#the MINTerview
chickenwaffles17 · 26 days
the MINTerview (an interview with Amy Rose)
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Q: Afternoon Amy, how are you?
A: I'm doing just great, Mint.
Q: You know why you're here, don't you?
A: To be interviewed by you, right?
Q: Yep, you got it! Now, don't answer anything you're not comfortable with, like- you're not going to actively be uncomfortable hopefully, but if you don't want to just say so and we can move on. Sound good?
A: Sounds good to me!
Q: Great! Wanna introduce yourself?
A: I'm Amy Rose, I'm a girl, I'm a hedgehog, hammer enthusiast, etcetera.
Q: Excellent! What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Red or pink, of course! They're easily two of the prettiest colours, and a great accents. Did you know Sonic's favourite colour is also red?
Q: I did, actually, I interviewed him this morning. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Soft serve ice cream.
Q: Oh yeah, which flavour?
A: Vanilla, or maybe strawberry. I usually get a mix of the two, 'cause two ice creams is too much for me *laughs*.
Q: Who do you consider your friends?
A: The other members of Team Sonic, (of course), Cream, Big- I have a lot.
Q: Where were you born? If you can remember, of course.
A: I, um... I don't know, actually. Sorry!
Q: That's fine! How did you obtain and fine-tune your abilities?
A: Oh, well when I was younger, I loved going to carnivals and using those "Test Your Strength" machines. I really enjoyed how those hammers felt in my hands, and I loved seeing all the shocked looks when I managed to make the... The meter hit the top? Is that how you say it?
Q: I can't think of any other way to say it, that sounds right to me.
A: Okay. Well, when I got my hands on my hammer for the first time, I figured; hey wait, I've always loved whacking things with this, why not incorporate this into my daily life? Admittedly, I wish I didn't have to use it under the circumstances I do, those being Eggman's attacks of course, but I do love it. It took me a while to actually be able to lift it, though *laughs*.
Q: Would you recommend hammer-based exercise as a way to build up strength in your arms?
A: Oh, definitely. I'd call myself the strongest person I know, but you know, Knuckles... Other than him, I'm pretty high up.
Q: I'll make a note of that. What was your first impression of me?
A: I thought you were good looking, but not in a threatening way.
Q: *flustered* Pardon?
A: Oh, I usually keep my eye on people who might be on a similar level to me in terms of attractiveness. 'Cause of Sonic, you know. But we're friends now, so I'm not worried.
Q: Um... What do you regard as your nicest memory?
A: I feel like most people would think I'd say "meeting Sonic", and in most cases they'd be right.
Q: What do you mean, most cases?
A: Well, the other day I felt oddly tense, so I decided to do a little reading to see what was happening, and I pulled out "The Lovers", "The High Priestess", and "The Chariot".
Q: Are those like, tarot cards?
A: Yes. Well, as someone who considers herself pretty well-versed in tarot, I immediately identified them as Major Arcana cards, which are directly related to major life events. I interpreted the first card I drew, "The Lovers" as a direct parallel to me and Sonic, of course. The second; "The High Priestess" could be read as something happening to me right now regarding self perception, and "The Chariot" might be related to a triumph coming my way.
Q: Oh wow, Amy, that's cool! Where'd you learn to read tarot cards?
A: wikiHow.
Q: ...Um, oh crap we're running out of time! Would you describe yourself as introverted or extroverted?
A: I'm probably an extrovert. I love meeting new people and hanging out with my friends! I honestly feel really drained when I'm not around people, but it's an easy cure.
Q: What's the best thing someone could compliment you on?
A: *counting on her fingers* My sweet disposition, my fashion sense, my evident skill with an oversized blunt weapon, and my cooking!
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: Hm?
Q: *laughing* Everyone else has to do a double take on that question, it's funny... Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: Yes?
Q: Why?
A: Um, it's got bread, doesn't it? With a filling and sauce?
Q: Well, thank you Amy, this was really fun!
A: You're welcome, Mint!
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gresiniracing · 2 years
minterview (mitch interview) :)))))
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Découvrez-le (et bien d'autres choses encore) dans la MiNTerview accordée par le groupe lors de son Concert Très Très Privé pour MiNT !
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fykanto · 6 years
MXM's MInterview with Kanto
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wlsannuaires-blog · 6 years
Avec MiNT, la rentrée sera plus forte et plus belge !
Avec MiNT, la rentrée sera plus forte et plus belge !
MiNT lance sa nouvelle saison musicale avec de nouvelles voix, des MiNTerviews et des BaseMiNT sessions pour des concerts acoustiques live d’exception diffusés sur MiNT.be, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, avec toujours plus de groupes belges émergents.
