#the serotonin paradise project
Welcome to Serotonin
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We hope you enjoy your time on Serotonin!
Remember to check the Bulletin Board, and contact our Resident Representative to ask about our Gyroid Adoption Program!
We're open for trade via Nookazon, and if you're looking for a vacation home, don't forget to browse our Serotonin Paradise Portfolio.
All fruits and picked flowers are take-what-you-need. Check our blog for tours, events, and free mystery fossils & gyroids!✨️
Nookazon @ nylocke
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santilozart · 1 month
Reality is a bitch for neurodivergent people. I wish I could keep up 24/7 live game streaming. World satanize social media but don´t realize this kind of dopamine release trough livegamestreaming music, writings and games is what keeps me going, filling the oxytocin this world, either evil or high ethical standars cannot provide...
and is what kept me apart from depression and even suicide... So, stop satanizing TechMedia, which is a safer serotonin releaser than the violence and disorder of fungus, drugs, MaryJane, etc... to cover the void leaved by this society high perfectionist standards... at least on emotionally damaged people like me, who had gone farther after a damage no return point. Think this like medicine for mental illness, to keep depression out... I know some of you, relates with the deepness of my polemic writing, because you identify it is the true, beyond this society, moral, rational and spiritual tabus. So please, help me reach faster my goal of dedicating 100% to this, because I just cause troubles in real life when trying to get along with "normal" not awakened, just rational people... And I just want to keep writing, revealing more things, so you can understand the truth of this planet, for an endurable and sustainable one, to bring back paradise here, and stop the chaos on this unbalanced world... With that said, feel free to support with additional cheers, bits, and subs... And who know, I may be filling my dream of spreading love and goods news through my life project, from my damaged broken life... I used to believe on love and marriage as the ultimate source, boost to enhance my life as a human being, showing love to God another... but since there is such idealization on people nowadays, on spiritual people surrounding this topic... and I had been broken so many times... I better move forward, with this, my ultimate attempt to motivate and do something positive with my life, to serve my creator and aid others in the path to know the truth... respecting of course, if they would like to awaken... because you are free to keep your path ignoring me, and following your conservative old, traditional rational path... I know ignorance is a blessing, and it also brings peace too... I´ve been there, it is comfortable... as you prefer... In regards me, I find now comfort and feeling up to date with my inner awareness (God) by stepping aside from the crow and stop muting my voice... cause being aligned from your free will with your upper high global collective life call, is the greater experience you may acquire in your life self-development path, and I invite you to find your own call and path Aswell to build up a better world together, each one of us from our individualities enhanced towards greater good, without hiding our skills, gifts neither spiritual or intellectual talents... humbleness and silence should not be confused with obedience... and limitans leaders shouldn´t infuse you with fear to hide your call to serve who brought you to this world in first instance... With love, from a self-regulated schizoaffective guy, who learned to defeat emotional and spiritual illness trough this livestream, since the pandemic, and since there is lack of love, humbleness, humanity in the ones called to guide me... unsuccessfully guide which made me connect directly with Him and be guide by my own... due the imperfection and limitations of current leader´s criteria... Hope to find someone there, one day, enough to be really pure at heart and mind, with the feet on the ground, to guide me and several as me, properly, so they can deserve my respect, love and admiration. not my obedience by fear, judgement and negative speech of condemnation, absolutism and perfectionism, who damaged even more, mentally and emotionally, people a bit more sensitive and skilled spiritually like me, who didn´t need to be preached the God of judgement to learn but instead the God of mercy, love, kindness, the gentlemen He is, to perfectionate the love and spiritual gifts and not to make me hide them... with rigor and spiritual violence as they made unrightfully towards me and my spiritual right to serve God... #PlusUltra #PeaceOut #OnliveEzine #globalmiraism #fimlm #idmjioficial #idmji
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traitorvalkyrie · 2 years
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So, ready to talk through Project Paradise's finishing touches? I know I am. But I'm going to put it under the cut below.
TL;DR. I had a lot of fun, this build is my favorite thing ever, and I'm very excited about the next big build in World 6 (a nether build called Project Stronghold, no not that kind of stronghold), but there's some little projects to do between now and then.
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Let's start with the center (which is where I finished the build). I added a connection to the Tree of Life project with branches coming off of the fountain and covering the paths. it's one of my favorite parts of the build tbh.
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Another very cool part of this build was making the obisidian pillars blend more into the build. Each pillar corresponds with the biome it is closest to (with the badlands and mushroom plains getting two pillars just because of spacing). I have so much obsidian from mining these down and taking out the space for the decorations. Fun fact for the badlands, while I didn't go check new chunks with higher badlands to get the upper bands, I did base a majority of the bands on the pillars on what the natural generation looks like.
