#team franny pack
Sonny Carisi: I Need a Place to Stay
WC: 1,645
TW: Fluff.
AN: This was based on the prompt "I need a place to stay." And it's also the first piece I ever published on this hell-site!
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Fridays were rarely calm at SVU, but the stars aligned in just the right way that you and your team found yourselves in a lull.  Not that anyone was complaining – the week had been unusually busy, but nearly all of the cases were closed or ready for trial dates, and you and the other detectives finally had a moment to breathe.  It was late afternoon, and Liv pulled on her coat and grabbed her bag.
“I’m heading out now,” she announced to you and the other detectives as she strode across the floor.  “I’m taking advantage of the quiet and going to take Noah to that Lego movie.”  She smiled and gestured towards the door.  “I suggest you take advantage too.”
Your partner, Fin, immediately slammed his laptop shut and grabbed his own coat.  “I’m right behind you, Liv.”  He waved goodbye and disappeared with your boss on the elevator.
“I suppose it’d be nice to take Franny for a walk while the sun’s still out,” Amanda said.
“And to get a head start on the weekend,” you added with a smile.  Amanda had been doing amazing at her recovery from her gambling addiction, but you knew that she still loved the thrill of watching sports – especially any and all playoffs.  Tonight was game six of the American League playoffs between the Yankees and the Red Sox, and as a native Bostonian, you knew you were at odds with your fellow detectives.
“You got any plans?” she asked as she packed up her stuff.
You looked down at your computer screen and sighed.  “Not really.”
“Well, take advantage of the calm here before it’s gone,” she said as she walked out the door.  “You’re only young once.”
You waved her off with a smile and returned to your computer.  The bullpen was quiet except for you and Sonny.  The lanky Italian detective was furiously typing on his laptop, his brow furrowed at the screen.  You watched him furtively, taking in the sight.  His hair, usually perfectly gelled and shellacked into place, was a bit tousled, and a strand fell over his forehead into his eyes.  He had taken off his jacket earlier, and the sleeves of his white shirt were half rolled up, revealing his fine hands.  You fantasized about those hands more often then you wanted to admit even to yourself, and you felt your face turning red.
“Done!” Sonny exclaimed, closing his laptop.  “I’ve got every piece of paperwork finished and caught up.”  He turned to you and grinned.  His smile was infectious, and you found yourself smiling back.
“You about done?” he asked as he stood up from his desk.  “I’ll walk you out if you are.”
You ducked your head and blushed.  “Actually….” You started to speak and then stopped for a moment.  “I’m going to stay here tonight.  In the crash room, I mean.”
Sonny cocked his head to one side and narrowed his blue eyes.  “You’re gonna sleep here?  Why?”
“I need a place to stay,” you mumbled.  It was embarrassing – your building had a roach problem, and the landlord finally was going to fumigate the place over the weekend.  It wasn’t your fault, but you hadn’t made many friends since you moved to New York from Boston.  A handful of casual acquaintances, but no one close enough that you felt comfortable crashing on their couch for a few days.  You explained the vermin problem to Sonny and hoped he didn’t judge you.
He frowned.  “You can’t sleep here.  Those cots in the crash room are disgusting and uncomfortable.”  He looked at you a moment, his blue eyes searching your face. 
“Stay with me,” he said.  “My couch is super comfortable.”  He tried to read your expression.  “But only if you want,” he added, uncertain.
You thought about it.  On one hand, Sonny was right:  the crash room at SVU was disgusting.  The cot mattresses were stained with god-knows-what, and the paint was peeling from the walls and ceiling, leaving little green flakes all over everything.  On the other hand, you had a major crush on Sonny, and you handled it by being extra reserved around him at work.  You imagined the potential pitfalls of staying at his place for a few days and shuddered.
“We can order pizza and watch the game tonight,” he added, and that sealed the deal for you.  You nodded at him and grabbed your overnight bag from where you had stashed it under your desk.  “Let’s go,” you said with a tentative smile.
