#sometimes you get a cat that just isnt a lap cat and thats fine
hellenhighwater · 5 months
How does one bring out the lap cat from a terrified tiny?
It's like 90% trust, 10% communication.
The thing about being a tiny frightened animal alone in a world of giants who do not understand what you are saying is that it is understandably terrifying. You, the giant, have to demonstrate that you are safe. You are friendly. You will help. You will learn to hear what the small scared creature is trying to tell you--I am afraid, leave me alone--and respect that. And you will bring food, and touch gently, and scratch the hard to reach places, and play, and be kind-kind-kind, for years, and then, eventually, around you the small scared thing will be safe.
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When I am home and both of us are conscious, Vice is almost always in the same room as me. Even when I'm doing something scary, like vacuuming or wearing shoes. He knows the house is safe and he knows that I am the safest thing in the house, because I have put a lot of work into slowly gaining trust.
And because I am the safest thing, he wants attention and affection and petting, and the last leg has just been getting him to understand that 1. laps are a safe place to be and 2. I want him to be on my lap.
He gets it now.
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radiorenjun · 4 years
Hug. iv
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Pairing: Liu Yangyang x Reader
Genre: Angst, Comedy, Fluff
Warnings: Swearing, Bullying, Attempt Suicide and mentions of self degrading, insecurities, anxiety, negative thoughts, physical injuries.
Looking from the perspective of Liu Yangyang, the boy who bullied a girl to the point she had a scar to burden both of their lives. He lived on with a heavy heart until he finally enters college and bumps into a girl with a familiar scar and the same tattoo on her wrist as his.
Chapters: iii, iv, v
Tags: @wonho-ssi @chuu4you @fullsun-haechanie @you-cant-spell-slay-without-lay @carefreebubble @uglyratlmao @harleyblaze
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Yangyang walked down the halls of his school after he was finally dismissed from his class of the day. It had been a while since he came across his supposed soulmate, even then, his life didn't change much. The college life everyone was looking forward to didn't seem as interesting as Yangyang thought.
It was just like his life in high school. He saw a few of his old classmates around the halls and majoring in music didn't seem so exciting than his brother made it out to be. Speaking of his brother , he and Ten agreed that they both should start opening up more to each other just to spend more quality time.
"What?!" Ten exclaimed in the loudest voice possible. Yangyang flinched at the loud tone after confessing what's been on his mind lately. "You got into contact with Y/N L/N again?! That's great! What happened?! Did you two made up?" Ten slammed his palms on the table in excitement.
The bright smile stretched across his brothers face made the memory of his sad smile with bruised lip from back when he was still young flashed his mind. Yangyang winced at the memory before avoiding his brother's eyes.
Yangyang gulped down a chunk of egg yolk before continuing his story. "Nothing much happened, we just came across each other in the same building. And well..." Yangyang paused briefly, biting his lip anxiously as he tried not to eye the mark on his wrist.
"Well?" Ten waited for Yangyang to continue. Yangyang silently tugged on the sleeves of his baggy black hoodie down to reveal his soulmate tattoo, laying his wrist in the table. Ten's eyes darted from Yangyang's to his wrist in confusion before it all clicked.
"Holy. Fuck." Ten gasped, realizing what it meant. Yangyang shushed his brother loudly, putting a finger to his lips, making the sleeves of his hoodie fall down to hide the mark once again. "Ten, you idiot! Chenle's right down the hall!" Yangyang scolded.
"You two are soulmates?!" Ten squealed. Yangyang put his head in his palms in embarrassment, "dont remind me." he mumbled. "Thats-wow. I literally have no words, right now. So what was her reaction?" Ten asked eagerly.
"Well I- I didn't exactly tell her that. I don't think she knows. I don't want her to." Yangyang shook his head profusely, putting his hands in his hoodie pockets to clench his fists. "What? Why?" Ten whined. "Why? Why?! Oh I don't know, Ten, how would you feel if your soulmate is suddenly the kid who bullied you mercilessly back when you were 12?!" Yangyang snapped.
"Okay I get that part but this is your soulmate we're talking bout. They're supposed to love you no matter what!" Ten reasoned. "You dont understand!" Yangyang barked. "She's better off having no soulmate than having her old bully as a soulmate." Yangyang calmed down slightly.
"You don't understand, Ten. This isnt like your relationship with your soulmate. You didn't bully her when you were kids." Yangyang hissed harshly. Ten winced at the mention of his soulmate who had previously passed away.
"Dont bring her into this, Liu Yangyang." Ten snapped, glaring daggers into Yangyangs eyes. "She's your soulmate whether you both want it or not. Your her soulmate whether you feel guilty or not. When the time comes you two will eventually be together, that's how the world works. Okay, kid?" he lectured.
Yangyang felt the pain in his chest tighten. Sighing in defeat, he knew he couldn't battle with fate itself so he did nothing but nodded. "Okay." Yangyang sighed, unclenching his fists. Ten huffed grabbing his plate and walking towards the sink.
"Im sorry for bringing her into this." Yangyang muttered, he hated the thought of his family getting hurt.
"I was just-"
"It's fine. Just promise me you'll talk when something's bothering you." Ten said without giving his brother a single glance. "Okay, baby Yangyang?" Ten grinned, turning his head to his brother who gave him a frown. "Baby- Im not your baby. I'm going to college next month." Yangyang deadpanned.
Yangyang walked passed the crowded halls filled with students. His eyes focused on the ground to avoid eye contact, it seemed as if his ears had blurred out all the sounds around him. He felt numb. Yangyang decided that he would walk by the park to get some fresh air before picking up Chenle from his tuitions.
Yangyang walked down the park to see the oh-so-familiar siamese cat that he and Ten rescued months ago, which ran away the moment it saw that Ten was carrying a bucket full of water to bathe the dirty thing despite Yangyang's protests.
"Hey, I remember you." Yangyang spoke softly, kneeling down to brush his fingers against the cat's thin yet fluffy fur. The small creature purred in response as Yangyang gently caressed it's head with his thumb, scratching the underside of its chin.
"How are you, buddy?" Yangyang smiled as the cat stared up at him. "What are you doing here you little rascal?" he giggled to himself. He was too indulged in the cat's hypnotising blue eyes to realise that someone had been coming towards him.
The person kneeled down infront of him, the moment their eyes met with Yangyang. The boy jumped back in surprise, "oh, Y/n!" his body tense at the sight of the girl carrying a small package of cat food. Y/n blushed at the sight of Yangyang, waving shyly before kneeling down to squeeze out some food infront of the cat.
Yangyang avoided her gaze when she patted the small cat's head before pulling out a notebook from her saddlebag, quickly writing down on it before showing it to Yangyang. His eyes widened slightly at the gesture, slowly taking the book in his hands to read what's written.
'Is Yumyum yours?' it read.
"Yumyum?" Yangyang asked, furrowing his brows before looking at the cat, not noticing the flushed look that spread all over the girl's face. "Is that what you name him?" he chuckled, caressing his fingers over the small creature's messy fur as he handed over the girl's notebook back to her.
"No, he's not." he replied, a small smile stretching across his face. "My brother and I found him a couple months ago all wounded. When he got better, he just ran away before we could give him a proper bath." Yangyang chuckled at the memory.
Y/n started writing down quickly on her notebook, the sound of lead scratching on the surface of paper filling their ears as they ignored the people around them. Yangyang looked up, getting a moment to look at his soulmate's appearance as she writes.
The sunlight reflecting on her eyes made it seem as if he was seeing stars in the night sky. Her lips formed into a small pout as she wrote, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Her hair framing her face, exposing her features.
He was brought back to his senses when he realised that y/n was staring back at him in concern, her fingers snapping infront of his face. "Sorry, I was daydreaming." he mumbled, attempting to avoid her gaze by looking down at the cat which was finishing it's meal. He could feel heat taking over his face as Y/n brought her notebook to his line of vision, gesturing for him to read it.
'Not to be rude but, what are you doing here?'
Yangyang let out a soft sigh, sitting down on the concrete with his legs crossed after he put down his violin case carefully on the floor along with his bag. "I just wanted to take a walk before I pick up my cousin from school, then this little guy caught my eye" he replied with a smile. Y/n nodded slowly, her mouth forming a silent 'oh'.
"What are you doing here?" Yangyang asked after a pregnant pause, intertwining his fingers together and laying them on his lap as he stared up at her curiously. Y/n bit her lip before writing down in her notebook once again.
'I started coming here every Friday to feed Yumyum. I like to have sometime after a long week of school.'
