#that’s my team out thereeee
grandprix-ao3 · 1 year
the red bull fan in me knows no bounds
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secretdonderwolk · 1 month
Rn i don’t think daniel is even in the list for RBR. Now let’s live in fantasy world where he does crazy things, beats yuki every week, etc., then sure (my mind palace…). Honestly with how well RB is progressing, not a bad place for daniel to be (I’m coping …). They only had 25 points all of last year and now already have 19.
I do think it’s legit that RBR have offered to both Carlos and Alex. The teams are getting closer and closer to RBR so the pressure for them to have a stronger line up is high. I feel like they might take carlos but idk. I think it’d be the wrong decision but 🤷‍♀️ his contract would probs be pretty shit though so maybe he won’t take it. I think it’s his dad who said negotiations with RBR are going nowhere?
anyway idec anymore tbh. I’m more excited to see what happens with Williams/antonelli
real. though i do think there's something strange going on behind the scenes wrt the daniel sitch that we simply don't know......... i need alex to stay OUT OF THEREEEE. i think he's such a perf fit at williams and i think he can really do something special there he's james vowles' favorite child like leave him alone rbr stay away from here get a job!!! no because no hate to carlos but you can you imagine him politicking over the radio at rb when his teammate is max LMAOOOO him going like 'it'd be better if he'd let me through' (beep beep beep his engineer has hung up) carlos seething about it while he's forced to the chubby bunny challenge with max god it'd be saur funny but yeah his dad did say that but i don't believe it..... historically the sainzes have mostly been making bad decision teamwise so it's like.... maybe they do go for rbr. it'd be funny i think antonelli needs to be fed some peas and carrots and spend some time at it's a small word or whatever anything but toto whispering in his ear.... he's only a lost boy he's not ready to leave neverland OKAYYYY
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bestworstcase · 1 year
*kicking my feet and twirling my hair reading your Rwby analysis bc you get it* Anytime I feel like I may be thinking too much about something I remember that you don’t care and you make this fun little posts with your theories and your thoughts and I nod my head and go yes. That’s what I was thinking but couldn’t put into words. I don’t really know how people can’t like SEE IT.
Anyway I just really enjoy your analysis. Both bc it teaches me something new regarding like narratives and storytelling and because you like don’t care if people hate on you for being pretty much right. Especially about the ending of the show being something along the lines of a discussion. Salem is not our big bad. Salem is just another side of the same coin *cough that screen shot of light and dark and then salem and light*
On another note. Being the Blake Stan that I am. I’m constantly think about her and her actions towards leading. Especially since she’s taken up the leader position momentarily. Like this is a great moment for her bc it shows how much she’s grown since v2. Not to say that she doesn’t have shit to work through since v6-8. It’s just different bc Blake has found herself again. She’s not 17 anymore and trying to hide who she is. She’s embraced a lot of her goofy nature and her teams reassurance that opening up is okay.
And Im prepared to eat my words later but. It feels like Blake and Ruby might have another conversation regarding that loss of self. Blake understands what duty is and how it can weigh you down. Her whole life has been based on the fight for Faunus rights. She attended beacon, a place where you can become a huntress, because a huntress is seen as righteous and good. Just so she can maybe figure out how to help her people. That’s a big thing for a 17 year old to feel. And right now Ruby has undergone the same thing since she was 15 and moved up two grades. Except instead of just one group of people she’s concerned about the entire fucking world. And she’s literally falling apart to the point where the narrative makes us go to wonderland to rekindle a new sense of purpose or come to terms with our intersectionality. Like yes Ruby rose is a huntress, a girl, has silver eyes. But how much longer is she going to just allow those parts of her self to become everything ?
“…but that’s it. They’re just a part of you. Don’t forget about the rest.” Ruby has forgotten the rest. And I’m really hoping We get a similar conversation to the one Blake had with Nora and an extension of her conversation with Ruby in The Schnee Mansion. But I’m not going to like get my hopes for it either bc I’m sure there’s a way to show that line of thinking without telling it but I think it would be nice. It’s clear everyone will help Ruby in some way I just think it makes a little more sense to have Blake having another burning the candle moment with Ruby. Like as a bee shipper yes I’d also like something simialr with them but this just feels like it makes more sense especially since the bees are clearly gonna be doing their own thing BUT i do think Blake will have an impact on Ruby in the worst and best ways especially as she takes that leader role. Bc Ruby’s self loathing is gonna make her feel like Blake is a better leader. So for Blake to clarify and say “everyone needs help sometimes Ruby. Just because we rely on you doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a break” like cmon its right thereeee.
the secret to happiness in fandom is to not care about being right akshdj like. will i be stoked if i turn out to be approximately correct in my predictions? yeah i love being right. do i trust my own analysis, and will i argue my case if someone tries to argue with me? of course. but also at the end of the day i’m here to enjoy the story and if i’m wrong or if someone disagrees with me who cares. my ego can stand to be reminded that i’m not perfect now and then khshcjn
anyway on the subject of blake and ruby. in hindsight it feels very obvious that the talk those two had was set up for the dynamic that is going to develop in V9. (<- an example of me being ‘wrong’ btw in that it did not even occur to me to read that as heralding a literal reversal of roles rather than merely illustrating the overt pressure on ruby’s shoulders; and isn’t it exciting that i can be as unhinged about the details as i am and still miss blisteringly clear foreshadowing like that!) and slantwise to that there’s the ✨mountain glenn✨ reprise everyone can feel coming, the return to the question of why they chose to become huntresses and what that means to them, and the reckoning with the institution and the concept itself in light of the things they know now that they didn’t then.
because there’s this explicit connection between what blake says in mountain glenn and what she tells ruby in volume eight. blake chased her profound desire for justice and restoration to beacon because huntsmen and huntresses are revered as “the most noble warriors in the world,” but she has no plan—no idea how to put her ideals into practice. the allure for her lay fundamentally in the idea that becoming a huntress would realize her desire for social justice through the intrinsic goodness of the profession itself; she escaped the soul-crushing, terrifying experience of seeing someone she loved and trusted slowly corrupt the civil rights movement she’d grown up with into a cynical vehicle for his personal spite and self-aggrandizement, and lunged for the shining incorruptible heroism of the huntress ideal because it made her feel safe. except there is no such thing as shining incorruptible heroism, and becoming a huntress in and of itself doesn’t and cannot effect change, as oobleck delicately points out by asking her “how?”
