feel a pinch on your arm as Sua grabs your hand angrily. 
Surprised at the action, you stop and look at her confused. Looking around, Sua then jumps up and kisses you on your cheek then faces forward with a Straight face once more. 
You felt happy as she was acting a bit different already. You could tell maybe she will loosen up a bit more with time. This was your girlfriend and you were happy. 
Once you begin to walk again, you take one more glance at Sua with her serious face. The only thought that crossed your mind at the time was, “what a strange girl” but she was your strange girl. 
A/n 2- Thank you once more for reading! As i have put out a few fics this month already I might take a bit of time off from writing. Fear, not tho as even on my breaks I still write a bit. if anything gets finished I will be sure to post it. Until then, sorry for typos and such and thank you once more.
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siyooungi · 2 years
ideal type
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Pairing: Siyeon x Fem!Reader
Idol: Lee Siyeon (Dreamcatcher)
Warning(s): None!
You and your group recently had a comeback and you were invited to go on Weekly Idol along with Dreamcatcher, as they had also had a comeback. They were your seniors and you were a big fan of them. However, it was very well known that you were a fan. Your fans even labeled you as the “biggest insomnia” and it was an ongoing joke between you and them during your solo vlives. So, to say you were excited was an understatement.
Your group was first to be introduced and the hosts greeted you cheerfully. You all bowed politely as you went to stand by them. Your leader counted from two to three, signaling you were going to do the group introduction. You all bowed as you said your group name and greeting, and the hosts immediately cheered and clapped.
“It’s so nice to have you here!” Kwang Hee spoke excitedly, flashing his bright smile your way. Eunhyuk nodded along with him as he also sent a small smile your way.
“We’re happy to be here.” Your leader responded with a smile along with the rest of you smiling towards the hosts.
“As you know, another group will be joining you today.” Eunhyuk stated as he clasped his hands together. The maknae of your group nudged you teasingly, causing you to turn to her and poke her side. She yelped, causing the hosts to look over at the two of you, surprised.
“Is there something you’d like to share?” Eunhyuk asked as he gestured towards the maknae. You wanted to facepalm yourself right then and there. You knew she was going talk about your huge liking of Dreamcatcher, as they were literally right there waiting to be introduced, smiling.
“This unnie really likes our sunbaenims.” She stated as she looked at you, causing your others members to do the same with a knowing smile on their faces. You pinched the bridge of your nose, hoping the hosts didn’t hold onto that information, but you knew they would.
“Is that so? Well, then let’s introduce them!” Kwang Hee began as he and Eunhyuk looked towards the girls. They both introduced them and they all came in smiling and bowing politely. Unfortunately and fortunately for you, they ended up standing right beside you as you were at the end of the line. Sua was standing right next to you and you wanted to scream at the fact that she was that close to you.
The hosts took note of your body language and it caused both of them to laugh, which made everyone else look towards them questionably. You had sucked in your lips and gripped on your pants, occasionally wiping the sweat from your hands on them.
“Y/N-ssi, relax a little.” Kwang Hee teased, causing your eyes to widen and for your members along with your seniors, to laugh. You didn’t realize the cameras had caught how nervous you looked.
“I-I’m fine.” You chuckled nervously, not even bothering to look to the left of you, which was where Sua and the other girls were. The youngest of your group took the chance to take revenge and poke your side. You bit back the squeal and held your hands tighter.
The hosts continued, but didn’t miss the opportunity to tease you as they went on. You both were allowed to promote your songs, showcase your many talents, and fact check things. You were both known to be pretty chaotic and funny groups, so each segment always brought out laughs.
Now, you were on the segment where there were questions to get to know each member better. Everyone was seated and the hosts chose to start with your group first. They went down the line asking questions and it was finally your turn.
“Y/N-ssi..” Eunhyuk began, causing you to tilt your head and sit up straighter, placing your hands clasped on your lap. Not only were your members were listening attentively, but so were the rest of the girls.
“Who is your ideal type?” He questioned, crossing his arms. Him and Kwang Hee were also listening very closely and anticipating your answer. Your leader let out a laugh, causing you to turn to her with a shocked expression on your face. Your other members were trying to hold back their laughter at the question.
They all knew who your ideal type was. You cleared your throat, glancing over to your seniors before crossing your legs and averting your attention back to the hosts.
“Well, it’s Siyeon-sunbaenim..” You mumbled the last part, causing the hosts to perk up. “I’m sorry? Can you repeat that a little louder?” Kwang Hee teased, gesturing towards you. He heard you loud and clear, but since Siyeon was sitting further from you, he wanted you to repeat yourself. Siyeon herself was even leaning over so she could listen to what you said.
