#the shrooms are VERY fragile do NOT touch them
spriteadjacent · 1 year
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it is done
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lydiamoved · 3 years
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“the mycologist” is a short story influenced by a 2021 news story of a man who accidentally sends himself to the hospital after injecting himself with shrooms. in this story we follow anne, a mycologist who becomes obsessed with the idea of injecting herself with the insides of fungi - an obsession that costs her her job, as well as some of her humanity. you can read it below - i hope you enjoy!
She knew the risks, as did everyone else. Hell, she could still hear them warning her against what she was planning to do, the way their faces contorted in some strange disgust that was foreign to her – and her line of study.  
Mycology – that’s what the glass paneling of her building said, proudly and in large bold letters. Mycology, and here she was, the head of the department, the dictionary of fungi for all the others who worked underneath her and couldn’t be bothered to remember certain names or attributes. Really, it moved her, the number of doctors and specialists she oversaw day-in and day-out, who paled instantly in comparison to her; everyone who watched her and clapped for her and worshipped her, all turned to cardboard cutouts whenever she opened her mouth, their own words made into a slurry of syllables until she left and allowed them to go back to their meaninglessness. But also, it annoyed her, how these soup-mouthed, so-called specialists, stared at her when she announced her plans. How they all, every last one of them!, managed to wipe the smile off her face with the way they gawked and waited for her punchline.  
“I’m going to inject myself with a fungus,” and? Must it always be followed by an and? It frustrated her, the need for clear-cut results and outcomes, and for once, for once, she would kill to experience a project with a bit of danger! When their reactions greeted her, she became even more determined, the days slowly bleeding into each other as she worked every hour she could, until every hour felt and looked the same. A month had passed, and she had not yet discovered that her eyesight had begun to dim, or that the cramp in her hand was permanent. Her working days, which was every day, were now accompanied by the grumbles of her coworkers, the way they said her name – Anne, in that sighed out way that meant pity. Their sympathy, she knew, was false and forced, a little lie they hoped she wouldn’t detect out of her own desperation.  
She saw through all of them, and they knew.
Naturally, after the condolences had gone around, she was asked into the Dean’s office for a short, friendly conversation. The request made her feel cold, and the walk to the office chilled her to the bone. She stared at pale yellow walls that fell into a mossy, moldy green. The chair she sat in scratched at her legs when she shifted, the fur feeling more like torture than comfort. The air felt stiff, the discomfort building in her arms and chest until she needed to scream. She felt her jaw unclench, forcefully, and her mouth pry itself open bit by bit, until her tongue went cold with a flood of fresh air, and –
Reality flooded back to her, and she looked up. “That’s me,” and the woman in front of her nodded and gave her the go ahead, a shaky smile. Anne got up from her seat and went into the office, where another scratchy seat waited for her. This time, she didn’t sit; her nails slid into the wooden frame of the chair as if they belonged there, and she stood tense.
The Dean was an older woman, kind in her voice and kinder with her actions. She sat behind the desk that shielded her from acts of passion, but she welcomed any warm response, often initiating the hug or bundle of tissues. Today, she hoped, there would be reason to celebrate, and so she began with a smile.  
“You’re one of our top professors. I hope you know that.”  
She knew. She nodded.
“We don’t want to have to let you go,” and the Dean paused, taking a breath and looking down at her notes as if she forgot something. But, “But, you’re scaring some of the other professors.”
Anne’s chest tightened.
“I can’t begin to tell you how many reports we have, detailing the same behavior.”
Anne’s hands began to shake, her own words slow from her mouth.
The Dean continued, “if you resign, I’ll write you a recommendation letter to anywhere. I will make sure you get an outstanding position, I promise you –” and the rest of her words sounded like background noise. Anne’s ears flooded with static, her nails digging into the chair until they splintered instead of the wood. She heard very little afterwards: something about being transferred, the promise of being remembered, a very short you just can’t work here anymore, and all she could do was nod. The Dean waited a moment, and then stood from her seat behind her desk. “I hope you understand,” and when Anne nodded again, “we’ll be in touch, okay? All you need to do is secure another position and leave the rest to me.” A hand touched Anne’s shoulder, a little slow to deliver the comfort it was supposed to give, and then it was gone. Anne was shuffled out of the building, the door closing behind her, as quick as she had arrived.
The position she was promised came within a month or two of being asked to leave, and within this month Anne had found herself once again. This job wasn’t based around fungi – her old Dean had recommended something less science-based, for fear of Anne becoming knee-deep in her obsession once more, and so she had traded in her laboratory space for a cubicle, the goggles and lab coat for a nice suit and ballpoint pen, and she settled down once more for an occupation that made her fingers cramp and her mind shrink with disinterest. But the obsession never left her mind; it left a stain between her brain and her mouth, forcing itself between every other interest and her work. She found herself sketching down her plans, her desktop now full of searches of the easiest growing mushrooms, of the fastest growing, the slowest, and so forth. Orders were made, buttons clicked, and boxes shipped to where she lived, and her obsession slowly came into fruition. Her home was now a laboratory in its own right, a little makeshift in design, but it worked all the same: in one corner, a long table held six different bottles of various lengths, each filled with some strangely colored liquids; near her door, the lab coat she threw on whenever she got home, waited patiently for her arms to run through its sleeves; on the kitchen stove and counters, where food should have been, were boxes of that were labeled “FRAGILE” on their sides.  
Anne got home from work a little later than she had wanted and got to work immediately. First, she was to pick which fungi she would use. Lion’s mane was too loose and willow-like, it would be irritating to touch, she thought. Mealy tooth, Hydnellum ferrugineum, was too ugly for her to even consider. Slowly, she went through a list, Amanita franchetii, Calocera cornea, until she finally found the one she wished to take and inject. A beautiful thing, more beautiful than the others she had liked, Hydnellum peckii, Devil’s Tooth, with droplets that exuded from its pink and fertile undersurface. Not poisonous, but not exactly edible, it was perfect – something safe, something that won’t kill her, something that would change her body, but leave her virtually unharmed and unscathed. The other fungi were unpacked and planted in their own respective pots, and the Devil’s Tooth was left in its packaging, where it would wait until its time had come to be poked and prodded.
Second came the experiment itself. Her hypothesis was written out, I predict that when injected with fungi, Hydnellum peckii, I will gain some attributes of this fungi, and now all Anne needed to do was prove herself right. She grabbed a tourniquet from her table, wrapping it around her arm until a vein was visible. Then came the sterilization of her skin, a little gauze drenched in rubbing alcohol, then her skin was made shiny with the new cold dampness. A syringe, fresh and sterile, was brandished against one of the fungi's droplets, and she pulled the handle towards her. Red, strawberry-blood liquid filled the syringe almost immediately, and she smiled to herself, a mutter of finally on her tongue. Finally, finally, finally, the needle was steadily pushed against her skin, into the vein – Anne winced, a little bit of ache worked through – and the contents were emptied into her bloodstream.
Immediately, there was calm. And immediately, Anne bent forwards over her table, the empty syringe dropping to the floor and her hands slamming on the wood. Pain coursed through her body, uncomfortable, and yet it felt as if it belonged there, and then settled. Her mouth was open, as if waiting for a yell or scream to leave, but it never came. Slowly, she straightened out, and began to clean up.
Three days had passed since her experiment, and disappointment was beginning to set in. There had been no results, or anything visible, so to say, from the fungi, except for a bit of nausea that came and went. Anne had gone to work, the same as any other day, and returned home to check her face, her arms and legs, for any sign of change, and then - same as always: nothing new to log. Quickly, she became frustrated. She considered giving up her profession altogether and committing herself to her new mundanity. She thought heavily about throwing away her syringes and beakers, her notebooks and experiment notes, and for once in her career, she felt uneasy. This failure, if she were quick to call it that, felt wrong. Anne checked her notes. She checked her measurements and rechecked after that. Everything was correct, everything was done in the right order, with nothing left behind or overdone, so why was there no change?