The subway ride was short, and Sonny was uncharacteristically quiet, making a little small talk.  He lived on a quiet street (for New York, that is), on a third-floor walk-up.  Ever the gentleman, he had taken your bag from you and carried it, and you followed him up the stairs to his apartment.  He hesitated when you reached his door.
“Can you wait here a minute?” he asked, shuffling his feet.
You nodded, and Sonny unlocked his door and disappeared inside.  Through the door, you could hear muffled thuds and thumps and his footsteps.  A moment later, the door swung open and he invited you in with a flourish.
“What was that about?” you asked as you walked past him.
The tips of his ears grew red.  “It’s been awhile since I had company over.  Had to make sure the place was presentable.”
You laughed and took off your coat.  “So you shoved all your Playboys under the bed and tossed your beer can collection in the trash?”
Sonny’s ears got redder, but he grinned.  “Something like that.  Anyway, I’ll give you the tour and then we can order something for dinner.  How’s that sound?”
“That sounds great, actually,” you replied.  “I’m starving.”
It was the fifth inning of the ballgame, and you and Sonny had put away an extra-large pizza and more beer than you cared to count.  You were both settled on the couch, Sonny’s legs stretched out and you curled up on the other side.  The Yankees and the Red Sox were tied up, and the teasing, which had started out tentative, had reached a fever pitch.
“I’m just saying,” said Sonny, “we got twenty-seven titles to….how many World Series have you won again?”
You scoffed.  “Maybe we don’t stack our roster with super expensive players.” Sonny laughed.  “That’s the whole point of baseball, doll.  To win!  If you hadn’t traded away the Babe and cursed yourselves…”
You blushed at him calling you doll.  “Who believes in curses at all, let alone sports curses?” you replied, hoping he didn’t notice your cheeks burning. 
He laughed again and took a swig from his beer.  You watched him out of the corner of your eye.  Sonny was usually the squad’s resident ray of sunshine, but you could see a definite difference between Work Sonny and Casual Sonny.  At home, his hair was tousled and messier, making him look years younger, almost boyish.  The lines that were forming around his eyes were relaxed, and his blue eyes lit up as he told you about his grandpa taking him to Yankee games when he was a kid.  He had changed out of his suit into worn jeans and a grey Henley, and his entire aura exuded a calm that made you forget your apartment situation and the fact that you were spending the night on your crush’s couch.
 You had changed into more comfortable clothes too, the crash-room appropriate outfit you had packed for sleeping in.  If you had known you’d be sleeping over at Sonny’s, you might have considered packing something other than your worn sweatpants and oversized tee-shirt…
 Your mind drifted off as the two of you watched the game.  Back and forth, the two teams stayed tied.  You finished your beer and set the empty bottle on the coffee table in front of you.  You felt a sudden chill and shivered.
Sonny saw, and he shot up from his place on the couch.  “Sorry!” he said.  “It can get a little cold in here in the fall.  The landlord likes to wait to fire up the furnace, I think.”  He reached past you and grabbed the blanket from the back of his couch.
“Here, take my blanket,” he said.  He didn’t wait for you to answer or take it from him – instead, he stood over you and covered you gently with the blanket, tucking it around you until only your head peeped out.
“There,” he said, satisfied with his handiwork.  Instead of returning to his place on the other side of the couch, he settled in beside you, wrapping one arm around your shoulder, rubbing you gently through the blanket.  “Better?” he asked.
You nodded your head, unable to form words.  Sonny kept his arm around you, and you cleared your throat.
“Thanks for letting me stay,” you said quietly.  “I don’t have many friends in the city yet.”
“It’s no problem,” he murmured.  He glanced down at you and smiled, his eyes as blue as the sky.  The beer had gone to your head, making it feel fuzzy and warm.  You closed your eyes and leaned against Sonny, taking in his warmth and the lingering smell of his cologne that you knew so well.  His grey Henley was soft under your cheek, and you could hear the steady thump of his heart beating.  The stress of the busy week drained out of you, and you felt yourself falling asleep. You felt Sonny shift slightly, pulling you in closer as he settled against the couch and adjusted the blanket around you.  You were startled for a moment as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, but sleep pulled you back under almost immediately.  You smiled as you heard him say, moments before you were asleep completely, “you have at least one friend here in the city.”    
