#sorry i have been working on the cyrano fic at work
obeetlebeetle · 2 years
to me kpruevvy is like. hob is wuvvy. rue is hob. wuvvy and rue have a past that no one could ever understand, but hob understands rue perfectly, and hob fills wuvvy’s role perfectly. hob is a creature who has never connected to anyone, but rue sees him and knows they share his struggles; wuvvy sees him and knows he thinks about the world in the same way she does. wuvvy protects rue; rue wants to protect hob. wuvvy is rue’s constant companion; hob wants rue to never be lonely. if hob knew wuvvy loved rue and never said anything it would break his heart. if rue knew wuvvy loved them it would heal a wound they never knew existed. if wuvvy knew rue loved her she still wouldn’t be happy. rue wants hob to consume their life; rue has consumed wuvvy’s life; hob just wants to be eaten. wuvvy wants rue to be happy. rue wants hob to be happy. if we could close the circle, hob would want wuvvy to be happy. 
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katasstrophy · 1 year
Do you have any hcs for Kaiser and/or Ness backstory?? I'm worried we won't have that much time left with them so I've been pondering, and Ness def gives me only child, middle class (maybe upper middle class), and lonely childhood vibes 😔 I feel like part of his obsession with Kaiser and a big part of his personality is accepting any and all crumbs of affection and recognition, which leads to an easy dependence on a sole model. I like to imagine though, while he didn't get to spend the most time with his parents especially as he started school, that he used to go mushroom and truffle hunting with his mom. I also see Ness as someone who likes or used to train as an ice skater!! I think it suits him and would be helped/lead to his flexible ankles. Also, has some kind of music background whether it's playing violin for a bit or being a choir boy.
He and Kaiser def have major theater kid energy, but I also see Ness as a lit nerd!! Used to be a bit of a snob about it too the little shit but he likes classics, mystery, and fantasy. Def see him as a LOTR fan while Kaiser doesn't know LOTR or Star Wars lmao.
And I think it'd be cute, if their friendship started more normally (though...who knows smh), that Kaiser and Ness used to talk about plays and musicals together. I think Ness would be a tragedy and romance fan (Cyrano de Bergarac, Medela, Titus Andronicus) while Kaiser loves EVERYTHINGGGG but is ofc a huge proponent of the classics, and is very pretentious about his personal meta and deep takes on them.
Also, between the two, only Ness knows some video games. Not a lot, but I think he would have played nintendo games like Kirby, Legend if Zelda (fave), and Mario and would know MegaMan, DOOM, some Resident Evil and such. I see him being given game consoles as a kid to make up for his parents not being there for him, which worked but the intent pushed Ness away from really enjoying video games to the fullest. But I think he'd have a soft spot for a lot of OSTs from different series, and with time, I think he could be a horror game fan but only now and then.
Meanwhile, Kaiser is like...bankrupt when it comes to video game knowledge and references. Anything he knows is from brief osmosis from being an attention seeker as a kid trying to make friends by lying out of his ass. If he ever were to play video games as a young adult, I think he might be interested in MMORPGs but his attention is short with them and he gets pissy if he's not instantly amazing at it. Which I see happening a lot bc I think video games would be a weakness for Kaiser lmao.
Sorry this ran rather long!! Ty for your time!!
hi nonnie!! no worries at all my apologies for replying so late. i have like, a few headcanons for our unhinged bastard münchen duo but some of them i plan on exploring in fics later on so i’ll be keeping those selfishly to myself for now sorry <3 but i feel like kaiser and ness won’t disappear on us any time soon!! we’ve already been with them for quite a while, and after the ubers game we’re still getting the pxg france match, so there’s plenty opportunity for us to learn about their backstories. imo they’re such interesting characters that it would be a waste - and if i can be so bold, bad story writing - not to explore their dynamics further in the manga. so i’m sure we’ll know more about them in due time!! but yeah it’s kinda criminal that their blue lock wiki pages have barely any trivia on them :((
sadly i’m not very well-versed in either theatre or video games but it seems like you def know your stuff!! and that’s really the beauty of hcs - that if it feels right for you why not own it? i can tell you’ve put a lot of thought and effort into mapping out their childhood and interests :)
so let me leave you with this lil brain nugget i’ve been pondering about: i really do wonder if it was ness who made kaiser into the self-obsessed bastard he is today. i feel like kaiser wasn’t born with a superiority complex. he was always good at football, but never thought too deeply about it until he met ness. ness was the original egoist. i mean, from his current skill set, he still surpasses isagi in many aspects. so it was ness who was really good at football, who didn’t have an equal until he saw kaiser play and it shattered his entire worldview, because just like isagi, he realised kaiser embodies that “perfect form of soccer.” and he made it look easy, effortless. so ness became obsessed and decided to devote himself to kaiser, who measured up to be the best in his eyes, and thus, slowly, kaiser started believing himself to be the emperor that ness made him out to be. wouldn’t you develop a god complex if someone was constantly at your beck and call and praised you for it? defended you against everyone who tried to stand in your way but ultimately failed? i’m pretty sure that’s not how their story will go but it is an intriguing food for thought no? (okay now that i'm reading this back it's low key giving a reonagi foil lol but i still stand by it)
i also wonder if kaiser’s rose tattoo has anything to do with his desire to leave bastard münchen but being unable to do so as of right now, hence the thorns symbolising that he is “shackled”. which means he’s looking for something or someone to set him free by “unlocking” the keyhole on his left hand. my guess is that isagi is definitely involved in that process somehow but we shall see!
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Definitely, Maybe
Tumblr media
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Reader
Warnings: MINORS DNI, 18 + Cursing, Angst, a bit of unintended voyeurism, rudeness, the beginning of enemies to lovers. No Smut, just sexual tension. 😇
Word Count: ~900
Summary: It is hate at first sight for you and Daveed Diggs.
A/N: So, a while ago I wrote the fic, Definitely Not, that was definitely not requested by @einfachniemand.  Ppl asked for a sequel or a prequel, and well... Here is a drabble-ish prequel.  Sorry it took so long. I wanted to dip my toe back into writing for Daveed. Hope you like it! Very little editing, all errors my own. 
How did you let your agent get you into this situation?
Sure, dude was talented and shit, but you didn’t get what the appeal was. He was too tall and athletic for the character, who was supposed to be an unattractive man who falls for you, Roxy, who doesn’t know what she really wants.
