#tatarigami and tsuchigumo
elizadraws · 2 years
This just occurred to me. Continuation to the "Five Yōkai references to Studio Ghibli films".
Comparing Tatarigami to Tsuchigumo. Tatarigami (タタリ神 i.e., "cursed god") is the giant creature from Princess Mononoke that attacks the Emishi village and curses its last prince, Ashitaka. Behind the shape, resembling a giant spider covered in worms, hides the colossal boar god Nago. Tsuchigumo (土蜘蛛 literally "dirt/earth spider") is a historical Japanese derogatory term for renegade local clans and also the name for a race of spider-like yōkai in Japanese folklore.
Now, to how they are related: The aboriginal Emishi tribe that Ashitaka comes from is one of these renegade clans that have been fighting for 500 years against Yamato (the emperor). They have been losing against him, and now, with their last prince being cursed to death, they are certain to die out. From the Japanese middle ages onwards, these rebelling clans, i.e., Tsuchigumo, have been depicted as giant, monstrous spiders. In "The Tale of the Heike", the samurai Minamoto no Yorimitsu (a member of one of the ruling clans) defeats an enormous spider yōkai referred to as a Tsuchigumo (probably a metaphor for an opposing clan).
Now, going back to Princess Mononoke: Ashitaka, trying to protect his people, also kills this giant spider-looking god. But before doing so, he is cursed by the god. Because of this curse, he must leave his tribe and never come back. In a way, Ashitaka too has killed this renegade clan (Tsuchigumo), i.e., his own people.
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thunder-jolt · 7 months
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Inspirations: False Hydra (main inspiration), Nyarlathotep (loosely)
DigiDex: With its three heads and empty eyes with tiny red dots for pupils, it is a sight to behold. FalseHydramon tends to carol when it's alone. Not having any friends, FalseHydramon has conversations with its two heads-for-hands, which are FalseHydramon's different consciousness.
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Alyssa "Goggles" Haine becomes FalseHydramon depending on a certain "route", this one being the Hope Route.
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Inspirations: Tatarigami (main inspiration), Tsuchigumo (side-inspiration), Driders (loosely), Atlach-Nacha (loosely)
DigiDex: With its many legs, wriggling worms of seeming blood, and almost corpse-like appearance, it is a sight to behold. Tatarigamon craves death upon something, but also wants something fairly unknown. It never likes anything or anybody, but when it does, it wants it for itself, forever.
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Alyssa "Goggles" Haine becomes Tatarigamon depending on a certain "route", this one being the Despair Route.
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Notes about these Digimon:
They both emerge from the consciousness of Alyssa Haine, aka Goggles, after becoming a mad god of the Digital World.
They represent a negative side of Alyssa's mental state, before and after becoming god of the Digital World.
They are very loosely based off of Lovecraftian gods
They are based on some kind of monster from fantasy media
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Gameplay (if Digimon Eldritch becomes a game itself):
Both are the final bosses of their respective routes. FalseHydramon will be the final boss of the Hope Route, while Tatarigamon will be the final boss of the Despair Route.
FalseHydramon's gimmick is its voice, for which it often whistles or shrieks, causing a form of delirium among both humans and Digimon. If it were to be injured, they grow back what was injured, only thing that can't be grown back are its three heads. Ironic for someone who takes its name from a Hydra.
Tatarigamon's gimmick is cursing Digimon, including humans, with afflictions, more specifically "Bleed" or "Poisoned" afflictions, which is only more effective to those with smaller bars or those on low health than the others.
FalseHydramon can easily be killed, but Tatarigamon cannot be killed (it can be defeated but not killed)
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There is a secret third Route called the "Grace Route", however, there is no design for the boss as of now, but there will be once we get to it.
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