 A week had passed since her experiment, a week of mundane living. Nothing but a few aches here and there plagued Anne, and nothing was written down as interesting or special. However, on the beginning of the new week, the normalcy broke. It started faint and almost as nothing, with a bit of red pus oozing from her neck in the shape of a burst pimple. Immediately she was excited for this - something new, something fresh! It was underneath her jaw, the red river that flowed from her skin and stained almost everything she touch, and proved itself to be more of a nuisance than anything. Then the aches and pains started again, this time a bit stronger than before. Soon, she was unable to stand for longer than a few moments without being attacked in her side by a sharp jolt. Within the week, the red oozing spot grew larger, and the pains more frequent, often knocking Anne off her feet and sending her to lay in her bed, where she felt most comfortable and relaxed. Beneath her sheets was warm and soft, the perfect place to house her body just in case any other effects decided to come when she least expected them. Her occupation was forgotten, her mind taken up with how her body finally reacted to the fungi, how her hands shook when she attempted to write in her journal, how her eyes watered when she managed to stand for a mere few moments. Despite these changes, and despite the pain she felt, Anne enjoyed every moment of it. She reveled in the fact that she, herself, had done something deemed impossible and – more importantly – proven her old coworkers wrong. Now, Anne was correct in her experiment. She was correct, and she knew herself to be better than those who shamed her.
After another week, these effects had stopped. The oozing went away overnight, as if it had never happened, and the pains had subsided. She was expected to be at work once more, a duty neglected over the last few days in favor of her own experiments and thoughts. Returning was a dreadful deed, unwanted and frankly unneeded, but she did it anyways. She could barely focus to the words of anyone, to her customers who called or the coworkers who spoke to her or in her general direction. Curiosity had overtaken her, and slight disappointment had replaced the excitement she had felt once again. Why had the fungi’s effects only lasted for a week? She thought, both to herself and to any coworker who would allow her to tell them of the events. Why did they not continue? Why did they stop so suddenly? These questions puzzled her and even troubled her, making Anne scratch her head with a fierceness. Then, a curiosity overtook her: what if she injected herself with too little of the substance? What if she needed more, in order to experience full, more robust effects? Then another thought overtook her: what if she mixed the fungi with another, different specimen? What would happen then? Would she remain as human as she was now, or would she transform entirely into some pain-filled, oozing mess?  
Once work had ended, once Anne had reached home, the curiosity took hold of her once more. It seeped into her bones and sat in her skull like some old friend, banging against her brain - the interest, the intrigue, made her dizzy until she returned to the boxes of fungi, returned to the putrid and smelly things, and grabbed the first one that caught her eye: Hygrophorus eburneus, Cowboy’s Handkerchief. Because of the other fungi packed along with it, this one smelled putrid, the scent filling Anne’s nose and making her cheeks bulge. She wretched and gagged as she removed it from the box, the waxy head brushing against her hands and adding more to the discomfort she already felt. But here she was, consumed with curiosity, with want, and so she pushed through it. Again, she remade her laboratory in her home. Again, she sterilized a syringe and needle, and again she wrapped her arm with tourniquet and carefully, slowly, watched as the syringe inhaled the waxy substance inside the fungi. Then, she watched as the needle-syringe expelled the substance into her ready vein. This time, the effects hit quicker than the first. In an instant, a burning sensation filled her arm, and the wound where the needle penetrated spewed some red-white goo. Anne bent over once more, a pain filling her abdomen and then slowly crawling through her entire body; she opened her mouth and spittle dripped from the side of her lips. She screamed, silently, then lowered her body to the floor, and then, something strange happened - she laughed.
Anne laughed, gentle at first, then a bit louder as she gripped her stomach. Her nails dug into her skin, adding to the pain she already felt, and to stop laughing felt worse than anything she’d ever felt. Anne laughed, and from the needle-syringe wound, still spouting red-yellow ooze, grew a new plant. This intrigued Anne, just as the original oozing had intrigued her. Once again everything else was neglected, and this new plant became her only priority; she watched over it, cared for it the same as she would care for any plant. Once again, she found herself sinking back into bed due to pains that afflicted her, and once again the oozing returned, her own humanity thrown away for the fungi she injected herself with. She found herself calling out of work too often, and her supervisor calling her home even more so.  
“Anne,” she would always begin with a sigh, “you cannot just abandon your desk.” And she would rant on how good workmanship was required for this position, and she would question if Anne actually wanted this second chance at a normal, mundane job. Anne would laugh at her, sometimes under her breath, sometimes aloud.  
“I’m doing great things,” she would tell her supervisor. “I am doing things you can only dream of doing, and I won’t be persuaded into coming back there.”
Her supervisor sighed again, then would hang up the phone without another word or thought. Within the week, Anne received another call that she had been fired, and would be required to pick up her things sooner rather than later.
Finally, Anne thought, she was free to focus on her mission. Finally, she was free to document her fleeting humanity, the plant that grew from her side growing stronger and healthier and more beautiful each day, the oozing becoming almost unbearably putrid as it gushed from her neck. Soon more syringes found their way inside her veins, filled with puss and ooze and gushing stuff from other fungi. She digested the leaves of raw plants, even split them open and drank the water from inside them. Anything she could do to consume them, to speed up the effects, Anne would try, until finally she realized she could no longer. When the pain had become too great, when the way she doubled over caused a permanent stitch in her side, she stopped. When the plant that grew from her broke off and attached itself to her foot, where it grew multiple different children, she stopped. When her humanity had found its final leg, and she was bedridden due to the pain, to the way bile rose and down in her throat whenever she stood up and tried to walk, Anne’s experiment was complete.
Still, she laughed. When she vomited red and white ooze, she laughed. Underneath her warm sheets, covered in a thin layer of sweat and puss, she laughed to herself, until new plant matter and fungi grew inside her throat, and she could laugh no longer.
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carnalpleasure · 3 years
Part 2 of hospital!jim x reader 🏩 i didnt plan on writing a part two so lets see where this goes!!
warnings: drug mention, hospital mention, lots of angst?
Cupid & Psych
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You and Jim spent the rest of the night talking. He filled you in on what life was like in Palos Verdes. It was vastly different from your life in Santa Monica, even though the cities were only 40 minutes away from each other.
You chose to live in Santa Monica though. Poor Jim never had a choice when his parents moved him and his twin sister to the most stuck up city in LA county. The locals guarded their beaches more fiercely than wolf packs guard their territory. A rabid wolf wouldn’t stand a chance against a PV soccer mom.
Santa Monica was the polar opposite. It proudly shared its shore with the misfits of Venice Beach. They had everything from ferris wheels and roller coasters to freak shows and street performers. The residents were just as unique and eccentric as the city.
Almost every building was covered in street art. Some of it legal, most of it not. But all of it was beautiful to you. That’s why you chose to run away here.
But restarting your life didn’t bring you the kind of excitement and freedom you thought it would. No matter where you moved, your demons packed their emotional baggage and came too. And that’s how you ended up in the emergency room of the UCLA Health Center.
Jim talked for hours about his adventures with the Bay Boys. They were his only escape from his hellish home life. He idolized a few of them. Not just for their surfing skills, but for their freedom and their pride.
They didn’t care when some pissed off old people started yelling at them to get off the cliffs. Or when angry locals threatened to call the cops on them for playing their music too loud. They didn’t worry, they just flipped them off and partied harder.
But the best thing about hanging with the boys? They always had something around to take the edge off. Liquor, pills, weed, it didn’t matter. He wanted to try it all. And he did. And that’s how he ended up in the emergency room of the UCLA Health Center.
You’d had plenty of your own experiences with drugs. Anyone could walk down the Venice strip and easily meet some old hippie holding shrooms, acid, oxy... whatever the vice, it could be found in Venice. So for every shameful drug induced story he shared with you, you had one to match. And he was so relieved to have someone he could relate to.
The two of you quickly came to realize how many similarities you shared. You were the same age, although he was a few months older. You both loved being in the ocean, even in the winter. You both had neurotic moms and absent dads who preferred their new families. You were both young, lost, alone, and looking for a way out.
Your family was just as dysfunctional as his. Chaos had always surrounded your home like a curse and you got away from there the first chance you got. And now you avoided them like a virus.
But Jim wasn’t so lucky. Tomorrow he would be going back home to take care of his manic depressive mother. And he’d have to put on a brave face for his sister, even though he thought she was so much stronger than he was.
“She has it hard too,” his said with a frown. “My mom treats her like shit.. because she’s young, I guess?” he shrugged, sighing softly. “I don’t know. But it’s different. My mom puts pressure on her to look nice. Yeah, that sucks. But she’s got me doing everything with her now,” he groaned.
You were both lying in your beds now. There was barely a foot of space separating the beds, but you were both lying on the very edges, as close as you could possibly get to each other.
