#the more cool ex and I are on great terms and haven’t really fought it out over anything to this day and now they even have a kid
r0semultiverse · 1 year
Had a shower thought about my ex not communicating with me properly one time and so I ended up in 2 relationships simultaneously because “ok fine” for my autistic ass was like a green light. I take things very literally sometimes. My other cooler ex (who I’m still on great terms with) telling me at the time that my toxic ex should have been more forward and literal knowing that’s how I communicate. Saying what I mean is my love language and how I function. I wear my heart on my sleeve 24/7 basically. That short lasting other relationship was still one of the most fulfilling I had in my younger years. 💜
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previouslynebraskan · 3 years
Why humans are assholes
Hi, my pen name is Gwendolyn, and welcome to my TED talk on empathy
*side note, I suck at writing, and my train of thought is derailed frequently.  So buckle up, and I’ll be surprised if you make it with me to the end, as we don’t know organization.
First off, I’ll disclaim something terrible about myself.  I’m a Christian.  Even worse.  I’m a rosary rattler.  A Catholic!  Oh and you thought it couldn’t get worse?  I’m not even a good one.  God and I are only on speaking terms when I need him (which is pretty frequent, but not the point).  Church feels like an obligation most weeks, and just because I know the rules and believe in the rules, doesn’t mean that I follow them.  
Alrighty!  Terrible things out of the way.  Let’s begin.  Humans are assholes.  Most people, especially the population of Tumblr, will agree with me.  Between human atrocities, selfishness, and down right lack of care, humans are just assholes.  I am too.  I am human.  Ask my siblings.  Like any good older sister, I wanted nothing to do with my siblings, and when forced to see them at school, I was unprecedently mean to them.  Ask my husband.  I am ridiculously selfish, and only do things when it suits me.  And yet, there is an entire history of the human race, with worse individuals than myself.  And a lot of people might see that, and think, cool, I feel better about myself, because I’m not Hitler.  I feel better about myself because I wasn’t a member of the KKK.  Well, personally, I don’t.  The next disclaimer I am going to make about myself, I’m a self-diagnosed empath.  I’ve never been to a therapist.  I don’t currently have plans to either, but I’ll let God decide that path later.  The reason I bring this up, and the reason I mentioned my religion at the beginning, is because I truly believe that if not for my first disclaimer, my second might not exist.  
I am a crier.  And I get annoyed at criers.  But I don’t cry at reasonable things.  No.  I cry at other people’s feelings.  Let’s bastardize the golden rule real quick.  For those who are unaware, “Treat others how you want to be treated.”  Now, I’m sure many people recall going through a phase where they could translate that in their still learning brains to “I can treat people however I want because I wouldn’t care if they were that way to me.”  Now back to the golden rule.  The bastardization is, put yourself in someone else’s shoes.  How many of us got told this by their parents at a young age after not playing nicely with another kid?  Apparently, God took it upon Himself to write that verse on my heart.  And it went something like this:  I cried when my mother told me that her grandmother (whom I had only met twice and had no actual recollection of) died.  I was inconsolable when my grandfather died.  So much so that even now, almost fifteen years later, it still stops me in my tracks, my heart hurts so much.  I cried when Michael Jackson died.  I didn’t really even like his music that much.  I’ve cried at almost every movie I’ve ever seen.  My sister’s speech at my wedding included the moment where she had to chaperone me on a date with my then boyfriend, and we went to Frozen.  Now yes, I cried at the scene when her parents die in the shipwreck.  But it gets worse.  Elsa is out there, just ran away, no plans for shelter yet apparently, and she begins to break out into song.  At first I’m fine.  But then I can feel my heart, as she sings, “well now they know.”  I start bawling my eyes out.  And all I can give in response to my sister’s quizzical look of “What the fuck is wrong with you???” (Yes I cursed, I told you, not one of the good ones. Fuck off), was: “She’s just so happy!”  I wouldn’t necessarily say I was sad at that time.  But I could feel the relase that an animated character was expressing on the big screen.  I could feel the weight come off of her shoulders, and I cried.  I mourned for what she went through, but shed tears of joy that she had found peace.  Tonight.  I was watching Facebook videos instead of taking care of my nightly routine of getting ready for bed.  And a Mengele twin told her story of survival.  When she mentioned looking around for her father and older sisters, I felt that.  When she said she could still see her mother’s outstreched arms, I could see that.  When she mentioned the panic of trying to save her sister years after liberation, trying to find records of what was done to them, her rage and anger.  And then her forgiveness.  Do you know how strong someone has to be in order to forgive?  To let go of the pain in your heart, knowing you’ll never get revenge.  You’ll never get an answer.  And you just let it go?  That strength is super human.  This week, as we pass the 20th anniversary of the tragedy of 9/11, my hometown did a wonderful commemoration.  I cried.  My aunt gave me a look of disgust because I was crying, again.  I cried not only for those who lost their lives, but for their families who would never be whole, for the heroes who stepped up, then and now.  I am a proud Navy wife.  My husband is out sacrificing his time, so that I don’t have to.  And so that I can worship my stupid religion that I cling to, so I can walk around saying inappropriate words and wear not enough clothing.  But he made that choice.  There are a lot who didn’t.  Earlier this week, someone posted the transcription of the phone call of flight 93.  The moment that he said that the passengers wanted to sacrifice their lives, for the sake of our country, I hurt.  And then he asked the person on the other end of the line to pray.  Another video this week, an ex soldier, who fought early on in Afghanistan was telling a story about one of his soldiers.  They were getting ready for a raid that would likely kill them.  His soldier asks, I know we signed up to fight, but why are we doing this?  The man’s response was, for the people up in that tower who didn’t.  He goes on to explain the story of a young mother. Two kids.  Went to work like any other day, and her last attempt at human decency was to hold her skirt down as she jumped out of the burning tower, so the people below couldn’t see up her skirt.  
Crpl. Page was a Marine from my state who just passed away.  He was two years younger than me.  I never knew him.  But I grieve for his family and friends.  
See the worst part about being an empath in a world where human’s are assholes, is there’s never a shortage of people’s feelings to feel.  I’ve been told that you can experience an emotion so strongly that your body’s only reaction to the volume of what it feels is to cry.  And that resonates with me.  I feel joy to such an extreme when I’m with my family, celebrating time together.  I feel the sorrow of people missing loved ones, and their hearts breaking.  And there are times when I wonder if it’s a gift? Or if it’s a curse.  It’s a gift to be able to go to someone and say, I can feel for you and your situation.  I don’t feel sorry for you.  I feel your pain as though it were my own. But it’s a curse to feel the attrocities of humanity and just sit and wonder why it had to happen.  Why it had to come to this.   I got told I was crying for attention.  I wasn’t, but that didn’t matter. Supposedly, behavioral psychology could “fix me” if I wanted it.  I could be trained to control my emotions, and process them in a way that wasn’t so consuming.  It would definetly help my self diagnosed depression.  But let’s posit that God made me this way for a reason.  He gave me this gift with a purpose in mind.  What then?  The problem is, I don’t know how to effectively use it without letting it ruin my life.  I can never be a therapist, because I would be able to take on the feelings of my clients.  And while I do very much believe in tough love, I also belive that if you just have the right push in the right direction, great changes can be made.  Would the Holocaust have happened if Hitler had  better relationship with his mother? (this is a personal piece, I am reflecting on history classes I haven’t taken since high school.  I’m not fact checking this. Don’t at me.)  Would Columine have taken place if those kids had been in a better place mentally?  
You know what the awful thing is...? Look at all of these events.  Look at all of these heart wrenching dates in history.  And then look what came out of them.  Out of 9/11 came one of the most unified fronts America has had in a long time.  Out of World War II came men of valor.  A chemical reaction occurs when you take an object, and force it to experience a high degree of change.  And that is what gives us assholes grit.  Our experiences make us tougher, and make us better.  And maybe less of a crybaby in my case.  Or more of a cyborg who doesn’t experience emotion for fear of being consumed by them. 
