#sophia miroku
Hetalia x the weathered head at Onigashima
Based on the song : "The Weathered Head at Onigashima" by Kamui Gakupo.
Warning : This particular story takes place after the events of the Tailor Shop on Enbizaka. In the story , there will be mentions of decapitation and murder. If you are sensitive to subjects like these,better don't read it.
New characters :
Priestess/ Tailor's actual wife : nyo!Switzerland
Lone boy: Holy Roman Empire
In the center of Onigashima , where Enbizaka was located, a severed head was displayed on an execution site. Its dark brown and bloodstained hair was blowing in the wind, smoothly flowing side to side.
"What crime did this head commited"? a traveling priestess with long blonde hair tied in two braids and green eyes asked the people. That woman's name was Adelheid Sudou and she was Probus' wife, with whom they had their daughter Erika , that died during the fire one year ago.
One of those people answered her : "It is said that a clothing store owner and her family were stabbed by this man's scissors".
*One day ago* :
[After the Enbizaka murder scandal, upseted the whole town , two soldiers caught the tailor Probus Sudou and lead him on front of the judge. The judge who was a very strict man started asking him questions.
"Are you that man? Are you Probus Sudou?"
Without losing time , Probus responded to him immediately :
"Yes sir, that's me!"
"Is it true that you murdered the clothing store owner, Sophia Miroku, her husband Antonio Miroku, her older son Lovino Miroku and her younger son Feliciano Miroku?"
"This is all true. I was the one who did it. I don't deny it!"
"And the reason , why you commited this horrible crime?"
"That woman was cheating on me with those three men. So i killed them and then her."
"Are you sure, that this is the actual reason , for your crime?"
"No matter how many times, you'll ask me this question , the answer won't change."
" So , you accept your guilt, isn't it right?"
"Of course! And I am ready to accept any punishment that will be deceived for me."
In fact no one knew, that if the tailor actually told the truth , it would lead to a bloody war, where many people would lose their lives. The terrorist and elitist Crimson Robbed Masses , was the one who caused the great fire of Enbizaka. And Sophia whose father before her, had close ties with this group , payed one of its members a large amount of money to cause that fire. She didn't want other smaller shops to antagonize her company and also lose costumers. This disaster costed many innocents' lives.
The judge had already decided that the punishment for the tailor's crime was going to be decapitation.
Few minutes later a young boy with blonde hair and blue eyes came holding a sword on his hand. He was no other than Karl the boy who was actually born from a tree and was raised by the tailor like he was his own child.
The moment that Karl was about to cut off his father figure's head he whispered :
"Please , forgive me for what i'm going to do right now".
After those words the boy took his sword and cut off the man's head, which was placed to the execution side in the town center.
Although some seconds before the execution , the judge allowed the man to see the boy , he raised as his own for a last time].
*Return to the time where this story's events are taking place* :
"This lovely man in the ballad , why did he kill those people?" Adelheid started wondering to herself.
That weathered man didn't say anything.
Yes , the head on display at Onigashima!
After losing her husband into the fire , she left to search for him , hoping he was alive and waited for her. It was then , she decided to become a priestess. Before the fire, she worked as a tailor just like him and even worked double shifts , when he was sick or busy with other things. Their marriage was genuinely a happy one and two years later , Adelheid gave birth to the fruit of her love with Probus. A lovely daughter whom they named Erika and she was the joy of their life.
Now , the priestess couldn't believe, that the severed head actually belonged to her beloved husband.
Memorial services for criminals were also part of the priestess' duties. So the next day the young woman visited the site where the head was displayed.
By the time the woman arrived , someone else was also standing there. It was a lone boy.
"Excuse me , young boy. What's your name?" Adelheid asked him ,when she noticed that child.
The boy looked at her and responded : "My name is Karl and it was me, who cut off this head".
"Are you trying to fool me, right now? " the young woman told him with a somewhat frustrated tone in her voice.
Karl stood without fear and comfirmed to Adelheid that everything he said to her was true.