Sua had also heard what you said and hit your shoulder, laughing loudly. Her laugh made you laugh and you had to cover your mouth and try to compose yourself so you could repeat what you said.
“It’s um.. Siyeon-sunbaenim..” You spoke before looking down, causing Siyeon’s eyes to widen. “Really?” She asked as she covered her mouth out of shock and disbelief. She stood up hastily and everyone in the room laughed. You covered your face with your hands out of embarrassment and one of your members rubbed your back while giggling.
She made her way over to you, stopping right in front of Sua. “Yah!” She shouted at her, causing her to look at Siyeon with a shocked expression before she bursted out laughing again. “Move to my seat..” Siyeon whispered to Sua after she leaned down to her ear, but the mic picked up on it and it caused everyone to laugh.
“This is a.. very good mic.” She said as she moved back, chuckling nervously. Another laughing fit occurred and she couldn’t help but scratch the back of her head awkwardly.
She quickly composed herself and proceeded to wave Sua off, to which she obliged and stood up before walking over to sit in Siyeon’s former seat, giggling the entire way.
Siyeon plopped down beside you and smiled as if she hadn’t just kicked her member out of her seat. You moved a finger and peeked through the space, just to see Siyeon smiling at you.
“I’d say this seating arrangement is pretty nice.” Eunhyuk spoke up before moving onto the next segment. No matter how many times Siyeon looked at you, you were still completely avoiding any eye contact with her.
Your members would occasionally look over at you to see if you were managing and it may have looked like it on the outside, but you were screaming internally.
While the hosts were distracted with the other members, Siyeon scooted closer to you and leaned in, catching your attention. You turned your head to face her. “You have good taste.” She whispered before winking and pulling away. You were not only flustered because of the wink, but also because of the close proximity. She took note of that and smirked to herself at the effect she had on you.
You tried your best to focus on what your members were saying, but it was damn near impossible when Siyeon was right next to you. You didn’t mind, of course. If anything, you were thankful. However, that didn’t make you any less of a nervous wreck.
Luckily enough, time passed quicker than you thought and the show came to an end. The hosts bowed politely as you all stood up to leave, to which you reciprocated. You were the last one to leave and as you were following your members, you felt a hand gently wrap around your wrist.
You turned around to see Siyeon. You were seemingly less nervous and you actually smiled at her. Your smile caused her to smile and you swear you almost melted right then and there. “I was flattered to know that I’m your type and I would love to get to know you better.” She stated as she moved her hand from your wrist to your hand.
“Can I have your number?” She asked, her smile widening once you held her hand back, squeezing it slightly. You eagerly nodded, causing her to chuckle and pull her phone out, handing it to you. You happily took it and entered your digits before handing it back to her.
“Hope I get to see you around. Off camera, of course.” She said as she caressed the back of your hand with her thumb. You felt butterflies erupt in your stomach as she stared deeply into your eyes as she spoke.
“Don’t forget to text me..” You swung your hands back and forth and she couldn’t help but look at you adoringly. You found yourself getting nervous under her gaze again and Siyeon saw that.
“Please, I wouldn’t dare forget to text someone as beautiful as you.” She complimented, causing you to look down shyly. She always knew what to say and you felt your heart was going to explode. Words sounded so much sweeter coming from her mouth.
Siyeon opened her mouth to say something else but her manager interrupted her as they walked up and told her she had to go. She pouted but knew she couldn’t say anything to stop her from leaving. You were bummed that she had to leave but you had to leave too, so you both had no choice.
She let go of your hand and followed her manager, but she stopped to turn around and blew a kiss to you. You caught it and put it on your chest, causing her to let out a heartwarming laugh before she turned back around and continued on.
Once she was out of the room, you let everything sink in. Lee Siyeon flirted with you. She flirted with you. Yes, she’s a flirt but the fact that she was so serious about it, nearly made you faint at the thought of it. You covered your face with your hands and let out a muffled scream before dropping your hands and jumping up and down. You had completely forgotten that you weren’t alone and the productive crew saw you as they were packing up.
“Sorry..” You apologized sheepishly, bowing your head. You sprinted out of the room and tried to catch up with your members who you knew were way ahead. If anything, they were most likely in the car.
You eventually caught up and you were right, they were in fact already in the car. Once you entered the vehicle, you immediately sat back and rested your head on the head rest. You looked up to the ceiling of the car and let out a content sigh. Your members ended up teasing you about your interactions with Siyeon. You knew they would never let you live this down.