consider the traits that blake sees and admires in ruby: in V5 she describes ruby as the embodiment of “purity” and in V8 she tells ruby that she looks up to ruby chiefly because even though “you don’t always know what to do, but that’s never stopped you from doing something.” <- blake sees in ruby a freedom from that question of “how?” that she still doesn’t know how to answer. she sees a girl who is both unwaveringly good and unburdened by the hesitance and doubt blake struggles with. this contrast is immediately visible from their first encounter and is cast into sharp relief during the mountain glenn arc, when ruby’s singular dedication to becoming a huntress is made a counterpoint to the uneasy uncertainty of her teammates.
but in V6-8 this contrast is steadily unraveled and revealed as an illusion, because the truth is that ruby’s pure certainty made her uniquely vulnerable; being a huntress is something that her teammates DO, but being a huntress is what ruby IS. her whole sense of self is encapsulated in the statement “i am a huntress” and unlike her teammates, she cannot reevaluate what being a huntress means to her—let alone walk away from it—without shattering the very bedrock of her identity. she has no off-ramp. nothing to fall back on if it turns out that the reality of being a huntress doesn’t line up with her expectations or her values.
like, if blake looks back on the past two years and looks at the ways her world has been shaped by the huntsmen system and decides she no longer wants to participate in that, her identity does not need to fundamentally change. she already has the emotional and ideological framework for leaving behind an organization that no longer aligns with who she is or what she wants to do with her life, even if she’s not able to articulate a precise alternative, and she has a social safety net in the form of family, friends, and allies outside of the huntsmen system. separating herself from being a huntress is as simple as saying “this is not right for me” and leaving it behind to focus on a different approach to her goals. the essential core of her identity is that she wants to stand against injustice and fight for a better world; she doesn’t need to be a huntress to do that.
but ruby? there is some passing similarity between herself and blake in that ruby, also, is driven by a desire to make the world better—but for ruby this desire is inseparable from the desire to become a huntress. “i want to become a huntress because i want to help people; my parents always taught us to help others, so i thought hey, might as well make a career out of it.” <- to ruby “help people” is synonymous with “slay monsters.” in eight whole volumes the only HINT of an alternative she’s considered is the implication in 1.1 that she also thought briefly about joining the police but decided against it because huntsmen and huntresses are “so much more romantic and exciting and cool.” like this is her LIFE. her SELF. her entire family and all of her friends are huntsmen and huntresses too, many of them reliant on her to lead them; her every ambition and fantasy is wrapped up in being a huntress. there is, to borrow oobleck’s turn of phrase, nothing else in this world she would rather be. so even as being a huntress tears her apart, she can’t tear herself away from it because it’s all she’s GOT.
the only way out for her now is to let herself shatter. like, she cannot keep doing this. ruby is so far beyond the point of what she’s able to endure that her body is literally shutting down. and that’s going to be so painful and scary for her to come to terms with because the only way to not be broken forever is to completely remake herself. to reject entirely the idea of herself as a huntress and figure out who she is without this thing that DEFINED her.
and i think the narrative is likely positioning blake to take up the mantle of leadership in her stead because—just as the things blake most admired in ruby have revealed themselves as one of ruby’s greatest vulnerabilities—the things blake identified in herself as uncertainty and cowardice are beginning to reveal themselves as her greatest strengths; adaptability, resilience, the ability to let go of old beliefs about herself and her world as her perspective changes. blake admired and found inspiration in ruby’s pure conviction, but blake is the example ruby desperately needs, and in particular her experience of leaving the white fang—a movement that in a sense quite literally raised her, just as ruby grew up within the machinery of the huntsmen system—will, i think, give blake some crucial insight into what ruby’s dealing with now. because she’s been there, and she made it through to the other side, and she is living breathing healing proof that ruby can survive this too.
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noirsvault · 5 months
This chapter's name is "Heroes to the Rescue" so I'm expecting to see the team getting Izuku out of wherever the hell he is right now (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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IZUKU! He woke up in a grey space! So glad it's not just a mass of flesh!!
The space is white actually! Surprise how all that black substance looks like inside!
He's kinda slow, but he finally figured out that he's inside of the giant beast. Not an experience people is expected to have a lot in his world.
What is this?! NO LEAVE HIM ALONE!!
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Oh no
OH NO this is a bad dream
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He's panting so hard and obviously in distress ORZ
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She's saying most people can't escape from them 😭 Did you swallow your adoptive mother already Misiah? 😭 What did she do that displeased you so much? Is it because she scolded you too harshly for running out? Is it because she forced you to eat OR didn't force you to eat when you drop your meal? Don't you have a little brother Misiah? WHERE ARE YOUR LITTLE BROTHER MISIAH????😭😭
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charlthotte · 3 years
Breaking Through the Iron Wall - Aone Takanobu x Reader
Chapter 14
Rising on the cool Tuesday morning, I couldn't curtail a sense of joyous anticipation, as that very day I would leave for our practice match in Tokyo. However, as I scanned over the contents of my overnight bag - a tiny sliver of timorousness crept inside my mind: I simply couldn't help thinking of the worst. What if Shiro would leave us while we were away? Relentlessly, I tried to shrink those thoughts to the back of my head - but only to a slight avail, as that thought lingered, latched onto my fibres of being.
Capering down the stairs, I was greeted by the warm smile of my pyjama-clad father. Obviously, he had only recently arisen from the depths of slumber - his hair ruffled by the happenings of the night - his glasses laying skewed upon the bridge of his nose. "Hey, kiddo!" He spoke joyously, holding his arms out wide, "How are we feeling today?"
A humble meal stood on the table in front of me, a simple breakfast - nothing more. "Morning, Dad. I think I'm okay, a bit nervous at that"
"Don't be nervous! You get to spend a whole night in Tokyo of all places!" He hesitated, taking in my anxious aura, "I'm sure everything will go along just beautifully, be hopeful, kiddo." Smiling goofily, he bounded towards me - wrapping my body in an over-zealous bear hug - almost throttling me.
