#there are soooooooooo many scenes I wanted to include here
fireladybuckley · 3 years
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Evan Buckley Week
Day one: Favourite scenes 3x01, 2x06, 2x08, 4x01, 4x08
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theredpaladin101 · 5 years
Buckle Up Nerds
This isn’t really a theory post, more like a post on something I wish would happen in the show because fuck I would pay DW to let me animate this 
Okay so last night I was letting my mind wander for once while trying to read some good ol’ fanfiction and a thought struck me - what did that fight between Keith and Shiro do to Keith?
Just listen to me 
For a show about war, it shouldn’t be a surprise to have the characters experience PTSD like Shiro did. Considering the show hasn’t touched up on any of the other characters’ mental states except Shiro - who went through a lot of shit throughout the entire show, including fucking dying - something really bad would have to happen for the show to go into their mental health.
Soooooooooo what about Keith? 
You know, Keith - the guy who had to fight the man he looked up to and put his trust into for most of his life? Who had to do everything he could to keep the Shiro clone from killing him while also trying to not hurt him? 
No seriously, the only point in which Keith tries to hurt Shiro is when his Galra features show. The first time he technically lashes out at the clone is when he tries to punch him - so basically trying to hurt the clone without the weapon he has in his hand. The second time he lashes out is with his weapon, and his Galra features come out. The second his Galra features go away, he;s back to running and blocking the clone’s hits. 
Throughout the entire fight, Keith is trying to talk sense into the clone while trying to not attack him. Even after everything the clone did, he obviously still wants to save Shiro because he was the only family he had as a kid. 
So basically what I’m trying to say is - this entire scene right here had to do something to Keith’s mental state. No one can go through that and walk away all fine. They’d have nightmares and/or PTSD from having to do something like that. Really, there’s quite a few fanfics with Keith having nightmares over this fight, and honestly I love them because they’re so well written and show what that fight could’ve done to him.
Now, why am I talking so much about Keith having PTSD? Well, my good friends, because this would honestly be a great scene/episode for the season, even if they don’t touch on it later. I’d be satisfied if they just had something like this about Keith’s problems (mostly cause he’s my favorite and I love him) 
In my head, I’m seeing Keith having a nightmare about the clone Shiro coming for him, and when he wakes up, he doesn’t really remember where he is or anything and freaks the fuck out. He probably would grab his Marmora blade and run out of his room, and what would be an interesting scene is Keith seeing a bunch of clones just surrounding and going to attack him. 
The thought about Keith sometimes being cautious towards Shiro now because of what he experienced helps this idea. He would probably fear the clones coming back and trying to kill everyone for Haggar. 
So when a clone grabs Keith, he probably doesn’t hesitate to attack the clone. He doesn’t want his friends and family hurt, and will do anything to protect them. In his head, he can only see the many clone Shiros coming to kill him. 
But the clone disarms him and keeps calling out his name, and Keith realizes he’s hallucinating. The clone dissolves into someone else, and honestly it could be anybody. 
Imagine if it was Lance who found him and was trying to snap him out of it. Klance shippers would go fucking nuts because anytime these two interact, we fucking loose it. Gotta get that Klance content, even if it isn’t canon. 
But it could also be James, so the two finally have a scene and make amends for their time in the Garrison, cause honestly they probably fought a lot. James would calm him down and they could talk about life and shit. The Jaith/Jeith shippers would thrive on something like this (including me holy shit)
Or it could be Hunk for more Hunk and Keith content, cause the part of my heart set for Heith cried over that episode where Keith was trying to help Hunk. Hell, even Pidge could be the person cause we don’t have enough scenes with Pidge and Keith. 
Honestly, this idea would be perfect for some Keith bonding moments with any character. Maybe it could spark a talk between Shiro and Keith about the fight to help Keith get through with it. Maybe James or Lance could get Shiro, or Hunk could help Keith back to bed, or Pidge could distract him with some tech. Considering it would fit with the show since Keith did have something very traumatizing happen to him (cause I don’t think the show would just have Lance or Hunk have nightmares over the war in general cause they lame like that (i’m sorry DW don’t shoot me)) 
Even if something like this didn’t happen (which it 99% won’t happen cause when does anything I come up with happen on this show) I would probably make a comic or an animation of this in the future cause this idea is just too good to waste (in my opinion at least) cause it has a touch of angst and some good ol’ bonding. 