Dès ce lundi 3 septembre, deux nouvelles têtes bien faites rejoignent l’équipe MiNT : Thomas Simonis s’occupera des interviews et Simon Leclercq…
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chickenwaffles17 · 27 days
the MINTerview (an interview with Miles "Tails" Prower)
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Q: Hello Tails, how are you today?
A: I'm good Mint.
Q: You know why you're here, yes?
A: You're gonna interview me.
Q: I've got some questions here that are fairly generic and some that are more specific, feel free to, you know, not answer anything you're not comfortable with answering. That okay?
A: Yup!
Q: Great! Wanna introduce yourself?
A: My name is Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails.
Q: Wait, you have a surname?
A: Amy has a surname too.
Q: That's true. Sorry, I didn't realise you had like, a legal name. Everyone else here is just "Blank the Species". Uh- sorry, continue please!
A: Okay! I'm 8, I'm a fox and I really like fixing things.
Q: What kind of things do you like to fix?
A: Um, the other day I fixed a coffee machine, and then I fixed a car... I also got a new tool box, which is really nice, cause' my other one was getting full.
Q: What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Blue! It's just- really cool.
Q: Oh, that's my favourite colour too! Nice taste. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Those Mint Candies you find lying around.
Q: Oh, you eat candy you find on the ground?
A: Um, well only the Mint ones.
Q: What if they're drugged?
A: They're not, they make me go faster! And if I don't eat any then I'll fall out of the sky!
Q: The candies you eat off the ground-
A: I pick them up first-
Q: The candies you find lying on the ground make you go fast, and if you don't eat one every few minutes you'll experience a crash?
A: Yeah.
Q: ...Who do you consider your friends?
A: Oh, Sonic, Knuckles, Amy, maybe you?
Q: *laughing* Oh, I'm maybe?
A: Um...
Q: Where were you born? If you can remember, of course.
A: West Side Island.
Q: Oh, I've heard of that place. Is it as beautiful as they say?
A: Probably even nicer, the trees are really pretty, and the grass is soft. It's a shame that so many of its zones are really industrial now.
Q: I'm so sorry, Tails.
A: That's fine. Next question please?
Q: How did you obtain your abilities? In your case the ability to fly, and I guess building things.
A: Uh, well I've always had my tails. I guess when I was around 4 it became a habit to just spin them when I wasn't doing anything, and one day I was like; "Hey, how fast could I do this?" So I just kept spinning and spinning and spinning, and I found out I could go really fast, and at that point I actually got off the ground, which was really scary the first time, but it was so tiring. I had to practise until I could do it without getting tired.
Q: Wow. What about your love for technology? When did that first come into play?
A: Um, I think I found a ratchet on the ground one day, and I realised it could probably fit over those nuts and bolts you see on Badniks and things, so I went over to one of those abandoned robots lying on the ground and opened up its chest.
Q: Wow, quite the clever little guy, aren't you?
A: Well- no, I flipped a switch and it came to life and tried to kill me, but you know, I banged it over the head with the ratchet and it broke again. I really liked it.
Q: Liked what?
A: The ratchet.
Q: Oh, cool. You still have it?
A: No. I accidentally dropped it somewhere.
Q: Oh no, that's terrible!
A: It's fine, I've got loads now. Your timer is running out.
Q: Oh crap! Sorry, we might have to rush these next few questions. What was your first impression of me?
A: Um, I didn't think much of you until you actually tried to fight Shadow. At that point I didn't really know what to think other than "Oh no, what's gonna happen"
Q: What's your nicest memory?
A: Meeting Sonic, definitely. Or maybe one of the flights I took with him on the Tornado.
Q: Would you describe yourself as introverted or extroverted?
A: Introverted.
Q: Why's that?
A: I like my friends, but I think anyone else makes me feel a little anxious.
Q: What's the best thing someone could compliment you on?
A: Um, well anything, I think.
Q: Oh?
A: Yeah, I like feeling like I can do things. I don't really have anything besides my technology that anyone acknowledges, so it's nice to, you know, be complimented on things as well as that.
Q: Well, you're a very lovely fox, Tails. I'll buy you candy sometime, stop picking it up off the ground.
A: Okay!
Q: I think just one more question and then you can leave.
A: Uhuh?
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: Yes.
Q: Oh, no hesitation, why?
A: Well, what defines a sandwich? It's a filling in between two or more pieces of bread, or a filling in the middle of one long sliced piece of bread.
