#statera the smol
thenextchapterbegins · 3 months
Arms crossed behind back as he looks and tilts his head between two pictures. "id fuck the twink king before i'd fuck the tv head. i dont see it."
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"Well this feels weird now so im just gonna take this off." The smol anon reaches up and pulls off his disguise "Ah now i can give proper introductions. I am named Statera."
nice to meet you!~
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thenextchapterbegins · 3 months
Stateras resurgance.
"You know, for a long time i thought i would just let myself grow old and pass on. But you know what, fuck that, i didnt survive all ive survived to just go out on a quiet note. So lets continue on, youthful and in charge. to continue fighting the strongest of the strong and maybe seeing if i can finally acquire a lover of my own...everyone else i know is doing it...always had a hard time of it but maybe nowndays it will be easier."
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Gods on the town
"Oh come now statera this whole fiasco with the wars is getting you all sour not to mention other things and the therapy and the loneliness etc but im not bringing that up to bring you down no. Im here to invite you to come and enjoy the town with me..well specifically a lounge. One of my more legit businesses when im not doing my chaotic job is working as a crime lord in a city known as Gotham and recently I've been invited along with a bunch of other random faceless thugs as some sort of "look im cool look at all these people I know" *I can take a tag along you drink and mingle maybe even chat the main honcho that could be fun who knows I do business you get out the house and stop brooding all of us win or something...at least you get off the floor."
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The figure speaking was a tall and sleek figure wearing a casual undershirt and casual suit pants piercing purple eyes underneath square glasses.
The one named statera was a short white-robed man being that his outfit that was of what a monk would be akin to that of a church or medieval ages not like a bathrobe he was laying on the floor currently brooding he had been going through things his universe was going through war and he was going through several mental things along with singledom all in all he was in a bad place mentally.
Statera lifts his head to look at uccidere. "Gotham? Isn't that the town that when it isn't teetering into full chaos and destruction people are planning to set it into pure chaos and destruction...whats the lounge called." He says sitting on the floor yawning.
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"The iceberg lounge if im correct run by a Mr. Oswald cobblepot interesting fellow if im to be correct in my channels he's risen and fallen and risen more then a few times in his line of work. How he does it I have no idea. The city, in my opinion, should be wiped clean but here we are.  If your asking im assuming you're coming to the event is tonight im not going to tell you to get ready because you won't but wear at least the grey robe at least it's not white. Now ta-ta, see you soon."
Uccidere snaps his fingers and disappears and statera stretches and stands going to his bedroom to plop into his bathtub to clean and refreshen himself up before doing his long white hair into a ponytail going into his dresser and deciding to surprise his friend by wearing a casual suit nothing too epicly fancy of course.
He wasn't good at dressing but hey uccidere was inviting him out to do something so why the hell not so it took a while.
a few hours passed and uccidere came back reappearing back into his living room dressed up in an elegant black suit and suit pants of the finest materials, of course, he always went out big and loud and he looked at statera. "ahf' fuck?" He muttered the words of r'lyhiean the language of the old gods he was surprised he had never seen statera dressed well..ever in his life..why.
"Ok, then you win there. Come now we must go remember we are incognito no mention of godhood or powers or wars or etc have my child. But again you should know this im just telling you drunk brain this just in case it forgets here." He snaps and the two are whisked away and re-appear inside a car.  "Ah, the boss is that you?" A gruff voice says from the driver seat.
"No its a random citizen your being mugged yes you bafoon it's me now drive." Uccidere sighs.
"They know and here you said you wanted to be incognito." Statera chuckles slightly.
"Of course my people know. Why wouldn't they only hire you can trust and half of them are in my cult sorta just moved them. Anyways the drive won't be long," Uccidere looks at his fingernails sighing. "So what is it you do that made it so you got invited anyways?" Statera waves a hand to uccidere.
"Weapons dealing mostly. My connections and manipulations even without my powers allows me to get into a lot of pockets lots of crime lords and empires needs guns and ammo.  its a given and clubs, dens etc its the best place to meet in public. The public goes in and party, talk, drink and etc while the criminal activity talk business if you act like you belong no one really notices and police cant shut you down because they can't prove your advertising your services to the criminals it's win-win for all. That's why it's important to keep out spies or snoops and police try to get "ins" they send someone into undercover its a whole thing and makes my job sorta hard. Im guessing Oswald wants me to supply him or maybe buy me out completely who knows ill find out."