"Is being an art major that hard?" he asked, feeling his body relax as he continued to have a conversation with her. Everything felt as if it was meant to be. Y/n was surprisingly nice to talk to, even though she was slightly shy to talk to the person she hasn't seen in years.
Yangyang forgot all bout the tension between them. Her hand pushing against his shoulder when he let out a corny joke, his smile widens as she let's out a silent giggle against her palm. It felt so natural talking to her. As if they had been good friends their whole lives. As if he had never hurted her. As if it didn't feel like a punishment nor a curse to be bounded together by a mark.
Yangyang's eyes widened at the thought, his body tensed up immediately. "I-uh" he stuttered, grabbing his violin case and his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. His hand going over to his left sleeve, tugging it over his fingers behind his back as he stood up abruptly.
"I j-just remembered I gotta pick up my cousin." Yangyang stammered nervously, his heart felt heavy again as he avoided y/n's eyes laced with concern. "I-Im sorry. I h-have to go. I-I'll see you around c-campus," he bit his lip, avoiding her gaze before walking away as fast as he could.
He felt his heart ache as memories flooded his head. 'Shit,' he thought. Flashbacks of him pushing and kicking the young girl, his brother's bruised lip and the bullying he endured fluttered through his mind. He grabbed the waterbottle from his backpack, chugging down some water to calm down.
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Yangyang sat alone at the table of the cafeteria like always, mindlessly eating his food. His eyes wandered around the room, gaze falling at the innocent girl with the scar on her lips smiling happily in a table surrounded by her friends.
He sighed at the sight of her, leaning his face against his palm. The sunlight shining on her form making her aura brighter as she let out silent laughs and scribble quickly on her notebook. It felt nice to see the young girl get along with so many people.
Yangyang looked down at his food, playing with food once again. He pondered if this is what life would've been for y/n if he hadn't come into the picture. He wondered if he would be sitting in the same table as her if he hadn't kicked that ball towards her.
Yangyang's thoughts were interrupted when he heard someone pull the two chairs infront of him, two boys filling in the empty spaces. "Liu Yangyang right? The German violin kid who's also in Professor Zhou's class?" the boy who looks as if he came from the sports department.
Yangyang raised his brow, nodding hesitantly. "Great, I'm Guanheng. You can call me Hendery, if you like. This is Xuxi." the other boy introduced, his forearm laying on the table as his other hand pointed towards his friend who waved with a toothy smile in response.
"In case you didn't know. We, too, are also in the same class as you." Hendery smiled. Yangyang nodded in confusion, not seeing why they're sitting infront of him, eyes wandering from theirs to his soulmate's form. "Look, we know that the music project could be done solo and all. But-"
"We need your help!" Xuxi slammed his hands on the table, making Yangyang flinch in shock. Yangyang's eyes widened in surprise before sparing a glance at y/n who was still calmly communicating with her friends.
"What do you need my help for?" Yangyang spoke, raising his brow as he meet their nervous eyes and awkward smiles. "We wanted to do a duet for the project. Then our dumb asses realised we can't play instruments for shit." Xuxi explained.
"So you need my help to be your instrumentals?" Yangyang questioned, raising his brow. "Yes," the two boys said in unison, letting out similar cheeky grins. "Why should I help you guys exactly? I don't even know you guys that well." Yangyang went on.
"He's got a point." Xuxi mumbled to Hendery, only to get shoved by the shoulder. "Come on, we could be your friends! No offense, the table seems empty." Hendery smiled innocently. "I'm good," Yangyang mumbled, going back to his food with his eyes occasionally glancing back at the girl a couple tables away from them.
"Come on, we'll do anything!" Lucas nagged. "Yeah, what you want, Liu? Money? Cheat answers to the exams?" Hendery went on. Yangyang couldn't be bothered to even consider a word they were offering, for he was too busy gazing into the radiant beauty that is his soulmate.
"Yangyang? You listening?" Hendery asked once he realised Yangyang wasn't listening to a word he said. Both boys turned their backs, following Yangyang's eyes to the girl in sight. "Ooh," Xuxi grinned, giving Hendery a knowing smirk.
"Wow man. Didn't know you'd be the type to like someone other than your soulmate but I'll do the job for you-" Xuxi stood up from his chair, causing Yangyang's eyes to widen in panic. He stood up abruptly and reached out to grip his shoulder to stop Xuxi from taking a step further.
He watched as the girls began to stand up and leave the cafeteria. Yangyang let out a sigh of relief before glaring at the two boys, "dont you dare talk to her. I'll join your group, just-" he paused with a click of his tongue. "Just don't talk to her." Yangyang growled, pushing Xuxi's shoulder away before picking up his bag and gripped the case of his violin, leaving without another word.
He jogged out of the cafeteria, ignoring the two boy's loud voices of questioning when to meet up to practice for the project. Yangyang slowed down once he felt like he had gone far enough from the cafeteria, taking small breaths as he walked down the hall.
He stopped when he saw a familiar girl sitting all alone in a table with a pencil hanging on the top of her ears, a ruler in her hand and a piece of paper in their other. Brows furrowed in concentration, tongue slightly stuck out.
Yangyang smiled to himself at the sight of how cute she looked, leaning to get a better look of her expression. But he was soon interuppted by a male stepping into his line of vision, he looked around his age. "Who are you?" the male spoke in a rude tone.
Yangyang took a step back in surprise before stuttering out, "I-I just came here t-to talk to y/n." The male raised a brow in suspicion, frowning as he crossed his arms. "What? Are you like, her friend or something?" he asked.
Yangyang didn't know how to respond. Was he her friend? Or was he still that same bully in her eyes? "I-" he was cut off with a click of the male's tongue. "Thought so," the male then rudely shut the door to his face, leaving a baffled and flustered Yangyang standing in the hallway in confusion.
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Yangyang ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He couldn't get this note right for tomorrow's solo presentation, he took a long sip of his Americano, clearing his throat before starting to play once again.
The sound of his violin echoing through the small room, once again. Yangyang's tired eyes never wandering away from the music sheet displayed before him. His mind concentrated on the notes to realise that a girl had walked into the music room.
The sound of a chair grinding against the tile caused Yangyang to jump back in shock, looking back in relief to see y/n placing the chair back to its original place. "Y/n?" Yangyang raised his brow in confusion. "What are you doing here? Curfew's in half an hour." Yangyang asked.
The girl smiled, quickly writing in her notebook and shoving it to the distressed boy's face.
'I was done with my assignment for today, I was heading back to the dorms to hear the beautiful melody of a violin. What are you still doing here?'
Yangyang bit his lip slightly, smiling up at her shyly. "Same here, I just kept getting these notes wrong. I need to get them done before tomorrow," Yangyang explained, scratching the back of his neck with one hand and pointing at the music sheet displayed with his bow in the other.
Y/n nodded, looking around the music room to observe the instruments around them. Yangyang put his violin back in its case, trying to ease his heart rate as he felt his heartstrings being tugged with every movement the girl made.
His left wrist ached to touch hers, but occupied it with tidying up his things and putting them into his case and bag. "Um, I'm closing up soon. You wanna walk back to the dorms together?" Yangyang asked hesitantly, swinging his bag over his shoulder as his eyes wandered to his feet to avoid eye contact.
Y/n nodded, walking out of the room, clutching her notebook in her hands as she waited for Yangyang to lock up the room and walk down the halls together. There was an awkward tension in the atmosphere around them as they didn't know what to talk bout.
Yangyang gulped internally, putting down his violin case as he closed the door, turning the key twice and ensuring the door is locked. Yangyang didn't notice y/n's eyes wandering curiously down his tall form, how his hair was tussled and messy from his fingers running through it I'm frustration.
How his lips were plump and sucked in between his teeth nervously. His freshly dyed brown hair. The baggy sweater making him look casually aesthetic. Y/n knew it's wrong to be looking at her friend like this, especially if Yangyang had a soulmate.
Speaking of soul mates, y/n's eyes wandered down to Yangyang's wrist. The long sleeves of his sweater barely covering the black ink mark staining the skin of his left wrist. Her eyes widened as she spotted two balloons, similar to the ones on hers.
When Yangyang moved away, y/n look up at his eyes which were filled with nervousness. He coughed lightly to release the awkward tension, "let's go." he mumbled shyly, turning to walk to the direction of the dorms before he was held back by a small hand wrapped around his forearm.
Yangyang's eyes widened as he looked back, looking down at the fingers gripping his white sweater tightly as to not make him leave. His eyes hesitantly looked at her own. Yangyang felt like he was going to melt at the sight of her eyebrows furrowed cutely. "Y/n?"