Q: Very smart. Thanks Tails, see you around!
A: See you Mint!
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chickenwaffles17 · 24 days
the MINTerview (an interview with Comet the Magpie)
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Q: G'day Comet, how are you mate?
A: Oh, reiterating the fact that we're Australian animals whilst trying to make it seem like we're familiar with each other, are we?
Q: Oh, I'm doing good, thanks for asking Comet. I appreciate the comment about my new socks. You know why you're here, right?
A: Yeah, heard you were interviewing your friends.
Q: I've got some questions here that are generic and some that are more specific, feel free to not answer anything you're not comfortable with answering. That okay?
A: Sure.
Q: Great! Wanna introduce yourself?
A: I'm Comet, Comet the Magpie.
Q: Ha, you introduce yourself like Sonic... What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Green. It's just nice, you know? There's... There's yellowey greens, there's bluey greens, and they're all really cool.
Q: Mhm. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Hmm... Onion rings.
Q: Oh my gosh, I haven't had those in ages, my mouth's watering! Dammit Comet, I just ate, why're you making me hungry all over again?
A: Oh, sorry, Mint.
Q: No, I wasn't being serious... Um, who do you consider your friends?
A: You, uh... Barry.
Q: Oh, Barry the Quokka?
A: Yeah, that guy. I haven't seen him in ages though, apparently he changed his name to something stupid like Prq7qe and got an internship on a train.
Q: *laughing in disbelief* wait, what?
A: Yeah, good old Barry... I mean Prq7qe.
Q: Where were you born? If you can remember, of course.
A: The Mobius equivalent of Australia, dude. Really nice there, been kind of boring without you, though.
Q: Aw, you mean that?
A: Yeah.*Beat*
A: Sorry, was I meant to say something after that?
Q: No, no, uh- how did you obtain your abilities?
A: Don't have any, do I?
Q: Right... Right, you're not interested in fighting or anything, are you?
A: What can I say? I like figuring out my problems with words.
Q: Abilities could also mean, uh, skills? Maybe hobbies if we're being nice?
A: Right, well, I am a bit of a surfing enthusiast - you can attest to that, can't you Mint?
Q: I can.
A: I have a collection of shiny things, I can hold my breath for 2 minutes (comes handy when you're in the water a lot) and I can do a really bad David Bowie impression.
Q: *laughing* oh great heavens, I remember that…
A: *horrendous David Bowie impression* Turn back, Sarah.
Q: *wheezing uncontrollably* Wh- What was your first impression of me?
A: Hm. I reckon it must’ve been mostly positive, can’t remember too much though.
Q: That's okay! What do you regard as your nicest memory?
A: Probably that comedy festival we went to one time.
Q: Oh! Oh my god, I totally forgot!
A: Jesus, when was that?
Q: Obviously before I moved to Green Hill… Oh goodness that first act was horrible.
A: You’ll have to remind me, I’m a little- Nope, I just remembered!
Q: *laughing* Ah! Ah, we’re nearly out of time, crap! I think I’ve only got room for another question!
A: Oh jeez, uh, sorry, go on?
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: What the- um… No?
Q: Why?
A: Because… One piece of bread.
Q: ...Thanks Comet, it was great catching up with you again!
A: ‘Welcome.
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chickenwaffles17 · 27 days
the MINTerview (an interview with Knuckles the Echidna)
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Q: Hey Knux, how are you?
A: I am good, possum.
Q: You know why you're here, right?
A: You want to ask me questions and write down my answers on some sort of form.
Q: Yup, that's basically it. I've got some questions here that are fairly generic and some that are more specific, feel free to, you know, not answer anything you're not comfortable with answering.
A: I have no need for these warnings. I am prepared for anything.
Q: Someone's motivated! Wanna introduce yourself?
A: I am Knuckles. I am a proud echidna warrior, trained since birth in all forms of combat.
Q: Ooh. What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Green. It is the colour of nature, and the- THE MASTER EMERALD!
Q: Whoa, Jesus Knuckles, sit down! U- sorry-
A: I have neglected my duty as guardian to protect the Master Emerald! I have failed my tribe...
Q: Uh- Oh geez- do you need to go handle that right now? We can cut this interview short, if you want- Oh, bye.
the MINTerview (an interview with Rouge the Bat)
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Q: Thanks for filling in, Rouge.
A: No problem, Hun.
Q: We had some, uh... Family issues come up with the last interviewee, so I'm just gonna ask you some questions, is that okay?
A: Of course.
Q: Anything you don't want to answer, you don't have to. Um, what's your name? For the interview.