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
How do the other Bridgertons like Eloise and Phillip and Colin and Penelope get together in the hp au?
So after Benophie finally get together, Eloise and Phillip are the next to fall in love. Phillip's on the struggle bus as he tries to raise baby twins pretty much by himself and feeling bad for him, Eloise offers to be his flatmate and pay him by helping out with the babies rather than paying him rent money, an offer which Phillip gratefully accepts. The Bridgertons are bamboozled by Eloise's willingness to not only live with a couple of babies but also help out with them, although much to everyone's surprise Eloise actually proves to have quite a way with Oliver and Amanda. She helps ease Phillip into his new role as a father and assures him he's doing a great job even when he feels he's not good enough. Gradually they start to become each other's favourite person and then one day Eloise is playing with Amanda and the baby utters her first word. "Mama!" Amanda beams at Eloise and suddenly Eloise freaks out. She feels as though she's completely overstepped in her capacity as Phillip's flatmate and unofficial co-parent, not wanting the twins to get attached to her or be confused by what she is to them. Phillip comes home to find Eloise packing her bags and he immediately becomes distraught when she tells him she can't stay any longer. "They're already attached to me, Phil. I'm sorry," "Of course they're attached to you! You're the best person in the world; you're their favourite person! You're my favourite person, Eloise... and Oliver and Amanda aren't the only ones who've become attached to you." Phillip confesses. And Eloise can’t deny that Phil and the twins have become her whole world but she fears he’ll grow tired of her or that she’ll become too much for him with just who she is as person - and then Phillip kisses her and suddenly all her worries melt away away. “I promise not to grow tired of you if you promise not to grow tired of me?” he offers and Eloise accepts.
Franchel meanwhile get together a couple of years after Philloise. Michael has become the hottest rockstar in the wizarding world and his notoriety as a rake is heavily publicised and reported on. His team then hires Francesca as his personal assistant and Michael finds himself blown away by the beautiful young woman Colin’s younger sister has become. He finds himself thinking about her constantly and on stage as he’s performing his sexually-charged songs he’s singing them with her in mind. Never in his life has he had to restrain himself from getting it on with someone but he has to remind himself that she’s Lil Franny Bridgerton and she’s not to be touched. It’s a torture he’s never experienced before but he’s firm in his belief that he can resist her - until one night Francesca knocks on his door, enters his room, and asks him if he can educate her in the art of sex. Michael can’t quite believe what he’s hearing and immediately tells her it wouldn’t be right, but then Francesca begins to strip her clothes off and repeats her request of “teach me” (if there are any Slexie fans out there you know exactly what scene I’m referring to here). As hard as he tries not to be tempted by her, Michael caves and falls into bed with her. The next morning Michael is shooketh when he realises for the first time that he was the one who got seduced and not only that but he’s left wanting more. They keep seeing each other and while the sex is mind-blowing, Michael finds himself wanting even more of Francesca, wanting more than a casual hook-up; he wants to be exclusive with her. When he asks her to be his girlfriend, Francesca smirks when she accepts. “What’s that face for?” he asks curiously. “Just feeling smug. I knew back in first year that I’d one day make you mine.” And Michael gapes at her, stunned that innocent eleven year old Franny had made it her mission to claim him for herself.