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Now one of the biggest details of the ring is that the dragon is there, trapped in the endstone and pillars, here I call out specifically the half face and the broken off wing. (The wing is being turned to endstone in the water, only the outline really remains.) There are spines along its back as well.
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Another nice detail is around the sides. The endstone and the biomes blend together, some more than others and in different ways. I use terracotta to blend up so that I could keep the open edges enderman proof. and I think it worked really well.
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And for last, the last detail of the build that almost no one will see is what I've hidden under it. I've hung a whole bunch of glowberries and added end rods to provide some twinkling lights over the edge of the water. It brings me serotonin even though it's not something you would see if you walked through the world really
But what comes next?
As part of a promise to my chat, I'm currently working on a storage system (you'll see more in the next post) and will likely do one to two projects around spawn before I move onto planning out Project Stronghold (my next big build that will be in the nether). But also besides new builds, I want to tell the story that comes with Project Paradise (yes that means a lore stream eventually), give you guys it's real name, and possibly move my storytelling method a little bit for future builds.
This post is long, but it is an overview of a very large, very long-time project. So here's to shorter posts in the future
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Dino Watches Anime (Nov 15)
BOI, I HAVE A MIDTERM ON TUESDAY AND TEST ON WEDNESDAY. SCREW THAT. I’M GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE ANIME I’VE BEEN WATCHING IN BETWEEN STUDY SESSIONS! Yeah, the studying is like 2% while the anime and games are like 98%... I’m working on that, okay? Anyway, I’m going to cover mostly seasonal stuff with some other stuff.
Let’s go over the seasonal stuff first. Summer had so few anime coming out whereas Autumn/Fall came in like, “OPEN THE FLOODGATES! LET’S GO!!!” I haven’t even gotten around to all the anime airing this season that I want to like Yuukoku no Moriarty, Majo no Tabitabi, and Adachi to Shimamura. I missed some last season too like Deca-Dance which I just didn’t want to commit to if it was only for the good animation.
Taisou Samurai (DROPPED) 
I dropped it after two episodes. MAPPA has two major series this season, but they clearly gave more time and attention to the one that was actually going to make money here (which I’ll talk about later). This one seems like a passion project without the passion in it anymore. It’s like opening a bag of chips and finding out they went stale long before you even reached into the bag.
Taisou Samurai, at its core, has a premise that I found really promising. I happen to like watching gymnastics sometimes, and the idea of an athlete who doesn’t want to retire is interesting. They went wrong with the execution. I don’t know what they were trying to pull here, but with unlikeable characters and a terrible run at it, it’s like they weren’t playing with a full deck of cards here.
Also, if you don’t know what a gyaru is, one of the supporting characters will look like a racist caricature. Also, this bird has no other point than to try to make up for this show’s lack of usable humour by using Kappei Yamaguchi’s range and going, “Please, save this show. I beg you.” 
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I didn’t even bother giving this show three episodes to drag me in because I just couldn’t see myself wasting another 20 minutes here. Maybe I’ll have a change of heart, but for now, I should be having better things to do.
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I know everyone has made this joke already, but this is really just My Hero Academia x Among Us. I feel like if there was some more... budget put into this anime, they could’ve made it a lot better. The manga had a lot more detail, so a lot of the gruesome scenes with zombies or killings, etc. were muted and toned down beyond belief. Not to mention, I guess watching it after I read the manga just made me feel stupid. This is such a junkie show that pulls tricks that everyone knows is coming. Nonetheless, I can’t find some big reason to say “do not watch this” because it’s still a very mediocre show. It has its good points, but its presentation devalues it, the voice acting is meh (especially since Yuuichi Nakamura is playing THREE overpowered main cast characters this season), and the jig is up after the first episode, so the twists are just to make you sympathize more with the imposter. I haven’t seen a show like this for a while though, so I guess you can watch it if you want something refreshing like that. I don’t think you’re supposed to like this cast of characters, so I won’t say anything against not liking this cast. 
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Jun Maeda... the man who manages to incorporate baseball into every anime he does... seriously, every anime I’ve watched by him has it from Angel Beats to Charlotte to that unfinished Little Busters I just left on hold. Anyway, Kamisama is no exception. Jun Maeda has a reputation for building touching stories that start off strong then really lose their footing once he realizes that he’s not going to get 24 episodes and needs to squeeze all of those 16 episodes of story left into 4 episodes or so. It also doesn’t help that sometimes he goes off on useless storylines that pay no use to the story. 