Happy Siyeon Day! We start October with our lovely wolfie.
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tbthqs · 2 months
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E se você pudesse voltar 10 anos no tempo, o que você faria? Mudaria alguma coisa? Faria tudo igual? Esse é o dilema que alguns alunos da turma de formandos da graduação da UCLA se viram diante quando foram dormir após o reencontro do grupo após 10 anos da colação de grau. Eles não sabem ao certo o que houve, só que acordaram de volta em Setembro de 2013, no inicio do senior year da faculdade, com um ano todo pela frente. Alguns querem voltar, outros querem repetir tudo da mesma maneira e alguns apenas querem ver aonde tudo isso vai dar.A única coisa que eles tem certeza é de que ao final da aventura, eles terão que tomar uma decisão importante, que nem mesmo eles sabem qual é a resposta correta
Turn Back Time HQS é um rpg sobre uma turma de adultos que voltou há 10 anos no passado e tem a chance de reviver suas vidas ou refazê-las do zero. Somos um grupo bem tranquilo, com o objetivo é criar uma comunidade segura sem muito estresse, mas confortável o suficiente para que escritores possam desenvolver seus personagens adultos em um ambiente tranquilo e sem drama ooc. Alguns dos locais do rpg foram inspirados em lugares reais, mas a maior parte deste mundo é ficcional e criada a partir da imaginação dos administradores e dos membros.
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Because I asked in my Dinosaur Love post if we were getting the other stories from the spin and some of y'all were lost, let me tell you what the other Buddy Line Y Animal plots are:
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Last year, Ultimate Troop released the pilot trailer for its Buddy Line Y Animal series - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCPlsNBT5EQ
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In the pilot, Yacht and Samantha were narrating the stories while very drunk to the newbie who was played by Title.
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We are getting Dino's Myth now, so the next one in the pilot was Shark's Myth aka Sharks Don't Eat Meat.
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It had the other Title and Man playing Maewnam (Seal) and Chalarm (Shark) in a story where Seal DRUGS Shark with a drink because he has a crush on Shark. It is implied they have sex. The narrators cut in and moved to the next one, Tiger's Myth aka Tigers Will Eat Chocolate.
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Tiger's Myth is the story of Dino's friend (with the Joy Division shirt at the bar) Sua (Tiger). He gets an unexpected roommate in Kitkat who was recently dumped by his boyfriend for being 'ugly'. Tiger thinks Kitkat is weak and Kitkat thinks Tiger is too abrasive.
The last story is Bear's Myth aka Bears Don't Come to Scold.
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Mhee (Bear) is a senior who tries helping out freshman Nemo, but Nemo is a brat and Bear likes to dish out punishments, so . . . it's a story of a sadistic dom. The narrators actually state this.
Then, there is the Founding Member.
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This is the person who started it all (the Buddy Line Y Animal saga), but his identity and story were not disclosed.
Basically, we are getting the best story first. If anything, we might get some of Tiger's Myth (Tigers Will Eat Chocolate) because Sua is in Dinosaur Love, but I don't see Oat (the actor for Kitkat listed), so who knows if the others were scrapped.
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garadinervi · 5 months
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Gelindo Cervi (b. 1901), Antenore Cervi (1906), Aldo Cervi (1909), Ferdinando Cervi (1911), Agostino Cervi (1916), Ovidio Cervi (1918), Ettore Cervi (1921), Quarto Camurri (1921), Poligono di tiro, Reggio Emilia, 28 dicembre 1943 / 2023 — 80 [Istituto Alcide Cervi / Museo Cervi, Gattatico (RE)]