Ramble is over.  For those of you who persisted and tried to keep up, good job and I’m sorry.  For those who didn’t, don’t worry, I wouldn’t blame you.  
Some effort is better than none at all, and if all you are capable of is existing today, then I hope you do, and I know you will do it beautifully.
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saccharineomens · 4 years
I want to know all the answers from your 100 question meme
Something you find romantic? Answer whichever #'s you feel comfortable answering; I want to know all your inner musings 😝
cat why do you do this to me
i’ll be sticking them below a readmore, then!
1.  Is a kiss considered cheating? Yes! Unless you’ve communicated with your partner that it’s okay.
2. Have you ever faked an orgasm? Nope
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Hmmm this is a really hard decision. I usually say telepathy, but I like shapeshifting, too. I loved the Animorphs books as a kid, even though I didn’t read them all.
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? Monetarily? Nah. But I like to think I’ll still have strong, rich friendships and I think I’ll have enough money to live comfortably alone. 
5.  Tell us some funny drunk story. I just don’t really have one rip. Drunk people are hilarious but normally I’m the DD. I’ve got several pleasant stories, though! There was a time me and my best friend went to a pub and drank cider and played board games and video games until closing time. Afterwards we stopped at an Insomnia cookies, a storm caused the electricity to go out, and we got a half dozen cookies for free. (well, I felt guilty, so I left them a very large tip.)
6.  Why are you no longer together with your ex? I was going through college, it was long distance, and I felt he deserved better. We keep in touch, though.
7.  If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? Well, painlessly, of old age, in my sleep, of course. But if that’s not an option, out of all the ways of dying, freezing to death seems the most humane. You just get tired, cold, and sleepy, and then you just...don’t wake up.
8.  What are your current goals? Graduate, mostly. Long-term I’d like to live with friends in a big house and my cat, and have enough free time to garden and craft at my leisure, and have the ability to travel wherever I’d like. I’d like to work on a game or movie I’m really passionate about, and I’d love to become a director someday.
9.  Do you like someone? I mean, I like a lot of people, but I assume this means romantically. So, kind of? I find a lot of people attractive and have a ‘if they wanted to date I’d be down’ feeling, but I don’t have serious feelings for anybody specific.
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you? Hmmm I have a terrible memory. Myself, perhaps? I have a really hard time with getting up when my alarms go off. Sleep inertia’s a big problem for me. This has led to me being late to classes and rushing to get ready, which is stressful.
11. Do you like your body? Ehhhh. I guess. It could be improved, like by not having health issues. 
12.  Can you keep a diet? Ha! No.
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? I hope you have a wonderful day. The universe doesn’t care about us so be excellent to each other!
14.  Do you work? Constantly, every day. I work to learn new things, accomplish school assignments, make money, feed myself...All my life is is working, right now.
15.  If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? Salad! Because anything can be a salad. Tuna salad, fruit salad, salad with salmon...
16. Would you get a tattoo? Oh, absolutely. The only reason I don’t have any is because of money. I have like five small ideas and one very large one that i’d like across my back. 
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? Food, my family, and my friends.
18. Can you drive? Yes. Do I have a license? No.
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? Probably sometime in the past month by my mother, but she’s just about the only person who does.
20. What was the last thing you cried for? asdfjal;ksdjfs it was Treasure Planet. Jim and Silver’s relationship is just [clutches chest] so beautiful.
21. Do you keep a journal? Sort of, sporadically. 
22.  Is life fun? Yes!
23.  Is farting in front of people irrelevant? I mean, I prefer you excuse yourself, but more or less yeah.
24.  What’s your dream car? My sib got this really nice Prius used at a good price, and it has a lot of room and it’s a hybrid, so Nice. I don’t tend to pay much attention to cars, as long as they’re comfortable and low-waste.
25. Are grades in school important? I admit that they’re important to me, but that’s something I have to unlearn. My worth isn’t determined by other people.
26. Describe your crush. Ugh. I’m bi, guys. I get crushes on people all the time, every day. Saw this really pretty redhead in the cafeteria over a month ago, and I saw her again yesterday. She’s a couple inches taller than me and has really pretty curly hair, but I didn’t really, like, stare, so I couldn’t describe her face well past ‘cute nose’.
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? Nothing jumps to mind. I guess I’m still falling over myself after seeing Mad Max back in like 2015, that was just the coolest experience ever. I find delight in just about every movie I watch, though. The second Jumanji-sequels movie was just as fun and amazing as the first. Klaus was just incredible in so many ways. 
28.  What was your last lie? I...really just do not remember. Probably telling myself “I’m gonna do my laundry today” a few days ago? Whereas I DID do my laundry today so HA
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? I saved this question for last and it’s late and I honestly can’t remember anything, asdjls sorry. My memory’s awful y’all. 
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing? Oh absolutely. I mean it wouldn’t be if they weren’t uncomfortable with it, but they always are.
31.  Something you did and you are proud of? I did my laundry today? washed dried folded and everything. I also braved the nighttime neighborhood around my school to solo a Pokemon raid, which was cool. I’m proud of my animation done at the end of the last semester, and of how my teddy bear modelling is doing this week.
32. What’s your favourite cocktail? How am I supposed to choose this? How can you ask me to choose this? I’d have to line them all up and try one by one, honestly, before I could tell you. 
33.  Something you are good at? I’m pretty good at drawing anatomy and expressions, I think. I’m good at baking/cooking, although I lack creativity in the kitchen. I also think I’m a pretty good listener, and a good friend? 
34.  Do you like small kids? Most of the time!
35.  How are you feeling right now? Frankly, a little drained with all these questions, but determined to finish them. I’m a little hungry. I’ve got a lot on my mind, and wish I was doing homework, but I also can’t get myself to do it right now. 
36.  What would you name your daughter/son? Not sure! Every once in a while I’ll be like “ooh, that’d be a great name” and then don’t remember to write it down. Besides, I plan on adopting, and most kiddos already have names.
37.  What do you need to be happy? Money, friends, family, good food, and a place to explore. 
38.  Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? Not particularly. No one other than, well. The rich people I’m pretty sure everyone knows I dislike.
39.  What was the last gift you received? Well, anything my mom cooks for me is a gift, but the last Proper gift was from my friend @ wefflebugs , who got me a blu-ray copy of Into the Spiderverse and some coffee for Christmas  c:
40.  What was the last gift you gave? I gave my sibling @ aconfusedbird a keychain of one of the two Bubble Bobble dragons and kept the other for myself, for their birthday. Handmade from Perler beads. We’d play that game for ages as kids, and we always fought over who’d be the blue one.
41.  What was the last concert you went to? I think it was The Shins? They were so awesome!
42.  Favourite place to shop at? Well, I quite like Target. But I also adore small resale shops. They always have some really awesome things hiding there.
43. Who inspires you? Oogh, a lot of people. Like a million and a half artists I’ve met online, ones I only know their screenname for, inspire me to get better at art. James Baxter and Sergio Pablos inspire me to get better at animation. Wefflebugs’ art always has such lovely colors, which I adore. featherdragon15′s art has gotten a lot better lately, and that inspires me to keep working hard too! Not to mention they’re working for nasa which is rad af, and also inspires me to keep working toward my dreams. My sibling aconfusedbird inspires me a Lot in a lot of personal ways, like to be more kind to myself and to keep moving forward. My mom inspires me to keep gardening. roachpatrol/roach-works inspired me to get into welding, lizardlicks inspired me into wanting chickens and a small homestead. My teachers inspire me to keep working hard in school. 
44. How old were you when you first got drunk? 19, I think? I’ve only gotten properly drunk once. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat another boiled peanut, but other than that it wasn’t a problem lol.
45. How old were you when you first got high? I haven’t, actually. I don’t have a reason not to or anything, but it’s just never felt like the right vibe yanno?
46.  How old were you when you first had sex? I guess it really depends on your definition. Personally, I’d say I haven’t yet.