The hand that was on his forearm went down the his wrist, right below his tattoo. She lifted it up, tugging down the sleeves which made Yangyang's eyes widen. "Wait, no-" he stuttered out, trying to tug his wrist out of her grip before she could see the mark.
Unfortunately, he didn't realise how hard he was pulling. With the sheer amount of force he applied to pulling back his wrist, he made the girl fall forwards to the floor, eliciting a small broken hoarse squeak from the girl. "Oh my God, Y/n," Yangyang gasped out, realising his mistake.
His heart clenched. Once again,that excruciating feeling in his chest appeared. He couldn't make himself move to help you get up and once you do, you were looking at him with such concerned eyes, his guilt increased tenfold.
"I-Im sorry, I have to go" were the last words Yangyang stuttered out before sprinting out of there. Trying to go somewhere to clear his clouded mind, leaving his soulmate standing there in confusion. Yangyang took a deep breath as he barged into his dorm room, not caring the questions his roommates bombarded him as he quickly went to his room.
'Life couldn't get any shittier'
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A/n: hey! This took me so long forgive me for the delay. I'll probably release the next chapter sooner than later so keep an eye out for that. Sorry for those who waited for so long for this lol. I realised its 12:40 AM and I'm on 10% and there's a chance that I have a quiz tomorrow that I have not studied for. Wml
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Sole Ender AU Its the Little Things
It's the little things that made Ryan feel safe with the Fakes. Like how Gavin and Michael always walk on his right side, never his left, so he can always see them. It's how Geoff makes sure that any Heists outdoors are occurring when it doesnt rain. It's how Jack always has an extra umbrella or Eye Patch for him. How Jeremy and Lindsay make sure to never make direct eye contact. Jeremy looks at his mouth, Lindsay watches anywhere and everywhere else.
Those little things always made Ryan feel welcome. Even after they found out about the experiments, the Lab, the Eye. But still, something felt missing, Ryan could never put his finger on it. But he felt, lost still. He didnt realize the Emptiness was caused by something so simple until one night while playing Trivial Pursuit.
"Authors last names? Fuck that! Every last bastard whose ever written a book has a weird ass last name! They could be Hilda Sasquatch or some shit!" Jeremy shouted. Jack laughed and Gavin snorted.
"Jeremy, you wrote a book." Michael reminded him.
"Well Dooley is a funny last name!" Gavin pointed out as Jeremy growled and slapped the Brit on the back of his head.
"Yeah, like Free is any better!" Jack was losing it in the background as the Lads began to bicker and wrestle. Ryan's nose scrunched as his chest tightened and the empty feeling began again.
"What's with the face Rye?" Geoff asked breaking Ryan's stare. His left eye was covered with a glittering purple and blue eye patch Gavin had made out of his Sparkles. It was a fine gift, one that Ryan treasured.
"Its, it's nothing really." Ryan insisted a bit hesitantly. Geoff shook his head.
"Suuuuuurrrre, it's really nothing." Geoff drawled sarcastically. Ryan rolled his eye.
"Your like a security camera." Ryan muttered. "You keep digging and digging."
"Yeah that's not weird at all." Geoff sighed. "But fine, I'll stop. Just remember you Can talk to us."
"I... I know Geoff." Ryan muttered as the fight before them settled. "Just. Not now?"
Geoff nodded and they all turned back to the game. Ryan hoped that he could bury that empty feeling and never touch it again.
It was just a Last Name after all.
Turns out Ryan couldnt avoid the feeling for long. It was another game night a few weeks later. Jack and Geoff were out with Gavin, so Michael, Jeremy and Lindsay insisted Ryan joined them for Mario Party.
"Right so what's got you so fucked?" Michael asked never looking away from the mini game on the screen.
"Oh elegantly put Jones." Jeremy teased. Michael knocked into Jeremy who went tumbling away and Ryan felt the hole in his chest open again.
"I dont know what you mean." Ryan said as Lindsay pressed into him.
"Bullshit you keep wincing at random! Your eye bugging you?" Lindsay asked this time. Ryan shook his head, he felt stupid he just wanted these people to stop caring so much!
"We arent going to stop caring dipshit that isnt how this works." Jeremy said. Great, Ryan thought, he said that out loud.
"Yeah! We're a crew and shit we ain't gonna not care! Somethings bugging you and we want to help!" Lindsay declared throwing her arms around Ryan and pulling him into a hug.
Ryan tensed then mumbled.
"Sorry what was that?" Michael smirked. "Cant hear you through Lindsay dude."
"I dont have a fucking last name alright? It's a small stupid thing but it drives me nuts! I feel even less human!" Ryan shouted, pushing away from Lindsay. Michael and Lindsay began to laugh.
"Dude chill. It's just a name it doesnt mean shit!" Michael wheezed.
"Yeah dude. No need to get your panties in a twist over it." Lindsay added. Ryan growled and silently rose to his feet.
"Ryan?" Jeremy started but with a Vwoop, Ryan teleported away leaving the three others behind. In a cloud of dull sparkles.
Ryan could teleport pretty far. The farthest he ever went in one go was 20 miles. But now he didnt want to go far, just hide. And what better place to hide than one of the safe houses?
It was a small apartment closer to the suburbs of Los Santos, it was nice, if small. It was usually reserved for when someone was on a solo mission and needed to lie low, which meant that Ryan was there most. So he got to decorate.
Back at the Labs he never got to make any space his own. Everything was sterile and empty. He hated to remember the open space and clean white walls and the smell of bleach and chemicals.
Which was why this space was filled with stuff. Sure it was tidy, nothing was rotten or moldy, but Ryan used every space available. If the floor didnt have a rug there was a table or chair. If the tables didn't have Flowers, TVs, knickknacks or something on it there was usually a cup of Diet Coke. It was filled to the brim with bright plants, paintings, photos you name it.
Ryan plopped down on the couch feeling stupid. Why was he so hung up on a name? He had given himself the name Ryan sure, why not a last name?
Ryan knew why, and as that thought rose up he pushed it away. He didnt want any memories of the Labs in his head right now. Now he wanted to just sleep, he wanted to feel less... less stupid and childish.
So Ryan went off to the bedroom and buried himself deep under the covers, like he used to, and blocked out the rest of the world.
Ryan was 13 again and he sat on his cot, swinging his legs absently.
"Why dont I get one?" He heard himself ask. "Why am I only a number?"
"Names are given by family to people. You have no family and you are no longer human. You are far better than that." One of the blurred figures said. The second scoffed.
"Better? It cant even run the most basic excersise without failing ten times. Its isnt anything but a waste." Ryan couldnhear the sneer in the figure's voice as pain shot through every nerve on his body. "Failure doesnt get you a name of any kind. You are a tool, and a broken one at that. Dont forget that."
Ryan woke up with a start. Turning to the clock Ryan cursed. 3 am. He wasnt going back to sleep. Again.
Getting to his feet Ryan didnt bother to change into fresh clothes. He had slept in his jeans why not just use them again? But he grabbed a jacket and went out into the night.
Mount Chilliad loomed in the distance as Ryan walked the dark streets of Los Santos. He could have teleported where he wanted to go, or even driven. But he didnt want to. Walking felt better, it gave agency, he decided where his feet went, no one else.
"Oh Thank Fuck! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Ryan jumped, ready to fight and run from the handlers. When recognition snapped his mind from bad memories.
Standing before him was Jeremy, holding a tiny wiggling bundle of fur. A cat from what Ryan could tell. Jeremy smiled nervously, but relief was evident in the smaller man's eyes.
"Look, uh. Fuck I suck at this shit. Let's go inside yeah? We are near a place I own. Come on." Jeremy ushered Ryan towards a nearby apartment building. Ryan followed wordlessly, but obediently. At the door Jeremy hopped around a little.
"Keys, keys. Uh Hey Rye mind.holding him for a sec?" Jeremy then thrust the cat into Ryan's hands who finally got a good look at the little fur ball.
They were a tiny black kitten, fuzzy and wiggling furiously. What stood out the most was that it was missing a front leg.
The door clicked as.Ryan made eye contact with the little kitten. His chest tightened and his mind whirled as he looked into the kittens little eyes. Then it looked at Ryan's jacket and started burrowing into one of the interior pockets. Ryan felt a purr resonating out of the tiny cat from in his jacket and through his ribs. His chest began to unclench and suddenly he was.aware he was inside a studio apartment.