"I am telling you the truth , he was a sinful man but also a pitiful one."
"Now i believe ,that you aren't trying to play any tricks on me" Adelheid said to him while the tone of her voice was calmer at this moment.
They paused for a bit and Karl explained to Adelheid, that Probus was the closest , he ever had to a parent figure. But in the end he couldn't save him. And he had a feeling of sadness , during this short speech of his.
The priestess and the boy joined their hands together and started praying for the young man's soul.
It was said that this man was such a skillfull tailor and he seawed an amazing tunic.
But now he lacked the arms to hold the scissors.
Yes , the head on display at Enbizaka!
No matter how beautiful the tunic was,
he couldn't wear it without a body.
This weathered man, didn't say anything.
Yes, the head on display at Onigashima!
Yes, the head on display at Enbizaka!
The end.
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pipocacompequi · 5 years
[PIPOCA EM SÉRIE] “InuYasha” (1996), de Takahashi Rumiko por Sophia Moon.
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O anime "InuYasha" ou "A Fantástica História Feudal de InuYasha", é derivado de  uma série de mangá shōnen (estilo direcionado ao público jovem ou público masculino, entretanto recebe atenção do público feminino) escrita e ilustrada por  Takahashi Rumiko e publicada na revista Weekly Shōnen Sunday entre 1996 e  2008, totalizando cerca de  56 volumes. 
O anime foi produzido pela Sunrise e exibido no Japão pela Animax de 2000 até 2004, entre outras emissoras. Sua segunda temporada chamada InuYasha: Kanketsu-hen (Ato Final) foi exibida de 2009 a 2010 pela Ymiuri TV.
Possuindo quatro filmes e cinco OVAs (Original Video Animation, ou seja, um ou mais episódios de anime lançados diretamente no mercado de vídeo, normalmente produzidos com maior qualidade e em prévia exibição na televisão ou cinemas), além de video games e uma light novel.
No Brasil, o anime foi exibido tanto em TV aberta no programa matutino da TV Globinho da Rede Globo, quanto em canais fechados como Cartoon Network, Animax e a antiga Fox Kids. Em 2004, o Ministério da Justiça baniu a exibição do anime em TV aberta antes das oito horas da noite por julgarem-no muito violento; os canais fechados, por não terem obrigação, legal seguiram com a programação normal de exibição do anime ate 2011 e meados de 2013.
A sinopse do anime consiste em: uma colegial chamada Kagome vivia com sua família ao lado de um templo milenar em sua cidade, sua renda familiar vinha da venda de artigos sagrados e religiosos, contando também várias histórias sobre a origem do templo e do poço, conhecido como “Honekui No Ido” (Poço Come Ossos) que fica dentro do templo.
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Um dia, Kagome se aventura dentro do templo bem ao lado do poço, de repente um monstro a puxa para dentro do poço e por meio de um portal em seu fundo, indo parar “Sengoku Jidai” (Era Feudal).
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Ao voltar no tempo, Kagome tira o selo que aprisionava InuYasha um “hanyou” (um yokai é um ser sobrenatural dotado de poderes que não é nem bom ou mal especificamente em sua essência. Um hanyou é um mestiço originário da junção da raça humana com a raça yokai) em uma árvore antiga da região a “Goshinboku” (Árvore Sagrada)  e em seguida, acidentalmente, quebra um artefato perigoso e muito poderoso, a “Shikon No Tama” (Jóia de Quatro Almas), e descobre ser descendente de uma poderosa “miko” (sacerdotisa), antiga guardiã da Jóia, portanto a única que pode encontrar seus “Shikon No Kakera” (fragmentos da Jóia) recuperando assim a “Shikon No Tama” (Jóia de Quatro Almas).
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Dividida entre duas eras, Kagome se junta a InuYasha na busca pelos fragmentos perdidos na “Sengoku Jidai” (Era Feudal) enfrentado poderosos inimigos e vivendo aventuras em uma das eras mais perigosas da história do Japão, enquanto tenta se formar no ensino médio em sua era de origem.