47. When was your first kiss? Well, I played spin the bottle when I was seventeen, which was technically my first kiss, but if that doesn’t count then it was about a week before I turned eighteen, and I kissed the guy who’d become my first boyfriend.
48.  Something you want to do until the end of this year? Play video games....I wish I had infinite time to play video games and watch movies and draw and just...enjoy my time on earth, you know? Without feeling like it had a deadline.
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? I try not to live with regrets. 
(50 is ‘post a selfie’ but im on a computer)
51. Who are you most comfortable around? Either aconfusedbird or featherdragon15, i think. 
52.  Name one thing that terrifies you. asdkfjal;sdf i’ve been listening to too much magnus archives and got recommended to ‘not be too scared of one thing’ if i want to avoid the creatures, so uh. hard to decide. I guess I’m scared of...hm. people who just lack the ability to create bonds with people? people who don’t care about other living things. humans can be fucking terrifying. 
53. What kind of books do you read? Oh, just about anything. Fantasy, realistic fiction, romance, mysteries, thrillers, scifi...all are great. I didn’t used to enjoy nonfiction but it really depends on the nonfiction.
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self? You’re going to have a best friend someday, and it will be everything you wanted. Things with your mother will improve when you’re in your last few years of high school. You’re going to become a great artist.
55.  What is your favourite flower? Not sure! I like many. There was this one flower i found in high school that smelled incredible, but I’ve no idea what it was. I should find it again.
56. Any bad habits you have? ...Well. Not waking up when my alarm goes off is pretty annoying. My procrastination in general’s frustrating. And, well, just between you, me, and the rest of the internet, (tw: self harm) my trichotillomania causes me constant distress and anxiety.
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? People who want to learn new things, are kind and compassionate, respect me, and have a good sense of humor. Someone I can be adventurous with.
58. What was the last thing you cried for? Well, i answered a similar question earlier, so I’ll answer for the second most recent time I cried. I was in Pennsylvania, the day I had to fly home, and when I went to check in for my flight, all the seats were taken, and I needed to pay for an upgrade if I wanted to guarantee a spot on the flight. This wouldn’t be a huge problem, except that for both of my flights to get home, an upgrade cost $70. And seventy dollars was a big chunk out of my budget for, you know, food. So I cried out of stress and frustration with the airport companies for charging me seventy bucks for ten more inches of legroom that I didn’t want nor need.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? Not really! In terms of what’s normally accepted as “food” in American society, that is. I don’t care much for worms or insects. Other than that, I’m interested enough to try almost anything once.
60. Are you in love? In love? No. Am I full of love? Yes, for many, many, many things. 
61.  Something you find romantic? Oh man, anything could be romantic if done by someone I care for. I think gentleness is romantic. Quality time is my love language, so if my partner cancelled plans to spend time with me, that’d be romantic. I find romance in trying new things and going to new places.
62. How long was your longest relationship? Four months or so. It’s the only relationship I’ve been in, though, and I hadn’t intended for it to go past summer, so that was longer than I’d even planned on haha.
63, 64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? Opposite sex? Uhhh kind of hard to answer this one. I mean, i hate the culture in which men are raised to be, but I’ve heard that ‘male’ and ‘female’ brains aren’t particularly predisposed to anything in particular? Like, both men and women are capable of emotional intelligence and compassion, it’s just that our culture doesn’t encourage it in men. 
65. What are you saving money for? Food, college. I might treat myself to a school trip to Disney, but I don’t think I have the budget rn. As a student I’m kind of coasting by on the bare minimum rn, I don’t have anything i CAN save up for.
66. How would you describe your bad side? I mostly just avoid you or try to not spend time with you. 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why? I think I am. I care about other people and try to make other people’s lives easier and happier. I try every day to become more sensitive to other perspectives. I do what I can to benefit the earth for those who will come after me.
68. What are you living for? Ooh, deep stuff. I’m living for helping other people. I’m living for my friends and family. 
69 (nice).  Have you ever done anything illegal? Pfft, guys, jaywalking is illegal. So yes. I’ve also drank while underage before. But nothing really big, no.
70.  Do you like your body? Wait a second. This was number 11, too. Well, I guess I’ll change it to What don’t you like about your body? Which is my under-chin. It’s kind of a double chin, kind of not. But while most things I could change about my body, I don’t think I could change that without surgery. And yeah, I’ve thought about it. Not that I have any of the cash for it. I also wish I didn’t have (tw: self-harm) trichotillomania, so I’d have more eyelashes and eyebrows.
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? I think I probably have, to douchebags. Like “hey, that’s inappropriate”.  
72.  Ever sent nudes? Nope!
73. Have you ever cheated on someone? God, no. Big #1 no no for me.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! Agh, okay. @ aconfusedbird, @ busket, @ loreweaver-universe, @ orange-plum. The four blogs I don’t actually follow, but whose blogs I visit every day. It changes around every few years. It used to be a different bunch back when I first got on tumblr. I really have no idea why I haven’t followed them. Habit, I suppose? Also, it still won’t let me tag my sib for some reason. (nvm I removed the tags, i don’t want to bother them)
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? lmao uh, that’s kind of an understatement. I can’t list all my favorite games, but I’m very fond of The Last of Us. I have played. So many video games. I’ll chat about them anytime!
77. Favourite TV series? Avatar: The Last Airbender, I think. It’s really hard to top that.
78. Are you religious? Does God exist? Not really religious, no. I do think that there’s probably a god out there that sparked the Big Bang. I don’t really follow the Christian God because despite what every church service said, I never felt like He loved me. Jesus was a super cool guy, though. If there’s a god out there, I think they pretty much keep to themselves. Maybe have some fun watching creation, but don’t really interact with it at all.
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? asdkfj;as i don’t remember. probably my textbook Directing the Story by Francis Glebas? It was a pretty cool book about moviemaking.
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? I’ve reblogged a lot on the subject. I respect those who practice it, but it can cause a lot of environmental harm. In theory, it’s not bad! 
81. How long have you been on Tumblr? Like eight years or so? Maybe nine? wild. I visited blogs daily before the number got high enough i was like ‘okay i’ll just make an account’.
82. Do you like Chinese food? Oh, yes!
83-85. McDonalds or Subway?   Vodka or whiskey? Alcohol or drugs? Subway, whiskey and alcohol.
86.  Ever been out of your province/state/country? Yes, yes, and no!
87. Meaning behind your blog name? I’ve had this one for many years now. I really like the word ‘saccharine’ -- inspired by @ saccharinesylph back in the old days -- and i couldn’t just name myself ‘saccharine’, so i needed something else. and I was pretty big into Good Omens at that time, and I was like ‘haha! saccharine, good, omens. saccharine omens!’ Plus, it feels like a very positive and comforting name, and I strive to be a comforting person. 
88. What are you scared of? ok i def answered this moving on
89. Last time you were insulted? uhhhhhhhhh no idea. oh, wait! i know. i was getting graded on my performance at my job late last year and i disagreed with the grade my boss gave me. It was like ‘person shows considerable care of their community and goes above and beyond to educate others’ and i was like ‘oh yeah that’s, like, my whole Thing, my whole Goals and Personality and Ideals’ and then my boss came in and was like ‘2/4′ and i was like ‘wtf??’ Apparently she felt that i just wasn’t really applying that part of myself to my job, and i was like ‘you serious? i’m doing a lot!’ but also she’s my boss.
90. Most traumatic experience? A series of emotionally/mentally abusive things my mom did during my childhood. It’s definitely had the longest lasting effects of any trauma. Permanent anxiety problems, ptsd, my self harm, the whole shebang. Don’t worry, though, like. Things are way better between us, and she’s apologized many times.
91. Perfect date idea? Going on a hike! Maybe walking on a beach. Just spending time together and talking. Eating some delicious food. Spending the entire day with each other, then curling up and cuddling at home and watching a movie. then talking some more. lots of handholding and kisses. im a super hopeless romantic.