But you went forward with the part, even after he came on as not only your co-star, but a producer as well.
This first table read would be the first, and last, straw.
He came into the room, smiling, impossibly lighting up the entire room. You smiled tightly in return. Although he was much better looking in person, that was the problem; he was supposed to be Cyrano in this all-black retelling.  No amount of makeup could overcome his good looks. 
This was definitely going to be a disaster, but maybe you could salvage something.
You were seated next to Lee, who was playing Christian, and you were getting into him. His cocoa skin and light eyes were everything. It was quite distracting.
And that’s why you didn’t notice Daveed staring at you. He was seated on the other side of you, and shyly looking around the table, proud that this production was actually happening. Then his eyes lighted on you. 
He’d started off admiring how good your skin looked against the blue of your chambray shirt, from your cheek down your throat to your neck and down the placard where, surprise, he saw your breasts, nipples clearly visible through the gap in the buttons. You weren’t wearing a bra. Daveed quickly averted his eyes and cleared his throat. 
Halfway horrified at what he didn’t mean to see, Daveed was completely horrified that he could feel his heart beat faster at the sight. He was not here to be a creep, and as producer it was his job to make sure that you were protected from creeps such as he almost was. 
When you heard Daveed’s noise and tore yourself away from Lee’s dreamy eyes to look over to him, you locked on Daveed’s deep browns and your cheeks heated. You rolled your eyes to shake it off. He just continued to stare rudely, and you could tell that he was going to be full of himself.
“Did you need something?”  
You turned on your best unfriendly black hottie voice and Daveed felt as if he couldn’t sit at your table. His stomach tumbled, and then he remembered who he was.  He was the boss. It was his table.
He clenched his jaw, and then spoke to you.
“I was going to say hello and ask how your day has been so far, but it seems that someone pissed in your cereal this morning.”
“I see. Well, that’s not the case Mr. Diggs; you just interrupted my conversation with my co star...” 
You gestured toward Lee, who was pretending he couldn’t hear you two, head deep into his script.
Daveed’s eyes flickered over to Lee, then back to you.  He glared at you, and you felt the need to squirm in your seat.
“Ah. Well, I’m your other co-star, and the producer of this film…” 
You started shaking your head when he said that.  It was just as you thought.
Daveed stopped.
You just smirked at him. You had to be the most maddening person that he’d ever met in his life. He continued.
“Well, Ms. L/N, what I need is for you to focus and act as if you can fall in love with me at the appropriate time in the script. We may shoot scenes out of order, so that may come sooner rather than later. Since you seem to have a definite disdain for me, please decide quickly if you need to remain on my set.”
Daveed’s voice was low, but it rumbled through you, his command making your body betray you in the worst way. You definitely hated that and maybe even him.
“I know how a film production works, Mr. Diggs. And I am a professional.  I can act as if I love my worst enemy.” 
You glared at him, mouth open, breath coming fast with rage. Then you raised your adorable ass chin, ready for a fight. For some strange reason, a thrill ran up and down Daveed’s spine.
“And so, I can pretend to fall in love with you, you ass.”
You two stared at each other for a few seconds before you realized that everyone was watching you.  You both looked around the room and Daveed cleared his throat again.  You sat back in your seat, enraged.
“And we are remaking Cyrano de Bergerac, not Taming of the Shrew, so let’s shelve that for now.”  
You rolled your eyes as everyone else laughed. Did this man just call you a shrew? Oh hell no, you thought.
Daveed caught a glimpse of you through the shirt again and saw that your nipples were hard, pebbled and delectable.
But he willed the blood back to his bigger brain and put his hands on the table instead of on you. He didn’t even know you and he wanted to hate-fuck you. 
This was going to be a long production.
He looked over at you, looking gorgeous, but evil.
Maybe…. Nah, he thought, and got focused himself.  
He cleared his throat one more time.
“Let's read from the top, shall we?”
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Tags: @braidedchallah  @einfachniemand @sillyteecup  @ohsoverykeri @theselilwonders @theatrenerd86 @sebastianabucknettastan @imatyoursurrvicesurr @riiyy @lonelydance   @biafbunny @summerofsnowflakes @honeysucklechocolatedrippin ​ @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @janthonystan @elocinnicole @anh1020
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standbyyourmantis · 5 years
For Your Consideration...
Storybook Romance
Best First Time
Best Creature AU
This kiss felt different than the times she had kissed him before when her curse had always been there acting as a lure. It was still there, of course, as it always would be – but this time it was a neutral force in the room. It waited at the edges of his desire for her like a narcotic, not egging him on but intensifying the sensations. She would never be like the peasant girl she had been before, safe and without the menacing air that sometimes followed her, but he had grown to love the way the magic of her felt even in the times when it was a threat.
That was really what broke him. He’d known other women in his life, the more daring village girls would on occasion wander down to his pond eager for a clandestine rebellion and they’d been easy encounters with women who had never really known him nor had he cared to know them. It had been an amusing distraction, until it wasn’t anymore. And now here he was with a woman who did know him, and he wanted so much more.
Ask Me No Questions, I’ll Tell You No Lies
The whole world felt different somehow when Belle awoke. She’d been in the Dark Castle for weeks now, though in some ways it felt like longer. It was hard to believe she’d gone from princess to maid, but yet here she was. She was sure that Rumplestiltskin had been lonely, or else he’d never have brought her there. It was lonely in the castle, though. Even she was beginning to feel herself overcome with the heaviness of her solitude here. It was oppressive, but at least she wasn’t alone with it. Rumple was somehow always there, hovering and teasing her as she went about her day.
How had he become so vital to her happiness in so short a time? She couldn’t remember, and she couldn’t regret it. He was, of course, there when she made her way downstairs and she knew that he would be there when she went to bed. Her waking hours were made of him.
Fairy Tales & Happy Endings
Best Drama
“What was that?” Ewan said, looking at her in confusion.
“I’m sorry,” she said quickly, feeling the heat rise in her cheeks. “I just wanted to see how it would feel.”
“Oh,” he said in a breath. “How did it feel?”
It felt a lot like waking up – like she’d held her breath for too long and finally got her first gulp of oxygen. It just felt right.
“I don’t know,” she said instead. “I liked it.”
“I did, too.”
