cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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Day 7: Dare - Ai Chang and the mortifying ordeal of being cared for
General Jia Ziyin stamped back into the circle of bare ground around the fire with an armful of sticks that he dropped with a huff. His breath had crystallized in his facial hair. He wiped a crust of ice off of his eyebrow, then perked up. “Oh, that’s very nice. Good thinking.”
He’d paused to admire the talisman that Ai Chang had hung from the tent pole. It was meant to deflect snow and retain heat, and Ai Chang was huddled under it, ostensibly to apply some defensive wards to the back of the tent but really to get out of the wind. Ziyin tapped Ai Chang on the shoulder to let him crowd under the tent cover as well.
It was a small space, and the general was not a small man. Ai Chang retreated as much as he could manage in his bulky winter clothing, tucking himself into the corner against the chilly tent fabric and putting a mittened hand over his freezing nose. Ziyin reached over and tugged on his sleeve.
“Isn’t that cold? Come here.” He patted the ground at the mouth of the tent, where he was already sitting on a makeshift cushion of moss and spare clothing.
The empty tent would have been large enough for them to both lie down in if they crowded, but as it was, their supplies took up too much space. Ai Chang slowly unfolded himself and shuffled to sit as commanded. He was pleased to discover that the combination of the fire and talisman had made a bubble of air that was noticeably warmer. Not exactly comfortable, but a marked improvement from the increasingly heavy snowfall.
Night descended. Ai Chang felt himself slipping into a doze, lulled by watching the drifting snow, and jerked himself back upright more than once. After the third jolt, Ziyin laughed and said, “Feel free to sleep. I’ll take first watch.”
“I’m fine,” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.
Ziyin clicked his tongue. “Must I order you? It was a hard day and you're clearly exhausted.”
“The monster - ”
“- Isn’t going to be moving in this weather,” Ziyin said firmly. “And even if it did, we couldn’t follow it. Better to be well-rested now, before we set out again.”
Well, true enough. Ai Chang nodded, adjusted his posture to stay upright, and let himself drift.
He didn’t know how long it had been since he fell asleep. He wasn’t even entirely sure what had woken him at first. Ziyin was breathing steadily and unhurriedly above him, so it wasn’t his turn to keep watch and nothing urgent was going on. The talisman was still going strong - there wasn’t so much as a stray breeze on his face. He was warm and there was a comforting weight around his shoulders. At some point he’d leaned over, and his head was pillowed on something soft.
Then he realized what he was lying on, and what the weight on his shoulders was, and what had woken him, and stiffened. It was a reflexive movement that he immediately shut down, but Ziyin noticed anyway. How could he not, when his arm was around Ai Chang’s shoulders, keeping him tucked against his side, under his own cloak?
“Ai Chang?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
Ai Chang was very still, keeping his body relaxed and his breaths even despite his racing thoughts. He didn’t dare stir.
Ziyin hummed above him, the sound resonating through his chest and Ai Chang’s cheek. He sounded amused. “Dreaming, perhaps,” he said, and tucked the cloak more securely around them both. “I hope it’s a pleasant one.”
And then he kissed him again. Just a brief, light, affectionate press to the top of his head. Naturally and unselfconsciously, as if it were a completely normal and usual thing to do. And then he turned his attention back to the snowy forest to continue keeping watch. Which left Ai Chang nothing to do but fall slowly back asleep, mind full of the memory of that gentle touch.
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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Day 6: Reach - Harmony and the Alderking, a warlock and their patron
“You sure I can’t convince you to tag along?” the Alderking asked, peering down at them from his saddle.
His mare snorted and tossed her head, the golden threads in her mane glittering in the light.
“Quite sure, my lord.” Harmony patted the horse’s nose, slipped her another sugar cube, and skirted around her to tighten one of the saddle straps. Behind them, one of the Alderking’s daughters sprinted past with her arms full of her sisters’ riding boots.
High King Oberon called many hunts which the Alderking almost never attended, but now and then he felt obligated to accept. Thus the hubbub around them at the moment as the courtiers geared up for the event and the servants scrambled to collect necessary supplies that had been gathering dust. Harmony had declined to accompany the entourage, even if they were technically invited.