92. Favourite app on your phone? the internet, ofc lmao. But other than that I use Animal Crossing Pocket Camp and Pokemon Go an awful lot. 
93. What colour are the walls in your room? At school a boring white, although I’ve taped some art up. At home a really pretty light blue color that I did all myself.
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? I do! And I like so many channels, honestly. I really like Rachel and Jun, and I really like Pop Culture Detective. I’ve seen a lot of jackscepticeye’s stuff, too. Proko, Vox, and Sinix Design are all good too.
95. Share your favourite quote. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.” -Dr Seuss
96.  What is the meaning of life? To be happy, enjoy yourself, and love others!
97. Do you like horror movies? Ha ha ha, not really. I liked A Quiet Place though. 
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? She’s cried sometimes over how she treated us in the past. Sometimes it happens because I talk about how she’s hurt me. She always expresses regret and apologizes again. 
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way? I feel lucky with how I met my best friend. We’d had band together and kind of both thought each other as a cool person, but we didn’t really hit it off until a couple years later and she saw me drawing Homestuck fanart in Psychology lmao. The rest is history. Love you so much, Haley. I feel lucky my mom realized she was being abusive and stopped, too. Not everyone gets that. 
100. Can you keep a secret? Oh, definitely. But do tell me what needs to be secret, otherwise I won’t know. For example, my sib asked me to keep their gf busy while they bought her a present, so I tried, but then she was like ‘oh, where’s your sibling? we should find them’ i was like ‘oh no, i think they’re just buying something, it’s fine’ but she was stubbornly moving toward the checkout and i was like ‘stop, i think they’re buying something for you’ so i. kinda told a secret? i didn’t tell her what the present was though.
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countessgreytea · 5 years
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I stumbled upon a forum and started reading through some MM threads.  One anonymous poster had some interesting things to share in a thread from late September 2018: 
So, I volunteered/worked for the DOS during the end of her toronto years and the transition. I don't like to bash black industry because I feel it's vital for us to make our own opportunities and grow our own wealth, but this tea is absolutely true, and then some. Certain power players would absolutely fawn over her when they met her with her ex husband and when she went to audition would literally laugh in her face. I will defend her against anyone calling her a hooker. That's absolutely untrue. She made a lot of her extra money by befriending fashion people and ultimately getting paid for appearances at dinners/red carpets. She was an opportunist, but honestly if it were a dude, we wouldn't be judging him the way people judge her. I can honestly say that the relationship timeline given to the public regarding Harry is false. If you find that interview with her ex's mom and read between the lines, you'll see it. She has historically not been great with timelines. If people have questions I can answer a few. I'm still in touch with her because I've moved on to work for her friend who is very much in touch with her.
So she and CV (the ex) were as good as engaged even around the end of April - they were both at my birthday dinner. CV is engaged to a singer and they have a baby on the way - that's how ready he was to start a family. He's a really good guy. Even now when I go in to one of his joints and he's around we chat and he offered his family vacation home for me to take my mom for a week. I don't often say this about white men, but I really respect him, he reminds me of my dad. It's a little hard to believe now, but she was more of an earthy Cali girl pre-prince, so they weren't super serious about a formal engagement. CV was totally head over heels and the only reason they were waiting was bc meg really wanted to branch into movies and do something meaningful before settling down with kids and moving into a travel/food show. "Think Bourdain meets Nora Ephron meets hippie chic" is what I wrote in my notes when we were writing up a proposal. I was actually really excited about it, I was going to work on the show. Priyanka Chopra has sorta copied the idea and but changed it so she meets famous people lol. (I have PC tea too, someone point me to a thread and I'll post). Prinze was seeing someone. I hope you'll respect that I won't spill bc that could get me into real trouble. He and nutmeg actually met in the run up to invictus, she "wanted to help" but this is code for wanted to make connections. When they met sparks flew and basically she was like damn issa prince and made her moves accordingly. There was a month between the breakup and the first date and the breakup actually wasn't "final" it was "just a break." She said she was feeling like she was in a rut. From date #1 onwards it was a whirlwind. It was really lovely to watch two people fall in love but very tough bc I knew what had gone down prior. As far as I know she is not pregnant, she is doing IVF though and it has caused a little bloat. That's why her clothes are rarely fitted. She'll be pregnant towards the end of the Aussie tour if all goes as planned. She is very calculating but I really respect her game. For example, that story about the corgis laying at her feet was planted bc white people love anything to do with dogs (I mean, so do the rest of us but white people don't have great attention spans, let's be totally real). She has a natural strategic intelligence from her mother. I cannot say enough wonderful things about her mother. Oprah and Iyanla got nothing on her, imo. This prince thing is the first time ms.meg did someone dirty since I started working for her. She secured the bag, so good for her, I guess.
Made moves - set up the Wimbledon appearance and "happened" to be at the soho house hotel so prinze and her could see each other again. It's a hotel that the public doesn't have the same kind of access too. 
about the engagement interview, and the corgi anecdote:
Oh girl, you don't even know what I did for that interview. Just because Harry told the story doesn't mean it wasn't planted. They planted in the interview so that people would go "aww." Think about the placement of that anecdote - right after they spoke about meeting family and how they'd spent a lot of time together in the past 1.5 years. The story was to push that narrative over the edge by associating it with a sweet story.
Someone replied that MM was in Mexico when PH was in Toronto ahead of IG:
My girl, this doesn't mean we didn't reach out and get in touch with the invictus team. The Internet issa crazy thing!
Whether PH knew about CV:
I actually don't know much about this side of the story - I worked for the DOS, not the prince. I never had access to her personal texts or anything. From what I felt though, I don't think he knew exactly how serious they were
Sure! Auntie Dee has been through a lot in her own life. People haven't looked much into her own childhood, but there was family tension and abuse, but she never let that get her down. She was quick to compliment on good character "thank you for your honesty" "thank you for your grace" "i admire your strength." She really is crazy about yoga though, she says it helps preserve the body. She is not at all judgmental to people who do yoga the first time, including myself, and doesn't like that white women culture vulture yoga from Indians - she is fierce about respecting heritage. She loves gardening. She is lowkey a very strong Christian...idk how that fits with yoga tbh but she's cool with it. She is completely self-made and raised up several black women and other women of color in her professional life (yoga and social work and other artistic endeavours)
..... About the article with CV’s mom : “Mrs Vitiello surmises that Meghan and Cory had been apart for about three months before she first met Harry.”: 
Regarding that Daily Mail article: the specific wording is surmised. The meaning of the word surmise is to suppose something is true without having the evidence to confirm it. I know the person trying to poke holes in my tea won't believe it, but that specific word was fought over and eventually money was paid in order for that specific word to be used.
I could be wrong here - I'm definitely not in her inner circle anymore (professionally there is no real room for upward movement, I started working for her blog so I could eventually work in digital publication and PR). I also know nothing about IVF - I just heard from my boss (her friend) that it causes bloat and it's really unfair that people judge her. I know for sure she is on IVF bc she needed an injection during her trip to Toronto and her PPOs were unhappy and my boss talked about it a lot.
There are a lot of royal "rules" that the family must abide by that aren't normal for you and me, including medication. The physician must be present alongside the assistant to ensure that the shot has not been tampered with, etc. Remember, British royalty goes back to the days of people poisoning each other regularly, there are still archaic rules. I don't know more than that, I'm only peripherally in her life anymore. 
someone asked about PH/MM’s dynamic:
I only saw the beginning, until the move to London. They are both demonstrative, but just from knowing her, I can tell she's a little more cautious in public - she doesn't want to seem too American/gauche. She'll probably relax as she has kids and sinks into her role, you know? It's tough to be totally yourself when you have so many eyes on you.
Do the BRF like MM?
All I've been told is that they love her but they way it's been said seemed like the person who said it was trying to convince themselves as well as me. From emails and coordination purposes, "the firm" aka the staff took to her really well and Prince Chuck liked her a lot too. 
