busanbunnie · 5 years
"Not bad, not bad," Taemin comments, lips pulled into a lovely grin that makes it clear he's only playfully playing a role, as he sits on a stool pulled directly in front of Hana's, and gently holds her face in his hand. He loves doing her make-up when he can, obvious in the way his steady lovingly hand applies the last touch before he pulls back and somehow manages to grin even wider at her. "I gave you the, I shall call it 'Moulin Rouge', look." He laughs. "Hope you like it...?" //
@mythvoiced sorry this took like 40 years bb
Just the feeling of his hand holding her face still was enough to make her melt – she loved his hands, they were her biggest weakness and it was only recently that she had admitted it to him and she was sure he was using that useless bit of informational knowledge to his advantage because if she wasn’t sat down right now and he had been so gentle with her, she would have been a puddle on the floor by now. 
She already had green contacts in which made her eyes sparkle and the darkened eye shadow only accentuated it even more, her skin was perfect and as he dabbed the rest of the ruby lipstick upon plump tiers, she gazed at him happily. Her sat with her knees together and her hands softly laid upon her thighs as she relaxed while he pampered her. Every time he leaned forward on his own stool, his legs apart as they pretty much enveloped hers, made her heart skip a bit but she had already gotten in (playful) trouble more times than once for trying to sneak a kiss in.  
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The ruffling of her hair soon after made her giggle before she gave him the best ‘sultry’ look she could muster but she was positive that she probably looked like a complete and utter idiot. Her usual doe like optics so rich and dark now sparkling green which only transformed her face completely and utterly different. Fluttering the fake lashes he had put on her, she soon showed perfectly straight pearly whites, that familiar giggle escaping her once more. “I love it! Do you think I look pretty?”
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tinymute · 5 years
👥 + the late Ms Jamie, if that's okay? :3
Send me 👥 + the name or role of another person in my muse’s life, and I’ll write a description of my muse from that person’s point of view.
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“She was just elbows and knees when I met her. Big, blue eyes, more freckles than stars in the sky and a desperate need to please. She came by when her family moved in holding a tray of cookies and this nervous smile on her face. When I invited her in, she acted like her drawing breath was imposing on me. 
So I sat her down, and I showed her old pictures of me and my late husband. Oh, how her eyes lit up when she saw my old wardrobe, like she had been born in the wrong era. What a darling little thing.”
She paused, love in her dark eyes.
“She would come by every day, eager to hear my old stories. She would help me around the house, doing chores and whatnot, and...she refused to take any money for it. It was like she was escaping something. 
A lot of people would assume that I’d be wary of her. A well off white girl cleaning my home... but no. There is something pure and gentle about that girl. She had plenty of opportunities to rob my old self blind, but she never as much put anything back an inch out of place. What a good girl, she is.
One day, she came by, and that shock of red hair had been colored black...I asked her why she would do such a thing, but she would not answer. One look at her mother told me everything.” 
Ms. Jamie paused and sighed.
“Then, I got sick. The fear in those big baby blues couldn’t escape me. No, she was no good at hiding how bad it hurt. And I told her...baby girl, you can do anything, you don’t need me anymore... but she just cried and cried. She would skip family events to be by my side. The nurses grew to adore this tiny thing. She had nothing to gain from it, either.
How was she to know I had left her nearly everything? She was just a teenager. Lord, if I had known what she was going to go through, if I had lived just a few years more...”
Regret crossed her face. 
“She is so brave. I believe that if she can survive this part of her life, she can do anything. She is smart, sweet, and she is a survivor. It takes so much to be kind in this world. If I could tell her how I proud I am, I would. If I could hug her and fix the collar of her dress one more time, I would give up...everything.” 
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gucnyu-moved · 5 years
@somecrazylads / sc.
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         a soft hum as his eyes focuses on the crossword puzzle in front of him, stuck on a clue, “ a bad habit...grasping openings for any riches, ” he hums softly, “ got any ideas ?? ” he asks his companion, “ it’s SEVEN letters, ” he offers a clue to the LENGTH of the world. maybe this WASN’T the best way to spend time with friends, each of them doing their own things instead of speaking to one another.
