#so I’ve got no clue how to get dashi
s1ck-b1tch-2 · 11 months
There’s so many amazing soups out there and I want all of them in my mouth now
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bigherosixfeels · 7 years
It Still Hurts
Fandom: Big Hero 6
Rating: K+ (dealing with death/death mentions/night terror/blood mention/car accident)
Characters: Tadashi Hamada and Hiro Hamada
Word Count: 1,540
Summary: Tadashi has a horrific night terror of his parents’ death and Hiro tries his best to comfort him (based on a headcanon of mine).
It didn’t seem to matter how long time had passed. Despite it being merely six years after the death of his parents, Tadashi was still affected by it. Of course, those nights of silently crying himself to sleep, desperately wishing to see them just one last time were long over with. Still, the elder Hamada had his moments where he thought about his late parents. At the very most, a heavy ache would waver in his chest cavity or a temporary lump made its way into his throat. Usually, a simple hug or change of scenery was enough to pull him out of his blues and he’d be fine afterwards.
Dreams, however, had a much bigger impact on him.
There had always been this bittersweet feeling that came about when he dreamt of his parents. On the one side, he was able to see them again. Yet, waking up to the realization that what happened wasn’t real always hit hard. The people he saw looked, sounded and even felt like his mom and dad. Though once he woke up, he knew who he saw were only figments of his imagination. Nonetheless, he liked having dreams involving them. It was the only way he could truly interact with them.
The only times Tadashi disliked these dreams were when they turned into nightmares. What could start off as a normal dream would quickly turn into calling out for his mom and dad. He’d reach his arms out and try to run, but wouldn’t be able to move. They’d get further away until both were thoroughly out of sight. Sometimes, he wouldn’t even see his parents. Sometimes, he’d be standing on a street and witness a car crash from a distance. He never had to see who was inside the vehicle; Tadashi knew just by the car that it was his parents in that collision.
Thankfully, he didn’t have these nightmares often. Maybe a couple times a year at most, but that didn’t make it any easier on him. These nightmares always resulted in Tadashi flinging his body forward, breathing heavily and sweat dripping from his hairline. After a minute or so of trying to collect his scrambled thoughts, he would be able to slowly assure himself of it simply being a bad dream. He would tell himself to take deep breaths and remind himself that, yes his parents were still gone, but the day of their deaths were long ago.
Checking on Hiro was his sense of comfort. He’d always be grateful that his reactions post-waking up didn’t stir Hiro awake as well. His little brother had always been a heavy sleeper. Of course, he wasn’t going to ever wake his sibling up because of his own dreams. Sure, Hiro had always come to him due to a nightmare, but Tadashi was convinced he didn’t need to do the same thing.
Hiro needed all the sleep he could get. Besides, seeing him sleeping soundly was enough to make him feel better and he’d be able to fall asleep not too long after.
As Tadashi sat in the backseat of a moving car, he contently stared out the window, listening to the sound of familiar laughter. He paid no attention to the conversation his parents were having, but rather enjoyed hearing the cheer in their tones. Everything felt at peace.
All it took was a sudden, powerful force to have the family of four spinning.
Tadashi drew in shaky breaths as he tried to register what was going on. What once was lighthearted chuckles quickly turned into blood-curdling screams. He closed his eyes tightly, unable to hold back screams of his own. Once his world stopped moving, his vocal cords gave out. Noiselessness. Curiosity hit the elder boy. He had to make sure everyone else was okay.
Clear, terrifying visuals showed themselves. His parents in lifeless forms. Eyes open, yet empty. Skin cut, bruised and pale. Blood stains continuing to gradually grow. No signs of movement.
Another scream wanted to burst out of Tadashi, but he couldn’t make it come out. Panic started to build inside of him with each second that passed by. Although he didn’t want to believe it, he knew the worst had happened to his parents. Instantly, they both had been taken away from him and there was nothing he could have done. He wanted so badly to look away from their now unconscious bodies, but his head couldn’t move and his eyes wouldn’t close. All he could do was sit there as fear and dread built up inside of him.
Finally, he heard sound again.
