#the whole reason they’re doing it is for funding why does that make them deserve—UGH!!
homophyte · 10 months
if i went into the amazon on ecological survey with one of the researchers who works at my job who does that exact thing every few years and a millionaire funding donor demanded he come with because he wanted to rough it would you cheer for my death when we all get eaten by panthers . be honest
0 notes
fizzingwizard · 3 years
I could cry y’all. Episode 37 was SO GOOD. So good!! It truly felt like a Mimi episode, and it truly felt like Digimon Adventure, in multiple ways. It’s seriously fantastic!
I feel at once super duper relieved that this show is, really and truly, capable of this time of episode, and also super duper confused why, if it could do this, it hasn’t been doing it the whole time??
Anyway, we’ve now had four or five solid episodes in a row, so I’m letting myself feel hopeful again!
This episode is called “Mimi Wars,” but I feel it might be more aptly titled “Sailor Mimi”
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In the name of employee rights, I will punish you!
More below!
Okay... so as I was watching this episode, I really got the feeling that they were parodying something again. Like last we had a Mimi episode - far far away in the distant past though it was - when they very obviously parodied Castle in the Sky. That’s twice now Mimi’s been compared with a girl with twin tails, Usagi’s pigtails and Sheeta’s braids xD
Although the poses Mimi uses aren’t exact replicas of Usagi’s, though, so maybe I’m wrong. I got the Usagi vibe from her personality even more, so maybe using the poses would have been considered copyright infringement and so they had to change them a little. Or, maybe Mimi is parodying someone else who also uses dramatic hand movements and talks a lot about justice in spite of being generally clueless...
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See the resemblance? XD
But what I REALLY think is going on is, they’re spoofing the genre in general, while also taking it seriously. That’s important. It’s not just a joke here. This is the girl power episode, in a way, and in my opinion, it’s a better girl power episode than the fare I got used to growing up, which went more or less like this:
Guy: *does something with good intentions but inept*
Girl: Ugh! Men don’t respect women!
Guy: I’m sorry, what did I do wrong?
Girl: I won’t tell you because feminism! C’mon girlfriends, let’s assert our confidence as women by going on a girls night out shopping spree and making a bunch of random guys stare in awe at us for no clear reason!
Girls: Yes! This is third wave feminism!
... that was more or less the formula. It was... awkward. I’d like to blame on “those episodes were written by men who think all feminists are angry feminists,” but I think if I went and checked who the scriptwriters were, there’d be some women in there for sure.
What we got in THIS episode is something I’d actually want my daughter to see. First off you’ve got Mimi, who loves pink and pretty things and comes across as a real girly girl, not to mention a bit of a ditz. And the show’s straight up, “but just because you have flaws doesn’t mean you can’t grow into a great person. Also, being girly is not incompatible with being a boss.”
Mimi doesn’t need to be a man, nor does she need to be a hard ass, nor does she need to be especially kind and sweet to soften her orders. All she has to do, according to this episode, is care about her craft, care about quality, and care about worker conditions.
I mean... a show where the girl boss wasn’t a Russian spy in a former life?? A show where the girl boss isn’t a Stepford wife who got where she is by marrying rich and funding her perfume company that way? She’s... she’s Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde. She gets to be flawed and girly and fun-loving and bossy and ditzy all at the same time. She loves diamonds - but diamonds are no longer a “girl’s best friend.” Rather, Mimi herself is the diamond in the rough!
This actually makes her a really good set with Sora. Sora continues to be both a tomboy and very sisterly. Mimi’s very girly but very bossy. Between the two of them, they can conquer the world. Of course, I don’t know that the show would take it any farther than they already have, but I’m just happy to see this development for Mimi at all. We had it to a degree in 99 Adventure, and Kizuna took it a bit further by making her an entrepreneur. Reboot Mimi is a remix of that for the 21st century.
*deeeeeeeeeep breath*
so... back to our regularly scheduled programming!
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As awesome as Mimi is, she’s not the only one who’s great in this episode. The others get to let their real personalities shine, at least. We needed this episode sooooo bad like 20 episodes ago... le sigh.
Anyway, we start off having mad camp, for some reason (why aren’t they just staying on Komondomon?? whatev)
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Food! They’re going to get food! They’re splitting up and making a plan in order to get food!!! I still miss the “food desperation” of 99 Adventure but hey, at least they’re acknowledging that they need to eat.
Sora advises Hikari and Takeru not to go too far on their quest and Tailmon swears like a knight of the round table to protect Hikari with her life.
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Taichi: Oookay... note to self: don’t piss off little sister’s hotheaded partner...
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Taichi adds that they’re also counting on Patamon, who is just thrilled to go off and play with Takeru.
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Tailmon: *BIG SIGH*
Lol I really love that they’re bringing back the old Patamon/Tailmon dynamic where she’s all grown up serious and he’s got the priorities of a toddler most of the time... It’s Black Widow and Hawkeye bahahahaha
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Taichi even has to warn Agumon not to eat the food becaues they’re supposed to be gathering it to share ;___; omg... we actually get on screen proof that Agumon is a glutton??
Then Taichi tries to “help” by shaking the tree and the tree falls and they -
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humor!!! Poking fun at Taichi even!! Over food!! Because he has a klutz for a partner!!! And because he himself was overzealous!! ;_; I could die of Cute.
Sora absolutely shocks me this episode too. I expected she’d just watch Taichi and Agumon drift away with their folly while sighing and shrugging her shoulders or something.
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She jumps DIRECTLY UP and into the water without a moment’s hesitation, like they’re going to die without her - I don’t even know what her plan is here, she seems to want Piyomon to evolve and pull them out, but why does that mean Sora has to be in the water too?
I think her sisterly instincts just freaked out on seeing Taichi looking wet and confused and clinging to a tree trunk so she just did the first thing she could think of which was “Get to him!!”
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Piyomon then fails to evolve, reason unclear, I suppose she’s hungry... they never do eat though so I’m not sure why she can evolve later xD (probably they eat off screen)
But I mean I just love that we got this bit with Sora. I call it freaking out but she doesn’t seem freaked out - she stays calm and seems decisive and takes action - all good things. It’s just hard to understand her thought process xD But it’s all good info about Sora. (again stuff we needed more of AGES ago)
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Now I had thought this was all just a funny bit that was separate to the main story, but this is how Taichi and Sora end up washed up in the rocky area Mimi is. This does mean Koushirou, Takeru, and Hikari aren’t much in the rest of the episode, sadly. Not sure why but the reboot does seem to struggle with writing episodes for the whole group.
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Like last week, I’m somewhat miffed that, in the end, the main group finds the stragglers instead of the other way around. It’s even worse this time because at least last episode Koushirou told them where he was and they had a reason to go there. This time they have no idea Mimi’s gonna be there and it’s all a big coincidence. On the other hand... I do think Mimi was born under a lucky star, so that explains it. :P
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Taichi and Sora suddenly find them selves trapped Gulliver’s Travels style and they’re both immediately like, “Hmm... something about this situation seems very familiar...”
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Taichi and Sora: Oh that’s RIGHT we totally forgot that the pink cowgirl we hand out with is also TOTALLY BATSHIT
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D’awww. Our future overlord is just so adorable, I don’t even mind when she flogs us in the street
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TBH, up till now they’ve woefully underestimated just how batshit she is. And it’s wonderful.
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So Mimi has happened upon some poor, disenfranchised Digimon who are being forced to work for an evil boss who collects the beautiful gems that grow in this area. Like in 99 Adventure, Mimi will have none of this sort of crap. Her reasons, though, have evolved with the times:
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omg... she voted for Bernie Sanders!
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This is how Harry and Ron reacted when Hermione said she was starting a house-elf welfare organization called SPEW.
Though I joke - like I said before, even though Taichi and Sora are rather mind-boggled by Mimi’s mood swings and fits of passion, and there’s definitely humor there, Mimi herself is not a joke here. We are shown strongly that, however in the clouds her head might be, her heart is not only in the place, it’s also already internalized the fact that people don’t always get treated well in the real world and it’s up to those with power to ensure that are protected.
I mean. At this point, I’m going, “Sorry but ISN’T MIMI THE REAL LEADER IN THIS SHOW?!?!”
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Of course she does have another, less lofty motivation... she really likes pretty stones.
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Mimi’s names are as creative as they are incredible, just like her. Taichi and Sora have trouble keying in with Mimi due to how changeable she is, but they never talk badly about her or reject her. They never try to wrest leadership from her either! Taichi might think Mimi’s names for the stones are over the top, but sort of sidesteps it and just goes along with her plan.
Reason #14567876867867 why I love Yagami Taichi: when someone else is the leader, he can be a follower. And he’ll be the BEST follower. Keep reading to see why.
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The story of how Mimi befriended the enslaved rock Digimon here is pretty much how Goku became besties with Vegeta.
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Men communicate their hearts through their fists! Or swords, depending on the anime. ANOTHER AWESOME SUBVERSIVE MOMENT FOR MIMI - she’s now even got cliche shonen hero tropes assigned to her!
Taichi and Sora, like I said, don’t try to change Mimi’s mind - they’re actually touched by her strong feelings about workers’ rights and her desire to help her new friends -
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Taichi: Wait... what?
Sora: Well, she’s still a ten year old girl.
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The rock Digimon show their allegiance to Princess CEO Mimi. They don’t even mind having their names and identities stripped away and being reduced to numbers on an Excel spreadsheet...
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Taichi: I hate Excel.
Sora: I do too, but I’m more impressed that she remembers the numbers she gave us back in episode 6.
Taichi: Impressed? More like filled with a sense of impending doom
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Only Taichi seems to understand Mimi’s unique power bahahaha.
