#shiloh xoxo
kmnchii · 20 days
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shot to the heart
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Thinking ab if Baxter had been put in XOXO Droplets like he was going to be........ Stupidly pretentious musician. Probably gets along with Everett in a 'we both think we're cool and alternative' way. Similar to Shiloh in terms of popularity due to excessive people pleasing. Passes his classes with seemingly no effort (pisses off Nate). So many possibilities idk.....
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one12345two · 4 months
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valentines day art(LATE)
i love cringe
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xoxo-jb-brainrot · 1 month
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I don’t have a favorite
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gb-patch · 1 year
Gb Lady:
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You get it
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annie-of-the-arts · 3 months
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[begin id: A digital drawing of Cove, meant to have a bit of a painting affect to it. It's also a redraw of the poppy field Step 3 scene. He's laying down, one hand propping up his head and the other holding a poppy. He's looking away, blushing furiously with a giddly smile. Some other notable qualities is that he has curlier and slightly longer hair, glasses, a hooked nose, and is wearing the grey anchor shirt. A bit of his arm goes above a hand-drawn dialouge box, labeled "Cove." The text in it, supposedly said by him, reads "I think you're beautiful too..." followed by a heart. The background of the drawing is the background of the poppy frield scene, but redrawn. End description]
you would not believe your eyes. if ten million angry toads. fought god on my roof as i tried to sleep. sorry not sorry i love being silly.
[reblogs over likes | reblog my art or ill curse your bloodline. reblog now.]
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otomes-and-tears · 8 months
thoughts on shiloh and jb,,,, theyre so fun to think abt as a dynamic no matter how u choose to slice it
THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO TALK ABOUT THIS, ANON!! I want to smooch your forehead. I'm so happy rn.
Okay so-- I like to think that Shiloh initially only agreed to date JB out of self-interest, but eventually developed genuine feelings for her that he's in denial about.
We all know that he chooses to closely associate with people who will offer him something in return, and being with JB is DEFINITELY beneficial for him in the beginning:
First, by going out with her he's setting himself apart from the other jerks. He already acts differently from them, being nice, cheerful and helpful, and dating someone who others would consider desirable would do good for his social standing (and we know that shiloh has a bit of a reputation for being a manwhore, so actually settling down with someone for once would make him appear better) and it would solidify the idea that he's in the jerksquad by mistake and that he's "totally normal you guys" for people who still didn't catch on to him being a snake.
We also know that part of the reason is literally just that JB is the one thing that all the jerks have in common. They're all attracted to her in some capacity, and Shiloh can rub it in their faces in his own way that he "won" by being with her.
I think that JB being physically attractive and fitting his type are just minor points for him. If it was down to just physical attraction he wouldn't have bothered with a romantic relationship. He did, canonically, have a bunch of flings, so we know that for him accept a serious, exclusive relationship meant that there was a lot of incentive for him to do so.
So by all accounts, this is literally the perfect scenario for him: He's with someone attractive and fun, he pisses Pran off, people will see him in a better light and, the best part of all, JB is aware that he has ulterior motives and doesn't care about what they are, just as long he's praising her and being amusing.
There doesn't need to be any actual feelings involved. It's a mutually beneficial relationship that hinges on both parts fulfilling their pre-assigned roles. It's straightforward and uncomplicated, even if their dynamic is kind of fucked up if you think too hard about it.
But... And maybe this is just the hopeless romantic in me, but I do think that Shiloh eventually starts developing actual feelings for JB, and it would be fucking terrible for him.
There's this one post where GB lady talks about Shiloh's loneliness, and I think about it way too much. Even if you choose to see him as someone who just discards and replaces people in his life as soon as they're not of use anymore, he still feels isolated and lonely, because of course he does! Shiloh spent his entire life not letting people in and just following whoever established themselves as a leader, he even admits to it himself in Our life.
Shiloh doesn't have any actual, meaningful relationships because he can't have them and still maintain that same pattern of behaviour that he's used to, and letting go of these old habits would be incredibly difficult for someone whose entire childhood socialization was built onto this foundation.