Sighing, I replied, "I'll try, thanks Dad"
We ate breakfast, chatting nonchalantly until I had no choice but to depart. Bidding me a heartfelt goodbye, hugging me until I was close to imploding. As I walked away, my luggage on tow - he waved and hollered feverishly, a stream of 'Goodbyes' and "I love yous' cascading from between his lips. I laughed at his antics, equalling his words but in a less incandescent manner. Even if the trip would only span one night, I'd still miss him nonetheless.
Upon arriving at the train station, little time passed before my train cruised along the tracks before me - and per usual - Takanobu was situated in his usual seat, seeming much more tranquil compared to the prior day. No longer was his face as troubled, yet it still harnessed an essence of anxiousness - but for an understandable reason. Neither of us felt the need to greet each other - simply acknowledging the other's presence as we always did. However, as we departed the carriage in tandem - a certain somebody laid his grievances bare, "(Y/N), do you think Shiro will be okay?"
"I hope he will be, but I can't really say much more."
"Can you be sure?" With saying that, his voice broke slightly - only highlighting his demeanour of worry.
Sighing, I paused, unsure of how to answer what he had asked, "Truthfully, we can't be sure. We have to hope for the best - nothing more, nothing less." Hopeless words, they were - but I couldn't offer him anything more.
"Okay..." He let out a shaky, breathless laugh, "I'll try. Thanks, (Y/N)."
"Don't mention it, it's not something worthy of thanks." And with that, he didn't care to speak afterwards - letting both of us fall into a revelling pit of gaucheness. Even during classes and breaks, that silence carried on until the coach journey to Tokyo as school ended. Somehow, even Futakuchi managed to not break a word.
The drive was to take a gruelling four hours of doing hardly anything. Occasionally, I would give directions to Coach Oiwake, the rest of my time being occupied by a book, as always. That was, until I felt a sudden jolt ricochet through the back of my seat - which of course, was gifted graciously by the grimace sat behind me. "Your Majestyyyyy, how long until we get thereeee?"` Futakuchi whined like a little kid, pursing out his bottom lip - mimicking a needy baby.
Behind me, sat Futakuchi and Takanobu - the prior jesting his usual jests and the latter; gazing out of the window, his eyes travelling along the road - occasionally latching onto a building or animal in the background. "Just under two and a half hours. That's if there aren't any mishaps."
"Well that sucks, I guess I'll just take a nap, then." He declared, reclining in his seat - letting his legs fall underneath my chair. Immediately, he kicked his head backwards, clamping his eyes shut, "So don't be too rowdy, you two." Falling silent after his sarcastic articulation. Feeling no apparent need to reply to him, I buried my senses back into my book, wishing for the ride to terminate.
Hardly any time had passed before the faint sounds of Futakuchi snoring rang out through the faint buzz of the team's chatter. However, little after that - a scheming Kamasaki crept up behind his chair - his eyes twinkling with devilish delight. The Machiavellian jumped from where he stood, severely startling the slumbering teen. That was when the environment gained an intense ambiance of chaos. Futakuchi screaming a slew of obscenities at his attacker, the latter defending himself relentlessly, explaining how the whole ordeal was simply a bit of friendly banter. Every other member of the team - in some way - was trying to make the conflict die down. However, with one single glance from Takanobu - Futakuchi immediately curtailed his fighting spirit - becoming a dog with its tail tucked between its legs.
"Now... Everyone leave me alone. Please and thank you" He declared curtly, a scorn scowl taking residence upon his face.
Not a single objection was made to that statement, everyone staying silent in trepidation of catalysing another ruckus. The situation pretty much stayed like that for the rest of the drive there - except from the odd 'Shut up' coming from Futakuchi's mouth. Yet, it was still far from peaceful - the constant murmur of voices in the background, distracting me from my novel.
As we arrived at our accommodation for the night, I could sense the team's excitement rising - even if the practice match was early in the next morning. Even the grimace's cocky exterior had shifted and let a ray of giddiness outwards. A rare sight to say the least.
Most of the team rushed into the inn, not paying attention to their rowdiness that was highly apparent to every person passing by. Their escapades were swiftly ushered away by a sighing Moniwa, commanding them to calm their turbulence.
The scene surrounding me was purely picturesque, it certainly wasn't something that you would expect from being in a mostly modern region of Tokyo. A serene, little river trickled down the side of the narrow road - endowed with numerous water lilies of various hues of white and pink. The water flowing through it was rather dark, yet somehow comforting - as you couldn't see just how deep you were falling in. Standing sturdily over the stream, was a bridge - made of many differing stones - each one a different shape, colour and consistency to the next. Adorning the river's surroundings - were flora and foliage - offering a natural touch to its metropolitan environment. I could have sat, gazing at that sight for hours on end; something about it felt weirdly nostalgic and comforting - as if it held some sort of importance to me.
However, that could never be the case, as I followed the rest of the team into our rooms. Being the manager, I had the privilege of having a room to myself, as sharing a room with any member of the team would have surely been catastrophic. 
At that time, the mid-evening sky had begun to grow a relaxing shade of scarlet - wispy clouds floating through it. There was no apparent need for food, seeing as though everyone had eaten on the drive there - so I laid on my futon, a book in hand. Dappled light shone through the window panes - casting light in peculiar patterns across the floor. Shadows swam across the walls, twirling along with the wind. Perhaps Tokyo wasn't going to be that bad after all...
A sudden knock on the door echoed through the room, "Come in." I said reflexively. The hinges creaked shrilly, as the unknown figure made its way passed the doorway. My instincts told me that Takanobu would be standing there - but alas, it was the fawn-haired Futakuchi, wearing a padded, navy jacket and a grey scarf draped around his neck.
"So, (Y/N). Aone and I were wondering if you'd like to go on a little stroll with us? And, don't worry - Coach Oiwake already said we were okay to do so." Futakuchi asked, seemingly out of his little tantrum from earlier.
Taken aback, I stood up from my futon, smoothing down my clothes, "Oh... Uh, Sure - I guess." Hurling on my coat and shoes as I exited the room. It seemed strange that Futakuchi was asking me to do such a thing - especially since he called me by my name, instead of some stupid nickname - after all, he had never expressed interest in socialising normally with me.