But back to what I said earlier, about Mimi being the real leader: I don’t know if the show’s gonna keep doing anything with this at all, but I really like that they didn’t NOT do this in order to ensure Taichi’s the only leader. (I mean, Yamato’s so far not made much of a bid for leadership so he’s been pretty uncontested thus far. He also hasn’t had to do all that much leading given how often the group is separated... but I digress)
I love the idea that Taichi can step back and let someone else take the reins when they’re best suited. Which Mimi is, due to her easy ability to make friends and gain trust. Mimi had this ability in 99 as well and it was used in the final battle to muster the troops, so to speak. It ought to have been a bigger deal but wasn’t since she missed most of the final battle :/ But I loved that “social, able to make friends” wasn’t some stupid “Girls talk too much” trait, it was actually something that was useful. This is a great place to take that with the reboot.
At the same time, while Mimi and Taichi both have similar leadership traits, there are places they diverge that potentially make them leaders for different situations. Taichi’s pretty cool and strategic even in emergencies. He was more of a hothead in 99, but Mimi’s always been quick to anger. (And quick to cool down.) As we’ll see in this episode, that’s sort of where Taichi’s true ability lies: he’s serious, determined, strategic, and reliable as well as brave. But this is Mimi’s episode, and Taichi isn’t going to get to be the hero anymore than he (almost) was last week with Koushirou. Because more than one character can have positive leadership traits! Hallelujah.
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Quick nip over to Komondomon and the others - Koushirou’s group is going to try to find them, but Komondomon falls asleep. Oh noes. I wish someone (Koushirou) would ask, out loud, “Gee, what are these strange symbols that appear when we communicate via digivice? Do they mean something? How were they assigned?” I really thought we’d get a hint what with all the conveniently colorful gemstones this episode, but still nope.
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My girl looking like a BAMF!
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Mimi explains her plan to her servants employees. She is surprisingly artistic!
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Sora plays the role of bait to create a diversion while Greymon digs a tunnel to get to where the gems are stored. Mimi congratulates herself on a job well done.
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Taichi: A job well done? Who d’you think has been doing the work here?
Greymon: That would be me.
Taichi: Right, right I was going to say you >.>;
So we do see bits of Mimi’s self-centered side as well - she’s not perfect, but who is? Taichi just lives with it. Mwehehehe.
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... will be fired! LMAO
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No. 72 is Taichi, btw. Mimi gave up calling people by their names for Lent.
Taichi: Lent’s not for over a month.
Mimi: It’s never too early for religious sacrifice.
Taichi: And you’re not Catholic.
Mimi: I celebrate Mardi Gras.
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He’s miffed and he.... just lives with it. Again. xD
It’s hilarious. And adorable. I love both that 1) Mimi is an awesome boss while being, in fact, rather bossy, and that 2) in spite of being a boss type himself, Taichi not only listens to Mimi, but he totally indulges her like he’s her older brother or something x’D He wouldn’t be out of line for saying “I have a name you know!” On the other hand, I guess he knows her well enough to understand that she doesn’t mean anything by it, and... there’s no stopping her when she gets like this :P
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Feel the wrath of Tachikawa Mimi!!!
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So Mimi’s plan has worked so far, and she’s got everyone listening to her despite her questionable business practices, and then she... suddenly rushes off in another direction.
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Taichi: That’s it, I am through being her personal assistant if she’s just going to change the plan on a whim!
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Taichi: ... I don’t want to see her get hurt or be sad though...
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Greymon understands Taichi’s heart ;___; and enables him to go after Mimi. I don’t really get why it’s wise to split up given that Taichi can’t fight big rock Digimon without his partner... x’D So I’m going to chalk this up to, Greymon understands that Taichi is, at his core, the team Dad. He’s got to be allowed to worry and check up on the kids, even when it’s not so advisable. Awwwwwwwww.
Indeed, Taichi doesn’t get to be the hero this ep, but small moments like this give us waaaay more character development than always being the hero!
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Fortunately Mimi does have her own partner and she’s not afraid of the enemy’s rock hard abs. :P
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They make it into the storage center for all the gems. IT’S SO COLORFUL. Ten year old men is squeeing just like Mimi.
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Come on!! She’s holding yellow/orange topaz and purple amethyst! It could be the material for Taichi or Takeru’s and Koushirou’s crests! (I always liked fire opal for Taichi though xD)
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Taichi’s been promomted!! To chief pack animal x’D Just because it’s a cool name doesn’t mean that’s what the job is, Meems.
Taichi’s just like, “I think I’m too young for that position.” Bahahaha.
He’s going to be carrying her books to school before long.
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Then something big and hard hits Taichi in the head!! He freaking starts to cry, it hurts so bad!!
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Taichi: Owww! Omg I think I got a concussion from that! Help someone call an ambulance!
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He was hit in the head by a diamond, which Mimi loves. So she goes off on a monologue about how much she likes diamonds. She never asks him if he’s okay x’D
Taichi: Don’t worry about me, I’m fine, not that you asked or anything.
Mimi: Please, everyone knows your head is already harder than diamonds.
Taichi: ...
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The pile of gems looks like Fruity Pebbles. Mmmmm
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It turns out the mastermind of this whole operation is Gogmamon, who is the bastard child of Gogmagog I assume :P He eats the gemstones as well as Gotsumon for power. He then produces the diamonds?? I didn’t quite understand if he was spitting out the diamonds because he didn’t like them, or he was creating them inside him when eating and then spitting them out like... diamond turds...
they’re diamond turds aren’t they >__>
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Mimi is not interested in big business bulldozing the mom and pop shops and small upstarts. And she hates sweatshops! She is pro-Fair Trade all the way! And she will yell it in your face!
Taichi: It’s the yelling part that I’m having trouble with.
Mimi: A good speech from the boss is what keeps up employee morale!
Taichi: Yeah, that’s less true when the boss is about to be gobbled up herself...
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Golemon and Togemon try to fight Gogmamon and this results in Golemon falling to pieces.
Taichi: Are you okay?
Golemon: My HEAD was knocked off, but sure I’m doing JUST FINE -____- little brat
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Taichi stands protectively in front of Golemon’s head. Lol. He’s thinking of strategies... perhaps regretting rushing after Mimi and leaving his own partner behind...
Mimi joins him and Gogmamon finds her a formidable opponent in the war of words. Gogmamon argues that all the rocks, all the Digimon, everything here belongs to him and him alone! And Mimi brilliantly counters with:
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“Fuck that! They belong to ME!”
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x’D He just like... under his breath... “she admits that’s how she thinks of us...” hahahaha... I laughed out loud...
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It might not be 3D but this is an excellent evolution sequence xD I haven’t said so yet but the animation in this episode was good! Good for the show anyway. It was smoother than usual despite some mechanical-like mouth movements and more than that, it had character and expression!
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okay important question everyone: Taichi = Kermit, Mimi = Miss Piggy... discuss??
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So Gogmamon has a pretty cool-sounding attack, “Curse Reflection.” I have often complained that the villains we fight and get new evolutions with aren’t that scary, but Gogmamon not only seemed pretty formidable (if not the smart, I mean he does have rocks for a brain), he also had a good story build up. My one disappointment in this episode is that the ending is so fast and Gogmamon so easily dealt with. This would have been a good time to introduce Rosemon (like how last week would have been an appropriate time for HerculesKabuterimon). But in both cases, we’re definitely supposed to take away at least that these guys are almost there... Anyway yeah, I would have liked a tiny bit more meant to the resolution but.
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So here’s ANOTHER cool thing! Taichi notices that Gogmamon rejects the diamonds, and realizes they’re the key to defeating him. But he doesn’t just tell that to Mimi. He asks her “Did you see that?” And guess what - she did!
So even though the show couldn’t resist telling us that yes, Taichi would have been able to handle this situation - it doesn’t even let him give Mimi a hint towards victory. She figures it out for herself! The most we can say he does is point out the diamond, but she understands the implication and is able to use it against Gogmamon through her own intellect.
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Mimi is very influenced by her hardworking, CEO grandpa, Tachikawa Genichiro, who’s taught her things about business and things about values, and it really reads as if she’s the one who will inherit the family business - like she’s the family investment. You know, the role that traditionally only falls to sons. That’s changed with the world, and apparently Tachikawa Genichiro-jiisan is totally on board with his granddaughter being more than just a pretty heiress!
... btw what are they making...
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“You’re fired!” Mimi yells as Lillymon takes Gogmamon down x’D kill me I love it
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Like last time (and it sure was a long time ago that we saw it ;_;), the aftereffects of Lillymon’s powers is plants start growing everywhere. This is such a cool effect, I don’t get why it’s not used more. Right now I feel like Mimi/Palmon are the best set in the show.
(I did think it was funny when Mimi gives the diamond to Lillymon to use against Gogmamon and Lillymon acts like Mimi’s making this huge sacrifice since she loves diamonds so much. But 1) it wasn’t the only one, and 2) they were spat out by Gogmamo! that’s gross! that’s got to cut into the value! hahah)
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The others finally catch up and the day is saved. Golemon is an employee for life now. Awww.
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I gushed about all this before so I won’t repeat myself, but yeah, I’m so happy with this episode.
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Lol Sora and Taichi have accepted their places in Mimi’s world, in the end. They might have numbers instead of names and their boss might change her mind about things every five seconds, but other than that it’s a pretty nice gig overall.
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Again the art, so sweet. This reminded me of Miyako yelling to Mimi about how she wants to be like her when she grows up in 02 so I capped it.
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And I absolutely love this little play on words since it’s in English! Wow!
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SO CUTE. How did a Mimi episode kick every other episode out of the water? Scratch that, we always knew Mimi was fantastic. A shojo hero for the 21st century.
Well I said a ton and this is really long now so I’m gonna assume you all get my thoughts on this episode. 9.5/10, really awesome, totally unexpected but perfectly suted to Mimi. I’m so so happy this show seems to have figured things out and remebered that it’s supposed to be freaking Digimon Adventure, it seemed like it forgot for a while there. I just hope we haven’t wasted too much time on those more lackluster episodes, I want so many more stories like this one.
Next week looks like another winner:
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OK, that concept is hilarious x’D I’m so sorry. But also, leave it to Yamato and Gabumon to get the tragedy episode.