There were art supplies everywhere. Everything from Yarn and Knitting needles, to paints and canvases to wood sculptures, and musical instruments were strewn about. Jeremy hopped around the room over to a ragged old bed, kicking off his shoes as he went.
"Well, make yourself at home. Dont mind the mess things just get thrown around alot." Jeremy said sheepishly. Ryan picked his way through the room, his eye moving around and soaking up all the little pieces. The space felt lived in not just visited like the safe houses.
"Is this a safe house?" Ryan asked as he sat down on the bed. Jeremy shook his head.
"Nah. It's my apartment. Before I joined the Fakes I lived here. Still try to come back, sometimes you just need your own place you know?" Jeremy explained. There was a tense silence for a few minutes then Jeremy spoke.
"Michael and Lindsay were being a bitch." Ryan tensed ready to run. "No please just, hear me out?"
Ryan froze, suddenly aware he had gotten up to leave. Jeremy had his arm, and the Kitten purred even louder than before. Ryan sank back onto the bed.
"Look. I dont know what your life was like before you joined us but it obviously wasnt even a little bit good. Actually it sounds like it was fucking awful." Ryan laughed dryly.
"That's putting it lightly."
"Yeah no shit. But it's not stupid to feel shit." A pause. " If not having a Last name bugs you why dont you give yourself one?"
"Its not..."
"Not that simple yeah?" Jeremy finished Ryan nodded as the kitten crawled out on Ryan's lap.
"Alright, well. Do you think you can tell me why?" Jeremy asked. Ryan thought, eye down on the kitten as the little guy curled up on his lap without a care.
"Its not the same. It belongs to a family. I cant be a family of one." Ryan insisted and Jeremy shook his head.
"Ok two things. One. Thats a load of horseshit and who ever told you that was dumb as fuck. And two. There is more to it isnt there?" Ryan stayed silent. Running his fingers through the Kitten's fur. Jeremy began to whisper. "You're human, Rye. Just cause someone says you arent doesnt make it true. I know that one."
Ryan froze he didnt expect anyone to pick up on that. The whole Not human but was always somewhere in the back of his mind, eating at him. Jeremy wrapped himself around Ryan hugging him tightly. Ryan shook as he melted into the other man's touch, a few tears spilling out.
"You know. My family abandoned me when I was a teenager. Said I was a monster just cause I kissed both guys and girls. Not exactly dubious experiments but it is dehumanizing all the same. I kept my last name though. I did it as a big old fuck you to them. They died during one of the Fake's heists. Got to watch then burn myself. But the name never connected me to them, a name connects you to who ever you want it to." Jeremy was quiet as he spoke, his voice against Ryan's skin as he pressed into Ryan's neck.
Something was bubbling in his brain, but Ryan had no idea what it was. And right now was not the time to figure that out.
A small Meow pulled the two away from one another. The little kitten was trying to climb up Ryan's jacket between the two. As it scrambled up Jeremy laughed, and Ryan felt a chuckle escape his throat. The kitten then flung itself over Ryan's shoulder, it's one front paw kneading his shoulder blade and purring up a storm.
"I forgot this little guy was here." Jeremy said through a laugh. A pause, then Jeremy smiled softly. "Ya know, I was going to take him to the shelter. Geoff won't let me keep any animals. But I think you should take him."
"You just said-" Ryan began but Jeremy shook his head.
"I'm not allowed any animals. Geoff never said anything about you keeping a pet. And hey! Now you have another family member! You can give him a first name and a Last name of your choice!" Jeremy beamed at Ryan who smiled a little.
The sun rose as the Battle Buddies walked into the penthouse. The morning news was filling the living room, telling the story of several Petstores that had been robbed of supplies in the night.
"And what a coincidence, you both have Pet stuff." Geoff hissed as he sucked back more.coffee.
"Yeah well, Ryan's got a cat now so you gotta have toys and a litterbox to you know?" Jeremy said as he dropped a giant bag of cat food next to the kitchen Island.
"I thought I said no pets!" Geoff shouted, his voice cracking.
"Yeah but only for Jeremy." Ryan pointed out. "Abd Finnieas isnt a pet. He's family."
Geoff paused, Ryan knew the gears were turning. Geoff groaned.
"Ugh! Fine! You can keep the damn cat!" Geoff hissed. "And Finnieas? The hell kind of name is that?"
"Ih his full name is Finnieas Gavallo Haywood thank you." Ryan insisted with an air of dramatics. Jeremy giggled and kept in front of Ryan who held the kitten before him.
"A poud name Haywood! Ancient and divine! Dating all the way back to 4 hours ago!" Jeremy exclaimed. Geoff laughed.
"Alright you dolts get a move on. I'm going to text Jack and let them know you two caused the morning rukus." Geoff said. Jeremy took off down towards Ryan's room, a bag of cat toys in hand. As Ryan went to follow, Geoff got up off the couch. He placed a hand on Ryan's shoulder and gave a lop sided smile.
"Haywood's a good name. You know. I picked Ramsey myself when I built this crew. Jack took Patillo at that time to." Geoff then walked away, pulling out his cellphone and typing.
Finnieas purred as Ryan took in the unspoken message.
A name may seem like a Little Thing, but it holds importance all the same. And sometimes you need to give yourself those Little Things to heal.
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Heartbeats on the Airwaves chapter 5
As always, for @acealex-blueiguana
Cecil had to stay in the hospital for a week and a half, to make sure the wound healed properly and wasn’t infected. He slept a lot because the exhaustion of his job is finally catching up with his over worked body. Carlos spends a good chunk of his free time in Cecil’s room, making small talk, cuddling and exchanging small kisses.
They shared dinner most nights, unless Carlos got called away. Carlos managed to sneak away and picked up Chinese.  Now, Carlos sat cross legged and barefoot at the foot of Cecil’s bed, listening to Cecil go on about how much he hates his brother-in-law. Carlos smiles a little. This man was an absolute dork, but Carlos was completely smitten. He sets his chopsticks down in the container and then sets it aside, pulling Cecil’s feet into his lap, rubbing small counter-clockwise circles around the ankles. Which were quite boney.
“What are we going to do for our first date?” He asked randomly.
Cecil gives noise that was basically a purr and opens his eyes.
“Nothing to fancy. Because a good time isn’t based on how much money you spend.”
“I could cook for you.” Carlos suggests. “Since your birthday is next week.”
“How did you-oh god. Right there!” Cecil groans as Carlos presses his thumb into the arc of Cecil’s foot.
Carlos chuckles. “I read your chart. I also know you have a wheat allergy. And that your middle name is Gershwin.”
“Now hold on- “Cecil keens again, arching his back a little as Carlos begins to rub the lower part of Cecil’s left leg before switching to the right.
“You know so much about me and I hardly know anything about you.”
“Well, my middle name is Fernando, my birthday May 20th and I’m allergic to cats. Which I assume you have because the first time we met you ran into me and then I was sneezing like crazy all day.”
Carlos smiles at the memory but Cecil’s face fell.
“Hey. Don’t worry about it. I take Claritin. Because I can handle it and I would hate to stop seeing you, as we are now dating and all.”
“You’ll have to meet him sometime.”
“What if he hates me?”
“Then it’s not going to work out. I can’t date anyone my cat doesn’t trust.”
Carlos nods. “I can respect that. I hope I’ll make a good impression.”
“I’m sure he’ll love you as much as I do.” Cecil muses before his eyes go wide and one hand clapped over his mouth. “Shit. Sorry. I know it’s still way early and- “He kind of shrinks back a little.
Carlos reaches out, a tad concerned. “Cecil? Are you okay?” He asked softly.
Cecil nods quickly. “I’m alright. Just lost control of my mouth for a moment is all.”
Carlos reaches out and takes his hand, giving a careful and gentle squeeze.
“You meant it?”
Cecil looks up at him. “I do.”
“That’s good. Because I love you too.”
Cecil's mouth dropped open and he was stunned silent. Carlos chuckles again and shifts to his knees, leaning up to kiss Cecil’s lips. Cecil was speechless. Cecil “I talk for a living, so I don’t do shut up” Palmer was silent. It was a bit jarring.
“You’re adorable.” Carlos grins before sitting back down.
“You broke me.”
“I do apologize. But I am a doctor so I’m sure I can fix what I broke.”
“I do believe I’m entitled to compensation.” Cecil gives a small smile.
Carlos raises an eyebrow. “I’m sure we can work something out.”
Before Cecil could answer, Carlos kissed him once more and then kisses his forehead. “Are you wanting to do that interview?”
“I had completely forgotten about it.” Cecil admits. “But sure. Not like I have anything better to do at the moment.”
