#skirk please just show up already
blood-orange-juice · 8 months
can we please talk about childe's trauma whale
like why is he using the very thing that scares him the most as his signature attack
is it a Childe thing (this is exactly the kind of fucked up beauty this insane man appreciates)? or a whale thing (he's possessed)?
also he's planning to kill it, judging by his profile voicelines
but then he doesn't really draw a distinction between things he likes and things he wants to kill, so that doesn't give us much
also more than anything I want that whale to be something twistedly beautiful
not evil, not a mindless apocalyptic beast. something pure, just not at the right place
let them be mirrors of each other
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bear-wife · 6 months
Idk maybe I’m the only one but unpopular opinion: Fontaine is kinda ass
I’d like to preface this with: I love the exploration, after like 3 fucking updates of desert the underwater exploration was a breath of fresh air. Also seeing (virtual) grass again!!!!!! The enemies weren’t bad either, kinda sad seeing tainted hydro eidolons after the event but they’re fun to fight.
My problem is with Fontaine’s archon quest(s) plus Fontaine in general.
First: the justice system, maybe I’m taking this too seriously but it’s just bad world building like they kinda were just accusing people with zero evidence/assumptions and the trials were basically turned into a show??? Plus the people’s general opinion contributed to the sentencing even though they didn’t have all the facts. Also just the blind faith in the oratrice really pissed me off, like it’s a machine and no one even questioned if it was possibly tampered with or even checked??? I understand that the public trials are public bc focalors was stockpiling that energy stuff but the entire thing just feels like a macguffin. Also I hate prophecy storylines ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fortress of Meropide: honestly very boring, there really was no reason for traveler to be there other than to continue the plot. The last bit where before wriothesley reveals the big ship and he asks you to put the evidence together is so stupid bc Paimon literally just recaps all of it after you ‘put it together’ like what was the point then??? Just wasting my time. We don’t even get to see Childe or know wtf happened with him!!
Masquerade of the Guilty: just a lot of yammering and rehashing stuff we already knew or stuff that was easily predictable, sliver/melus death was obvious, already knew/predicted fontainians were oceanids, skirk reveal was disappointing; why they made her look like a teenager beats me plus the unoriginality of her design kinda ruined my excitement for her (someone was definitely playing hsr before putting her together) don’t get me wrong some of her design is cool, I like her hair and the geometric leg stuff she’s got going on is awesome but please hoyoverse stop giving us adults in child bodies. I did like that we find out more about the gnosis/gnoses/gnosi(?) and some hints at abyss/gold/khaenriah but having to slog thru the quests just to get a little tidbit of info was ahhhh
Overall the archon quests disappointed me and it’s sucks bc hoyoverse really raised my expectations with sumeru’s archon quest (which was amazing) but tbh the Fontaine world quests are pretty good
The Fontaine research institute quest is silly and fun(and really shows how incompetent Fontaine is((they managed to blow up the same place twice lmao)). Mamere’s quest + unfinished comedy(not my fav and I do have some things to say about it but ultimately I love caterpillar) + narzissenkreuz ordo is such a journey and it gives a little bit of everything: exploration, lore etc.
Anyways rant over, sorry for grammar and what not. Also this is just my opinion!! I do not care if you disagree with me bc it is just a game!!! I love genshin impact just hopefully they do something different with Natlan bc idk if I can sit thru another looooong string of quests like that.
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descensionstar · 6 months
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i uh need some time to process everything that just happened. naturally, Lumine's canon point will be shifting to post-Fontaine Archon Quest but this won't be until the group's policy about new content week-long requirement passes. so even though i fully intend for her to participate in the upcoming event, nothing will be written up for it until wednesday when she can move forward.
add Furina's character story once it's been done because. yeah. it's midnight and don't have much faith anything will sink in. some relevant notes about what this means for Lumine in the immediate future, but for those who play, please don't read below unless you're finished the Archon Quest as these go as far as the very last conversation of the story.
✧ as per in-game developments, Lumine will only hold onto Childe's Vision until the canon point jump, giving she passed it onto Arlecchino to return to him.
✧ now that everything's smoothed out, her relationship with Lyney, Lynette and Freminet will be just like any other companion met along the way. though the Fatui's ambitions are dubious, Lumine's encounters with Childe and working alongside the House of the Hearth have reminded her that there's a reason behind what they're doing, and though she doesn't know what it is, she's more open-minded to dialogue rather than flat-out denouncing them.
✧ frankly, she harbours guilt over inadvertently playing a pivotal part in the fulfilment of Fontaine's prophecy. considering everything had been done in effort to thwart it, only to play a designed part, she's feeling some doubt about the fact she and Aether are on opposing sides, when he harbours a far deeper understanding of the world and Dain himself told her to decide what side she's on. is she playing into the hands of Celestia? what if she unwittingly instigates more crises or cost people their lives as a result of her actions? like the Fatui, Aether has his reasons, and they might be ones she'd understand if she knew. even if, ultimately, the Fontaine crisis was resolved, there was considerable loss of life and, already sensitive to mortality, Lumine can't just let that go, in fact, feels some responsibility, not unlike feeling she failed Dunyarzad during Sumeru's story.