Briefly, I made eye contact with Takanobu, only for him to avert his gaze instantly - a nervous disposition on his face, as he looked down to the floor - his hands fiddling with something inside his pockets.
Sensing the awkward air, Futakuchi attempted to start a conversation, "Where do you guys want to go? I was thinking of following that river to see where it goes, is that fine with you two?"
Neither of us offered any opposition to his suggestion, Takanobu only nodded - while I hummed a little sound of affirmation. I didn't have anything better to do. It didn't take long before Futakuchi started talking about the most random things - trying not to be awkward himself, "Sooooooo, (Y/N), how different is Miyagi to Hokkaido?"
"Well, the different dialects were strange at first. But it is nice not seeing snow all the time, life near the Kitami mountains wasn't exactly... Perfect."
Awkwardly laughing, Futakuchi carried on with the small talk, as if he was trying to stall, "I guess so. Why did you move here though?"
"My mother had a promotion, and that meant that we had to move here." I replied, nonchalantly - perplexed by his sudden 'interest' in my life. And for the next half hour or so, he kept asking questions - some generic and some bizarre. It was slightly obvious that he didn't really care about my answers but instead, only used them as a method of delaying something. As that happened, Takanobu sauntered beside us - never uttering a word, but still fiddling with whatever object he was hiding inside of his pockets.
Abruptly, Futakuchi stopped dead in his tracks - as we had somehow arrived back at the bridge from before. The evening sky illuminated the water perfectly - as the waning sunlight hit each droplet of the river, it reflected back into my eyes. It almost sparkled. Each lily bobbed up and down in a majestic rhythm, acting as the river's heartbeat.
"Now, you two - I'll be heading back - so don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." The fawn-haired teen acquiesced, his usual aura becoming rather apparent. Smirking back to Takanobu and I while strolling back into the inn. 
As soon as Futakuchi disappeared behind the inn's doors, I felt a timid tap at my shoulder. Turning around, I was met with an equally timid Takanobu. He drew his hand out from his pocket, holding a flower - specifically a hydrangea. A flower that was used to show someone's gratitude for being understood by another. The flower's complexity would mirror that of the person giving it - and how the recipient learned to accept and understand that complexity, and maybe love them for it.
Immediately, Takanobu's face flushed over with a crimson wash - seemingly embarrassed by the gesture. But, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that he took the time to research into my interests, and use that knowledge to express the way he was feeling. To put it simply, I found it cute - adorable actually - the way that the man with the stoic and intimidating aura would appear so vulnerable in front of me. The inside of me was screaming with joy, that I tried my best to contain.
I held my right hand out to him, to indicate that I accepted his gesture - and as I took the flower from his, our hands brushed - only for an instant. His skin felt warm and clammy - as if his nervousness was running through his entire body.
 Through a bright smile, I began to speak, "Thank you, Takanobu. I'm happy that you can feel that way with me." A single tear of joy began to prick at my eye. Taking notice of that, Takanobu's arms scooped me into a comforting hug - without a single word.
Never before had I felt so unapologetically cheery. He was the first person to make me feel that way...
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sketchguk · 3 years
I'm so excited to brainstorm with you!! Also I'm in my last year of uni! I study sociology 🙈 it's very easy! What do you study? And do you go to college or online??? ahhhhhhhhhh okay for the brainstorming now, youre so correct to be thinking about library headcanon! That one is so sweet. I was thinking that maybe he waits for her to close up and walks her back everyday :( and she says he doesn't need to but misses him if he doesn't come :( abt confessssssssing ahhhhhhh I think it should be so angsty 😭😭 also that he might be get little angry that she doesn't think his feelings are valid?? Cuz he knows she likes him too but shes just ignoring. cuz how can she not trust him??😭😭😭 I know you read chocos fics, in that one fic called wish, he calls her out when she's with Jun and confesses ! But then he gets little angry and says why shes always with him if she likes Jun and " youre with him but what do you really feel" 🙈🙈😭😭😭 it could be something like that!!!! If he gets upset it will shock mc cuz hes always so sweet and understanding :( and she taking it for granted that he wont argue with her 😭 idk if this make sense??? But I think he'll fight for their relationship, cuz hes a gryffindor 😭 anyway ahhh :( gryffindor soonyoung has my heart too. and also everyone likes him 🙈🙈 I saw anons saying you should write the fic! I agree! You can ask your friend if she feel bad that you write the fic for bts member? :( She sounds nice, maybe she won't mind! But if you make a new blog too I will follow you there or if you write here, thats so nice too! Anything you do will be good! - 🌴
Ahh congrats on your last year !!! Sociology is such an interesting subject !! I took an intro class back in my freshmen year :') Do you know what you want to do career-wise??
I major in math education !! I finished my 4th year, but this fall, I'm doing my fellowship for student teaching :D I'll be done with my graduate program at the end of the year !! We've been online since February of 2019 :/ I think my class this semester will be hybrid, but student teaching will be all in person !! I'm highkey nervous for that lol. But I think work this summer has been preparing me for what's to come. I haven't been in a classroom in over a year :/
THE LIBRARY !!!!! She would totally expect him there everyday because he established a routine !! It's like an unspoken agreement between them 💔 That he would wait for her and walk to the Great Hall/dormitories together. But maybe he can't make it to the library one day because he has to stay late for quidditch practice :/ she could be locking up, and he runs up to her all hot and sweaty with an apology on his lips. But she's all pouty because he wasn't thereeee :-( As soon as he asks her about her day, she'd go soft for him ! Her pout is then replaced with a bright smile because who can resist?? She doesn't notice it, but Soonyoung definitely does !
GOSH I love miss choco and her fics !! Wish is one of my favorite ones of all time LOLL. This confession will DEFINITELY be angsty !! I don't think I see this story reaching its climax in any other way beside confrontation. They're both stubborn individuals, so they might have an explosive argument aha. I don't think sweet, natural confession is in store for them :/ just because of the nature of their relationship
Ahh maybe Mingyu can play a bigger part in this hMmMm. You're right that Soonyoung is very sweet to mc, even when she rejects him with every attempt. I wanna see Soonyoung mad !!!! I really do !!!!! That's kinda hot. He could probably sense their relationship slipping away the more time she spends with Mingyu (although she doesn't mean to do it on purpose!).