Hina is really funny sometimes (but can be annoying). Narukami is funny. Really, everyone has some valid point about them that makes the show better compared to the previous entries. 
Seriously, some little kid comes up to you and goes, “The world is ending, I am God, and I’m going to stick by you.” Meanwhile, you’re just a simp that’s trying to get your childhood friend to fall for you.
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Honestly, I’m still having a blast watching this. As much as Maeda’s writing can really suffer from tonal shifts (mostly in the end), I still wanted to watch this anime simply because I always like his storytelling in the beginning, and the laughs it brings can sometimes still muddle out the bitter taste that’s left in your mouth when the series finishes. I can already feel this train going down a slide and off a cliff. I already paid for my ticket though, so I’m obligated to stay on this shootshow until the end.
Seriously, I do not like where some of these relationships are heading. 
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This anime is relatable. It can get stale fast for a lot of people, but every time I think I’m going to get sick of it, it pulls one of the same gags that makes me go, “This. This is why I’m sticking with this.” I’m not sure how much more there is to say. It’s just an abducted princess who couldn’t care less that she’s a hostage and instead, takes this newfound time to take some good ZZZs. What a life.
Oh yeah, this princess is also willing to commit murder, mutilation, theft, and assault to get the sleep she wants. 
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I’m not dropping this show... even if it makes no sense. The premise is astoundingly stupid, but it pulled a Zombieland Saga on me. It sounded so stupid, but once I gave it one episode, I found myself being entertained and almost rooting for the characters and their relationships. 
Imagine this: You are about to get into the high school of your dreams when you see the girl of your dreams cross your path. You want to ask her out so you jump over the barricade and get hit by a truck. You’re on the brink of death when you realize you can’t die there without confessing your love. You chase her down with blood coming out of your head and confess. She says that she’ll only go out with you if you marry her. You then... somehow survive, drop out of school, then get a job to search for her. I kid you not. This is the setup. It’s as stupid as it sounds, and the anime knows this. It doesn’t try to fool you into thinking that this series is supposed to be anything but some highway fast-track way to convince you into watching a married couple. I think what irked me the most is that the character designs didn’t change from when they were in middle school to when they were adults. It wasn’t the being hit by a truck and not being sent to another world, it wasn’t this girl who stopped the truck without ruining her hair, it wasn’t anything else but their character designs staying the same. 
Anyway, this anime is cute as long as you can jump some hurdles. It’s basically puppy-love marriage with anime stupidity through and through. I don’t know what about this series people, including myself, find charming. 
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It’s Shonen Jump. “Will it be the next Kimetsu no Yaiba? The next big Shonen Jump series? One of the next big three? Five?” No, I don’t think so. I’m not enjoying this nearly as much as I did binging KNY. The cast isn’t nearly as likeable, but I’m still having a good time. It’s not all that fair to make that comparison anyway. The cast for Jujutsu Kaisen is passable. I like some of the main cast, but I feel like they lack the same kind of depth with its main heroine. I know she gets more stuff done in the future chapters, but her backstory so far is, “I had a friend once... No, she’s not dead. She just left our small town.”
The fight scenes are actually so much fun to watch. MAPPA gave this series a lot more time and budget than say that first anime I mentioned. It’s fluid, the camerawork is amazing, the choreography is on-point. 
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The voice acting for this anime is spectacular among the main cast... when character dialogue allows it.
I feel a bit of imbalance, but Yuuji does offer a good protagonist template. Junya Enoki makes his lines so funny and gives this nonchalant approach that is the polar opposite of his performance in Tonikawa. This is definitely his season.
Junichi Suwabe voicing the main demon thing is amazing too. It fits so well, and he sounds so cool and evil. It’s great.
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Gojou is also one badass mentor played by Yuuichi Nakamura. Overpowered, part of the main cast, etc. Insert your reverse Kakashi joke here. Just give him more Sharingan genjutsu, I dare you. 
Yuuma Uchida is back playing another tragic character that’s serious and uptight. I can’t say much more about him.
The opening and ending are both worth listening to even if you don’t want to watch the anime. Lost in Paradise by ALI has been on repeat for me.
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Besides that, I’m going to go over some other anime that I’ve been watching.
Slowly. Slowly but surely. 11/148.
I know this is going to be amazing... I just want to be in the right mood to full savour it. I don’t want to be consumed by stress and not pay attention. The reason why I like a lot of those seasonal anime is because I don’t pay the same kind of attention. 