✧ she's aware of the Gnoses' true nature, the remains of the Third Descender, and the horrific implications of that reality, thanks to the information from Neuvillette and Skirk. on the surface, she won't let the weight of this show — as much as she's seen how self-destructive carrying on and ignoring one's own pain can be through Furina, it was powering forward that let the one entrusted with Fontaine's survival succeed and Lumine won't allow herself to buckle under what is immeasurably smaller by comparison. Aether, Furina and the other Archons have suffered for centuries — if she cracks, she considers it a betrayal of their resolutions and faith in her. but that's not to say she isn't haunted.
there's probably more that's pertinent to put but. midnight. brain mush. send help. aether can you just come here so we can hug for a minute i miss you
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beidousbunny · 3 years
Talking about Childe without ridiculous comparisons? Yes please, no-one seems to ever do that.
Personally I find him very interesting as a character, and look forward to his development as the story progresses.
There's also depth to his character that may not be that obvious if you don't think about his story and the little details here and there.
For example the archon quest made him seem like just another villain, and nothing more, but his story quest and character stories showing this new side to him really make things interesting. Other than his huge soft spot for his family, Teucer's comment about how Childe had told them he'd leave his job to travel with us if he could, and his distaste towards the Fatui and their ways that surfaces in his character story and voicelines makes me think that it wouldn't be impossible for him to abandon the Fatui and switch sides at some point. Whose side? That is still a question that is impossible to answer at this point. If the situation in Teyvat escalates in a way that makes it a possibility, then the Traveler, perhaps? Or extending the Traveler idea, the other six nations? If the chance presents itself, maybe even the Abyss?
Or maybe something stirs up things among the people of the seven nations, making them turn against their gods in the future?
I could see that happening with Inazuma, because at least in my eyes the situation with Baal seems to be slowly progressing towards something like what Old Mondstadt had going on with Decarabian. If Inazuma in fact did end up with something like that, it may get the people of the other nations thinking. Some would probably get paranoid that maybe it's just a matter of time their own nation ends up in the same situation, which could easily turn into something bigger if the word spread around. Ultimately, a revolution.
I'm going to note here that in the case where something like this did end up happening, I think Mondstadt would just be chilling, minding their business throughout this due to it being a "godless" nation in the first place
Now I feel like the Abyss thing needs an explanation: Childe works for the Tsaritsa mainly because it is a great chance for him to get stronger, aka (one of) his greatest ambition(s), and to satisfy his thirst for combat. Now what would be the perfect organization for something like that? The Abyss Order. Maybe he somehow ends up meeting the Traveler's sibling and learns of their goal to "engulf the tnrones" it may just be enough to get Childe to their side, ya know, the man who wants to overthrow the gods one day? Not to mention he already kind of has relations with the Abyss, and has had dealings with it previously (the whole thing with Skirk, along with his "Interesting Things" line literally beginning with "I once ventured deep into the abyss") considering that, it'll probably be surprisingly easy for him to actually join the Abyss Order, compared to pretty much anyone else.
It is also clear that he does not like it when innocent bystanders get hurt by his actions, and if I've interpreted things correctly, when it comes to fighting, he specifically enjoys the battle itself, perhaps for the adrenaline rush, and his goal is never to kill the opponent unless he is ordered to do so. Even then he does not like the fact that he has to kill a person, but orders are orders.
I got a bit carried away with the speculation and ideas there, sorry about that😅
In any case, Childe is a very interesting character with surprising depth to him, and pretty much anything can happen with him as the main story goes on.
but i agree i really like how incredibly complex he is wowow
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yawgmothswin · 3 years
We’re Back!!!
With the release of Time Spiral Remastered, I figured it as a good opportunity to revive my favorite cube.
I’ve decided to expand things to a full 360. This cube was originally built to be drafted by 6 people. I kept the total below 360 so we’d always have more than half the cube in the pool. With this update I wanted to be able to support 8-person pods (or 2x 4p). As a result it does dilute the deck, so I've gone a little deeper on some archetypes and also raised the overall power level to something a little closer to Constructed Vintage.
There’s been some turmoil that has pushed me away from MtG, but MtG Arena got under my skin and I've got the sickness again. I’m hoping to really get things going when the apocalypse is over.
To start with, here is the last condition the VCC was in when I stepped away: https://www.cubetutor.com/cubeblog/23458
From here I’ve added quite a large number of newer cards, strategies, and otherwise powerful choices that were originally removed. As it stands I still need 30 cuts, but figured I’d give anyone still listening a taste of where things are headed. I’ll be using a new link for the sake of preservation of the final state of the first VCC.