He was lying curled up in a relaxed fetal position, his face resting comfortably on the pillow and his hands tucked under. And you were lying on your side, propped up on your elbow to get a better view of him.
You were mindlessly playing with your hair, running your hands through the length of it and curling it around your fingers. You didn’t notice yourself doing it, but he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
You could see his eyes getting sleepy now. His blinks becoming slower, more drawn out as he fought to keep them open. Neither of you wanted to fall asleep tonight. It was like an unspoken agreement. You just kept taking turns talking to try to keep each other up.
“It’s not easy being.. Mommy’s Favorite,” he said sarcastically, cringing at the name and pouting.
“It’s like a full time fucking job.. all these new responsibilities. I’m paying bills and balancing checkbooks and I don’t even know what the fuck I’m doing.”
You could see him getting worked up. He was talking faster, his brows furrowed, and his bottom lip trembled. There was so much anger in his eyes but he looked like he just wanted to cry.
“I’m not ready,” his voice cracked.
Without thinking, you immediately got up from your bed and crawled into his. He slid back to make room for you, holding the lightweight blanket open until you were safely tucked away under it with him.
He pulled you into his arms from behind and you curled into his body. He broke down the instant he got his arms around you. You could hear his quiet sobs as he buried his face in your neck. You could feel his tears softly rolling down your skin.
He was holding you so tight, his whole body formed to match the curve of yours. You turned to roll over so you could face him. He quickly hid his face in your chest, and you held it close, running your fingers through his hair and up and down his neck softly.
That seemed to soothe him pretty quick. After a few minutes of lying with his head pressed to your chest, listening to your heartbeat, feeling your fingertips on his skin.. his breathing relaxed and his tears stopped.
The feeling of your fingertips brushing against his skin made him feel better than any high. You kissed the top of his head and he thought his heart was going to burst through his chest.
When he finally got all the tears out, his eyes fluttered up at you to gauge your reaction. He’d never cried in front of a girl before, besides his sister. He was basically trained to put on a happy face all the time and never show any unpleasant emotions. He almost felt mortified for letting you see him like that.
You just smiled down at him lovingly and let him wrap himself around you. His legs intertwined with yours and he rested his head on your chest. He closed his eyes, and you thought he might finally drift off to sleep. But he took a deep breath and quietly continued.
“She keeps calling me the man of the house.” He sounded so sad the way he said it. He needed to vent and you were the first person he felt comfortable enough sharing any of this with.
He couldn’t even talk like this with Medina anymore. She didn’t treat him the same anymore. She treated him more like a kid. It felt like she was always judging him now. For his choices, his habits, his friends. He always felt like he disappointed her.
“Really-“ he hesitated before finishing his thought, looking up at you nervously. You kissed the tip of his nose and that was more than enough to comfort him. “Really.. I think she’s just using me as a stand in for the husband she can’t let go of..”
He said it so quietly. There was fear in his eyes. It was the first time he’d ever admitted it to himself or to anyone. He could never say it out loud because it made him feel so guilty to think about his mom that way.
You ran your fingers lazily up and down his back, dragging your nails gently. You just wanted to take his mind off everything somehow. Give him a distraction. A different feeling to focus on.
His hospital gown was loosely tied at the top. You tugged on one of the strings until the knot unraveled and the back of his gown fell open, exposing his sun-kissed skin.
His muscles were firm and toned from all the paddling against the waves. Yet his skin was baby soft. He had freckles all across his back and shoulders. You traced your fingers over the little constellations, playing connect the dots with his beauty marks.
Your fingertips trailed lazily across his shoulders and down his spine. He just signed, easing in to the feeling of your touch. Resting his head comfortably on your breasts and nuzzling his face into them. He closed his eyes and a little yawn escaped his lips.
“Go to sleep, Jimmy,” you whispered tenderly in his ear before placing a soft kiss on his temple. He smelt like vanilla.
“I don’t wanna leave you,” he whimpered into your chest, shaking his head.
It melted your heart and then broke it. You’d been avoiding thinking about it all night, but the sky was already getting lighter out. You were going to be split up in just a few hours. As much as you wanted to hope for a happy ending, you didn’t expect this prince to come back for you.
You were still searching for something to say back when you felt his arms tighten around your waist. “Stay with me,” his voice was soft, almost fragile.
You had to say something to soothe him but you didn’t want to lie to him either. It physically hurt you to see how much he needed someone to love him. And god, you would’ve been the best at it.
If you had met each other under normal circumstances, you would’ve dated. Fallen in love. Made a family of your own together. And you’d never fuck it up. Your kids would be happy.
You may have been given a second chance at life, but you weren’t that lucky.
“I’m right here, baby. You can go to sleep, I’m right here,” you carefully assured him. You kissed the top of his head and brushed your fingers tenderly across his cheek. He nestled into your chest and your steady heartbeat slowly lulled him right to sleep.
But you didn’t dare fall asleep that night. You were in bed with an angel and you were going to cherish every last moment you had with him.
He’d spent the first few days watching you sleep, falling for you before he ever got to know you. And now here he was, spending his last few hours sleeping in your arms.
You couldn’t help but feel like Juliet, holding her late lover’s body for the last time. And you could understand now why she drove a dagger through her heart right after.
She was right. Parting is such sweet sorrow.
💕taglist: @sexwon131 @jimmason @whatcodysaid @theneverendinghunger @angelicmichael @thewarriorprincessxo (lemme know if u wanna be removed! xo)
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rwbwby · 3 years
drank some shroom tea tonight so i could meditate before bed and see if it works well prepared that way and now i’m crying thinking about the historical lives of the people whose bodies or artifacts are in museums. like, that’s insane to me. each one of them was a person. each one of them probably had inside jokes with their friends, and they all had that one friend because every friend group is required to have it. you know the friend i mean. these people had real fears just like us. they felt like they couldn’t go on through life like we do. they felt stuck, they reached out beyond the stars, or prayed to gods below their feet, or all around in every rock, every tree, every river, and they let their voices carry such sorrow, such fragility, such worry, such resounding despair that perhaps it shook the halls of the gods, wherever they were, or disturbed the spirits of the restless dead, or resonated with the elemental forces of the earth, and when we feel trapped just like them, hopeless, losing our faith in whatever we’ve managed to grasp for so long, we ought to think of those wayward souls. we ought to remember those whose names are lost to us, those who have come before us and have fought and struggled, but still found time for games. they still carried their elders, their sick and injured, even back in the days when our ancestors and the Neanderthals could have lived side-by-side if they wanted to. no doubt, some even did. and the gods of old, they looked down upon us with eyes opened by divine wisdom and immune to the heaviness of old age which will never touch them—unless you believe some of the stories they tell—and even this sentiment is not unique. how many aspiring archaeologists, back in the days of the antiquarians who stole and defiled to make their riches or profess their legitimacy above “savage” former peoples—how many of the defectors, the first to start the field down a more moral path, how many of them placed their thumb over the thumbprint of some ancient human and felt tears welling up in their eyes? what would it feel like, to look upon an ancient, unearthed weapon upon its discovery in those days and see how lovingly it was crafted, how the haft was balanced just so and you could almost feel a little piece of its creator’s very soul baked into the metal?
how many ghosts do we pass each day without noticing? how many pieces of someone’s soul do we connect with on some level, going about our day-to-day lives? what will the future generations know about us? i am fascinated to someday find out. i hope some piece of me is put to good use, so in whatever small way, i can be remembered, and i can see how we turn out.
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
You love reading. You have hazel eyes. You love camping. You dress in bright colors. Your favorite subjects in school are/were Creative Writing and Art.
You have dyed your hair pink before. You enjoy going shopping. You love chai tea. You are artistic. You love macaroni and cheese. You’ve cried yourself to sleep. You wish you could travel more. You’ve questioned your sexuality. You’re a good dancer. You’re a good singer. You have neat handwriting. You look significantly younger than you are. You don’t watch TV. You love smoothies. You love fruit. You are fascinated by stars. You are fascinated by sunsets. You like to play in the rain. You feel lonely. You love caramel apple cider. You like to try new things. You hurt inside. You write in a diary. You can run fast. You can lick the tip of your nose. You’re double jointed. You love to worship. You are shy at times. You appreciate beauty. You’re asexual. You’ve been bullied. You love summer camp. You’ve encountered the supernatural. You’ve wowed people with your talent. You have regrets. It’s painful to think about your past. You often feel exhausted. You love strawberries. You love lasagna. You look like your mom.