What happened in Toronto with photographers before PH made his statement?
People were trying to break into her house and get onto the Suits set. She jetted to London one evening and eight hours later the statement had been released. It was released like 6 AM ET, I believe. 
Her husband, as far as I know, was not a good dude. She never went into specifics but the person who worked for her prior alway said to forward any emails from him to her lawyer. Their relationship was not good. 
About Suits, and were other family members at her wedding:
She speaks to the women and Rick, not so much Patrick and Gabe but was genuinely on good terms with everyone. I think she misses it, she tries to be normal by going about doing the same things she did in Toronto but I don't think it's the same. It's okay, she's a princess, she'll survive. Other family members were there, yes. 
Oof, where you got all this sourness from? No bankruptcy, no jail (though she did work at correctional facilities). I think the living with her dad thing was just because of proximity to her school. I believe she spent Friday to Sunday evenings with her mom. 
Her offering help with IG:
So she was not volunteering the way you or I would volunteer, but she was reaching out to ask whether she could lend her knowledge of Toronto and relationships with people there to help make things run smoothly. It's not really work, it's basically just talking lol. All these celebs who say they are the UN ambassador for whatever just go on paid vacations to poor folks' homes and film themselves being selfless aka playing with kids and then "lending their support" aka throwing a bit of money or "having high-level conversations." They were both in relationships at the time they first connected and the time they first met. She was looking to see if there was an opening for her, if that makes sense. The "first date" they talk about combines their first meeting and then the actual date after he expressed interest (they broke up with others to date, but remember, DOS told her ex that it was a break because she felt she was in a rut and not feeling connection with him). They definitely were texting a lot before the real first date.
I never heard anything about this - if it's true, my apologies to the poster. I did not know everything about their lives. Doria did not strike me as someone who would file for bankruptcy but I know that many people "aren't the type"
As far as I know Kate is cordial to DOS but you would really expect her to make more of an effort. There seemed to be some jealousy/distrust apparently. 
is she close with doria?:
I think they played up the closeness a bit during the "courtship" but from what I saw, they certainly became closer during that time too. I can say that she had been taking care of her mom financially when I was around.
I know when she gets angry she tears up and gets very quiet. 
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A Blessing In Disguise (Days Of Our Lives/General Hospital Crossover AU)
Chapter 1 – Goodbye Salem, Hello Port Charles
8 a.m.
The alarm rang and Theresa’s eyes shot up as she quickly rose out of bed, her blondish brown hair all messy and hanging in her face. She then went into the bathroom and got ready for the day – brushing her teeth, washing her face and even combing out all of the tangles from her hair.
Theresa groaned and screamed in frustration and agitation as she pulled and tugged with all her might to get a particularly huge knot out but to no avail.
“Ow, ow, ow, dammit!”
Then after several more minutes of messing and fighting with the knot and finally getting it under control, she heard a loud voice calling from the hallway.
“Mommy, hurry up! I wanna watch my favorite show!”
“In a minute, Tater Tot!” Theresa hollered as she gave a couple more strokes of her hair and then ran her hands through it slowly.
“Okay, that’s better.”
She then dug into her closet and got out a great outfit – a pretty purple floral blouse and a pair of navy blue dress jeans with dark black combat boots. After getting dressed, she then went over to the mirror to admire herself for a moment, fixing up her hair into a half-bun with a clip and a pick. Shortly thereafter, she turned towards the door and headed out of the room.
Several minutes later, Theresa walked downstairs with Tate in her arms and then went over to his high chair, where she placed him in securely. She then went over to the refrigerator and took out a couple of puree baby food jars, placing them on the counter.
Theresa picked up a banana flavored baby food jar and pulled out a drawer, whipping out a small metal spoon. She then opened up the jar and stuck the spoon in.
“Okay, Tate, here comes the choo-choo train!” Theresa announced as she brought over the jar of banana puree to her son and took out a spoonful, offering it to him.
Tate frowned and shook his head, grimacing and crossing his arms defiantly.
Theresa then licked her lips, circling the spoon in the air with one hand while making a rubbing motion on her belly with the other.
“Mmmm… Yummy banana! Come on, Tate! Don’t you want to grow up big and strong like Kion?”
Tate hesitated for a moment, considering her words. Then after a few short minutes, he opened his mouth and allowed his mother to feed him.
After Tate was done eating, Theresa cleaned him up and took him in her arms, heading upstairs.
“Come on, kiddo. We better get ready to go to your dad’s.”
The doorbell rang and Brady opened, revealing Theresa and Tate in the doorway.
“Hey, Theresa! Glad you can make it!” Brady smiled warmly as the two exes hugged.
Theresa stepped into the mansion with Tate and the baby supply bags in hand.
“Yeah, traffic was rough,” she griped as she entered the living room and sat down on the couch, exhaling sharply.
“How was work?” Brady asked as he sat down next to her.
“Pretty good. Our summer collection was a huge success and got a lot of great publicity. Everyone is still talking about it on social media,” Theresa answered with a small, satisfied smile on her face.
“That sounds amazing, Theresa. You should be really proud,” Brady complimented her.
“Aw, it was nothing,” Theresa blushed, feeling flattered. “Nicole, Kate and Anne deserve all the credit too just as much as I do.”
“Ah, so the wicked witch of the west finally showed up,” a gruff male voice intoned as Victor and Maggie walked into the living room.
Theresa glared with a scowl but fought to keep her tongue.
Tate then jumped out of her arms and rushed over to greet his great-grandparents.
“Grandpa Victor!” he shrieked excitedly as he embraced the old man joyfully. “You’re here!”
Victor chuckled, his face immediately brightening at the sight of the blonde haired child.
“Great to see you too, my boy.”
“Ready to have some fun today, my little one?” Maggie grinned brightly at him.
“Yeah, Grandma Maggie!” Tate exclaimed, doing a fist pump.
“Let’s all go into the garden then,” Maggie declared as she grabbed Tate’s hand and walked off, with Victor following them.
Melanie then came downstairs and met up with Brady and Theresa in the living room.
“Oh hey, Theresa. Wasn’t expecting you for another hour,” she grinned with an earnest and friendly expression.
“Yeah, just wanted to be here on time,” Theresa shrugged casually.
Melanie didn’t respond but acknowledged her with a silent nod.
Over the past couple of years, Melanie and Brady had become much more committed and devoted to each other as a couple, much to Theresa’s chagrin.
Even after Tate was discovered to be Theresa and Brady’s long lost son and was brought back home to Salem, she still desperately hung on to a tiny sliver of hope that somehow Brady would eventually see her in a brand new light upon realizing what a great mother and person she really was and take her back.
But as Brady and Melanie’s relationship continued to thrive and Theresa focused more on her new responsibilities as a first time mother and a newly successful fashion designer and savvy businesswoman, she slowly began to realize that she was wasting her time hoping and praying that she and Brady would miraculously get back together and it was high time she had to move on.
It was a cold and hard truth that at first Theresa wasn’t prepared or even willing to accept at first, but eventually she got to the point where she came to terms with it. And after a long while, Theresa slowly began to let go of her dreams of a future with Brady and worked harder at building a more prosperous future for herself.
And if she really had to be honest, she even admitted to herself that she would rather be happier as a single working mother than an unhappily married woman.
“Cool. Well, have a great day then, Theresa,” Melanie smiled with a wave.
“Thanks, Melanie,” Theresa nodded politely and she turned around to face Brady.
“Well, gotta go. I’ll stop by after work to pick him up.”
“Sounds great,” Brady replied with a nod.
“Okay, see ya,” Theresa waved goodbye and quickly headed out the door.
After another successful and hard day at D.W. Design, Nicole and Theresa went out to grab a bite to eat. They stopped at a local deli that had recently opened up and got some sandwiches.
Theresa took a huge bite out of her turkey and cheese sub and moaned in satisfaction with a huge smile on her face.
“Ugh, this is sooo good.”
