#so i'll allow myself to be hyped about it! :D
mari-lair · 2 years
Lots of progress have been made on the Red House fic today, so here is a snippet of the next chapter!
“I guess they really are good friends…” Kou thought out loud, bringing Akane’s attention to the kids, who have been watching them without saying a word, a very impressive and unsettling feat for the lively bunch.
“Hum…Akane-kun?” Nene didn’t seem to fully agree with Kou, looking at Akane weirdly “What was that…?”
He would rather not reply, not sure himself, but she was giving him those wide and expectant eyes that made him vaguely uncomfortable and he could feel Teru’s eyes on him as well, burning his back.
“What? The hand holding?” He mocked, really not wanting to drag the most lovey-dovey airhead he knows into his struggles. “Have you never seen friends hold hands before?”
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beevean · 1 year
1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 for Sonic <3
On one hand, thank you so much for asking me about Sonic, it's like everyone forgot about my main fandom :(
On the other... why tho.
the character everyone gets wrong
Shadow, easy. Sonic and Eggman too... and Amy... and Tails... yeah pretty much everyone... but poor Shadow is the unfortunate victim of being hugely popular and hugely misunderstood due to inane takes that spread like wildfire.
Shadow is not an edgy boy (okay his game pushes it). Shadow is not a poow widdle blorbo who only needs to cry. Shadow did not suffer like a dog on the ARK. Shadow is not "Vegeta". Shadow does not monologue about who he is and what he thinks (neither does Sonic btw, coughcoughidwcough). There should be a law that you cannot analyze Shadow's character if you haven't at least read his script in Sonic Battle.
3) screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
How am I supposed to choose????? Have you seen this fandom D: (no, you haven't, lucky you. well i did.)
Among all, I get the urge to stab myself in the spleen every time I read something about Muh Mandates and Sonic Should Be Allowed to Cry and Eggman is Such A Good Dad to Sage. Or the majority of posts gushing about IDW, especially if the topic is Sonic's Principles :^)
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
Sonadow, one of the main reasons it annoys me so much. Although some Sonamy fans push it, and I like that ship.
7) what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Well, I used to dislike Shadow precisely due to his popularity, but nowadays I've warmed up to the guy. He's cool. Just... I don't get the hype.
I guess Surge is a better example. She's very annoying in canon, but what really ruins her is the amount of adoration she garnered. Y'all like her simply for the aesthetic, I checked, because she has a pitiful amount of fanfictions that actual star her as a character. (one of them is mine, and I don't even like her. Just sayin'.)
Oh, and I will never be objective about Sage. Sorry. She's bland and on her own inoffensive, but her association with Eggdad ruined her for me.
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
That ShTH is a bad game >:( it's funny y'all are just mean.
Again, I can't choose. This fandom has just... so many Takes. I guess I'll go with "Shadow was turned into Vegeta", which is... factually untrue, outside of the Boom series.
9) worst part of canon
Can't choose, honestly. Maybe splitting Classic Sonic into a different character, instead of simply keeping him an older design for Sonic. Boy, the discourse that it caused...
12) the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Hmm. To be fair I mostly like popular characters. I'd say that now I like Elise much more than I used to, but then again she's becoming more popular. So... Infinite, maybe? I like the dude, he's both cool and pathetic and I have no idea how he manages to do that. Sick theme too. And he's voiced by Liam O'Brien and his horniness for violence shows :'D
And you know what? Zor. Zor is the funniest of the Deadly Six. He's self aware and that elevates him. Y'all are too mean to the Deadly Six in general, but Zor is the one who deserves it less.
13) worst blorboficiation
Shadow, again. This poor dude just isn't seen for who he is.
15) that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Can't think of anything, because I'm not stupid and I don't go look for fanart :'D I dunno, worst thing I'm seeing recently is Eggdad content.
16) you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Why do you need Sonic and Shadow to be crybabies. Emotions aren't only expressed through tears. Don't blame SEGA for a perfectly normal writing choice. You don't need to shove angst up their asses to fulfill what's essentially your preference.
