#summer sanchez-smith
It Was A Blast Meeting You
Summary: I have so many stupid thoughts about how interactions between Prime!Rick and any Summer would go, so here we are with one of them. Summer isn't from C-137's universe, but a pretty similar one, and is aware enough of interdimensional shit that she knows the Rick in her timeline isn't her dimension's og Rick. For Prime, the timeline is just after the stinger of Solaricks. For Summer, it's around where late season 5 for C-137's dimension is.
Summer is falling through the space between portals. Just like before. She's given up figuring out how long she'll be in here, what with no portal gun with her to make an exit, but her best guess is that she's got a solid three days before the dehydration and lack of food will get her. She makes the same checklist in her head as she'd been making every time her disassociation is interrupted and she's stuck being aware of her current situation.
Time currently in portal: Idk, probably like 2 hours. I have to pee.
Additional notes: Still cramped, still falling or moving or whatever. Still no exit. I wanna go back to the football boy fantasy.
Time currently in portal: I still dk, probs like 4 hours.
Additional notes: I wonder what happens to my corpse when I die in here. Will I decompose? I'm basically in a vacuum that somehow lets me breathe, but there's no bacteria or stuff that I know of. Do I just stay a perfectly intact corpse?
Time currently in portal: Who gives a shit, I'm gonna die.
Additional notes: Football girl fantasy better than football boy fantasy. I miss Stacy.
Time currently in port-
Summer lands, perhaps somewhat ungracefully, face-first on the floor of what looks like a very futuristic garage.
Well, at least she's out. And now she even knows what's gonna kill her.
The Prime Rick is looking at her with confusion that's replaced by a smirk seconds later, a blaster in his hand aimed straight at her throat.
"Aww, hey alternate version of a hypothetical granddaughter!" He says, letting her scramble up at gun- ray- laser whatever point. "Ya missed your grandpa so much you fired up a portal, huh? Betcha thought it'd get you across universes to him, right?" The gun is cocked, a little charging up noise accompanying his tone turning menacing. "Betcha thought you'd get to come home to a nice happy reality, didn'tcha."
Summer's initial panic, tried and true instinct at the sight of a blaster pointed at her face, washes out. Exhaustion, followed by resignation, seeps in.
"Not really. I'm just glad I can crack my spine before I die." She twists her neck, letting the pop noise herald the feeling of relief. "Finally. Ok, you can shoot me now, I guess. I don't really care." She starts stretching her arms and shoulders, betting that he'll shoot before she can finish, but Prime's looking at her funny instead. The blaster hand isn't even his main focus anymore.
"Well that's new. W-what are you, some kinda spy or guilt ploy? Am I supposed to be sorry for you, is that the plan?"
She shrugs again.
He keeps staring as the teenager starts talking.
"Dunno. Rick might've implanted some shit in me, but not that I know of. I asked for laser boobs for months and he keeps saying no. But all Morty has to do to get a dragon is whine to Mom for a few weeks, and suddenly he gets to have fucking Balthromar or whatever as his pet, and Morty just keeps fucking things up! It's not like he had to go fight all of the ocean's creatures to get that stupid shell, it's not like he had to train the giant space baby, it's not like he built up an entire Go-gotron empire from the ground up, his whole job was just to stand around and block Rick's brainwaves! But nooooo, he's still Rick's favorite even though I'm the one that actually keeps everything running! WHATEVER! He wouldn't care enough about me to implant anything, that lousy jerk face-"
"Giant space baby?" He cuts her off.
The curiosity spikes at the way the girl glares at some empty space in the room.
"Yeah, and that's thanks to Morty too! If he hadn't fucked that stupid horse machine, I wouldn't be a fucking teenage mom to a fucking incest space baby that I had to train because the fucking US government wanted to use him as a fucking weapon! Fucking Morty!"
Further questions. He wants to laugh. He wants to make several jokes he would have made to Diane if she'd started ranting to him like that.