I definitely see Soonyoung as the jealous/petty type. He probably overthinks a lot despite how confident he is, but he won't share his feelings with anyone ! Most people see him as the perfect dude, basically the house heart throb / golden player of the quidditch team. He'll be damned if anyone finds out he has these insecurities, and he'd be absolutely f*cked if he has to ask anyone for help 😭 A part of him questions whether mc likes him or his actions. Is it the affection that she adores?? He'd drop almost anything for her, but what would she do for him? It's frustrating to read all these mixed signals, and he's not great at reading between the lines :-(
Now the question is: does their relationship get resolved through one explosive argument? or is mc going to sit back and think about her actions and her feelings >.<
aha everyone knows Hoshi !! The infamous Gemini. I hope I can write the story one day and give it justice !! I know this character better than some of my published ones aha. I've made up my own mind that this Gryffindor AU is for Soonyoung only :-(( It feels wrong for me to swap the character for a different idol, so I won't :/ Ahaha I have a svt url saved that I realllyyy like, but I don't know if I'll ever have the chance to use it aghh. Although.. I have had this current url since the very beginning LOL
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delaneytveit · 3 years
Satellites Part 13
WHOOOOO we’re halfway thereeee! OOOHHHHH (Actually we’ve been a little bit more than half way for a bit) but don’t worry, there’s still A LOT of story to get through. If you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, please consider buying me a coffee! 
Oh and I’m on twitter! if you want to give a follow, or watch me scream into the void about Lance in tactical gear, that’s the place! 
Twitter - sfw -> @/spacemom_laney | nsfw -> @/15_agentwash
ko-fi - ko-fi.com/delaneym_15
 ( Part 12 ) ( Satellites Master Post ) (Part 14) 
The team left at 0800 the next morning. Allura had convinced, after quite a long time, Blue to let her pilot. Though it was clear that Blue was not happy about it. The only lion that was missing was the red one.
Keith had chosen to stay behind, to much confusion of the team. Though Lance could vaguely guess why. He felt guilty. Keith had been the one to bring into question Lance’s ability to complete missions, and even though that wasn’t his intention, he knew that it still hurt Lance.
Their relationship was rocky as it was. Neither of them really knew where they stood with the other, what they were to each other, and it seemed that the present situation had complicated things even more so.
Lance was refusing to talk to Keith, and it hurt. He hadn’t meant to indirectly ground the sharpshooter. He had only wanted to voice his concerns to Allura, positive that she would be able to do something for Lance that he couldn’t.
Normally, the only kind of confrontation Keith would be willing to face was violent, but he didn’t want to fight Lance. He wanted to apologize. To take responsibility for what was happening to Lance. He owed him that much at least.
It wasn’t hard to track the Blue Paladin down. He had locked himself in his room since breakfast. It was a good thing Keith knew the code by heart.
Punching in the code, he was relieved when the door whooshed open revealing Lance sitting at his desk. Keith could hear the volume of the headphones from where he stood, which made him cringe. The EDM music that Lance listened to was loud enough, didn’t anyone warn him of blowing out an eardrum?
Keith knocked twice before taking loud steps towards the boy, hoping that they would be loud enough to let Lance know that he was there. Lance’s anxiety had spiked dramatically since his return and it took one accidental sneak up by Pidge to inform the team that it was vital for Lance to know that you were coming, so as to avoid a swift punch to the face out of panic.
“What do you want, Keith?” Lance sighed as he removed his earphones. He swiveled his chair to look at the red paladin, arms crossed as he leaned back in his seat.
This was it, Keith had been rehearsing his apology for hours now, trying to make it sound as genuine and coherent as possible. Though at the very moment, what ever award winning speech he had come up with beforehand had vanished as those hard blue eyes stared into him.
“I’m sorry.” he blurted out, cursing himself for his lack of grace.
He immediately dropped his gaze, eyes staring at the floor. There was only a tense silence between them, and Keith begged his mind to come up with something, anything to put an end to this crushing feeling.
But of course, his mind, nor his mouth could seem to work correctly.
It was Lance who broke the silence instead.
“For?” he asked, the question forcing Keith to look up and face the boy. Blue eyes met his once more, a questioning brow raised as Lance waited for Keith to answer.
He could do this.
“I shouldn’t have told Allura about all of this. I- I didn’t know that she would take you off of missions. I should have talked to you and voiced my concerns to you, you didn’t deserve what Allura did to you and it's my fault that it happened. And I am so, so sorry for that.” He was rambling, he knew he was. How did people do this? How did they apologize?
He was only stopped when Lance held up his hand.
“I appreciate the apology, I really do. And to be honest, I’m glad that you told Allura. I don’t think she would have found out if you hadn’t. I’m not mad at you Keith.”
“You’re not?”
Lance chuckled a little, running a hand through his hair.
“I mean, I am a little bit. But I think I’m more pissed at the situation in general.” Lance leaned forward, perching his elbows on his knees. Looking down at his clasped hands, Lance spoke “You guys are right, I’m not okay. I haven’t been for a while and no matter how much I pretend that I am, I’m just hurting myself. I’m not getting better.” he sounded so...broken. Lance never really talked about himself, at all really. Superficial things, sure. Like how he got barely any sleep, or that he missed his mom’s cooking. But he never really talked about things deeper than that. Keith hadn’t really noticed until now, but Lance had been hiding a big part of himself away this entire time, and it only came out at his most vulnerable times at night.
A year ago, Keith would have thought of the way that Lance talks about himself as vain, but now he knew that it wasn’t really the case. Lance has been putting on a mask this whole time.
“But we don’t have time. The universe doesn’t have time for me to get better. It's a long ass process that Voltron can’t afford.”
He was right, of course he was right. Lance was vital to Voltron, even if he didn’t really see himself that way. He still knew that Voltron needed him. It was even more present today with Blue’s little tantrum about having to take on Allura as a pilot.
“But is the universe really more important than having you here?” That was what Keith was most afraid of. Lance had always been the self-sacrificial type. He couldn’t argue that he himself was any better, but Lance seemed to take it to a whole new level. The paladin would miss sleep and meals to make sure that everyone else was taken care of. He would jump in front of a bullet in a second to spare the others. On one occasion Lance had bounded into a burning building to save a few children stuck on the third floor, that had been the worst as it only reminded Keith of how he lost his father. He couldn’t lose Lance too.
