#stress stress stress stress stresssssss
practically-an-x-man · 8 months
might have covid :(
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daydreamingbird · 2 years
who the fuck allowed me to have this much responsibility like who thought it would be a good idea. i have no idea what i'm doing 😭
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mindlesswicker · 1 year
stress stress stress stress stresssssss (im ok i just wish i could be in an empty space tbh)
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thesaltyace · 2 years
Work has got me stresssssssed 😩
Our new hire is proving to be untrainable. I really really hope I'm wrong but dear god I'm about to scream in frustration. I can't tell if he's just incapable of learning or if he thinks he's "learned enough" but either way, he's absolutely not ready to work independently.
And yesterday he did something that actually made me angry - he scheduled a student to meet with him independently... when I'm very sure I made it clear just earlier that morning that he was not ready to meet with students on his own yet. I only found out about the student meeting by chance, thankfully before the meeting actually happened. I didn't express anger because I assumed there was miscommunication or something and just explained that he cannot meet with students on his own yet, please send all students to me or the other advisor.
He said okay and sorry.... and didn't offer up the student he'd scheduled with to reschedule with me. So I'm thinking... bud, you don't get to keep that one... But hey maybe I just need to be clearer about the situation. I asked when that student was scheduled for so that I could work her into my schedule, and he said he'd just email the student to tell her to schedule with me. Not what I asked for, but okay.... Except I got a weird vibe off of that and it seemed like 🚩🚩🚩 so I asked him to copy me on that email. I had a feeling that maybe he was trying to hide the meeting and meet with the student anyway? But if he copied me on it then it was transparent so whatever, not a big ask. But he read the message... And then didn't copy me on the email. I had to ask him this morning to forward it to me. He was sure he copied me on it. I said forward it anyway, thanks. Oh, here it is, I guess I hadn't copied you, sorry. (Me, internally: 😒)
I try to assume incompetence or ignorance before jumping to wilful intent, but this interaction is starting to tip the scales for me. It can still be explained by incompetence (which tbh is still not good) but it's tap-dancing on the line between that and wilful intent IMO. I'm trying to be very aware about clearly communicating expectations, because I know how lost I felt when I started an advising position and I want to provide better structure than what I had. And uhhhh he's started to ignore my requests and, in my view, go around me to do what he wants to do instead of what he's been asked to do. And he's not even got the basics down which is honestly not acceptable ten weeks into the job.
And in other stress-inducing situations, our chair has made a decision against my advice, regarding a topic on which I'm arguably the expert. He seems to think his solution will work but his solution involves doing something I feel is unethical. I'm not sure if he realizes it's unethical, but it doesn't really matter because I've already talked with the dean's office and they said he absolutely cannot do what he seems to think he can do. I'm weighing how exactly to approach this issue without getting my head bit off. And without saying I TOLD YOU SO. Because I did, in fact, tell him so. It's a huge clusterfuck and I'm 100% sure he will be very unhappy with the outcome no matter what happens. And I don't want to be the messenger. 🏹
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thepixelelf · 1 year
I just watched that happy death day Christmas video with Golcha and oh god the laughs but also THE STRESSSSSSS 😭😤😭😤😭😤
Evil loser bf being so happy with his sabotaging and angry protective Fluff ball!!!!!!!!!! He was so cute defending the tower!!! Them not even wanting to say goodbye at the end of it all was such a mood 😂
!!!!!!! Legitimately the first time I watched it I felt so stressed and then betrayed lmao
How could my loser bf do this to me....
But yes one of the funniest ssap possible videos for sure!! I'm glad I remembered it for this christmas season 😊
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ask-opposite-sides · 4 years
They cover their mouth, looking horrified. "O-oh gods. I-i-" They hiccup slightly. "I'm s-so sorry- I-i could have- I should have-" -Stress
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bread-of-death · 4 years
aLoNe iN tHe AiRpOrT
aLoNe iN tHe AiRpOrT
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mirrren · 4 years
Idk what kind of world my Spanish teacher lives in but I don’t think this is a philosophy class...
Tumblr media
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daddyh · 5 years
whats going on with halsey u ask? well let me tell u 
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what if there’s no new clip before 6pm and the episode airs and then the new clip comes up when the last clip ends
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treewithabark · 5 years
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twotonedblues · 3 years
WE DIDNT CHOKE!!!!!!!!!11
WE’RE GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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flarsanddanie · 4 years
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guardiandae · 7 years
toastycyborg replied to your post: Update: my friend had a major allerg...
I’m so unspeakably relieved for you, I’m in tears. I’m so glad, you both deserve cuddles and ice cream
I’m so so so relieved for her. She really needed this surgery, her insides were so fucked up, man...
She had an ongoing problem with scar tissue and the fact that whenever she had her period, she’d bleed badly but also internally and the blood would come out in huge clots when it finally came out. Because of all that going on, I guess it effed up her insides more and she had a bad infection they only realized like a week before her surgery, so she had to take some strong antibiotics to tame it down. Originally she was going in for scar tissue removal, and maybe a hysterectomy.. my mom encouraged her to just go ahead and remove it all bc my friend had done the scar tissue surgery before and was still having problems anew, and would have to do it again later too. She already has 3 kids, her tubes tied (and she’s a few months older than me lol rip) and had so much complications with her last pregnancy, she died, her kids died, and had to be revived, it was scary and she can’t do that shit again. 
But on top of that, when she was seeing the doctor for pre-op checkups, they told her, they’d not only have to take her scar tissue and uterus, but also her ovaries, and part of her bladder and part of her intestines. And she’s underweight, so they wanted her to put on a few pounds before they’d operate on her, but this girl was literally in so much pain every day and eating would just make her puke (sometimes puking up blood, guys) because her insides were so fucked... we were all so worried for her for a long time bc like... it’s an issue for the docs to do the surgery while she’s underweight, but she’s literally trying to gain weight but losing MORE bc she can’t really eat food successfully, and she’s in pain and bleeding and getting worse like can u just operate already PLEASE, which is what they did. sdgdfkjgdjkfjgljdl I just hope she rests up properly now bc she’s really not out of the woods yet... I had a co-worker die post surgery already I really really don’t want that to happen again, she is my only friend and I care about this girl so much, cry.
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aramisinspace · 3 years
Episode 2 of Salvation! Let's go!!
Ohhh Zoë is leaving
No it's a dream never mind
Amanda is causing me stress... I don't like this
She's good... But afjss dammit please stop being good at what you do
Oh... Oh... I.. He's not that bad... He's a bootlicker... But not bad... (Harris)
Daruis looks so done with it all...
Ohhh snark... I love him
Yes Grace!!
Liam... He looks so uncomfortable in the helicopter...
Just the whole interaction between Darius and Liam... Its perfection
Fanboys... Nerd Fanboys they're so cute
Ah crisis of conscience... Oh no... She's realised he's dead.. Or close enough
It's a cover up! Liam... Please remember to replace stuff as you found it
Oh yes... Call out hello in the house you broke into... Genius
Hi, Pete
Harris, please, for God's sake man... Either you know and are lying to her again, or you're being duped
Urgh they're so cute!!
Liam you absolutely lovely human!
Someone's got his own private FBI man running around after him
Professor Croft!!!
This boi is just slapping 100's around lmfao
Atlas???!,?? What's that???
Shiteeeee... I'm am stressed again
Oh fuck... She realised... This stress is not good for the baby... And by baby I mean me
Daruis... Don't be an ass... I will actually fight you
Here we go again... I cannot deal with the stresssssss
Is Amanda going to end up being assassinated
He was awake.. Oh ffffffddd
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