His voice was so soft and far away, like he almost didn’t believe it had happened and to be honest she was having a hard time figuring out why she’d done it. But it felt right, and the most rational thought she had was that she really just wanted to do it again. She must have shown it on her face somehow, because he leaned forward and kissed her again. She felt her heart in her throat as she kissed him back and he thrust his hands into her hair and she was completely gone. It was such a relief somehow to touch him like this at last, even though she hadn’t been aware of wanting to do so before just now. It was a terrible idea in so many ways, but she’d never felt like that when someone kissed her before in her entire life.
Bottle Episode
Best Date
Best First Meeting
“Mr. Gold?” she blurted out, staring at him with something akin to disbelief on her face. So she evidently didn’t remember much more about the previous evening either, then.
“Good morning,” he said for lack of anything else to say. He was no happier about any of this than she apparently was, which did at least give them something in common.
“How much did we drink last night?” she asked, and he knew it was a rhetorical question but he felt compelled to answer it anyway.
“Too much, I’m afraid. It’s been quite a long time since I indulged like that, and hopefully I won’t be doing it again anytime soon.”
Swipe Right
Best Date
Best First Meeting
Best Trope
“Are you done with my phone now?” Mulan asked, dropping down onto the sofa.
“Just about,” Belle replied. “You’ve got a date on Friday.”
“What?” Mulan exclaimed, snatching the phone from Belle’s hands. “What did you do?”
Best Courtship 
Best Movie AU (Roxanne)
Best AU Inspired By Other Media (Cyrano de Bergerac)
“Beautiful Belle,” he continued. “Even the name doesn’t do you justice. You’re a melody, a song caught in my head all through the day. You’re the music that sets the beat of my heart, it’s every beat whispering Belle, Belle, Belle, Belle…”
“You barely know me,” she said, but it was barely a protest. She was charmed by what he was saying, and he wanted to keep speaking because this was all he’d ever have with her. She didn’t want him, she was kind and would be his friend but he couldn’t delude himself into thinking she’d love him. She wanted Chris Gaston, tall and handsome and broad chested. Cyril knew he was ugly, the skin that was visible was scaled and thickened and the parts of him that his suit covered were even worse. A woman who would want Chris would never want Cyril, but that didn’t stop him from wanting in spite of himself. If this was all he could ever have with Belle, then this would be what he would content himself with. He would bare his heart to her and let her be happy to know how much she was wanted.
“I want to know you,” Cyril said. “I want to know your dreams and your mind, what makes you laugh and what makes you cry. I want to learn you inside and out. Let me have a chance and I’ll create maps of your every mood and write encyclopedias on your mind.”
Nothing Ever Changes in Storybrooke
Best AU
Best Storybrooke
Best AU Gold/Rumple
“You knew me before?” she asked him when he showed her to her room.
“I did,” he said. “It was another lifetime.”
She smiled weakly and went to examine one of the dresses he’d left on the bed for her.
“Can I ask you a question?” she asked, looking back from a bright yellow sundress to make sure he wouldn’t mind. “What did you call me?”
“Belle,” he said. “Your name is Belle.”
“Belle,” she repeated as though she were testing the word to see how it felt on her tongue. “And what should I call you?”
He opened his mouth to answer her, but he had nothing to tell her. Regina hadn’t ever given him a curse name, and he didn’t dare tell her it was Rumplestiltskin.
Let It Snow
Best Holiday Fic
Best of Mature 
“Truth,” Belle replied and Theo could see the wheels in Emma’s head turning as she planned her next move. Belle was sitting smugly and sipping her drink as though she wasn’t even worried about what was coming.
“What is the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?” Emma sat back in her chair like she’d scored a point, but Belle was swaying a little bit and had a giant smile on her face.
“So one time I was...dating this guy,” she said coyly. “And we were at his place and one thing led to another. He had this really elaborate headboard…” Theo already knew where this story was going and the memory was definitely a pleasant one – and from the look on her face when she shot him a glance said she enjoyed it, too. “Anyway, I ended up on top of him and handcuffed him to the bed. Then I blindfolded him with his tie, and –”
“Oh God,” Neal exclaimed. “This is about my dad, isn’t it?”
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Best Dark Castle
Best Dark One
“They’ve pushed you,” he said. “Stole your mother, forced your people out, and caused you to be locked away in a tower. Anyone would be angry, take it – use it. Use it to fight them, to save your people. Think of the lives you could save with it.”
He was right, and it was hard to find fault with his words. She could do so much with the sort of magic he possessed. She could escape, she could drive out the ogres and return Avonlea to its former glory. She could keep anyone else from losing a loved one the way she had.
Even as he spoke, she could feel the magic beginning to wake up in her. There was magic in her, and he was waking it up. It was an intoxicating feeling to have this power, she wanted to reach out and take it. It would be the easiest thing in the world to follow where he was leading her, but the anger inside her stole her breath and she could feel it trying to take root in her heart. Her mother wouldn’t have been proud of her in that moment, and that thought was the only thing that brought Belle back to herself.
“No,” she blurted out. “I don’t want it. Not this way. There has to be something else.”
Rumbelle Fandom Lifetime Achievement Award
To which I defer to the lovely @ishtarelisheba‘s write-up so I don’t have to feel braggy:
Mantis has given so damn much to the Rumbelle fandom. Like, even if you overlook more than a million words of fic, she ran multiple events for yeeears. Plus a few other things in service of the Rumbelle fandom, like @WHATSHOULDICALLMRGOLD, a meetup page, and @RUMBELLEWELCOME. SO MUCH. C’mon, y’all. Come on. <3
For fic rewards, anything that wins in its category will get an update of at least 2,000 words! Except for Storybook Romance because that’s still in progress, so I’ll be working on that regardless.
For the Lifetime Achievement Award...I am open to suggestions! Up to and including a small give-away as long as it’s nothing I can’t order online and have delivered.
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aminiatureworld · 2 years
contrary to popular belief - I am actually alive! hi! hello, how are you? I haven't had time to play genshin recently (and i'm going to be honest i actually slightly lost interest for the game ;;-;; but i come back from time to time)
school has been beating my ass and obvs i have to fight back 😫💅 as of 4:35 pm i'm currently losing LMAO but !! the point of this ask is to check in on my fav writer on tumblr - like what have you been up to? pick up any hobbies recently? (seriously though if my questions feel intrusive feel free to ignore, i don't mind ^^)
in other news i've been obsessed with superhero related things! so, marvel and dc stuff - i've been bingewatching daredevil AND just finished encanto - great movie btw and no spoilers from me dw
i think thats it! i don't wanna bore u too much with the nuances in my life (and i this was meant to be a short ask but rn i'm hyper as shit 😭)
the question of the day is: if you can transform into any animals of your choice, what would it be and why?