«Di seguito al telegramma p.n. del 28 dicembre u.s., si comunica che, alle ore 18 circa del 27 detto, in Bagnolo in Piano, il fascista repubblicano Onfiani Davide, di anni 48, segretario di quel comune, mentre si accingeva a prendere il treno in partenza per Correggio, paese di sua residenza, fu raggiunto alla schiena da un colpo di pistola sparatogli da uno sconosciuto, che si dava subito alla fuga. L'Onfiani, rimasto all'istante cadavere, fu trasportato immediatamente nella sala d'aspetto della stazione e quindi nel palazzo municipale dove fu approntata la camera ardente. Il Capo della Provincia, il sottoscritto e tutte le autorità politiche e di polizia del capoluogo si recarono subito sul posto allo scopo di disporre le indagini atte a stabilire l'identità dell'uccisor[ ]. Ma nessun indizio [concreto] fu possibile raccogliere sul luogo del delitto. Pertanto, in considerazione della gravità dell'atto criminale in esame, che seguiva a solo pochi giorni l'assassinio compiuto da ignoti in persona del I° Seniore della Milizia Giovanni Fagiani, nel comune di Cavriago di questa provincia, fu disposta l'immediata riunione di un Tribunale straordinario che pronunziò condanna alla pena capitale nei confronti dei sottonotati individui, già detenuti nelle locali carceri per violenze ed aggressioni di carattere comune, connivenza e favoreggiamento con elementi antinazionali e comunisti nonché sovvertimento dell'ordine nazionale condotto con propaganda e con l'uso delle armi, in connivenza con prigionieri nemici evasi dai campi di concentramento: 1 ) – Cervi Aldo di Alcide; 2 ) – Cervi Z[G]elindo di Alcide; 3 ) – Cervi Ovidio di Alcide; 4 ) – Cervi Ferdinando di Alcide; 5 ) – Cervi Antenore di Alcide [;] 6 ) – Cervi Agostino di Alcide [;] 7 ) – Cervi Ettore di Alcide; 8 ) – Camurri Quarto fu Vincenzo. Questura di Reggio nell'Emilia, Divisione Gab., Prot. N. 06861 – Reggio nell'Emilia, 2 gennaio 1944 A. XXI»
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fabiochampioraro · 4 months
No aspè, non sapevo nulla di sta cosa delle farfalle, puoi spiegare?
certo che posso anon, scusa se sarà una risposta un po' lunghina.
Allora...in primis la ginnastica ritmica è uno sport che ricerca la perfezione e richiede ore di duro allenamento (in genere almeno 6/8 per 6 giorni a settimana) e per performare al meglio, e non infortunarsi, bisogna essere più o meno in un range di peso. Non so se hai familiarità con come funziona la nazionale di ritmica, il gruppo (a differenza delle individualiste che si allenano nei loro club fino alle gare) è formato a Desio da ginnaste provenienti da diverse società scelte dall' allenatrice.
La suddetta allenatrice è dal 1996 Emanuela Maccarani. Con lei la squadra ha iniziato vincere molto, ma anni fa hanno cominciato ad uscire cose abbastanza problematic presentate come niente di che. Ad esempio nel suo libro "la farfalla dell'est" Anželika Savrajuk ha scritto che veniva punita se la domenica, suo giorno libero, la vedevano fare dei piccoli sgarri nella dieta tipo mangiare un gelato.
Il botto è avvenuto nel 2019, quando Anna Basta (plurimedagliata mondiale, europea, coppa del mondo) si è ritirata a soli 19 anni, nella ritmica si è senior a 16, ancora relativamente giovane. Poco dopo ha cominciato a parlare del suo problema di anoressia, pubblicando anche sui vecchi messaggi a sua madre ai tempi della nazionale, rivelando di essere stata così depressa da arrivare a pensare di togliersi la vita, il tutto senza che le sue ex compagne dicessero nulla, anzi l'hanno unfollowata passando da super amiche, sorelle, famiglia a paria.
Negli stessi anni altre giovani ginnaste passate da individualiste alla squadra da poco si sono ritirate misteriosamente. Nel 2022 Anna Basta, Nina Corradini e poi anche Giulia Galtarossa hanno deciso di denunciare sia pubblicamente con un' intervista sia al tribunale coni gli abusi ricevuti dalla maccarani e l' assistente tishina. L' attuale squadra ha risposto a queste accuse praticamente accusando chi ha avuto il coraggio di parlare di averlo fatto solo perché non erano abbastanza brave da arrivare in alto (incredibile lo so) e di essere invidiose, che loro erano quelle che stavano soffrendo.
Il tutto è finito in un niente dato che la sentenza è stata che gli abusi erano "per troppo amore", si hai letto bene, e la maccarani è ancora lì ad allenare ricevendo i più alti riconoscimenti dalla federazione.
Oltre ai detti abusi maccarani ha sempre avuto un ego enorme, spesso quando la squadra non vince l'oro per lei è colpa dei giudici biased verso altri paesi, e cerca di far ricadere il, raro, riflettore sulla ritmica solo sulla squadra e non sulle individualiste. Per fare ciò ha portato o dato più attrezzi ad individualiste meno forti al posto di altre, tolto spazi ad allenatrici delle individualiste tipo Spela Dragas dell' udinese o Julietta Cantaluppi di fabriano che dopo aver allenato Raffaeli che ha vinto ori e medaglie a world cups, europei e mondiali si è talmente rotta che è andata ad allenare all'estero.