A: Rouge the Bat, Treasure Hunter Extraordinaire and lover of precious things.
Q: *laughing* I remember that introduction. Sorry, uh- what's your favourite colour and why?
A: Green, or maybe magenta. I look the best in the latter, but emeralds are extremely pretty.
Q: True that. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Pomegranates. They look like little geodes when you crack them open, don't they?
Q: I never thought about it like that, they do! I need to try one again, but they're so hard to get here.
A: Next time I find one I'll bring it back for you and I to share.
Q: Thanks, Rouge. Who do you consider your friends?
A: You, of course, Shadow. Hm...
Q: Maybe we can make that "allies?"
A: I'm afraid that doesn't expand the options, Mint.
Q: Um, well where were you born? If you can remember, of course.
A: I'd tell you if I could. I'm sorry, this interview might not be as interesting, as the others, Hun.
Q: That's... Well, it doesn't matter. How did you obtain your abilities?
A: Oh, you mean my athleticism, sneakiness, and beauty? That's all my doing. Training and experience do lend a hand, though. You trying to learn how to improve yourself, Mint?
Q: Um... Sort of? I figured it'd be a bit easier to earn my place on the team if I could actually lend a hand. What was your first impression of me?
A: I thought you were cute, in a rookie kind of way, but ultimately you were in the way of my- You're wearing the necklace!
Q: Gee, took you long enough to notice! I've only been wearing it every day!
A: Oh, Mint, you sentimental sweetheart.
Q: *laughing* Well, what do you regard as your nicest memory?
A: Hm. I was younger, definitely. I was flying around somewhere and saw something shiny in the corner of my eye. Naturally, I flew down to investigate.
Q: What was it? A gem?
A: No, it was a spoon.
Q: Oh. That's your nicest memory?
A: If you let me finish, you'd have heard the part where I found a rug not too far away from it, picnic basket and all. And the people holding the picnic were evidently loaded. They must've gone for a swim or something in a nearby lake, because they'd left all their clothes and their jewellery behind for little old me!
Q: And you took them?
A: Of course I did. I might still have those diamond earrings somewhere, but I doubt it. That's it.
Q: Nice! Would you describe yourself as introverted or extroverted? Why's that?
A: Hm. I'm not too fond of most people, to be honest. But, I do enjoy a good gathering every now and then. What would you say that is?
Q: Um... That might be omniverted?
A: What's the difference?
Q: Ambivert is introverted AND extroverted and being omniverted might be introverted OR extroverted? I don't really know. Uh, what's the best thing someone could compliment you on?
A: My physique, my jewels, my talents. I'm fairly easy to please, if I say so.
Q: Mm. Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: What?
Q: *laughing* is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: No.
Q: Oh yeah, why?
A: ...I don't know.
Q: Well, thank you Rouge, you're the best!
A: Thank you, Mint. This was nice.
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chickenwaffles17 · 29 days
the MINTerview (an interview with Mint the Possum in which the interviewer is ooc)
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Q: You’re Mint the Possum, yes?
A: That’s me! But-
Q: What is your favourite colour?
A: Um… Maybe blue? I think it’s one of the only colours that I like every shade of, and it’s so pretty! But- 
Q: What is your favourite food? 
A: Oranges. I wanna say somethi-
Q: What is your favourite kind of clothing? 
A: Okay… I reckon it might be dresses? Or leg-warmers or shoes. I love the silhouette big, chunky shoes and a large jacket provide. Could you let me- 
Q: What do you like to do in your free time? 
A: Hang out with my friends, stop Badniks, crochet, cook... Maybe theatre? I’ve technically never done a play because the building we were doing it in got raided by the police and I had to spend a night in prison for suspected substance use… Um- 
Q: You were suspected of using substances? 
A: Hey, I didn’t do anything, it was one of the other actors! Now could you please- 
Q: What is your favourite movie? 
A: What’s a movie? 
Q: …You don’t know what a movie is?
A: No, am I supposed to? 
Q: …You’ve never done, like, a play based off of one? 
A: I told you, the first one I did got ruined by the police!
Q: Chaos… scritch scratch
A: What are you crossing out there?
Q: The movie related questions I had prepared.
A: Ah. Oh, could I ask-
Q: What do you like in general? 
A: Um… Oranges. Gifts.  
Q: Okay, well who do you consider your friends? 
A: That’s easy, Rouge, everyone on Team Sonic, you- 
Q: You consider me a friend?
A: Yeah, why?
Q: …We’ve… Never interacted in a way that didn’t involve one of us in a state of injury. 