- 🍪
Hello 🍪 anon!
Sorry that it took me so long to reply this time around, it’s been a time! No time, no motivation, the works haha. But mainly no time. But I also am alive! And I’m glad to hear you are too!
As to Genshin, I can understand that, the nature of the game I think makes burnout easily and, as you can see from the way I’ve been branching out in my fic, I’ve also been a bit burnout from it all too, I’ve done a lot of speedrunning events and not playing otherwise. But when I do have bursts of energy for this game I remember how much I love the characters and the story, and it makes me so happy. It’s nice to think that these characters will always be there waiting, even if I can’t devote as much time as I once did to it. Though I do worry sometimes about the fandom sort of puttering out. Then again I’ve always been one for catastrophizing.
And I can understand that! I’ve also had trouble with balancing school and work and frankly not falling off of things accidentally. It’s not fun! But it’ll get easier soon and that’s what counts!
As for what I’ve been up to, well there has been some personal stuff, but otherwise I’ve been alright! Unfortunately my youth orchestra tour was canceled, but I’ve finally gotten the move on some things which is good. I’ve also gotten more into my silly little romance games, which is very fun to be honest. I also started reading more shoujo romance from when I was younger and it’s such a nostalgia trip it’s so fun. I also have been branching out a little bit in terms of history, I’ve been reading more books about ancient Greece recently and it’s really interesting!
I also watched Encanto! I agree it’s really good, I even bought the soundtrack for my phone! Oh speaking of movies, I’ve become obsessed with the movie Cyrano recently. Seriously, I fully recommend checking out the soundtrack. It’s become rather an obsession. And as for superheros, unfortunately my knowledge doesn’t go much farther than listening occasionally to the podcast “Jay and Miles X-Plain the X-Men” but I’m glad you’re enjoying it! That’s really what mattters!
And don’t worry you don’t bore me! I quite like it actually, it’s like the internet equivalent of a pen pal in a way. I only wish I were more on top of things.
As for the question I would very much like to turn into a bird, probably a hawk, though an owl would also be very cool. Fun fact, owls beat their wings very rarely, almost gliding more than flying, and as such it makes them much more silent than most other birds - which obviously is a help when it comes to hunting prey. There’s some YouTube video about it, it’s really interesting.
Anyways, thank you so much for the patience! I look forward to your next ask!
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melimelo-ao3 · 3 years
Answers to the ask
So this is my answer to every ask of the “A Writer’s Ask Game” by agwitow that I reblogged just below.
Yes, I know, people are supposed to be the ones to send a number, and only then am I supposed to answer. But, since this blog has like, very, very limited interaction, and I had nothing to do, I answered them myself.
And I’m putting a time stamp on it: Wednesday 17/02/2021, because for some questions, in a week, it won’t be the same answer.
The Basics 1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
I do, yes. I have a couple of playlists with songs – I know some people enjoy listening to music while they write, but only without any kind of lyrics. I don’t care either way. Some days it’s pre-enregistered playlists, others random, and others just piano.
2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?
I’m mostly a plotter. I’ve tried to go pantser on a couple of stories (Pretty Boy is the last example that comes to my mind), but I end up knowing what I’ll put in the next chapters in advance. Even if it’s just the main plot point / scene.
3.     Computer or pen and paper?
Computer. Except when I have writer block.
4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
I’ve never been published, and don’t plan on. I write my stories mostly for myself, and to me it’s a bit too over the top to, first, interest a publisher / editor, and then it would need lots of editing and… I don’t think I’m ready yet to see critics on my stories.
5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
I have no idea xD I suppose I’m happy if I get 1.000 word a day, especially if it’s a day I only concentrate on writing. Sometimes it can be more, but sometimes it can also be nothing at all. On days I have other things to do, I’m happy if I can write one sentence more during the day :)
6.     Single or multiple POV?
At the same time? Single. In a story? It depends. Some stories I’ve written in a single POV all along, others I switched between chapters, and others within chapters, with a distinction between the “parts”.
7.     Standalone or series?
Um, series as in several “books”? If so, there’s this story I finished last year. At first, it was supposed to be one single book, but things progressed as they did and so I chose to cut the overall, finished epic into three books. So it’s supposedly a series now.
Other than this, I usually cram everything up in one story.
8.     Oldest WIP
Oldest oldest? I started a story called L’année scolaire (= School Year) when I was like 10. It’s unfinished, so I suppose I can consider it as a WIP. Other than that, if I’m talking about posted fic, it’s a Harry Potter time-travel fanfic called Une nouvelle chance de vivre (= A New Chance At Living). Same, the fic has maybe ten years now (damn, time flies) and has been untouched for… about ten years I believe xD
9.     Current WIP
I have several! On my AO3 profile, there’s Sunkissed (an Achilles x Patroclus Omegaverse ff), The Bravest Belief of All (Amandi) (a Peter Pan x Wendy Darling canon divergence from OUAT) and I Desire You (or worse) (which is an original work with original character that I’ve just started posting) that I update regularly.
There are more on my computer, much more than I can type here…
10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
Not at all. Because I wouldn’t respect them, and it would make me stress.
 The Specifics 11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
Victor Hugo is the main one that comes to my mind atm. I love the way he writes and what he writes about. There’s Emile Zola’s Au Bonheur des dames, too, which is amazing, one of the best books I know of. And, for the beauty of language and the sheer poetry literally pouring from every single word, Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand is. breathtaking. I don’t know if they influenced me, because it sounds a bit pretentious to say that one can find some of these authors in my stories if they look closely, but they definitely represent what I aspire to.
12.  Describe your perfect writing space
In a silent room, except there’s music (I know, it’s paradoxical). I have my computer and my head is resting (I mean, I don’t have anything urgent to do, it’s all done and behind me for the day) and I can concentrate on the scene I’ve been imagining for a couple of days / weeks / months / years (pick one).