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The mood maker will be this guy! I’m totally psyched for Yamato and Jou. Taichi’s been important in the past two episodes even though they were centered on Koushirou and Mimi, so I wonder if/when he’ll be involved this time? Or maybe it really will be just Yamato and Jou - my dream combo?? I can’t wait either way.
DID NOT CHECK FOR TYPOS! See y’all next week.
28 notes · View notes
allkinds-oftrash · 3 years
Ya girl is watching the latest HSM series ep and Imma live blog it hshshs and will add my reactions under the cut so it doesn't end up a long post. Anyways, let's goo:
They really said we're gonna let life imitate art with Nini and Olivia huh
Ricky was SUPPORTIVE??? Damnn I really thought we gonna get a classic Ricky tantrum....
But also wow sir that sounds salty and should definitely talk to someone abt how you're feeling...A therapist maybe 👀
I know we needed to contextualise how Ricky felt abt the song but I really wanted to see Nini's interview in full!!
Sebby you're so cute I do wanna see yall do DEH
Shjshshs not the rights not being available for another 5 years 😭😭
I dunno how they're in great shape and closer to the Menkies Gold after not having a single proper rehearsal, but go off Miss Jenn
Omg honestly Kourt's costumes are always amazing and on point Imma excited to see it
Kourt is such a simp we love to see it
Carlos is so pissy this episode we love to see it shshhs
Also love the way Seb calms him down and keeps him nice it's such a funny dynamic
"We had 20 people make our Belle dress over 50 hours" Okay North High shut the fuck up
I'm calling it now the reason North High knows so much is cos Howie is the leak and Kourt has been unwittingly telling him. The way her phone keeps going off as they discuss how North High knows everything is really good foreshadowing if my prediction is right
Also like her phone went off just as Carlos said "How did they know that?" THAT'S PEAK FORESHADOWING
If Howie ain't in North High, I dunno what Tim is doing
"I have abs" We know sweetie
"I PADDED THE THUSH FOR YOU" "AWW THANKS KOURT I NEEDED THAT" THIS INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING THAT WAS SO FUNNY!! I love that it is now canon that EJ has abs but no butt love that for him
Okay but like damn these costumes are great!! North High can fuck right off with its high end ones I just wanna see lowkey homemade costumes by students; I'd watch a Broadway show if I wanted to see professional costumes okay
Damn Carlos has killer eyesight clocking in that mask in the trunk
Nini's little look over at Gina was like "Omg you guys my girlfriend is so cute and dumb" GINI STANS HOW WE FEELING?
Miss Jenn don't be that naive, your boyfriend probably put them up to it
That Insta page is prophetic with their timing tbh; all the info is a leak obviously looking at your Howie but like the timing of it all. Those kiddos don't know that they are discussing the stolen mask at this exact moment (Kourt has put down her phone after Carlos snapped at her so Howie doesn't know they are talking abt it rn)
"We don't dance with the enemy" *cuts to her dancing with Zackey later*
SEBBY WEARING THE TEACUP COSTUME OMG HE'S GOING MAKE SUCH A CUTE CHIP (yes I am still mad Seb/Joe was robbed but Imma fangirl over the costume anyway)
Wtf why does North High look so expensive - they are literally in the same district as East High right??? How did they get this much funding
North High is a very artsy and rich for a public school; they should have had Nini go here instead of YAC tbh (like this campus feels like what YAC should have been) NOW THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN AN INTERESTING STORYLINE
Seblos' dynamic IS ON POINT THIS EP I really love my bois so much and their back and forth is hilarious
Shhshs DIANE who loves volleyball and North High okay I totally believe it
Shshsh we love Gina knowing herself and practicing self control by volunteering to be the lookout
Omg yall listen to Carlos and stfu they are so lucky no one saw or heard them yelling Wildcats
Oh no no no no no Miss Jenn you gonna get sucked in; this is gonna be so messy
Omg I saw someone post about this scene before I watched the ep YALL ARE RIGHT THAT BOI HITTING ON GINA IS SO FINE Babes go for that one, not EJ
NOT THEM FAKE DATING UGH E W TIM STOP MAKING ROMANTIC PORTWELL A T H I N G I honestly do not understand how some of yall can ship it romantically knowing Sofia is a whole underaged babey and Matty is a whole ass grown man - like I get the appeal of the Wonderstudies getting together and they do have chemistry but the irl age gap is creepy and outweighs the appeal of shipping them romantically
As I always say; Portwell/Wonderstudies should be a BROTP not an OTP
Ugh Brotp Portwell would have clocked Lily right away; romantic Portwell making googly eyes at each other isn't helping anyone
Living for Nini getting the recognition she deserves - I really like her solo arc this season she's so much more interesting without Ricky tbh
Aww Kourt you simp I love her and I'm so happy she's happy I wanna be wrong about Howie being a North High kid
Where is the mask??
Lily really wishes she was Jesse St. James huh; you could never Lily so stop
Andrew Barth Feldman and his cute little French accent I love him so much
Hnng Miss Jenn gonna get manipulated by this hoe. Omg wowow Zackey really is a hoe, making out with another girl before the show THE AUDACITY OF HIM SAYING MISS JENN WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH I WILL THROW HANDS WITH THIS MOFO
Wait the kids didn't steal it BUT WHAT IF ZACKEY DID
Ssjsgfajhdfg I CANNOT WITH ANDREW'S ACCENT but I can't tell if its really bad or really good but I'm also confused why didn't they just cast a French person as Antonie shshhs Antoine is adorableee and a little shit the best type of character
Lily is so annoying b y e sis bye and Olivia Keegan is talented I just wish they didn't make her character such a cartoony villain type
"How about if we bop to the top" SEBBY I LOVE YOU AND NEVER STOP BEING SO CUTE I SWEAR and Awww Carlos called him Honey I am s o f t
Hnng why do these fools are really gonna give into North High calling them chickens
"She told us not to dance with the enemy. She's better than this" No Sebby, she's not *cuts to her dancing with Zackey* AND OMG THE WAY I SAW THIS EDIT COMING BEFORE IT CAME
Ooooh I like this song wayyy more whatever the mess The Mob Song became (when I first heard it drop on Spotify yesterday) Around You is such a great song musically and lyrically very relevant to these two and gosh I love their voices together
They have so much chemistry damn, go home Mike (well he technically has oop) and Mr. Mazzara
Oh god this is the scene from the trailer; she's gonna make a move on Ricky isn't she?? Leave him alone Lily he doesn't need a 3rd girl to be confused about he needs a therapist
Lily shut the fuck up with quasi; STOP TRYING TO MAKE QUASI HAPPEN
"I love Nini's song" Sure, Jan.
...Okay yes you should have called him out but don't bait him LIKE THAT oop there's the scene from the trailer
Ohmygod is Andrew Barth Feldman gonna hit on Ashlyn
Okay this is so cute but also I am VERY annoyed with the way this show handles its characters like they aren't relevant or important unless they get into a relationship or a love triangle?? That's such a shitty way to give out screentime and arcs to characters. Is it not enough to develop the characters on their own and strengthen their friendship???
HUH TIM why you so obsessed with compulsory heterosexuality??(well also homosexuality for Seblos but they are the only ones I'm not annoyed with their relationship cos its a hella big step for Disney to have a gay couple and their relationship isn't in our faces or overshadows the plot and its just spinkles of cuteness every time they interact - they are honestly who Rini wishes they were; besties in love. They are a couple that Tim should be taking notes from; leave the relationship drama in the background, focus on the theatre and friendship aspect of everything)
My mini rant aside; this is a very adorable interaction between Ashlyn and Antoine.
This is so funny he keeps picking out the hottest guys of the group; as if he himself isn't the French version of Big Red they look super alike ngl shshsh
Drama between Antoine and Red is already spicing up shshsh I cannot
Why are you so dramatic with the shuffle Lily gtfo of here...also this doesn't make sense?? She wasn't even on a BATB playlist; what if a non BATB song came on ahahah
Good to know they aren't big fans of The Mob Song like I am Awww EJ you cutie, okay I will appreciate the OG Mob Song just for you
I'm being robbed of Gaston for the last 7 eps I at least deserve an EJ solo for compensation
The way the set looks straight out of Broadway but also like omg the blue lighting and fancy stage gave me intense flashbacks to that Glee episode where Vocal Adrenaline sang Bohemian Rhapsody
Howie you hoe you gonna break my girl Kourtney's heart
Yeah...still not a fan of Antoine's Dance Remix
Yall know Gina would kill the dance number if she wasn't wearing that fit
First the Beasts led it (Howie sounded better than Ricky ngl), then the Lumieres (their voices worked hella well together; I always forget what a talented singer Frankie is THEY NEED TO GIVE HIM A SOLO SONG) and now the Belles are going at it (Ashlyn's voice is superior)
...Did anyone really win, Lily??? STFU
Oooh I did see someone talk about this when the Rose Song dropped last week, apparently its illegal to add songs to a musical you're doing for a school play; I really thought the show would brush past that irl rule but I guess they are playing into it
Okay Nini is being a little pissy about leaving her song out of the show and its a little selfish to wanna keep it at the risk of being disqualified but I also understand why she's hurt
Everyone is dog piling on her right now being against her idea and it feels like they are being against her song and her herself instead of them not wanting to be disqualified. Also like she poured her heart and soul into the song after Miss Jenn lowkey rushed her to write it. So I can see why this feels like a rejection of her and her song and why she's so hurt rather than her seeing the big picture right now
It doesn't help that Ricky said the final blow causing her to walk off
Okay maybe Zackey gets some rights for being chill and wanting the kids to be peers
THIS MOTHERFUCKER I KNEW HE WAS SHADY Also the way I gasped even though I predicted he stole the mask halfway through this ep shshsh
Stab him Miss Jenn STAB HIM
Bitch why you so threatened by East High if yall have such a Broadway-esque show planned??? They honestly should have stuck to the Little Mermaid; I really wanted to see the aquarium
"It's just a song Ricky" "A song can mean everything" Do you get deja vu? Anyone else getting intense flashbacks to Jan when DL first dropped and all the drama happened 👀
YES PLEASE STAY CO ANCHORS Gosh I love them so much esp once you take the romantic connotations out of their interactions
I love this long take of checking in with everyone's relationship status (still hate how romantically focused this show has become but still a cool shot)
Okay but like looking at Kourtney's face I have never wanted to be wrong so bad GOD I HATE IT HERE I really think he likes her and I hope they work it out
Nini setting up her own music acc feels like when Olivia rebranded her whole IG to be just for her music stuff - love this for both of them
I know everyone loves her as Nini but like I have always loved the name Nina and it really suits her to be honest also shows how she's growing up now and kind of leans into the lyric "I won't be confined to your point of view" from The Rose Song because Nini is the nickname Ricky gave her so it shows that she's outgrowing him too and I love that for her!