“No, Lance. Listen to me. The universe is not worth you throwing yourself away like that. What you need time to heal, what you went through was fucking terrible. It's no wonder you have PTSD from it.”
“We are the literal Defenders of the Universe, I can’t just not do my job!”
“I’m not asking you to stop being a paladin! I’m asking to for once in your life put yourself first. We need you, I need you! You need to let yourself heal from all of this because there is no Voltron if you continue to let your own health fall by the wayside!” Keith meant every word of it. They needed Lance. They needed him to come back, to be the best he could be, and as hard as he was trying right now, this wasn’t it.
“I’m worried for you, Lance. I can’t lose you too.” Keith’s voice was so small, he himself almost didn’t hear it. But he knew that Lance did, as the boy stood up from his seat and walked over to Keith, instantly wrapping his arms around the shorter one.
“You won’t Keith, I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
Keith breathed in the scent of ocean and sandalwood of Lance’s detergent, and thanked whatever higher being was there that Lance had insisted on buying his own detergent all those mall trips ago. The pompous asshole had good taste in soap, and it comforted Keith easily.
“Just promise me you’ll at least try.”
He felt Lance take a deep breath.
“I am trying, Keith. I’m trying every day.” If Keith felt the shaky breaths or the wetness on his shoulder, he said nothing. It was clear that Lance needed this as much as he did, maybe even more. “I never wished I was Shiro, more than I do right now. He’s been through everything and he’s able to handle it all so easily.”
Oh, absolutely not. There was no way in hell Keith would let Lance talk about himself like that.
He pulled away from their hug, to much of his own dismay, and held Lance at arms length. Violet eyes bore into icy blue ones. The eyes that he could get lost in, but now as not the time to think about that, Keith.
“Lance, you said it yourself. WHat Shiro went through and what you went through was completely different.”
“No. You really think that Shiro would be in any better of a state than you are now after being treated the way you were? I have no idea the extent of what they did to you, but I do know that it had to have been absolute hell. You don’t get to compare your pain to others, just because they seem to be doing better than you. Your pain is your own, so stop being an idiot and just acknowledge the fact that those guys are assholes!”
Keith was most definitely not expecting a chuckle from the Blue Paladin, but he assumed it would be better than the alternative.
“That was good, Mullet. You come up with all that yourself?”
Keith rolled his eyes. Of course, leave it to Lance to make a joke about a serious conversation.
“As a matter of fact, I did. And I’ll say it again. As many times as I need to for it to get through your tiny brain.”
“Hey! I’ll assure you my brain is of average size. Some may say it's even above average!”
It was Keith’s turn to laugh.
“Yeah, I’m sure it is.” he joked offhandedly, letting his grip on Lance’s arms finally fall.
Lance fixed him with his characteristically famous smirk that Keith knew could only mean trouble.
“Want to know what else is above average size?” Lance waggled his eyebrows knowingly as Keith facepalmed.
“Oh my god, Lance. No!”
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mingi-bubu · 4 years
Watch “Youth With You” with Me!
Episode 7 Part 1
alright alright alright we are back in action with another nonsense watch with me!!!
fun fact as of right now i have a headache (like im wearing sunglasses indoors at 7:15 on a monday night type of time i hate it uwu) and am too warm bc it’s 80-something degrees F in my kitchen i hate it
i wish it would finally rain but whtaever 
anyway bc of that my spelling might be worse than usual
if you find yourself unable to understand anything, shoot me a message and i’ll see if i understand what i typed as well aldsjfalsd
no but seriuosly, i’m happy to be watching unine’s run again and i cant wait to spam afterwards with yc, lhw, smz, & hlh!!!!
my team that shouldve been but never was
on with the episode!!
so we start off with an arial shot of the dorms and soundstages with a timer counting down from 16 hours
i will be real with you i do not recall what this stage was about
wasnt it like positions or something???
well, we’ll find out soon lol
why is mingze apologizing???
i hate these stupid peeks into the episode when everyone is sad i want to dieeee
why are they playing that song
i wish i coculd remember what its called but alas i am braincellless
lhw had no reason to look that good biting his thumb fUCK
a tie????  *eyes emoji*
so baby take me theeeRRRREEeee
ok awww guan yue in his lil bucket hat i love himmmm
so jiang dawei is like giving a class on singing and how to express feelings within a song
he’s emphazising how everyone will have a different emotional way of presenting
jiayi babiieee
why does weiwei look like he’s scandalized by this story im
he really is that drama bitch tm and i love it
(might fuck around and turn off the lights and see if that helps me kjdalskjd)
lights are mostly off, at least in the area of the kitchen im sitting in
right, back to the boys
yao chiiiii smillleee im *smile with hearts emoji x3*
al;kdfjaskld jiang dawei just told everyone that they’re going to sing later to really like bring home his point about emotion in the music and everyone is sh00k over it lmaoooo
did they really think???
bo yuan is up first
akdfjasldk junjieeeee stop dragg
that’s what you get for dragging him lmaooooo
shy babyyy hiding behind his notebook
whereis longhan
show me my little dragon
i dont think any of these boys were in the theatre dept when they were in school bc what jdw is talking about is literally like acting in a musical i
thats some prince shit right there hanhan
alkdjfl i jest but i love them and also shenshen in the background 
yangyang looks like such an intent scholar i am being viciously reminded that he was the kid who’d stay in during lunch to do homework
baby dork i love him (i say as he is like what,,,6?  7? months older than me???)
jdw is saying as you get older, your understanding of music and singing as an art deepens
ugh the cameraman for this part of the epissode desrves a raise for all the yao chi lcoseups im getting oh my god
he’s telling them to be nerds and read more
xixi looks like hes about to get up and leave lmaoooo
mans said ‘tf i am’
tho that would explain his instagram post from a fwe weks bakc
ooooohhhh jdw out here promoing jay chou we LOVE to see it
akdfjals wang jiayi looks so intent i loveee himmm
turned into a lil pep speech about being proud of their chinese heritage at the end cute cute cute
they get to nerd out and talk about their favorite books with each other we stan smort boys
adfkjasd yao chiiiii smiileeee
so baby take me thereeee
back to the stage?
oooohhh lots of flashing lights
i hate it
anyway mc jin and after journey are introducing the group for Brave
shi mingze???
yesssss it’s the goth punk vibes i love weiwei in
ok training montage
awwww baby boy is in glassess aasdj;asd
and wow we’re really off to an early start in the stride merch mentiona dfkja
his hands are so long what thruvke??
the fuck?