13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
Usually I have an idea, I play it in my head over and over again until I really like it and I have a couple of things found out (like, scenes or dialogues or narration – depends if the idea is about a story or just a single scene). Then, I write it. Admittedly, the polishing happens mostly when I play it over and over in my mind until it clicks or sticks.
14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
I usually listen to them, because it means there’s something that’s nagging me about a scene, a moment. So I go reread it, I think back on it – what can I change? How can I formulate it in a different way? – and I change it until I’m satisfied with it.
I experience a (lot) of self-doubt at the moment, with the first three chapters of IDY. I chose to post them, but I’m not entirely sure I’d be ready if people began to hate them or find horrible flaws with them. that makes me doubt whether it was a good idea or not, but I know that I can always delete them if it really goes downhill.
15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
I stop writing. For a couple of days, usually, to let my brain the time to relax and focus on something else. Then, I sit back before my computer and I open another word document – like a blank page. I copy paste the scene I’m stuck on, and I rewrite it under, while using a couple of sentences I feel are good. I repeat the process until the words flow back again.
(This sounds a lot like a cooking recipe xD)
For the real, unbreachable writer’s block (like, if the above didn’t work), I try to focus on other stories. If that doesn’t help kick the inspiration back (like for No, but I do – even though the writer’s block was cemented by GOT’s last season but that’s another matter entirely), I push the story to the back of my mind and I give it up.
16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
As many as necessary until I’m satisfied with myself. I can’t give a number.
17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
I imagine the scene beforehand, I listen to music, I write on computer… I can’t think of any other writing habit I have atm.
18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
I don’t think I could collaborate with anyone, sorry - -’ When I have an idea for a story, I’m excited with writing every single part of it, so I don’t think it’s for me.
19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
With the scenes I want to write.
20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
At the moment (meaning the ones brewing in my mind): 11.
 The Favourites 21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
It depends with the story. I liked Weston in Pretty Boy (I like him too in I Desire You), and Wendy in Amandi.
22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
Weston/Edmund. They’re my OTP for now.
23.  Favourite author
I don’t have a favourite author, I search for fics / stories mostly.
24.  Favourite genre to write and read
25.  Favourite part of writing
I love writing dialogues, especially when the characters continue to talk on their own and I’m just transcribing everything and the conversation ends up very different from what I imagined.
26.  Favourite writing program
None, I just write on Word.
27.  Favourite line/scene
That’s impossible to choose! xD
On a writing’s perspective only, I’ll say the end part of chapter 3 in I Desire You (or worse). When I reread it and I could feel what the character is feeling / does (I’m being vague on purpose because I haven’t posted it yet), I knew I had to post it somewhere. I don’t know, I’m just really proud of it (and have the most self-doubt over people’s reaction, which is – as always – very logical of me).
28.  Favourite side character
In I Desire You, I like Lucy.
29.  Favourite villain
I don’t think I’ve ever written many villains. Ah, yes, Peter Pan in my OUAT fic. He’s a villain, it works.
30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
I’ve been beginning a lot of WIP at the moment, precisely so I could start putting down all the ideas I wanted, so I don’t really know what to answer to that…
 The Dark 31.  Least favourite part of writing
Writing description of settings. I don’t really like how I write those.
32.  Most difficult character to write
Edmund. No hesitation.
33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
No, and I never intend to. I want my characters to be happy and alive.
34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?
Chapter 3 of I Desire You? Or maybe the chapter 2.
Or the beginning of Amandi, which depicts the Peter / Fiona relation.
35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
Um, none at the moment :)
 The Fun 36.  Last sentence you wrote
I understand how he feels.
But I’ll probably change it. I’m not sure yet. It’s for IDY.
37.  First sentence of your current WIP
Well, I have three, so I’ll put the three.
A frustrated scream would have torn the eerie silence and thunderous sound of waves if Peter had any strength left in him to scream anymore. For Amandi
“Where’re y’all running to?” For IDY
Patroclus’ lip trembled when they pinned the crown to his hair. For Sunkissed.
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
Oof, lots. I’ve often imagined confronting two versions of characters. Like, take characters, usually from period pieces or in mindsets that are very patriarchal, and make them see another version of themselves, usually in Omegaverse, in a sort of Harry Potter pensieve or television setting, like they just watch this alternate universe version of themselves as they go on their daily lives. And then I imagine all the ways this character would first be horrified / angered / dismissive of that version of themselves that they’d judge weaker because they’d be Omegas, and then, slowly, they see that they’re really badass and yk worthy of consideration, respect etc. Not just them, but all their mates etc. would too, as well. And then they would come out as this better person, who aren’t as prejudiced as they used to be.
39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
I don’t know, I think it kind of overlap with the precedent question? Anyway, my characters are (only) plain, normal humans. Or, well, there was one time I had an idea to write a story with elves à la Tolkien, but it’s not really a weird character concept (or at all really xD)
40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
Well, all my characters’ important backstories end up being revealed, so I’m not gonna spoil anything here…
I’ll take Curly from Amandi. He grew up in an orphanage, a poor one, which didn’t have proper beds (hence why he calls them pockets, because they look like pockets). He has no memory of his parents because they separated before his birth and his mother died in birth. He comes from a magical land (since we’re talking about an OUAT AU).
 The Rest of It 41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
Write what you want to read.
42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
I’m mixed. I’m not a fan of them, but I wrote one once, although it was a bit special because it looked like that: Person A is in love with Person B, and vice versa, Person C loves Person A and Person C (and the entire world) is convinced Person A is in love with them.
43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
I just go with it. They know better than me xD
44.  How much research do you do?
A lot, but it’s mostly on little details. Like, not wars or political situation of the country at the time period, but more like were oil lamps still used for that class of population in said year, and can you snuff them out by turning the button (like in a slide sort of way, I’m not sure how to translate it precisely in English, but in my head it’s crystal clear).
45.  How much world building do you do?
I do a lot. When I write a story, I like to know every little detail I can.
46.  Do you reread your own stories?
Yes. That’s the main reason why I write them, to be true.
47.  Best way to procrastinate
By searching for aesthetic pics on Pinterest. That thing can take hours and you never see them fly. It’s incredible. Worse than Youtube. It takes you from picture to picture to picture without you noticing. Amazing.
48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
I give a little bit of myself to every character I write about. Be it opinions, thoughts, childhood memory or taste. For example, Weston doesn’t like chocolate (he hates it with a passion) because I think chocolate has a disgusting taste (and because he never had the occasion of eating any as a kid).