A: I guess… What does that matter? I don’t care, you’re still my friend. 
Q: Interesting. What’s your fondest memory? 
A: In a strange way, I think me and Rouge’s first meeting is my fondest memory. 
Q: It is?
A: Yeah, I mean, a heist, jewellery, running from Lilly Law, what’s not to like? 
Q: Weren’t you trying to ask a question earlier? 
A: Oh yeah, what’s this interview for, Shadow?
Q: I’m… uh… profiling you. 
A: Oh? For what? It wouldn’t have anything to do with my birthday coming up, would it? 
Q: Your birthday’s coming up?
A: Yeah, in like 6 months. That’s not too far away, innit? 
Q: It’s not exactly close.
A: It’s less than a year. 
Q: Every birthday is less than a year away on any day other than the occasion. 
A: True. But still, why are you making this profile? 
Q: Why should I tell you? 
A: I’m the one being profiled, innit? Surely I, of all people should know why the great Shadow the Hedgehog wants to know what my favourite kinds of things are? 
Q: …You used “innit” twice in the span of one minute. 
A: Hm? 
Q: What’s your nationality? 
A: What do you think it is? 
Q: It’s too hard to tell just based on your speaking patterns, since your accent seems like an Australian one that’s spotted with traces of both lower-class and upper-class British, but because of your time in Green Hill it looks like it’s gotten slightly American. 
A: Crap. I was hoping that wouldn’t happen. You’ve been paying attention to my voice, haven’t you? 
Q: You use “reckon” a lot, and you tend to both chew and stretch out your vowels, which suggests an Australian heritage, but in this interview you used the term “innit” casually, which implies some sort of British lineage. You also referred to the police as “Lilly Law”, which is Polari slang. 
A: Ooh, look at Mister Vocabulary.
Q: You’ve come out of your shell since the last time we met.
A: Thanks? What’s that mean? 
Q: You’re not stuttering as much or mincing your words. Plus you’re openly flirting with me. 
A: I- Pffft! What? I- No! What gives you that idea? 
Q: You don’t think “You’ve been paying attention to my voice, haven’t you” and staring intensely at me with half-lidded eyes is indicative of some sort of amorous attraction? 
A: …I thought I was being subtle. 
Q: It’s subtler than Amy, and less annoying, but it’s… definitely not subtle. 
A: Is this interview nearly over? I have to turn off my oven. 
Q: You left your oven on? 
A: No, but I’m really desperate to get out of here now. 
Q: Why?
A: This atmosphere’s awkward as hell now, why else? Sure, our witty, back and forth banter is nice, and I guess our chemistry could be called “palatable”, but when you flirt with someone it’s nice to get flirting back and not whatever you gave me. 
A: Sorry, that sounded really mean. 
Q: That’s fine. So what, you want me to flirt back next time? 
A: That depends. 
Q: On what? 
A: I dunno. 
Q: Okay, thanks Mint. 
A: You’re welcome. 
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chickenwaffles17 · 26 days
the MINTerview (an interview with Leena the Fox [@ana-the-light-fury])
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Q: Hi Leena, how are you?
A: Hey, Mint, yeah, I'm good.
Q: You know why you're here, right?
A: Uh, yeah, you were going to interview me.
Q: I've got some questions here that are fairly generic and some that require more details, feel free to not answer anything you're not comfortable with answering. That okay?
A: Yeah, thanks.
Q: Okay! Wanna introduce yourself?
A: I'm Leena! --the Fox, always forget that part, hehe.
Q: Great! What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Um, probably purple, because it sorta represents loyalty to me.
Q: Ooh. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Favorite food? Um...I don't think I...have one? I mean, I'm not...picky.
A: ...But I do like...um...wet...cat food...?
Q: ...Who do you consider your friends?
A: Well, you, since we're kind of in the middle of becoming friends, right? And then Silver. --Er, not *and then* Silver, but...yeah.
Q: Where were you born? If you can remember, of course.
A: I was born in Crisis City. But it's not really...around yet? And I hope it never will be.
Q: Hm. How did you obtain your abilities?
A: By training and surviving, I guess.
Q: A classic for a reason. What was your first impression of me?
A: That you were a cute little girl--like Cream. But you're actually pretty cool. And you seem really loyal.
Q: Aw, thanks! Uh, what do you regard as your nicest memory?
A: Nicest memory? Um, is it okay to have two? Because, like, meeting Silver is definitely up there, but then coming *here*, Green Hill, was *amazing*. Is amazing.
Q: This place is lovely, you gotta admit. Would you describe yourself as introverted or extroverted?