18) it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Sonegg, except I've been liking it for so long that the shame has simply become resignation. I know why it's a common nOTP and I absolutely respect the people who think it's vomit-inducing, but I will defend it to my grave as being not as bad as commonly thought.
... does being an unironic ShTH enjoyer count, too?
20) part of canon you found tedious or boring
Frontiers. I swear that that story is completely useless, nothing happens except getting beaten over the face with pointless references and Ian Flynn self-sucking over how better he is than Pontaff, no I'm still not over "then I'm wildly inconsistent" :') and while '06's story is better because at least shit happens (until the game erases itself from existence), it's still a dull, boring, confusing mess to sit through, especially in English because they all sound bored out of their skull.
21) part of canon you think is overhyped
Frontiers :') at least, even though I don't like SA2, I can understand why it's so popular. I can even understand why people nowadays are warming up to '06. With the exception of some cute Sonic/Knuckles interactions, I can't find a thing to like about Frontiers' story.
22) your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Some of the endings of ShTH, especially the Dark ones. I think they brim with potential :)
23) ship you've unwillingly come around to
Knuxamy. A friend of mine started shipping it, then I was sucked in. (it helps that Knuckles/Amy in SAd3 kicks ass :D) look, they're cute and they have a fun dynamic going on.
24) topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
shut up. shut your entire fuck up. i am so sick of this. it was never our argument. idw is the plague of the fandom.
25) common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
no. You go and actually listen to Flynn's words. Even he's sick of this discourse. (also, yes he confirms that Shadow comes with many notes, but also dude just. doesn't understand him. "can you hear the fatigue in my voice" my entire ass)
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fairyofagony · 11 months
Chapter I : An Interlude.
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Bidding my warmest greetings for those who visited this little page. ♡_____♡ The name is Sheilyn Miura, known as Sheira. I preferred called by my nickname, so you can call me Shei, Seya, Rara, or Miu for short! I accept to be called anything as long as the nickname you gave me is related to my full name. Pet names are allowed :DD (platonic only) && make sure you tell me first so I know it's not an extreme or the vulgar one. I already on my legal age and I go by any pronouns. If you are too confused about it, you can simply call my name. Anyway, I really appreciate for those who address me with gender-neutral terms! My zodiac is Virgo and I got ISFJ as my MBTI.
Chapter II : Consider The Following Below
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Hey! you don't have to read this carefully and meticulously, I just want to write some infos before you start to punch follow button on my account. Okay.. first thing first, since my account is not labeled to any-type-of twt acc (Fan / Personal / Cyber), that means I will tweet everything in randomly. I mostly talk about my daily life, sometimes loud about my faves, and probably you will see my account appears on your timeline literally very very often when I'm hyping film, drama, anime or manga which I like. As bxb and gxg enthu, I, sometimes retweets a lot of hot spicy fanarts from fanartist that contains NSFW thingy, & maybe talk about Aus. I usually use Bahasa Indonesia and broken English in my day to day life. Uhm, I prefer on TL, but if you want to chit chat with me don't ever hesitate, just hit me up on DM that's totally okay. We can share our thoughts— brainstorming about anything.
Chapter III : Not The Other Highlights of Them
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This is not so important infos, you don't have to read and can skip this section that's okkk! I've took a rest for so long because I'm on my want to disappear arc (kidding) that is as a result of set my life to focus on uni entrance exam & at other times, I would isolate myself, spend the entire day on my private account. Hence, I lost my social ability. . ૮₍"T ᴖ T ₎ა {disappointed_face} Don't worry, I'm not a convokiller. I have the ability to search for a topics, ^___^ especially if we have a common interests! ♡ In any case, I sometimes find myself struggling to interact with people hehe. {pensive_face} Eh! I know you already know life's getting hard day by day, and yeah you don't know what would you have done except cursing in every moment. So do I :D Keep this in mind, I'll try to not show my bad side and spread negativity, I assure you, at the most, I just cursing. I'll treat everyone who want to be my peers with kindness and full of love! 💐🤍 see you, soon—to—be—friend.