49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
Weston, because he’s friendly and extraverted, and I wish I could be more of both, and I imagine that being his friend would make me mimic him in certain ways.
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amariemelody · 7 years
5 Things Meme
I was tagged just this Tuesday (an eon ago) by @hobbitsaarebas for this meme. So sorry that it took so long, Hobbit, and thanks for thinking of me always! 
I tag @afro-elf, @zetsubonna, @platonicharmonics, @indi-flying-with-dragons, and @the-omniscient-narrator. Have fun if you like, loves! 
Here we go, under the readmore! :D 
5 Things You Can Find on My Blog 
Note: I don’t post very much to my Tumblr blog here, but still!
1.) Positive, uplifting, pro-black content, especially pro-black women & girls content. Hell, you can see that in my blog’s headers. Gotta take care of your people; gotta love your people. And then you start and continue to love yourself. ‘Tis vital for a healthy heart, soul, and identity. 
2.) Shippy things! Mostly Marvel! I ship the hell outta SamSteve, SamBucky, SamSteveBucky, RhodeyTony, etc. I don’t quite consider myself an active black gal Marvel blogger because of how little I post, but I do hope I post a lil something that some people like and enjoy-I know I certainly like and enjoy those things. 
3.) Links to my AO3 fics. I...don’t quite have a large fanbase. Haha...hah...hahaha...hah. -lolsobs- So as soon as I finish editing and posting to AO3, I gotta excitedly head over here to my Tumblr blog to post the good news! I only write stories about and with characters of color, especially. Feel like I’m doin’ the fandom lord’s work and I love, love, love it! 
4.) Just about anything I find hilarious.It could be yet another meme, videos, joke posts, etc. Ya’ll can usually find that under the “I iz HOWLING”, “I iz CACKLING” or even “I’m done” tags. Yep, yep! :D
5.) Correspondences with my friends. I love, love, love, love getting tagged/mentioned by them (can ya tell by me doing this? Haha!) and I strive to return the favor in kind. I love when they reblog things from me and I reblog things from them. I love hearing kind, encouraging words from them-it never fails to brighten my day. You can find a lot of this under my tag “Chitchat with friends” and “Being tagged by friends is WONDERFUL!” 
5 Things You Can Find in my Room or House
1.) Romance/erotica books. Comic books. Romance/erotica books. Graphic novel books. Romance/erotica books. African American-centered books. Romance/erotica books. Educational and classic books (ex. I love and read the shit outta Cyrano; I’ve re-read it 4 times so far.) And now I also have fucking nursing books right now because I had the brilliant, dumpster fire idea to go to nursing school. Fucking hell, Amarie. Fucking hell. What were you thinking. 
2.) My wittle Windows Surface RT tablet! I got her as a surprise Christmas gift from my friend’s family just this January! I gave her a pink screensaver (wallpaper), and so I thusly named her “Pinky”! (Her freakin’ charger had to be replaced, tho. And I gotta take her to Geek Squad ‘cause her keyboard acting up next...grrr...) 
3.) Posters! I’m a huge, huge black gal nerd and proud of it! I have 3 Spider Man posters (well, one is really a calendar from my 13th birthday party, but shush), a Sailor Moon poster, a Lego Batman movie poster, a Transformers: Bumblebee poster, a Monster High poster, a Marvel characters poster, 2 Falcon (Sam Wilson, baes) posters, and finally one Tuskegee Airmen poster!! 
4.) Makeup. Uhh...I’ve been told that I have a pwetty face shape and I’ve been told that I’m pretty good at using makeup to softly highlight my features. Uhh...I get compliments. That’s all I know. ‘M just here. 
5.) More books. 
5 Things I’ve Always Wanted to Do
1.) Travel, travel, travel! Especially wanna go to Paris, France (I’m a huge ass romantic sap). And recently, I wanna go to Disneyland and spend a whole mortgage payment and then some just to finally hug Princess Tiana. 
2.) Write at least, ehh...30 to 50 fanfictions. Wanna make a whole library for you all. 
3.) Take a ballroom dance/waltz class. I wish to whirl ‘round and ‘round the ballroom. 
4.) Play Super Mario Kart Brothers, or whatever the hell it’s called. I’ve never owned a game console (I be broke & so I’ve only ever had books and Sims on my PC), so that’ll be a novel experience for me! 
5.) More traveling. 
5 Things That Make Me Happy
1.) Thinking hopefully about the future. Honestly, it’s the main thing that keeps me going. I think about what a mostly great career I’ll have as a nurse (I’ve always wanted to go into healthcare, but never even dreamed that I’d be an RN). I think about my lil chute-chute of a car that’ll be all mine. I think about my time that’ll be all mine. 
2.) Watching cartoons, especially old ones from my childhood. Ya’ll, prolly about 98% of what I watch is literally cartoons. I’m learning not to beat myself up about that/call myself immature. Like...if that’s the worst thing I do to cope with life right now, then ain’t nobody getting hurt. 
3.) My wittle entitled white boy of a cat, Dante. Sweet baby boy has gotten me through many a hard day and night. 
4.) Music, music, music! 
5.) Reading 
5 Things On My To-Do List
1.) Finish my physical and shit for my clinical packet at school. 
2.) Pharmacology homework 
3.) Fundamentals of nursing homework 
4.) Speech class homework
5.) Clean the goddamned house 
6.) Sleep (Fuck it, we need a 6th one) 
5 Things You May Not Know About Me
1.) I have a vivid, surrealistic imagination. One of the most common complements I get on my fics is along the lines of “This was so vivid that I could picture everything so clearly! I could smell that scent, I could see them dancing!” or “You painted such bright, beautiful pictures in my head-I could see and understand everything so easily! It was like I was right there in the scene!” 
Yeah, it was just like that for me, too-I saw it like that in my head, too. I just have the ability and desire to translate that onto the page in black-and-white. So thanks a ton!
The...slight problem that this causes, tho? I can’t turn the strength of my imagination off...and so I can’t watch horror movies. I am 25-years-old and I can’t watch horror movies and I don’t think that’s going to change any time soon. It’s all just as real, just as vivid, just as valid to me and I take on the emotional tones of the movie just as easily as if I were watching Brandy’s Cinderella or Rugrats in Paris: the Movie.