Spero di essere stata abbastanza comprensibile, se hai altre domande sono qui.
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shakingparadigm · 4 months
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sorry I keep posting about this but. this panel is so funny when u remember that Ivan is like probably around 5"8 or even 6" here and Sua probably just reached 5". the shadow he's casting on her byeee
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esqueceramokevin · 6 days
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Ei! Você viu o KEVIN SCHULTZ por aí? você sabe, aquele aluno da graduação que tem TRINTA E QUATRO ANOS e se parece muito com GRANT GUSTIN. Acho que ele formou com especialização em ENGENHARIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO. Dizem que ele era THE FORGOTTEN e toda vez que passava pelo dormitório dele, ouvia SEPTEMBER - EARTH, WIND & FIRE tocando pela porta. Todos que o conhecem dizem que ele costuma ser PERSISTENTE, mas também poderia ser MATERIALISTA. Será que em 2024 ele ainda é assim?
O que fazia em 2014:
A altitude de São Francisco nunca impediu que Kevin percorresse a cidade toda com sua melhor amiga, Katie, sua bicicleta de um tom encardido de amarelo. O fato é que não tinha uma condição financeira tão boa assim vivendo com seu pai e a família que o patriarca adquiriu no segundo casamento, por isso, a tentativa de fuga todos os dias com a bicicleta para algum ponto mais tranquilo da cidade parecia ser a melhor opção na adolescência.
O ponto de virada foi aos dezessete anos, momento em que sua mãe o convidou para morar com ele em Los Angeles. Nunca entendeu ao certo o motivo do convite inesperado (mas tão aguardado) vindo da mulher, talvez fosse algo relacionado com a visão de maternidade em que ela precisava demonstrar na nova fase da carreira. Zoe O'Malley era uma atriz consagrada na indústria cinematográfica, principalmente no nicho da comédia romântica que passou a ser reconhecida em meados dos anos 1990.
A fase de morar em Los Angeles e ter uma mãe reconhecida fez com que o menino que se isolava na escola a ter uma oportunidade de mudar sua realidade no senior year e continuar o legado de popularidade na universidade. O fato é que nunca teve muitos talentos para tentar a carreira musical ou no cinema, mas até que não era tão ruim nos esportes, afinal, seu pai insistiu desde cedo que praticasse futebol americano. Mesmo que não tenha conseguido uma bolsa ou uma chance de atuar profissionalmente, para sua frustração e de toda família, Kevin era extremamente criativo e tinha um certo destaque no curso de escolha universitária.
Sua popularidade tardia na escola e na universidade era em grande parte pela fama de sua mãe, pouca coisa pelo seu envolvimento no time de futebol americano e nada, realmente nada, pelo seu carisma. A real é: Kevin forçava a barra. Piadas chatas demais, papos de nerd e pouco talento para manter a fama de popular. Ele era péssimo nos flertes, quase nunca conseguia encontros e sempre que sentia necessidade (todos os dias) deixava os outros o fazerem de rato e sapato para agradar, se preciso fosse até roubaria para deixar o grupo satisfeito. Afinal, isso era ser um amigo verdadeiro, não é?
O que faz em 2024:
Uma cobertura em New York, viagens constantes para o Vale do Silício, essa é a vida de Kevin. Mesmo com um certo luxo, a solidão volta a acompanhar. Talvez ela nunca tenha cem por cento abandonado o homem. O fato é que agora o moreno passa as tardes programando com sua gatinha chamada Olivia sentada e ronronando em seu colo, além de claro, algumas reuniões por dia para alinhamento com a equipe. Não é tão simples assim ser sócio fundador de um dos aplicativos de relacionamento mais famosos do momento. Certamente é bem irônico, Kevin é um péssimo case de sucesso do aplicativo, afinal seu sobrenome é solteirice. Queria que seus amigos vissem que ele deu certo na vida e não depende mais tão somente do dinheiro de seus pais. Mas enfim, nem seus pais se importam muito que o filho seja tão conhecido no mundo da tecnologia, até porque querendo ou não, no fundo Kevin é só mais um nerd chato.
Seu personagem gostaria de voltar para 2024? Justifique sua resposta
Seus amigos estavam todos tão unidos e presentes em 2014, não sabe se realmente faz sentido querer voltar para um ano em que se sente sozinho e sem ninguém por perto, além de seus colegas de trabalho, que eram mais antissociais que ele estava sendo. Talvez sua única motivação em voltar para 2024 seria mostrar que ele deu certo na vida. Dinheiro não era bem o ponto, afinal, poderia nadar no dinheiro dos seus pais antes também, porém a ideia principal era apresentar que uma de suas ideias deu certo e muito muito certo. Era validade por mais de 300 milhões de downloads.