Hell, someone write a fanfic about this with any ship they want cause I can just see the potential this one scene could have - and it could work with any ship
if you can’t tell i love angst 
Honest to God, if this somehow made it into the show, even a part of what I just said, I would probably die. Literally. I will see the scene, and never be able to finish the series because something I thought of happened. 
Buuuut yeah there you go - been thinking about this all day and finally was able to type it out. You can scream with me or at me - or even add on to this idea cause I’m lovin’ it
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Welp, here on Tumblr, I must say, its a good place to make announcements sooooooo here we go!
So, thats puts up plenty of time to finish up some stuff.
Lemme tell you what it is that I am planning!
So, on Instagram, I am planning to open up requests, you can request me to draw anything, as long as they fit with these rules.
Fandoms that I know of and have been in or is currently indulging in: Food Fantasy, Age Of Ishtaria, Kings Raid, Vainglory, Hypnosis Mic, One Punch Man, Cookie Run, Minecraft (lol), etc....Oh, and other fandoms that I have not heard of are welcome but I prefer characters from these listed fandoms!
Your OCs! Yeah, its fine! As long as they are not
-Overly complicated and/or detailed
-Furries...Oh well, actually you can have your furry OC requested (If you have any), but, lemme give you are warning, as I have no experience drawing a furry....I might make them look a little more human...If you dont want that then...dont request a furry...please :”)
-Overly Mecha (I mean Oyster from Food Fantasy got that mecha style but its not WAY to mecha, that goes the same for B-52 hes got that mecha, but its not WAYYYYYYY TO MUCH MECHA)....no overly mecha, its to much for me to draw complicated mecha stuff. :”)
-NSFW or smut, wait, okay just a tiny little bit of smut is okay, but NO GOING TO FAR WITH IT PLEASE....unless you really want that then....uhhhh....I consider that...(Tho I doubt it may happen)
(Continues on with the list of what I can draw)
-Your OC with mine OCs, if you request that than its fine! :3 (Just give me a specific scene and I shall get it done. :”D)
-Some good old gore, just not to much, but a moderate amount such a cuts or scrapes on body, blood, bruises, moderate bloody scene thats fine. As long as there is no skulls involved or  Just no no overly complicated weapon. Okay?
-Human animals! I can do that...just no real animals, I swear it shall look terrible if you want a real animal...hhhhhgh i’m sorry.
What I cant draw...continued (Mainly explained it above in the OC part oops)
-Animals, any kind, please no. I cant draw animals I am so sorry waaaah...
-Overly complicated backgrounds, like owch no. (If you want a specific background include what it is in your request)
Okay, list done now time for the rules.
You can request a DM on Instagram or here on Tumblr. Instagram DM me, if you cant DM for any reason on Instagram then I will set up a question and put it on my Highlights so that you can request what you want there (Your welcome!) On Tumblr, ask me a question with your request in it so I can see it in my inbox :D (However I wont be able to post the art here on Tumblr because Tumblr hates me soooo all request arts shall be posted on Instagram, oh I will put up the website url later...)
Your request, depending on what you ask may take up to an hour or an hour and 30 minutes to about maybe 2-3 days. Depending on my schedule. :”D
Please dont spam me with when your request will be done, it shall be done when it is done. Also no spamming me with to many requests. 
You may only request one request at a time. No two. :D
Please be patient when waiting for your request, please dont kill me if I am late. :”(. I might join a contest on Instagram (Because I am stupid) and then make my entry then I might be late.
Oh, saying that there will be reasons why I may be late.
-I joined a contest on Instagram because I am stupid and I am making my entry...
-Schoolwork is killing me and I got no time to draw.
-Violin concerts are killing me (Yes I play the violin owo)
-The fish gods (Elex) put up Napoleons and/or Pastels skin evemt for us AND I GOTTA GET THE FUCKING SKINS...
-Depressed because of something and indulges myself in memes to try and make myself feel better....
-Busy busy way to busy schedule. :”D
Yeet, there ya go if I am late I got reasons.
I am gonna do this request thing in this way.
I am only gonna take 4-5 requests for the first time its opened, once all are taken requests will be closed until I get them all done, then I open up requests again and then the whole cycle repeats...
Oh, and one more thing, requests are NOT open now, no, I gotta get a contest prize for someone on Instagram done and then I gotta make something that a classmate of mine wanted soooooooooo....
Requests will not be open until I get those done. Okay?
Thanks for reading this loooooong post of mine! 
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