I become terrified & affronted when I’m tryna listen to music on YouTube and a fucking ad comes on first for a horror movie and I smash that “Skip Ad” button as quickly as I can-lately, it’s been It and I just...ugh. Ya’ll, not everyone can handle horror movies. 
It’s not kind. It’s not good. 
2.) Umm...I wanna cuddle Bucky Barnes. Like, if I could cuddle Bucky Barnes one day, my life would be complete and I’d need no more fulfillment. Just...lemme cuddle Bucky Barnes and all will be right in my world. 
3.) I am an avid tea drinker! I especially love to drink tea when I’m working hard-be it at writing or homework! I drink plain English breakfast tea, lemon-ginger tea, Constant Comment tea, Jasmine green tea, plain green tea, English black tea, french vanilla tea, and just about every other kinda tea you can imagine! Yep, yep! 
4.) I grew up and still live in the south, but I got my parents’ northern blood. So I love, love, love, love, love and prefer the cold. You can betcha ass that I’ll get up a 5am in the morning just to go for a walk in the freezing, pre-dawn morning. It’s like a soft, soothing winter wonderland and I love it! 
5.) I am a proudly self-professed romance sap...but I couldn’t give less than a shit about sci-fi. I’m just...not a sci-fi person. At all. You gotta put some black folk up there in them stars before I think to care. 
Well, then! That was quite a long and enjoyable meme and I hope you all had fun! Thanks so much again to Hobbit and much love to one and all! :D 
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mariequitecontrarie · 7 years
Morning Glory: Part 4
Summary: When Joseph, a former small-town priest turned soda fountain clerk, discovers his favorite customer and longtime crush Belle French spending time with a handsome, mysterious stranger, he’s convinced they’re a couple. But there’s an emotional distance between Belle and Merlin, fueling his suspicions that Merlin cares more about impressing Belle than making her happy. Will Joseph summon the courage and faith to confess his love for Belle, or will he stand aside and allow both their hearts to be broken? Word Count: Chapter: 2091/Total: 14,150 Rating: T A/N: Part 3 of my Macelle fic, Morning Glory, for @of-princes-and-savages. Written for @maydaymenagerie
AO3: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 Tumblr: Part 1| Part 2 | Part 3
Joseph manages to steer clear of Belle for a full two days, until he starts inventing excuses to see her before Thursday.
It’s become their pattern for him to wait for her to approach him, but Belle’s last visit to the soda fountain was strained and uncomfortable with Merlin present, and he has a rare Saturday off work. He’s never sought her out like this though, stalking her at her workplace like a lovesick puppy desperate for a scrap of attention.
The library is for everyone, he reasons. For months he’s been meaning to start a vegetable garden on the little patch of land behind his apartment building, giving him a ready answer for why he’s there. He reviews his plan as he turns onto Spring Street where the library sits. He can pick up a book on the Maine soil and find out what plants thrive in this climate and check on Belle at the same time. Making sure Merlin is treating her well is the least he can do as her friend.
He pauses inside the library vestibule to yank the tag off his new trousers and shove it into his pocket. He blew half a week’s pay on these and the new white button-down he bought at the posh men’s store around the corner. It’s going to be tough to make rent, but Belle always looks so lovely. He would be mortified to approach her in the dark blue uniform shirt and threadbare khakis he wears to work each day.  
Belle is standing at the reference desk, showing some books to a patron, and he ducks behind the stacks to watch her work. She throws her head back and laughs, the sound like the tinkling of chimes in a summer breeze, and he catches his breath.
Every person that approaches the desk is rewarded with a sunny smile and her full attention. Today she’s wearing a navy blue dress that make her eyes vivid and a red cardigan. He wishes he had the right to walk up to her, wrap an arm around her waist, and tell her how lovely she looks today.
He rubs the back of his aching neck and sighs. You invite us to approach Your throne boldly, Lord. But what about women?
Merlin is sitting in one of the reading nooks, his feet propped up on a table with his head bent over a book. Joseph shook his head. Doesn’t that tool have anywhere else to be? “Get a hobby,” he mutters under his breath, then regrets his surliness. How is what you’re doing any different, imbecile, spying on Belle on your day off?
“Joseph?” Belle makes her way across the library and he lunges for the first book he sees, lifting it like a shield. “Joseph, is that you?” Belle pries the book away from his face with gentle fingers.
“Belle. Hello. What are you doing here?” he asks, his voice embarrassingly high-pitched.
“I work here,” she reminds him with a bright smile.
“Ah, so you do.”
“What brings you in today?” she asks.
“Gardening books,” he blurts. “I’ve a wee bit of land behind my apartment and thought it was time to start planting. This one has excellent advice on caring for, ah, bulbs.”
“In February?” Belle glances at the cover of his book, then meets his gaze, her irises dancing. He looks at the book, too. It’s the play Cyrano de Bergerac.
He looks out into the snowy streets, wishing he could bury his head in one of the thick snowbanks that flank either side of the library. The ground is frozen solid and he sounds like a madman, babbling about gardening in the dead of winter. He shoots an accusing glance across the library, landing on Merlin. Since the evening Merlin flashed his credit card at the drugstore nine days ago, Joseph has told more fibs than he has in his entire lifetime. Fibs, are they? A lie is still a lie, no matter how small, Mother always said.
“Never too early to start planning a garden,” he croaks.
“That’s true, but this isn’t the gardening section. Come on, let me show you.” Taking him by the hand, she leads him across the library to another cluster of lined shelves. “What are we planting? Zinnias? Peonies? Azalea?”
He clings to her hand, loving the way her fingers feel in his, warm and soft, yet confident. He opens his mouth to tell her his plans to plant celery, lettuce, and spinach. “Morning glories,” he says, surprising himself. Where had that come from?
Her eyes light up. “Heavenly blues are my favorite.” Still holding his hand, she stops and her eyes drift down his body, taking in his new ensemble. Nervous under her scrutiny, he fists his other hand at his side.
He stares back, drinking in her beauty while she looks her fill. There are three small holes in her sweater and the arms are a bit long. The way the sleeves cover her wrists makes Belle look small and more vulnerable than usual. His fingers itch to touch her, to find out if the worn material of the sweater is feels as cozy as it looks.
“You look handsome today,” she says. Her voice is low and throaty, like a caress, and his arms pebble with awareness.