Overall thoughts; they really crammed all the North High drama into one ep huh. Personally would have liked it if all of this was spread out throughout the last few episodes; like different hijinks for every episode. I'm just a big fan of properly setting up the overall arc over the season instead of patching it together closer to the climax/end of the show. Cos now it lowkey feels like two different seasons - 2A felt like The Rini/Rina Show esp with YAC storyline and whatever was going on with Rina and now 2B is finally feeling like what this season should have been all this time
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nikkalia · 5 years
Pops in the Park
TITLE: Pops in the Park
AUTHOR: Nikkalia
SUMMARY: This is the result of a conversation on Discord about Loki!Tom crashing a concert. It went downhill from there... Dedicated to my darling @igotloki
NOTES/WARNINGS: (kinks, triggers, general warnings.) Smut, which is really difficult to write in first person for some reason...
TAGS: @igotloki @fandom-and-feminism @mrshiddleston-uk @fadingcoast @mischievousbellerina 
NOTES: Someone remind me to fix the hashtags later?
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming... No,” I whispered to no one. Speeches make me nervous and you could definitely hear it in my voice. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight...this evening. Ugh, why do they make me do this?”
“Because Anthony Daniels canceled when it wasn’t all about Star Wars,” Mike answered, grinning. “Relax, you’ve got this.”
“No respect from my concertmaster,” I smirked as he clapped my shoulder.
“So, is the magic man making an appearance tonight?”
“Nope. He’s otherwise occupied.”
Mike laughed. “What does that even mean?”
I shrugged. “It means...he won’t be here.”
“Oh, come on. He can’t pull away from whatever he’s filming for one night to celebrate your 5 year anniversary with us? Loser.”
“Whatever.” I blew out a sigh and looked back over my notes. “Really hate speeches.”
“See, magic man should’ve been here. He likes to talk and the ladies love to listen.” Mike winked and got a smack on the arm for his trouble before wandering off.
He wasn’t wrong. Tom loved to talk and everyone loved his voice, not just the ladies. In the two plus years we've been together, I’d never known him to refuse an opportunity to tell a story - except to hear me tell one. He was the only man I’d ever met that could listen as intently as he does, to make you feel like the entire universe centered around you. Management had actually approached his agent about serving as emcee when Daniels backed out, and they declined, citing a previous commitment. Which was, at the time, a bald-faced lie.
We argued about the timing of this show only a few days prior to the request because the concert was so close to our own anniversary. He had, in typical Tom fashion, made some grand plans involving travel and luxuries and all the things that drove my simplistic heart manic with worry, and hadn’t bothered to check the concert calendar. So, when I told him I couldn’t blow off the fund-raising event of the season, he went ballistic.
And I fired back. How dare he get upset when he’d canceled God knows how many times in favor of an audition? Where did he get off saying that one night wasn’t as important as ‘us’ when he’d confused night after night for his career? It turned really ugly and I ended up flying back to New York earlier than planned because of it. We didn’t speak for a week, and all of our communication after that was strained. Six weeks later, I stopped hearing from him altogether, despite assurances from his mother and sisters that we were still very much a couple. He was deep in some remote area with no wireless signal, they said. I sighed, pushing back tears.  
“Two minutes to curtain. Oh, and I’m supposed to tell you that an emcee has been located. You’re off the hook.” a stagehand told me.
“Thank you, God!”
I found Mike walking toward me, making sure everyone was ready to go.
“Conductor,” he nodded, a glint of mischief in his eye.
“Concertmaster,” I nodded back, grinning. Our pre-show ritual complete, he returned to his place in the lineup and the procession began with the welcoming announcement. I watched from the wings as the line of bodies filed into their seats to thunderous applause. The house looked to be full. “Must be doing something right,” I said to the stagehand.
A hush fell over the crowd, followed by the sound of a solid A from Mike. The strings followed, then woodwinds, brass. Mike nodded again. I nodded back, then to the stagehand, who gave his own cue to the booth. I took a deep breath, prayed a little prayer, and strode out on the stage as the house announcer introduced me. I bowed, gesturing to the musicians who were doing all of the real work tonight, and smiled.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage our master of ceremonies for the evening, mister Robert Downey, Jr.”
Bob strode out to the center of the stage, grinning from ear to ear.
I shot the dirtiest look to Mike, mouthing, “You knew.”
He shrugged, then smiled. Jackass.
“Maestra, you look stunning,” I heard beside me. He leaned in for a cheek-to-cheek kiss, lingering a little longer than maybe he should have. “He misses you,” he finally whispered, pulling away.
“Then he should be here.” I croaked. Poor Bob, reduced to a mere messenger boy. “Shall we?”
Being the gentleman that he is, Robert led me to the platform, holding my hand as I made the tiny step up, then returned to the podium on the other side of the stage.
I reviewed the first few measures of the music in front of me while Robert began his speech. He told the audience of his love for the music we would begin the performance with, the “John Williams Suite”. It was an orchestration I’d been working on for months, often to Tom’s frustration. Sheet music tended to consume the kitchen table in my loft apartment, something that was not at all conducive to his attempts to cook for me. I smiled as we began with ‘Indiana Jones’ themes, recalling a particular incident where he walked into the apartment completely unannounced, arms overloaded with grocery bags to find the table had been covered with scores from half a dozen films. He just sighed and went into the kitchen to begin cooking. Another meal on the sofa, he lamented. I simply kept on writing, struggling to get the transition between ‘E.T.’ and ‘Jurassic Park’ just right.
The music followed into the Star Wars medley. Lost in memory, I had to pull myself together enough to get through the rest of the piece. ‘Duel of the Fates’ was no joke to perform, much less conduct. Some of the choir members referred to it as the marathon. The horn players laughed at them until I reminded them that this was the reason why I stretched my arms before every rehearsal. Tom knew when rehearsals were intense by the way I held my shoulders afterward. He’d always massage the muscles, wondering if I was perhaps a bit too animated in my conducting. I’d always ask if he was perhaps a bit too animated when he read the Saint Crispin’s speech. That’s usually when the tickling started.
After a few moments pause for the audience to show their appreciation, and for the orchestra to move sheet music around, we moved into a mix of old and new Star Trek themes, ending with the suite from Into Darkness. There has been a great deal of debate within the group as to which series - old or new - was better, followed by discussions of films, actors, approaches, and which made my little geeky heart happy. Tom had no comment on the matter, despite the fact that his eyes lit up a little more when we opted to watch Ben’s version of Khan instead of the original.
The piece finished and Robert began rambling on about music and film and... I stopped paying attention after a few seconds, focusing again on the upcoming music. One of the stagehands appeared on my right and placed a wireless mic on the music stand. I put it on, thinking I would be expected to say a few words about my time with the orchestra, what an honor it was, blah blah blah.
Celebrate yourself, Tom would say. If anyone deserves accolades, it’s you. My response was almost always, “yeah, whatever,” which would send him into a 20-minute monologue extolling my virtues as a musician and human. I’ve always preferred to let the music speak for itself.
I heard Robert say “This is gonna be fun,” and knew we were up. I’d arranged a medley of Queen songs - Somebody to Love, I’m Going Slightly Mad, Days of Our Lives, and Bohemian Rhapsody. When Mike saw the score for the first time, he asked if I was okay. I just wasn’t ready to discuss the argument, so I brushed the question off with a shrug. “Feeling nostalgic,” I told him. “Besides, I want to show the altos some love.”
The altos later told me that was not the kind of love they were looking for. The sopranos, however, were ecstatic. Divas, the whole lot of them.
Music from the MCU finished out the evening. Black Panther, Thor, Captain Marvel, and all the Avengers films wrapped into 10 minutes. It was supposed to be for Tom. I’d seriously contemplated scrapping the whole section after the fight but the entire orchestra vetoed the idea, citing it as the “entertaining” piece of the evening. I knew that if the musicians weren’t happy, no one was happy, so it stayed but they just wanted to play Immigrant Song.
We’d moved through to ‘Portals’ from the Endgame soundtrack and I could feel the energy of the audience change. They started shouting and clapping behind me. Maybe they’re loving the music with the latest movie having been released. We reached the scripted pause, and I kept going, but the orchestra doesn’t. They just sat there staring at me, and I was suddenly aware of “Loki” being chanted behind me. I glared at Mike, who’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat. That’s when the glint of gold caught my eye. I turned, finally dropping my arms when my mouth follows suit.
Loki, or Tom, in full Loki regalia, strode toward me like a demi-god possessed. The horns sat above smoldering eyes, cape flowing behind him as he approached me like an animal stalking his prey. It took every ounce of self-control I had not to pounce on him in front of God and the globe. I never could resist that costume, and he knew it. Instead, I simply crossed my arms.
“Please,” he growled, the swagger growing, “don’t stop on my account. Summon your Avengers.”
“Bad enough you destroy half of Manhattan with some half-baked scheme to take over the world. Now, you have the audacity to crash my gig and interrupt their music?”
He stopped short, head cocking to one side. I don’t think he was entirely sure if I was serious or just playing along. The infamous smile returned.
