#sxf mission 67
lady-charinette · 2 years
Spoilers for Mission 67:
Twilight: does everything and beyond to ensure his identity(ies) remain a secret, bends over backwards to keep up appearances & has highly detailed plans A-Z for emergency situations
One (1) jealous doctor:
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 2 years
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 67 Part 2... You have been warned...! 👌
Welp... I knew this chapter had to go one of two ways... And it did not disappoint...!! 😆
Okay, to start things off... We get introduced to these two SSS agents:
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Who I, weirdly enough, was suspicious of not being who they say are...! But as it went on, I just believed that they were, in fact, actual SSS agents...!! 😌
Especially after THIS:
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But then, one page later...:
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You got me again, Endo...!! 😌
Tatsuya Endo, you absolute mad man...!! 🤣
Anyway, these two panels were probably my favorite in this whole chapter:
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So, as the "SSS agents" (Fiona and Franky) start to take Director Gorey "away", and Twilight makes a plea to "save him"...!! 😖
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(D-Don't make it weird Fiona... 😑)
Director Gorey becomes greatful to Loid for saving him and believes that he's a good man now...!! 😆 And as for Franky and Fiona, well...:
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But before the chapter ended, we get a possible hint as to what the next chapter might have in store for us...: 🤔
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And that was Mission 67 Part 2!! 😄 Like I said here at the beginning and in my review for the first part of this chapter... I figured that either something bad was gonna happen or something funny was gonna happen...
This chapter was just so much fun!! 😄 Endo never fails to pull the rug from under my feet and to keep me guessing on what's gonna happen next!! 😁 But that's what I love about Spy X Family, it's so unpredictable...!! And I wouldn't have it any other way...!! 😊
As for the last panel with Anya, I definitely think this might be the setup for a possible Anya Arc, but like I said, Spy X Family is very unpredictable...!! 😅 So whatever comes next, you know that I'll most likely be surprised...!! 😄
Until the next Mission, I'll see you all then...!! 💗 BYE!! 👋😁
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yumeka-sxf · 4 months
I can't believe we've reached the season finale! 😭 First off, the key visual for this episode is too adorable and is only reminding me how much I'm going to miss my favorite (fake) family! ❤️
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While the early season episode where Bond and Twilight go on a mission together hints at how much compassion Twilight has for Bond, this episode really highlights what a softie he can be when he's around someone with whom he doesn't have to put on any acts.
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Not only does he risk his life to go after Bond in the fire, but when he finds out that Bond went into the burning building to save another dog, he gives that soft, sincere smile that's only reserved for when one of his family members does something that truly touches him.
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Rather than be annoyed with Bond for putting both their lives in danger, he's happy that he would risk his life to protect others...because that's what he does all the time! Plus, when he thinks Bond is acting out by "attacking" random people, instead of getting mad, he puts it upon himself to try and understand Bond better, the same as he does with Anya.
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It's also really adorable how much Bond wants to please Loid. Is he learning from Anya?
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This guy has to be one of the dumbest arsonist to stick around the building he just burned down with a hat that says "Fire" 😂
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And of course, wet Bond and "trying not to laugh" Twilight are finally animated! Twilight is lucky that Yor and Anya weren't there to catch him snickering like that...the embarrassment may have killed him.
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Then we get the pinnacle of how much Twilight cares for Bond when he tells him that he should think of himself as a family member first and guard dog second, plus how heartbroken "someone" would be if anything happened to him. And that sentiment is really a driving theme in the series, not just in this case with Bond, but for Twilight and Yor too. They're always putting the happiness of others before their own, without either knowing that the other is doing it.
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I didn't think they would use this story as the season finale, since it only featured Twilight and Bond, and Franky a bit in the beginning. But they made it feel more like a finale by adding new scenes of the other characters! The scenes with Anya and Yor doing origami was cute - I love how Yor went too hard with the scissors 😅
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And the ending where Anya gives both Twilight and Bond stellas was a great addition (though maybe a bit canon-altering since Anya in the manga hasn't seen soaked Bond up to this point).
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The montage of all the other characters at the end was nice as well.