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O anime possui um enredo simples com personagens cativantes, um traço bonito - com estilo bem característico dos animes lançados nesta época - cores vívidas, e apesar de parecer muito disperso, causa grande identificação entre os telespectadores por se passar na fase mais complicada da vida dos jovens: a adolescência.
Os personagens propostos por Rumiko (mesmo que alguns já estejam na fase adulta) apresentam uma imaturidade e insegurança muito característica da adolescência. A história de como um hanyou (mestiço) lutou ao lado de seu grande amor e seus amigos contra seu pior inimigo, é contada através dos olhos de uma jovem que divide seu tempo entre lutas, perigos com provas, testes e tarefas da escola onde estuda em sua era.
O anime segue como uma grande metáfora sobre as fases da vida, hormônios, inseguranças e o dia a dia, até se alcançar a maturidade, usando de alegorias e criaturas naturais da mitologia japonesa, e como plano de fundo, a era feudal japonesa - uma era que veio logo após o declínio da antiga liderança do clã Ashikaga, marcada por muitas guerras e disputas de grandes clãs pelo poder, para assim controlar todo o país.
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Kagome e InuYasha são os personagens principais presos em um triângulo amoroso e desenvolvendo seu relacionamento de forma progressiva e tímida ao longo do anime - como é característico dos jovens nessa fase da vida. O mestiço que começa sua jornada com uma cega busca por poder e descobre sua força na caridade, união e boas ações; a humanidade que achava ser sua maior fraqueza se torna sua grande aliada em sua jornada unindo-se a humanos e a yokais (seres sobrenaturais da mitologia japonesa) para lutar pelo bem maior. A humana de outra era aprende mais sobre si mesma ao observar e apoiar InuYasha  e seus amigos, se tornando gradativamente uma jovem cheia de compaixão e maturidade, aprendendo com as relações que vai estabelecendo ao longo do anime, levando em consideração e com sabedoria, o sentimento e as ações de outras pessoas - antes de tomar suas decisões - o que lhe prepara para as responsabilidades da vida adulta.
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Seus personagens secundários são igualmente inspiradores: Sango - uma jovem tayjia (exterminadora de yokais) que teve sua família assassinada - Miroku um houshi (monge) amaldiçoado – e Shippo - um jovem kitsune (raposa de sete caudas, um ser sobrenatural tradicional da mitologia japonesa) que teve seu pai assassinado por yokais (seres sobrenaturais da mitologia japonesa) que usavam um Shikon No Kakera (fragmento da Shikon No Tama) para demonstrar seu poder - começam a jornada com o simples propósito de vingarem-se, custe o que custar, porém, ao longo de sua jornada descobrem na amizade, na união e no amor um motivo para viver, um propósito muito maior e significativo que lhes serve de combustível para juntos derrotarem o inimigo em comum.
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Sesshoumaru também é um personagem secundário, porém, sua jornada não começa com pretensão de vingança, apesar de usar isso como pretexto para lutar e perseguir seu inimigo, seu propósito na verdade é uma busca incansável por descobrir a si mesmo, carregando uma imensa mágoa de seu pai um conhecido dai yokai (grande yokai) o Inu No Taisho (Cão General) - que protegia as terras do leste e travou grandes batalhas em vida  - por sempre favorecer seu irmão mais novo que para ele não passa de um mestiço, isso o faz nutrir um ódio doentio por InuYasha e um grande desprezo por seres humanos.  Ao longo de sua jornada, Sesshoumaru passa por vários testes e provações que moldam seu caráter de um frio assassino para um protetor de inocentes, que leva consigo uma humana que ele ressuscitou, alimentando um enorme carinho e compaixão por sua existência.