“Forgive me. The interruption of the arts is indeed a sin, but the purpose behind my visit warrants such sacrilege.” When I didn’t answer, he removed his helmet, eliciting a new wave of cheers from the crowd. His hair was its natural ginger, long and wildly out of control. He turned to them and held a finger to his goateed lips, a la 2013’s Comic-Con visit before placing the helmet on the stage.
“I have found myself lamenting the loss of something very dear to me of late. Something that I believe you alone can help me recover.” He paused, his voice echoing through the speakers while his hands fell to his sides. “It pains me to admit such shortcomings, but I find that I am weaker without you, that I am lost without your presence in my life. I am heartbroken at each day that passes without the sound of your voice. So,” his cloak flew behind him with a flourish and he fell to one knee. A collective gasp came from the audience and the stage. “My lady, would you consider restoring to me the grace of your life and your love on a permanent basis?”
What the hell is happening? I glanced over at Mike. He and the rest of the orchestra are literally sitting on the edge of their seats. When I turn back to Tom, his arm is extended towards me, a small box with a ring sitting in the palm of his hand. Tom, channeling Loki, channeling King Hal. I was doomed.  
“Will you consent to be my queen and my love? Will you marry me?”
His head dropped and my heart leaped into my throat. Time seemed to slow to a crawl while I recalled every fight, every laugh, every moment of passion and joy and sorrow. How could I possibly say yes? How could I not?
The soft sound of a camera lens focusing on me snapped me out of my time stop. He was still on bended knee, his arm shaking a bit. I stepped off of the platform and lifted his chin. For all his eloquence, I could only come up with a single word response.
Tom jumped to his feet and kissed me as everyone within earshot roared with approval. ‘All I Ask of You’ began to play and I made a mental note to fire then promote Mike later, as I was sure he’d been part of this plot all along. A moment passed in his arms before he finally stepped back, scooping up the golden horns.
“I shall be waiting with white horses, my queen.”
“And here I thought you’d want me to play you out.”
“As long as it’s not ‘Performance Issues’.”
“No promises.” I winked then stepped back onto the platform. “Ladies and gentlemen, shall we skip to the end?” Mike nodded and everyone found their page. I raised my hands and music from the Avengers theme rang out in the park.
Tom bowed to me before he slid the helmet back over his head, turned and walked to the side of the stage where Robert stood, raising his hands in victory when applause followed. I caught them embracing out of the corner of my eye and knew I’d have to give both of them grief later for the first glimpse of ‘FrostIron.’
We made it to the loft long after the final note sounded. There had been a sea of people congratulating me on the concert, the engagement, and everything in between. Tom vanished long enough to de-Loki, much to my disappointment, but stayed right next to me for the rest of the night. When we were finally able to leave, he ushered me out to a white Jag. White horses, indeed.
He zipped through the streets of Manhattan with ease, taking as many backroads as possible to avoid traffic. I took the time to get a good look at the ring, and oh God was it stunning. A large oval stone set on its side with two smaller stones at either end set in a band of polished silver knotwork. Definitely handcrafted and a perfect fit.
“The band’s tungsten. I know how hard you are on jewelry,” Tom said with a wink.”The stones are moldavite, amethyst, and garnet.” he glanced over, a smile on his face. “Us.”
“It’s perfect,” I blushed a little, hoping he wouldn’t notice. “And you’re a dork of the highest caliber.”
That little laugh that drives all the ladies crazy slipped out as he nodded and pulled into the parking garage. Our elevator ride was silent as the family that snuck in just as the doors were closing bombarded Tom with more questions about Loki than I’d ever come up with. It made me think we’d have to take the service elevator from now on.
All thoughts of anything beyond the man wrapped around me vanished as soon as the apartment door closed. Tom spun me around, planting a kiss that went from chaste to passion in point zero six seconds. I heard my keys hit the floor after I missed the end table. He growled when I tried to pick them up, nipping a little harder at my neck, pushing me toward the bedroom.
We were all hands trying to shed clothes on the way. You’d think that as much coordination we had individually, we’d be able to make it look as graceful as it did in the movies. The poor boy got so frustrated that he picked me up, carried me down the hallway, and dropped me on the bed. Shoes and socks off, he stepped closer to unzip my dress while I worked on his pants. The ‘conda sprang free as soon as the zipper fell. Another growl came from above when I wrapped my hand around it, morphing into a moan as when lips added.
The bed dipped to one side a little with the weight of his leg. His hands rested on my shoulders as he tried to steady himself while I rolled my tongue around his cock. I couldn’t see his eyes with his head leaned back, but knew he was lost in the sensations, his hips rocking back and forth. He pulled out suddenly, tugged my hands away and upward to my feet.
Another kiss, slower and more passionate while he finally figured out the zipper of my gown. His hands moved the fabric down, and the frustrated moan came when he remembered just how much effort went into making slinky black dresses look good. He nuzzled and nipped his way across my face and down my neck while he fumbled with the clasps of my bra. I returned the favor, dragging teeth along his neck until I was able to get his shirt open.  
What was left of my clothing dropped to the floor in one swift motion when Tom dropped to his knees, pushing me back onto the bed. I slid up the mattress and he followed, kissing and licking his way up my legs. He stopped at my hips, licking upward along the inside of my thigh but never quite made it to the center.
“If all you’re gonna do is tease,” I panted, “then get up here.”
“You would deny me the pleasure of devouring your already dripping quim?” Loki’s voice followed the dark, lust filled eyes that looked up at me. Before I could wrap my brain around my impending demise by god-lust, a finger slid inside me, followed by another. The smirk became a grin and he lowered his mouth to my clit, his eyes never leaving mine.
He growled again as he began to suck, slowly pumping his ridiculously long fingers in and out of my pussy. I tried to squirm away when he picked up the pace and he wrapped his free arm around my leg, locking me in place. I lost count of how many times he brought me to the edge only to back off and begin again. My fingers found their way into his hair, tugging him upward, only to be rewarded with his teeth dragging across my swollen bud.
“Not until you cum,” he purred, still latched on to me. He began thrusting the fingers inside me, curling them around to brush against that little bundle of nerves while he clamped down with lips and teeth. It didn’t take long for my body to shatter beneath him, my orgasm tearing its way out of me with a scream. He anchored me down with both arms, sucking out every last drop I could offer.
When I came back to reality, he was making a slow path up my body, his breath hot on my skin. His lips finally reached mine and I took rough possession of them, wanting to taste him. The tip of his cock brushed against my pussy and I shivered. Tom pulled away a bit.
“Need a bit longer to recover?” he whispered, nuzzling against my cheek.
“Absolutely not.” I pulled him closer to me and shifted a bit, sliding a hand down his stomach. “Only thing I need is you.” My fingers wrapped around his length and guided him inside.
“Oh. My. Go...” The last syllable was lost in the moan that rumbled in his chest. He was completely still above me except the slow thrust to push himself deeper, nearly purring as he went. I moved my hands along his sides and he sighed. “Been too long. Won’t last.”
“Ditto,” I breathed into his ear, “on both counts. Just move.”
Tom obliged, rocking his hips back and forth, moving a little faster with each thrust. I tried to lift my hips to his, but he built a pace I just couldn’t maintain. All I could do was hold onto him, losing myself in the feeling his body in mine and the sounds we made. His moans took on a higher pitch and his thrusts became erratic until every muscle in his body tensed, his seed spilling in waves. Feeling him cum sent me back over the edge, and I could’ve sworn I heard him chuckle as I clamped down around him.
We lay tangled in each other for a while, basking in the afterglow. He finally moved to the side, eliciting a groan from both of us when he did. Ever the gentleman, he let me duck into the loo first while he turned down the bed. Both settled back in bed, I curled up next to him, my head resting on his chest.
“Love?” he whispered, toying with a lock of my hair. “Are you sure?”
“Sure of what?”
“This,” he spoke as he ran his fingers along my left hand to the ring. “I know you wouldn’t have refused me in front of the entire world and half of Manhattan, even if you wanted to.” I lifted my head from his chest to look at him. There was a genuine concern on his face as he sighed. “So, are you sure?”
“You’re serious?” His face turned sheepish. “Then let me answer a question with a question.”
“What? You hate it when I do that!” He sat up a bit and I pressed a finger to his lips.
“Thomas William Loki Adam Hank Henry Robert Freddie Jonathan Oakley Hiddleston the fifth, Lord Nooth, rightful king of the Jotunheim, England, Ireland, Scotland...”
“Okay, okay, enough,” he chuckled. I grinned at him.
“Will you marry me?” His eyes went wide and teared up a bit. He began nodding furiously until I kissed him.
Neither of us slept that night.
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niksfiks · 5 years
Pops in the Park
Originally posted 6/10/19
TITLE: Pops in the Park
AUTHOR: Nikkalia (niksfiks)
SUMMARY: This is the result of a conversation on Discord about Loki!Tom crashing a concert. It went downhill from there... Dedicated to my darling @igotloki
NOTES/WARNINGS: (kinks, triggers, general warnings.) Smut, which is really difficult to write in first person for some reason...
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming... No,” I whispered to no one. Speeches make me nervous and you could definitely hear it in my voice. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight...this evening. Ugh, why do they make me do this?” 
“Because Anthony Daniels canceled when it wasn’t all about Star Wars.” Mike answered, grinning. “Relax, you’ve got this.” 
“No respect from my concertmaster,” I smirked as he clapped my shoulder.
“So, is the magic man making an appearance tonight?” 
“Nope. He’s otherwise occupied.”
Mike laughed. “What does that even mean?”
I shrugged. “It means...he won’t be here.”
“Oh, come on. He can’t pull away from whatever he’s filming for one night to celebrate your 5 year anniversary with us? Loser.”
“Whatever.” I blew out a sigh and looked back over my notes. “Really hate speeches.”
“See, magic man should’ve been here. He likes to talk and the ladies love to listen.” Mike winked and got a smack on the arm for his trouble before wandering off. 