The Alderking picked at his sleeve, wrinkling his nose when he found a stray dog hair, probably from one of the blink hounds currently wandering between everybody’s legs. The outfit certainly wasn’t what Harmony would call suitable for hunting, but from what they’d heard, it was really more of a social than a sporting event. And either way, the Alderking wasn’t the hunting type. Someone else would be holding onto his bow and quiver so he could ride unencumbered (if Harmony had been going, it would probably be them), and it was unlikely that it would see any use.
They finished their last little tasks and stepped back, taking in the whole picture. They hummed and tapped their lip. “We get, what, another week with the green?”
“Roughly, yes.” The Alderking stretched out a hand, a flicker of magic dancing around his fingertips. Harmony’s pact mark warmed on their forehead in response. “I can feel my power swelling… the Autumn’s time draws ever nearer. Hence the Hunt attendance, at the transition between our seasons.” He dropped his hand and sighed. “You know, if you came with me, you’d be off the hook for the seasonal coordination.”
“I prefer it to spending that much time around Oberon, to be honest,” they replied. “Don’t worry about me, lord. We’ll have everything red and gold by the time you’re back. And I’m pretty sure the seneschal will be taking over most of the work anyways.”
The Alderking rolled his eyes. “I’ll trust you to wrangle her into taking a break now and again, then.”
“I’ll do my best.”
A horn pealed in the distance, and the dogs started to howl in response. Everybody scrambled to finalize their preparations and mount their own horses. The Alderking frowned in that direction, then held out a hand. “Well, I’ve delayed long enough, and it sounds like Oberon is getting restless. Take care of the place while we’re gone.”
“Of course, my lord.” Harmony bent over the extended hand and gave it a prim kiss. “For luck,” they said, grinning at their patron’s bemused expression. “That you won’t have to run around for too long.”
“Ha! I’ll need it.” One of his daughters called him from the end of the yard. He pulled his hand back and waved in reply. “And that’s my cue.” He smiled warmly down at them. “Fair winds, my dear.”
Harmony bowed. “Fair winds, my lord.”
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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Day 5: Darkness - Siwei and her kits
Deep in the mountainside, there lay a fox. And deep in the warmth of her fur, there lay three tiny, squirming kits.
This far under the earth and behind her defensive wards, the lightning and downpour of the storm beyond did not reach them. Indeed, nothing from the outside had, not for as long as the kits had been alive. As far as they were concerned, the world consisted entirely of the little protective bubble created for them by their mother’s tails.
They were very young, barely two weeks old. Their eyes were only just starting to open. The vixen could see just fine in the near-blackness of her den, but now that her babies were starting to investigate visual cues, she delighted in sending dim motes of foxfire dancing over their heads and watching them bumble after the strange floating lights.
The largest of the kits lunged at a spark that had sallied by his nose, only to overbalance and flop nose-first into his mother’s tails, yelping piteously. The vixen crooned and bent her head to lick his ruffled fur in consolation. His brother, seeing this supposed preferential treatment, started to whine from where he was tucked against her hind leg.
She huffed affectionately and lifted the crying kit by the scruff to join the huddle. He settled happily into her fur, only to accidentally disturb his dozing sister who promptly bit him and drew another wail. The first kit, unwilling to be left out of the ruckus, turned back to crawl onto both of his siblings and start pawing at them.
A few well-placed nose nudges broke the fight up before it could manifest. With their antics disrupted, all three kits were satisfied to curl up against her and doze off.
She kissed them each in turn, taking care to dispense her affections equally, and tucked her tails more securely around them all. As their little breaths evened out and their heartbeats steadied, she lifted her head and turned her ears towards the ever-so-distant rumble of thunder. She was certain that her territory was secure. But one could never be too careful. Not with such precious lives nestled by her heart.
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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Day 4: Lost - the huntress and her father. That's an awful lot of blood, sir 🤔
It was a known fact that the dining hall’s host did not leave the hall. At least, none of the townsfolk had ever seen him go further than the end of the peach orchard, and as such, it caused some consternation when they found the place empty one afternoon, door bolted and fires extinguished.
But for once, the host was paying no heed to what his guests were feeling. He had more urgent matters to attend to.
His fine clothing splattered with filth, his hair in disarray, a bleeding gash down one arm hastily staunched with spiderwebs - he would have alarmed anybody who ran into him that day. However, he was not looking to be found, but to find.
His daughter clung sobbing to his chest as he carried her out of the ravine she'd been trapped in and started the long walk home, murmuring reassurances and comfort the whole way. He did not scold, though he'd previously warned her about wandering too far. He did not scowl, though beneath his makeshift bandage there was a gleam of bone. He just held and soothed her, and the corpse of the creature that had been menacing her crumbled to desiccated ashes behind them.