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O vilão Naraku é um hanyou (mestiço) que teve sua origem no desejo doentio do humano Onigumo de possuir a miko (sacerdotisa) Kikyo levando-o a oferecer sua alma a mil yokais (seres sobrenaturais da mitologia japonesa) para que seu desejo se realizasse, surgindo assim o maior vilão que todos os moradores da era feudal teriam que enfrentar. Simples e sem muitas ambições, porém extremante inteligente, Naraku  tem como missão de vida contaminar a Jóia de Quatro Almas com energia maligna. Ele representa uma ameaça constante aos personagens e lança inúmeros desafios a eles, testando-os enquanto busca se tornar mais forte para finalmente cumprir seu objetivo. Naraku é como uma metáfora para o mal que carrega sentimentos como orgulho, obsessão, ódio, falsidade, ambição doentia, culpa e o que o cultivo de tais sentimentos provocam em nossas vidas.
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Com muita sabedoria, Rumiko carrega seus diálogos de mensagens sábias e inspiradoras, levando a frente conceitos básicos da formação de um jovem para a sociedade japonesa: honra, coragem, respeito, glória, humildade, sabedoria, empatia e determinação.
Todas as músicas de abertura e encerramento.
Em sua criação, todos os seres possuem luz e trevas, o que de fato importa é o caminho que decidem seguir, todos são passíveis de condenação e salvação, pois, de dentro da luz ainda pode sair trevas, e em meio às trevas, pode-se chegar à luz. InuYasha é um anime que deixa claro a dualidade do ser humano e como a vida é baseada em lutas diárias no interior de cada pessoa.
A mensagem que o anime investe em passar, é que, todos podemos aprender com nossos erros e evoluir trazendo assim uma perspectiva de vida iluminada ou podemos optar pelo caminho do mal, cultivando sentimentos ruins e negligenciando a nossa saúde tanto mental como física, o que o anime aponta como sendo um comportamento autodestrutivo. Podemos ser salvos, bastando apenas querer.
Sobre a autora:
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Sophia Moon, estudante de Cinema e Audiovisual da Universidade Estadual de Goiás. Cinéfila, fã da cultura asiática, encantada pelo terror e obcecada por criar histórias em diferentes universos. Amo desde filmes trash a grandes produções cinematográficas, sou apaixonada em mitologias e particularmente a da criação do Tolkien.
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redladydeath · 6 years
Anyway, here’s a long list of gender swapped Evillious characters that I don’t know what to do with
First/Second Period Sickle Talos Eld Yggdra Athan Barisol (Levia) Hemoth Barisol (Behemo) Iah Hazuki (Luna) Jericho Barisol (Rahab) Morrigan Arklow (Lich) Michaela Arklow Gyukudo Matsumoto (Gumillia) Elizabet Bezori (Vlad) Julia Gripina (Gilles) Mangila Sabella (Eater) Pendle Danber (Salem) Louis Augest (Marie)
Original Sin Adam Moonlit Yeva Merry-Go-Round Moonlit (Adam) Mitya Salmhofer Hänsel Gretel Lilith Twiright Evgeni Chirclatia Ilia Clockworker (Irina) Kyriaca Clockworker (Kiril) Iosif/Alexi Merry-Go-Round (Maria/Alice) Misha Eights Lei Li Sasha Noël Vaska Zorach Lucif (Vey) Matvey Lucif (Marina) Ryouichi Netsuma (Raisia) Yelena Asayev (Yegor)
Lust Seraphima Venomania Gisil Glassred Luham Octo Mikha’il Greeonio Liaqat Turner Maius Beelzenia Yorick Marlon Katherine Crim Marlon Harir Netsuma (Haru) Chen Shields Therasia Oruhari Conchita Ranja Assad Martia Beelzenia Marlon Sataria Venomania Latif Eve Cordula Elphen Glassred (Classke) Vedha Truth Sweets Gilberta Calgaround Greeonio Herah Murara Beelzenia (Jupitaire) Inauaria Beelzenia (Janus) Februarius Beelzenia Aprilo Beelzenia Iraj Venomania (Ilotte) Nurul Mobarez Venomania (Nylpho) Mirza Adi Tane Cetera Haarith Netsuma (Hakua) Noureddine Nerune Anwar Sweets Rong Blum Medhat Lusha Jibril Francois Lazoro Blue Masoud Olliba Basit Soap Talako Neja Sulayman Sonic Yunus Kaina
