#the way thai dramas have
itsbinghebitch · 10 months
you know i'm actually pissed because all queer romance fans around the world will at least have heard about heartstopper and rwrb but how many will know about the incredible stories that have come out of thailand in just this past year..... i wasn't gonna pit these against each other because i think they're part of the same genre history but shit changes when you see authors like alice oseman actively disavowing the genre coined by asian queer media because of fear of 'fetishization' and moral degradation. as if the presence of kink and iffy consent issues or cishet women in BL render it invalid. but then rwrb and heartstopper, two slice of life stories about *extremely* privileged upper classes (like for real, i read both of them and at most they have some racial tension within the context of a prestigious high school or extremely powerful political institutions), media with somehow zero interference from rising economic inequality in the west, are hailed to be somehow morally superior.
i'm so serious when i say that western romance not only sanitizes gay sex, but also the social and economic world it aims to depict. on the other hand you have lot of asian BL that not only doesn't shy away from this, but actively creates stories about class tension (see: not me, never let me go, laws of attraction, and so many more others). no, asian BL doesn't always get it right. but idk y'all, i think i prefer a story that doesn't lie to itself that it's somehow better for staying away from the gritty complicated stuff you're bound to get wrong. it's asian queer romance that's been pioneering that. western queer romance stays in its infancy.
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pharawee · 6 months
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"Are you going to miss me when I'm gone?"
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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sherrymagic · 21 days
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"Each day I grow older. I don't know how long I can do this." Poom Phuripan as JOE in Episode 3 MY STAND-IN (2024)
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fan-fricking-fiction · 4 months
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Pit babe ft. comments
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pamouche · 11 days
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« You used to say Joe is not dead nor alive. I would like to know what you meant. » - ming
« These tea leaves are actually dead leaves. But when you pour hot water into it. You get aromatic tea to drink. Then do you think these leaves are alive or not ? » - fortune teller
« If he’s not dead yet, why hasn’t he come back to me ? » - ming
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heretherebedork · 5 months
Pit Babe spent years of his life staying away from the love he so desperately wanted because Way told him that love would only hurt him and the worst part is that came true because Way's love is what broke Babe worse than anything else could have.
Way thought he was warning Babe away from other people who could never give him what he could but the truth was that Way was only telling Babe the truth about himself and what he could do for the sake of what he calls love.
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Wandee Goodday Episode 1
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ablazenqueen · 6 months
The most upsetting part of this scene (and probably the whole ep) are these two looks:
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Because the look on Jeff’s face? It’s hopeful and trusting. He has just the slightest ghost of a smile when he looks at Alan, he looks like he has full confidence that Alan is going to back him up, continue backing him up like he does at the start of this confrontation.
But the look on Alan’s face? It’s doubt. He looks at Jeff and he thinks maybe and he breaks eye contact, looks away just slightly, drops his gaze, because he wants to trust Jeff and he can see the hope in those eyes, but he’s unsure. And even if he chooses to trust Jeff, he’s team leader, how can he not side with his boys? How can he not support the majority, the boys he’s known the longest, the boys who’ve proven their loyalty to him and each other over years, and offer the resolution that most benefits the most amount of people?
How can he not choose the rational resolution, even if it requires squashing that hard-earned trust?
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lemonfreshlysqueezed · 6 months
Biting is a love language!
- Part 3
Cuz we’re still not done :)
Link to part 1 and 2
Kiseki: dear to me!
Bai Zong Yi x Fan Ze Rui (episode 8)
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Gifs by @tachineko
Chen yi x Ai de
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Gif by @my-rose-tinted-glasses
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Gif by @zhaozi
Kissable lips
Kim Jun Ho x Choi Min Hyun
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Gifs by @smittenskitten
Hidden Agenda
Zo x Joke (Episode 8)
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Gifs by @khaotungsfirst
Moonlight Chicken
Jim x Wen (Episode 1 and 8)
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Gifs by @maxescheibechlinichacheli
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scarefox · 1 month
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pharawee · 8 months
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—Before, I thought it was just me who was jealous.
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liyazaki · 1 year
in praise of complexity
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it's way easier to write two types of parents of queer kids: the 100% accepting parents, and the in-your-face homophobic variety.
I've had my fingers crossed that My School President would opt for the third, more complicated kind. this show has been too nuanced and well-done for me to hop on any "Tinn's mom is probably the devil" bandwagon, anyway. in the end, they not only went the more complex route- they delivered in a big way.
when we first met Photjanee, she seemed like the stereotypical strict drama parent with sky-high expectations, thanks at least in part to her job.
we were slowly given insights into her and Tinn's relationship, and we got to see the affection and deep care they have for each other. it was heartwarming to watch, and establishing how loving their relationship was was essential to the conflict that came next.
in a little stroke of writing genius, most of Photjanee's struggle with Tinn and Gun's relationship- and with what that relationship meant for her son- were almost exclusively intended for our eyes only.
they gave us an unusually large amount of Photjanee-focused scenes (more than a few only had Tao in them), showcasing her growing suspicions and internal struggle. when she briefly interacted with someone else in these scenes- Tinn's dad, Gun's mom, Kajorn- the focus always remained on her and ended with her.
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the writers easily could've given Photjanee expository dialogue during these moments- i.e. "I'm just struggling so much with xyz"- but for the most part, they didn't. they mostly opted for "show, don't tell"- another unusual but stellar move, especially for GMMTV fare.
Tao Sarocha took us on Photjanee's journey with mainly facial expressions, tone of voice, pauses and where her gaze lingered. we didn't need to be told this was a mother who loved her child dearly, while simultaneously struggling with revelations about who he is. we could see it for ourselves.
Photjanee wants Tinn to be happy and free, but she's afraid for him. she doesn't want him to feel rejected, but she doesn't know how (at first) to reconcile herself to a future she never imagined for him.
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she didn't start as an open-arms ally, nor was she a bigot. she's an adoring, terrified mom adapting to change as best as she can. not a moment of her journey was rushed- these things can take time (sometimes a lot of it), and the writers gave that to her...to us.
Photjanee wasn't perfect- she was real (she sure as hell felt like it, anyway). and it made the beautiful, beautiful ending all the more meaningful.
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sherrymagic · 7 months
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✨manifesting #NeoMarkSportsBLDrama2024✨
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5racha · 1 month
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FirstKhao as KantBison in The Heart Killers (Trailer)
"What if I'm not who you think I am? Would you hate me then?" "Everyone has secrets, you know. My brother always says, don't trust anyone too easily. Otherwise, you end up being the victim."
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color-without-lines · 4 months
The parallels between Pete telling Way that he always has a choice and Babe saying the same thing to Kenta:
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Way believes he is worthless because he failed to do what Tony wanted him to do. His actions cost him his closest friend and team. After ten years, he’s untethered to Tony and has the chance to become someone better. Pete did it. And he believes Way can too.
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Kenta believes he is only worth something if he can succeed in doing what Tony tells him to do. His closest companion fled years ago, leaving Kenta feeling abandoned. He’s been trained to be a knife for Tony, who has provided him with more than anyone else, how could he possibly deny him? How can he have a life outside of Tony’s grasp? Babe did it. And he believes Kenta can too.
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Sometimes it isn’t the person you’re closest to that gets through to you. Because of course they see the best in you and want the best for you. Best friends are supposed to do those things. Brothers believe in each other.
But when it’s someone you don’t know as well telling you that they see you. That they see good in you. That they believe in you.
That might break through the self doubt.
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That might make you change your fate.
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