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ddarker-dreams · 2 years
Lock, do you listen to music while writing ? If you do, what genre of music do you usually write for HWR ? also if it's ok, can you talk about the six most wealthy family in survosia and the religion :D for oc purpose? Hope you're doing well today Lock !
the can of worms you've opened by asking this omg ... i hope you don't mind what you've gotten yourself into. AHEM . let's see if i can stop myself from rambling. i listen to the nier soundtrack when writing for HWR!! specifically nier replicant/automata's ost <3 gets me hype and in the mindset for writing the series.
okay okay so...
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referring to my scuffed map, let us delve in. there are six provinces, each of which are represented by a noble family, who ultimately report to a king who sits in the capital (srosa). the only exception to this is winthros, the lil sliver, due to their main noble family starting up a rebellion and getting curb stomped by the others families. they lost lots of their land and stature in the process. i have a basic rundown of each of the areas description, i'll put it under the cut for the sake of my follower's sanity.
Ovetta has the most isolationist approach than the other territories. It’s a mountainous and cold region, boasting expansive forests covered in snow year-round. The people there tend to stick closely to tradition and don’t think highly of the monarchy. Soil is devoid of the necessary nutrients to sustain crops, so hunting is a common practice. The usual goods shipped out from Ovetta tend to be animal meat, prized sap from Leafus trees that are native to the region, and lumber. There is more collective civilization in the areas bordering Retheros and Evest. People further north tend to be nomadic, moving from different areas, building and abandoning settlements. The Last Keep is considered sacred ground, the area where Regalia was given to humanity. A family spanning generations — the Quin — guard and maintain this ground, where only high ranking government officials may visit. It is said that this is where the goddesses speak to their people. Ovetta is the area most associated with the goddess Veathias.
Vaxis is considered one of the most revered territories for their contributions to modern medicine. It is governed by the long-lasting Avalor dynasty, the current head of the family being Victor Avalor. Vaxis serves as a hotspot for the scientific field. Numerous cities boast world-renowned universities. It is the second most populated territory after Retheros and considered to hold the second most influence in government affairs. Vaxis holds a science expo every year, titled Vax Grand, where the brightest around the world are invited to display their research. It is the single event that allows foreigners to visit on special visas. Vaxis is the area most associated with the goddess of the same name, Vaxis. (She wasn’t too good with naming stuff and is thought to have named the region after herself). 
Evest falls just short of producing the highest amount of commerce, lagging behind Retheros and Vaxis. It similarly has a high place in the academic world and holds the most historic landmarks. Evest exports large amounts of prized fabrics. The plant native to the region, Wispos, can create fine threads that are largely sought after for their value. These threads can also be used to form strings of instruments, creating a unique, high pitched noise with noticeable vibrato. Evest’s capital, Villa, is an oceanside city. It holds the largest harbor in all of Survosia. Evest is the area most associated with the goddess Aovilla. 
Winthros is a hilly district haunted by the past. The people of Winthros are openly antagonistic towards the other provinces, rooted firmly their disgraced loss in a civil war conflict nearly a century prior. The noble house at the time were forced to surrender much of their land as a consequence for their part in the war. The region has a scattered population, small towns making up for most of it rather than bustling cities. Centuries ago, it flourished under a precious gem rush, far surpassing the other territories in wealth and influence.
Now Winthros is a shadow of what it once was, placing bitterness in many of the inhabitants. 
Winthros is the area most associated with the goddess Onella. 