If you told me these characters’ ages, I probably would’ve believed everyone... except Leorio. The guy looks like a middle-aged money-hungry gangster.
What I would give to have the energy and serotonin of a Shonen Jump protagonist. 
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Haikyuu (YEAH, IT’S GOOD)
I’m watching this one with my mom and sister as they go “OMG OMG OMG” as we watch while I’m sitting there like -_-
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good show, but sports anime are made like shounen battle anime (because they are in a way) with different stakes. I’ve felt more “nervous” about some of the Haikyuu matches than I did with some of the Hunter Exam. Worst case scenario in Haikyuu, you lose the match. Worst case scenario in Hunter x Hunter? You die. 
I knew what I was going to get into when I was watching Haikyuu, and it’s given me what I remembered (since I did watch 10 episodes of it a few years ago) and expected.
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Unfollow me. Unfollow me right now. This is what I’m going to be talking about for the next month. I can feel it. I’ve had this show for like 3 days and watched around 33 episodes along with some of these other titles. I have a problem. I know that, but I don’t feel like fixing it. This show is just too good.
I get why people call this a poor man’s Gintama, but it’s not quite that. I can get the similarities, but it’s like eating an empanada and saying that it’s just like that dumpling you tasted last week. It looks alike on the surface... if you’re not that great at... telling the difference between things... but once you get to the meat of it (PUN HAHA), you realize that they are completely different, and you were a fool for thinking otherwise. 
That’s our main heroine! Go go go!
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Dude, episode 25 hit me out of nowhere, AND I READ THE SPOILERS! I won’t say any more than that.
The cast is one of the best that I’ve seen in a while. Their chemistry is basically the entire show. Without one of the main three, you wouldn’t have the show anymore. It handles its female characters better than some of its fellow competitors at the time, and it may have what some may call a “token fat character”, but the character never makes fun of her for being fat. They make fun of her for saying “Yabasu” every single sentence. It hurts that the manga ended with some loose ends, and this anime isn’t getting a season 2.
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But at its weird and mushy core, this show is about three people with heavy and complex pasts who simply want to help people work out their issues in their own... unique ways. 
I don’t want to say much else, but I wish more people would watch/read it and create/post most content for it even if it’s a bit old because it deserves it. I’m almost a decade late, and this anime still holds up.
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I gave Mairimashita Iruma-kun its own post.
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aestheticsociety111 · 4 years
Social Distancing-- But Make It Aesthetic
A guide to staying in by Tyler. I had fun spending a lot of time on this, i hope you can take away something from it :))
note: photos are NOT mine unless stated that they are
Things you can do anywhere:
Make art: doodle on random pen and paper, make sketches, paint if you have paint! Digital work, collages and sewing projects are also cool to start. Keep your mind and hands busy
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(photo by me, tyler watts)
Journaling: this is such a culturally/historically significant time that we’re in, so write out thoughts, feelings, and document your day to day to look back and remember the current state of things. Writing is a great way to reflect and communicate with yourself!
Meditate: Meditation can take many forms-- yoga, breathing exercises, working on chakra alignment and being still with your thoughts are great ways to detach and focus on spiritual/emotional health.
Watch movies (or should i say films): Netflix, hulu, on-demand, and random gems on YouTube and other websites are great places to find movies to watch. Working through a movie list is fun and keeps you busy!
What I’ve watched thus far→ Fight Club (1999), Portrait of a Lady on Fire (2019), The Vampire Diaries Season 1(2009)
Read books: Reading is a great way to pass the time especially if you don't normally have time for it during regular school. Read an e-book or listen to an audiobook if you don't have any in print with you! Reading is aesthetic because it makes you look and feel smart, which is fun and simple as that.
What I’m reading → This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald (it moves kind of slow but it’s interesting)
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Get famous on social media: make vlogs on youtube, create a twitter. Be resourceful, inventive, and get a following going. A lot of people will be online, so take advantage and create content!!!
Become a Pinterest addict: Enter a well of outfit ideas, photography inspo, corny quotes, recipes, beauty tips, workouts, and more (: You can really spend days at a time on here
Follow me→ @tylerrwatts
Learn all the TikTok dances: I don't think i have to explain this one. You’ll already probably spend hours on this app per day, so while you’re at it try out all the dances on your for you page.