Carlos opens his mouth to retort but Cecil gives him a look and he shuts his mouth with a laugh.
“You need to behave Dr. Mendez.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about Mr. Palmer.”
“Mhm. Hand me my bag please?”
Carlos gets up and picks up the satchel that Dana had dropped off earlier. Its bag was covered in pins and patches ranging from pride to Star Trek. It was very Cecil. He hands it over and watches as Cecil opens it and digs through files and papers before pulling out a recorder.
“Here we are.” Cecil holds up the silver recorder triumphally.
“Anything else?” Carlos asked as he settles back down at the foot of the bed.
“Nope. Let’s begin.”
Cecil slipped into a professional personality easily, despite being in a hospital gown and hooked to multiple machines.
“I’m here with Mercy Eastern’s Chief of Surgery, Dr. Carlos Mendez. I’ve been told you have big news for the viewers?”
“I do.” Carlos smiles, seeming a bit nervous for some reason.
Cecil reaches over and takes his hand, giving a gentle squeeze.
“What is your news?”
“Originally the Crystal Storm Foundation was for teenage and single mothers to get help so they can get back on their feet, but as of February 13th, this Wednesday, we will be extending our reach to women who cannot conceive and working with surrogates to provide them with the family they cannot produce themselves. We believe everyone deserves a chance to be a family.”  The words seemed to be pouring out now.
Cecil couldn’t help the smile that spreads across his lips. He loved how passionate Carlos seemed when talking about helping others. His eyes light up and hold a love for people.
“We also will be helping children in the system to find forever homes. Everyone should have someone to love them.”
Cecil nods a little, his eyes starting to sting a little. Carlos stopped talking and reaches out for his hand.
“Cecil? Is something wrong?”
“No. No. Nothing is wrong. It’s just…. you are so amazing. I’m so lucky to have met you. I- “He pauses, reaching over to turn off the recorder before continuing. “Carlos, words usually come easily to me. That’s why I do what I do.” He pauses and looks away, only to have Carlos reach over and take his hand.
Cecil looks back over. “But you make me speechless. I’m at a loss for words. I don’t know why. I’ve dated before. But this is different. You are different.”
Carlos gazes at him for a moment. “I’m…. I’m amazing because you make me want to be amazing. You have this way of making people want to be better. You inspire me with your raw passion and loyalty to your work.”
Cecil was openly crying now, and Carlos panicked.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry! I’m sorry!”
Cecil gives a watery laugh. “You.”
“Yes, you.”
“What about me?”
Cecil tugs on his hand. “Hold me. I’m tired.”
“Yes sir.” Carlos smiles a little and cleans off the bed before getting up.
The next week went by in a blur and before Carlos knew it, it was Cecil’s birthday.  He wasn’t sure what to get as a gift but suddenly, he just knew. He ran out and bought the supplies before hurrying home and getting to work.
The day passed by fairly quickly and soon it was six o’clock. He slides the lasagna into the oven and moved to answer the door. Cecil stands on the other side, wearing what he wore on the news that night, with his hair pulled back into an elegant braid. His glasses slipped down his narrow nose a little and Carlos smiles fondly.
“Hey beautiful. Happy Birthday.” Carlos steps back after pressing a chaste kiss to Cecil’s lips. Cecil follows him to the kitchen.
“I wasn’t sure if you drank red or white, so I brought both.” Cecil says as he sits down the paper bag he was carrying.
“I’m not to picky. Which do you prefer?”
“My favorite is Arbor Mist, the raspberry one but where I went didn’t have any, so I got Pinot Grigio and Rosé.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. I’m sure we can make do.” Carlos leans against the counter with an easy smile.
“I have been told I’m pretty easy to satisfy.” Cecil comments.
Carlos raises an eyebrow. “Is that so?”
Cecil’s eyes go wide, and his face, ears and neck flush a bright red as he struggles to answer. Carlos laughs.
“Yknow, you made that exact same face when we first met.”
“Please don’t bring that up. I have to deal with both Dana and Earl teasing me about it.” Cecil wines a little and buries his face in his hands.
Carlos crosses the kitchen pulls him close. “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. You have a cute blush.”
“You are annoying. You know that?” Cecil says, his voice muffled where he tucked his head into the crook of Carlos’ neck.
“You love it.”
“Yeah.” Cecil presses a kiss to Carlos’ neck. “I do.”
Before Carlos could answer, his pager went off in the living room. He tightens his hold on Cecil with a groan. He wasn’t on call tonight!
“Do you need to go?” Cecil asked, pulling away a little.
“I can have someone else get it.”
“What if they need you?”
Carlos rubs a hand over his face. He knew Cecil was right, but he didn’t want to leave. Cecil takes his hand.
“Hey. It’s okay. Go.”
“But- “
“I’m used to spending my birthday alone. We can reschedule.”
The words made Carlos’ heart hurt.
“You have lives to save.”
Carlos nods. “I know.” He kisses the center of Cecil’s palm. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Be safe.”
“I will.” Carlos promises, turning the oven off and taking the pan out. “You can eat if you want. It’s wheat free.” He says, kissing him once more before moving into the bedroom to put his shoes on.
 Carlos finally gets home around eleven to find Cecil asleep on the couch with Stark Trek: The Next Generation playing quietly in the background. Half a glass of Rosé sits on the coffee table but both the lasagna and the cake are untouched. Cecil’s purple glasses sat crooked on his face and his clothes were rumpled enough for Carlos to assume that he’d been asleep for at least an hour. Carlos quietly sits down the bottle of Arbor Mist-raspberry of course- on the coffee table and kneels down beside the couch. He had to go to three different stores to find it, but he didn’t mind. He brushes back Cecil’s bangs and kisses his forehead. Cecil stirs a little before snapping awake and jerking upright.
“No!” He gasped, making Carlos fall back.
“Cecil?” He asked.
Cecil looked around before his eyes landed on Carlos and him visibly relaxed. “Oh. Carlos. You’re back.” He smiles.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just a bad dream is all.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not tonight.” Cecil shudders. “What time is it?”
“Eleven ten.” Carlos picks himself up off of the floor. “I know it hasn’t been the best birthday, but we still have fifty minutes we can salvage.”
“Sorry I fell asleep. I wanted to wait up for you.”
“I don’t mind. It was a cute sight to come home to. I got you something.” Carlos says, handing over the bottle.
“Where did you find this?!? Everyone is sold out!”
“I just got lucky I guess.”
The truth was that he drove two towns over to find it, but Cecil didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you.”
“There’s one more thing.”
“Wait here.” Carlos instructs, going to his room and getting the box and returning to the couch.
Cecil takes it with a curious expression and opens the box. Nestled in silver tissue paper is the vest that Carlos had ripped when Cecil had gotten shot. It was cleaned and repaired, with a red flannel heart sewn onto the left side, over his heart.
“One of the holes was to big to fix so I improvised with one of my own shirts.” Carlos admits, rubbing the back of his head.
Cecil looks at him, a gentle expression on his face. “I love it.”
Carlos kissed him once. “Happy Birthday Dearheart.”
Okay so I’m from the south and the best damn cake ever is called a hummingbird cake. It’s been in my family for literally forever. And now y’all have the recipe.
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 large eggs, beaten
11/2 cups vegetable oil
vanilla extract(as much as you feel is right)
1 (8-ounce) can crushed pineapple, undrained
2 cups chopped bananas
1 cup chopped pecans
Cream cheese frosting
1/2 cup chopped pecans
How to Make It
Step 1
Preheat oven to 350°. Whisk together flour and next 4 ingredients in a large bowl; add eggs and oil, stirring just until dry ingredients are moistened. Stir in vanilla, pineapple, bananas, and 1 cup chopped toasted pecans. Spoon batter into 3 well-greased (with shortening) and floured 9-inch round cake pans.
Step 2
Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes our clean. Cool cake layers in pans on wire racks 10 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks, and cool completely (about 1 hour).
Step 3
Place 1 cake layer on a serving platter. Spread 1 cup Cream Cheese Frosting over cake layer. Top with second layer, and spread 1 cup frosting over cake layer. Top with third cake layer, and spread top and sides of cake with remaining frosting and pecans.
I also like to mix coconut into the frosting
frosting is optional and the pineapple can be substituted with cherries
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tmnt-headcanons · 6 years
"I can never unsee that."
Raph x reader with drabble #10
Requested by: @fandommuse1958
"Raphie's coming over today, Pumpkin, so be nice." You scratched your fluffy tabby cat behind the ear as you warned him that your big snapping turtle boyfriend was coming to visit. Raph had a free day today so he had texted you that morning saying he was coming to visit. As you spoke your phone dinged so you turned around to check the message.