To his right, he made out a yell-cry that he knew all too well. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that that shriek belonged to Hiro. On instinct, he finally got his head to look away, completely focused on a three-year-old Hiro. The olders’ heart filled with relief upon the sight of his brother not only alive, but with minor injuries at most. Regardless, panic had yet to cease and Hiro’s crying was getting louder. His mind kept yelling his brothers’ name, but his mouth couldn’t open. Why couldn’t he yell anymore? He glanced over at his mom and dad’s bodies; pleading in hope that a miracle would arise. Nothing. Back to Hiro. He was sobbing at an ear-numbing volume. All Tadashi wanted to do was wrap his baby brother in his arms and protect him until someone came to help. Why couldn’t he move?
Bolting upright from a deep sleep, Tadashi let out an intense screech. As it echoed off the walls and caused a now startled Mochi to flee from his side of the room, the teenager began to take in his surroundings. Where am I? What am I doing here? What he had seen moments ago was so realistic to him. Vivid details from his night terror flashed before him. The visual of his parents brought chills up his already shaking form. What happened? How am I here?
Another minute went by and he still couldn’t decipher what was real and what was not. All he knew was that he wasn’t where he was moments before, yet he felt equally as terrified. He couldn’t stop his body from trembling nor his eyes from watering. After his vision started swimming, he became conscious of a feeling he couldn’t quite place.
A small amount of pressure was shaking at his arm. Glancing down, he immediately saw Hiro at his side, staring up at him with concern. He’s not crying anymore. Tadashi, still unsure of what was going on, felt a small, short wave of calm take over. His body continued to tremble and he was now aware of how drenched he was in his own sweat, but seeing his little brother safe helped clear his cloudy mind.
Looking back over at Hiro, he caught the sight of him saying something, but his pounding heart drummed in his ears too loud for him to catch on to what he said. Sucking in a shuddery breath, he exhaled slowly in an attempt to slow his heart rate down.
“‘Dashi, are you okay?!” he heard Hiro ask in a worried tone.
He tried so hard to force a smile and stop the tears that were daring to fall, but he had no control over his emotions. He recalled what he witnessed minutes ago. Was that real or is this real? Tadashi had no clue. He wanted clarity and he wanted it now. What if this was another trick his mind was trying to play on him? Hiro could vanish right before his very eyes and he’d be left more confused than ever.
His lips quivered as he focused on what to say. “C-car accident...m...mom...dad...they...t-they were...they died...y-you…” Warm tears stung on his flushed cheeks. Each breath that he managed came out harder than the last.
While he didn’t explain much, Hiro understood what had happened. He had never seen Tadashi wake up from a nightmare, but he knew he had them. Everyone does from time to time after all. This was an experience the younger boy hadn’t dealt with yet. Never in his nine years of life had he ever seen Tadashi so out of it. And he had never seen Tadashi cry; or at least not like this. There had to be something he could do. He thought back to all the times Tadashi helped him in this situation.
Gently, Hiro shook Tadashi’s arm again. “You want some water?” he offered.
Between his sobs, the older boy heard what Hiro had suggested. While that was extremely tempting, Tadashi decided that wouldn’t be for the best. His body was still shaking far too much for him to hold a cup without dropping it. Water wasn’t going to help him feel better right now. He needed something far more valuable to him.
Using all the physical strength he could muster, he leaned his body forward, quick to wrap his arms around Hiro’s small body in a desperate embrace. Continuing to cry, he placed a hand to the back of his brothers’ head. He felt the softness in his wild hair. From that, a soft smile made its way across Tadashi’s lips.
This was real.
AAAAA I’M REALLY HAPPY WITH HOW THIS TURNED OUT!!!! I told myself I was going on writing hiatus after I finished all my requests and....this happened. But now I’m on writing hiatus for real I swear! I’ve had this headcanon for so long I feel really bad for putting Tadashi through this, but I like the result. I’ve been trying to write less dialogue and more content lately, so I hope that’s been enjoyable. 
I can’t wait to start writing more one-shots based on the new characters in the show!! (less than a month now !!!!!!!!!!!) 
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Of Punch, Cupcakes, and Muffins
by rpb3000 - February 2017
~~ Author's Note: Yes, those cupcakes. Yes, that Pinkamina. No, it's not as bad as you think. Still, general warnings for blood, gore, deus ex macarena, whatever. Read at your own bemusement. - rpb3000 ~~
Berry Punch woke with a start, her head pounding. She struggled to extract herself from the rather cold bed she found herself on, but her limbs seemed to be fighting against her. She blinked hard, trying to clear the haze from both her eyes and her memory. An unfamiliar, cobweb-choked ceiling greeted her, illuminated in a mottled grey from thin motes of light and dust.