“Thank-thank you,” he stammers, searching her guileless eyes. She worries her lower lip with her teeth until he realizes he’s rubbing her palm with his thumb in slow, unconscious circles. He jerks back, looking over her shoulder. Merlin is still in the same chair, reading.
“It’s good to see you,” Belle says, still beaming at him like he hung the moon. “It’s not even Thursday.”
The other man looks up and smiles, not bothering to approach them, and much as Joseph wants Belle to himself, Merlin’s blatant disinterest is a blast of cold wind in the face. That’s how little of a threat you are. Yet if Merlin is going to sit there unperturbed while another man flirts with his girl…a wicked voice inside Joseph invites him to press his advantage.
Belle’s sweet fragrance drifts towards him, a delicate, fresh perfume that turns his insides to jelly. “Are you wearing freesia?” he asks, seizing the uncharacteristic feeling of boldness.
She lifts the corner of her sweater and presses it to her nose. “Yes. This sweater was my mother’s and she always wore freesia. It’s so old that the smell is permanently woven into the fabric, so I keep it with me to remind me of her. Sometimes, when I’m especially lonely for her, I dab on a bit of the perfume, too.” A single tear leaks out of one glossy blue eye.
Joseph catches it with his thumb and presses the salty bit of liquid to his mouth, and Belle’s eyes follow the motion of his hand. About a month ago, Belle told him her mother died ten years ago of cancer, shortly after her nineteenth birthday. He smiles regretfully as he thinks of his own sweet mother, now singing in heaven with the angels. “Did you know that God keeps all our tears in a bottle?”
She sniffles. “Really?”
“Yes, my mum used to say that tears are memories that leak out and run down our faces. But God remembers all of our sorrow and every tear we shed. He never forgets even a single one.” He crosses himself and thanks God for his many mercies. “Every trial, every pain. Someday, it will all be wiped away and you’ll be reunited with your mother.”
“You know a lot about loss.”
Joseph colors. He’s speaking like a priest, and Belle eyes him with curiosity. “Both my parents died two years ago in a car crash. My mother always wanted me to move to America to work. Thought it would be good for me to have a fresh start. Land of opportunity and all that. When they died, I sold their flat and came here.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be focusing on my problems when you’ve experienced such a painful and recent loss.” She wipes her eyes again with the corner of the sweater.
He lifts his arm and then drops it, feeling helpless. This is why he was such a terrible priest. Even words of comfort sound hollow in the face of pain. “It doesn’t matter how much time has passed. When we remember, it can be such a sharp pain that it feel like yesterday. Some things—like loss—we never completely recover from. I wish…I wish I could take the hurt away.”
“It helps to talk about it, to have someone listen. Talking to you is soothing. When I’m with you, I always feel calm.” She looks down at her clasped hands. “Like nothing bad can happen.”
Tears of disbelief fill his eyes. No one has ever told him that before, and yet he wonders why Belle shares her stories with him instead of her new boyfriend.
“Can I ask you something?” She tugs at the collar of the sweater and he nods. “I haven’t put any of my mom’s perfume on for a least two months. How did you detect…”
“I don’t have a face on this nose for nothing,” he says with a sheepish smile, hoping to make her laugh.
She does, and he can’t stop the grin that stretches across his face in response to her pleasure.
“I like your nose, Joseph. It’s strong. Besides, you know what Cyrano de Bergerac says, right?” Belle wags a finger. “A large nose is the mark of a witty, courteous, affable, generous, and liberal man.”
“Really?” he asks. He’s never thought of his large nose as an asset before.
“It’s an interesting play,” she says, scanning the shelves. She begins to select books and stack them on a nearby table. “About a secret admirer, actually. An intelligent, charismatic man who falls in love with a beautiful, intelligent woman, but because of a minor flaw, he won’t confess his feelings. Instead, he hides behind who he really is, ashamed, afraid of acceptance. Certain there was no way he could be liked for himself, or found any way but wanting.”
“A secret admirer?” he asks, intrigued, thinking of Merlin’s gifts to Belle. “And does he learn his lesson?”
“Yes, he learns he’s wrong about the woman he cares for; that she’s not as shallow as he at first believes. She loves him for who he is, not for who he thinks he is. That’s the power of hope, you know? That someone can come along who wants you for you. But that’s not what I like best about the story.”
“What do you like best?” he breathes, hanging on every word.
“It doesn’t matter, in the end, if she loves him or not. Learning to love yourself is the greatest lesson.”
Joseph nods, considering. He doesn’t quite know how to process Belle’s words. He knows God loves him; he knows he’s called to love other people, but he’s always been lousy at it. It’s why he was a failure as a priest—his own weakness. Hard as he tried, he was never much help to people. If he’d been stronger, he would have resisted the whiskey and cared well for his flock.
She looks at her watch. “I’m getting ready to close the library and then I’m having a late lunch with a friend. You’re welcome to join us, if you like.”
He almost says yes, until he hears a cough. Merlin has closed his book and is looking at Joseph with raised eyebrows. Joseph groans. He’d been having such a good time, he’d almost forgotten about the other man.
“That’s kind of you to offer, but I really need to go.” Joseph holds up one of several gardening books Belle selected while they were talking. “Reading to do.”
“Belle?” A woman with curly red hair and horn-rimmed glasses peeks through the stacks. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but can you come to circulation?”
“I’ll be right there,” she says to the woman, then turns to him. “I have to get back to work,” she whispers, then leans up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. She balances one more book on top of the stack of gardening books and follows her colleague to the circulation desk.
It’s Cyrano de Bergerac, the book he was hiding behind when she discovered him in the library.
He sinks into a chair and begins to read. When he next looks up, Belle and Merlin are both gone.
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averagehobbes · 7 years
Hi! Your blog is so great! I have two fics I've been looking for and maybe you can help? In one Arthur's friends don't really see Merlin's appeal so he keeps trying to take a good pic of him but then Merlin seduces him and takes pics and A doesn't show his friends bc they're so hot. The other was a twist on cyrano (?) but M is pining for Arthur who likes Gwen, but it's M that buys all her Xmas presents for Arthur, etc. & it stops working when M stops helping. it's an office au, pretty sure. Thx!
Sorry I don’t know either of these. Normally I would take an hour or so to scope them out, but I don’t have the time this week. So I’m just going to post it (and my other asks) and hope that one of my followers knows either one or both of these awesome-sounding fics! Anyone know them? It’d be a great help!
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