I seriously don’t know how this “ask” thing works, but what do you think the mercs would do on a beach day? Beach days for fictional characters are always so silly
i love this i freaking love beach days. i had so much fun writing these
- he is beelining for the water. he loves swimming and doesn't get to often so as soon as they get there he is in the water splishing and splashing
- refuses to put sunscreen on (that's for wimps) so he gets sunburnt to hell and back and medic has to slather him in aloe vera gel when they get back to base
- will not be waiting 20 minutes after eating the sandwich engineer packed him before he gets back in the water. will get a cramp and will act like it doesn't even bother him to impress miss pauling (she's here in my beautiful mind) she is not impressed and will try to get him to get out of the water
- accidentally destroys some random kid's sandcastle so he'll sit down with them to help them rebuild it
- trying to catch fish with his bare hands. hoping to catch a shark
- getting buried in the sand and a sexy mermaid body sculpted on top of him. likely demo is the one burying him
- swims over to the others as sneakily as he can (not very) and tries to jump them (they heard him coming but they play along)
- eats sand /j
- brought ALL of the sand toys. water is not their thing so they're building masterclass sandcastles with engineer
- after too long in direct sun he gets really uncomfortable so he's laying face down on a towel under a big umbrella. melting
- walks along the shoreline looking for jellyfish. they have a stick to poke them with. also picks up shells and brings them to people
- he helps with the sexy mermaid body sculpting for soldier
- goes way out into the water and just floats in one spot. staring
- he's wasted obviously so pauling and heavy are keeping a very careful eye on him. him getting caught in a riptide could really ruin the beach day
- enjoys laying out in the sun. will probably lay his towel out beside sexy mermaid soldier and they'll stare at the sky until one or both are asleep
- WILL start a game of beach volleyball with the others and WILL be on the losing team
- sitting with medic and miss pauling. he's not much for swimming, and he feels responsible for making sure the other mercs don't die (demo) (soldier) (scout)
- he and engineer prepared the picnic. they got up so early and made. so many sandwiches
- will be coerced into volleyball. absolutely fucking dominates and his team wins every match
- actually applies sunscreen like a normal rational person because he burns BAD. medic does his back <3
- second person in the water when they get there. scout screamed at him while he was running there to join him and he will always cave to scout pressure
- the water is really nice on his joints and swimming helps his back so it's a good time all around for him. i think he is in pain all the time btw
- makes sure everyone eats something and has plenty to drink. papa
- literally keels over laughing at sexy mermaid soldier. it catches him so off guard when he sees it and it makes him lose his shit. he'll think about it a week later and start laughing again. and nobody brought a camera so he only has the mental picture
- swimming is sensory hell for him so he opts out. but he still enjoys the beach because he gets to watch his peers being idiotic
- referees the beach volleyball match. he doesn't know anything about volleyball (neither does anyone else really.) he's just happy to be here
- delights in the shells pyro brings him and he keeps all of them forever. he has a little jar of them in his office
- he and miss pauling had a miscommunication error in the planning and they both brought the same overpacked first aid kit so the team is. doubly prepared
- swimming very leisurely. i think he is a chronic pain sufferer so he takes it easy but it definitely helps ease some aches
- helps pyro get wet sand for his sandcastles so he doesn't have to keep getting up and down. brings him a couple pails of wet sand at a time and replenishes when needed
- absolutely falls asleep and gets a heinous sunglasses tan line
- absolutely terrible at volleyball but he plays anyways. he's on heavy's team so he gets to gloat even though he barely contributed
- i really love the image of him being at the beach still in full suit. lounging on a beach chair with sunglasses on and a mimosa and one of those sun reflectors
- couldn't be bothered. he does not participate in any activities whatsoever except graciously receiving seashells from pyro (which he does appreciate. they're very pretty)
- might fall asleep a little bit. scout wakes him up to ask him if he should try some move on miss pauling. he tells him absolutely not and immediately falls back asleep
- somehow he doesn't overheat despite being in layers in the sun. magic man
keep the requests coming :3 love you guys
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t3tr0m1n0 · 10 months
