#she's a nightshift nurse that works with my mom lol
phantom-tiger · 3 months
I fell up a step stool at work, trying to get workers comp is a thing and a half don't do it lol
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luckily it's just a bad strain, but im also kinda sad I didn't break my shit for milestones sake lol. It happened at 12:40am and I worked till 5:40am when my manager came in as well lul.
I figured it wasn't broken cuz I could wiggle my toes and could stand on it without being in immense pain, but when I got home my Mom saw and she's a nurse and she said there's a possibility something could be broken bc it swelled immediately - im uncertain if i heard a pop or crunch bc I had headphones in :).
But getting workers comp - I was told to go home, mother told me I need to get it seen/an xray, called back told I should've filled out an incident report, didn't get to do that till the next day, where there the managers just handed me a list of doctors that work with my work. I start calling places, one place it took 3 calls to figure out they don't take workers comp any more, another said they couldn't see me for two weeks, and then another place had to be the one to tell me 'oh - [your work] is supposed to set up the appointment for you' - *why* give me a list of doctors if they're going to choose anyway - more back and forth calls with my manager and like the head of the store - finally HR guy gets in contact with me - apparently your initial visit is covered regardless of where it's at - great perfect there's an urgent care right down the road from me, start heading there, HR guy calls and says the *urgent care* is also by appointment only, so I head to one that's 30 mins away -MIND YOU- im driving myself around, uncertain if my shits broken or not lol. But after that it was fairly smooth sailing, the walk-in clinic was very nice and the HR guy is very sweet and helpful - letsfuckinggo Greg.
The doctor was also concerned about it being broken which makes me feel better, and not just like My Mom being A Mom tm and concerned. The doctor/we were concerned about the high tiny bones. But yeah just a bad strain. It happened on 'Tuesday' (i work nightshift so tues 11 to wed 7am) and my schedule worked so that I was off wed and thurs,, that was my two days off 🙃🙃🙃.
My Manager (whos a Good guy) has "threatened" that he's got sit down work for me and evil laughing lol. There's been talk of physical therapy but idk. But that's whats happening with me lul
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the-cookie-of-doom · 3 years
I said I would go to bed at like 10pm 
it is now 2:50am
I just remembered I’m expecting a work call tomorrow morning 
am now afraid to sleep 
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trauma-13 · 5 years
You know the drill. All them asks. 😈 (is this deja vu?)
You got it dude!! (It is...cause I fucked up 😂)
The meaning behind my url:
Trauma because it's my favorite area of nursing.
Princess because I'm a fuckin princess.
93 because the year I was born.
A picture of me:
If you look hard enough you'll find one on here. Also my icon is me soooo.
How many tattoos i have and what they are:
Oh good lord. I have quite a few....
1. Mom's last name on my left wrist.
2. Flowers on my right foot.
3. Tribal-ish heart my brother drew on the back on my neck.
4. Walt Disneys signature on my left foot.
5. Mickey and Minnie behind my ears.
6. A prior dogs paw print on my left ankle.
7. A dandelion on my right shoulder blade with music notes.
8. My dog, Axel, paw prints on my collar bones.
9. A moon on my right ankle.
10. A semi colon on my right wrist (ulnar side)
11. A arrow on my right wrist (radial side)
12. A humming bird on my right forearm.
I think that's it... for now...
Last time i cried and why:
I dunno, honestly. I cry frequently hahah
Piercings i have:
Ears gauged to a 00.
Traugus both sides
Right sided daith.
Favorite band:
Sooo many. Currently imagine dragons.
Biggest turn offs:
Bad hygiene, liars, cheats, narcacists.
Top 5 (insert subject):
Tattoos i want:
Too many to list, honestly.
Biggest turn ons:
I'm a big physical touch person, so basically anything where I'm being touched.
Ideas of a perfect date:
Doing something totally new that neither of us has experienced.
Life goal:
Pediatric ICU trauma nurse, be a mom, be a good wife.
Piercings i want:
Maybe my left daith. Probably a 2nd lobe hole.
Relationship status:
Very happily engaged.
Favorite movie:
Steel magnolias (the old one), Moana, Mean Girls.
A fact about my life:
I'm a nurse, I work in the ER and medsurg/tele, I have 2 doggos, and 2 kittens, I'm practically married at this point, I live on the surface of the sun.
Spiders, failure.
Middle name:
I'ma pass on telling the world that.
5'6" with shoes on.
Are you a virgin?
What’s your shoe size?
Between 9-10 depends on the shoe and brand.
What’s your sexual orientation?
I am bisexual, however I'm in a heterosexual relationship.
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?
Drink yes, no to the others.
Someone you miss
What’s one thing you regret?
Suffering in an abusive relationship because I didn't think I had a way out.
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:
Chris Evans.
Favorite ice cream?
I'm honestly not a big ice cream person, but we have some delicious basil-lime sorbet from a local store that I'm obsessed with.
One insecurity:
What my last text message says:
"I re sent it. Just delete the other one I guess? Lol" from @car-one-responding in reference to this cause I done FUCKED IT UP.