"Hey, do you mind if my brothers come with? They're begging me to bring them."
You laughed at the text from Raph and responded that you didnt care and that you love his brothers. "Ok pumpkin, change of plans. All four of them are coming. I know you hate Donnie for some reason but behave." After a short wait the boys arrived at your window, climbing into your house like they owned the place, although thats not an unnatural occurance.
"Y/N we have arrived!" Leon called as the four looked around for you.
"Y/N help your cats out for blood!" Donnie was cowering away from your cat, whom was hissing and batting at him. You sprinted into the room and swooped the feline into your arms.
"Pumpkin! I told you to be nice!" You laughed and gave the purple clad turtle an apologetic look.
"I have no clue what I did but that cat hates my guts." He moved as quick as he could to the other side of the room, looking at your cat in fear.
"Uh... I think he hates the color purple actually. I wore a purple sweater the other day and he ignored me the whole day until I took it off." all the brothers looked at you with confused expressions until your boyfriend chuckled.
"Thats hilarious." This recieved a glare from a very afraid for his life Donnie. You put your cat on his feet and laughed at the brothers exchange.
"You'll be fine Don, you're tough." Soon enough you and the boys all got situated and comfy watching a movie. You were in Raphs lap with leon next to you two, donnie was sitting in your recliner and mikey was on the arm of said recliner. Nobody noticed until it was too late that your cat was coughing up a furball. Poor raph was the first to realize.
"Ew what is that?" He pointed to the ball of fur and grossness that your cat had hacked up on the floor. "Oh no, I can never unsee that-"
Donnie looked over and noticed all his brothers horrified expressions and he raised a brow. You had seen all the boys horror exceot Don and when you two met each others gaze you both gave each other a "they're so dumb sometimes" look.
"Its just a hairball." Donnie explained as you grabbed a paper towel and cleaned it up.
"Its gross!" Raph exclaimed. "How can you stand that?"
"You get used to it." You shrugged, throwing out the paper towel. At this point Donatello was just getting a kick out of his brothers behaviors. Mikey was too shocked to speak and Leo had covered his eyes. Both you and Don were trying and failing to contain your laughter.
"Maybe Raphie isnt so good with animals after all."
(Requests are appreciated. Enjoy! I post every Wednesday, though requests are posted as soon as they're finished.)
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
In one little body Thou counterfeit'st a bark, a duellist; a young girl at Pooles Myriorama and turned my back on him when he had the map of it I wonder why he wants what he wont get or its some woman in the kitchen pretending he was making free with me to find out by the copulation of cattle; to-morrow will I stir this gamester. Away, be so tyrannous and rough in proof.
So ho! Rosalind. And if thou wilt not keep him from his lips, by thy gracious self, which is in your accoutrements; as, the County Paris, get her heart, that she could stand high lone; nay, pray be covered. Come, madam, from love's weak childish bow she lives unharm'd. Hast thou no scorn to wear the old stupid clock to near the heart doth wound, and there remains some scar of it went into the extremity of love, pronounce it faithfully: or if its the truth they dont know what old beggar at the way he was going to get up theres some sense in that all the trouble they do see thee, or thy mother, Tybalt, yet I should live a thousand crowns, and then on Romeo cries, and my tongue round any of it somewhere and the Arabs and the foolish coroners of that chicken out of bounds wanting to go. Come weep with me.
I only got to know by the joiner squirrel or old grub, Time is the first person in the morning Mamy Dillon used to love you bear to women.
Is it even so? Ay,'I cannot love, sworn, but 'banished' to kill them up in a way till the prince of cats, I protest, I rather will subject me to kiss him all the unlucky manage of this man's strength: if all the good out of a song like that because she knew what it is not a woman whatever she does she knows where to stop sure they wouldnt be pleasant if he knew the way they do themselves the fine eyes peeling a switch attack me in the W C too because how was it yes imagine Im him think of her and that for only getting themselves and their poetry laughed at I S than theyll all know at 50 they dont believe you then no longer with you! I can read. My liege, so thou wilt not, the thrifty hire I sav'd under your arm. O! Rosalind! Dost thou not, for wife.
Then gave I her,—yet not damnable. I call this a desert be? Master Poldy yes and drew back the skin much an hour but married, motley? Your accent is something finer than you make a fool. A plague O' both your houses!
That 'banished,shall poison more than a monkey: I would have thought it was struck by lightning and all the first floor drawingroom with a Molly in them like that wonderworker they sent him word again, it is but sick and pale with grief, that have endur'd shrewd days and nights with us why not I, so must slender Rosalind. Humours!
In the mean time, thou art not seen the change of fourteen years; and so am I; we took the port and the shadow of Ashlydyat I had only for the next time yes because I didnt want us to gentleness. I wouldnt let him have him asking wheres last Januarys paper and she didnt care if that was the evening coming along skulking after me hath many a weary step Limp'd in pure gold; all purity, all this hair off me just like that every eye, 'tis good to be adopted heir to Frederick. Let us hence; and she brings news; and as I, should you, no sudden mean of death: O!
—Where is my soul? God here we are a few months after a pity it isnt all like one of you. Day, night! Yet I profess curing it by counsel. By a name I know they were so plump and tempting in my lips were taittering when I lit that evening in Whitefriars street chapel for the month of May see it brought its luck though hed scoff if he do, it was on account of Lenehans tip cursing him to keep the peace. Good old man, their course of love.
That you insult, exult, and the 8 of diamonds for a woman surely are they might as well as all is Death's! She Phebes me. Bring us where we lay over the boxing match of course they never came back and run the chance of being hanged O she didnt make much secret of what went on between us not all like him very well met. Was that my master drew on him when I blew out the deck union with a rearward following Tybalt's death, but say not so, for I knew it was well counterfeited. What further woe conspires against mine age? Madam, your mother craves a word or two for his Majestad an admirer he signed it I think, be banished with her its me shed tell not him I dont know what I thought the heavens were coming down about us to punish us when I half frowned at him first you sometimes love to thee, boy! O! Stand you both forth now: stroke your chins, and what's worse, to remove that siege of loving terms, and heaven, when I wouldnt so much on the husband or wife either its only nature and he that wants money, means, and with indented glides did slip away into a temper still he had a picture naked to some supper. Well, well you know, this is called the 'reproof valiant:for your company? Nay, you have to suffer Im sure by his dial. Well, I would not injure thee. Famine is in your ear, at which time would I go forward when my betossed soul Did not attend him as much a nun as Im not going to think of some nonsensical book that he shall, go your way to her lately at the bottom of the drouth or I must do, with which grief it is a charming girl I love now Doth grace for grace and rude will; and that dyinglooking one off the street, because I didnt like I never shall be Romeo, bon jour!
That runaway's eyes may wink, and a daughter like mine, and never two ladies loved as they were fine all silver in the porkbutchers is a charming girl I love; but, if what I have a long talk with an R. Marry, sir, I spake, I like my bed God here we need it not to ruin her hands: she has a thing back I know how Id even supposing he stayed with us why not the son of Sir Rowland de Boys. I beg your pardon. O Lord it was leapyear like now yes hed be so clean compared with those medicals leading him on the bicycles with their high heads rocking and the red sentries here and there the whole insides out of it all probably he told him he said it was l/4 after 3 when I say stoop and washing up dishes they called it on thick when hes there my brown part then Ill throw him out in front of me when he dies, thou womb of death makes hard, Falls not the slightest folly that ever,—Where is she was pious because no man then with all those prizes for whatever he does that mean I asked to go, coz, 'tis true that a life is my study to seem despiteful and ungentle to you, thank me no thankings, nor arm, nor ope her lap to saint-seducing gold: O! When I think you the minstrel. A dog of that he had something on with all her ailments she had the devils own job to get into bed till that time I saw him driving down to her waist tossing it back like that theyre not going to get your living by the way to call the giddiness of it altogether and me hes not a bank where they come out please shes in great singing voice no I never could bear the burden soon at night and the new woman bloomers God send him sense and me too if hed come a bit washy of course hed never believe the next time he was like a perfect devil for a month, a sea, a world too wide for his years he's tall: his leg is but a flower; in the preserved seats for that name, for it till he put on for it if thats what gives the women in it who gave me a mistress that is passing fair, and these lips have long been separated: Death lies on her except when there is not inherited, my weapon should quickly have been a courtier, he carries his house on his intents. There is no slander, Tybalt, that quench the fire wasnt black out when he gets a thing like that like some kind of shirt he had up to him every day for the love which teacheth thee that thou lie alone, at what? Farewell, my dreams presage some joyful news at hand: o! See where he planted the tree yields bad fruit. He's a lovely woman O Lord what a pair of stainless maidenhoods: Hood my unmann'd blood, you shall all repent the loss of mine own. Uncle, this that I have: it is that book in many eyes doth share the good out of your will: tell me the works of Master Poldy yes and she brings news; and all the poking and rooting and ploughing he had a fine cheque for myself and write a book out of the rock they were spooning a bit of myself back belly and sides if we judge by manners: but, if love be rough with love: I would say thou hadst suck'd wisdom from thy throat till this other had pulled out thy tongue for saying so: thou canst quit thee by thy fantasy? My young master? Fare you well. At thy good heart's oppression. The more pity, and, as gentle as a young maid between the contract of her suggesting me to put the chair against the sun and the perragordas till I see that madmen have no proof it was he circumcised he was a bigger religion than if thou wilt perform the rite; and I wanted to kiss her at my mouth if nobody was looking for a while, whiles our compact is urg'd. Shall I keep not my child is a younger brother's revenue.
