#that mutual is really neat and i hope she's having a good day ✨️
v-tired-queer · 8 months
I've come to the realization that trying out different labels is a lot like trying on different clothes.
It can be really hard to find something that fits. There's so many to try, it can be overwhelming, and then when you think you find something that you want to try but it turns out better suited for others, but not really for you, it can be disheartening as the search continues. Sometimes you know right away that what you've tried isn't a good fit, and other times you have to really try it out and get a feel for it to know if something that you want to stick with you. Other times you have to circle back around to that one specific thing, trying it on and off, over and over again, because maybe it fits, but maybe you just really like it so you want it to fit. Maybe it feels like nothing will fit at all, or too many things fit all at once and you feel pressured to decide.
I'm trying to be as patient with myself about finding a label that works for me as I with clothes shopping. Sometimes you find the perfect fit right away, and other times you have to search for it. Right now, I'm searching, looking around, trying things on, and reminding myself that I can love who I am without fully knowing myself yet. One day I'll find the perfect fit, even if it's simply "queer".
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