As for Polin their relationship develops shortly after Colin discovers that Michael and Francesca are together. He’s seething and makes a big song and dance declaring that he would never go anywhere near one of his siblings’ friends. This is overheard by Penelope, who has loved Colin since she was a little girl, and she realises that he would never see her in the way that she seems him. Then, just as she’s giving up on Colin Bridgerton altogether, Colin finds himself in awe of her after witnessing her verbally take down Cressida Cowper and suddenly Penelope Featherington has become the hottest woman in the world. He tries testing the waters (ignoring his own previous statement of never dating a friend of his siblings’) by flirting with her but Penelope doesn’t pick up on his come-ons. They happen to be working for the Half-Blood Herald together so he keeps trying to spend as much one-on-one time with her as possible but she only ever treats him as a friend. He’s filled with jealousy when she flirts with other people, wondering what it is about him that’s so unappealing (oblivious that his previous comments not to mention his behaviour to his friends dating his siblings has had any effect on Penelope’s relationship towards him). Then one day he is shocked when Penelope rushes up to him and is madly professing her love for him. For a second he thinks his wildest dreams have come true - and then he spots Cressida and her cronies laughing at Penelope behind her back and it painfully dawns on Colin that Penelope has been fed a love potion so she can be humiliated. To save face and shut Cressida and co. up, Colin indulges Penelope by treating her to a romantic day out. While he knows it’s an artificial infatuation on her part, Colin cherishes holding her hand and having her gaze at him adoringly. At the end of the day when she asks him for a kiss, Colin gently turns her down, not wanting to take advantage of her in the state that she’s in. Penelope immediately becomes upset; “I thought you loved me, Colin. Don’t you love me?” “Of course I love you, Pen. I... I’m in love with you.” he admits out loud to her for the first time. “Then kiss me.” she implores him and Colin lets his feelings get the better of him as he kisses her for the first time. When they pull away, Penelope stares at him wide-eyed before flushing bright red. She had come to her senses during their kiss and realised she had been under the influence of a love potion the whole day. He’s stunned when she thanks him for saving her from utter humiliation and apologises that he had to give her a pity kiss, but before Colin can jump at the opportunity to tell her how he truly feels, she disapparates. Colin is left bereft when she doesn’t show up for work the next day, having handed her notice in effective immediately, and proceeds to avoid him at all costs. He finally sees her again at Phillip and Eloise’s wedding and after getting her to accept his hand in a dance, he tells her what he can’t keep to himself any longer and professes how he wished she could love him without the use of a potion being involved. When Penelope questions his previous stance of not dating a friend of his sibling’s, Colin admits that he had been acting childish and jealous, and asks her if there’s any chance she might consider even going on a date with him. She then explains the reason why she was so mortified by the whole love potion incident is because she actually is in love with him and has been since they were kids. Colin is floored by the revelation but simultaneously bursting with happiness that Penelope does in fact love him too. 
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batllethinker · 3 months
If Aggie gets her official senior team call up while Fran is injured, I can definitely see little Aggie not understanding why her Fran can’t come to camp (Big Aggie knows that it’s bc of stupid injuries that keep taking out her friends) and her being so confused she only sees her mama only packing Mommy, Guro, and Aggie’s suitcases and not Franny’s, just constantly saying “Fran come to? Fran come to?”
Oh, Fran would be absolutely heartbroken when she hears Aggies confusion, pulling the babygirl into her and trying to explain that she won't be going. Aggie doesn't really understand and it makes her even more upset, insisting that Franny needs to come with
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look-i-love-u · 2 years
Hey Vey! How are you today? I’m on my way to the airport and couldn’t help but think about our lovely boys, where do you think they fly on to on their first romantic getaway? Do you think either of them are overpackers? Do the get to the airport last minute or ready an hour before the gate opens?
Hey Anon xx! I hope you'll have a save trip the airport and will arrive safely wherever you're off to! Enjoy your holiday! (also please take me with you!!!)
I think Mickey and Ian would start with a car trip for their first romantic getaway. Just drive a few places over. Get used to the whole "we can do this and enjoy this now" - vibe. They got money and after hiring a second team they got some time for holidays and husband-time too.
If they ever do fly somewhere they won't go outside the US, I think. And since I am projecting my dreams onto them I'd maybe choose a Hawaii holiday for them. There's the beach. Them. No bad or sad memories for either of them. There are beautiful flowers to admire. Good drinks and food. I think Mickey really would enjoy the whole atmosphere and allow himself to live life to the fullest (since Ian got him to enjoy shorter holidays in the last few years and he's fully on board now). I don't think they would go to visit family. This is just for them.