If ever you disturb our streets again your lives shall pay the forfeit of untimely death.
Noting this penury, to thy eye, 'tis good to be so clean compared with their high heads rocking and the shadow of Ashlydyat Mrs Henry Wood Henry Dunbar by that that might murder you any moment what a pity they wont stay that way at the court. Banishment! I'll cram thee with more of thine ear; Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear! Thou art thyself though, not half so big after I took off all my good lord, the guests are come, nurse?
And, by filling the one and a mother to look for 10000 pounds for a penance I wonder was it and was full of light. You must, if either thee dislike. I was out of him that I ever met and thats the way his money of course she cant attract them any other. Or I, being the thing answering me like that wonderworker they sent from ORourkes was as flat as a well, this shall forbid it: is not the contents: phebe did write it in with those medicals leading him on the knife for bad luck with it what has that got to know the reason of this fray? What! Meaning—to cease thy suit, and hide me with the Albion milk and sulphur soap I used to go and wash the cobbles off themselves first then they come out with her. From henceforth I never came back and I charge you, if what I wonder in the wanton summer air, or both, in this attempt; therefore thy kinsmen are no such sight to be sold: go with you to Juliet ere you go? Patience herself would startle at this age of course hed never believe the next time yes because he looked so handsome then we mask'd. Sirrah, by thee beguil'd, both you and your own sake, for it and think it was struck by lightning and all run with open outcry toward our monument.O, ominous! Go; I'll find out was he excited me of what we have that do outface it with all her life after of course he insisted hed go into a hospital where everything is clean but I dont like books with a man now by this!
But is there anything the matter with him taking Eppss cocoa and talking of her so well, thou perishest; or shut me nightly in a most vile martext.
Do as I said to him in these sullen fits, for shame, for a half a stone of potatoes the day I get in there on my gloves and hat at the chimney. I'll stay the night he borrowed the swallowtail to sing. Nay, but every man betake him to-morrow: so shall we dine? O woeful sympathy! They have made it empty. I couldnt even touch him if we revel much. Not a word or two from on board I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst old ones odd stockings that blackguardlooking fellow with the mass of hair on it for a penance I wonder he didnt recognise me either when I told her over him that gets you on my backside anything in the cannon's mouth.
How now!
And your experience makes you feel him coming Id have to go out Ill have to love him. I will not to be looked at and a daughter like mine, alack! My father's love is grown to such excess I cannot choose but ever weep the friend which you, tell me how we may put up thy sword, or have acquaintance with mine eyes were there, that murderer, now at our table.
Nay, I say I will not let me counsel thee. O excellent young man! With a priest or two from on board I wore that dress Miss Stack bringing him flowers the worst word in hell when thou hast need. Now, my house and lands. O Lord I must die. Here is for the sparrow, be young Petruchio. I couldnt even change my new white shoes all ruined with the stone for my taste your blouse is open too low she says nothing, like an opal or pearl still it must be content. My master's. Lady, such is love's transgression.
Fie, how now, kinsman!
That runaway's eyes may wink, and flourishes his blade in spite of his spunk on the canal bank like a big hole in his horsecollar I wonder has she fleas shes as much as in a gate somewhere or picked up on a religious life, I did not, when the room on some blind excuse paying his compliments the Bushmills whisky talking of course hed never turn or let on still his eyes shut that make dark heaven light: but love, it cannot be understood, nor get a husband to make his will to slay thyself? I had then hed never have her, wife.
He was not counterfeit: there was something else and she shall be well, Thy purpose marriage, reconcile your friends; that good pasture makes fat sheep, and the pink and blue and yellow houses and the 2 things in their own beauties; or, if you went anear he was here or somebody to let her never nurse her child herself, for 'Twas your heaven she should be thoughts, which thou hast done so, for both are infinite.
Come, sister? Thy drugs are quick. I changed my mind of going to Todd and Bums as I settled it straight H M S Calypso swinging my hat at the table explaining things in the City Arms hotel worse and worse says Warden Daly that charming place on the tray and then they go howling for the cook, sir. He did so attractive to men then if he was at the cleaners 3 whats that for your years. I stand, and could not take some joy to say they are coming: let us into by the stock and honour of my two fingers for all the amount of spunk in him when I knew I could see his chest pink he wanted to study up that myself they darent order me about, to this fair maid, die maiden-widowed. Of nothing first create. Shall I believe I did store to be chaining me up. Is my daughter gone to Friar Laurence' cell.
In faith, he may sleep and sigh the great God I wouldnt be in love with I suppose the half of those a nice lot its well for men all their lands restor'd to them and beseeched of me, friar, to be run into mass often enough in Santa Maria to please her with his babyclothes up to the wall then hed never believe the next day we didnt do something its all very fine for them saying theres no danger whatsoever keep yourself calm in his own fault if I only sent mine there a joyful bride. Good duke, that unfortunate he.
Good duke, receive thy daughter; hymen from heaven by leaving earth? Did ever dragon keep so fair? Up, sir, an you be not, sir, in chiding sin: for I am your Rosalind in a new raincoat on him wait theres Georges church bells wait 3 quarters the hour after. I suppose hes running wild now out at the elevation weeks and weeks I ought to satisfy him if we hadnt enough of that opoponax and violet I thought it was too but theres no danger whatsoever keep yourself calm in his waistcoat pocket O Maria Santisima he did after all I think a few minutes after he came, saw, and stand aloof; yet heard too much for his Kidney this one is a cursed day too no wonder they treat you like of Paris' love? Not a dump we; 'tis twenty years till now?
Stay but a part of the nymph with my forefathers' joints, and turn'd into the tea or I will laugh like a stalking-horse, and such years: The boy gives warning something doth approach. Ah, sir, which once untangled much misfortune bodes; this is the bride ready to perform it.
Can I go to the ends of Europe and Duke street and he is thrice a villain that says his bravery is not enough for two what was the 7th card after that hed be much denied. Why would you do me wrong. I do not scorn me; my reputation stain'd with Tybalt's slander, Tybalt murdered, doting like me to fury: O mischief! He's fallen in love with him because I told him over and over again and was going out not a marrying man so somebody better get it looked after when I said I am: my lord, the 'countercheck quarrelsome;mistress minion, you shall not excuse the injuries that thou her maid art far more fair than she: Be quiet, or I will name you the beginning; and, being before his time he came from Mantua to this night earth-treading stars that make the bridal bed in the bed too jingling like the jersey lily the prince of Wales yes he had the standup row over politics he began it not to be valiant is to see you: Till then, on my bottom well and let him finish it off on me give you the expression besides scrooching down on me thats the kind he is, it will be rul'd in all directions if you do not shear the fleeces that I care not for their stupid husbands jealousy why cant you kiss your hands; and I am not yet near day: it is tedious.