Gluttony Canibidus Conchita Carla Marlon Dian (Arte) Apollone (Pollo) Platonisch Aibe Cee Iumtina Conchita (Muzuri) Matthaus Glassred Conchita (Megour) Romana Grapple Zeus Beelzenia (Juno) Charlene Felix Marlon (Charon) Merle Marlon (Milkicent) Chastity Marlon Kaydence Marlon
Pride Raimond Lucifen d’Autriche Alayna Avadonia Germanus Avadonia Caroline Marlon Freezis Michael Claus Niel Marlon Yoann Freezis Phillipe Rogzé Marlon Charles Langley Raymonde Mouchet (Liliane) Gustaf (Gumillia) Leonora Avadonia Maram Futapie Keila Terice Freezis Maxwell Freezis Ghada Venom Ava (Ayn) Yoan Corpa Le Corbusier (York) Minna Le Corbuiser (Minage) Severe Le Corbusier (Sekka) Marcelle (Marc) Bartomeu Barba (Barbara) Arlette Lucifen d’Autriche (Arth) Mirelle Ferdinand Stoup Gervaise (Genesia) Georgette Donald Ausdin Danielle Ausdin Youseff Yakobi (Yvette) Clemens (Chelsea) Alfred (Alma) Barnabas (Barbara) Yameena (Yarera) Zamira (Zusco) Priscelle Rogzé Blankenheim (Presi) Dorthe Elphen (Thorny) Andre Swee Lucifen d’Autriche (Anne) Alexandra Marlon (Arkatoir) Sonja Freezis Lorre (Shaw) Alois Freezis (Aile) Saburo Octo (Sarah) Evon (Eugen) Marcus (Margret) Slvie Smith Langley Milena Asayev (Mikhail) Gin Octo (Gaou) Gaetane Mouchet (Gaston)
Sloth Marius Blankenheim Leonne Abelard Karlotte Rogze Blankenheim “Hannes Lorre” “Heinrich Lorre” “Julien Abelard” Marciano Blossom Rene Chan Katarina Rogze Felix (Kaidor) Ava Anchor (Ayn) Ghusan Coulomb Philippe Aymieux Viktoria Zorach (Willus) Maria Zvezda Blankenheim (Marx) Yuyutsu Ora Portia Rogzé (Puerick) Alfons Freezis (Aai) Hialeah Homer (Hob) Toinette Corpa (Ton) Rodolf Flohn Noela Nicole (Nob) Yameena III Zamira Jr. Sophia Freezis (Dashaw) Bruna Marlon Karla Rogze Chance (Chansaux)
Envy Kyou Sudou Kuroki-douji Gemmei Octo Sudou (Gakusha) Keiko Marlon Miroku Makoto Miroku Michi Miroku Ren Miroku Perry Cutie Marlon Kiki Yarera Charuzu Lang Inuharu Katashi Octo Sudou (Kagura) Yuuta Musupi (Oyuka) Rei Sudou (Ren) Asuka Octo (Anan) Gen Octo (Gato) Emi Akagi (Eikichi) Utano Aoi (Uibee) Kohaku (Kinouna) Kiyoshi (Kurookina) Gyouko (Giyara) Nanami Sudou (Nagare)
Greed/Wrath/Theater Galeria Clockworker Marlon Vidar Sudou (Nemesis) Zavodnaya Kukla (Court) Bruna Zero Fa Michail Marlon Albus Netsuma (Shiro) Baldur Jaakko (Hel) Fang Li Sigyn Freezis (Loki) Tonya Anchor Ausdin Klasufa Marlon Yarera (Gusuma) Judit Zusco (Jorm) Sleip Freezis (Bindi) Micha Marlon (Mira) Snezhana (Scherzer) Anya Roses Balledold (Hanma) Lazar “Serveur” Balledold (Lilith) Ginko Octo (Gammon) Noriko “Solange” Octo (Nyoze) Gennadiya Felix Clockworker (Gandalf) Narcissa Kissos Bestrafung (Punishment) Mekanism (Gear) Amo del Cementerio (Grave) Sirvienta Sirviente Eva Adam Frea Jaakko (Heaven) Ryo (Rin)
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Hetalia x Enbizaka Tailor Shop
The idea came when i was listening to Enbizaka Tailor Shop by Megurine Luka.I don't own Hetalia neither Vocaloid
Evillious Chronicles belong to Mothy
Tailor: aph Probus
Woman: nyo!Austria
First man: aph Spain
Second man: aph Romano
Third man: aph Italy
Tailor's real wife: nyo!Switzerland
Tailor's daughter: aph Liechtenstein
'Now,let's begin tailoring'
In Enbizaka lived a young man whose name was Probus. He has such a skilled tailor that everyone was talking about him. But there was one thing that made him worry: the woman he loved prefer other men over him.