Bold what you like Italics what you have tried but don’t enjoy..
01. Key Lime Pie 02. Tater Tots 03. Sourdough Bread 04. Cobb Salad 05. Pot Roast  06. Twinkies 07. Beef Jerky 08. Fajitas 09. Banana Split 10. Cornbread 11. GORP (Raisins & Peanuts) 12. Jambalaya 13. Biscuits ’n’ Gravy 14. Smithfield ham 15. Chicken fried steak 16. Wild Alaska salmon 17. California roll sushi 18. Meatloaf 19. Grits 20. Macaroni and cheese 21. Crabcakes 22. Potato chips 23. Cioppino 24. Fortune cookies 25. Peanut butter sandwich 26. Baked beans 27. Popcorn 28. Fried chicken and waffles 29. Clam chowder 30. New Mexican flat enchiladas 31. S’mores 32. Lobster rolls 33. Buffalo wings 34. Indian frybread 35. Barbecue ribs 36. BLT (bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwich) 37. Apple Pie 38. Frito pie 39. Po’ boy 40. Green chili stew 41. Chocolate-chip cookies 42. Blueberry cobbler 43. Steak 44. Chicago-style pizza 45. Nachos 46. Philly cheese steak 47. Hot dogs 48. Reuben sandwich 49. Cheeseburger 50. Thanksgiving dinner (Turkey)
I’m extremely tired at the moment.
I hate when people don’t wear socks with their shoes unless they’re sandals or something. I don’t like meat.
I didn’t do anything productive today. Work is getting on my nerves.
I can’t remember the last time I worked out at the gym.
I play video games.
My favorite color is pink.
I’m sick of stores like Hollister and Abercrombie.
I’m going to the beach soon. Summer is my favorite season. 
I love my car. I have an amazing boyfriend.
Ice cream is an addiction to me.
My iPod doesn’t have enough space for all of my music.
I ate mac and cheese this week. Smoothie King is amazing!!
I’m going to be a sophomore in college.
I love shopping at Sephora and Ulta.
I spend way too much money on things I want. I paid for the majority of my car.
I am always cold. I have a pool in my neighborhood that I go to.
I fail at beer pong. I’ve been accused of stealing someone’s drugs.
I don’t wear glasses. County fairs are so much fun! Spiders scare the shit out of me. I am an aunt.
I’ve been with my boyfriend for more than 4 months.
I listen to old music. I can play the piano.
I wish I could play the drums.
My room is messy. I eat so much and don’t gain weight. My camera is falling apart.
The only thing I order at McDonald’s are their fries.
Chick-fil-A has amazing milkshakes. I’ve used a tanning bed before. Tan is such an ugly color for a car.
I moved twice within 2 months.
I think bros are pathetic.
Construction work wakes me up every morning.
I want to paint my room a different color.
I’ve had the same job for at least 2 years.
I know someone who is currently in jail. I refuse to drive with certain friends because they don’t know how to drive at all.
I hate sleeping anywhere besides my bed.
I could go for a donut right now. I’ve had a panic attack and it was scary. I have been to the ER. My medicine always makes me drowsy.
I hate pancakes and love waffles.
I rarely watch TV.
My iPod is slooooow.
I own a Blackberry.
I text more than call people. Bonfires are my favorite. I have never been camping.
I have friends that are twins.
The last time I rode my bike was over 5 years ago.
I know what the red ring of death is.
I love to look up at the stars. I have a good memory. I avoid drama at all costs. I don’t understand how someone can eat something that smells disgusting.
Like hard boiled eggs and tuna.
I have to take medicine on a daily basis. I have something on that is not mine.
Those shape up shoes look so stupid and cost a ridiculous amount of money.
I’m going to get another piercing before summer is over.
I have met a lot of jerks in the past. I’ve only had one job. It would be so cool to visit haunted places. I rarely blow dry my hair unless I’m in a hurry. I love music from other decades.
Never have I ever failed a class.
But I was close.
I’ve had an addiction to the Sims in the past.
I love roller coasters. I get along very well with my boyfriend’s family.
He gets along with mine too.
I need to go shopping soon! I had my wisdom teeth removed. Usually I don’t like to watch movies when I’m hanging out with people.
Next month I’m trying something new. I am super skinny. I own more clothes than I can wear in a month.
I buy high end make up constantly.
I miss someone a lot right now.
I wish I could reconnect with old friends.
I haven’t seen my best friend in over 6 months.
I have flown an airplane.
Storms freak me out!
I love to bake desserts.
I still live with my parents. I’m very happy with my life.
My eyes play tricks on me when I’m tired. I went to see Toy Story 3.
I loved that movie.
I laugh at stupid things all the time. Olive Garden is my favorite restaurant.
I live in a new house.
Sometimes I miss my childhood. It would still be cool to get a Barbie Jeep. I was very shy when I was little. I have never been in a mosh pit. I have been to a different country than the one I live in. I wish gas was cheaper. I am extremely ticklish. My first year of college flew by.
I go to community college. I wish I had a kitty.
Traffic always makes me mad. I love to buy things that help me be more organized. I don’t weigh enough to donate blood. I have sang onstage.
I have been in a play. Gotta miss the old days.
I have a song stuck in my head. I sing in the car. I’m very obsessed with my teeth being perfect and clean. I own a ton of stuffed animals.
I own a studded belt.
I get along with most people. High school was the worst time in my life. Middle school sucked too. I have never been on a cruise.
I stayed up super late last night.
I have currency from other countries than the one I live in.
We recycle in my house.
If I had the money I would move out. I used to play the orchestra.
Skinny little loser guys in Tap Out shirts are stupid as shit.
I love using Skype.
I log onto my Facebook a lot. I know someone who lives on a farm.
I have been to a rooftop pool.
Italian food is my favorite. I really hate hypocrites.
I pretty much have no clue what twitter is.
Winter sucks.
I hate snow.
I wish I had a bigger bed.
I hate going to the doctors.
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trashmcuths-a · 5 years
plotted starter for @wasbraver
flying eddie out to los angeles with very little notice and even less explanation is a shitty move. shittier still, richie plans to drop the mother of all bombs, one that would level an entire country and devastate the population for years to come. the whole ordeal feels like a went-too-far-and-cancelled-after-one-episode prank show. but, fuck, richie needs to tell someone and this is not the type of shit to spill over the phone. plus, he needs help. like, badly.
'cause richie is a dad now and this is the story all about how his life got flipped turned upside down:
see, shortly after moving to l.a. to achieve his dreams of becoming a professional shit-talker, rich met a chick named ashley smith. (the public knows her as ashlee marie, but that is besides the point.) ashley stuck to richie like white on rice, globbed on to him for whatever ungodly reason. richie liked her well enough. she was clearly unstable and had a bit of a coke habit, but that describes the majority of hollywood. even as their respective stars began to rise, they never lost touch. ashley usually initiated shit, but rich was happy enough to follow along. then, about five years ago, she got pregnant and has this kid - waverly breezy bae smith. for real. that's her fucking name, the lunatic. anyway, over a few rails of coke, ashley said, "dude, you're the godfather." and richie never wanted to be the mom-shaming type, but he followed that up by asking if ashley was breast-feeding. she said no, which, okay, cool. no need to start policing the woman, then.
after waverly, richie did start hanging out with ashley more, maybe to help her out a little. the kid had no father to speak of, no family. just an off-kilter mama, her equally screwed-up hollywood pals, and a sweet-looking, older irish woman who had been hired on as a full-time nanny. not that ashley was an atrocious mom or anything. (she knew her limits, which is why she had the nanny in the first place.) ashley loved waverly more than anything, looked at that kid like she hung the moon. the feeling was definitely mutual. the way they would play together made that clear. ashley had always been real good at make-pretend, at letting go, and could make waverly collapse into a fit of giggles like no one else.
then ashley went and fucking died. big car accident. the media originally reported her as being at fault, jumped on the whole "psycho, cokehead actress" angle. except ashley hadn't even been on coke at the time, maybe some benzos, but she had not caused the fucking wreck. so, you know, fuck tmz.
