#storiesofsass is a different person
sassmodeus · 4 years
I- are you not storiesofsass?
No, I’m sassmodeus.
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courtesan-of-garage · 5 years
hey guys, look, somehow last night I became famous XD
sad thing is that I have become famous as paedophile and twincest supporter, thanks to people that ‘didn’t want to cause drama’, that’s why they posted everything on tumblr, tagged us, and put in their post some screenshots that were simply taken out of context and present them as 'good people’ here.
Let’s get one thing straight - me and NONE OF my friends ARE. NOT. SUPPORTING. PAEDOPHILIA. AND. TWINCEST.
@storiesofsass has already sum up whole situation, but there’s one thing that hurts me most. Okay, two maybe.
First - how easily you can manipulate people here. It’s like, they see something and they already believe it. No criticism, no thinking 'hey… but what if that screenshots are taken out of nowhere? what if there’s more, but I simply don’t have access to it? oh, maybe I will hear the other side of conflict and then I will judge myself’. I would love someone to post 'raw’ pics of how that conversation was going, from the very beginning to the very end, with no cutting and editing. I’m really curious if your opinion would be still the same.
Second - I’m terrified with people’s lust for destruction. As @storiesofsass said in her post, we tried to finish that fight over some imaginary problem, everyone agreed that tastes in man are individual matter and everyone has their own opinion. We also all agreed, that teen’s pregnancy is fragile subject and shouldn’t be theme for a game, but if somehow, somewhere game like this exists/will be created - that subject should be treated with care. We tried to drop that subject, reminding people that we are on discord for fun. But some people didn’t wanted to accept this.
They started to dig in one person profile, probably not only hers, trying to find anything that’s shameful and will make us look bad. Now tell me - is opinion 'male/female Atlas (pixelated man in mobile app) is really handsome!’ a crime? Is this something we should put people in jails for? Does 'wanting him as a LI’ means that someone wants to romance with him as MC? Let me answer you: no. All that means is that girl finds Atlas attractive and wants him to be LI, for other characters, for example. She wants to romance him, but GOD DAMN, NOT WHILE BEING MC.
Digging in our profiles was one thing. Inviting friends to our channel to ruin it was second. In 5 minutes, we had at least 4 new users. All of them started to spam, made it impossible to have normal conversation again, still talking about that drama, even though no one there was interested in fighting anymore. We asked them to stop, at least 2 or 3 times. It was like talking to the wall. They were joking about us, insulting us, reacting to every message with hate.
We simply created new channel, because we had enough. And that’s how our main channel, our little community where we all tried to treat each other with respect, where many people came and had faith that they found a place where they can be themselves and share their opinions, was destroyed. Thank you, dear mutuals, for it! You should be proud!
What happened next, after publishing that 'eXpOSIng DarK trUtH abOuT DisCoRD’ post - you can see yourself. I have only one last wish - If you believed in every word and if you started to publish some 'IF YOU SUPPORT PAEDOPHILIA AND TWINCEST UNFOLLOW ME RIGHT NOW’, if you started sending anonymous hate to my friends - please, unfollow me right now. And learn to use your own brain and making your own judgement. Life is easier then. You will thank me one day.
Last words - one guy once told me, that destroying is easy and takes only seconds, while creating and making something is hard work. Instead of causing drama and tearing that fandom apart, try maybe to develop some respect for other people and their opinions. Learn how to share your point of view with head. You don't need to agree with everything, but you need to tolerate that there are other people with different opinions. What you showed yesterday on discord and then continued on a tumblr - you were behaving worse than monkeys in the zoo.
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pendulumprince · 7 years
Lurking the depths of the internet and found something interesting. The theory is pretty long but I found it plausible. (1/4)
Revolver’s Father worked for SOL technologies and they had a secret project to develop life and therefore become Gods by creating AI in the Cyberse. Revolver’s Father was the head of the experiments where Yusaku and presumably numerous other children were used for testing Human free will by scanning their brains during emotionally intense situations and Yusaku may have even been the culmination of the project as an AI 
or he was the basis for the development of Ignis and his kind which resulted in Yusaku having a specific connection with the VRAINS. Revolver’s Father realised the dangers of what SOL was creating and grew to regret his actions, he then likely freed all of the test subjects and subjugated the AIs they developed to stave them off for time and develop a way to destroy them, Ignis escapes and Yusaku is rescued with the other children likely including Aoi and perhaps Go. 
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(Just so everyone knows, this is the first part of a series theories @storiesofsass sent me. Expect the rest in the coming days!)
So I like this, and feel that it has a good chance of being true. Right now SOL stands as the creator of Link Vrains; but we know that Link Vrains cannot exist without the Cyberse, which was created and/or maintained by the Ignis’s, who were created by Dr. Kogami. So it’s only natural to think Dr. Kogami has a connection to SOL.