A: Oh...long answer or short answer? Short answer is introverted. Long answer is I don't really open up too well with many people upon first meeting, like I did with Silver. Or Sonic, but they're both really easy people to talk to. But when I do open up, I'm definitely not an introvert. ...Although I guess that's how most introverts are.
Q: What's the best thing someone could compliment you on?
A: Stuff about me. But like, not what I'm wearing. I like it when people tell me they appreciate something I've done or said. Or some aspect of my personality that they particularly like.
Q: Perfectly understandable. Um, one more question and then you can leave.
A: What?
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: Is a hotdog...a sandwich? Um. No? Because it's not--...actually, maybe it is? Or...not? Wait, if a hotdog was a sandwich, does that make a soft-shelled taco a sandwich? Wait, wait--if the definition of a sandwich is stuff between two pieces of bread...does that mean that *pies* are sandwiches??
Q: Oh my god... Leena, you've just torn some sort of veil from my face, Jesus it's like- like my vision's been blurry and now I'm viewing it in HD for the first time... Well, thanks. Can't wait to meet you again!
A: Of course! I'd love to meet again!
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chickenwaffles17 · 28 days
the MINTerview (an interview with Sonic the Hedgehog)
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Q: Morning! How are you, lovely to have you here.
A: Hey Mint, I'm doing great.
Q: Do you know why you're here?
A: You wanna ask me a few questions or something, right?
Q: Yep, that's basically it.
A: Any reason why?
Q: I'm profiling all my friends.
A: Yeah, any reason why?
Q: ...A friend inspired me. Now, I have some questions tailored specifically for you, if you can't answer them - that's fine - if you can answer them - you know, it's better - Alright?
A: Sounds good to me.
Q: You wanna introduce yourself first?
A: I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Q: *laughing* Cool! What's your favourite colour and why?
A: Red. It's nice, it's cool, and it looks great on me.
Q: Great. What's your favourite food and why?
A: Chilli dogs, they're the best after a long run.
Q: Oh, those gross things with the sauce on top?
A: "Gross"?!
Q: Oh, sorry! Maybe I misunderstood what it was!
A: They're hot dogs with chilli sauce on top.
Q: ...They sound charming. Maybe I should try them again.
A: Next time I'm craving one I'll get one for you, how about that?
Q: Okay. Um, where was I... Oh yes, Who do you consider your friends?
A: Tails, obviously. Knuckles. Amy. I guess Blaze?
Q: Who's Blaze?
A: Oh right, you haven't met her. She's the Princess of the Sol Dimension.
Q: Oh wow. Sorry, continue.
A: Right... I think that's it, unless I count Shadow.
Q: Oh, you're also friends with Shadow?
A: Ehh. Allies at most.
Q: Shame. He's really very nice once you get to know him.
A: Ooh.
Q: Hm?
A: Look at you, smiling when you mention him.
Q: Shadow? No. He's nice, but he's not interested in me.
A: Aw.
Q: Not in a romantic way, just... In general. He's tolerant of me at best.
A: Hm. What're the other questions?
Q: Yes, uh- Where were you born, if you can remember?
A: Christmas Island. Boring. Nothing happened there.
Q: How did you obtain your abilities? In your case, you know, the ability to run at the speed of sound.
A: Training. Lots of running in my youth. Chilli dogs.
Q: That's it? No experimentation or anything, you're just fast?
A: Yuh huh.
Q: Cool. What was your first impression of me?
A: You hurt.
Q: Pardon?
A: You fell on me, remember? In the Casino Park Zone?
Q: Oh right, when Rouge dropped me.
A: You need to have a better landing.
Q: We're working on it. What do you, right now, regard as your fondest memory?
A: ...Can't remember how many years ago it was, must've been younger, but me and Tails were just chilling out. He was in the Tornado, I was flying next to him in Super form, it was nice; going over the ocean, feeling undefeatable. Immediately afterwards, Knuckles punched the Chaos Emeralds out of me really hard, and that kind of stunk, but that moment before was really nice.
Q: It sounds lovely.
A: It was. Uh- Where were we?
Q: Would you describe yourself as introverted or extroverted?
A: Ambiverted.
Q: Why?
A: I like people, but you know, gets a little awkward when everyone's looking at you cause you're Sonic the Hedgehog™. I only really enjoy my friends' company, you know? They appreciate me for me and not cause I'm the fastest thing alive.
Q: What is the best thing someone can compliment you on?
A: Hm. I'm fine with just speed in general, but I'm me, of course people are gonna go "Wow you're fast" and stuff. I'm not actually sure about that one! Maybe something new for me. I guess being told I'm good at something I've never done before would make me happy.