He wasn’t wrong. Tom loved to talk and everyone loved his voice, not just the ladies. In the two plus years we've been together, I’d never known him to refuse an opportunity to tell a story - except to hear me tell one. He was the only man I’d ever met that could listen as intently as he does, to make you feel like the entire universe centered around you. Management had actually approached his agent about serving as emcee when Daniels backed out, and they declined, citing a previous commitment. Which was, at the time, a bald-faced lie. 
We argued about the timing of this show only a few days prior to the request because the concert was so close to our own anniversary. He had, in typical Tom fashion, made some grand plans involving travel and luxuries and all the things that drove my simplistic heart manic with worry, and hadn’t bothered to check the concert calendar. So, when I told him I couldn’t blow off the fund-raising event of the season, he went ballistic. 
And I fired back. How dare he get upset when he’d canceled God knows how many times in favor of an audition? Where did he get off saying that one night wasn’t as important as ‘us’ when he’d confused night after night for his career? It turned really ugly and I ended up flying back to New York earlier than planned because of it. We didn’t speak for a week, and all of our communication after that was strained. Six weeks later, I stopped hearing from him altogether, despite assurances from his mother and sisters that we were still very much a couple. He was deep in some remote area with no wireless signal, they said. I sighed, pushing back tears.  
“Two minutes to curtain. Oh, and I’m supposed to tell you that an emcee has been located. You’re off the hook.” a stagehand told me. 
“Thank you, God!”
I found Mike walking toward me, making sure everyone was ready to go. 
“Conductor,” he nodded, a glint of mischief in his eye.
“Concertmaster,” I nodded back, grinning. Our pre-show ritual complete, he returned to his place in the lineup and the procession began with the welcoming announcement. I watched from the wings as the line of bodies filed into their seats to thunderous applause. The house looked to be full. “Must be doing something right,” I said to the stagehand. 
A hush fell over the crowd, followed by the sound of a solid A from Mike. The strings followed, then woodwinds, brass. Mike nodded again. I nodded back, then to the stagehand, who gave his own cue to the booth. I took a deep breath, prayed a little prayer, and strode out on the stage as the house announcer introduced me. I bowed, gesturing to the musicians who were doing all of the real work tonight, and smiled.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage our master of ceremonies for the evening, mister Robert Downey, Jr.”
Bob strode out to the center of the stage, grinning from ear to ear. 
I shot the dirtiest look to Mike, mouthing, “You knew.” 
He shrugged, then smiled. Jackass. 
“Maestra,you look stunning,” I heard beside me. He leaned in for a cheek-to-cheek kiss, lingering a little longer than maybe he should have. “He misses you,” he finally whispered, pulling away. 
“Then he should be here.” I croaked. Poor Bob, reduced to a mere messenger boy. “Shall we?”
Being the gentleman that he is, Robert led me to the platform, holding my hand as I made the tiny step up, then returned to the podium on the other side of the stage. 
I reviewed the first few measures of the music in front of me while Robert began his speech. He told the audience of his love for the music we would begin the performance with, the “John Williams Suite”. It was an orchestration I’d been working on for months, often to Tom’s frustration. Sheet music tended to consume the kitchen table in my loft apartment, something that was not at all conducive to his attempts to cook for me. I smiled as we began with ‘Indiana Jones’ themes, recalling a particular incident where he walked into the apartment completely unannounced, arms overloaded with grocery bags to find the table had been covered with scores from half a dozen films. He just sighed and went into the kitchen to begin cooking. Another meal on the sofa, he lamented. I simply kept on writing, struggling to get the transition between ‘E.T.’ and ‘Jurassic Park’ just right.
The music followed into the Star Wars medley. Lost in memory, I had to pull myself together enough to get through the rest of the piece. ‘Duel of the Fates’ was no joke to perform, much less conduct. Some of the choir members referred to it as the marathon. The horn players laughed at them until I reminded them that this was the reason why I stretched my arms before every rehearsal. Tom knew when rehearsals were intense by the way I held my shoulders afterward. He’d always massage the muscles, wondering if I was perhaps a bit too animated in my conducting. I’d always ask if he was perhaps a bit too animated when he read the Saint Crispin’s speech. That’s usually when the tickling started. 
After a few moments pause for the audience to show their appreciation, and for the orchestra to move sheet music around, we moved into a mix of old and new Star Trek themes, ending with the suite from Into Darkness. There has been a great deal of debate within the group as to which series - old or new - was better, followed by discussions of films, actors, approaches, and which made my little geeky heart happy. Tom had no comment on the matter, despite the fact that his eyes lit up a little more when we opted to watch Ben’s version of Khan instead of the original.
The piece finished and Robert began rambling on about music and film and... I stopped paying attention after a few seconds, focusing again on the upcoming music. One of the stage hands appeared on my right and placed a wireless mic on the music stand. I put it on, thinking I would be expected to say a few words about my time with the orchestra, what an honor it was, blah blah blah.
Celebrate yourself, Tom would say. If anyone deserves accolades, it’s you. My response was almost always, “yeah, whatever,” which would send him into a 20 minute monologue extolling my virtues as a musician and human. I’ve always preferred to let the music speak for itself. 
I heard Robert say “This is gonna be fun,” and knew we were up. I’d arranged a medley of Queen songs - Somebody to Love, I’m Going Slightly Mad, Days of Our Lives, and Bohemian Rhapsody. When Mike saw the score for the first time, he asked if I was okay. I just wasn’t ready to discuss the argument, so I brushed the question off with a shrug. “Feeling nostalgic,” I told him. “Besides, I want to show the altos some love.” 
The altos later told me that was not the kind of love they were looking for. The sopranos, however, were ecstatic. Divas, the whole lot of them. 
Music from the MCU finished out the evening. Black Panther, Thor, Captain Marvel, and all the Avengers films wrapped into 10 minutes. It was supposed to be for Tom. I’d seriously contemplated scrapping the whole section after the fight but the entire orchestra vetoed the idea, citing it as the “entertaining” piece of the evening. I knew that if the musicians weren’t happy, no one was happy, so it stayed but they just wanted to play Immigrant Song.
We’d moved through to ‘Portals’ from the Endgame soundtrack and I could feel the energy of the audience change. They started shouting and clapping behind me. Maybe they’re loving the music with the latest movie having been released. We reached the scripted pause, and I kept going, but the orchestra doesn’t. They just sat there staring at me, and I was suddenly aware of “Loki” being chanted behind me. I glared at Mike, who’s grinning like the Cheshire Cat. That’s when the glint of gold caught my eye. I turned, finally dropping my arms when my mouth follows suit. 
Loki, or Tom, in full Loki regalia, strode toward me like a demi-god possessed. The horns sat above smouldering eyes, cape flowing behind him as he approached me like an animal stalking his prey. It took every ounce of self control I had not to pounce on him in front of God and the globe. I never could resist that costume, and he knew it. Instead, I simply crossed my arms.
“Please,” he growled, the swagger growing, “don’t stop on my account. Summon your Avengers.”
“Bad enough you destroy half of Manhattan with some half-baked scheme to take over the world. Now, you have the audacity to crash my gig and interrupt their music?”
He stopped short, head cocking to one side. I don’t think he was entirely sure if I was serious or just playing along. The infamous smile returned. 
“Forgive me. The interruption of the arts is indeed a sin, but the purpose behind my visit warrants such sacrilege.” When I didn’t answer, he removed his helmet, eliciting a new wave of cheers from the crowd. His hair was its natural ginger, long and wildly out of control. He turned to them and held a finger to his goateed lips, a la 2013’s Comic Con visit before placing the helmet on the stage. 
“I have found myself lamenting the loss of something very dear to me of late. Something that I believe you alone can help me recover.” He paused, his voice echoing through the speakers while his hands fells to his sides. “It pains me to admit such shortcomings, but I find that I am weaker without you, that I am lost without your presence in my life. I am heartbroken at each day that passes without the sound of your voice. So,” his cloak flew behind him with a flourish and he fell to one knee. A collective gasp came from the audience and the stage. “My lady, would you consider restoring to me the grace of your life and your love on a permanent basis?”
What the hell is happening? I glanced over at Mike. He, and the rest of the orchestra, are literally sitting on the edge of their seats. When I turn back to Tom, his arm is extended towards me, a small box with a ring sitting in the palm of his hand. Tom, channeling Loki, channeling King Hal. I was doomed.  
“Will you consent to be my queen and my love? Will you marry me?” 
His head dropped and my heart leapt into my throat. Time seemed to slow to a crawl while I recalled every fight, every laugh, every moment of passion and joy and sorrow. How could I possibly say yes? How could I not?
The soft sound of a camera lens focusing on me snapped me out of my time stop. He was still on bended knee, his arm shaking a bit. I stepped off of the platform and lifted his chin. For all his eloquence, I could only come up with a single word response. 
Tom jumped to his feet and kissed me as everyone within earshot roared with approval. ‘All I Ask of You’ began to play and I made a mental note to fire then promote Mike later, as I was sure he’d been part of this plot all along. A moment passed in his arms before he finally stepped back, scooping up the golden horns.
“I shall be waiting with white horses, my queen.” 
“And here I thought you’d want me to play you out.”
“As long as it’s not ‘Performance Issues’.” 
“No promises.” I winked then stepped back onto the platform. “Ladies and gentlemen, shall we skip to the end?” Mike nodded and everyone found their page. I raised my hands and music from the Avengers theme rang out in the park.
Tom bowed to me before he slid the helmet back over his head, turned and walked to the side of the stage where Robert stood, raising his hands in victory when applause followed. I caught them embracing out of the corner of my eye and knew I’d have to give both of them grief later for the first glimpse of ‘FrostIron.’
We made it to the loft long after the final note sounded. There had been a sea of people congratulating me on the concert, the engagement, and everything in between. Tom vanished long enough to de-Loki, much to my disappointment, but stayed right next to me for the rest of the night. When we were finally able to leave, he ushered me out to a white Jag. White horses, indeed. 