Atividades extracurriculares: Futebol americano (wide), rádio (cobertura esportiva).
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sm0lb0dygaiii · 2 years
Deukae with their sunbae (University AU)
Sunbae (선배) : a Korean term which means senior or elder (Professionally)
Hoobae (후배) : a Korean term which means junior or younger (Professionally)
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- Kim Minji had heard good things about you on the campus
- She loved how much you are alike in a few things and at the same time you were different : you are a ray of sunshine and you take care of others in your own way
- JiU sees you as a sunbae who likes to help and make friends, and for that she admires you
- When she can she tests her cheesy jokes on you and loves to see your reaction
- You complement each other so well, you're secretly the mainstay of each other's lives
- She really meets you for the first time during a student dinner, you sat next to her and she was surprised at your silence and you didn't introduce yourself to her (you're shy) It's when people start to leave one by one that Minji decides to take the first step and ask you for your number
“ Sunbae, can I have your number if I ever need help ? ”
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- Kim Bora was very famous at university despite being relatively new, even the sunbae liked to hang out with her
- She was the loud, high-energy junior and you were the low-key, quiet senior
- The first meeting between SuA and you... was very strange and awkward
- She hit your ass while you were walking towards the cafeteria, thinking you were her friend
- Since that day the young woman kept following you everywhere to apologize and offer you gifts
- And it is you who decide one day to stop her in the hallways to ask her for her number and her address so that you can give her back all the items she has given you
“ If you wanted to hang out with me you didn't have to make such an excuse ”
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- Lee Siyeon had met you before entering university, it was during the open house, you were handing out flyers for your club
- You were the reason why the wolfy decided to go to the same university
- Luckily for her, your license didn't have many students so she was able to spend time with you
- As Siyeon came a lot to the extra class, you thought she was having difficulty so you offered to give her extra classes on free days
- You met in a cafe near campus on Saturday mornings to review exam papers and Siyeon came to see you at your club in the afternoon, like a routine
- It's seeing you so focused and serious that she couldn't resist complimenting you
“ You looked so cool in a lab coat, sunbae ! ”
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- Handong was an exchange student from China so the girl quickly caught everyone's attention
- But the person who caught her attention was you, you were in charge of the visit
- She loved how considerate and caring you were with her, you even learned Mandarin for her
- She was taking advantage of you showing her around the campus to cling to your arm with an innocent and lost look so that you could spend more time with her
- She was nicknamed Ice Princess but with you she kept warming her heart for you
- The most difficult thing is how blind you are to her attempts to flirt, but she loves to see you confused and blushing
“ How about going to a cat cafe ? We could adopt a kitten together ”
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- The girl is so clumsy and as a sunbae you end up cleaning up all her mess
- Yooh spends her time playing it cool with you but she always ends up being embarrassed by herself and running away claiming an emergency
- Yoohyeon often tries to impress you, whether it's with her talent for languages ​​or the fact that she loves to show you her level at your favorite video games
- The thing she likes the most about you : that you show yourself so proud of her when she passes her projects or her tests
- You have this habit of stroking Yoohtony's hair when she acts enthusiastically
- She keeps coming to talk to you since the first time you met and you always listen to her
“ Sunbae would you like to hang out near the Han river ? I—i mean you, me and Pie ! Not just the two of us as a date...you know ! ”
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- Let's be honest in the dynamic of this duo, Dami looks more like your sunbae than you being her
- Dami is a rather calm and mature hoobae, she is often with you with the paperwork because you are often lost
- She takes care of you even though you don't want to, you feel bad for being a senior who can't take care of her juniors properly