Q: Well, I think you're very good at being interviewed.
A: Thanks.
Q: Are you happy?
A: I'm fine, why?
Q: No reason. Uh, one more question and then I'll be out of your quills.
A: Shoot.
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: ...What?
Q: Is a hot dog a sandwich?
A: ...Why is this so much harder than the other questions you gave me?
Q: It is hard, isn't it?
A: Uh... No?
Q: No? Why's that?
A: I- I dunno. It's only got one piece of bread, doesn't it? I thought sandwiches had at least two.
Q: Hm. Thanks, Sonic! See you around sometime!
A: You're welcome, Mint.
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oboypress · 7 years
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Could you introduce yourself?
Yo i am The Last Skeptik. I produce music that makes people want to fight or cry or both at the same time
What’s your life philosophy?  How do you try to apply that to your work?
My main life policy is 'dont be a pussy. But know your limits' that covers most ground and ensures that i nap instead of skydive or other shit im far too much of a pussy to actually do. Its all about pushing yourself to be as creative as possible. Being a musician means you hate and love yourself and your music about a thousand times a day, perserverence is the key. Sometimes you have to slap yourself back in to reality.
If you had to choose one song to describe your style, what would it be and why?
'Cheerio' from my last e.p is the perfect mix of my electronic instrumental production hard drums and live musicians (my boy Biscuit on the flute). That alongside the video are definitely my most defining moment personally.
What can listeners expect from your newest track, ‘Never Be Yours’?  What do you want the listeners to feel?
Cinema, emotion and power. I want people to get to the chorus thinking about that girl or boy that just parred them hard and realize that the cunts not worth their time. Its an empowering song full of positivity.
What was it like working with Folly Rae?
Folly's the homie, we've been working together a lot. Working with her is always a snack filled pleasure.
What are your thoughts on music genres?  Do you believe in them?
I mean.. I think they become less and less relevant as each year passes. I have no idea where the hell my music fits within the genre categories. I just make music rooted in my history in hiphop and see where the hell it goes.
What makes you stand apart in the music industry?
my ability to make an incredible daal
Top 5 main influences?  
Wes Anderson Frank Sinatra Miles Davis 2pac Kendrick Lamar
Would you consider yourself a minimalist or maximalist?  Why or why not?
I think it depends on my mood and changes every day. Some days i just want to orchestrate my live show with 8 incredible musicians and stand on stage other days i want to go hide in a cave, grow my beard and snarl at passers by.
What’s a typical day for you?
Right now it involves a lot of recording. My housemate is world champ beatboxer Ball-Zee so usually when i wake up i meet him in the kitchen for a ginger, lemon and vinegar shot. Trust me. Its dope. Then start my sessions for the day - whether its with Mikill Pane for our joint e.p, or with whoever passes through to record: Folly, Matt Wills, Dream, Scru, Trim. All the homies.Where do you find sanctuary in the rush of the world, where do you find peace?
Sharpham House barn retreat in Devon.
Are there any other projects you have planned for the future?
After the 'Revenge Is The Best Success' e.p ive got my e.p with Mikill Pane in the new year, then another e.p from me, plus a ton of bits im producing for people's projects
What makes you happy?
An expensive cheese board
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oboypress · 7 years
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Could you introduce yourself?  
Maitejosune – Bassist and vocals
Tony Kapel – I  play the drums and sing
Where did the name come from?  What's the story behind it?
(T) story goes – my friend was helping themselves to a mug of candy. I asked this person about the candy which happened to be a lollipop. “oh you got one of someone’s lollipops?” “ I got a pocket of them” so I wrote it down, which Maite later found and messed with the words
What’s your life philosophy?  How do you try to apply that to your work? 
M-I tend to be very much about the creative process and the act of making. (T) No “fuck it” takes
Could you tell us what you think makes you stand apart in the music industry?
(M) I think not knowing much about the music industry and not being concerned about the industry allows me to do what I truly feel like I need to be doing.
(T) Have you heard anything like us
Do you ever feel that being husband and wife creating music brings you closer together?  Could you try to explain to us more about your dynamic?
(M) We are definitely very close I would say the creative process adds to it.  Our dynamic involves a lot of communication with each other. We have tons of feedback for projects for both music and art or some other what not that we feel we want to do.  One of us usually starts something and then the other naturally responds to it.
Do you have any words of advice from the experience you’ve dealt with when it comes to putting yourself and your story out there in the world?