actually though, if all the really vocal miramusi fans pushing the idea that hawaii part ii Has (For Real) a comprehensive plot across all its songs has Actually given the uninitiated the impression that it should seriously be treated like a concept album then maybe they honestly should quiet the hell down. because going into hawaii part ii expecting a real story won't get you shit. neither the individual storied/"plot-having" songs off of hawaii part ii nor the album as a whole have any more coherent storytelling than the rest of joe hawley's songwriting. i went into hawaii part ii expecting nothing more than what was in tally hall's albums and had a fine & good experience with it & if i could recommend anything it's that people do the same
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at this point if i resumed the hallcomp it’d be as a form of escapism
#if i had a nickel for every time i was scarred by a talhal fanwork i'd have one & two halves of a nickel#which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened. that many times#that's not my point of this post my point is i am overcome with rage at how modern social media makes backlogging fucking impossible#back when i used reddit it did genuinely constern me how you couldn't find old posts. like there was no direct way to search for stuff#by how old it was directly. and tumblr. first of all you have blog archives which are really really nice on their own#But you can fucking sort tags on a blog chronologically and lord you just.#i know this is such a niche experience but being able to relive a few years (years that i never lived a certain way) through a blog's tag#you have to be able to experience that! you have to be able to see the discussions people have already had#the jokes they've already made concepts already explored. and then you can compare it to modern day#nobody's making any cool concepts based on th like i recognize what i gleaned through the hallcomp was only what was popular enough#to survive like i know i was seeing the cream of the crop most of the time but there's so much stuff that used to happen that doesn't now#i think the fandom is experiencing a phase of unguided infancy marked by a lack of regular sustained activity from one or two particulars#steady output from a couple of people- especially of the fanart or edit or otherwise ''not just a little opinion or thought'' variety#that can sustain a fandom really well. i think. and i have checked out of the th fandom for many reasons but i sure don't see that#when i check in again. like an incorrect quotes blog could fill that niche (it very often does in fandoms) but i'm incredibly glad it isn't#just. god. i am simply looking to escapism to a time when a. teenagers haven't been stuck on the internet for the past 2 years#& b. tiktok & twitter aren't around dominating fanbases. i want to go back to an era where facebook groups were a viable option#i should start backreading the hits forums again#tis i#admittedly unspecific dialogue
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sesamie · 3 years
actual footage of jon and daisy down there
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jesterjamz · 3 years
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my leadership teacher always leaves us these little video lessons & this is the start of the one for today
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aurallyaddison · 3 years
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jesterjamster · 3 years
what am i supposed to do when a kpop blog follows me on my main
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italianaradio · 4 years
Ipsia Siderno, Renè Corona incontra gli studenti per parlare di poesia
Nuovo post su italianaradio https://www.italianaradio.it/index.php/ipsia-siderno-rene-corona-incontra-gli-studenti-per-parlare-di-poesia/
Ipsia Siderno, Renè Corona incontra gli studenti per parlare di poesia
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Ipsia Siderno, Renè Corona incontra gli studenti per parlare di poesia
Ipsia Siderno, Renè Corona incontra gli studenti per parlare di poesia Lente Locale
di Redazione
SIDERNO- Si è svolta, sabato mattina, presso l’Aula Magna dell’IPSIA di Siderno, una manifestazione culturale di notevole spessore: grazie ad un’azione sinergica avviata tra l’Istituto scolastico sidernese ed il prestigioso Premio Letterario “Rhegium Julii” (che vanta fra gli autori nel tempo premiati ben 4 Premi Nobel per la Letteratura, ed un probabile quinto, il poeta marocchino Talhal Ben Jalloun) di Reggio Cal., il poeta italo francese René Corona ha incontrato gli studenti delle classi terminali per parlar loro di poesia. L’incontro, con il Dirigente Gaetano Pedullà ed il prof. Pino Macrì a fare gli onori di casa è stata l’occasione per mettere in contatto gli studenti con un intellettuale di chiara fama (René Corona è anche Docente di Francese all’Università di Messina, e, oltre a numerose ed apprezzatissime pubblicazioni, è noto per aver tradotto in francese gran parte dell’opera del poeta siciliano Gesualdo Bufalino) ha registrato la presenza di una platea di giovani attenta ed interessata, fra cui spiccavano studenti di nazionalità straniera, che hanno riservato al Poeta una calda e partecipata accoglienza.