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I laughed at Fiona's target practice 🤣
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And the final scene with the Forgers having dinner was the perfect last shot~
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No announcement for season 3 yet, but the episode does hint that there will be more! There's a SxF event in Japan in June 2024 where they could make such an announcement. I'm hoping season 3 won't start until 2025 in order to give the manga time for new content - as of the end of season 2, 67% of the manga has been adapted into the anime (according to my story guide spreadsheet), which is a lot. We'll see! But there will definitely be more SxF anime in the future, perhaps even another movie! So for now, only SxF Sundays twice a month will have to tide us over 😄
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itsmaferart · 7 months
Something interesting about the last few arcs of SxF is the way in which the events have been organized. If you remember, the last arc of the manga was about developing Twilight and how his relationship with Yor and his family have been 'affecting' him, but it is more interesting that you remember a little of the previous mini-arcs:
If we make a compilation of the manga, we remember that in chapter 65 Yor meets Melinda Desmond and start a kind of 'friendship' between mothers. Which causes Twilight activating his spy instincts, having a brief episode of 'distrust' towards Yor. However, it was also the opportunity for Loid to support his wife to "open up to new friendships"...
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....and also kick off Plan C: mother-friends.
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While Twilight had the reflex to distrust Yor, he also thinks about the possibility of taking care of his wife in case Melinda plans something bad with her sudden friendship with Yor.
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Just in manga 67, we have Twilight considering the possibility of Nightfall participating in plan C if necessary. Although with his current injuries we don't know if this will happen soon.... or Nightfall will make a miraculously quick recovery.
And much later, we have chapters dedicated to Loid and Yor's marriage, with Loid advising his patient to take a closer look at his wife and Yor failing to kiss her husband because they are so happy together.
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And in the end, all these little chaotic confusions trigger the end of the most recent arc with Yor asking Loid to trust her more at home, but also, that one of her deepest desires is to be able to take care of him more, even if he really can do everything, she wants to be there for him.
The way Twilight is acknowledging that he is having a 'soft spot' for Yor, and the beginning of him starting to trust her more becomes interesting if you think that in a future when Plan C really unfolds, it opens up a lot of possibility.
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What if Loid really has to take care of his wife? what if Yor really comes at some risk at the expense of his friendship with Melinda… or yes, he should start to trust Yor more and put aside his sporadic suspicions about her?
Meaning, even if Loid tries as hard as he might to deny his feelings for his wife, or simply tries to pull away more emotionally, can he really do it, even if it means affecting the Strix mission to prioritize his wife?
We literally saw Twilight going against the values of a spy by not killing Yuri, an enemy SSS agent when he really had the opportunity to eliminate him and get away with it, only because he really knows that to do so, would be to break his wife's heart.
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So, without realizing it, although his job as a spy is to prioritize the mission, his emotions can overtake him at any moment..
Not to mention, in the same Melinda arc we got these two Tendero panels referring to Melinda and Loid:
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Yes, in short, I think we will have some very intense and interesting arcs at some point....
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tare-anime · 8 months
SxF Mission 87
(Beware if spoilers)
World building or plot wise, in this chapter, we do get the thing Twilight has been trying to get since chp 67
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The files of special VIP patients.
And these patients relates to Melinda, I guess.
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Part of plan C
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So maybe... maybe with Fiona is out of commision, we will see how Twilight use this information, and somehow Yor might get an even more advace info?
We might be get more Melinda soon. With Lady patriot society?
Will we focus on Yor??
A lady patriot society ball??
Sylvia meeting Yor for the first time???
Or... ooooorrrr???? Garden involvement???
(Ok, I'll stop here before I go too far 🤣🤣🤣)
Anyway, Endo is cooking something. And I can't wait to see it.
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lady-charinette · 2 years
A Spy Among Us - Spy x Family
Warnings: mentions of blood, Mission 67 Spoilers!
This will probably have a part 2!
“Hello? Is this the state security service? I’m calling from Berlint General Hospital.” Director Gorey whispered, eyes glaring at a single point.
“Yes, are you calling to report suspicious activity or people?” the fist lieutenant of the secret police grabbed his pen, sliding a blank piece of parchment in front of him to write down any important information the caller might reveal.
Cigarette smoke curled around the receiver in his hand, a distant drumming in the background signaled the interrogation in the other room was still underway. Yuri must be having quite the fun interrogating the Ostanian traitor they captured two days ago.