richie had been real broken up, honestly. especially after losing stan. could the universe stop piling on the trauma for, like, one second? he fought a demon sewer clown twice. is that not enough action for a lifetime? apparently not, 'cause the hits kept coming. a couple days after the accident, someone contacted him about waverly. ashley had named him guardian in lieu of her untimely demise. richie did not initially accept this fact - "she said that shit after doing a line. how the fuck was i supposed to know she was serious?" but the social worker walked him through, talked about the process, mentioned how much waverly wanted to be with him. "her eyes lit up when we told her," the lady had said. of course, that was the final nail in the coffin for richie. he had to do this. fuck.
so after taking all the necessary steps and buying a bunch of kid shit (way more than necessary), richie got the okay. he got a date. the social worker would bring her to the apartment after school, and, unlike all the times before, waverly would stay there. permanently. up until then, richie had been doing this on his own, leaning on the social worker for guidance. he wasn't sure why he never told anyone, especially the losers. maybe because it wasn't set in stone yet? or he was in some sort of denial? whatever the case, the second richie got the date, he made a call to eddie. why eddie? if anyone asked, richie would swear that he didn't know. but, let's be real, he knew well enough.
anyway, after a lot of convincing, eddie agreed to take an impromptu trip to los angeles, stay a little while with richie. that had been three days ago and now eddie is actually here and being buzzed up. richie slips out of his apartment and stands in the hallway, hands fidgeting at his sides. if eddie were to walk in the living room now, he would see a bunch of kid shit and have a lot of questions. so, richie figures he should give eddie a heads-up.
when eddie rounds the corner, richie feels this stupid swell of emotions, tightening his chest and making it hard to breathe. richie bolts over, swinging an arm around eddie's shoulders and steers him towards the apartment. then, the words are coming out of richie's mouth before he can even process them. "okay, man, i'm gonna tell you something, but please, please do not freak out. 'cause i am in a fragile fucking state right now, okay? like, this is way, way, way worse than the time i took too many shrooms in senior year. you remember that? i wandered around the baseball pitch in nothing but tighty-whities and one of your mom's hideous cardigans." okay, admittedly, he's getting off track, but richie is nervous. even under normal circumstances, he has a tendency to go off the conversational rails. so, sue him.
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popfizzles · 7 years
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There are tons of Power Ups in the Marioverse! I can talk about a few of them here, but it’d take forever for me to try and lay them all out at once. I’m also putting it under a “Read More” because there’s just so much!
I’d like to talk about a few of the Mushrooms first, the more recognizable ones, since they’re considered the staple crop in the Mushroom Kingdom. They’re eaten as foods, and can be cooked in many different ways.
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They are as follows:
Super Shroom - The original flavor, the one the Mushroom Kingdom is most famously known for. They're grown in large amounts and distributed around all the kingdoms. They have a savory taste, something akin to red meat (what would be beef in our world). They're cooked into almost anything: steaks, soups, desserts, salads, sandwiches, shakes, etc. When used as a Power Up, they can give health boosts and have the ability to make things bigger, if only by a little bit. They come in three colors, Red (the most iconic and easily recognizable), Blue, and Dark Green. The colors are mainly cosmetic and don't make a difference in taste or effect. Also worth noting that they can return a damaged character back to their normal size.
Life Shroom - Not to be confused with Dark Green Super Shrooms, Life Shrooms are much rarer in availability. They were originally believed to extend your life when eaten, so they were consumed en mass. Because of this, piled on top of the fact that they grow very slowly compared to the other Mushrooms, they're few in number and are currently being grown to try and bring the species back. Nowadays, they've been revealed to cause vivid dreams and give larger health boosts than average Super Shrooms. Taste wise, they're sweet with a tinge of citrus. Traditionally, Life Shrooms are eaten raw, and were said that the life extension would not take effect unless the whole mushroom was consumed. Today, they're commonly softened in the oven and eaten with honey.
Heart Shroom - (Also called Life Shrooms in some parts of the kingdoms/lands) These mushrooms are a natural aphrodisiac, and I believe that's enough for me to leave the rest unsaid. It's not uncommon for Toads to gift each other a box of cubed Heart Shroom. Heart Shrooms are made into many desserts, but can also be cubed and baked for consumption on their own. They tend to pop up in Super Shroom crops and steal the nutrients from them, which is where they got the nickname 'the real Life Shroom' in some parts. They taste exceptionally sweet, so much so that it's actually unadvised to consume an entire Heart Shroom by yourself. Rather, it's encouraged to share it with a significant other. Their effect will last around 3 hours, as opposed to other mushrooms, which tend to lose their effect when a significant amount of damage is taken.
Poison Shroom - A malevolent little weed, Poison Shrooms give off an aroma of decaying corpses and will bring disease to crops of Super Shrooms. If consumed, they will cause an intense stomach virus (similar to food poisoning) until every last bit of the mushroom is removed from the system. Sporting a very obvious warning sign -- the skull shaped spot on the cap -- the Poison Shroom isn't often used in cooking unless out of malice or ill will. On the other hand, Poison Shrooms make great pest poison when ground into a fine powder (if you could handle the smell that long, which somehow intensifies when ground).
Null Shroom - A newly crossbred mushroom, the Null Shroom is the result of a Mini Shroom bred with a Mega Shroom. Birthed through sheer curiosity, this mushroom has absolutely no effect on the consumer, neither making them shrink or grow, and failing to provide health boosts. It's being grown as a consumable, and is appearing more and more in supermarkets and restaurants. On it's own, Null Shrooms have little taste and a rather rubbery texture. However, they can be seasoned with pollen from any of the three Flowers and baked to give it it's own unique taste and texture. Fire Flowers give it a spicy taste with a firm texture, Ice Flowers give it a minty taste with a soft texture, and Spark Flowers give it a tangy taste with a hard, brittle texture.
Boo Shroom - A pure white mushroom that has somehow evolved and developed to perfectly mimic the face of a Boo. The mushroom has a sort of airy texture with an indescribable taste (something similar to mineral water). They're typically eaten as is or blended into a liquid, and when completely consumed, they can turn the consumer into a Boo version of themselves. As a Boo, the consumer can fly; pass through walls; read, write, and comprehend Booish; and, through practice, can possess objects. The effects of the Boo Shroom last as long as the consumer stays in the shadows. Once they touch any sort of bright light, artificial or not, they revert back to their old selves (drop to the floor if flying, and forcibly removed from the object they're possessing if doing so).
Bee Shroom - A striped mushroom that usually grows under leaf piles and in fallen trees in the autumn. They give the Power Up of the Bee Suit, which comes with temporary flight, a stinger attached to the seat of your pants, the ability to walk on clouds and the ability to stick to honey walls (which aren't common on the mainland but evidently very common outside our current cosmic reach). Bee Shrooms are collected in Autumn and stored away, eaten on a holiday in Spring. The whole process is a tradition in the Mushroom Kingdom, and it marks the first day of Spring. Bee Shrooms are eaten as is, and taste like pure honey.
Mini Shroom - These mushrooms grow in abundance. with large clusters of them growing in one place at a time. Mini Shrooms will cut down a person's height and make them proportionally smaller than their average size, about a 10th of their normal size. They taste like sweet sugar and have a fluffy, squishy, soft texture (nearly identical to marshmallows in both size, taste, and texture). It's unadvised to eat more than one Mini Shroom at a time. Although the effects will not stack, they can be bad for your teeth if too many are eaten at the same time. Too grow back to normal size, a considerable amount of damage must be done to the consumer--which is must easier to do, since the consumer is so little and fragile after eating one.
Mega Shroom - The biggest mushroom known (as of now), sporting a yellow cap with bright red spots. This will boost the consumer’s height and make them proportionally larger than their average size, as much as 5 times their normal size. They have an extremely sour and unpleasant taste, to dissuade people from eating the entire mushroom. The more of it consumed, the larger the person will get (as opposed to some other mushrooms, which require the entirety of it to be eaten). The effects of the Mega Shroom last around 10 minutes, so make them count.
There are three main Flowers, the Fire Flower, the Ice Flower, and the newly discovered Spark Flower. The main three Flowers each come in two separate species; Power and Defense.
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Power Flowers - They provide the Power Up effect, which give the temporary Fire, Ice, and Spark Powers. They prefer to be held, touched, and handled. Although they cannot speak, they still emote and can make it clear when they dislike or like something.