He zipped through the streets of Manhattan with ease, taking as many backroads as possible to avoid traffic. I took the time to get a good look at the ring, and oh God was it stunning. A large oval stone set on its side with two smaller stones at either end set in a band of polished silver knotwork. Definitely handcrafted and a perfect fit.
“The band’s tungsten. I know how hard you are on jewelry,” Tom said with a wink.”The stones are moldavite, amethyst and garnet.” he glanced over, a smile on his face. “Us.” 
“It’s perfect,” I blushed a little, hoping he wouldn’t notice. “And you’re a dork of the highest caliber.”
That little laugh that drives all the ladies crazy slipped out as he nodded and pulled into the parking garage. Our elevator ride was silent as the family that snuck in just as the doors were closing bombarded Tom with more questions about Loki than I’d ever come up with. It made me think we’d have to take the service elevator from now on. 
All thoughts of anything beyond the man wrapped around me vanished as soon as the apartment door closed. Tom spun me around, planting a kiss that went from chaste to passion in point zero six seconds. I heard my keys hit the floor after I missed the end table. He growled when I tried to pick them up, nipping a little harder at my neck, pushing me toward the bedroom. 
We were all hands trying to shed clothes on the way. You’d think that as much coordination we had individually, we’d be able to make it look as graceful as it did in the movies. The poor boy got so frustrated that he picked me up, carried me down the hallway, and dropped me on the bed. Shoes and socks off, he stepped closer to unzip my dress while I worked on his pants. The conda sprang free as soon as the zipper fell. Another growl came from above when I wrapped my hand around it, morphing into a moan as when lips added. 
The bed dipped to one side a little with the weight of his leg. His hands rested on my shoulders as he tried to steady himself while I rolled my tongue around his cock. I couldn’t see his eyes with his head leaned back, but knew he was lost in the sensations, his hips rocking back and forth. He pulled out suddenly, tugged my hands away and upward to my feet. 
Another kiss, slower and more passionate while he finally figured out the zipper of my gown. His hands moved the fabric down, and the frustrated moan came when he remembered just how much effort went into making slinky black dresses look good. He nuzzled and nipped his way across my face and down my neck while he fumbled with the clasps of my bra. I returned the favor, dragging teeth along his neck until I was able to get his shirt open.  
What was left of my clothing dropped to the floor in one swift motion when Tom dropped to his knees, pushing me back onto the bed. I slid up the mattress and he followed, kissing and licking his way up my legs. He stopped at my hips, licking upward along the inside of my thigh but never quite made it to the center.
“If all you’re gonna do is tease,” I panted, “then get up here.”
“You would deny me the pleasure of devouring your already dripping quim?” Loki’s voice followed the dark, lust filled eyes that looked up at me. Before I could wrap my brain around my impending demise by god-lust, a finger slid inside me, followed by another. The smirk became a grin and he lowered his mouth to my clit, his eyes never leaving mine. 
He growled again as he began to suck, slowly pumping his ridiculously long fingers in and out of my pussy. I tried to squirm away when he picked up the pace and he wrapped his free arm around my leg, locking me in place. I lost count of how many times he brought me to the edge only to back off and begin again. My fingers found their way into his hair, tugging him upward, only to be rewarded with his teeth dragging across my swollen bud. 
“Not until you cum,” he purred, still latched on to me. He began thrusting the fingers inside me, curling them around to brush against that little bundle of nerve while he clamped down with lips and teeth. It didn’t take long for my body to shatter beneath him, my orgasm tearing its way out of me with a scream. He anchored me down with both arms, sucking out every last drop I could offer. 
When I came back to reality, he was making a slow path up my body, his breath hot on my skin. His lips finally reached mine and I took rough possession of them, wanting to taste him. The tip of his cock brushed against my pussy and I shivered. Tom pulled away a bit. 
“Need a bit longer to recover?” he whispered, nuzzling against my cheek. 
“Absolutely not.” I pulled him closer to me and shifted a bit, sliding a hand down his stomach. “Only thing I need is you.” My fingers wrapped around his length and guided him inside. 
“Oh. My. Go...” The last syllable was lost in the moan that rumbled in his chest. He was completely still above me except the slow thrust to push himself deeper, nearly purring as he went. I moved my hands along his sides and he sighed. “Been too long. Won’t last.”
“Ditto,” I breathed into his ear, “on both counts. Just move.”
Tom obliged, rocking his hips back and forth, moving a little faster with each thrust. I tried to lift my hips to his, but he built a pace I just couldn’t maintain. All I could do was hold onto him, losing myself in the feeling his body in mine and the sounds we made. His moans took on a higher pitch and his thrusts became erratic until every muscle in his body tensed, his seed spilling in waves. Feeling him cum sent me back over the edge, and I could’ve sworn I heard him chuckle as I clamped down around him.
We lay tangled in each other for a while, basking in the afterglow. He finally moved to the side, eliciting a groan from both of us when he did. Ever the gentleman, he let me duck into the loo first while he turned down the bed. Both settled back in bed, I curled up next to him, my head resting on his chest. 
“Love?” he whispered, toying with a lock of my hair. “Are you sure?”
“Sure of what?” 
“This,” he spoke as he ran his fingers along my left hand to the ring. “I know you wouldn’t have refused me in front of the entire world and half of Manhattan, even if you wanted to.” I lifted my head from his chest to look at him. There was genuine concern on his face as he sighed. “So, are you sure?”
“You’re serious?” His face turned sheepish. “Then let me answer a question with a question.”
“What? You hate it when I do that!” He sat up a bit and I pressed a finger to his lips.
“Thomas William Loki Adam Hank Henry Robert Freddie Jonathan Oakley Hiddleston the fifth, Lord Nooth, rightful king of the Jotunheim, England, Ireland, Scotland...”
“Okay, okay, enough,” he chuckled. I grinned at him. 
“Will you marry me?” His eyes went wide and teared up a bit. He began nodding furiously until I kissed him.
Neither of us slept that night.
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ghoultyrant · 7 years
FoZ Notes 2
Continuing adventures in posting notes on Familiar of Zero. They’re still formatted primarily for my use, but hey other people might get something out of reading them.
Louise's home is 3 days ride from the academy. The lake with an island and some kind of building that Louise likes to hide in is canon. The father has retired from military duty, whatever that means given he's a medieval noble. Louise has a dream conflating Saito with Viscount Wardes. First clear sign from the story that she's Tsundereing at him.
... and Saito is convinced she loves him and is trying to do Japanese-style noncommunicative signaling of such. Because Saito is a moron, and doesn't understand that the culture he's in now is different from the one he grew up in. How, exactly, has he not cottoned on to that?
Oh god Saito stop being a rapist. Derflinger, stop encouraging him.
Jesus fuck Saito is a rapist.
Frankly, Louise's abuse of him following this is completely understandable. Holy fuck. [Reader note: yes, Saito attempts to have sex with Louise while she’s asleep on the idea that she wants him to do so. And Derflinger cheerleads this while stroking Saito’s ego. Saito makes everything worse]
Genoa, maximum security prison in the city of Tristain. I'm unsure why a faux-medieval culture has a maximum security prison? [Future note: we never hear about this place ever again after this]
Wood can't be transmuted. [Future note: I think this is never violated, actually. Then again, transmutation drops off in relevancy after this volume] Mages need wands to cast, except when they don't, because consistency.
Fouquet is also known as Mathilda. She's apparently an Albion noble whose father was, she claims, killed by the Albion royal family and her family's lands annexed by the same. She gets approached in prison by someone wanting to recruit her to fight for the Albion anti-royal revolution. He claims to be a part of a border-spanning group of nobles that wants to reunite Halkeginia into one empire, like Brimir made back in the day. [Reader note: Reconquistador is the name of the group, if the following notes don’t make that obvious]
Elves are east and control "the holy land".
Eventually Fouquet accepts, because otherwise the Reconquistador will just kill her. (Odd that we're using a Spanish name in a world with no Spain-expy) [Future note: the official translations seem to go with ‘Reconquista’, but I’m not sure why they would do that]
More casual social abuse of Louise. Claim that Kirche can't use water healing spells, playing around with Kirche's "runic name", but not actually connecting it to affinity or otherwise explaining why Louise would think such. [Future note: Eventually affinity-based stuff largely stops cropping up. This is probably for the best, as the author doesn’t use it for much of anything and can’t keep it straight anyway]
Louise has literally made Saito act as a dog because of his attempted rape. Whips him extensively, continuing to suggest the author has no clue how horrible a whipping is.
While people are uncomfortable with the whipping, at least the degree of it, nobody intervenes. Halkeginia is fucked up.
New teacher: Kaita the Gust. He's basically Snape. Massive ego. [Future note: I’d forgotten about this guy. I think all he does is deliver his nonsense about wind being the strongest element to set up for the Wind Clone Jutsu and then stop existing in the plot]
Henrietta has been visiting Germania, probably visiting the school on Brimir's birthday.
A unicorn "crossed" with a "crystal staff" is a symbol marking the carriage as Henrietta's. Her carriage is drawn by unicorns, which "legend" says only the purest of maidens can ride. [Future note: Later we have men riding unicorns without commentary or explanation. The author seems to just treat unicorns as ‘fancy-pants royal horses’]
Cardinal Mazarin has an even more ostentious carriage, showing who's got the power right now. "Rumored" to "have commoner blood". [Future note: This plotpoint never pays off] In spite of having his own carriage, rides with Henrietta??
Magic Imperial Guard is made of "most prominent" noble families. Male only. Question: how does this work, bar being based in taking only non-heir sons for its ranks?