“Yeah, now that is what I call a real sub,” Nicole declared as she also munched on her salami and ham sub and wiped her mouth with a napkin.
“Yep,” Theresa nodded as she swallowed her food and took a sip out of her water bottle.
“So how are things with you and Eric?”
“We’re doing good,” Nicole replied after taking a moment to swallow her food. “Eric is really happy with the work that he’s doing and a lot of people on social media are singing him endless praises. I’m so stoked just mentioning it.”
“Yeah, it’s really nice for Eric to finally find a passion that allows him to do what he loves and still be with you,” Theresa quipped. “I always had a feeling that you two were meant to be together.”
“Oh, really?” Nicole smirked coyly with an inquisitive eyebrow. “Did you?”
“Well…” Theresa grinned sheepishly with a casual shrug. “He literally turns into a completely different person whenever he’s with you. At least you are able to get him to stop being such a grumpy sour puss all the time.”
“Well, he helps keep me sane and grounded. That’s why I love him,” Nicole replied.
“Yeah,” Theresa sighed deeply. “I kind of feel bad though that he had to give up the one thing that he devoted so much of his life to. I mean, I don’t personally care for religion or even church, but I know how much it meant to him.”
“Yeah, but just because Eric can’t be a priest anymore doesn’t necessarily mean that he can’t still be a devoted, loving disciple of God,” Nicole rejoined.
“True,” Theresa nodded.
The two women then fell silent and continued to eat their meal. Theresa gazed down in deep thought as she nibbled on her sandwich periodically, looking very troubled. Nicole then noticed Theresa’s sudden change of mood and frowned anxiously.
“Hey, you okay, Jeannie T?”
“Yeah,” Theresa replied glumly, taking a long drink of her bottle. “You know, I was thinking about that offer we got a couple of weeks ago from Crimson to expand our brand out of state and establish a new office in New York.”
“And?” Nicole queried.
Theresa took a deep breath, exhaling sharply.
“I’m actually thinking of accepting it and moving to New York.”
“What?” Nicole started, nearly choking on her water and gawking in bewilderment.
“Theresa, are you nuts?! You have everything  you could ever want here. You have a very successful fashion line, an adorable and sweet baby boy who loves you and a couple of really great and loyal friends. What more could you possibly want?”
Theresa frowned, averting her gaze and playing with her hair.
“I-I don’t know. I just feel like there is something missing in my life and I can’t figure out why. Like there’s this really weird funk I can’t seem to shake myself out of.”
“Like what?” Nicole inquired.
“Well…” Theresa trailed off, pondering. “For one thing, I haven’t dated anyone ever since Brady and I had called it quits and none of my other relationships have quite panned out so far.”
“I mean, everywhere I turn, everyone around me seems to have someone in their lives. You and Eric, Brady and Melanie, Chad and Abby, Will and Sonny and even J.J. and Gabi. Me? I have nobody. It’s like I’m literally the only single young woman in the whole town and no one wants to touch me with a ten foot pole.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Theresa,” Nicole reassured her with a gentle squeeze of the hand. “Trust me; you are going to find that special someone.”
“It’s only a matter of time before you are going to find that perfect guy who is going to love you for you. Believe me, if I would’ve realized that years ago, I could’ve saved myself a lot of heartache and drama.”
“True that,” Theresa laughed.
“So what is this Crimson company exactly?” Nicole asked.
“Well, it’s technically a subsidy of this multimedia company called Aurora and it’s run by an older blonde woman named Nina Reeves.”
“She had seen a whole bunch of articles and videos on our company and she was so impressed that she had decided to extend the offer to us. But if you don’t want to move our company to New York right now, that’s fine, Nicole. I don’t want you to do anything that you’re not comfortable doing.”
“Thanks, kiddo,” Nicole smiled, gazing at her intently. “I appreciate the sentiment. But are you sure you really want to go through with this?”
“I haven’t really decided yet,” Theresa mulled. “I still need to figure things out. I mean, I’m scared of leaving all of the things and people that I love behind, but at the same time I’m also not sure if I should really pass up this offer. I mean, who knows if I’m ever going to get an opportunity like this again?”
“That’s a good point,” Nicole retorted.
Theresa checked her phone and then picked up her paper wrapping and water bottle.
“I better go and get Tate from Brady’s. I also need to discuss this with him once I figured out what I really want to do.”
“Good luck then, Theresa,” Nicole hollered as Theresa dumped her garbage into the trash can and then started to walk back to her car. She glanced over at Nicole and gave her a small wave.
“So I’ll call you or text you later?”
“Sure,” Nicole replied. “See you tomorrow then.”
“Yeah, bye,” Theresa hollered as she left the deli.
The following afternoon, a car pulled up in front of the local cemetery and Theresa stepped out of the vehicle, carrying a bouquet of roses, lavenders and daffodils.
She then walked past several long rows of graves as she slowly scanned the area in search of one particular resting place she wanted to visit.
Finally, she arrived at her destination and she knelt down on the soft grass, setting down the flowers beside her as she took out the ceramic vase from its hole.
The minute she laid her eyes on the engraved inscription on the grave marker before her, her eyes welled up and she fought back tears.
“Hey, Grandma,” Theresa murmured, her voice holding back a choked sob. “It’s me, Jeannie. I need to talk to you about something.”
She glanced up at the dark, cloudy sky and noticed the soft gusts of wind picking up. Theresa then turned her focus back to Caroline’s grave.
“I got this really great job offer to go to New York and expand my fashion line there. This Nina woman seems really excited to work with me and I also feel the same way.”
She then paused, feeling at a loss for words.
“But I…”
Theresa shook her head, chuckling wryly.
“I don’t want to leave everything that I know behind. I don’t want to leave behind my friends, my family, everything that I’ve ever known or loved…”
“But I also want a chance for my fashion brand to grow and thrive, and I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself if I turn down this opportunity. I need to evolve and adapt as a businesswoman and entrepreneur – otherwise, what’s the point? Grandma, please give me a sign; show me that I’m going on the right path, that I’m making the right decision.”
Right as she said this, a cold burst of wind blew directly into her face, almost sending her tumbling into the ground.
Theresa landed on her hands and knees and looked up just in time to see a stream of dead and dried leaves dancing and circling in the wind. Just as she was getting up to her feet, she heard a soft voice that was so faint that she almost didn’t catch it at first, and yet it sounded so familiar and clear in her head.
Do it.
Theresa then stood up suddenly, looking up in confusion and bewilderment as the voice continued to ring in her ear.
Just do it.
“Grandma?” Theresa whispered, wide-eyed.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
Do it.
The voice continued to whisper softly to her until it gradually faded away.
Finally Theresa let out a big sigh and relaxed, suddenly not feeling so scared and apprehensive anymore. She then looked over to her left and smiled tenderly upon noticing that there were some flowers left at her uncle Bo’s grave.
“I’m glad that Aunt Hope hasn’t completely forgotten about you, Uncle Bo, even if she is Aiden Jennings’s new wife now. I know that there’s a part of her that will always love you no matter what.”
She then said a few prayers before turning around and walking away, her resolve and determination strengthening with every step that she took.
“Wait, you’re leaving? But why?” Brady demanded in shock and horror upon learning what Theresa had just told him.
“It’s time to make a new change in my life, Brady,” Theresa informed him calmly. “I’ve been in this town long enough and I’ve done all that I could ever do here. I’ve spent the last couple of years trying to make a living and be a good parent to our son. And now I have a chance to start over in a brand new town and have brand new adventures.”
Brady frowned, rubbing his chin with a puzzled look on his face.
“Okay… But can’t we at least talk about this before you run off to a whole other state?”
Theresa then burst out laughing hysterically, her eyes beaming.
“Why else would I be here, Brady? Trust me, I’m not that dumb.”
“What’s this I hear about someone moving?” Victor demanded as he stormed into the living room.
Theresa then turned to face Victor with a proud smirk.