Fire Flowers raise body temperature to compensate for the new powers, so it’s unadvised to use them in hot climates or with very heavy clothing. They grow pretty much anywhere they can get sun. Ice Flowers lower body temperature, so the opposite is true (don’t use them in cold climates or without heavy clothing). They grow in the northern regions where snow is common. Spark Flowers don’t do much to body temperature, but they seem to cause an unstable effect on the personality (Saul T. puts it as “bringing out the worst in a person”). They grow in plains where thunderstorms are common.
Defense Flowers - They are planted in the ground and fire pellets at enemies. They don’t like to be handled or touched. They tend to be much angrier and confrontational than their Power based cousins.
Fire Flowers will shoot pellets that ignite and explode on impact. They’re the most common of the three since they cover a lot of ground and cause a lot of damage. Ice Flowers can spit hail blocks, as well as little puffs of cold air. Spark Flowers spit electrocuted pellets that will stick to any surface they touch.
There are also many other kinds of Power Ups that don’t necessarily fall into the category of Mushroom or Flower. I won’t be talking about all of them, but here are a few of my favorites:
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Double Cherry - Always growing two in a bunch, Double Cherries will split a person into two Duplicates when consumed. Duplicates tend to have physical differences that separate them from each other (Mario Duplicates have numbered hats, Saul Duplicates have different colored bandannas, Teal Duplicates have multiple stripes on their sleeves, and so on and so forth). The more Double Cherries eaten, the more Duplicates appear, the less stable said Duplicates become, ending with a maximum of five at a time. When damage is taken, one Duplicate will disappear, ending with one which always reverts back to the original (never ending with a “you aren’t the real Mario” sort of situation).
Super Bell - Although they aren’t considered plants, they come from Bell Trees which grow almost exclusively in the Sprixie Kingdom. They have a soft, peach fuzz like outer texture and make a soft tinkling noise when they’re shaken. When attached to a person, like on a collar or placed in a pocket, they provide the Cat Suit Power Up. Cat Suits modify the anatomy of the wearer a bit to allow movement on all four limbs, and give extra speed and climbing ability. They also change the personality ever so slightly to one with more nonchalance or apathy. The Super bell disappears and the Cat Suit goes away when a considerable amount of damage is taken.
Super Leaf - Also known as the Tanooki Leaf in certain parts of the mainland, they grow in abundance on certain striped trees. However, the leaves don’t give the Power Up effect until they’ve browned and fallen off. Traditionally, they are boiled into a tea or eaten as is in a salad. They provide the Tanooki Suit Power Up. The Tanooki Suit has an extended flutter jump and the tail can be swung like a mace.
There are tons of other Power Ups, but these are the few I have already laid out. Saul Toad normally has biweekly lessons with Mario to help him learn how to handle and use each Power Up.
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silvershadow1398 · 5 years
You are currently sick. You really really hate being sick. French is the language you are learning / have learned in school. Your have thick lips. - hate them You have clear skin. You wish you were taller so that you could model. - yes except i don’t want to pursue modeling A tornado recently devastated your area. You exercise at least five days out of the week for more than an hour. - normally yes but not this semester You watch The River. You watch The Walking Dead. Your hair is dark brown. You’re really shit at math. - i’m meh You’re stubborn. You would consider yourself an opportunist. You enjoy having nightmares. You have more lip products than any other sort of cosmetic. In the way of material items, you get almost everything you want. You’re spoiled. You need to distance yourself from most people in your life. You don’t like most of the people in your life. When you’re at home, you spend most of your time in your bedroom. You’re in love with a loser. You lost your virginity in a vehicle of some sort. You would like to have a pilot’s license. You’re still a minor. You love the brand Obey. You love the brand Wildfox Couture. You love to go thrifting. You love to go shopping. You are most unhappy in the winter. Your hands are always ice cold. You own a lot of decorations that are covered in peace signs. You shower more than once a day. The deoderant you most commonly use is Ban. You smoke weed. You don’t eat anything that comes from an animal. You love cucumber. You are considered underweight. You love Burt’s Bees. There is a candle burning in your room. You don’t smoke cigarettes. You own something from Juicy Couture. You own something from Louis Vuitton. You own something from Dooney & Bourke. You think it’s okay to wear yoga pants to the grocery store. You have matured a great deal recently. You hate throwing up more than anything. Your mother craved peanut butter when she was pregnant with you. You think tattoos are trashy. You are not religious or spiritual. You don’t understand the concept of spirituality. - but i totally respect everyone!!! You are not paranoid about your government. You would like to live in a different state / province than where you live. You have been expelled from school. You have been expelled from more than one school. You have kissed an ex-boyfriend’s older brother. You have been cheated on. Completely. You have cheated on someone. Completely. You are attracted to females but you’re more attracted to guys. You have made out with a chick. You could only see yourself in a serious relationship with a guy. - though i am ace You have lost a friend to suicide. You are addicted to the game Draw Something on your iPhone. You have a small lisp that you hate. You have a dentist’s appointment this week. You have never had a cavity. You think it’s gross if you don’t wash your hair every day. You like the clothing brands Moosejaw and The North Face. Every time you go to the mall you must visit American Eagle and Target. You go to the mall at least once a week. You get all awkward when a guy you don’t know asks for your number. You have an iPhone You wish you had an XBOX so you could play Skyrim. You have a Wii. You love Zelda games. You love Mario games. You love Pokemon games. You have been taking fashion risks lately. Your hair is it’s natural color. Your hair lies past your boobies. You love your boobies. - sure You’re an A cup. You have pale skin. You love movies, film and cinema. You have a lot of crushes on male celebrities and musicians. Most of your ex-boyfriends have not had short hair. You used to tan but you don’t anymore. You have abs. You don’t know how to do much with your hair. You usually wear your hair straightened, down. - it’s naturally pin straight You have friends that work at fast food restaurants. You live with neither of your parents. You feel like a lot of people in your life are toxic. You’re very fragile. You’re very quiet. You feed too much off of male attention. You own a pair of pastel colored skinny jeans. You own a pair of UGGs. You own a pair of Minnetonkas. You own a pair of BC Dakotas. You own a pair of Jeffrey Campbells. You own a pair of Dolce Vitas. You want a job. Any job. All of your grandparents are dead. - one is You think tight, colorful printed ts with ‘cute’ characters are tacky. You’re annoyed with people who ask you not to take the Lord’s name in vain. You have stolen currency from a family member. You have taken alcohol that didn’t belong to you. You have taken marijuana that didn’t belong to you. You have taken prescription pills that didn’t belong to you. You take diet pills. You love to cuddle. You’re far too vulnerable when it comes to cute members of the opposite sex You wouldn’t date someone who wasn’t fit. - no need to go crazy but it would be nice if they were healthy You break expensive technological equipment quite frequently. You watch a lot of the HBO series. You can get really nasty when you’re hurt. But you are generally the world’s most passive-est person. You use the word ‘like’ too often. You like Abercrombie & Fitch better than Hollister Co.. You get annoyed when you hear someone use the term ‘prep’ in a negative way. You’re sick of hearing about things found on Pinterest by your friends. You compare yourself to every walking creature you encounter. You’ve let yourself be used by a hot, popular guy. Your relationship status has been changing on a daily basis. You love Belvita breakfast crackers. Your favorite food is strawberries. You idolize Johnny Depp. Your camera is a Nikon. Most of your electronics are made by Apple if Apple makes it - some You would be uncomfortable making out with a boy in public. You love Urban Outfitters. You love Forever21. You get annoyed when you hear someone making fun of Justin Bieber. You flirt so much you don’t even realize it. You’re not opposed to wearing really short shorts in the summer. Summers are extremely hot where you live. You don’t have any pets. You love the colors red and pink together. Your favorite color is purple. You love to go on hikes. You would jog more if you weren’t so worried about how you look running. You enjoy doing laundry. You enjoy brushing your teeth. - i don’t ENJOY it but it feels good when i do You’re very uncoordinated. You know how to shoot a gun properly. You love going to a gun range. You would love to learn archery. You have been on a volleyball team. You have been on a softball team. You have been on a gymnastics team. You were a Girl Scout. Your favorite condiment is mustard. Your straightener is a GHD: Katy Perry’s edition. You live in a college town. Your ex-boyfriend was an exchange student. You will, without a doubt, attend and graduate college. - not 100% but likely You will never try meth. You will never try heroin. You have tried acid. You have tried shrooms. You would like to live in a more tropical climate. You’re incapable of being happy in cold weather. You don’t count calories but you always seem to know how much you’ve had. You drink mostly water. You like to dance to songs like Wop and Wobble. Your favorite animated movie is Despicable Me. You love everything Disney and Pixar. You like to watch 'haul’ videos on YouTube. You’re subscribed to GlamBag. You’re subscribed to Surf magazine. You’re subscribed to Maixm magazine. You’re subscribed to Spin magazine. You’re subscribed to The Wall Street journal. You’re subscribed to a lot of magazines and things you don’t pay for. You have a flat stomach. - mostly??? You thoroughly love your body. You don’t feel comfortable wearing a bikini around strangers or in public. You love to swim! You babysit younger family members for free on occasion. You touch your hair a lot. You love kissing laying down. You’ve been to Universal Studios. You’ve been to Disney Land. You’ve been to a Six Flags. You’ve been to a Hard Rock Cafe. You have never left the country you live in. You’re guilty of gossiping. You love raunchy adult cartoons (Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, etc.) You love EpicMealTime. The Office makes you giggle. You’ve read all of The Hunger Games books. You’ve read all of the Game of Thrones books. You’ve read all of the Sookie Stackhouse series. You’ve read all of the Harry Potter books. You wish you were like, 12, again. You’re getting an apartment in a big city very soon. You need your partner to be just a bit dominant in a relationship. You love it when guys pick you up. You don’t believe in any apocalypses. You think you would, though, enjoy a zombie apocalypse. You have most of your teacher’s cell phone numbers and email addresses. - not phone You wouldn’t ever want to date someone younger than you. - not at this age You get along really well with middle-aged women in your family. You love sweet potatoes. You play hide and seek with younger family members. There is a highway within walking distance of your home. You’re shy if a strange guy in public talks to you. You look younger than you are. You are 5'6. You’re mostly happy. You’re always calm. You have breakdowns when no one’s looking. The flooring in your house is wood. - only in one room You could not sleep comfortably in a bed smaller than a queen. You love hugs. You think little kids are kind of gross, but you totally love them anyway.