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Non è la prima volta che l’Istituto, pur con chiaro indirizzo tecnico, affronta i temi della cultura, grazie anche alla presenza, nel suo Corpo Docente, di una poetessa e di due storici afferenti alla Deputazione di Storia Patria per la Calabria e, fino allo scorso anno, anche di una nota ed apprezzata archeologa. “Sono sempre stato convinto che la cultura contribuisca ad aprire le menti ed a predisporle ad una maggior ricettività anche nei settori tecnici” ha dichiarato il Dirigente Scolastico Pedullà “e il Giornale realizzato qualche tempo fa dai ragazzi, con contenuti storici e letterari in abbondanza, ne è una pratica dimostrazione. Il nostro Istituto è stato il primo, e per ora il solo, in tutta la fascia ionica ad accogliere l’invito della prestigiosa associazione del Rhegium Julii, e spero proprio che altri istituti si affianchino al più presto, perché veramente grande è il bisogno di cultura di questi territori e dei ragazzi che li rappresentano nelle nostre aule”. Significative e di rilievo, in tal senso, la testimonianza dell‘Ing. Costantino, che ha accompagnato il Prof. Corona in veste di rappresentanza del Rhegium Julii: “alla fine un ragazzino, timido e impacciato, mi ha avvicinato per chiedermi in quale libreria del circondario poteva acquistare il libro, ed io sono stato ben felice di regalargliene una copia”.
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Ipsia Siderno, Renè Corona incontra gli studenti per parlare di poesia Lente Locale
Ipsia Siderno, Renè Corona incontra gli studenti per parlare di poesia Lente Locale
di Redazione SIDERNO- Si è svolta, sabato mattina, presso l’Aula Magna dell’IPSIA di Siderno, una manifestazione culturale di notevole spessore: grazie ad un’azione sinergica avviata tra l’Istituto scolastico sidernese ed il prestigioso Premio Letterario “Rhegium Julii” (che vanta fra gli autori nel tempo premiati ben 4 Premi Nobel per la Letteratura, ed un probabile quinto, […]
Ipsia Siderno, Renè Corona incontra gli studenti per parlare di poesia Lente Locale
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Antonella Scabellone
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the-carrot-clarinet · 7 years
Tagged by @hunkygoddess
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you would like to know better 2ND RULE: bold the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least on piercing
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people 
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (Maybe?)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (Maybe???)
I have a good memory (Sometimes)
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts (like as a kid lol
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event

I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I have at least one person I consider a close friend
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone (AND I HATE IT)
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages (English, German and Italian)
I have made a new friend in the past year
I tag @euclid-muclid, @nebuliliac, @finn-a-human, @disabledpaladin, @bahamianrapcity, @talhal, @sleepyheadphone, @petchricor, @emeraldfox11
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sewerdraws · 8 years
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I be vibin to heilung, lemon demon, tally hall and Iron Maiden and you reposting the funniest stuff is making my night 100x better.
Big thiccq thank you to u
well thanks that’s cool i sure hope i don’t repost things though. if you’re browsing through my blog trust me i dont mind you like/reblogging things if you like them. put em in the queue if you will, it’s what i do when i browse people’s blogs for hours on end & am overwhelmed by the desire to share their content from ages ago.
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sesamie · 2 years
i'm starting a support group for chronically disliked talhal songs.... even if i don't actually like them, my performative support of labyrinth and be born goes SO far
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sesamie · 3 years
also if you're ever traversing mid-late 2020 talhal tumblr, @fa-bloo was me, @natural-ketchup was lina, there are a few others but quite a few of us have abandoned our old talhal blogs in favor of our mains
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jesterjamz · 3 years
what's your favorite song off each talhal (&associated) album?
ooh favorite songs i have many of those !!
mmmm: welcome to tally hall <3 also maybe spring & a storm g&e: either turn the lights off, sacred beast, or the trap. fate of the stars is good too hpii: i’m actually not sure. dream sweet in sea major i guess fjkdhfkdhd sketches: either miss melody or lemons & pears nat: i’m gonna win because it’s the only one that i bothered to learn the lyrics to fjdhdkdhksjd. also maybe in memoriam jhjh: fuckin uhhhh hoodz n the woodz i guess??
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aurallyaddison · 3 years
🎁 and uh. fuck it sayu!! if you can't do them then zag hades would be stellar
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sayu is (sadly) a no so zagreus it is my beloved bi disaster himbo <3
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yes it’s mostly tally hall im sorry all of my Funny Images are talhal related
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aurallyaddison · 3 years
i had a dream last night that you changed your url to aristotles-denial for some reason & i was like "oh they changed their url again neat"
HDJBEHEHE IM PRETTY SURE IVE SEEN SOMEONE NAMED THAT ALREADY??? also i would make a talhal content-exclusive blog called that probably
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