#the dark picture anthology
sugarlemoncc · 14 days
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tdpawhore · 1 year
This gotta be my FAVORITE curator scene tbh 😹 I love him sm omg
Do I find this hot? Yes.
I want him to scream at me more but I fear if he does I may cum-
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supermassive-games · 1 year
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Happy birthday Salim!
May 1st
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108garys · 6 days
when we finally get directive 8020 we should celebrate the character birthdays in negative like "happy birthday Simms, best girl turns -364 today" and have it be a running gag about them not actually being born yet
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Messy hair Salim, anyone?
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(Pictures not mine)
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This is canon
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kindheartedgummybears · 10 months
Small(?) update on the Du'met!Erin au.
ok, so it's been what? a month since TDiM community chose the Du'met and Erin role/character swap AU and the bad news is: No, I haven't started writing it yet(disappointing I know and I am so sorry I have never written anything before so I will be slow with it :') BUUUT I do have some information about it! the brain has been storming the past month!
Ok, so first of all I would like to clear up some things before people start to question it.
1(and probably the most important at least imo): With Erin and Hector being swapped I would like to clear up that Jamie and Hector are NOT LOVE INTERESTS!!!! They are BFFs instead and Jamie's room scene will be slightly different and not at all romantic(at least between Jamie and Hector). And now that I'm writing that I feel like that was probably obvious since I did put it in a JERIN fic poll but JUST IN CASE.
2: The whole Manny Sherman and Hector being in the FBI thing will be sliiiightly different. Without giving too much away, Hector was still in the FBI and worked on the Sherman case but was able to catch himself before Sherman brainwashed him basically and resigned shortly after. However~ This time he had a partner investigating the Sherman case with him and let's just say maybe taking the tapes home with you (illegally btw) and stuffing them in your attic for someone to possibly find later on wasn't a good idea...
3: Erin still has asthma. That doesn't change and it actually has plot relevance.
So yeah! that's the "clear ups" if you can call them that?
now, time for plot stuff
ok so basically, for plot reasons I am swapping Charlie and Jamie's placements in the story, and by that I mean, Jamie falls down the trap door instead of Charlie in the freezer and she goes through most of the stuff he goes through in the actual game and vice versa with Charlie and what Jamie goes through, and I am debating if I should do the same with Mark and Kate. There's no reason to do that really, but I think it would be fun!
I am also now realizing(not really now I have thought about it for like 2 weeks) that with position swaps also means death swaps👀👀👀👀
also just some fun facts about this au ig?:
Hector and Kate PTSD twins😍✌️
Erin and Hector do maintain their canon personality to an extent with some parts of their personality obviously swapped.
Yes, Erin having asthma does take a blow on the crew's egos.
---- Oh! and if I may give you a littlleeee sneak peek of what is to come, without any context:
Also side note: I have been debating if I should do little one-shots for all of my Jerin AUs to give people a basic kind of plot or story for all of them. Obviously, I'm going to make and finish the Du'met!Erin au first before going into any of my other AUs for them. Some of them (HoA AU and Ultimatum) won't be getting one-shots since they are one-shots in and of themselves, but my other AUs(Like the 1980s murder wives, Deadpool x Spiderman, and my many(by many I mean 4 XD) werewolf AUs. Oh! And by the way, I forgot to mention that the Vampire x Werewolf AU is also an 1800s AU I know I should have included that in the poll but I completely forgot :')) That have actual storylines and plots to them that would be more than a simple one-shot. Like for the murder wives, I have an idea for a one-shot that is kind of like a prequel to the actual fic.
Please let me know if you'd like for me to make little one-shots for them first! Also sorry if this is a hard read grammar is not a very good skill of mine and I'm from the South so my English is kind of broken to begin with XD
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“Tell him yourself, I’m coming to get you” 😭❤️❤️
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I realized something bitter sweat. If you get Jamie killed in by the wall Kate will keep her promise to look after Erin as when Du'met rounds the corner Kate tells Erin to run and practically pushes her in front but if all three of them are alive they then it's all just a mad dash with Kate leading the charge.
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supermassive-games · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Nick
October 23rd
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108garys · 5 months
one question that I think would be interesting to see the difference between now and however far into the future the Dark Pictures(and whatever else)wraps up is
What is the most cursed decade/era in the supermassive universe?(obviously era can cover more time)
Right now I'm thinking the 2010s for most cursed decade and the midcentury period for most cursed era
Adding that cursed doesn't strictly mean supernatural but also "the most bs went down"
I imagine as things go on the 2020s will obviously become a bigger contender and maybe the 90s-00s as a group depending
Also when there's more to work with I'd love to see "most cursed century prior to the 1900s"
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fortune-fool02 · 1 year
Jason Kolchek is the type of guy who will kiss you while your chewing gum or eating a sweet, then proceed to chock on said sweet, and claim it "worth it".
As well as Jean Pierre Polnareff.
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imahyperfixatedbitch · 8 months
My friend's opinion on Little Hope's cast (he never played it)
-Andrew: eyebrows, always gets offended, argues on twitter-I mean X
- Angela: depressed, tired, divorced, single mom of 5 kids who works at a supermarket (LMAO)
- Taylor: bisexual hairstylist
-Daniel: Preppy disgusting guy (racist too)
-John: guy who works at a bank
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hornydotsblog · 1 year
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uff, first of all, I love jalims for their comfort
i love them so much
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I think I might have found something else maybe for intercession
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