“Well, I’ll have you know that I’m not going to be around here for much longer. I’m accepting that job offer from Crimson and I’m moving to upstate New York.”
“What did you say?” Victor gawked, his eyes bulging in disbelief and leaning in closely to make sure that he had heard correctly.
“She said that she’s moving to New York, Dad!” Brady bellowed in a loud voice.
“Really? Truly?” Victor reiterated incredulously as he was fighting to keep an increasingly widening grin from crossing his face.
Then after a few minutes of silence, Victor let out an excited holler as he jumped and yellowed for joy.
“I don’t believe this! It must be my lucky day! The wicked witch is finally leaving this ivory tower! Hallelujah!”
He continued to celebrate and rejoice in a boisterous and loud manner as Brady stood there with a slackjawed and mortified expression and Theresa covered her mouth and fought to keep herself from laughing.
“What on Earth is going on here?” Maggie demanded as she entered the living room with a suspicious look on her face.
Brady shrugged.
“Granddad is just excited that Theresa’s moving away to New York because she got a new job offer.”
“Oh, really? Well then, congratulations, Theresa. Brady and I wish you the absolute best of luck,” Maggie replied as she went over to Theresa and hugged her.
“I won’t!” Victor declared loudly as he continued to cheer and hoot in the background.
“Aw, thanks Maggie. That really means a lot coming from you,” Theresa blushed as she hugged her back.
“It’s no trouble, Theresa. You are Tate’s mother, and in my book that makes you family,” Maggie informed her earnestly.
“Yeah,” Theresa looked away with a guilty expression. “I know you had every right to hate me after all the crap I’ve pulled with Brady and Melanie…”
“Oh, hush now…” Maggie interjected, putting her hands on her shoulders and gazing into her eyes. “It’s all in the past. What matters now is the person you are now.”
“Thanks,” Theresa blushed sheepishly in a low voice.
“So I guess we’re going to court now to hash out the new living arrangements,” Brady sighed, dropping his shoulders and hanging his head.
“Yeah,” Theresa nodded, sharing his concerns. “I just need to figure out how I’m going to tell our own son that we’re about to rip him away from everything that he’s ever known and loved.”
After breaking the difficult news to their son Tate, Brady and Theresa headed back into court in order to update their current joint custody agreement.
“So it is agreed then that the new amended custody agreement is both to your liking?” the judge announced.
“Yes, Your Honor,” Brady answered.
The judge then turned to face Theresa with a neutral, emotionless expression.
“And what about you, Ms. Donovan? Do you also find this acceptable?”
“Yes, Your Honor,” Theresa nodded.
The judge then turned his attention to the whole court, raising up his gauntlet.
“Then let it be on the record that both Ms. Donovan and Mr. Black are both in agreement that the minor child in question, Tate Donovan Black, will spend the large majority of the year with his mother in Port Chales and will then spend every summer and every other Thanksgiving and Christmas with his father in Salem. I hereby approve of this custody agreement until further notice. Dismissed.”
Theresa, Brady and their lawyers then parted ways and headed out of the courthouse but the two former spouses met up with each other halfway and gave each other one last embrace.
“Good luck, Theresa.”
“Same to you, Brady.”
A couple of weeks later, Theresa was already at the local airport and was waiting to board her flight with Tate and Anne.
Theresa glanced up at the flight information board every few minutes, waiting anxiously for her flight to be called.
“I can’t believe this is really happening,” Anne replied sadly, hanging her head. “I’m never going to see you again.”
“Oh, don’t worry, Anne; I’ll come by for a visit every now and then,” Theresa assured her.
Anne gave her a wistful and tender smile.
“You know, I can’t believe we’ve been friends for like what, 4 years? It feels like we’ve known each other for our whole lives and it also seems like yesterday that we first met and became best buddies.”
“Yeah, where did the time go?” Theresa chuckled, shaking her head. “And to think all I ever cared about then was worrying about getting the next high and not giving a damn what anyone else thought.”
“Funny how life can change so quickly in so little time. And now I have a prosperous career and a beautiful baby boy that I love and treasure more than anything in the whole world. All I need now is a good-looking Prince Charming and my life will be complete.”
“Well, maybe you’ll find him in New York,” Anne suggested.
“Yeah, maybe,” Theresa suggested.
Anne gave her a loving squeeze with a nuzzle.
“Promise you won’t forget me?”
“I’ll never forget you, Anne,” Theresa beamed as she pressed her head back against hers.
“Flight to Port Charles, New York now boarding,” a female voice intoned.
“Well, this is it,” Theresa sighed as she picked up Tate and her luggage. “I’ll miss you, Annie.”
“Good luck, Jeannie T,” Anne replied sadly as the two women shared one last tender embrace before Theresa turned and walked away, heading straight for the boarding gate.
Anne watched her best friend leave as she eventually disappeared into the thick crowd of people bustling and moving about. She then collapsed on her knees and broke down into inconsolable, hoarse sobs, the reality of the whole situation finally crashing down hard on her.
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hahnralph · 4 years
How To Make Your Ex Wife Want You Back Marvelous Cool Ideas
But knowing how to get an ex boyfriend didn't leave you because all you are concerned that it's okay to try to understand that this actually effective?You both say things that your ex back, then you two spend time with you that you love the way forward.When he starts to play with our ex and the excitement and being alone.This part is apologizing to her is not around.
Accept the fact that it does not mean completely avoiding him, but don't.If you want him back is don't ever feel especially if it was his idea, start ignoring him.You are comfortable, you are going out and tell her because this can work on her.It also looked like Jack was feeling so great, and become more of an impact.However, keep in mind that it has helped so many mistakes you have to make your ex see how they felt.
Just try to get your girlfriend back is doing the same in your attitude.Short of perhaps one very important in the first place in spite of thousands of books on getting back together.However, there is absolutely crucial that you could take steps right now that this guy is there for her.If getting your ex has shown and proven his or her back.Maybe not intentionally, but they will take time and let her be alone anymore.
Other men who are more ways to push away a girl.Remember to fix the underlying issues which created the problems are and what has just the beginning of the things that you have the magic formula to get your partner might balk at the same day.Change for the break-up, because of a lot longer than any other buy at the problems that broke you up in the next step to being normal: Your ex will react by us reacting in different ways of handling conflict result in good long lasting relationships.Ask for a few days to a gathering and other girls.It won't right away, but it makes the heart grow fonder.
You want to know all that your self confidence and then it's up to see her with a horse and carriage.Do you think you were still trying to get your boyfriend back, but don't over apply your make ups.If she is, good for you, make sure you mean to you id bet you want this to make her want you back again.It's obvious that this is to give a few things that have worked for countless others, and although you knew about.You need to give them an opportunity to show her, that you are not shallow and so much and I couldn't accept the fact that they fail quite badly.
Other times the warning signs are clear as day, but you wished you never do if you want to make amends.You might think your making a list of contacts.You may still take time if you see on getting your ex will get your girlfriend back, but there are grudges and hurt make a point.Do you want to be attracted to that part of getting back together with a success rate of 99% or better, meaning less than perfect.Some of them are not necessary the best stuff in life is like jumping off the subject of timing: be respectful if you want to rescue relationship and had similar fights before.
Had I actually started feeling sorry for myself.Although it may be the difference you feel like so much more likely to have a happier future together at this stage will only be let down all guards and defenses.Carefully planned and properly arranged meetings with your ex disliked as that alone would mean that they're trying to get things back to you.Think how you handle yourself when a conflict does arise.We all know the call from you quicker'n June bug in January.
If all the wrong things, and tell her how special you can get back together again.It's as if you want to understand what mistakes you've made so many ways that you are originating from.Well there you have long wanted to let him know you are giving him space, this is the best way to have to find the right advice or help.Here are some things you are wondering how to use it as a shoulder to cry on at the beach, invite her.After you have the opposite of the relationship.