Henrietta is "of course" a mage, royal blood. (Question: if it breeds that true, why are mages a minority?) [Future note: Answer? Because shut up] 17 years old. [Future note: Probably by Halkeginian standards, which would make her over 18 by our standards]
... okay Henrietta and Mazarin playing off of each other is legitimately great. [Future note: This doesn’t last]
The two of them know about the Reconquistadors, establish that they [The Reconquistadors] may win in Albion any day now. Albionese royalty is all family to Henrietta, Germania not so much. Albion is the "White Country." It is one of three countries whose royal family apparently traces back to Brimir's time, supposedly bestowed by him outright. (Interesting variation on Divine Right to Rule) [Future note: Wait, three? I’d think it would be four]
Mazarin takes a surprisingly Survival of the Fittest mentality to royal families. If they can't handle their shit, they "don't deserve to exist." Harsh.
The alliance with Germania is supposedly intended to protect Tristain from the Reconquistadors.
Wardes shows up, mounted on a Griffon. Interestingly, he has a long beard. Mustache, too. The Mage Guard apparently has three divisions, of of which rides Griffons. Wardes is "the Lightning".
... Saito is so stupid that he thinks his rape being rebutted means he can't be jealous of a man who has Louise's attention. How are you this retarded, Saito?
Saito molests Louise. Goddammit.
Henrietta shows up in secrecy at Louise's room. Louise drops into formality, because Duty And Honor. Henrietta wants to have SOMEONE who can be informal with her!
... Henrietta manipulates, rather transparently, Louise into asking what her problem is. Dammit. This leads into "Louise, go get my love letter to Prince Wales for me, so as to prevent scandal wrecking my Germanian marriage I don't even want". Except she refuses to reveal the contents.
Louise voluntarily decides to depart immediately. School? Whatever!
Guiche is in love with Henrietta... volunteers to go on the mission, having eavesdropped. Huh.
Henrietta gives Louise a "Water Ring" that was her mother's, calls it a good luck charm and explicitly tells Louise she can sell it if she needs funds. Wow, Henrietta.
Guiche's familiar is a mole the size of "a small bear", called Verdandi. He thinks it's adorable.
Wardes is assigned to the group...
Port City La Rochelle: two days ride from Tristain-the-city. So closer than the Valliere estate. Fouquet hires a bunch of mercenaries on white-mask's orders. White-mask informs the men that if they run in battle, he will Commissar them himself. [Reader note: In the 40k sense]
Griffons tire slowly?
... so no, the Guard is NOT sensibly designed. Viscount Wardes is his family's head, and became a Griffon Knight AFTER his father died. Goddammit.
Louise literally forgot about her engagement prior to the dream reminding her. Surprisingly, she's actually questioning whether she loves Wardes or not!
Kirche and Tabitha have been following our morons the whole time.
Kirche woke Tabitha up to follow, and Tabitha didn't even bother changing out of her pajamas. Louise, for some goddamn reason, reveals that they're on a secret mission from Her Majesty. It's not secret if you tell everyone about it!
Kirche then hits on Wardes for no reason. This is "the first time" a "male" has turned her down flatly, somehow. She didn't realize Wardes is Louise's fiancee. She's quick to move on and latch back onto Saito afterward, because she thinks Saito is jealous. She wants to be wanted?
Wardes recognizes the Gandalfr runes on sight. Tries to convince Louise she's awesome because she can "control" such a one. Claims it proves she has great magic. WTF, Wardes? [Future note: In retrospect this makes even less sense]
Louise is 16 years old. (Wardes, thus, is 26) one year younger than Henrietta, and actually fairly old/adult by medieval standards. [Future note: I think the math puts Wardes at 30 or so in Earth years]
Louise knows Siesta often feeds Saito. So Louise is apparently willing to pretend ignorance when others soften the cruelty of her actions? Interesting. [Future note: Louise is later flanderized such that this is unimaginable of future Louise]
Apparently just holding a weapon can be exploited to turn you into a ninja. Okay?
Derflinger has an odd habit of making weird comparisons.
Inconsistent treatment of "potential fall from two stories" -is it mild, amusing semi-violence or is it genuinely potentially lethal? [Reader note: As in, the story has people both reacting like such a fall is potentially serious and acting like pushing someone off a flying dragon is something plausible to do in good fun]
Wardes claims he dug through a royal library to find out Saito was the Gandalfr.
Wait, the hotel is an ex-castle? Huh.
Derflinger has 180-ed, going from "I'm a sword, so romance is incomprehensible to me" to constantly making remarks about Saito's love life. Consistency! [Future note: It gets worse]
One moon is white, the other... is pink?... and apparently Albion's motion through the sky is connected to lunar cycles??
Louise explicitly saying her treatment of Saito is because she's a noble and is trying to prevent rumors. Honor And Duty.
Louise claiming she wouldn't lie because she's a noble. Honor And Duty.
Fouquet showing up, which admittedly is fairly plausible since Albion-accessing-port etc.
Kirche doing this weird Japanese frenemy thing of "just to be clear, this thing I am doing to help you is not actually a thing I am doing to help you, I TOTALLY have a selfish reason." Ugh. [Future note: So yes we’ve gone from Kirche is a horrendous bitch to Kirche is a frenemy in one volume, and later the story drops the ‘frenemy’ thing entirely and just has Kirche friends with Louise outright. It’s as dumb as it sounds]
At this point I'm pretty sure the "one spell manipulation at a time" thing the fan-thread brings up is bullshit, at least in regard to golem mechanics. [Reader note: I read a thread on Spacebattles summarizing FoZ canon info before starting reading the story. The thread makes the story seem more consistent than it actually is] Also, Kirche is a moron putting on makeup in combat.
How is "roflstomping our attackers" a DISTRACTION?
... why the fuck does setting a golem on fire with OIL result in it sinking to its knees, where before the golem simply ignored the flames? And why are we doing Comedy Burning for Fouquet? [Future note: Eventually the story stops mixing Comedy Violence in with Serious Violence. This is one of the very few ways things improve]
A griffon can't make the flight to Albion, supposedly. Given it tirelessly flew overland, I'm a bit skeptical. Oddly, Wardes sort of implies a dragon could make that distance. [Future note: Whether or not it’s plausible to fly to Albion with any given flight ability remains entirely dependent on the whims of the writer far into the future. Eventually it stops being an issue by virtue of the plot largely ignoring Albion, not by virtue of the author becoming any more consistent]
Sleep spell involve blue-white smoke. Or possibly green-white, because Japanese. [Reader note: Historically Japanese had one word covering both blue and green. Nowadays it’s reserved for one of the two... except when it isn’t]
Louise is surprisingly quick to tear her sleeves to use as rags. [Future note: This kind of practicality on the parts of characters goes away eventually]
Louise refuses to be depressed as long as there's the slightest chance to survive. Kick ass. [Future note: Another trait that vanishes]
Louise has no Honor And Duty problem with lying to scum. Surprisingly practical of her. Wardes finds her saying that unbecoming, though he doesn't actually dispute the opinion. [Future note: Future Louise is a bad liar because who cares about consistency?]
... the pirate captain is Prince Wales. Uh. Okay.
Magic royal rings that react to each other. Water for Tristain, Wind for Albion. [Future note: This ‘reacting to each other’ thing never crops up again]
Wales has 300 men to fight 50,000. You're not Spartan enough if you think you can't win!
The Albionese nobles refuse to take the opportunity to flee on the Eagle when offered. This includes the women?
Wales refuses to flee to Henrietta BECAUSE he loves her and knows it would just be used to justify an invasion.
Wardes wanting to marry Louise on Albion, Wales as their whatever, is indeed canon. He also contradicts his earlier claim that the Griffon couldn't make it, Saito calls him on it... and Wardes' response is that it will be exhausted afterward. Uh. Either the author or Wardes is ignoring the obvious point that going UP is different from gliding DOWN.
Louise finds it upsetting that someone would seemingly value something higher than the one you love, proving she didn't understand Wales earlier and also proving she hasn't connected said thought to Henrietta sending her on this mission.
Saito finally is less of a piece of shit. [Future note: No no, before you get too excited, this character development I’m implying here? It doesn’t last]
Narrative explicitly informing us of Derflinger pretending greater ignorance than he actually has.
Interestingly, the wedding is the moment Louise realizes she needs to make decisions, herself. Implies she's been coasting up until this point.
Wardes seems to know she's a Void mage, seems to want to marry her for it, wants to rule the world or something? Having a bit of a breakdown when faced with Louise's refusal, contrasting starkly with his eternal calm before.
Saito can see through Louise's eyes because of fucking course. [Future note: Astoundingly, the plot occasionally remembers this plotpoint later on]
Louise 180s once she learns Wardes only wants her for her power. Sorry, girl, you're a noble. That's how your life goes.
Wardes is a Reconquistador, was on the trip to marry Louise, get the letter, and kill Wales. Also "prepared two complete spells" already. Seriously, what are the rules here? [Future note: The rules are “whatever the author thinks is coolest or most dramatic in this particular scene”] The white-masked man is just Wardes' Shadow Wind Clone. Wardes reveals this because fuck you writing good is hard.
Derflinger "remembers" that Gandalfr is his partner and that he's an antimagic sword. Sure, "remembers". [Future note: Derflinger’s memory operates on the rule of “Whatever is most convenient to whatever the author wants to write at this very moment”. I preferred it when I thought he was lying about his bad memory] He glows more when sucking in magic.
Also, no explanation for how Saito literally Kool-Aid-Manned his way into the chapel. Dialogue suggests that tapping Louise's sight gave him hearing, too, because why not?
Gandalfr is literally emotion-powered. A Necron Lord would be a miserable Gandalfr. [Reader note: When I started reading I was sort of considering writing a Necron Lord-as-Familiar story, even though it’s been done at least twice. Hence this note]
That dragon comment earlier turned out to be foreshadowing: Sylphid was able to fly the distance.
... and Saito kisses Louise when he thinks she's asleep because he's still a rapey bastard. Ugh. [Future note: Saito stops with the incessant rape-y-ness... but this is because all the women, everywhere, are throwing themselves at him. It’s not because he stops being horrible]
End volume 2.
The arc is basically Henrietta's mission, with some sideplot stuff happening along the way.
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