Research astrology: i know a lot about western astrology, so if you want to chat or have someone read your chart just hit me up! Or, download apps like CoStar Astrology or look online here to start beginner’s research.Take what you want from astrology (and don’t take it too seriously) but it is a cool way to pass the time, learn about yourself, your friends, and the stars
Workout: Even if you don’t have equipment, carve out at least ten minutes for something to get your blood flowing (push ups, core circuits, squats, yoga, the aforementioned tik tok dances, etc). Endorphins = good vibes
Become a beauty guru: Even without a ton of palettes or swatches get creative and experiment with makeup if you’re into wearing it. Perfect that wing and paint your nails too!
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Stay hydrated: It’s 2020. America’s favorite pastime is (or at least i think it should be) drinking water! Period
Stay caffeinated: As I learned after not having coffee or caffeinated tea since Tuesday morning, do whatever it takes to survive and maintain that serotonin. I recommend green teas and matcha as well as any form of instant coffee you can find and store long term. BUT, avoid going out to dunkin or starbucks; it’s not that deep
Music: Streaming, vinyls, cassettes, CDs-- whatever you can listen on, vibe out, dance around, and discover new artists
some new albums I recommend: 
- Man Alive! by King Krule
- Kiss My Super Bowl Ring by The Garden
- Eternal Atake by Lil Uzi Vert
my Spotify: tylwat7
the aesthetic society playlist (add some songs): 
Some things if you’re staying at home :
Organize your wardrobe: Put stuff you don't want anymore in a bag for the thrift shop to take later. Create lookbooks and keep track of outfit ideas so people will say, “wow you look great!” when you see them again, and you can pretend like you didn’t spend the last month or so away from your peers focused on one goal: the glow up
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Chef thingz: Make your favorite dishes, drinks, and microwave meals. Get creative, food is friend! Some cool things to eat/drink include:
charcuterie boards: fancy lunchables that are very easy to make if you’re vegan! https://www.spendwithpennies.com/how-to-make-a-charcuterie-board/
Whipped coffee (as seen on tiktok) it’s great, lightweight, sweet coffee 
Fancy oatmeal and/or yogurt
E g g s ( if you are vegan i don't recommend these)
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In Conclusion
I hope you guys can have fun indoors! Keep spirits high and spread positivity <3
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recommendedlisten · 2 years
Album Review: Burial - ‘ANTIDAWN’ EP
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Consider Burial as a soothsayer of these times. On a day where most of the upper east coast would be blanketed with snow, the auspicious electronic producer seemingly knew he had created a soundtrack for the occasion when he announced the project in advance back in November of 2021. The five-track extended play, in all its quiet vacancies and abstract humanity, very much feels like the sound of winter in its day as flurries blow past the window, and on occasion, the otherwise empty streets experience a sign of life. To be alone in our surrounding nature in its most hollowest of elements, yet occasionally experiencing beauty within a peaceful desolation, ANTIDAWN is music to be still with during these dark days, and to keep company with in another wave of real time dread.
Consider ANTIDAWN’s Burial reset at that, as the human legally known as William Bevan -- after having prominently defined the last several years’ of experimental electronic music through bleary, romantically broken soundscapes heard on 2016′s Untrue -- has retreated into the ambient wilderness with ANTIDAWN, a listen primarily devoid of kinetic waves and more so focused on the body in its fully present moment. For that reason, the interpretation of it is more so malleable and up to the individual to feel their way through, although the wind effects, sparkle of echoes, and chiming, frigid prism of “STRANGE NEIGHBORHOOD”, the glow of hymns in crackling nightlight passing through the EP’s title track, or the ceremonial ascent through crystallizing flakes on “SHADOW PARADISE” very much venture into an alternate projection of this world curated by the London producer that mirrors its godawful tunnels.
Though “NEW LOVE” is a reprieve of light where intimacy flourishes in muted drum machines and a heightened flow of serotonin, we ultimately walk back into our own heads and face off once more with surges of darkness on its closer “UPSTAIRS FLAT”. Unlike how ANTIDAWN started, there’s a warmth breathing through its final moments, as if to flicker memory of a world beyond where comoforts are familiar and always within reach. Passing through the uneasy steps to get there are part of what makes the highlights display in vivid color among the disquieted distractions of ambience Burial reminds us must coexist at all times.
Burial’s ANTIDAWN is available now on Hyperdub. Physical | Apple Music | Bandcamp | Spotify
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sohamjagade · 4 years
Things That Make Runwal Gardens Different From Other Places
A description is what makes a place different from other places. So is with Runwal Gardens property in dombivli, where its an integrated township built within a 5 min walk from all your necessities in life. Be it from an 11-acre central park, 1800+trees, 100+amenities, 14+ Gardens, and a home with 95% HHQ (Home Health Quotient). Here are 10 things that make the Runwal project in dombivali different from other places,
1 . Built Within A 5 Min Walk
Yes, you heard it right. An integrated township built within a 5 min walk from everything you will ever need. Be it schools, essential shops, recreational centers, green spaces,co-working spaces hospitals, etc everything just within a 5 min space from your dwelling. Runwal Gardens brings you a wholesome township that decreases your carbon footprints by everything you need within your reach.  