0 notes
cuddlebunny698-blog · 6 years
You are currently sick. You really really hate being sick. French is the language you are learning / have learned in school. Your have thick lips. You have clear skin. You wish you were taller so that you could model. A tornado recently devastated your area. You exercise at least five days out of the week for more than an hour. You watch The River. You watch The Walking Dead. Your hair is dark brown. You’re really shit at math. You’re stubborn. You would consider yourself an opportunist. You enjoy having nightmares. You have more lip products than any other sort of cosmetic. In the way of material items, you get almost everything you want. You’re spoiled. You need to distance yourself from most people in your life. You don’t like most of the people in your life. When you’re at home, you spend most of your time in your bedroom. You’re in love with a loser. You lost your virginity in a vehicle of some sort. You would like to have a pilot’s license. You’re still a minor. You love the brand Obey. You love the brand Wildfox Couture. You love to go thrifting. You love to go shopping. You are most unhappy in the winter. Your hands are always /ice/ cold. You own a lot of decorations that are covered in peace signs. You shower more than once a day. The deoderant you most commonly use is Ban. You smoke weed. You don’t eat anything that comes from an animal. You love cucumber. You are considered underweight. You love Burt’s Bees. There is a candle burning in your room. You don’t smoke cigarettes. You own something from Juicy Couture. You own something from Louis Vuitton. You own something from Dooney & Bourke. You think it’s okay to wear yoga pants to the grocery store. You have matured a great deal recently. You hate throwing up more than anything. Your mother craved peanut butter when she was pregnant with you. You think tattoos are trashy. You are not religious or spiritual. You don’t understand the concept of spirituality. You are not paranoid about your government. You would like to live in a different state / province than where you live. You have been expelled from school. You have been expelled from more than one school. You have kissed an ex-boyfriend’s older brother. You have been cheated on. Completely. You have cheated on someone. Completely. You are attracted to females but you’re more attracted to guys. You have made out with a chick. You could only see yourself in a serious relationship with a guy. You have lost a friend to suicide. You are addicted to the game Draw Something on your iPhone. You have a small lisp that you hate. You have a dentist’s appointment this week. You have never had a cavity. You think it’s gross if you don’t wash your hair every day. You like the clothing brands Moosejaw and The North Face. Every time you go to the mall you must visit American Eagle and Target. You go to the mall at least once a week. You get all awkward when a guy you don’t know asks for your number. You have an iPhone You wish you had an XBOX so you could play Skyrim. You have a Wii. You love Zelda games. You love Mario games. You love Pokemon games. You have been taking fashion risks lately. Your hair is it’s natural color. Your hair lies past your boobies. You love your boobies. You’re an A cup. You have pale skin. You love movies, film and cinema. You have a lot of crushes on male celebrities and musicians. Most of your ex-boyfriends have not had short hair. You used to tan but you don’t anymore. You have abs. You don’t know how to do much with your hair. You usually wear your hair straightened, down. You have friends that work at fast food restaurants. You live with neither of your parents. You feel like a lot of people in your life are toxic. You’re very fragile. You’re very quiet. You feed too much off of male attention. You own a pair of pastel colored skinny jeans. You own a pair of UGGs. You own a pair of Minnetonkas. You own a pair of BC Dakotas. You own a pair of Jeffrey Campbells. You own a pair of Dolce Vitas. You want a job. Any job. All of your grandparents are dead. You think tight, colorful printed ts with ‘cute’ characters are tacky. You’re annoyed with people who ask you not to take the Lord’s name in vain. You have stolen currency from a family member. You have taken alcohol that didn’t belong to you. You have taken marijuana that didn’t belong to you. You have taken prescription pills that didn’t belong to you. You take diet pills. You love to cuddle. You’re far too vulnerable when it comes to cute members of the opposite sex You wouldn’t date someone who wasn’t fit. You break expensive technological equipment quite frequently. You watch a lot of the HBO series. You can get really nasty when you’re hurt. But you are generally the world’s most passive-est person. You use the word ‘like’ too often. You like Abercrombie & Fitch better than Hollister Co.. You get annoyed when you hear someone use the term ‘prep’ in a negative way. You’re sick of hearing about things found on Pinterest by your friends. You compare yourself to every walking creature you encounter. You’ve let yourself be used by a hot, popular guy. Your relationship status has been changing on a daily basis. You love Belvita breakfast crackers. Your favorite food is strawberries. You idolize Johnny Depp. Your camera is a Nikon. Most of your electronics are made by Apple if Apple makes it You would be uncomfortable making out with a boy in public. You love Urban Outfitters. You love Forever21. You get annoyed when you hear someone making fun of Justin Bieber. You flirt so much you don’t even realize it. You’re not opposed to wearing really short shorts in the summer. Summers are extremely hot where you live. You don’t have any pets. You love the colors red and pink together. Your favorite color is purple. You love to go on hikes. You would jog more if you weren’t so worried about how you look running. You enjoy doing laundry. You enjoy brushing your teeth. You’re very uncoordinated. You know how to shoot a gun properly. You love going to a gun range. You would love to learn archery. You have been on a volleyball team. You have been on a softball team. You have been on a gymnastics team. You were a Girl Scout. Your favorite condiment is mustard. Your straightener is a GHD: Katy Perry’s edition. You live in a college town. Your ex-boyfriend was an exchange student. You will, without a doubt, attend and graduate college. You will never try meth. You will never try heroin. You have tried acid. You have tried shrooms. You would like to live in a more tropical climate. You’re incapable of being happy in cold weather. You don’t count calories but you always seem to know how much you’ve had. You drink mostly water. You like to dance to songs like Wop and Wobble. (-: Your favorite animated movie is Despicable Me. You love everything Disney and Pixar. You like to watch ‘haul’ videos on YouTube. You’re subscribed to GlamBag. You’re subscribed to Surf magazine. You’re subscribed to Maixm magazine. You’re subscribed to Spin magazine. You’re subscribed to The Wall Street journal. You’re subscribed to a lot of magazines and things you don’t pay for. You have a flat stomach. You thoroughly love your body. You don’t feel comfortable wearing a bikini around strangers or in public. You love to swim! You babysit younger family members for free on occasion. You touch your hair a lot. You love kissing laying down. You’ve been to Universal Studios. You’ve been to Disney Land. You’ve been to a Six Flags. You’ve been to a Hard Rock Cafe. You have never left the country you live in. You’re guilty of gossiping. You love raunchy adult cartoons (Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, etc.) You love EpicMealTime. The Office makes you giggle. You’ve read all of The Hunger Games books. You’ve read all of the Game of Thrones books. You’ve read all of the Sookie Stackhouse series. You’ve read all of the Harry Potter books. You wish you were like, 12, again. You’re getting an apartment in a big city very soon. You need your partner to be just a bit dominant in a relationship. You love it when guys pick you up. You don’t believe in any apocalypses. You think you would, though, enjoy a zombie apocalypse. You have most of your teacher’s cell phone numbers and email addresses. You wouldn’t ever want to date someone younger than you. You get along really well with middle-aged women in your family. You love sweet potatoes. You play hide and seek with younger family members. There is a highway within walking distance of your home. You’re shy if a strange guy in public talks to you. You look younger than you are. You are 5'6. You’re mostly happy. You’re always calm. You have breakdowns when no one’s looking. The flooring in your house is wood. You could not sleep comfortably in a bed smaller than a queen. You love hugs. You think little kids are kind of gross, but you totally love them anyway.