Camiera has been given nicknames such as “Survosia’s Prized Gem”, and for its natural beauty. The rich culture was birthed in Camiera, a place where the arts thrive like no other. Survosia's oldest theatre can be found there, and is where countless classics are performed. Festivals and parades are common year-round, the most notable festival taking place on the last day of summer. The festival, The Mother’s Blessing, holds cultural significance for all Survosians. It is said that every Survosian, no matter their region of birth, should attend the festival at least once. The people of Camiera are described as friendly and accommodating. Waterfalls are in abundance in this region and hydropower is common as a result. Camiera is the area most associated with the goddess of the same name, Camiera. (She’s a touch vain). 
Retheros is the bustling, industrious, and most populated of the six territories. It serves as a melting pot of sorts, creating its own unique culture from fragments of the other regions. The Royal Palace and Capital all reside inside in Retheros. It is the territory with the most developed urban life, boasting the highest population in Survosia, and putting out billions of Jenny each year. A growing criminal problem serves as a pressing problem for Retheros. Cities like Hiiro, Montel, and Feros boast the highest crime rates in Survosia. Public transportation is widespread and commonplace. Railroads connect every major area in Retheros, making it the easiest place to get around. Retheros is the area most associated with the goddess Surki.
The Religious Lore (basically the survosian's holy text but sparknotes version... yes i wrote a bible for a chrollo x reader fic don't look at me like that)
Yitrositia (Yih-troh-see-truh), an omnipotent being, was a collection of energy and emotions formed into an empathic creature. She desperately longed to fill the world with virtuous beings like herself, lonely beyond all imagining. She feared that one day, formed from her hands, might squabble against one another. So to prevent this, Yitrositia created one daughter from a fragment of her soul, or more specifically, her tears. Tears of joy over the possibility to have someone precious to share her time with. Vaxis (Vah-kshis). To make her a most perfect creation, she transferred Vaxis almost all of her wisdom, and in turn losing much of her own sensibility. Vaxis and Yitrositia were content for some centuries. Vaxis was capable of logical reasoning, and Yitrositia balanced her out with empathy.
Yitrositia, now lacking the same wisdom that she had before, would often entertain the idea of producing more daughters from her soul. Vaxis would remind her of why she had only created one daughter in the first place, saying that should her mother create more, it’s destined for failure. Yitrositia eventually went behind her daughter’s back and created two more children. Camiera (Cah-mee-ah-rah), imbued with Yitrositia’s playfulness. Aovilla (Ah-oh-vee-luh), imbued with Yitrositia’s love. Vaxis expressed the betrayal she felt for her mother going against her wishes, but slowly eased up as she began to appreciate her new siblings.
The three siblings seemed to be in relative harmony, but they began to ask for more from their mother, who was easily swayed by them. She asked each daughter what they wanted their next sibling to be like. Vaxis wanted another reasonable voice, and thus, Onella (Oh-nell-uh) was imbued with logic. Camiera asked for Surki (Sur-kee), imbued with joy. Finally, Aovilla asked for Veathias (Vee-ah-thee-us), imbued with curiosity.
Yitrositia loved her children dearly but had been reduced to a shell of her former self to maintain them. As she had feared initially, the siblings began to bicker amongst one another. They wanted creations of their own to watch over, but could not decide how. Vaxis and Onella believed an iron fist to be the best method of ruling, Aovilla and Surki believed this approach was harsh. They wanted to be friends with their subjects and allow them to prosper on their own. Camiera and Veathias expressed sentiments on both sides. Yitrositia was pained by the sight of her beloved children growing further apart from one another.
The goddesses used the technique in secret that their mother had utilized for their creation. Their abilities were no where near as potent as Yitrositia’s in her prime, and as such, the resulting creations were far more fragile than the goddesses. These creations became known as “improper vessels” or “humans”. Even with their many imperfections in comparison to the divine, the goddesses took to them, and sought to prove their methods of ruling to be superior over the others.
Clashes of opinion and territory became inevitable. Although the goddesses all took their people to different corners of the continent, their self-isolationist approach were not shared by the free willed people. Miniature skirmishes became commonplace. Eventually, human blood was spilled and sunk into the soil, angering the goddesses into action. Thus began a time of war. All the while, Yitrositia remained abandoned and forgotten by the six children she poured everything into creating. With her power too diminished to interfere herself, she instead sought out the sixth strongest families. She offered them a deal — something akin to the power of the gods themselves, but in a way mortals could digest and utilize.