Runwal Gardens includes a proposed multispeciality center along with RR Hospital, Icon Hospital, and AIMS Hospital.  A proposed R- Mall with Xperia Mall and Dmart, Educational institutions such as Ira Global School, Omkar Cambridge International School, Sriram School, and a proposed renowned school. Even petrol pumps and gas stations like Bharat Petroleum Petrol Pump and Mahanagar Gas Station CNG Pump close by. 
2. Located on Kalyan Shilpata Road 
Runwal Gardens built rightfully on the Kalyan-Shil Road gives the dwellers all the more reason to choose Runwal Gardens as their home. It gives an easy commute to Kalyan, Dombivli, Ambernath, Thane, Vashi, and other places. Upcoming new construction in dombivli such as the expansion of Kalyan-Shil Road, excellent Metro connectivity, MMC for fast track travel, reduced travel time to Central suburbs with Airoli-Katai Tunnel Road, and Thane-Mankoli bridge for augmenting connectivity to Thane. 
3. 11 Acre Central Park
The soul of the township breathtaking Central Park spread over 11 acres. With such capacious spaces, the dwellers can enjoy lush greenery, take up health and fitness activities, meet friends, and built a bond, play, and live an active life with your family. 
4. 1800+ Trees
Runwal Gardens gives you a home in viridity of 1800+ trees. Living close to nature can boost your cortisol levels, pulse rates, blood pressure, glucose levels, and the serotonin-melatonin balance which are both fundamental and vital.  Its a paradise on earth to live amidst lush green neighborhoods in a growing polluted city. Living in proximity to green spaces and to be precise green spaces with 1800+ trees can increase impact highly on your mental health and vitality by lowering stress and increasing positivity. 
5. 100+ Amenities
You must have heard of townships with multiple, but a township with 100+ amenities? Unbelievable! Runwal Gardens by runwal group dombivli will make you believe in offering 100+ amenities. Apart from the general amenities often found in other townships, Amenities at Runwal Gardens are divided among sections with some of the highlighting one-of-its-kind amenities like,
Central Park Amenities with a Central Piazza, Multi-sports Arena, Amphitheatre, Jogging Track, Cycling Track, Natural Water Holding Pond, Yoga Deck, Cultural Event Zone, Kids Play Area, Chess Plaza, Toddler Park, Health Kiosks, Play Ground, Floral Plantation, Gazebo With Seating, Skating Rink, Teens Play Area, Pet Zone, Yoga Cabanas, Star Gazing Deck with Telescope, etc
Cluster Amenities indulges in entertainment amenities like Basket Ball Court, Temple, Senior Citizen Area, Jogging Tracks, Yoga Zone, Amphitheatre, Outdoor Gym, Kids Play Area, Seating Alcoves, Plaza, Multipurpose Court, Reading Zone, Doodle Corner, Bonfire Area, Organic Farming and Flag Hoisting Area. 
An R- Clubhouse made to elevate you from the basic idea of clubhouses. It includes a Swimming Pool, a separate Indoor Pool for Women, and much more. 
6. 14+ Gardens 
Speak of open green spaces, Runwal Gardens lays out 14+ Gardens in the township itself like Reflexology Garden, French Garden, Maze Garden, Sculpture Garden, Seasonal Garden, Cacti Garden, Bonsai Garden, Hammock Garden, Flower Garden, Herbs Garden, Zion Gateway, Arbust Garden, Conservatory Garden, Blossoms (Floral Garden), Hedge Row (Hedge Garden), Bulbs and Tubers Garden. 
7. Homes with 95% HHQ
Amidst the pandemic, everyone understood the importance of a healthy home. Runwal Gardens bring you homes with Green Spaces, Healthy neighborhood, spacious and airy homes, and an eco-friendly design leading to a 95% HHQ.  
8. Co-Working Spaces 
A township that actually fulfills even your work from home needs by giving you world-class office spaces freeing you from commuting issues. Even in times like now, working spaces in the vicinity can free you from working at home. 