;lakdsjf;s WOOoooooWWWWW
(ok im taking ibu now my nhead hurts so much fuck i am not having a rocking time)
anways weiwei is really cute after its announced they have to choose a center
i’ve never heard this song
why are they so dramatic i hate them
why does weiwei look like he about to murder someoone akdfja;dj;jepoifejw
baobeiiiii chen shijian
weiwei is center!!!!
shijian’s rap wowoww rose and sunk like a shop akd;a
mc jin is clownery
they even played the cantina song i
awwww after journey said that zelin’s was perfect a!!!! we love to see it
weiwei looks so worried lmaooo
zhanyu is too pretty for this world
ugh im sick
ye ziming is having the time of his life watching this
bitch where the fuck is the emotiohn
askdfj;as hearing after journey say baobei several times in a row was so fun
weiwei looks like he’s about to cry im gonna lose it when i watch yanxi palace arent i
shadslkjfa;ewjfion who was that oh my god chen shijian im screaming what a fucking nerd
mingze looks so cute
kncmmSlkds hes such baby i love him
i hate this so much
csj reminds me of lyy of wayv so much
awww weiwei,,,,,T.T
i want to give him a hung
hes having a lot of difficulty with his part
ok i guess we gonna see the stage now
there are gates and mingze is in a coat with fur at the end of the sleeves thanks you for coming to my tedtalk
zelin’s rap is good
mingze i would die for you
zhanyu out here to steal hanhan’s title of prince charming isnt he mother FUCK
i want a lullaby from him every night fuck
ooooh fuck he fell oh my god
mingze babyyy
its definitely bc of my headache but i feel like crying now 
and by the looks of it so does mingze
sijian has definitely had his heart ripped out and stepped on holy fuck
im just worried about how that’s gonna affect mingze’s rating later :[
ok they’re talking about books now
awww sijian is inspired by a female lead character i love to see it
aww weiwei is so cute ajf;asd
mingze i will cry and it will be uncomfortable for all of us
mingze literally is the best younger brother what the fukc
how to retroactively tell a man who doesnt know me im in love with him
ooooohhhhhh spirit of the knight
this is xixi and huaiwei’s right??
i lvoe him
asl;kdfjasd huaiwei is the love of my life what the fuck
alksdjf;as minghao is really out here ignoring on eman im scraming
why is huaiwei the love of my life he looks sos good
linmo has a cramp adn minghao really was out here getting all up to help him and massage his leg what other mentor is doing it like him
off topic but linmo looks gooooood
is linmo the leader?
he’s acting v much like that
i wouldn’t be surprised
changxi is so cute
2 hours and 45 minutes is the entire lenght of the episode and we’re only 35 mintues in
i am goin to die
ok stage rehearsal time
fuck huaiwei looks good
kill me hes so beautifl
huaiwei if you somehow ever see this, congrats on being gorgeous bc you really deserve it
oh my god jolin is so small
huaiwei’s waht like 5′10?  5′11?
i looked it up hes 5′10 i need a moment
he literally looks so elegant in this outfit im proposing
why does he literally look like he is a work of art
im not an art ho but i would be for him
ajsdflkajs;d he’s singing to himselfabout how hes gonna do better with this critixcism
he is literally  sprawled on the floor singing i am marrying him right now
the way that no one says antything aljkdf
either he does this a lot or they really cant hear him
awww baby boy
this conversation sent me:
linmo: i can sense that youre a little down, like that youre sort of unhappy
huaiwei who has been singing on the floor for the past hour about how much he hates his life and sulking: no shit really?
i am taking liberties here with it but like sir,  he was on the floor,   singing about how he hates everything
maybe he is unhappy
god i think the thing i really hate the most about idol culture and everything is like how they feel they have to censor themselves someties bc there’s always a camera there
like they really dont get to say anything about themselves truly feeling bad or w/e in front of the camera
yes this is spurred on by huaiwei looking into the camera but yes this is also partly about how you could see some of the 127 members holding back from what they really wanted to say in the to you videos
so limo is not getting any camera time after we saw minghao massage his upper thigh earlier ok cool understood have a nice day
the biggest obstacle is that out of the entire group only like two members have had actual stage performances
ok stage time?  nope we weatch late night praccy now
xixi blond hair???
huaiwei is so pretty im actively dying
ok ok ok stage time!!!
ugh the chandeliers
their minds
thassa lot of fog bro
they really said phantom of the opera chic
hmm color would be nice
this song really do pop off thoooo
please huaiwei you need to stop doing this to me
idk i still feel like the dance is lacking something..
but huaiwei smiles so its fine
his hair i ugh
che huixuan is v good too
was huaiwei center?
did i missed something?
was it xixi or linmo??