Here is where you will now find the most up to date list: https://www.cubetutor.com/cubeblog/177577
Problems moving forward:  Storm: is there enough support? It was easier to pull a storm deck together with the smaller card pool since the best cards were pretty narrow and the smaller number meant you were sure to get some of what you needed. I don’t want it to get short changed and I also can’t let the archetype fall apart as I feel it is an essential facet of this style of cube. 
Archetypes: are some of these stale? They’re meant to show off the history of Magic’s oldest formats but are there more in testing things I can be doing than hate bears and Dark Depths? Second Sunrise could be spicy with the already heavy focus on artifacts but that would require a lot of retooling. 
1-drop mana dorks: Should there be more? I limited this number to avoid green being perceived as being deeper than it is. Since this is a 4x cube something like 4x Birds of Paradise is an extremely high pick. Is this lack of 1-drop interaction negatively impacting green based decks? I’m hoping allosaurus Shepherd can help, but is that enough?
Here are the additions. I’ve only made a couple cuts so far:
Allosaurus Shepherd Ancestral Vision Archon of Emeria Basking Rootwalla Cavern of Souls Conspicuous Snoop Cranial Plating Crop Rotation Crystalline Giant Demonic Consultation Dreadhorde Arcanist Emry, Lurker of the Loch Flickerwisp Force of Negation Force of Vigor Garruk Wildspeaker Goblin Cratermaker Goblin Engineer Goblin Lackey Goblin Recruiter Golos, Tireless Pilgrim Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis Hollow One Hullbreacher Hypergenesis Krovikan Horror Lavinia, Azorius Renegade Living End Luminarch Aspirant Manifold Key Mother of Runes Mystic Forge Mystic Sanctuary Narset, Parter of Veils Oko, Thief of Crowns Once Upon a Time Opposition Agent Pact of Negation Palace Jailer Paradox Engine Paradoxical Outcome Prismatic Omen Prized Amalgam Remand Repeal Restore Balance Scapeshift Shambling Shell Silence Skirk Prospector Spell Queller Stonecoil Serpent Survival of the Fittest Thalia, Heretic Cathar Torch Courier Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger Underworld Breach Urza, Lord High Artificer Vengevine Wheel of Fate Wrenn and Six Thassa's Oracle Valki, God of Lies // Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor Simian Spirit Guide Birgi, God of Storytelling // Harnfel, Horn of Bounty Summoner's Pact Inventors' Fair Chief of the Foundry Foundry Inspector Steel Overseer Vesuva
-Notion Thief got the boot since Hullbreacher is usually just better and easier to cast.
Some notable additions: Goblins. Red has felt pretty lackluster. I avoided goblins because they are too linear to draft (in the way Elves was). With the increase in overall power level and the dilution of the card pool I think this is less a problem. It’s also allowed me to tighten my Human and Eldrazi tribes (thereby putting Cavern of Souls back on the table). Since I still need cuts this will be cut back, but I wanted to be as inclusive as possible for the first new update.
Green is also a tricky thing for a cube like this. In one of my final updates to the first version I focused on a Miracle Gro strategy, which I think is an excellent option. Since many decks are bizarre frankensteins of Vintage archetypes a pillar like miracle gro has a lot of incidental depth even if you’re not building a Gro deck. That said, every deck needs some way to play unfair in Vintage. Greens latest toys are a heavier focus on land based strategies as well as some mana cheating with cards like Hypergenesis.
Many archetypes have additions for them in this update that may raise eyebrows. I’ve had to add additional depth to some archetypes (take Dredge as an example) in order to keep draft consistency up. Shambling Shell absolutely does not add anything new or exciting to the draft, but a 4-person draft has only half the cube in rotation at any time now. It is essential to all supported archetypes that they have some level of consistency. All that said, shambling shell specifically may still get cut but it illustrates the point. I’ve also bumped up Ravager Shops support.
I’m currently working through cuts, but it’s of course challenging to know what’s what when testing is out of the question. I’m also concerned that there are some options or strategies that I’ve missed as I haven’t paid much attention over the last 3 years or so. Next updates will include the cuts, some updates on the physical copy, and any additional ideas that come to me between now and those 30 cuts. I’ll probably do the cuts in waves, trimming 10 or so each time after some sealed and bot drafts. Unfortunately the bots are not useful since they can’t follow the 4x gimmick, but should still give me a decent feeling.
Feel free to draft it on cube tutor, but please remember to draft it with awareness of the 4x unrestricted cards vs 1x restricted card gimmick. While this cube absolutely can be (and often is) drafted as a normal 1x cube, the intended experience is 4x copies and 60 card decks.
Have at it!
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