0 notes
zolganif · 7 years
You are currently sick. You really really hate being sick. French is the language you are learning / have learned in school. You have thick lips. You have clear skin. You wish you were taller so that you could model. A tornado recently devastated your area. You exercise at least five days out of the week for more than an hour. You watch The River. You watch The Walking Dead. Your hair is dark brown.-Naturally. But it is currently not that color.  You’re really shit at math. You’re stubborn. You would consider yourself an opportunist. You enjoy having nightmares. You have more lip products than any other sort of cosmetic. In the way of material items, you get almost everything you want. You’re spoiled. You need to distance yourself from most people in your life. You don’t like most of the people in your life. When you’re at home, you spend most of your time in your bedroom. You’re in love with a loser. You lost your virginity in a vehicle of some sort. You would like to have a pilot’s license. You’re still a minor. You love the brand Obey. You love the brand Wildfox Couture. You love to go thrifting. You love to go shopping. You are most unhappy in the winter. Your hands are always / ice / cold. You own a lot of decorations that are covered in peace signs. You shower more than once a day. The deoderant you most commonly use is Ban. You smoke weed. You don’t eat anything that comes from an animal. You love cucumber. You are considered underweight. You love Burt’s Bees. There is a candle burning in your room. You don’t smoke cigarettes. You own something from Juicy Couture. You own something from Louis Vuitton. You own something from Dooney & Bourke. You think it’s okay to wear yoga pants to the grocery store. -I don’t care anymore about what people wear. Their life, not mine.  You have matured a great deal recently. You hate throwing up more than anything. Your mother craved peanut butter when she was pregnant with you. You think tattoos are trashy. You are not religious or spiritual. You don’t understand the concept of spirituality. You are not paranoid about your government. You would like to live in a different state / province than where you live. You have been expelled from school. You have been expelled from more than one school. You have kissed an exes older brother. You have been cheated on. Completely. You have cheated on someone. Completely. You are attracted to females but you’re more attracted to guys. You have made out with a chick. You could only see yourself in a serious relationship with a guy. You have lost a friend to suicide. You are addicted to the game Draw Something on your iPhone. You have a small lisp that you hate. You have a dentist’s appointment this week. You have never had a cavity. You think it’s gross if you don’t wash your hair every day. You like the clothing brands Moosejaw and The North Face. Every time you go to the mall you must visit American Eagle and Target. You go to the mall at least once a week. You get all awkward when a guy you don’t know asks for your number. You have an iPhone. You wish you had an XBOX so you could play Skyrim.  You have a Wii. You love Zelda games. You love Mario games. You love Pokemon games. You have been taking fashion risks lately. Your hair is its natural color. Your hair lies past your boobies. You love your boobies. You’re an A cup. You have pale skin. You love movies, film and cinema. You have a lot of crushes on male celebrities and musicians. Most of your exes have not had short hair. You used to tan but you don’t anymore. You have abs. You don’t know how to do much with your hair. You usually wear your hair straightened, down. You have friends that work at fast food restaurants. You live with neither of your parents. You feel like a lot of people in your life are toxic. You’re very fragile. You’re very quiet. You feed too much off of male attention. You own a pair of pastel colored skinny jeans. You own a pair of UGGs. You own a pair of Minnetonkas. You own a pair of BC Dakotas. You own a pair of Jeffrey Campbells. You own a pair of Dolce Vitas. You want a job. Any job. All of your grandparents are dead. You think tight, colorful printed ts with ‘cute’ characters are tacky. You’re annoyed with people who ask you not to take the Lord’s name in vain. You have stolen currency from a family member. You have taken alcohol that didn’t belong to you. You have taken marijuana that didn’t belong to you. You have taken prescription pills that didn’t belong to you. You take diet pills. You love to cuddle. You’re far too vulnerable when it comes to cute members of the opposite sex You wouldn’t date someone who wasn’t fit. You break expensive technological equipment quite frequently. You watch a lot of the HBO series. You can get really nasty when you’re hurt. But you are generally the world’s most passive-est person. You use the word ‘like’ too often. You like Abercrombie & Fitch better than Hollister Co.. You get annoyed when you hear someone use the term ‘prep’ in a negative way. You’re sick of hearing about things found on Pinterest by your friends. You compare yourself to every walking creature you encounter. You’ve let yourself be used by a hot, popular guy. Your relationship status has been changing on a daily basis. You love Belvita breakfast crackers. Your favorite food is strawberries. You idolize Johnny Depp. Your camera is a Nikon. Most of your electronics are made by Apple if Apple makes it. You would be uncomfortable making out with a boy in public. You love Urban Outfitters. You love Forever21. You get annoyed when you hear someone making fun of Justin Bieber. You flirt so much you don’t even realize it. You’re not opposed to wearing really short shorts in the summer. Summers are extremely hot where you live. You don’t have any pets. You love the colors red and pink together. Your favorite color is purple. You love to go on hikes. You would jog more if you weren’t so worried about how you look running. You enjoy doing laundry. You enjoy brushing your teeth. You’re very uncoordinated. You know how to shoot a gun properly. You love going to a gun range. You would love to learn archery. You have been on a volleyball team. You have been on a softball team. You have been on a gymnastics team. You were a Girl Scout. Your favorite condiment is mustard. Your straightener is a GHD: Katy Perry’s edition. You live in a college town. Your ex was an exchange student. You will, without a doubt, attend and graduate college. You have tried acid. You have tried shrooms. You would like to live in a more tropical climate. You’re incapable of being happy in cold weather. You don’t count calories but you always seem to know how much you’ve had. You drink mostly water. You like to dance to songs like Wop and Wobble. (-: Your favorite animated movie is Despicable Me. You love everything Disney and Pixar. You like to watch 'haul’ videos on YouTube. You’re subscribed to GlamBag. You’re subscribed to Surf magazine. You’re subscribed to Maixm magazine. You’re subscribed to Spin magazine. You’re subscribed to The Wall Street journal. You’re subscribed to a lot of magazines and things you don’t pay for. You have a flat stomach. You thoroughly love your body. You love to swim! You babysit younger family members for free on occasion. You touch your hair a lot. You love kissing laying down. You’ve been to Universal Studios. You’ve been to Disney Land. You’ve been to a Six Flags. You’ve been to a Hard Rock Cafe. You have never left the country you live in. You’re guilty of gossiping. You love raunchy adult cartoons (Bob’s Burgers, Family Guy, etc.) You love EpicMealTime. The Office makes you giggle. You’ve read all of The Hunger Games books. You’ve read all of the Game of Thrones books. You’ve read all of the Sookie Stackhouse series. You’ve read all of the Harry Potter books. You wish you were like, 12, again. You’re getting an apartment in a big city very soon. You need your partner to be just a bit dominant in a relationship. You love it when guys pick you up. You don’t believe in any apocalypses. You think you would, though, enjoy a zombie apocalypse. You have most of your teacher’s cell phone numbers and email addresses. You wouldn’t ever want to date someone younger than you. You get along really well with middle-aged women in your family. You love sweet potatoes. You play hide and seek with younger family members. There is a highway within walking distance of your home. You’re shy if a strange guy in public talks to you. You look younger than you are. You are 5'6. You’re mostly happy. You’re always calm. You have breakdowns when no one’s looking. The flooring in your house is wood. You could not sleep comfortably in a bed smaller than a queen. You love hugs.  You think little kids are kind of gross, but you totally love them anyway.
0 notes