one of my complaints is that we didnt get any xixi -huaiwei moments
ugh jolin complimenting them i lvoe to see it
oh their turn to talk about books i guess
ixixoiajsdfoia xixixixixi glasses
no thoughts head empty
chx’s book is interesting i suppose
i only care aobut huaiwei keeping talking
not enough huaiwei and xixi interactions im upset
ok next vocal group!!!  what’s wrong
aka wenhan’s stage
wenhan blond is still such an incredible look i want it back
adjifas jiayi is so extra i love him
alkdsfjasdk why doesn’t anyone want to be the center im screaming
ok jiayi is center
hes so cute
li ronghao is not haivng hi i suppose
wang zhe literally choking when hanhan said their performance wasnt good my god that killed me
but they do be having a lot of issues apparently
practice practice practice
im trying to be pg 13 at best but shit
hanhan comparing them to kindergarteners im screaming
awwww at least it be working
tao comparing him to a considerate brother T.T
im so sick of him and the brand endorsments
ok stage time
have i seent his before?  i dont recall
hanhan’s opening is nice
bitch sounds like he gonna cry
zhe looks like he’s gonna cry
chen tao looks like he wanted to cosply as harry potter but had to be rushed to the stage before they could finish
brown hair jiayi is bakc
yixing looks good
jiayi drop your eye makeup tutorial pleaseeee
zhe’s rap was goooood
literally who hurt these boys turn on your location i just want to talk
ok im falling asleep lowkey rn so after this stage im probs gonna call it
im so proud of everyone here but i wish we cakdsjfa;skldjf;kwejo chen tao and jiayi getttning confetti in their hair im
i love them making chen tao’s picute have small glases wowowow the senior seniors are also dorks
awww hes baby thoooo
deng chaoyuan bringing a boxed set of history of the ming dynasty is literally a man after my own heart oh my god
the histoyr major in me is in love
wang zhe studied in the uk i am screaming these boys are so smart
i have a strong suspicion that the noly reason most of the group if not all of them are getting ot talk about their books is bc of jiayi and hanhan being in the group
ok iqiyi ok
you aint subtle bitch
jiayi is looking so excited to hear chen tao recite a letter from his book 
i think it’s like a collection of letters
wenhan literally fell in love for that part and was staring at ct so intensely
god i wish that were me
lmao hanhan didnt even get to share his
it’s euqlaiity
oh fuck yao chi’s stage is next
but im literally falling asleep fuck
we will watch it tomorrow
good night you guys!!!
stay safe and stay healthy
i’ll see you tomoroow <3333
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ruckinandrollin · 7 years
Hello thereeee!! :) I've seen you do rugby and martial arts! I'm thinking about starting in the rugby team at uni and I was wondering how do you feel the two disciplines interact in your life ? Do you find similarities ? Does one help you with the other ?? Thank you so much for your help ! I hope you have a GREAT day:) !
Yay great question! Definitely do it. I've grown up playing team sports and I just love it. The only reason I stopped was because of a bad concussion that gives me migraines whenever I bump my head. Starting martial arts, and bjj in particular, was a great move from rugby because I love, love contact sports. Something about that extra level of physical activity satisfies me on a greater level than any solo sport. At the very least, try it out for a semester. The community is fun, and very tight knit. Keep me posted!!!
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ashleeyjac · 5 years
i feel like i have not written in foreverrr! but as thoughts fill my mind again i figured maybe i should get back into this.
recently there was a bellletstalk day for mental health and to support it, and so i tried to do my part and spent a lot of time on my phone. i thought about maybe opening up in a post but then decided not to. i saw another post today about it, and it was someone talking/posting about how there is not enough support for it, like therapy costs 200 a session every two weeks and how hospitals don't help enough or send patients home when they think it may be safe but we still feel sick or not up for it... and it got me thinking about how i am truly lucky that mine has never been that serious and i have always had people to help and support me and that i have always been able to afford the help i need. it kinda makes me sad thinking that people can kill themselves at any moment of time because getting help is so hard. maybe the post was right more needs to be done then just talking about it. 
it also got me thinking about how many people just hate on things. like my patriots won the superbowl last night and sooo many people just hating on them because people can’t accept that they are just a good team and don't want to support the success. why has the world become such a negative place. 
on another note things have been looking up finally with cooper, until i push too hard again and let him back into his corner. but way further then we have ever been before and i can appreciate him trying in his own little ways. not to long ago we were chilling one night as per normal with mike and brittney, and i drove him home and then he texted me admitting to his grade 2 flirting.. and he is just so cute sometimes, always can make me smile. excited to see what this year has in store for us. we talked about maybe going on a trip and mentioned Portugal and that has really sparked my interest and i keep searching to find out lots about going thereeee :) 
well i am slowly getting annoyed of this light and need sleep, so peace worldddddd
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lifeofwatashi · 7 years
Blog entry #29: I'm sorry, I tried to be positive.
7/7/17, 0137. Hey thereeee. Been long as shit huh since my last entry. I actually wanted to write a couple of days ago but I really couldn't get things straight to even think properly. Hahah welpz here it is anyway, the 29th entry. "I'm sorry, I tried to be positive." Why that title? I question myself too. It seems a little too strange huh, since I've never had such a cool title for the past entries. But why? Perhaps it's because of all the events that are happening in my life maybe? I'm not sure myself but yes, shit has been happening lately. Lots and lots of shit. Shit that's honestly bringing me down. Shit that I've been letting myself take in, to the point where I've really stopped bothering, thus allowing myself to feel hurt. I'm sorry, I tried to be positive. Despite all that has happened to me in recent weeks, I've always always tried my best to stay positive. I didn't want anything to affect me like how they always used to. I was tired of that life. I tried to find good, no matter how little they maybe, in everything. However terrible the event was, I kept trying to find that good. I can't say that I never found any. I did but yeah.. Being positive was one of the biggest resolutions that I have set for myself at the start of 2017. All I needed was great vibes, great ambience, great company. But I haven't gotten any thus far. I've got people showing fake love to me, I've got people acting like they give a fuck. So yeah. Some people are really insensitive of what they let out of their salty mouths. It's been getting on my nerves lately. They don't have a single thought on what others might feel. How others might react. Happened to me earlier today. My friends, I don't even know if theyre close to me or not, voice recorded on Whatsapp saying and discriminating my floorball skills. Saying how with or without a floorball stick, my play will be the same, implying that I fucking suck in the sport and I don't even need a stick cos I probably wouldn't make good use of one. Now, as much as I know they're joking, it hurt me a lot. Knowing that they know how insecure I am playing floorball, how inconfident I am, how demoralised I am from past events, they still could say such things, even if its a joke. I sound so petty but yeah. It doesn't end there though, the fucked up part. I felt so terrible right after they said that? I felt fucking worse after training. I actually got asked to sit out. During training. Where people go to when they want to improve. I got asked to sit out even during a game, where there isn't even much competition, yet at least. That was when I really lost it. I felt horrible. I felt so useless and hopeless. "Shahin, you're not good enough to even be in our training". That's all I've thought about. I may be not good enough for your team. But to improve and get better, I should be playing when I attend trainings right? Sadly that isn't the case. And sadly whatever my "friends" said over WhatsApp was actually true. I shouldn't be playing floorball. Sigh I'm too upset. I need someone. I need someone to be by my side.. Sigh. May your days be blessed.
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