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rubiesintherough · 5 years
(( @somecrazylads --- moved from here so its easier to track! ))
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     “ Boy, that’s got to be the mildest response I’ve ever gotten... “     He can’t blame the stranger for that reaction, though.     “ Name’s Howl, nice to meet you. “    An introduction accompanied by the author jutting his hand out for a shake --- along with a wince at that movement --- not that he was really expecting it to be taken. 
    “ I’m bleeding ‘cause, apparently unlike you, a bunch of people have very violent answer to seeing a guy pop in out of thin air.  ------ Oh, no, pretty sure everyone who did this, “   Cue a stiff gesture at his shoulder and general state overall,    “ didn’t make it past 1900. Unless some of them, somehow, figured out the secret of immortality. In which case, I think we’d have bigger problems than me ruining your day off. Oh, sorry for that, by the way. “  
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cchilyoja · 5 years
OOP! Wanna join in: I ADORE YOUR PORTRAYAL! I honestly can't really put it into words, but there's just something about the way you write him that truly brings him to life; his voice is perfect, his demeanour is perfect, his internal monologue is astounding, even after years of not having seen the drama, reading your replies immediately give me his vibes again, brings me back and allows me to recognise him so well, that I believe yours is one of, if not the, best canon portrayals I've ever read
reply to this meme.
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I am shook, I am sooketh, thank you so much, this really honestly means a lot, especially since I adore writing with you and any of your characters, junghoo is so close to my heart so it means so much that people enjoy how I write him, and how I see and portray him. love you loads, let us write all the threads and plots and just continue to do so for a very long time
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wantedformanysins · 5 years
Let me tell you what I do know: I am more than one thing and not all of those things are good. - from Cesare, hope this angsty moron is okay :'3
“You’re too hard on yourself, kid.” Nathan doesn’t look away from the tv as he speaks, doesn’t need to. He knows the kind of people who frequent the bar this late at night, after all, he’s one of them, and to be fair, he was the one who started this. There was always some point between three and five drinks that made him want to talk, strike up some hopefully friendly conversation that he can’t get at his work, and take whatever comes his way. 
“Even if not everything in you is good, you need to focus on what is. For example, I’m a raging alcoholic but,” Nathan turns to look at the other, expression purposeful as he sloshed his drink around for emphasis, “I make a mean banana sundae.” Usually, he’d end it at that because people tend to dislike rambling drunks but beer had unsurprisingly loosened his tongue. “You just gotta find your banana sundae or marry really damn rich and spend all your spouse’s money on covering up your mistakes. Either way, you’re still young, you’ve got potential. I mean, I’d guess you’ve got like, five more years before your knees and then what? Well, I’ll tell you what. Then you’re a bad person with bad knees and that’s it, no way to recover from that. End of the line.” Nathan gave a serious nod like these drunken pearls of wisdom were really something to consider.  To be fair, the kid didn’t look all that interested but it didn’t hurt to dispense them anyways, right? His words may be a bit slurred at the ends but the message was still there. 
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felixculpxx · 5 years
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“Now I need you to listen to me very closely,” Olive held their hands in hers, and her eyes on theirs. “I am trusting you with my life here. Well -- My hair, technically, but it’s kind of my life,” The serious look on her face was very obviously not serious at all. “It’s just applying some dye. The same dye, all over. Super easy. Do you got that?” | @somecrazylads
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niihilistics · 5 years
❛ what , you’re going to kill me? ❜ - ASSASSIN BBYS yknow the plot
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❛ of course I would never kill you … baby ❜ her words are almost something like a purr leaves  those same, familiar dark eyes flash enchantingly at him. it’s a bold statement on her part considering she’s here now with the edge of her serrated blade pressed against the base of his throat, fingers tangled deep into his beautiful hair.  ❛ I just missed you… you were gone for…a week without telling me where you went, that’s not very nice … ❜
but it had given her enough time to think about how she was going to surprise him when he got home. she’d thought of a nice little scavenger hunt to save his home from being blown to bits or even the severed hand of one of his associates who’d been on her list anyway, yet none of it seemed good enough for him. he was a very special boy who deserved something intimate in return. 