So let’s say SOL employed Dr. Kogami to create a new lifeform, which could in turn sustain a new world. We can infer that Dr. Kogami was once very passionate about the Ignis’s; we can’t forget what he said in episode 8 regarding his special AIs:
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So Kogami’s connection to SOL may have started out simply enough: because they gave him the funding to complete his life’s ambition. It would be one thing if Kogami were in on the whole “Let’s-Become-Gods” idea and simply realized it was wrong one day, but I personally think it would be more interesting if he turned against SOL because they targeted his son, Revolver, as a test subject. If he caught wind of this—that the Chess Piece Bosses wanted to rule over the Cyberse like gods, and were using his son to do it? That would probably hit him hard. 
… hard enough to start a quasi-terrorist organization to stop them, no doubt. And look, if Revolver’s wellbeing was his starting motivation, it’s since moved past that. Because if this was SOL’s plan, it involves the exploitation and subjugation of several key groups, first and foremost the Ignis’s. If we look back on episode 8, we get this scene between Ignis and Akira:
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Akira: “Ignis! My company will retrieve you.”
Ignis: “Everything you do is by force. You’re losing your cool.”
And if SOL conducted a hostile takeover of the Cyberse? Used it to their own ends? Perhaps even forced the Ignis’s to maintain it? Then of course Ignis would feel contempt for them. This would especially be the case if the Chess Piece Bosses were the ones forcing the Ignis’s to “take over the network”, thus turning them and their world into the KoH’s target.
And after the Ignis’s, who else was exploited? The kids. Good lord, those kids. That episode 11 flashback added credence to the idea that yes, Yusaku was kidnapped; his Special Person tells him:
“Three. Think of three things. Three things to live. Three things to go home. Three things to defeat the enemy. By thinking, you can still live.”
I already unpacked what this quote implies, but tl;dr? “Three things to go home” means Yusaku once had a life, a home, friends and family that he was ripped away from. His Special Person, no matter their motives or true feelings, was using the possibility of his life going back to normal to incentivize Yusaku to not give up.
And this was probably the case for every. Kid. There. We have our Six Lost Babies, but we don’t know if they were the only ones kidnapped. For all we know, their were dozens more, and they were the only one’s to make it out alive.
Dark, but tbh I wouldn’t put it past Vrains to go there. There kids had their lives uprooted, destroyed, possibly ended, because SOL-fucking-Technology wanted to make a buck. Because it’s CEO’s wanted to become gods. Just. Just sit on that for a minute.
… and lastly, there’s one other group that’s been exploited: all of Den City. The first thing we learned about SOL in the preliminary information is that “nearly everything in Den City is connected” to them. Obviously this means Link Vrains, and by extension the dueling world. But it has got to go beyond that. Think schools. Hospitals. The banks. Law enforcement. Local government. The Chess Piece Bosses weren’t able to become real gods, but they certainly go lord over Den City like they are.
Now, back to Kogami. I’m sure he has the kids, Den City, and all of humanity in mind—and the easiest way to halt SOL’s ascent would be to destroy his own creation, the Ignis’s. Because they’re the ones keeping the Cyberse afloat; remove them, and the Cyberse is vulnerable to destruction. I mean, that was basically the first scene we ever saw in Vrains.
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So, no matter how many kids were actually there, let’s say that there were six “main” kids, who resulted in successful AIs. They translate to the six AIs we see in episode 1. And they go, in this (relative) order: Revolver, Go, Yellow AI kid, Green AI kid, Aoi, and Yusaku.
Revolver’s first, as Kogami’s son. He results in the Red AI, the one who physically resembles a flame, harkening back to the name “Ignis” itself. Go, Yellow!Kid, Green!Kid, and Aoi come after. And last is Yusaku, who was used to make our Ignis: “Ai”. 
And it’s important that Yusaku came in at the tail-end of the experiments—because remember the Glitch/Incomplete!Ignis theories? Our Ignis looks quite different from the others, and that could be because Kogami released the kids before the experiment with Yusaku was complete. This would explain why our Ignis looks different, why he didn’t need to be trapped in order for the Cyberse to become vulnerable, and how Yusaku knows his past was messed with—because the memory erasing process was done haphazardly with him, on-the-fly, because the facility had been breeched. 
We can theorize that Revolver knows he was experimented on because his father told him and/or revived his memories. Yusaku retains some memory for the above reason. And Aoi, Go, and the other two have no memory of The Incident at all, because the memory-altering procedure was done properly, and they had/have no one around to tell them what actually happened. 
… I really went all around town with this one, so TL;DR: Kogami for sure could have worked with SOL, before discovering their true motives and forming the KoH to combat them. Several key groups were adversely effected by SOL’s actions: the Ignis’s, the Lost Babies, and all of Den City itself. The AI’s could have been formed using the kids; Yusaku was probably the last child to be experimented on, explaining why our Ignis is “different” and how Yusaku remembers anything at all.
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