Asked about the incident some months later, he merely smiled and poured the questioner a fresh cup of tea. 
“What’s there to tell? She was lost, she was found, and we stayed home for a few months while everyone recovered. Oh, we're both doing quite well, thank you for your concern. Can I get you some more snacks?"
And if anybody noticed the precipitous decline of monsters in the nearby woods over the next few years, they certainly weren't about to complain.
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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Day 3: Sunrise - the huntress and the apprentice
The apprentice was woken by someone shaking her shoulder. She rolled over in her bedroll, grumbling and forcing her eyes open, put out a hand and found dewy grass. The cold startled her mind into motion. Right. Sleeping overnight in the peach orchard. For… some reason that her mind was struggling to recall.
“Why - wha? It's still dark.”
The huntress beamed down at her. “I know, there's not much time left before the sunrise! Better get up quick so we can catch it.”
The huntress laughed, bright and alert, and that did help wake her up a little more. “Come on, sleepyhead! I'll help you into the tree if you need it.”
She did need it. The huntress had to give her a boost to reach the first handhold - they were climbing one of the oldest trees in this orchard, with magnificent spreading branches and plenty of knobs to use as leverage - but in due time they were both securely on the branch, huddled shoulder to shoulder in the morning chill. Peach blossoms drifted around them, shaken loose by the clumsy ascent.
The huntress’s voice hushed. “Look! It's starting.”
The apprentice had seen her share of sunrises, but she was usually already busy or training by then and so rarely had the chance to just sit and… witness.
The soft bleeding of color, suffusing like ink over the dark canvas of the sky. The distant hills, limned in vibrant reds and oranges, intensifying and spreading with every passing heartbeat. And the sudden, blazing brilliance of the sun itself when it finally crested the horizon, chasing the stars away with its searing glimpses of radiance.
At some point she'd grabbed the huntress's hand, though the other girl didn't seem to mind.
“It makes me want to paint,” she finally said, still enraptured.
“I knew you'd like it.” The huntress sounded very pleased with herself.
The apprentice squeezed her hand. “Thank you so very much.”
The huntress hummed happily and pressed a fond kiss to her cheek. “You're so very welcome.”
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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happy valentines day, send these to your crush
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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Day 2: Rain - Hong Qiaohua and Luo Yinhui, the detective and the imperial guard
The embezzling case was wrapping up, the evidence had been handed in, and I was ready to leave. And I was mostly very pleased about that last part.
No matter how many cases I took on for these wealthy, powerful families, I could never be really comfortable in their lacquered halls. I’m a daughter of the farmlands, through and through. But they paid well, and there was good company here.
The “company,” of course, being Yinhui.
She came to pick me up at the end of my last afternoon. I’d been paying a visit to the matriarch of the culprit’s family, wrapping up loose ends and making sure she didn’t hate me too much for getting her grandson arrested, and it had started raining while I was there. Yinhui was waiting in the front courtyard with an umbrella. She held out an arm to pull me under the umbrella as soon as I was in range and set off for my hosts’ manor.
“The grandmother is actually very grateful to you,” she said to me as soon as we were out of earshot. “She just needs to put on a strong front for her family’s sake. She’s worried this will affect their standing in the court. And it probably will.”
“I thought as much,” I grumbled. “I’ll be glad to be out of this mess. It’s never pretty when there’s politics involved. Every case up here is like that, and almost everyone I meet has two faces.”
Yinhui hummed, amused. “I hope I don’t fall into that category.”
“Of course not,” I said, and squeezed her arm. “You have one face, and it’s very nice.”
“Ha! Charmer.”
She dropped me off at the front gate. We both lingered there, unwilling to part quite yet.
Yinhui sighed and dropped her gaze to where my hand was still on her arm. “I’m on patrol in half an hour. I won’t be able to see you go. So I’ll say it now: safe travels, good health, and good fortune.”
“Likewise,” I said softly. “And I’ll write you lots of letters.”
She smiled. “I had no doubt of that. I look forward to it. Until we meet again, Qiaohua.”
I was going to say it back, but then hesitated. Whatever was going on between us was still relatively new. Tender, uncertain. I never really knew what the right thing to do was. But who knew when I’d be coming back? Travel was expensive. Cases in the imperial court that needed my attention were rare. Her duties kept her confined here.