(T) as easy as it is – don’t get wrapped up in the local drama (M) just do what u like to do. And mistakes are usually a very good thing cuz you usually can’t make the same mistake twice so it kinda becomes special.
Could you explain to us the process behind your newest album 'Thank Theo'?
(T) we took our time with this one. we would jam the songs together and record the bass first, add the drums the redo the bass. We picked up this great cigar box guitar that we used for the guitar tracks. We add our vocal track – so a normal day is like I(T) wake up sit behind the drums and then Maite will start playing then she will play something like do dod do do dod do do do and im like cool then I go dook dook caak caak and then I’m like that’s cool – then she goes like do do- do dA dad a do do do do do do da. And the two together do do dab ach do bach da dod do  bACH BAT D BOOM DA DO DO DAA and stuff like that
If you could make a music video, all costs covered, how would you create the visual counterpart to one track off the album, what would it be and why?
(M) I would do the song ‘Blue Kissed Boy’ It is about tony when he was younger. It makes me sad inside to know how he felt so I would like to see if visually I can comfort him in video since it was a sad situation or Cake Type Sounds…it’s a song that makes me feel like when I am a grocery store and everything is going wrong and you just want to throw all the pickels on the floor
Do you have any rituals you do before you start your creative process for a new project, to get your mind and energy in the right place?
(T) Nothing out of the regular. Espresso, and green tea, there is usually a period of outlines and sketches, failed or appropriate changes. There are some projects we approached different
(M) I usually find some new music or I will listen to an album over and over. I strectch a lot during the creative process. If i’m drawing I  usually sit on the floor while I stretch.  When I write songs I throw my hands up and down a lot in a swaying motion. Or bounce my head so my hair gets messy. I also stare into trees.
What are you looking forward to the most this year?
(T) This has been an exciting year – we released our 5th album thank theo. We are doing our first west coast tour. We are exploring getting into a live/work type space. Should allow for cool things.
(M) going to the west coast. I’ve never been so this is a new journey for me.
What makes you happy?
(M) Sitting in my living room, and watching my bunnies run around.
Any closing comments?
(T) Hi-five go team F-it
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oboypress · 7 years
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Could you introduce yourself?  
My name is Samuel Proffitt, and I make music to think and feel to.
How does emotion rule your music?  Could you tell us a bit more about how emotion affects your work?
I can only write when driven by visceral emotion, so my goal when writing is to have that translate to the audience as much as possible. When I compose/write, I begin with an idea or a feeling, not really writing with a sound in mind, and let it guide me from there.
What can you tell us about your recent EP, 'The Grey Notebook'?  What inspired the project?
The Grey Notebook was written around the globe, in Canada, Russia, Mexico, and around the U.S, and reflects many different vignettes from my life over the past two years. It signifies a progression in both writing and production, as well as a more focused vision of where I want to move in the future.
If you had to choose one song off of the EP that described how you felt today, what would it be and why?
Probably "Глубина (Depth)," since I'm releasing a music video for that next week! But also because I love how the song sounds on a fall day like today.
Do you have any rituals you do before you start your creative process for a new project, to get your mind and energy in the right place?
Writing almost always begins after reading a novel or a short story that really fuels my imagination. Once that happens, I brew some tea, cue up some Miles and start writing.
What’s a typical day for you?
I'm currently pursuing my PhD in Russian Literature at Brown University, so mostly reading, attending lectures, drinking lots of tea, and then finally writing later on in the day.
Coffee or tea?
Tea (as I'm sure you can see in the previous responses)! But only Earl Grey
What are some of your goals for 2017?
I'm mostly focused on getting out the incredible music videos that I have from my new EP. In general though, work with more artists outside of the electronic sphere and start touring a bit more once the release schedule begin to settle down.
What makes you happy?
Classic film, Russian literature, music in all forms, and most importantly, winter/ snow.
Any closing comments?
Thank you so much for the interview, and I can't wait for everyone to see what's coming next!
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wlsannuaires-blog · 7 years
MiNT vous emmène sur « Les Lieux du Crime » avec Didier Vervaeren
MiNT vous emmène sur « Les Lieux du Crime » avec Didier Vervaeren
Retrouvez Cédric Godart aux commandes d’un nouveau rendez-vous inédit et filmé dès ce mercredi 15 novembre. Explorez les univers qui collent au pop rock, avec pour premier invité Didier Vervaeren, le fashion gourou belge qui a bousculé Delvaux et fait désormais briller les Magritte du Cinéma.
Après le succès des MiNTerviews, le nouveau rendez-vous mensuel de la radio pop rock est inédit sur la…
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