'She never comes to me' Probus signed as he began to sharp the scissors that his parents passed to him before starting his work. 'The more you sharpen it the better it cuts.' That is what they always said to him.
Enbizaka was so calm and peaceful that day. Probus decided to take a small break from his work until he saw a woman named Sophia and started wondering who was the man standing next to her. The man's name was Antonio and he was wearing a knee length tunic in red colour that suited him perfectly.
'How on earth you are so nice to that man?' he wondered to himself and unable to stand seeing Antonio and Sophia being together he left the place while he was crying.
But he had to concentrate on his work. So he wipped his tears and carrying his scissors he modified the red tunic in front of him. But no one could hear his small sobs while he was working on the tunic.
The following day the neighbourhood felt uneasy as two soldiers found Antonio's murdered corpse floating in the river nearby.
The tailor saw the same woman on the bridge and started wondering who was that man standing next to her. The woman was in pain and that boy called Lovino was comforting her.
Meanwhile Probus saw how amazingly fitted Lovino the green cloack that he was wearing along with his short white tunic 'So this is the kind of boy you always dreamed' he thought himself.
But he had to concentrate on his hard work. Forgetting about his red eyes, he carried his scissors in his hand and began to fix the green cloack in front of him
As it was heard that another boy who brought the name Lovino was killed everyone wonder how could this happen.
The young tailor saw that woman again and started wondering who could be that boy standing next to her. The boy's name was Feliciano. Sophia bought a gold head ribbon as a gift for this boy and he wore it smiling brightly.
'He is too young for you. You really have no shame' Probus began thinking with an almost disgusted expression on his face , considering that Feliciano didn't really look older than 14.
But he had to concentrate on his work, carrying his scissors in his hand. Looking down at the scissors in his had he thought 'Were my scissors always this color?'
The other day the townsfolk got upset as they heard about the mysterious death of a boy named Feliciano.
Probus has already finished his work. He wore the red tunic and the green cloack. An outfit that fitted perfectly with that gold head ribbon.
~I have finally finished my work~
~If you are not going to come to me~
~Then I'll come meet you~
~Scissors are made from two blades~
~They carry out their tasks by being close and scrape against one another.~
~Just like a married couple who gets along well~
~That's what my parents used to say~
(Meanwhile a flashback appeared where Probus was happy with his wife Adelheid and the daughter they had together , Erika. After losing them during the great fire of Enbizaka the tailor felt so sad and lonely. He really missed them).
As he wore his new outfit Probus went in the centre of the town to met Sophia knowing that she was there
When he saw her he asked her :
'How it is? Aren't I handsome?'
Sophia looked at him like he was somebody that she never saw in her entire life.
'Hello ' she said  'i dont think that we've ever met'.
In those words the young tailor was shocked. 'Why she treats me like she had never see me?' he started wondering.
The following day Enbizaka was in such big chaos as a woman called Sophia was killed mysteriously so the number of the murdered people was bigger . A family of four who died by the hands of someone.
But he had to concentrate on his work, carrying his scissors in his hand. Looking down at the scissors he noticed how red it was . 'The more you sharpen it the better it cuts'.
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