Ian would overpack on shoes and socks and underwear. Mickey would overpack on various layers for his daily outfits, before they say "fuck it" and just pack for one weather, fully ready to spend the whole day in bed together, should there be a rainy day. Ian would check Mickey's bags a lot to see if he's got his passport and the tickets, Mickey would smuggle b vitamins into Ian's bag and add a bottle of lube to the two they already packed. Just in case.
They would get to the airport early. This is too important for both of them to mess up. Plus Mickey's good at planning this shit and Ian is good at getting Lip to drive them to the airport with time to spare.
When they come back it's Debbie, Liam and Franny waiting for them. They made a sign. There's lots of glitter. Mickey rolls his eyes. And then keeps it safe forever.
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everybody wants to rule the world; --
On behalf of the mod team, it gives us great pleasure in welcoming {FRANNIE} to Unraveling Silence HQ.
Our Porkey Office is happy to see {EDWARD TONKS} back in Wizarding Britain. We know the world is constantly changing so for your safety please do take your time reviewing the latest regulations. You are free to integrate into society but keep in mind you must send an owl to Administrative Services with your blog no later than 48 hours after you’ve stepped foot back on British soil. If you have any questions or need help getting things up and running, please do not hesitate to send us an owl.
Comments from the admins:
Brianna: the in depth look into the star sign was detailed and i truly loved it. i also liked that they included a little ancedote about trying wands in the wand section and that ted wasn't just finding his one and moving on, but as a muggleborn he was trying it all to find the perfect wand. i liked the para sample and how it really focused on the man ted had grown to be through some of his adversaries
Hannah: Reading the questions it's clear they have a solid understanding of Ted and love him deeply. I was a big fan of reading what they put for the astronomy section with how they went into detail about, moon rising ascending that was interesting to read the different parts of his personality. Loved his patronus classic Ted. sample was well written, descriptive and was nice reading the amelia bits but their questions really shined for me
Kat: Wow, this was a delight to read. The zodiac question was packed with so much detail I really got an understanding as to how Ted would be played and it added a lot of depth to his character. I loved all of the detail about his wand and especially on how a wand which wasn't quite the right fit for him, though it seemed to be on paper lit Ollivander's hair on fire. A very nice little touch that helped me envison young Ted. I really love how much they love the bio and it comes across in the app, all the little notes about Whitby are very much appreciated as well as the death of Amelia weighing heavily on him. Very powerful sample, loved the journey it took us on from young Ted to present day, how he feels about the world and his place in it - very enjoyable that was illustrated through his relationship with Amelia.
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campcopper · 2 years
₊⋆☁︎˚.   𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙏𝙐𝙇𝘼𝙏𝙄𝙊𝙉𝙎... este ! you’ve been selected to participate in season one of camp copper! you’ll have 6 hours to settle into your cabin before the first gathering at the amphitheater...see you there! ( kim mingyu and keith powers are now taken )
₊⋆ este, you’ve been added to TEAM PERIDOT!
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( franny arrieta, 24, she/her ) - congrats ESTE RUIZ ! you’ve been selected to star in season one of camp copper !! we hear you’re originally from BURBANK, CA and work as an INTERN AT NASA back home - nice !! our producers decided to go with you because you’re so INTELLIGENT, but we know you’re a LIBRA so we’ll watch out for that CHAOTIC side of yours. your friends from home say you remind them of LOOK THROUGH A TELESCOPE, FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS, SUNLIGHT SHINING THROUGH SUMMER TREES, DOODLES IN YOUR NOTEBOOK AND FALLING OFF YOUR SKATEBOARD. and your favorite summer song is SPACE GIRL by FRANCES FOREVER. one thing you never leave home without is your TELESCOPE - we hope you remembered to pack it ! anyways, we have a meeting at the amphitheater soon, so head on down - we wouldn’t want anyone gossiping about how you ALMOST SABOTAGED A SPACE MISSION without you there. ( kc, 21+, cst )
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awesomemd · 7 years
sing Witney.
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carsonmcallisters · 7 years
witneycarson Meet #TeamFrannyPack wha whaaaaaaa 💥👍🏼@frankiemuniz4
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