Statera chuckles. "You've been doing this for a while." Uccidere nods. "Indeed. I've had a stake in Gotham for a few years for a while I interacted as my godly self but I quickly stopped and the people forgot as they do instead I turned into of more of a persona turned into a crime lord at least for a while it's more fun it's like a vacation. Gotham is too chaotic nothing I did could make it more so why try.  Tried my hand as a crimelord enjoyed it slightly not as much tried my hand as a supplier enjoyed that much more so decided to do that as a full-time gig in Gotham..or at least side job to my main job  and here we are."
The two talks and just catch up on various activities and doings mostly uccidere telling tales of his chaotic and non-chaotic doings across the multiverse until the stop of the car. "Boss were here." The driver gets out of the car and opens the door for them as the two exits. "Ah, wonderful hate sitting for too long. " Uccidere chuckles. "Follow me statera."
Statera nods and follows uccidere up and along and finally entering this iceberg lounge.
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An legend..reborn
There was an slight shift and static in the air. Clouds in the sky begin to gather as lightning strikes the ground.  An piece of air begins to almost split and vibrate rapidly. As the clouds begin to circle faster and faster an burst of raw power eminating from spot. Causing an few figures to suddenly feel chills. An leg slowly begins to force itself into existence as an beam of pure light pierces high into the clouds. 
Another leg appears as form slowly begins to fill in the rest. Runes and lines begin to carve into the ground spreading wider and wider out. As an low etheral roar begins to emit out as an massive shockwave emits from the figure dropping to their knees breathing rapidly. An grey static charging around their form as their eyes slowly begin to open seeing for the first time in years. An light blue color slowly takes the pupils as the figure breaths in and out slowly. Slowly standing up once more. “Heh...you really think you could get rid of me..statera the smol that easily? Fat chances.” He smirks slightly before chuckling. “No way your getting rid of me that easy.”
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“Im in an mood..an talking mood. I know most dont know alot about me exspecially new people so..heres an chance grey faces and non grey faces alike come ask me things..you know past, history favorite color etc etc.”
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An interesting rainy day
Statera packed an small lunch in the kitchen trying to avoid his other brothers he needed to seriously expand this house. 6 brothers in one kitchen oh god it was basically like..well chaos. "Alrighty ill be back in an few hours." He chuckles going outside and disappearing, reappearing feeling an few droplets on his head as he looks up seeing the grey cloudy clouds above him. "Well as long as it doesn't start pouring this should work." He sighs softly and finds him an slightly sheltered area in the large grassy plains as he moves to take off his shoes placing them next to the large tree. He moves to sit down resting his back against the hard bark as he sighs relaxing. 
"I barely get this time to myself anymore.." He mutters to himself placing his bag on his lap pulling out an small tin box opening it as he happily noms on an sandwich. Days like this were far between since becoming well an god you dont get alot of days to just relax.  They should really put that on the job application paper. He chuckles to himself softly as he continues to eat his food enjoying the quiet and stillness of everything. Listening to the droplets hit the ground as the branches and leaves sway. He moves his hood down not minding the slight chill.
  As he finishes eating he moves what remains in the tin box as he places it to the side. He crosses his legs and places his arms on his legs as he goes to close his eyes. Meditation also an rare treat though always an welcomed one. He had just started to get really into it as his body slowly starts to levitate as his eyes suddenly shoot open as he looks around. Something was near. Approaching, something large..of course it would be large because when does he get something smaller then him. He moves to his feet looking around slightly on guard. It was probably just wildlife but you can never be to careful.
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The lonely god
Statera sighs and sits down his legs dangling as he sits near the edge of a large cliff. “Soon...soon it may take a few years...maybe 5 maybe 10 or even 20 but this war will end soon and i can focus on my mental health more...focus more on finding another more...soon.”
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Merry christmas statera
“You always mentioned that you hated christmas because no one ever gave you an present. Your likes have always been..weird and i cant very well just give you an fish..though i suppose you would say better then nothing. I dont know if you viewed me as an friend but..i enjoyed our talks and you did help or i suppose leave me and my research alone instead of stomping it to the ground. Well im not the best as it but..” Seshat kneels down and places an wooden globe down. “Its an globe of your home planet..i know how much you missed visiting their you know considering with your work among other things..Well..Merry christmas statera..Hey atleast now you cant say you never got something..sorry for being late though.” He stands up looking to the shrine/grave of statera the smol as he looks up seeing the grey clouds above. “Hrmm..well better get outta here before it snows or rains you may have liked harsh weathers i dont though.” Seshat chuckles before sighing as he disappears.
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Q & A
Rules: Answer all the questions, tag however many people you want. Maybe add a question if you want! It’s that simple friends!