“Yes, that’s right. I’ve discovered a spy on my staff.” The chief medical director’s words made the lieutenant move his pen closer to the paper, ready to jot down the identity of another traitor.
“What is the identity of this spy?”
Tips and calls have been coming in abundance recently, perhaps another politician or gambler from Westalis ready to infiltrate their security to gather more intel for the war.
The name the director uttered made the cigarette fall from the lieutenant’s mouth. “Dr. Loid Forger, he’s working under me as a psychiatrist.”
The lieutenant wrote down the name instinctively, but his lips turned down into a frown. “You’re certain of your intel? Making the state do work for false leads only wastes resources, director Gerald Gorey.”
There was an audible gasp and swallow on the other line, until the director gathered his wits about him and spoke in hushed tones. “Y-Yes, I’m very-very certain it’s the truth! He’s been acting suspiciously with one of my staff for months now!”
The officer rose an eyebrow, “Oh? And this staff of yours doesn’t appear suspicious?”
The director spluttered. “N-No, no! I assure you officer, my staff is trustworthy! Except Dr. Forger!”
How curious.
The lieutenant rubbed his chin, curling his fingers around the receiver. “Thank you for the tip, we will investigate this thoroughly.” Before he hung up, the lieutenant issued a warning: “Oh and director? I hope for your sake this intel is correct, there is a penalty to be paid for deceiving the state security service.”
“M-My information is correct, officer!”
The officer grunted, hanging up without hearing the nervous mumblings of the man to the end.
His office was once again silent, eyes transfixed on his handwriting on the piece of faded beige paper on his mahogany desk.
Loid Forger.
He underlined the name, eyes moving to focus on the door as audible footsteps neared it. He could tell who would enter from the pace of the footsteps and something settled heavily into his stomach.
The door swung open with a jolt and an eerie creak, the squelch of heavy duty boots stomped on the ground of the facility as one Yuri Briar entered his office, leaving moist, red imprints behind him.
He was cleaning his hands, holding one black glove while his other hand cleaned it, the once white handkerchief covered in splotches of red. It was a hassle to clean good leather once the blood dried on it, after all.
“Second Lieutenant Yuri Briar reporting!” he saluted, relaxing as soon as the older man nodded. “I’ve managed to extract the information we need out of the Ostanian traitor, he’s in the infirmary wing now, the camera has been shut off as per protocol.” Yuri’s gaze fell down to the piece of paper in front of the first lieutenant, eyes alight with a familiar twinkle. A thirst for blood, for traitors of their country. “Another one already? Who is it this time? Jonas Wellman?”
A heavy silence settled on both men, the first lieutenant’s gaze moving to stare at the open door, motioning for Yuri to close it with a wave of his hand.
He glanced back down at the name he wrote as he if needed to double check, to be certain of the turmoil and pain this name might give his younger colleague, and the changes to the young man’s future it could bring.
There was an easygoing grin on Yuri’s face, until his colleague opened his mouth and uttered a name Yuri had simultaneously hoped and dreaded to hear in his line of work.
“Loid Forger.”
Thanks for reading!
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shiro-s2e2-erukinzu · 2 years
Anime only watchers and people who aren't caught up with the Manga, BEWARE... Cuz I'm about to discuss Spy X Family Mission 67 (PART 1)... You have been warned...! 👌
But, before that... Let me just first address this elephant in the room...
This is the third time this year that a chapter was split into MULTIPLE PARTS... And I'm not saying that that's a bad thing, but I'm just curious as to WHY...? 🤔 I hope that it's just something minor (like not finishing before the deadline) and not anything super serious (like health issues)... But whatever the reason, I do hope that you're doing alright out there Mr. Endo...!! 💗💗💗
Alright! Now let's actually start discussing Mission 67 Part 1, shall we...? 😉
This chapter begins with Anya trying to that (not actually promised) cake from Damian...!
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And of course, Damian doesn't know what she's talking about, but figures that it's probably because of the whole handkerchief incident (which it was)...! But after some shenanigans and misunderstandings, Anya brings up THIS👇 to everyone's surprise:
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I just love all of their shocked expressions!! 😆
Damian starts to worry about all the possible embarrassing things that his mother could've talked about, but then Anya says...