"Ugh, who'd I wander home with this time?" she thought aloud, trying to right herself again. She glanced at her hooves. They were securely tied down.. to the legs of a table. A really cold table. "Well this would be kinky if I had half a clue what was going on!" she murmured. "ANYPONY HERE?!" Silence. She took in what she could of her surroundings. Berry had found herself in some sort of old cabin, one that hadn't been used in quite some time if the cobwebs and dust bunnies were any indication. Too bad nopony had thought to light a fire in the hearth. It really was quite chilly.
"If anypony's around, I'd appreciate being allowed to sit up!" Berry called out. As she figured, there was no response. Whatever pony she had wound up with must have stepped out for something. No matter, Berry wasn't notorious throughout the taverns of Equestria for her good looks (ok, not *only* for her good looks). She braced herself and thrust upward to break the restraints. They held. Her head found the table again, hard. The world went black.
\\\\ "...it'll be super duper fun! I Pinkie promise!" Hazy lights and the unmistakable smells of a tavern. Ah yes, the Ol' Tuning Fork. The only place in Ponyville with a permanently out-of-tune radio. Berry wasn't even sure what she was doing here. It was not one of her normal haunts. Their mugs were dirty. "Don't be a party pooper, Berry! Drink up!" Pinkie Pie offered a mug of some decidedly delectable smelling apple cider. Odd, though, her mane was different. Straightened, and darker somehow. Berry reached for the mug... ////
Berry blinked, hard. Dust and cobwebs. Her head hurt even more now. She'd love to massage it, if she only could. Confounding restraints... This game wasn't very fun anymore. They could have at least left her a drink to sip on, or something.
Suddenly, a loud crash from Berry's side. "Rainbow Dash is here to save the day!" announced the athletic pegasus, silhouetted in blindingly bright light from outside. The front door to the cabin had been bucked inward.
"Dashie?! You tied me up here? How... lewd!"
"I.. what... Berry you're... I didn't.. IT'S NOT LIKE I WANT TO SAVE YOU OR ANYTHING!" Rainbow Dash stammered as her eyes adjusted to the dim interior and she discovered Berry's predicament.
"Save me from what? Wait, you didn't do this? Then how'd you know where I was?"
"Princess Twilight has given me this mission and told me that somepony needed rescuing in this cabin. Apparently she left out some rather important information."
"If not you... then who? Blargh, no matter, get these confounded restraints off me!"
"Fine." Dashie flew over to the table and started working on undoing the buckles that were holding Berry hostage.
Meanwhile, a couple of pegasi were walking through the Everfree, one overly buff and the other rather absent-minded. They happened upon a small cabin. "Say Snowflake, you ever notice that before?" the absent-minded one asked.
"The name is Bulk Biceps, Starstruck. I've told you like... at least... uh... what comes after four?  Well anyway, more than one time! Yeah! And I don't think so... Why are we out in the Everfree again?"
"But back in Ponyville they all call you Snowflake. Why don't they call you by your name?"
"You've never met bullies before, have ya'?"
"What's a bully?"
The buff pegasus sighed and looked at the cabin. "No matter, I'll take a peek inside and see what's up."
Bulk Biceps sneaked up to the front door. Well, attempted to sneak, anyway. There's nothing quite like the sight of a pegasus with legs the size of tree trunks attempting to noiselessly tiptoe through underbrush. He splayed himself against the front wall, peering inside through the gap where a front door had once been. As his eyes adjusted, he saw two mares on a table.. and that was enough for him. He skittered back to Starstruck, face the color of an overripe strawberry.
"Well? Anything?" asked Starstruck.
"Nope. Nothing. Nothing at all. Not a single reason to come back here. Ever. Let's, uh, go. That way. Yeah!" Bulk replied, hoping that he wouldn't need to attempt to explain anything else.
"Oh, alright then. If you think there are space berries by the river, then let's go!" Starstruck said happily, and began whistling a melody that was almost recognizable as the Crusaders Go Crusading theme, if only Starstruck could carry a tune.
Rainbow Dash was busying herself attempting to undo Berry's restraints, oblivious to both the curious passers-by and the straight-maned pink pony emerging from a cellar door in the kitchen of the cabin.