9 . Multi-Tier Security
With a township spread across acres, Runwal Gardens brings you a multi-tier security system and processes. The undivided township is covered by CCTV Cameras and security personnel. In case of any emergencies such as fire breakouts, water, or gas leakages the IoT - township’s smart technology prevails the dweller to take proactive actions. 
10. Smart Living
Runwal Gardens is built by the well-known Hafeez Contractor who is known for its architecture and smart living. The township is therefore built with sensible use of land to build a substantial city that bridges the gap between increasing pollution and healthy living. All the flats are built to be defined as a spacious, airy, and aesthetically-pleasing apartments.
Dombivli is one of the most sought-after areas to live in. With Runwal Gardens strategically located there, it itself becomes different from other places to invest and new residential projects in dombivali. 
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solaciummeae · 6 years
< | Filed Under: | the Tomorrow People >
In Post Series, a certain kind of bond is revealed in the homosuperior race. While it is completely natural, it is quite rare. The bond typically forms when two paranormals lock eyes who have a powerful connection to one another. It would seem that it happens at random but there’s a certain level of fate tied to those few individuals who have experienced this profound connection. 
In most cases, when the bond is formed, it’s immediate so more often than not happens between strangers meeting for the first time. Most of these relationships develop into romance due to the very deeply intimate and personal nature of the connection.
Once the link has been made, there are certain traits that come with it:
[ Constant Connection ]
The link once made is all but permanent[*see below*]. Both people involved are not only constantly in communication with the other telepathically, they cannot shut it off. There is no way to block the signal as it were of two paranormals with this kind of bond. This can be useful for sharing information quickly, but likewise can be problematic when trying to conceal something from the other. There are three different realms of contact.
+ Mental: The sharing of thoughts and mental processes on such a deep level that one does not need to actively be saying or thinking anything for the other to understand what their intent is. When desired, these individuals are capable of appearing where the other is as an astral projection of themselves, though they are not physically there. + Emotional: There is a strong emotional link between both homosuperiors. It goes beyond empathy as one is capable of feeling everything that the other is feeling just as it is with no barrier of individualism. For that reason they are better suited to send feelings back to counteract them should there be a need. + Physical: There is a typically subtle physical connection between both paranormals. This can be amplified in extreme moments, whether registering physical pain from the other or a shared sense of pleasure in more intimate acts. In situations of the former, one would feel the pain from the injury but not have physical evidence of said wound. This also goes for mental attacks as well. There is also always a strong physical pull to each other, regardless of how far apart they are.
[ Teleportation Location ]
Along with all of the effects of the connection on them as beings, one perk of this bond is specific to teleportation. Due to the almost tangible pull to each other, one homosuperior is able to teleport to the other in a single jump from wherever they are to the other, regardless of the distance between them, and regardless of whether or not they know where that person is. All the need do is focus on their connection and jumping, and they will land in the exact location as their counterpart. The catch however, is that it’s almost a one way ticket. In the case of being a great distance apart, one jump will suffice for the jump to them, but then to return to wherever they’d been, they must make as many jumps as it would take at a normal pace and length.
[ Chemical Reactions ]
Due to the very essential level of these types of connections, there are chemical reactions that take place within the brain between the two individuals. When two such paranormals are physically closer it is a catalyst for the brain to release certain chemicals. Depending on the situation, these chemicals are an amplification of appropriate needs. Typically when the two are physically close it releases varying levels of serotonin which can result in feelings of deep peace, happiness, and security. Or in more specific situations, can help promote good rest during sleep or euphoria during sexual intimacy. For this reason, being close can be quite beneficial. Sleeping in the same space while not only giving optimum rest can actually aid in the healing process as the body fully recharges and recuperates.
[ Dream Walking ]
While being able to enter another person’s mind just like any other homosuperior, these particular paranormals are adept at the visiting and sharing of dreams. If apart, the last one to fall asleep of the two will end up in the other’s dream. If together, they dream acts as a shared space between the two that they can interact in as though they were still awake. They are very much lucid dreams and able to be controlled. Due to the chemical reactions in the brain which take place when two such homosuperiors sleep together, the dreamscape becomes more peaceful and serene the longer the two occupy it. At a certain point, it becomes a kind of haven, a paradise within their minds. With breathtaking scenery of whatever speaks to them as individuals, and an atmosphere of light and happiness, these shared dreams are the closest thing to heaven on earth that homosuperiors can experience.
Due to their unique and rare occurrence, these bonds are looked on with a deep reverence by elders of their kind and those who know of it. Legends have been passed down secretly throughout the years-- homosuperiors having been around for much longer than most would think. It is said that those with this kind of connection come in times of need and are destined for some kind of greatness. As such, when this does happen, it isn’t taken lightly. There is a reason for the connection. These two souls are bonded throughout lifetimes and are driven together by cosmic forces.