Yinhui blinked down at me while I stared at her in silence. Her brow furrowed, lips pursing slightly with worry. The rain drummed on the waxed paper overhead. “Qiaohua?”
I gave in. Her cheeks flamed under my palms, her fingers dug into my waist, her lips were warm and chapped and ever so gentle.
There was no need to speak my goodbye. This way... it just felt right.
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 2 months
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Day 1: Almost - Chrysanthemum during his ethically dubious test subject era
Also going to try writing a short bit to go with the art this week :)
Their first “kiss” was rather one-sided.
They were having a normal conversation, the sort they usually had about safe, simple topics (What's the weather like outside? Any interesting reading material lately? How's the coffee in the break room? How's the food in the cell?), when Phlox was called away for some task or other. She looked genuinely sorry to be interrupted. Chrysanthemum just shrugged. Her shift was almost over, he likely wouldn't have a chance to see her again until tomorrow, and they wouldn't be able to actually talk until her shifts and his testing schedules lined up. Fine, whatever. They were used to this by now. Even so, he leaned his forehead against the window to watch her go.
Except she didn't, because she was looking up at him with a sly little smile, and then she popped onto her tiptoes. It was quick - a press of lips to plexiglass an inch from his, a darkened flush across her cheeks that matched the lipstick stain, his heart hammering and thoughts flailing as he watched her hurry away with a parting wave.
The mark remained until the night shift came through. The janitor scrubbed it off with a few brisk swipes and gave Chrysanthemum a knowing look that he didn’t dignify with a reaction, pretending to be immersed in the newest book delivery. They really might be planning to release him soon; this was an actual mass-market pulp novel rather than the sanitized material they usually gave him. It was awful, seemingly entirely composed of plot holes and unrealistic, sensational drama… and he liked it quite a bit.
It would be something to discuss with Phlox next time. He was looking forward to it.
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 3 months
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official, non mandatory prompts for this years #ockiss!
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 4 months
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♥ Welcome to #ockiss24 ♥
The time has come again, fellow creators! Grab your tools of choice and prepare!
♥ #ockiss24 CALENDAR
from FEBRUARY 12th, 2024 to FEBRUARY 18th, 2024
♥ #ockiss24 MINI FAQ
What is OCkiss? It’s a week long event in which artists, writers and other creators produce content about OCs kissing.
Who can participate in OCkiss? Do you have an OC? Do you want to participate in OCkiss? Congrats, you’re in! Create something and upload it during the event with the tag #ockiss23
My OC doesn’t have a significant other, can I still participate? Of course! OCkiss is not restricted to romantic kisses - they can be friendly, they can be familiar, they can just be kissing their pet!
Can I use other people’s OCs? If they have stated that their OCs are up for grabs for this event, of course! If you’re not sure, please, please always ask the OC’s owner first.
I’m a bit lost and don’t know what to create! You can ask other people for prompts, make your own, or follow the official #ockiss24 prompt list (to be released soon!).
If you have more questions, please refer to the main FAQ!
Remember to tag your OCkiss creations with the #ockiss24 tag! I aim to reblog everybody who participates and I will set up a queue to that effect. Reblog culture has gone down on Tumblr, and I want to change that and promote creators to the best of my ability - it would be awesome if you joined me on this! If you don’t want your work to be reblogged here, please say so in the tags!
*I don’t own OCkiss in any shape or form, and everybody is free to launch their own OCkiss event whenever they want! I’m just aiming to have a more organized place for it, as I have been organizing this event for the last years on my artblog.
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 4 months
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the dreams I remember tend to have relatively coherent plots. This one I wrote down as soon as I woke up, so the imagery has stuck with me
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 4 months
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Late, but, a compilation of last year
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 4 months
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Commission for a friend, featuring characters and a scene from their novel! A very fun piece to work on, I do love a swooshy cape
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 4 months
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Oh shit i forgot i had this document of secunit doodles from [checks file] 2020 apparently. Including the original thumbnail for this one
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 4 months
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half a month after Nanowrimo ends I come bearing art I made half a month before November for a pitch presentation
Left to right and top to bottom we have: main character, her girlfriend, mysterious cop, dumbass, the murderer
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cherrycoloredphoenix · 4 months
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scrapped sketches for this post
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Behold the artistic process
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