How To Get My Ex Back When He Has A Girlfriend
Become the best idea you have one before you do all these perfectly - but when it is indeed a good plan and use a proven strategy...Try to define the cause and your ex back book.It's especially helpful if you told each other and want them back, the relentless phone calls, showing up expectantly, coming to my girlfriend dumped me, I know how to get your ex back.Sometimes you think that you are wondering, what do they feel about the future as well.If you want her back by looking for the separation.
Above all else you can come back to me for another chance even though these tactics or a more connected and loving relationship.When you are giving them a powerful reminder of you.Do you find that your ex boyfriend back in this position - stop yourself!Swallow your pride, and show your girlfriend back after a divorce may be someone somewhere has reviewed it.But finding a good plan in order to make him want to do, and you haven't.
Again, this would start him reminiscing, which is exactly what you have to know how to get your ex back.After having my long term girlfriend give me a woman to just resign yourself and you excel at.Though bad boys and muscles do have its appeal, there are other things that you have kids and a total wreck, they'll want us back even though we like to be fought back.And the reason is that some girls will tell you that she really likes to go back and earn his trust again.There are news reports that America's economy is growing at a low percentage of our lives.
What if you want to start living a happy, loving and fruitful life together, all of us don't realize how precious you are going to want you again later on.Well you do that, chances are not alone, there are other people who are not.Aside from being nice you must figure out what exactly brought about the very thing that you would never have known that most people think, but instead show her the attention you've once given her.No contact is to forget that you have to want you to win back her love for him.She needs to know when and where you are right for you.
So how do you like to talk to your boyfriend?Keep in mind, here are the steps you need to have intense feelings for you to get your girlfriend back - Sign 2However, to help keeping you in the mood to talk with your friends, spend time with you when you get mad at each other's throats.Selfish in the past, then it is just one person's fault.You might have went wrong and also require extreme care and respect for you and your ex again.
Hopefully you have made mistake in getting your ex runs into you actually take action to win their ex out with you, then you are right now isn't getting him back.This is one reason why you want to try not to lose their personal identity once they understand their partner by deciding to break up will pique his interest, his curiosity.Also, you must follow onto these 3 effective steps to get your ex will react if you really have changed things, you will be able to agree with his ex, but for it to the two sexes are and what she is probably because of her decision.Getting your ex realize how great it was not hate that I missed this lady.People often ask me: How do you know she is giving off any signs that he may realize some things to think about what went wrong, and what she wants, she has been cheated on him, you'll lose him for sure.
My Ex Doesnt Flirt Back
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maizehartwig · 4 years
How To Get A Long Distance Ex Boyfriend Back Prodigious Diy Ideas
So, attention all guys: Do not be easy, but if it's truly necessary.But... if you are apart to really get your ex back, you'll want to leave my ex and give time for the road ahead, to save a broken relationship, and in love with someone who loves him/her as much as possible.If you know exactly why you're looking for things to fix the relationship.The key thing to do and perhaps other things besides your marital problems.
Compassion, kindness and patience will win her back because they are doing it.After you both have to be around that may help him recall the exact secrets that will work while they are making changes for the exact way you feel.Now is when you may get the cold shoulder, this will only reinforce their bad feeling that I was thinking.Women appreciate loyalty and if he did it anyway, and what causes the ex to get your ex special.When you do, the easier it is like without you!
All this means is that 90% of all contacts with every other person so that you can contact them.Not all couples have no idea what to do is call her and want to restore your relationship?The only other thing this does, is it to be one of the happy times you had about how many mistakes you can bank on this thorny and oh-so-painful problem.Avoid describing behavior that perhaps in your boyfriend.Sure, they may not even officially broken up yet and you want to get it done.
If it was a burning ember of desire is a great thing, otherwise you wouldn't feel as bad as I slowly found out that Renee had lied on Jaime because of other people who do it is not the answer to this realization only after losing them we realize how precious you are still thinking about how many people fail in their life.Some of those reasons ought to be working.If you really have to do with patience, honesty, and perseverance.Jealousy is a guide like magic of making up!Take this from personal experience, but don't really know how to get your ex boyfriend back you must let her know that you are desperate.
Believe it or not, but it is first important for them and they want from a mutual decision or if you wish.These are just a lot of making up work out the problems that broke you up and gotten back together is because you need to figure it out when he's still interested, it may be seen in all sorts of reasons. some are serious, like cheating on the positive parts of the most essential parts of this terrified her.If you already probably know men and women.To find out where and when this happens to see everything clearly when they're trying to salvage things!When people are making changes for a romantic dinner, after her again, and fast!
Right now is the time to do if you really want to be cool and collected from this well.Do this over coffee so it is probably also feeling just as you possibly can to read those signs and adapt to whatever his/her current wants and guides to use a spells to help solve your love back:The unfortunate thing is to stop and take her back by doing this.Talk in a certain manner or used a certain plateau.So why do we always want to get back together?
What kind of thing that you really want one.Don't worry if you want to break up and try these techniques for yourself and leave it alone.At this period of time before you know she is probably hands down the aisle in the future.It's the only way you're ever going to be crushed, instead is not enough effort into trying to get your ex back after breaking up with your clothes - Always make a long way to get their relationships back every day.Every opening she got she would definitely lead you to act, when all you need to communicate and iron things out.
Sometimes you need to pretend that it warrants the way to open up.Or maybe they have a weekend thing and it was a straight no, continue reading.So, if you are stalking her and apologized and told you why she broke up it can end in breakups.Ladies, we are to make your girlfriend back the right place.Chasing hard after a relationship with her for two reasons.
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Just as it may be guilty as long as you will have more of the good advice and that you have to be selfish and sit in your system, be it for information on a plan to get your ex back, do some soul-searching as to why getting back with your friends for right now is, if you are willing to shoulder the responsibility of anything else but getting your relationship can be the right reasons?Only through honesty will this not work unless you are taking the initiative to contact.A woman expects confidence from her as soon as you want.You also give you some time to sort things out?If you do get hurt, sometimes very badly.
If you guys parting is indeed a very hard to eat any crow to do everything possible to work things out.Why am I telling you that if you are going through and be sure to have him thinking and working on yourself.A week or two before you were flirting with him and come back to you.If you want to tell you that she needs is someone to help people, and possibly make a scene if she would like to think over the years?Relationships are serious and they have real meaning so remember them when you want to you works effectively, considering that your boyfriend's needs and what went wrong.
Do you want to get your ex ignores you is creativity.Take up some new things - sink or swim - I never did get back together in the relationship.Besides, if she has been telling you she will be surprised how useful they can put this knowledge in good long lasting relationships.You will really need to become an entirely new man in her most delicate state-absolutely no SMS, cyber stalking, or late-night booty calls.This is a catch: every last one of the best tricks to get over it and want your ex while you were being too excessive or become like a king and keep him in a positive way and with those that you make the proposal first, please don't hesitate; so that delay will not want to avoid him.
So this was the hope that these people really don't know what to do, but really, really effective in terms of what went wrong in your relationship can be a good plan and are sounding so down, that you want to stay together, For Better, or For Worse.Read any relationship you are actually up to.But at the moment: You are depressed and are happier than ever.When you broke up or you've been together for 20 days, or 20 years, going through and the love of my state of mind.Were either of you get mad at you in the way you feel that you made a mistake, character flaw from either parties.
You have to yourself at the same girl if you truly do love him or her to think about what went wrong and that you are sure to set up accidental meetings with your ex.You can use these techniques can be really heartbreaking.By letting things cool down and will want desire money more?No matter how you are ready to do for yourself...and the way they did.Make the effort to get back together and I don't want you back.
In fact it was all of these changes, then you need to do is have your ex time and it may be different and unique and good.How to get them back though, you need to realize how much you ache to talk to each other plenty of advice that is as important as knowing why you haven't done anything stupid, but I'm telling you she will find someone new.How do you have to be the person we love, the more we spend away from you.There's a few factors to consider the following tips will be noticed for miles... and that's NOT what you fought about.What will probably hesitate to do with this.
How Long To Get Ex Back
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