How did you come up with your blog name?
Well before it was staterathesmol and now its vitamorsthetoll. statera=name the=middle smol=hes 4′8 vita mors=name = the=middle part. toll=hes like 9ft  im so creative cant you tell?
Why did you make your blog?
Well i had the idea of statera before and i was rping him on an site called hivetale or something like that it was an multifandom forum ish rping site..and when it went down i just sorta migrated to tumble
How long have you had i
uhhh..like 2ish years? if you mean the characters then like add 4ish more years
How many followers do you have?
268 i love whenever i round even numbers all the way through..soon i will 300 so kool
What do you share/post about most?
uhhh..musings and roleplays and the occasional ooc post
What do you share/post about the least?
mostly political stuff and sometimes ill see something is that is fundementally wrong so ill reblog and probably post an link to snopes XD
What do you think your followers think of you?
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Add a gif or photo and explain why you chose it.
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this and other soul icons are when i really started to hardcore expand my lore and created cannonically the soul race also all the soul icons are dope. like this one as well.
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Last thing I just wanna add:
did you know that 2+2=fish?
Tagged By:  stole this from @forwearemany shh dont let them know shhhh
Tagging: anyone who wants to steal this from me
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“Hello my name is statera..i wanted to i guess make this post to reintroduce myself. There are those who deffiantly know me and those who dont. So am an soul person with an human host..This 4′8 of pure smolness is not my true form. My past is long and dark and while i have..moved on from it..It takes too long to explain it all.  Ive been alot of things..Ive been an seer, ive been an fighter, I was once an heir to an ancient god of my race..and i was an god myself.  To let you know being an god is an lot like an office job the desk is shiny but holy shit was the job boring..oh and most important..im single and deffiantly ready to mingle again.”
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NAME: Statera
NICKNAME(S): stat, the smol
SPECIES: Living soul.
AGE: pfft. older then you kiddo
MORALITY: lawful / true / chaotic / good / neutral / evil.
SINS: envy / greed / lust / gluttony / sloth / pride / wrath.
VIRTUES : chastity / humility / charity / diligence / kindness / patience / temperance / has no redeeming qualities
LANGUAGES KNOWN: Too many cant remeber em all.
SECRETS: Not the oldest even though he boasts he is...hes tecnically the third oldest of all my lore shhh
BUILD: scrawny / bony / slender / fit / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average / muscled
HEIGHT: 4′7 on short day and 4′8 normally
WEIGHT: uhhhh...idk?
SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: Several across his body due to battles and abuse with his former master. Most noteably scars across his cheeks and right eye.
ABILITIES/POWERS : destruction powers, true teleport, soul armored form and true god form aka white hair. god ki energies, ki flight, offensive techniques. point pressure techniques doesnt use it alot though.
RESTRICTIONS: not the best fighter.
 FOOD : pasta dishes. . 
DRINK: Jasmine tea and hot chocolate. 
PIZZA TOPPING: meat lovers 
COLOR(S) :white, grey, blue and green. 
MUSIC GENRE: classical music. 
BOOK GENRE:adventure/fantasy 
MOVIE GENRE: doesnt watch movies likes books more. 
SEASONS: autumn and winter
 SCENT(S):the smell of rain. 
SINGS IN THE SHOWER : -whispers- he takes baths no showers scary i know. also he doesnt sing much not even while taking an bath. hes such an rebel 
CURSE WORD: “oh god damnit im to old for this shit”
Tagged by @underxrosetintedglass tagging: whomever wants to do this.
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full name: Statera the smol god of universe 20 god of balance. other names: Statera, stat. smol occupation: God of balance of universe 20 age: Older then youuuuu gender: Male in soul form genderless. sexuality: bisexual origin: Universe 20 god of universe 20 current location: Resting at home. Body rekted from current events. nationality: Universe 20 ethnicity: Human male. True form is a living soul so idk. spoken languages: To many to list. religion:  i means hes a god...so...but honestly hes not a relgious man its just a job to him. height: 4'8 or 4'9 body type: Skinny/slightly muscular eyes: Light blue eyes. soul form no eyes. tattoos: none you'll ever see unless you sleep with him. piercings: No social media: GODTUBE FTW. i mean im keeping this one the same. smoking: Nah well maybe weed... drinking: Yeh drugs: Yeh sometimes harmless ones. athletics:  Everyday. hobbies: What is this? virgin: No favorite food: Lots of stuff. favorite music: Meh underwear type: no
tagged by @making-a-scene
tagging @anyone who wanna do thissss
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