"Dashie... what do you think you're doing with my CUPCAKE?!" Pinkamina narrowed her eyes at the cyan pegasus, butcher knife held in her outstretched hoof accusingly.
"Pinkie Pie? What are... this is... I'm not... GROSS!" Rainbow Dash responded, rapidly looking between Berry and Pinkamina. Berry blinked in confusion.
"My name. Is. Pinkamina!" The pink earth pony tackled Rainbow Dash to the floor of the cabin.
"Pinkamina, is it? You been talking to buckets of turnips again?" Rainbow Dash flipped Pinkamina over and attempted to pin her, but the pink one seemed to have an unearthly strength about her. Pinkamina easily slipped out of her grasp.
"Don't you DARE insult Mr. Turnip!" Pinkamina screeched and slashed at Rainbow Dash. The knife cleanly sliced through Dash's wing.
"Sweet Celestia Pinkie, what in the Seven Depths of Tartarus that FUCKING HURTS!" Dash spat, splayed out on the floor clutching her bleeding stump.
"You shouldn't even be here, Dashie. It's not your turn yet." Pinkamina responded coolly, turning towards her prize. "This party's for Berry Punch."
Berry Punch's eyes met those of Pinkamina, and there was no mirth in them. Nothing but cold malice. An oddly serene grin played upon her lips as she pointed the blade at her victim. "Your name came up. Not hers. Yours. It's your turn to be my little cupcake." Pinkamina giggled, and the giggle rose in pitch and fervor into maniacal laughter before she hopped above the restrained form of Berry.
"I'm nopony's buckin' CUPCAKE!" Berry shouted, and punched the crazed pink mare off of her with her free forehoof. She then wasted no time in rapidly attempting to free her other limbs.
"Cupcakes.. NEED to know their PLACE!" Pinkamina rounded back on Berry, spitting blood. She leapt back upon the table and slammed the knife down into Berry's hind leg.
"Is that all you've got, Pink!?" Berry grinned psychotically, before landing another right hook. Pinkamina flew backward across the room, yet rose nearly as quickly as she had fallen. "Oh Berry, we're just getting started!" she cackled, prepping to pounce yet again.
Dash grabbed Pinkamina's legs, wincing through the pain. "Berry... Get out of here! Now!"
Berry was doing her best to undue the last of the restraining belts as Dash fought to stop Pinkamina from gaining the upper hand.
Suddenly, the cabin was filled with a blinding white light accompanied by a tremendous crack. Derpy Hooves hovered in front of the hearth, her yellow mane smoking with a distinct smell of muffins. She was wearing a light blue pleated skirt and electrical charges were sporadically striking outward from her. She pointed a blue scepter with a muffin on top at Pinkamina.
"This is wrong! This is not you! Pinkie loves to see her friends smile. She makes cupcakes FOR them, not baking them INTO cupcakes! That wouldn't even taste good!"
"You know nothing, Derpy Hooves." Pinkamina shot back, fighting to extract herself from Dash's grip.
"You know as much as I do, Pinkie, and this must end. This entire timeline is wrong, and it's time to make it right." Derpy smiled and held the Muffin Scepter aloft, focusing strange magics through the device.
"Banana nut, oatmeal, raisin, poppyseed. I invoke your power in this time of need. Blueberry, chocolate, multi-grain bake. Revert the present and undo this mistake!"
With a faint ringing, the world went black. The last thing anypony smelled was muffins.
Pinkie Pie bounced into the grand library in Twilight's Castle. The Princess of Friendship sat at a desk in the middle of the room, nose buried deep in an ancient-looking book, scrolls of notes pouring out across the desk surface. "Twilight~ I'm he~re!" Pinkie called out in a singsong voice.
"Pinkie.. right.. I wanted to ask you a favor."
"Hey Twilight, why does that book you're reading have Discord's name on it?"
"It's a rather fascinating... what?" Twilight looked at the puzzled pink mare, and then flipped the book that she had been studying for hours over and read the cover. "Spells and Incantations to Liven Up Any Day!" read the title. Then, in much smaller text on the spine, "You're welcome, from Discord". Twilight paused, glanced over her notes, and then sighed. "Pinkie, I will never understand how you always catch the little details that I always miss."
