#so they started to haunt the JLD
skylersprompts · 7 months
DC x DP Prompt *3*
The members of the Justice League Dark have seen many things. But nothing was so dangerous and stupid at the same time, as these laws.
Constantin was the first to hear about them. While he was dealing with more supernatural threats than normal over the last two month. After the last five being he banished - who all have screeched about white monsters who stole him -, he couldn't ignore the pattern.
He didn't get an exact answer, to who this him was, but Zatanna and Captain Marvel also heard some rumors.
After some time, they found out about the Ghost Investigation Ward and... if they didn't do something quickly there would be war. And a war with the dead would be a losing war.
Who ever they took seems to be important to the realm, so they could possibly retaliate any moment.
So while Zatanna, Superman, Aquaman and Green Arrow where discussing these laws with the president, the rest of the Justice League would summon the Ghost King to offer negotiations.
All the magicians had felt when the tyrant Pariah Dark had been dethroned. And it had been like there was fresh air for the very first time. The new king was rumored to be kind and fair, but also fiercely protective. So hopefully he would be open to talk.
They even used a form of summoning that was more of an invitation, so that he could choose not to speak to them. It wouldn't be good to further anger the realms or their king.
While they tried to summon the High King of all the realms, the gentle Tug that they sent his way was answered with a desperate hold.
It was hard to hold the spell with the being clawing metaphorically at the line. But after a far to long time the pressure eased and a rift in reality opened.
A body landed with a dull thud in the middle of the summoning circle.
Everyone in the room has seen something horrific, but even someone as stoic as the bat, seemed to be sick.
In the middle of the watchtower laid a boy, maybe sixteen. His right eye was lifeless, despite the fact that he was looking around. The other one was missing and the eyesocket was bleeding sluggishly in green. His white hair had flecks of green in it. The right hand seemed to be broken, but more concerning was his left hand. Half of his pinkie finger was missing, as was the entirety of his middle finger. The rest of his fingers were without nails. And then there was his left foot... only attached by a thin strap of flesh and muscle. But all of that was nothing in comparison with the Y-shaped wound in his torso.
All of it was so distracting that they at first all missed the crown of ice above his head. The realms had screamed at them to get their king back.
As fast as they could the heros rushed the boy king into the medbay. At least Flash was here, so that they could get everything ready asap.
And Danny?
Danny was finally able to close his eye and drift into unconscious without white, orange or teal suits hovering over him.
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bet-on-me-13 · 2 months
Ghost Zone Breakout Au
So! Danny is missing. Maybe it's a Vivisection AU and he ran away, maybe he got trapped by one of his Rogues, either way, Danny is gone and his Rogues are free to spread across the planet.
Walker in particular has an interesting adventure.
After Danny trashed his Prison and broke Wulf out, people realized that it wasn't as impenetrable as he made it out to be. And what's an army of Immortal Criminals to do when given all the time in the world? They test each and every method they can to break in or to escape.
Danny's actions caused a Domino Effect that lead to Walkers Prison being torn apart from both the inside and the outside. He lost his Territory, his Power, and most of his Guards. So he decided to start again in the Mortal Realm.
And he found the perfect New Haunt.
He's never seen such a sorry Prison in his AfterLife (It's an asylum). Criminals breaking in and out every other week, no prisoner staying for longer than a month at most, and nobody is doing anything to fix it.
He needs to remedy this.
So one night, he and his Army of Ghostly Guards attack the Prison. They Overshadow whatever guards are on Duty, take control of the Prison Systems, and Initiate a Total Lockdown.
Walker then sends out a Message.
"People of the Mortal Realm. I an Warden Walker, the new Head of this here little Prison. We have seen how terrible this sorry excuse for a prison is, and decided to take it upon ourselves to fix it. From now on, we will be the Guards of this Arkham. Send your prisoners here, and they will stay here. Try to break in, and you will never leave. Try to force us out, and you will join our undead Ranks. This is not a Negotiation, this is not a Request, this is an Announcement. If you have a problem with this, then I will be happy for personally meet you. I am in need of new employees after all."
After this message, many tried to stop him, but none were successful. He didn't seem to understand that a Prison is meant to hold Prisoners for a determined amount of Time, not forever. Or that it wasn't a Prison in the first place, it was an Asylum to treat the mentally ill.
The Bats could do anything either. Any time they tried to take back the prison, they were beaten back by the Possessed Guards and Ghostly Guards patrolling the grounds. And they didn't want to hurt the Hostages.
They needed a solution, so they got to digging.
Apparently they weren't the only ones who were dealing with Ghost Related Issues. All across the world, powerful Ghosts were claiming large areas of land as their new Haunts, weaker Ghosts were running Rampant in the spaces in between, and JLD was being run ragged as they tried to help wherever they could.
It was a worldwide issue, and they needed to find the Cause.
After a lengthy investigation, they found that all the Ghosts originally came from one Place. A small town in Illinois where they had been trying to break into the Mortal Realm for years, but they had been stopped by another. A Ghost who protected the Mortal Realm from the powerful Spirits of the Dead.
If they had any hope of containing this threat, they needed his help. They needed to find Phantom.
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DPXDC Prompt: The Speedsters Are Busy
Dan, Dani, and Danny are in a dc universe for vacation and, after going a little insane trying to finish all of the paperwork, think that the speedsters are having friendly brawls instead of stopping crime. So, after observing the rules (man, livings are soo much harder to brawl with, can't they just have haunts like the rest of them? Maybe they should have gone to Fawcett.) they start doing 'crime' and become something called 'rouges' they are having the time of their lives.
Magic Bbeg: comes to earth
Magic Bbeg: stares blankly at the flash
Magic Bbeg: never mind
This happens several times before the JLD is formed and batman asks one of them to look into it. Apparently most speedsters are marked as future advisers to the royal ghost family.
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sonnyaavce · 8 months
“talk to me” x DP x DC au prompt
So the base is that one night a frantic call gets to the watchtower and the big seven plus some JLD members (Superman, GL, Aquaman, Flash, WW , Constantine, CM, MH and Batman) while they are still on a reunion they connect to the call; Batman pics it up and pulls it into speaker and the screen and they all hear what appears to be a jumble of police reports stating that there are eight youngsters being possessed by what appears to be a haunted hand that they used it in a party and that they need the help of any JL members to help these youngsters.
Everyone then, sees what appears to be a white clawed hand reaching out in a shake making everyone freaking out about how human-like the hand looks; Constantine sucks up a breath as he notices that CM is looking at the haunted hand in paled horror when they notice that not only them but MH can feel it reek death magic, a very high-class very dangerous death magic; Batman notices their raw expressions and ask CM and Constantine to clarify their weird reaction and if they seem to know something about the creepy hand.
Constantine then states that the hand might belong to something related to death magic and CM pipes in saying that he feels that the hand is kinda royalty-kind death magic, like the magic of Solomon but more deathly and then they clarify that although it's just a picture they are seeing at the moment; it does feel as if the hand is calling them out (soul to soul).
Superman then calls all the members of JLD (Zatanna, Deadman, Etrigan) get called and they start asking questions about what the hand might belong to until Boston tells them about the missing High King Phantom; telling them about that his body is missing and that the Infinite Realms are in an uproar and want war if the body of their king isn't returned.
And that's how far this plot epiphany works; if anyone want more lore about it, I'm sorry to say that's all I got :v
Edit: I had a pretty fk nightmare about it, so I wrote what I can remember
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