- Dami is always there to make you understand that you are doing a good job and that you also need to rest
- All your friends think you look like a married couple
- But when she can, the panda clings to you when she needs a hug and just wants to stay with you to relax
“ We can finish the documents later, lay down and rest sunbae, you deserve me to take care of you ”
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- She behaves like a baby with you, she just wants you to take care of her, to compliment her and be able to hug you when she is sad
- When she found out you were the leader of the math club, she signed up right away
- Everyone on campus could tell that Gahyeon has a crush on you, to everyone you look like a knight every time you take care of your hoobae
- Gahyeon is easily jealous when she sees you hanging out with other students her age, she doesn't like to be like that but she wants her to be the only junior you take care of
- When she feels bad about her weight you are always there to remind her how perfect and beautiful she already is and that she doesn't need to worry because you love her just the way she is (she almost thought you were making her a declaration of love)
- Baby Fox loves when you tease her and she loves teasing you, she just wants to spend as much time as possible with you
“ Sunbae I made cookies do you want some ? Oh it's Valentine's Day today...I didn't know that at all ”
Coming very soon :
- 8th member AU
- Gahyeon x reader
Maybe :
- Dreamcatcher x reader (series)
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ao3feed-alienstage · 24 days
A Good Day to be a Dog
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/z3orgOU by erisky Actor AU | #ALNST | #IVANTILL Rookie actor Ivan mysteriously disappears from his dressing room just before his last shoot of the day. Simultaneously, a black dog appears on set. It seems to be relatively indifferent to the cast and crew, but happily attaches itself to a certain senior actor. Very much against his will, Till volunteers to take the puppy home overnight until the owner can be found. …but hey, what’s it about this pet that reminds him a little too much of his rookie co-star? Words: 1497, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Alien Stage (Web Series) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Till (Alien Stage), Ivan (Alien Stage), Mizi (Alien Stage), Sua (Alien Stage), Hyuna (Alien Stage), Hyun-Woo (Alien Stage) Relationships: Ivan/Till (Alien Stage) Additional Tags: Actor AU, Pining, Misunderstandings, Till gets into shit he doesn't want to be involved with, he takes it very seriously though, Mystery, Ivan's crush is so big you can see it from space, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff, The tooth rotting kind, oblivious till, (unTILL the end hehehehehhe), Ivantill has grabbed me by the throat and is using tongue, (it's late eri go to sleep), (can't tag too much bc I don't want to spoil the ending), Sua is my antidote to the idiot plot, it's ALWAYS sua isn't it, no beta and WE DO NOT DIE bc alienstage is v wholesome and deathless read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/z3orgOU
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diceriadelluntore · 11 months
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Storia Di Musica #285 - The Strokes, Is This It, 2001
Si può dire che un Paese che censura una foto così è davvero stupido? Perchè è successo davvero. Colin Lane è un fotografo di moda che ha appena finito un servizio fotografico e si accorge che nella sua borsa qualcuno ha dimenticato un prezioso paio di guanti Chanel. Mentre armeggia con una vecchia Polaroid Big Shot, a cui restano dieci fotografie, la sua ragazza esce dalla doccia. Nasce per caso una foto che piace molto ad entrambi, e che Lane conserva nel suo portfolio. Nei primi mesi del 2001 a Lane è affidata dalle rivista The Face un servizio fotografico con la band del momento, per alcuni "the next big thing" della musica americana, per altri un bluff. Caso vuole che la foto piaccia e il leader di questo gruppo di newyorkesi sulla rampa di lancio chiede se la foto possa essere usata per la copertina di un disco. Avuto il placet dalla sua fidanzata di allora, la foto del lato b diviene la copertina di un grandioso album di debutto. Che la le più importanti catene di vendita di dischi negli Stati Uniti, tra cui Walmart (che nel 2001 valeva negli Stati Uniti il 40% delle vendite di Cd), oscurarono per via del suddetto lato b, con un cartoncino prima e spingendo poi la casa discografica a sostituirla con questa:
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un’immagine di tracce di particelle subatomiche in una camera a bolle, una foto scattata nei laboratori del Cern di Ginevra.
