#these are all intended to be platonic but tbh if you tag ships i don't really mind
ultravioart · 1 year
Got some angie anons so let me set it straight: Yes I know Shambali monks call each other brother or sister in a monastic way, not a literal bio sibling way. That's not what happened with Ramattra when Devs talked about his relationship with Zenyatta. 1: Ramattra and Zenyatta were stated by the DEVS to be like brothers. This is not stated by comics, nor in game voice lines. THAT is why I think they might be coded as a sibling relationship, because the DEVS outright used the term 'brothers' in a sibling context (not monastic) to describe their dynamic. "as close as brothers" is said in a dev video, and an announcer that was a dev at the reveal said something like "like a brother" or "as a brother" in a sibling way iirc. 2: Obviously robots are not genetically siblings! But many sibling relationships in media (and irl) are not genetic: adopted siblings, found family (which includes sibling bonds!), etc. more below:
"Finding a long lost identical twin as an adult" is an example of a situation in a story that is not coded as romantic/sexual and is a platonic sibling relationship.
Meanwhile, a 'duplicate ai' in a sci fi story can be coded as romantic/sexual if the two ai see each other as unrelated, OR it can be coded as platonic if the two ai deem it a sibling relationship. Context matters, and overwatch uses metaphors all the time in backstories. So even if it's not actual bio siblings, they can still be written to represent siblings, and thus are a sibling bond! 3: We have a lesbian Tracer MC, and Solider 76 is confirmed as a gay man. There would be no reason to hide a new important relationship under vague 'monastic brother coding' for some kind of gay censorship??? Plus, more often than not, heroes are canonically paired with side characters, not other heroes. Ana are Rein are the only exception I can think of? A few characters also flirt but it's not confirmed relationships. Speaking of flirting, PVE will tell if Ram and Zen are actually supposed to be robo-siblings or not, thematically they seem to be similar to the brotherly strife of Hanzo and Genji. If there is flirting between Ram and Zen in PVE, then obviously Ram and Zen were not meant to be seen as siblings. WE HAVE TO WAIT, and tbh jumping on a ship just to learn they are bros later sounds horrid anyhow. 4: taking precautions isn't ridiculous, I just don't want to see ram x zen content if they are canonically meant to be a sibling relationship?? Tag your ship, and I have no strife with you, anon. When I look up the main Ramattra tag I don't want to see romantic/sexual Zenyatta x Ramattra! I don't go around posting body-horror art without tags, or even tame ships without tags, so I don't understand the big deal asking for people to tag a ship to let people avoid it if they want to. And if PVE proves they are not intended to be siblings? Then okay! Blizz had botched omnic metaphors before so I wouldn't be surprised. But as of right now there is evidence to support the idea that they are sibling-like, because the Devs said 'brothers' in a sibling context specifically. The "monastic coding" explanation does not work it because it WASN'T monastic brothers in how the devs said it! So seeing that flawed argument in the MAIN RAMATTRA TAG is ridiculous. Lastly, as an ace who is also a robot/alien-character enjoyer who ships allo/ace/aro ships, I deem platonic relationships important and diverse, and I deem mental age/maturity, and body age as important when determining ships. Just because they are "both adults" by technicality or "both robots" doesn't mean they bang because they talk about philosophical questions???? It also doesn't mean they can't hold an important platonic-only connection? They were MONKS who met each other during a time of trauma and confusion about existence. Omnics aren't human, and most omnics probably don't even experience common human behaviors like hunger or libido. I honestly doubt the majority of omnics experience sexual attraction, and I bet you a notable portion of omnics don't experience romantic attraction either. Robots are epic but are you just shipping robot characters from random series for ooc fluff/nsfw bc you think it's hot or are you shipping for the actual story ship dynamic? lol. If it's the first, don't be upset when people who enjoy lore are like "please tag the ship" so they can avoid it???? TDLR; Looking at Ramattra and wanting to make ship art is PERFECTLY understandable, trust me LOL. The cute oc shipping I've seen with ram is (chefs kiss) super endearing! And if you didn't know anything about overwatch, I can understand why someone might want to ship two robot monks bc at first glance yeah 'it's just two robots', but these robots HAVE LORE. They very well might be siblings lore wise! We have to wait for PVE to confirm if they are not found family siblings! In the meantime, I appreciate all the people that DO tag ships properly. Thank you!
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quinns-art-box · 2 years
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starting 2022 the right way, just like last year, by drawing a bunch of danganronpers again JFGHDJG
i really love making friendship content because there needs to be more of it, and i wanna keep getting better at drawing interactions, so here’s a bunch of friendships i think about a lot! love these guys
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