He's mostly left any sentimentality of his behind along with that Diane and her Beth, decades ago in that little garage. But now he finally gets what those other Ricks had mentioned now and then, how their granddaughter takes after Diane more than anyone had thought possible. She'd be clenching her fists like that too right now, muttering those same insults under her breath, mixing and matching what she knows in Spanish and English with all of the alien language snipers she'd learned because of Rick.
It's not exactly pity of all things that courses though his head, but a strategic plan. Summer is young. She's angry, hurting, and capable of violence. She doesn't seem to plan on forgiving her family anytime soon. She wants revenge. Just like Diane would have.
He can use her. Send her back in as a mole, have her keep tabs, and then he can kill that stupid Rick and his whole family and then her. He'll even be nice and kill her painlessly while she's doing something that makes her happy. He'll let her kill Beth and shoot her while she's laughing at the corpse. Yeah. That sounds good.
"Alright, kid," he says, getting the teenager to finally shut up her rant, which has now moved to focus on her parents. "You've convinced me. I need an intern anyway." He turns the blaster off, deliberately playing it up just a bit as he sticks the weapon back in his belt. She stands up, her shock still splashed across her face even as her eyes show that she's already adjusting to the situation in her head, evaluating and reevaluating the idea.
It's adorable, really, that she thinks she can outwit him.
"Why?" Well, at least she's asking questions. That's a start.
"You're angry at your family. I have a score to settle with your Rick. You want revenge. I want revenge. You have a fascinating resumé and catch on quick. I like not having to micro-manage. Consider yourself hired for this particular part of my plan." He even tosses her a bottle of (not poisoned) water. See, he can be downright polite when necessary.
Summer finally looks calm, resigned again to whatever happens as she twists open the cap without taking a sip.
"You're gonna kill me at the end of this." She doesn't ask, saying it like she can see the future and isn't upset about it. "Fuck it, I always wanted to die young and hot," and then she's raising the water bottle in a fake toast before taking a deep sip and grinning at him. He can see Diane again, but also a little bit of that Rick blood in her too, with the wide grin of his dead wife and her eyebrow raised in half-mock the same way he would in her position.
Maybe she's a little smarter than he gave her credit for.
"Welcome to the dark side, kid," he says instead of anything else, watching as she pushes off the counter and walks over to him. "Grandpa's not gonna know what hit him."
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mourninglamby · 8 months
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bugs under a rock
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starshapedspider · 6 months
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happy holidays
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mothorchid996 · 6 months
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Grandpa and children
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kermahillway · 6 months
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HELO! Yes I still exist, just been busy and also forgot Tumblr exists!
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awesomespiritcat21 · 6 months
Ladies and gentlemen. The smartest man in the universe:
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dummy-morty · 2 months
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dumbass comic i made for a dumbass joke
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nevon1nonly · 4 months
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Morticia doodles cus shes everything to me !!
Closeups under the cut :3
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Rick is definitely overprotective of her after she transitions but he’ll never admit it
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Saphic jessimort will be real in 10 seconds !!!
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The sisters ever!!! I would like to think that morti, summer, and beth (and space beth) have girls days out :))
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mortysmith · 4 months
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noodleowl · 5 months
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I realized I never posted these. Just fucked around for fun.
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happyshippingnoises · 5 months
Help my obsession has gone too silly
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[Sorry if the text is hard to read I'm just trying to crawl out of an art block]
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bingobongocheerio · 4 months
(Y/N): What happens to nitrogen when the sun rises?
(Y/N): It becomes daytrogen.
Rick: I'm going to bed.
(Y/n): Good nitrogen.
Morty: Sleep tightrogen.
Summer: Don't let the bedbugs bitrogen.
Rick: [angry screams from the garage]
(Y/n): Let's go before he comes after us.
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mourninglamby · 8 months
Your ability to make gorgeous thought provoking art out of "bad" media is so cool tbh you're one of the reasons I clung onto spn for so long you just characterize Castiel too good....
thanks speaking of bad media. Here’s more
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riicksanchez · 7 months
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mothorchid996 · 3 months
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I watched the first, second and third seasons again.😇
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lungbotomy · 6 months
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quickie of a back to the future au(?)
Rick does time travel instead and helps his grandkids with their history homework
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