Julian Casablancas e Albert Hammond Junior si incotnrano e scoprono di amare la musica nel prestigioso college privato di Le Rosey in Svizzera. Il primo è figlio del fondatore della più importante agenzia di modelle nel mondo, il secondo è figlio di Alber Hammond Senior, cantautore inglese che scrisse moltissime hit negli anni '70 e '80. Ritornato a New York, Casablancas con Nick Valensi, Fabrizio Moretti e Nikolai Fraiture, tre studenti dell'altrettanto prestigioso Dwight School di New York, forma il primo gruppo, a cui si aggiunge Hammond che era a New York per studiare cinema. Leggenda vuole che il primo concerto dei The Strokes avvenga in un club con 6 persone, poi divengono la resident band rock di un altro locale, gestito da Ryan Gentles, che è così ben impressionato che chiede ai 5 di diventare il loro manager. Manda un demo di 3 brani ad alcune etichette indipendenti, tra cui l'inglese Rough Trade, che entusiasta lo pubblica con il titolo The Modern Age, nel 2001, divenendo la prima pubblicazione ufficiale del gruppo. Il successo è clamoroso: l'Ep vende 300 mila copie e nel Regno Unito a giugno viene pubblicato un secondo Ep, Hard To Explain, che debutta al decimo posto della classifica. Inizia qui un percorso particolarissimo: della band piace il rock sporco, grezzo e diretto che ritorna ai fasti antichi, ma che stride non poco con l'aura di ricchi e viziati dei nostri. Ne nasce il dibattito accennato sopra, tra chi li vede come i nuovi salvatori del rock e chi invece una band che non può "naturalmente" sviluppare gli autentici valori rock. Personalmente ritengto che la verità non sta in nessuna delle due istanze, ma posso dire con criterio che il primo disco della band dimostra cose notevoli. In un primo momento, fu chiamato a produrre Gil Norton, che scoprì i Pixies, ma la band non fu affatto felice del lavoro di rifinitura, preferendo virare sull'allora sconosciuto Gordon Raphael: si trasferiscono ai Transporterraum Studios dell'East Village di New York, una sorta di scantinato buio dove si muore dal caldo dove però è allestito uno studio con le migliori attrezzature dell'epoca. Casablancas decide di registrare senza nessun lavoro di post produzione, spesso in una singola registrazione. Ne viene fuori un disco che unisce, visto che siamo a New York, la spensieratezza dei Television, l'immediatezza dei Ramones e un pizzico di fascino alla Velvet Underground.
Is This It si apre con l'omonima traccia, scritta tra l'altro all'ultimo momento da Casablancas che non trovava un ritornello adatto apre il disco, fresca, immediata, ma non così sciagurata come il punk. Tutto il disco è giocato su questo binario, al netto di canzoni bellissime, come Hard To Explain, dal muro di chitarre che ricorda i bei tempi e che rappresenta in maniera persino sincera la confusione del passaggio all'età degli adulti (I missed the last bus, I'll take the next train\I'll try but you see, it's hard to explain\I say the right thing, but act the wrong way\I like it right here, but I cannot stay). Notevoli sono anche Last Nite (che però ruba il riff a American Girl di Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers, dall'omonimo album di debutto del 1977) e Alone, Together, su una relazione che non vuole davvero funzionare (Oh, the first time it happened too fast\And second time I thought it would last\We all like it a little different). Take It Or Leave It, dal canto strozzato di Casablancas, doveva essere il singolo trainante e che doveva dare il titolo all'album, che ha altre due piccole storie da raccontare: Soma arriva dal romanzo di Aldous Huxley Il mondo nuovo (1932). Nel libro, “soma” è il nome di una droga immaginaria, una sostanza, prodotta in compresse, che rende euforici e cancella ogni paura. «Soma is what they would take when\Hard times opened their eyes», canta Julian in apertura. Gli Strokes non sono gli unici ad aver subito il fascino di questo elisir della felicità: già gli Smashing Pumpkins gli avevano dedicato un pezzo di Siamese Dream (1993) e prima di loro, nel 1984, avevano pubblicato la loro Soma anche i Tuxedomoon. New York City Cops è una canzone denuncia della brutalità della polizia. Casablancas ha raccontato di averla scritta in risposta all’omicidio di Amadou Diallo nel 1999 (episodio a cui Springsteen dedicò la formidabile American Skin (41 Shots). Lo studente guineano era disarmato quando quattro poliziotti in borghese a New York gli hanno sparato per errore: pensavano che al posto del portafoglio stesse tirando fuori dalla tasca una pistola. La canzone, che faceva originariamente parte di Is This It, dopo gli eventi dell’11 settembre viene rimossa dall’edizione americana (rispetto ad altri paesi, l'uscita era slittata a fine settembre). Principalmente per via ritornello: New York City cops, New York City cops\New York City cops, but they ain't too smart.
Il disco fu un successo, prima in Europa, e poi, gradualmente, negli Stati Uniti. Divennero, come scrisse una famosa rivista di moda, "i nuovi depositari del chiodo (inteso come giubbino di pelle, ndr) solo che rispetto a quello dei Ramones questo è di Yves Saint Laurent". La loro carriera continua ancora oggi, ma avendo perso quella sensazione che avevano all'inizio, l'essere la nuova speranza per far resuscitare il rock. Non lo sono stati, ma non si può dire che fossero un bluff, e lo dimostra ciò che dicono in Star Treatment gli Arctic Monkeys (del 2018):
I just wanted to be one of The Strokes Now look at the mess you made me make Hitchhiking with a monogrammed suitcase Miles away from any half-useful imaginary highway
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