Like-- I know that is a clichê for people to trace back everything to someone's childhood, but I cannot stress enough how CRUCIAL childhood socialization is for human development. Of course, people can grow and change even if they had difficult childhoods, but you need a good foundation in order to build healthy habits, and while Shiloh did have loving parents who wanted to do good by him, the behaviours and thought patterns he picked up during his childhood are still things we can see he struggles with throughout his life.
Building long-lasting connections with people means that he needs to allow himself to be vulnerable and genuine, It means that Shiloh needs to let go of the safety of the "boss and sidekick" dynamic that he's used to, and that especially, he would need to let go of his habit of entering relationships with the expectation of leaving them eventually.
I don't think these are things he's incapable of doing, if you choose to believe that he was being genuine with Liz during their conversation in OLBA, but these are things that he has resistance to trying because they have outcomes that are difficult to predict, and Shiloh is as his most comfortable when he's able to read someone and be what they need him to be or manipulate them into giving to him what he wants. He thrives on predictability and control.
I believe that actually falling in love with JB would be something he'd be in denial about for a long time. I think it would be hard for him to rationalise having actual, genuine feelings for someone after he spent an entire life avoiding them, and it would be even harder for him to deal with the very real possibility of this relationship having an expiration date, or, even worse, him wanting to be with her past her usefulness.
And it's not like he has anyone to talk to about these things, or that JB would even believe him if he admitted to actually liking her. I do think that Shiloh is the kind of person who would try to bury these feelings inside as much as possible to try and regain some sense of normalcy and you'd never be able to tell, bc he's just acting like normal.
By the prom scene, I think he actually likes her. I think he purposefully takes advantage of the fact that she doesn't take anything he says seriously to say things he actually means. I think him opening up about his manipulation tactics goes beyond him just wanting to manipulate her further (though I do think that keeping her interested enough she doesn't want to break up is a good motivator for him to keep on manipulating her too) and is also Shiloh's way of testing her boundaries and just how much she's willing to put up with if he starts being honest with her.
I don't think he knows whether or not to break up with her by graduation. She's asking him, but he doesn't know what to answer. Being with her beyond high school and putting effort into staying with JB long-distance doesn't really benefit Shiloh like it did when they were both in high school, and staying with JB long-term would mean that at some point he'd have to look deep inside and ask himself if he's willing to change.
And yeah, he's lonely, and he loves JB, but is that worth giving up everything you know?
Buuut if you want my honest opinion, which I'm guessing you do because you read through this mountain of text, I like to think that him allowing Liz back into his life is a good sign. It, at the very least, means that he is willing to maintain one relationship and that he's willing to be at least somewhat honest with someone. That's already miles better from where he was when Xoxo Droplets started.
By the way-- if you agree or disagree with anything I said here I'd LOVE to hear people's takes on this topic! I love talking about them!
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sheynchankawaiiuwu · 7 months
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I hate how Shiloh acts in the DLC(I've never played it but I read the wiki) but happy birthday to him ig
@gbpatchupdates happy birthday to Shiloh!
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j-nightingalesb1tch · 2 months
it's funny how each member of the xoxo droplets gang has an "enemy" but it just feels like they forced pran and shiloh to be enemies as it's only mentioned once or twice and just doesn't make as much sense as the rest of them.
also it makes me laugh how everett is basically the most hated one in the group and ends up being everyone's enemy despite jeremy being his TRUE enemy. i genuinely think he complains about shiloh just as much as he does jeremy.
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oluever · 8 months
vampire shiloh fields??? i think yes
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i love him sm grgrggrgr
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peachiseas · 1 year
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photodump of gb patch games meme bullshit i made (1/?)
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covehearted · 9 months
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nO!! I don't like Shiloh!! I knocked him in OLBA!!!! I'm playing this for Jeremy don't REDEEM HIM TO ME
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Oh nooooo I dropped a cute moment of Jeremy talking about JB that everyone should appreciate oh noooo
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Uh-Oh I did it again this is so unfortunate omg
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one12345two · 8 months
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things i did in discord
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thatlittledandere · 8 months
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Have an XOD Evening I'm so good at jokes
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gb-patch · 2 years
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I feel this more and more after every Shiloh post
Accurate 😔
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