"Well it was right under your nose, silly!" Pinkie said matter-of-factly.
"Quite. Nevermind the favor, I was going to test a spell out on you that I found in there. A personality reversal spell, of sorts. I was curious to find out what effects it would have... but if it's something Discord created ages ago, I don't want to risk what could happen." Twilight sighed again. It was some really interesting magic, regardless of the implications.
"You mean like me vanishing off into some dark basement and pulling names out of one of Rarity's giant hats who I would then trap with a poisoned drink and take back to a creepy cabin in the Everfree to bake into cupcakes? I mean that'd just be silly, they wouldn't even taste good!" Pinkie giggled as if the thought were the funniest joke in the world. Twilight stared, unable to come up with a response to such a strange train of reasoning. Then a rainbow-and-cyan blur crashed into the table.
"Rainbow Dash, what are you doing?!" Twilight exclaimed, scrambling to pick up her notes before the rapidly pooling spilled ink ruined everything.
"Oh hey Twilight, sorry about your desk or whatever, I was kinda in a rush. I was just wondering, if, you know, the NEXT DARING DO BOOK WAS OUT YET?!" Rainbow Dash queried excitedly, shaking herself off and grinning at the perturbed purple unicorn.
"Dash, I've told you that it's not scheduled for another month! Why do you keep asking?"
"Well, you never know if she's had any more adventures in the meantime that she really needed to, like, publish faster. Or something. Heh, yeah... Okay Twilight sorry I'm just kinda really bored and want more... adventure." Dashie griped.
"Well, the friendship map hasn't gone all BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ in a really long time, has it? I know! Let's go make our own adventure! To Ghastly Gorge! No! Froggy Bottom Bog! No! YAKYAKISTAN!" Pinkie yammered in her overly excitable Pinkie way.
"Pinkie Pie... you are so random!" Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash exclaimed together, laughing.
Berry Punch entered the dingy old tavern, the out-of-tune radio in the back playing an out-of-tune rendition of Countess Coloratura's hit "The Spectacle". Magically auto-tuned vocals definitely sounded interesting detuned like that. She meandered over to the bar and took a seat next to a familiar brown earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark and a ridiculously long scarf. "Whoofsies," she nodded at the stallion in greeting.
"Berry, been a while, coordinates got messed up, you know how the TARDIE can be, anyway.. ready for adventure? I've been curious as to the great Yak Horde that apparently nearly toppled the Crystal Empire back before Equestria itself was even founded. Doesn't it just sound.. exciting?"
"Whoofsies I don't care where we go, with you, everything ends up on fire anyway!" Berry laughed, looking forward to whatever zany adventure they might find themselves in next.
Whoof stood up and made for the door. "Well then, allons-y!"
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aerynk13 · 7 years
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I’ve been having a lot of tendinitis/carpel tunnel pain and haven’t been able to play anything shooty or fast paced (ESO or Fallout) but I remembered that Sims only requires the use of a mouse, so I decided to give it a shot and reinstalled Sims 3 as well as Sims 4. I only added in the expansions Seasons, Supernatural (though most times it says it’s not checked), Pets, and Generations (since I’m focused on children). 
Unfortunately I forgot how to take screenshots, so most of them are not present in the beginning, but hopefully you’ll get the idea. I’m really sad I didn’t do separate save files. I decided to try a loose “Legacy Challenge” type thing and created Darien and Deanna to start off the “D” generation. They’re both family oriented with the “Surrounded by Family” ambition, Deanna is a home mom, and Darien is a chef. They moved into one of the cheap starter homes (which I’m sure I’ve used before), but eventually I cut off the top floor and expanded out instead. The base floor of the house is still present, I just built outwards from there. I’m not great at decorating, but I try. They spent a lot of time being pretty poor and upgrading things slowly.
The children were, in order of birth: Denise, Dennis, Danika, Delilah, and Danielle. All of the children got Darien’s purple eyes. Denise got Darien’s black hair, while Dennis, Danika, and Delilah got Deanna’s red hair. SOMEHOW Danielle ended up a blonde. I honestly have no clue how that works. I randomized most of their traits, and I chose Dennis to be my legacy character because I like him the best, and he’s not insane like most of his siblings (Denise is the only normal one).  So yeah, the line continues with Dennis Sendova, on into the “E Generation” and whomever I like best of his children.
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