She instructed them to cannibalize her prodigal children’s hearts, which were formed by her tears; the sole source of the god’s miraculous power. They gathered their forces and led a charge against the divine. Overwhelmed, the wayward gods fell victim to their people. Each member of the six families ate the hearts as instructed. Power scourged through their veins, molten as magma, a rush that heightened their abilities and reaction time. As revenge for their people’s betrayal, the gods cursed anyone who would use this ability to experience excruciating pain and disfigurement.
This would be where some branch off in their beliefs — some people think that the goddesses weren’t actually killed, but that the humans who consumed their hearts absorbed the evil brewing within them which came as a result of their amassed power. Then there are those who argue that goddesses went into a long slumber and by the time they awoke, they mellowed out, and decided to peacefully guide the descendants of their original people as reparation for the trouble they caused. Others think that the goddesses permanently perished after having their hearts consumed. Their stories still continue to live on and influence the lives of many believers to this day regardless. 
Six Major Families
House Quin of Ovetta. Their single child: Blase Quin.
House Avalor of Vaxis. Led by Lord Victor Avalor and Lady Dinara Avalor before her death. Their three children, from eldest to youngest: Estella Avalor, [First] Avalor, and Violetta/Ash Avalor.
House Linarie of Evest. Their two children, from eldest to youngest: Lyra Linarie and Mina Linarie.
House Colevine of Winthros. Their single child: Yavatta Colevine. (HWR Reader killed her dad and Estella killed her mom WHOOOOPS)
House Brelanno of Camiera. Their single child: Calder Brelanno.
House Othena of Retheros. Their three children, from eldest to youngest: Zohar Othena, Adar Othena (he got a special mention in the story because the lore of him running off and starting a motorcycle gang made me laugh, and yes, i wrote a short story of HWR Reader talking to him), and Marianna Othena.
to give a basic rundown of these mfs, they all really hate each other, but don't have to interact that often. colevine is a rare case since they're figureheads more than anything, thus they're relatively disposable. hence why HWR Reader was fine with killer lord colevine in the first chapter and her suspicion over him having enough money to host a grand party.
if you managed to get through this ... i applaud you. thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about my worldbuilding.
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tgifthisgirlisfree · 2 years
TGIF (This Girl Is Free) First Friday. Ep 1
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Hey there!
Peace and love to you. I hope this entry finds you well. *Deep inhales followed by a slow exhale before clearing my throat and tapping the metaphoric microphone before me.*
Is this thing on?
So, I've decided to start completely over with this blogging thingy. Besides, It's been years since I've blogged consistently, and soooo much has changed in my life, and I'm sure much has changed for you too, at least I hope so. 😉
For those of you who have absolutely no clue who I am and know nothing about my journey…ALLOW ME TO REINTRODUCE MYSELF.
Before we get started, If you didn't hear Jay-Z's voice reading that line, you might need an urban dictionary to really savor and appreciate this experience with me.
My name is Rahkal Shelton Roberson. I've gone by a few pen names, including Rahkal C. D. Shelton, SistaMom, Rahky, Rahk, Rah-Rah, and Carla D, but you can call me Coach Rahk for our time together.
So, I've thought of a few ways to make my first entry of this new blog engaging but figured I'd simply use it to lay some foundation on who I am. You know, to keep it light. The title of this blog series is TGIF (This Girl Is Free), and that's right, you've guessed it, I'll be releasing new content every Friday.
Since I'll be turning 38 this year, I decided to drop 38 semi-interesting facts about myself to help break the ice and for us to get better acquainted. Yeah, 38 seems like a lot, but you may actually enjoy them. Heck, let's see if I can really come up with 38 things (I'm smirking as I type).