Have you ever taken a picture naked?
Have you ever painted your room?
Not recently at all, but as a kid yeah.
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?
Yep, couple times.
Have you ever slept naked?
I usually do.
Have you ever danced in front of your mirror?
Almost every day hahah
Have you ever had a crush?
Duuuh, who hasn't hah
Have you ever been dumped?
Aldo duuuh.
Have you ever stole money from a friend?
Nope. I'm a very honest person.
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?
Hmm. Probably.
Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Does patients attacking count?? I didn't punch, but I got punched.
Have you ever snuck out of your house?
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
I think just about everyone has.
Have you ever been arrested?
No. Im from a tiny Town where my dad was a cop, mom was a nurse. So everyone knew me.
Have you ever made out with a stranger?
No I don't think so.
Have you ever met up with a member of the opposite sex somewhere?
Like...in a sexual way? Or like hung out? If so yes to both hah
Have you ever left your house without telling your parents?
Yeah, however I'm a pretty open person. I usually tell my mom where Im going. She raised me as a single mom, and I had a lot of freedom as long as I was open and honest with her. That's just transferred into adulthood.
Have you ever had a crush on your neighbor?
No. But I purposely became friends with an old neighbor cause he had a cute ass dog named Max.
Have you ever ditched school to do something more fun?
Yep. Got busted too haha
Have you ever slept in a bed with a member of the same sex?
Uh huh! It's called sleep overs, duh aha
Have you ever seen someone die?
Unfortunately, that's part of my job. Not everyone gets saved in the ER. Plus in the hospital where I work there is a very large group who has very strict rules about death, so frequently we admit people to die either to the floor if we suspect it'll be a couple days, or the ER if we think it'll be quick. Death can be a beautiful process, or it can be horrific, and traumatizing...just depends how ya look at it.
Have you ever been on a plane?
Yeah quite a few times!!
Have you ever kissed a picture?
Honestly what little girl didn't kiss a picture of Leonardo DeCaprio...
Have you ever slept in until 3?
Bro I'm a mid/nightshifter. Weird sleep schedules are my life.
Have you ever loved someone or miss someone right now?
Weirdly worded question. But yes I have loved, yes I do miss people.
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yes!! It's one of my favorites. I also love to watch the stars.
Have you ever made a snow angel?
Yeah!!! It's super fun!!
Have you ever played dress up?
Have you ever cheated while playing a game?
Queen of attempting to cheat at games and failing miserably 🙋‍♀️
Have you ever been lonely?
Mhmm. Side affects of working away from my family.
Have you ever fallen asleep at work/school?
I'm forever sleepy, so yeah.
Have you ever been to a club?
Yeah couple times!
Have you ever felt an earthquake?
Once as a kid. I don't remember much of it besides it waking me up, and I woke up my mom because I didn't know what it was. I was maybe 7?
Have you ever touched a snake?
I love snakes. They're such cool animals.
Have you ever ran a red light?
That may or may not be why I didn't have a drivers license for 3 yrs.
Have you ever been suspended from school?
Nope 😏 I did get temporarily kicked out of nursing school and fought my way back in though. That's a tale for another time.
Have you ever had detention?
Once, for chewing gum.
Have you ever been in a car accident?
Yeah, nothing serious though. *knocks on all the wood*
Have you ever hated the way you look?
I feel like everyone has, unfortunately.
Have you ever witnessed a crime?
1. I live where I live, it's a regular occurrence. We don't carry a gun for no reason.
2. Used to work in the heart of the ghetto.
3. Used to live 5 mins from there.
Safe to say I've seen a crime or two.
Have you ever pole danced?
One drunken Halloween, yes.
Have you ever been lost?
Physically not emotionally? Yes to both haha
Have you ever been to the opposite side of the country?
I have yeah!!
Have you ever felt like dying?
Yeah, on quite a few occasions I don't talk about.
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Have you ever sang karaoke?
Again, drunken Halloweens.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?
Im sure I have.
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?
Yes I have, it's not fun.
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?
Hmm.....I don't actually think so.
Have you ever kissed in the rain?
Have you ever sang in the shower?
Every single time.
Have you ever made out in a park?
Have you ever dream that you married someone?
Yes, and I'm marrying him in a little over a month.
Have you ever glued your hand to something?
My other hand hahah
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?
No..but not for lack of trying.
Have you ever gone to school partially naked?
Uh, no haha
Have you ever been a cheerleader?
Nah, I was a band geek.
Have you ever sat on a roof top?
Yes, it's a great time.
Have you ever brushed your teeth?
I want to say "who hasn't" but we all know there's those people who haven't...
Have you ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
Sometimes, yes.
Have you ever played chicken?
Not huh.
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?
Probably so.
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?
Have you ever broken a bone?
A few yeah. My nose, jaw in 3 places, my tail bone, my ankle.
Have you ever been easily amused?
Have you met me....
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
Like 45 mins ago hahah
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?
Yep, regularly occurs in my house.
