nyansquiddo · 3 years
Deltarune is just The Magic Tree House
No further explanation is supplied
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randomrecordreview · 3 years
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Hands up who remembers Ooberman! Ah, just me and Mark Radcliffe then? That’s a shame as they really were rather good, offering a surreal and lightly psychedelic perspective on Brit Pop. Think The Coral or Belle and Sebastian, just not as successful. Though they should have been, this is a great debut, full of great pop hooks, admittedly some sixth form poetry standing in for lyrics at times, but there’s loads of musical fun and energy with it. I wrote about them last year, when their third album Carried Away popped up on the randometer in May. There’s not a lot I can add to that review, except that I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this again, dancing round the room to Million Suns and Blossoms Falling at the indie disco in my head. Shorley Wall remains a highlight, but there are so many lovely moments: the irreverence of Sugar Bum, the Pulp prototype Amazing In Bed, and the so-true-it-hurts teenage angst of Physics Disco. Check them out if you’ve not heard them before. And if you think you’re too old/cool/pretentious to like this sort of thing, then play it to your kids: Satisfaction Guaranteed. #ooberman #themagictreehouse #millionsuns #shorleywall #indiepop #britpop #nowlistening #nowplaying #recordcollection #randomrecordreview https://www.instagram.com/p/CM71XMysSIW/?igshid=s5rxdpq13dsi
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toonmoo · 7 years
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Day 7- "a character or scene from your favorite book" -- I've been reading a lot of autobios lately so I picked a childhood favorite instead. Jack and Annie from "The Magic Treehouse" series and Morgan Le Fay as Peanut the mouse. (sorry it wasn't a good day for drawing) #30daydrawingchallenge #themagictreehouse #throwback
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redporchobserver · 7 years
themagictreehouse replied to your photoset: Thank you for tagging me @flyesthairstylebadge!...
dawww I can’t believe Bud made it in. He’s honored.
of course he did because he’s the best! Also I happened to actually have one photo of him on my phone that wasn’t too blurry or dark
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wheeleranddealer · 6 years
I didn’t technically get tagged, but came across this as a freebie on my dash (thank you @wondcrwomans!) and it’s been a while since I did one of these. So, here it goes.
RULES: list ten of your favorite female characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten people.
Betty Draper (Mad Men)
Sara Lance (Legends of Tomorrow/Arrowverse)
Sun Kwon (Lost)
Rey (Star Wars)
Cameron Howe (Halt and Catch Fire)
Arwen (The Lord of the Rings)
Nora Durst (The Leftovers)
Amy Santiago (Brooklyn Nine Nine)
Peggy Carter (MCU)
Freddie Lounds (Hannibal)
Tagging @plaidmax, @themagictreehouse, @whitetulipa and whoever else wants to participate
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crippunksdc · 10 years
I live in the D.C. metro area. Do you have any meetings coming up?
Hi themagictreehouse, sorry I'm just responding to this now. We don't currently have any meetings scheduled that I'm aware of at the moment, but I think a new meeting schedule will be figured out soon.
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redporchobserver · 7 years
Rules: List 10 songs you love right now and tag 3 people
Thank you for tagging me, @kaqueershi! And I really like this idea, so I put together a mini-playlist: [LINK]
“Camelot” - Richard Burton (Camelot Original Broadway Cast Recording)
“She Bangs the Drums” - The Stone Roses
“Time Machine” - Robyn
“Gymnopedie No. 1″ - Erik Satie
“Somewhere Now” - Green Day
“Electric Lady” - Janelle Monae (ft. Solange) 
“Not Your Hero” - Emanuel Vo Williams & Cut One
“Audition (Fools Who Dream)” - Emma Stone (La La Land) 
“Skeletons” - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
“Diamonds” - Rihanna
Tagging @wheeleranddealer @themagictreehouse @leslielemonlyman and anyone else who wants to do it (translation: literally all of my followers, you are tagged pls share music with me).
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redporchobserver · 9 years
bowsic replied to your post “It’s pretty late and most people probably won’t see this, but I just...”
Thank you! <3
themagictreehouse replied to your post “It’s pretty late and most people probably won’t see this, but I just...”
this puppy is on a fast track to ace reporter!
Haha now I’m picturing puppies running around with microphones interviewing people (or maybe they’re interviewing other puppies?). That would be the best newsroom.
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