so she’d decided to break into his house – well not really break, she’d charmed the landlord with tales about being a long distance girlfriend who was waiting for him to come back and surprise him. they’d been together for 4 long years but she’d been studying abroad! the woman seemed so happy, so in love with the idea of their romance that she’d given her the keys with hardly a question asked and she’d waltzed right in. 
pressing the knife harder against his throat she keeps smiling. it was so good to see him again, wasn’t it? he was still handsome as ever! still so heart achingly beautiful that she wanted to ruin his face so no one else could bare to look at it. ❛ didn’t you miss me too …? ❜
dangerous sentence prompts | status: accepting!!
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gcmerbrc · 5 years
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”My body feels like it’s gonna collapse,” he spoke with amusement in his tone as he looked over at the other male and flopped down on his sofa. He had invited Taemin over to have a guys night--most of Minhwan’s friends were back in Busan and while he did have friends in the big bad city, they weren’t ones he would fully trust. Taemin was pretty much the only one for now. The week at work had exhausted him and while he was happy to be in a managerial role now, it was clearly taking his toll on him. 
Grabbing a couple of bears out of the fridge, he handed on to the other before grabbing his phone. “I’m thinking take out and gaming.” Running his hand through his hair, he looked over at the male before groaning slightly. “I really need a girlfriend or something, Tae...”
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muonset-blog · 5 years
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                     “   no, stop, if you don’t know how to use it then stop messing with it like you do.  i don’t want it to break: it’s already annoying enough as it is while it’s supposedly working.   ”
//   @somecrazylads      ❤ ‘d     for a starter !!  
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busanbunnie · 5 years
Engaged to pompous rich man who treat her with disrespect wasn’t how she planned her life going, especially at such a young age. Sure, she had enough money herself to keep everything afloat but this was arranged and despite her protests, she knew she wasn’t getting out of this one so easily much to her dismay. As they sat the table both his family and hers, she rolled her eyes at all the snobbery--she hated it but that didn’t mean she wasn’t a bit of one herself. Growing up with that lifestyle did tend to rub off on you eventually. Minhwan kicked her under the table to try and focus as he laughed at her husband to be’s jokes and she merely turned away--her eyes focusing on the waiter. 
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As he approached their table, she stuck her nose in the air and tried to show as much disinterest as she possibly could. When the food was placed down, she glanced at it. “You call that food? Where’s the caviar?” 
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seungjecnga · 5 years
@somecrazylads / sc.
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            “ my worst enemy, ” rena looks up at the tall wall, “ HEIGHT, ” she huffs, hands on her hips. it was just an obstacle she was still trying to master, getting up a REALLY tall wall without struggling on getting up to the ledge. “ got any advice for a ROOKIE like me ?? ” she asks, looking to the other.
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redemptioninterlude · 5 years
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Glitz hasn’t really always been Haneul’s thing, has it? No, they’re always been one to discuss matters over coffee and crumbly things, a camera at hand as they throws out causes and world news that Colette’s only had a brief chance to peruse... maybe it’s good for her. Makes her sharper, more aware, of a world out there that’s bigger than what she has and the money that rains from the sky. It’s about PURPOSE and care, it’s everything for a reason, rather than for the hell of it, and it’s inspiring and glorious and a little bit concerning sometimes, because Colette only really’s known fun... but fun won’t get you anywhere, darling, in the cutthroat world of business.
                                 So they meet.
No drinks, no fancy dress - though she almost can’t help it (she’s a BING after all) and there’s a clip in her kitten heels that cross the park that she was asked to meet in, a jacket that’s fresh from Shanghai fashion week - they bury themselves, like friends, within her pockets. “You’re looking happy today!” Cheerful enthusiasm for the hardened look her friend wears, dropping onto the bench by their side as the bag that’s jangled, ever so noisily at her side, is brought to eye level. “Vending machine coffee~ Your  favourite.”