Have you ever cheated on a test?
Probably way back in the day, but I don't remember anything specific. I'm a pretty honestly person, so if I don't know it, then oh well.
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?
Every fucking day of my life!
Have you ever met someone who didn’t seem real?
Not quite sure...?
Give us one thing about you that no one knows.
Once upon a time, I was like 13 or 14. I was hanging out with my mom while she cooked dinner and eating a carrot. I suddenly sneezed. I then had a carrot chunk stuck in my sinuses. I could feel it, but mom didn't believe me. So for 3 days straight I blew my nose constantly. And I finally got the carrot chunk out.
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lilragekitten · 7 years
I just need to vent because I honestly just kinda want to scream into the void, but I also don’t want to bug anyone with all my shit so it’ll all be below a read more. It probably won’t be pretty or thought out well but I just wanna get it off my chest/mind whatever. Thanks :)
So last friday at work I had my mom’s power of attorney, who is also one of her volunteer caregivers, and don;t even get me started on the bullshit that that is, jfc, show up and tell me that she’s concerned about my moms health and that apparently mom wants to go into a nursing home. Well one day she does and then the next day she doesn’t. Mom has super bad memory problems, maybe settling dementia, idk, but like it’s bad, and since dad died (2008) I’m honeslty super surprised she’s still alive. Anyways, this lady gives me a letter that basically says that mom wants me to have the house if/when she gets in teh home, she’d like to stay through the summer, but her, the lawyer and the nursing homes doctor need me to ‘help’ them talk to mom and im just like????
Noone ever tried to contact me previous to this. Well she did a few years ago when mom went to the hospital and then shes like , AGAIN, while IM AT WORK, on teh phone, “Your mother is in hospital and as her POA and I just lost it because I have no idea who this lady is?? and then I find out shes a caretaker, which aren’t supposed to be given power over clients? but for some reaosn this is all OK??? But mom downplayed me visiting her, at this time I was calling like two-three times a week, and visiting in person once a week, but when I was sick, or working nightshift I wouldn’t go bc I didnt want her to get sick and I was tired dammit. I lost it a bit at mom like why would you let this stranger be POA and shes like “This way she’ll be my friend” and isnt that the saddest shit ever. She’d been a stay at home housewife for DECADES at this point, she never learned anything really because I don’t think she ever finished elementary school, like basic math she could do but yeah. 
So this lady is standing in front of me saying she’s not the enemy and wants what’s best for my mom which is all I want too. I love her, but I dont like her a lot of the time. but I still care about her. And she tells me shes just there for moms ‘best interest’ and that my sis and I will be co executors of teh will and I just start laughing. because that wont go over well AT ALL. I can probs count on one hand how often she’s called om since the funeral. She hasnt been by to visit since either. I personally haven’t spoken to her in two years? I think she sent me a FB bday message? I’m just done really. like, we have unlimited texting, she can call, text, fb.. etc but nothing after like two years of me initating all first contact and it just gets exhausting you know? So I take the letter and I say that that’ll be interesting and that she’ll put p a fight over me getting teh house bc her plan (told to me YEARS ago) was that she’d move back here, take the house, we’d live togetehr and she’d charge me 1000$ a month rent for my room. The mortagage has been paid of since 2006? maybe before?? so NO REAOSN for that much. taxes yearly are under 4G? I think. And monthly bills under 400$. The lady asks if she should’ve sent my sis a letter and I say ‘either way you’re screwed bc if you do she’ll freak out and if you dont she’ll freak out” liek no winnning so i dont know if she wl or not.
I have a meeting with the lawyers, and doctor on Tuesday and since Friday I have just been this incredible stress ball? I’m shaking and throwing up, I try to eat and I get so naseous and I can’t sleep and my attention is shot and I am a Mess. 
I can;t afford a lawyer, and a week really isnt a lot of time, well actually four days to find one, and I just... I am tired guys. I don;t know what to do I just wann cry. 
The letter basically said that when mom moves out, that I can rent the property from her until her passing for 1$ a month, plus paying all teh bill and taxes which - 450-500 a month (which seems fake but okay) and that the property taxes will be paid out through her account until then as well. After she dies, what happens to the house is up to my sis and I as her will people. 
I love my apartment for teh most part. I’d love to have the house though, bc there;s no way I will ever be able to buy my own at this point. Moving in would save me liek 5-600$ a month which I could desperatly use to pay off my debt. but I’ve been living on my own since 2009 and I have enough stuff to FILL a three bedroom apartment, and moms house is FULL of all her shit, and my shit LOL, so I need to rent a storage locker I guess??? 
I’m just so confused and I don’t know what to do or even start and I don’t qualify for free legal aid bc I made liek 5G too much last year(still under 24G though so like??? thanks?? Part ofme wants my sis to come in and just rent the house out and then afterwards she can buy me out but she doesnt have the credit for a full on mortgage, do like a rent to own on my half of the cost, but neither one of us has teh money for a downpayment which UGH. 
I’m just so very very tired and stressed. 
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