The only way to sever this kind of connection is for one of those involved to die. Upon death, the bond is broken, leaving the paranormal left standing to feel a pain akin to losing their powers altogether. Because they are tied on every level, there’s a very intense sensation of the brain and heart tearing apart when one of the pair is lost. The one still standing is left to feel hollow and in shock, their mind focused solely on the person that they lost and emptiness left behind in the wake of the lost connection. Make no mistake, regardless of how such a relationship began, the loss of this bond is grave. It’s like losing the most important half of yourself, so that you don’t remember what or who you are without it. 
[Note:] In the case of revival the connection is not re-formed until their eyes meet again. Likewise, if met in the afterlife-- the connection would be renewed when the second of the pair passed on.
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CREDIT ALSO GOES TO @deadbeatcentral. She helped me come up with all of this, it’s just as much hers as mine. The image is of one pair of our muses who share this kind of bond in the TTP verse.
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go-our-own-ways · 4 years
Today B-PROJECT and KiLLER KiNG have come in CLUTCH and absolutely made my day T^T)b I was supposed to be getting paperwork done but I got 100% derailed for the best possible reasons <3 
Currently having serotonin directly injected into my bloodstream via KiLLER KiNG through my ears LOL jdfijasoifuowe THEY JUST MAKE ME SO HAPPY LATELY... 
At long last I have their version of Eikyuu Paradise, and I found their anime DVD tokutens on bili, so I’m listening to those right now too, and I’m just...so HAPPY...
PLUS Harupyon came home AGAIN, so now I have both his King of Caste ~Sneaking Shadow~ ID card AND his King of Caste ~Bird in the Cage~ badge... You best bet I did a little happy dance in my room and then immediately added the button to my little Taku shrine LOL Honestly I can’t believe my luck...I’m so thankful... Even when I played the rhythm game, while my luck wasn’t the best per se, but Harupyon almost always came home after a few pulls, so I just...sldkfjalsj I’m so glad he’s still coming home even though we don’t have the game anymore... ;____; <3 
Quite some time ago, when I suddenly got catapulted into Harupyon hell, I went and bought some Harupyon merch, which incidentally also included a glittery version of his King of Caste ~Sneaking Shadow~ button. I don’t know if this button came with CDs too, or if it’s something that was sold at AGF, but at any rate...now I have like all possible iterations of Harupyon’s KoC art, probably LMAO...and I am so thankful T^T)b 
Even if it’s kind of silly, I’d like to think he came home with both of these King of Caste CDs to tell me that everything will be okay... Thank you so much Harupyon for showing me that it’ll be okay...that I’ll be able to get through all of this... ;___; <3 
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Petri just left us a 5-Star Review for her new Teatime Terrace vacation home! Feel free to browse our new and improved Paradise Portfolio at RA-9670-2372-1766.
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NOTICE: After finally achieving Superstar Designer, the Resident Representative of Serotonin has updated their Happy Home Paradise Portfolio! Feel free to browse our new and improved selection of facilities and vacation homes. Half-off drinks at Juke Rusty's when you participate in the Serotonin Gyroid Adoption Program!✨️
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Attention Guests, Residents, & Music Fans: Due to yesterday's Fishing Tourney, K.K. slid his weekly visit over to Sunday and is performing tonight! Requests start at 6pm EST, so be sure to stop by the Plaza before midnight tonight to see him live. Grab a free glow stick while supplies last, and ask our Resident Representative about merch orders.
DODO Code will be posted on Nookazon at 6pm today, so check back for updates!
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Attention Guests & Residents: Due to the growing success of the Gyroid Adoption Program, Serotonin will now be open weekly for events and tours. Check our blog or Nookazon listings to stay tuned for more details, and don't forget to claim your free gyroid during your next visit!
Can't wait? Dream about Serotonin today, and check out our Paradise Portfolio to browse our new and improved selection of properties at any time.
We hope you enjoy your time on Serotonin!✨️
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Attention Paradise Visitors: The Collector's Gallery is now open above Fresco's café! Admission is free for patrons and those passing by, so come check it out today!
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Grand Reopening!
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Serotonin is now open to visitors!
Come visit this fall, and recieve a free gyroid with every trade. DIY recipes, K.K. Slider songs, and rare/seasonal items will be available during special events hosted throughout the season. Follow us for more updates!
We hope you enjoy your time on Serotonin!
Nookazon @ nylocke
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