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I'm sorry, but... Regardless of whether or not one or both of Damian's parents are evil...
*Ahem...* Sorry about my minor burst of aggression, but um... BACK TO THE CHAPTER...!! 😅
After all the Anya and Damian stuff, we catch up with Twilight at his (fake) job...!!:
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(And Fiona / Nightfall is there as well...! 👍):
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We are then introduced to this guy👇 who is SUPER JEALOUS of Loid...!!:
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And because that, he's basically preventing Twilight from getting any vital information from anyone close to Melinda... 😑 Which causes this ABSOLUTELY AMAZING expression from Twilight!! 🤣:
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After a bunch of INGENIOUS RIDICULOUS plans to make Loid look bad in front of everyone, this man goes for HIS LAST RESORT:
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What a way to end this chapter, but... My god...!! What's gonna happen next?!! 😵
Mission 67 Part 2 can go a lot of different ways... This could potentially be something REALLY BAD for the Forger Family or Twilight will find a HILARIOUS way out this... But honestly, I have no idea... 😔
Anyway, I really enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait for Part 2!! 😁 So until then, I'll be seeing you guys in the next Mission!! BYE!!
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yumeka-sxf · 5 months
Becky's homewrecking is one of my most favorite stand-alone chapters...and the anime version did not disappoint!
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Everyone's reactions to Becky's hilarious delusions are just so perfect - Loid being baffled and totally clueless, Yor being flustered and completely misinterpreting things, while Anya just observes it all with quiet amusement.
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Plus the scenes of Anya imagining Becky as her mom, and even the short sequence of showing Becky her house - gah, everything about this chapter/episode is peak SxF comedy~
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Becky completely ignoring Bond...poor pup 😂
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If Loid thinks he doesn't understand children based on Anya, Becky certainly did not help! (also Bond in the corner still feeling rejected)
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Yor's "encounter" with the car worked much better in the anime 🤣
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I honestly feel really bad for the driver!
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Also this poor guy, lol. Though I'm sure the money Becky gave him was more than enough to cover repairs on the machine 🤣
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I know some people found this chapter uncomfortable, but I don't get why. If Loid reciprocated Becky's feelings, then yes, that would be bad, but he doesn't. He reacts how anyone would if some delusional little kid decided they had a crush on you - by being confused (and hoping that your wife doesn't interpret it wrong!)
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It's not unusual for little kids, especially little girls, to develop silly, fleeting infatuations with adults (I'm guilty of that myself when I was Becky's age, lol).
Anya's willingness (at first) to go along with Becky's delusions was fitting - she idolizes Becky's lavish lifestyle, especially the food (and since Yor's food is, well...) Plus someone at her impressionable young age can be swayed easily. But I'm sure if somehow this delusion became a reality, she'd realize that Yor is the best Mama and Becky should just be "best friend" 😅
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This chapter also confirms that Yor didn't completely forget everything that happened after the bar incident. Or at least she remembered it more clearly after Loid supposedly had the conversation with her again, lol. Just shows how important his compliments are to her.
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I love how the episode's key visual is a throwback to the one from episode 6! I hope we get to see more Yor/Becky interactions again.
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We also got a short anime-original story featuring Fiona. Everyone was expecting chapter 60 to be adapted, but I'm kinda glad it wasn't since it and the Becky chapter seem a bit too long to share the same episode. Not a whole lot to say about this segment other than I liked how Fiona's actions mirrored the Forgers' activities on their vacation. We also got to see more of her "training" in the woods that was hinted at after her tennis match with Yor.
I liked this bear hitching a ride.
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And omg, foreshadowing for chapter 67!
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And it seems like the final episode of the season will adapt the 2-part story of Loid and Bond's fire rescue. I know there's a scene of Fiona in the next mission preview, but it's likely from a quick anime-only scene while the rest of the episode will adapt the two parts of chapter 62. The big indicator that this will be the only story adapted is that the next episode only has one title, "Part of the Family."
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Can't believe we're just one week away from the final season 2 episode AND the CODE: White movie! Later today there's going to be a Jump Festa panel about SxF so I'm hoping there will be a season 3 announcement - stay tuned!
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