How about this, if you can't stomach or sit through all 38, make sure you at least read the last few lines, so you'll know what's in it for you. Trust. I understand. My attention span is super short, too.
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Newlywed 💍
Team Taurus♉️
Jesus Lover����
Certified Professional Life Coach📝
Published author📚(click here)
I once jumped out of a moving plane at 14k feet in the air😨
I was engaged to someone else 7 months before meeting my husband🥴
I met my husband on FB in a pandemic and married him 11 weeks later🤯
I was born in Chicago 💨
I am an Irish Twin, and my sister and I are the same age for 6 days👯🏾‍♂️
Lived in 7 different states🗺🧳
Proud HBCU alum (Miss Senior, sports reporter, multi-scholarship recipient) Go Tigers 🐯
Proud mentor to GenZers🤝🏾
Clinical depression and anxiety conquer💪🏾
I've been through some deep 💩 and use my 💩 to empower others
I was a mom of 2 for 2 years 👶🏾
Currently, a grandma of 5 (all 3yrs old and under)👵🏿
Raised Jewish🕎
Terrified of mice and rats 🐀
My highest education is a master's degree 🎓
Love to read (self-help, inspo, memoir, and lots of faith base)📖
Avocado is bird poop🤮
Secret desire to play the drums like Quest Love 🥁
Transparent to transform the lives of others👊🏾
My biggest fear is living life too small😶‍🌫️
The thing I hear the most: I'm extremely wise🤓
Most insecure about my spelling and grammar; although I am a published author🤷🏾‍♀️
I was born a crack baby in the 80s💯
Love serving and being a cheerleader/hype woman for others📣
I'm the friend who can figure ANYthing out or knows someone who knows someone 😎
Didn't learn to drive until I was 22🧐
I am a gifted solutionist and strategist👋🏾
I have lucid dreams as if watching in IMAX and my senses are activated while dreaming 💭
Sade is my favorite singer 🎤
I used to want to be a choreographer growing up💃🏾
Inspiring and empowering others is my superpower🦸🏿‍♀️
I once had a colleague arrested by a cop friend as a bad April Fool's joke😫
My brother and I stumbled upon some hooded Klansmen having a meeting while riding our bikes as kids in Mississippi😵‍💫
Okay, I lost count, but I believe I was close to 38 fun facts. Let's get to the good part, what is this blog about and what's in it for you?
This Girl Is Free (TGIF) is a hybrid of relatable conversations, brain dumping, personal development, empowerment, and inspo from the lens of a true millennial sophistiratchet, blood-washed, believing black woman. I'm talking about pretty much everything and breaking all self-imposed, insecure, and people-pleasing restrictions that I'm allowed to keep me fearful, silent and inauthentic for far too long. TGIF!!!!!! I'm talking faith, fearlessness, friendships, fun, favor, forgiveness, freedom, and other stuff.
ALL 👏🏾 of 👏🏾 it.
What I can guarantee is that my transparency will transform you. I'm here to validate your crazy, offer support, sound strategies, and let you know you're not alone. Lastly, I'm here to coach, encourage and inspire you. So, do me a favor and drop a comment/share with your girls if you're RAHKing with me and if you enjoyed episode one.
Follow me on Tiktok & IG @tgifthisgirlisfree
See you soon.
Coach Rahk
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bulleojwo · 3 years
i really like pushing the juyeon agenda over a couple friends who've confessed to bias-ing him and i also wanna push him to a cousin who i feel would prospectively bias him too. then i have these hyping catchphrases like 'you won't regret juyeon! / he's good for you!' and i love it when that really manifests itself in the way they actually fall so hard for him. and i'm there on the sidelines smirking, stroking my invisible beard, and basking in that satisfaction because my mission is working by itself. then i'll be fanning the flame here and there by gathering little details about him hoping they'll come to love him more, only to have myself falling for my own agenda gjdjsjsj but i'd like to say i'm staying on top of things :D allowing my self to crush on him sometimes isn't so bad. it just doesn't have to be obvious is all ^^
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