It’s been so long, but Colette’s not one for awkward small talk, elbow propped up against the bend of a knee that she’s tossed over the other, looking at the other with famed directness. It’s a Bing thing too, she supposes. “HONESTLY, it was a hell of a flight, but I couldn’t take not seeing you for a moment longer. Besides. I started investing in this new company and they’re helping me redesign my whole house. Completely zero emissions and green living. I wanted to show you! Or tell me if this is fucking crazy and the whole thing’s a mess. Either way. I missed you and you need to tell me everything that’s going on with you lately.”
a starter for @somecrazylads // haneul
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rubiesintherough · 5 years
FLYNN SOUNDS AWESOME, what was his first day on the ship like? Did he get used to life on a ship easily and does he prefer it to the farm - or not? Did he take anything from home along with him, as a keepsake or anything of the sort? :3c
(( @somecrazylads  thank you!!!!!!  
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Hectic. He got settled in just before they left port, and got themselves into a battle with a rival ship not three hours later… Flynn learned REAL quick how to do things like load a canon, aim, carry powder and shot, and afterwards, how to help patch up the ship and his fellow crew. 
He did settle into it pretty easily after that, though. He started at the lowest rung of the ladder, relegated to doing things like swabbing the deck, fetching things for the captain or first mate… and while it wasn’t his favorite thing ever, he did enjoy it quite a bit. It made him feel like he was an important member of the crew   ( a feeling helped by how welcoming they and the previous captain were toward him ).  He wouldn’t say he prefers it to the farm, though. There is a part of him that misses getting his hands dirty out in the field, or riding a horse, or delivering a calf at 3am.  Okay, maybe less so that last one.   But, he’s weighed the profit he makes on the sea, and can ultimately send back to help support that farmstead, against the merits of him returning home to lend a hand, and it does weigh in favor of the sea. 
He did!  Unfortunately, many items of his have been lost over the years since he’s joined, but there are still three he keeps in a small, locked chest beneath his bed: a rosary  ( his mother is a devout Catholic, having taken that religion with her from Ireland when she and her husband first arrived in the colonies. And while Flynn doesn’t share the belief, the beads hold sentimental value to him as they were a gift from her, and a sort of promise on his part that he would come back home safe and return them to her someday, when he decided his pirating days were over ), a sketch of his father, and a lumpy braid of pieces of his sisters’ hair ribbons and his brothers’ bootlaces, which they got together to make for him as a way of reminding him that, no matter how far he sailed, they were with him in spirit and loved him. 
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cchilyoja · 5 years
The past six months passed by in a blur of blue ocean water and calm days. He had made a routine for himself, working six days a week and then just staying in on Sunday, barely managing to make himself something to eat. He had left Seoul as he often did, on a whim, wanting some kind of change and new scenery. Happy to escape the busy crowded streets and never sleeping city. Jeollanam-do was nice, his job easy. Taking tourists island hopping, mostly going from one island to the next on a smaller boat, explaining a few interesting details he had picked up by just a bit of research online and knowing a foreign language.
 It was easy enough that he didn’t really have to think much, preoccupied enough that he’d feel relaxed and away from all the dark thoughts, and easy enough that he didn’t have to try too hard to earn a nice sum of money. Now that he was back in Seoul, he knew where he’d had to go back to first. The restaurant was in the older part of the city, where there were still some places that were family run, resisting change and development that was spreading around them like some kind of virus. The place was run by an older man who had offered him his first job when he came back and welcomed him whenever he’d leave. 
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The business made enough money to stay afloat, still, open simply because the owner couldn’t bear to close down the place he had opened with his wife some forty-five years ago. Jung-hoo walked inside instantly seeing a familiar face. “You’re still working here.” He smiled and patted the other guy on the back as he walked behind the bar and said a few brief greetings to those working in the back, in the kitchen. 
plotted out with @somecrazylads
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killypool-archived · 5 years
🙇 -
for the mumus | @somecrazylads
okay so you KNOW i gotta start off this list with loki because uh DUH. haruko seems interesting! though i’m not sure how easy it would be to make a plot. and also corey just seems adorable sdfsdf. 
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