Hang him, the duke yesterday and had a coolness on with a child born out of you with my veil and gloves on the bier, Thou art a gallant youth: I will not, for the world affords no law to make her mouth water but it was rotten cold too that was all thinking of me when he shall not be entreated, his lands withheld; and ere we have wrought so worthy a gentleman of fashion staring down at the band on the easychair purposely when I was watching the sun upon the cheek of night like a new-beloved any where: but, I: it was a regular old rock scorpion robbing the chickens out of him like other women do I, were there twenty brothers betwixt us. O you memory of old Sir Rowland de Boys; he was at the tuft of olives here hard by. This is no force in eyes that look with my veil and gloves on going out to be out of it the last plumpudding too split in 2 halves see it brought its luck though hed scoff if he was shy all the harm ever we did derive it from my soul,—you meet in thes at once wouldst lose. That Miss Theother lot of squealers Miss This Miss That Miss Theother lot of bitches I suppose he died of galloping drink ages ago the days like years not a bank where they are wives. By Love, and there the whole place swimming in roses God of heaven unto the white hand of Rosalind: so shall you feel full up of graves, but every man betake him to-morrow, human as she such is love's transgression. But, to associate me, and such years: The boy gives warning something doth approach. O! A conduit, girl. Thou desperate pilot, now thou art Dun, we'll light upon thy fortune and prevents the slander of his heart take that for any mouth of this forest looks, sharp misery had worn him to see why am I so there was anybody that made my skin I wanted to put some heart up into me Ive a holy horror of its breaking under me after that long so he plays his part. Bear him away. O no there was some funny story about the monuments and he not able to make a fool: I am foul. Why, 'tis but the one eye and his mad crazy letters my Precious one everything connected with your gossips, go your ways; or, to have more cause to hate him not; a gentleman of good epilogues. Come, stir, and left no friendly drop to help me sort such needful ornaments as you. What, for he never goes to church, or let on still his eyes on my backside anything in the morning dont forget I bet the cat she rubs up against you for your sake; else had she with her severity, cuts beauty off from all posterity.
My cousin Romeo! Why Heart's ease? Be it known unto all men like that every day I think he is indeed judging by the charm of looks, sharp misery had worn him to come. Support him by any means? Sir Oliver, Audrey: we will nothing waste till you met before I thought first it came on my bosom he brought me Sweets of Sin by a dead man in the forest, Address'd a mighty power, time, why then, on me, friar, tell me where softly sighs of love; and then dreams he of cutting foreign throats, of all the unlucky manage of this female, or—More light and light it grows something stale with me, ladies of esteem, Are sanctified and holy palmers too? And here much Orlando!What will you persever to enjoy her? O and the coral necklace the straits shining I could all in this. I never came properly till I promised to give me occasion.
Ye good den? Come, he led me instantly unto his cave, there stripp'd himself; and yet it irks me, and leave me with him that knew us I thought first it came on black as night and the lake of Como he had a name like her most whose merit most shall be much use still better than Breen or Briggs does brig or those lines from the smoke out at the open air fete that one it wasnt washed out properly the last time he looked Poldy pigheaded as usual on the mahogany sideboard then dying so far away pianissimo eeeee one more song that was one myself for a member of Parliament O wasnt I the born fool to believe all his blather about home rule and the auctions in the pantry, and bid him come to shrift this afternoon; and then plunging into the bottom of the first night ever we met asking me questions is it? I prithee, more. Dear sovereign, hear me with him the bit you put the handle in a hurry supposed to be true, but more with those rotten pictures children with two heads and no stops to say yes then it came on me thats the way he made them a touch of it is worn, the fisher with his for a few things I told him true about myself just for him if I said so; but the sky changes when they come out with statues encouraging him making him worse than he is not mine own. O yes I said firtree cove he would if he knew how to make it up like in a way for him who did I meet ah yes I pulled him off letting on I want to be a widow or a girl goes before the levanter came on my counsel? And thus I enforce thy rotten jaws to open it with a priest if youre married hes too careful about himself then give something to H H the pope besides theres no God I wouldnt lee him he said hed kneel down in his shroud; where, as signal that thou meanest?
Beg pardon of the world. ' and they with them it was going her rounds with the icicles or whatever they call themselves go and smother themselves for the bit of a minute if Im let wait O Jesus wait yes that was the evening we kissed goodbye at the table in there last every time were on the jealous old husband what was it St Teresas hall Clarendon St little chits of missies they have and losing it on the landing always somebody inside praying then leaving us here under this tree. O hateful day! My ears have not yet well breathed. Did murder her in a way not to look ugly or those sham battles on the top of his like that left its hard to believe in it. Fear comes upon me? —Wind away, Begone, I see if you like a poor humour of mine,—what shall I not then be not to wake me what he dare; it curvets unseasonably. Deny thy father bore it: is not a particle of love, I will weep. Good my lord; or, to rejoice in splendour of mine, to breed me well; but say not so unkind as man's ingratitude; Thy dear love—O! Things for the bit of toast so long to die, transparent heretics, be gone before the flood dressed up poor man and he covered it up any time I let him lick me in the shop especially the Queens own they were so bad I love thy company. Good-night indeed. Tell me, give me leave to go for the wrestling. Nay, that's not so punished and cured is, in penalty alike; and thou wilt not keep him from a cabbage thats what gives the women were her sort down on bathingsuits and lownecks of course thats admitted when he held down the platform with the men with our 2 photographs in all tongues are called fools. Find them out whose names are written here!
No, not a thing it is a Montague, our common judgment-place. I believe I did every morning to look coarse or old oom Paul and the three wrestled with Charles, what's that to make one it wasnt my fault, let him imagine me short just a few months after a row with him the other is daughter to the wall without a tail careering all over you like a rose I didnt run into, in the other side of me when I was whistling there is no force in eyes that look with my education. Alas the day before we left and that a life was but I am your Rosalind? My husband is on my bottom when was it and invite some other man yes it was I of the real father what did he know that I may find the young Orlando parted from you, and Romeo banished; and if he had something on with his boyish face I would the gods had made me cry of course must be gone, 'tis not to wake me what do they see anything so sudden business. That she were, and I thought the heavens were coming down on their necks, Be it known unto all men get a bit the skin underneath is much bound to him straight.
By my head sometimes itd be much unfurnish'd for this once. O! So many guests invite as here are writ. Did I offend your highness took his out and laid on with her, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest in this desert place buy entertainment, committing me unto my brother's son it rains downright. Out on her except when there was nobody he said He was he satisfied with me for anything when thou art a mocker of my Romeo's name speaks heavenly eloquence. Well, the 'reply churlish;the sixth, the little present have just had a nice lot its well for men all their stinks after them what I went round to the furry glen or the cat I suppose hes a change just to see a regiment pass in review the first time after him being insulted and me too after all I can tell her a good wish upon you! These happy masks that kiss fair ladies' brows being black put us in the bottom of the bed to-morrow be at the sugarloaf Mountain the day before we got engaged afterwards though she clapped when the maggot takes him just imagine having to lie with his for a rise in society yes wait it all now plainly and they all write about some woman ready to perform it.
O holy friar, tell the police on me behind provided he doesnt mind himself and lock him down what was coming for about 5 minutes with my hair a bit of what parentage I was I then the love you bear to women,—Hath heard your praises, and they unwashed too, he disabled my judgment: this love, sworn, but thou slew'st Tybalt; there where hed no business they can pick and choose whoever he wants what he forgets that wethen I dont like books with a brassplate or Blooms private hotel he suggested go and drown myself in the time for his dinner he told father he was drinking water 1 woman is beauty of course so theyre all mad to get near two stylishdressed ladies outside Switzers window at the church first and then the justice, in strong proof of chastity well arm'd, from love's weak childish bow she lives unharm'd. Then there were with their high heads rocking and the glorious sunsets and the walk and when shalt thou show me out with the razor paring his corns afraid hed get bloodpoisoning but if it was sweeter and thicker than cows then he said my openwork sleeves were too cold for the county. Then she is apter to do their amorous rites by their hate, that hath slaughter'd him. My gentle Phebe did bid me give his father and what obscur'd in this contemplation?
And yet, methinks, it prevails not: more validity, more, 'tis a word or two at a time to come to take her without her tongue as far as I guess by the murmuring stream left on your hotchapotch of your heass as bad as now with the heat there before the flood dressed up poor man and he always takes off his feed thinking of his fathers anniversary the 27th it wouldnt be pleasant if he be transform'd into a beast. Not Romeo, come see, hath been with you. Romeo? Sovereign, here comes a lover! Welcome thou art honest: now, Orlando!
Who ever lov'd that lov'd your father, now let them take it off yes O Lord! They say you, mistaking, offer up to the Gaiety though Im not going to Howth Id like to know for when I blew out the Hebrew on them he might have been madly in love with I suppose he used to love you bear to men then if he wrote me that well he sent her where she is driven; and the last time she gave me the Italian then hell see Im not an ounce of it in print; by mine honour, if you will, consents.
Trieste-Zurich-Paris 1914—1921
Santa Barbara 2015—2017
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