#they're gonna be insufferable post reveal
seldomscilence16 · 7 months
Whumptober day 16:
"Would you lie with me, and just forget the world?"
Gurney | flatline | "Don't go where I can't follow."
Fandom: Ducktales
Prompts used: all
So didnt think this was gonna go where it went but uh, it did. Based heavily on a tumblr post/story that did it way better than me, but some angst none the less. However as with most all my stories, the whole… clone thing? Yeah… nah. April May and June are their own birds and typically based off of the Legend of the 3 cabs show versions of them. So 🫶🏻
TW for temporary character death, near death experiences, implied child abuse, and children in dangerous situations.
It's dark. 
Quiet, the world was full of noise at all times, but this, this was the absence of everything. 
A glimmer of golden moon light, he looks towards it, a familiar scene plays out before his eyes. 
Donald, maybe 6 years old, is wandering around Grandma Ducks farm, looking for something- no someone. He's still wearing the stiff material his parents like to put him in, which means he'd- no they'd- just been dropped off. He finds Della lying on the roof of the barn, skirt already covered in hay and dirt, hair pulled down from whatever hair do their mother had insisted on. 
"You know Gramma doesn't like us up here." Donald's voice is hoarse from disuse, but his sister has always been able to understand him best. 
"I needed to be somewhere high. Above their reach." Della responds, and older Donald remembers this. Remembers how angry his sister had been that day, how their parents had been insufferable. Tufts of hair and feathers had been pulled as they were made 'presentable'. "Would you lie with me, and just forget the world?" She finally asks, hand reached out to him. 
He doesn't hesitate, taking her hand and laying beside her. They stare at the sky, matching bruised wrists pressed together, and forget. 
Donald thinks about the couple years after that, before they moved in with Uncle Scrooge, and how many times they felt lost until they could look up at the sky together and simply be. 
The golden glow takes on the slightest hue of red, like a sunrise over a pile of treasure, and Donald really has no other options in this black nothingness, than to watch. 
He's older, maybe 12, and they're on an adventure. It's a rare one, Gladstone and Fethry allowed to join, and Donald can see his younger selves anxiety as the threes antics play out. Uncle Scrooge, for his part, is trying to figure out a riddle of some kind to get the entrance open. 
Fethry is the one to actually figure it out, giggling with glee when the rock slides away to reveal the entrance. Scrooge is mildly impressed- though he wouldn't show it of course- and Donald ruffles the boy's hat/head in his place, Della whooping and Gladstone groaning out a 'finally' even as he grins at Fethry. 
They head inside, following the old man's lead as he makes his way carefully, torch held high- because why use a flashlight?- and open book in hand. Some legend or other, some treasure he had to have, on an adventure he had to prove he could do. Donald didn't mind it, really it could be fun and he loved learning new stuff- Fethry and Della are messing around, a foot steps where it shouldn't, Donald is in front of them before he really thinks about it. 
Something always went wrong. 
Seeing it from the outside is strange, watching his younger self get punctured by several arrows. At the time he hadnt been able to take in his families reactions, and the aftermath had been lectures and the likes, but seeing it now… seeing Uncle Scrooges terror as he rushes back, Della and Fethrys screams he hadnt heard over his own falll, Gladstones paralyzed form as terror wide eyes stared at Donalds fallen form. He gets to watch the panic and fear and tears, from the temple all the way to the nearest hospital, how they all try to follow the gurney and are held back. 
Donald hadn't realized they'd cared that much… Was it like that everytime? Or… just in the beginning, when they didnt use these things to their advantage? Donald knows it's gotten better- after so much worse happened first- but he wonders… right now, are they worried like this, or are they there at all? 
Della had always assumed their times would come together. Even when she was on the moon, she figured she'd live and miraculously drop dead as Donald did on Earth and they'd reunite in the beyond and yell and hug and-
Or… as a kid, she worried it would end in a hospital before his time. He'd be injured because of her or another family member, and they'd all be gathered- or so many missing, why did they always leave when Donald needed them most?- around a too still form as a heart rate monitor flat lines in a high final tone. 
Her heart has yet to calm, she's staring blankly before her, at a machine meant to destroy all adventure- meant to destroy her family- and yet… the only one missing is her brother, the duck ready to sacrifice himself for his loved ones at any given moment. The one who was dropped into an angry red ball of lightning, even after Scrooge signed that damned contract. 
The machine was shut down moments after, moments too late, and the rage that had overtaken Della in that moment… figures she’d understand Donald after he was…
The ensuing battle was a mess, Della had seen red for most of it, Donalds bandmates had shown up to save Scrooge from a direct blast from the sword of swanstentine, and Louie and Huey had found a hole in the contract, and the family had won- 
"Where's Uncle Donald??" Dewey is the first to ask, his brothers look around,
"He was on the platform with you guys wasnt he mom?" Huey looks imploringly at the adults before him, and Della falls to her knees. 
Scrooge places a heavy hand on her shoulder, eyes teary as he tries to look at the children slowly gathering before them. 
"Yer Uncle… well he-" 
"No. Nonono, don't finish that sentence." Louie cuts him off, eyes wet and lower beak wobbling, "It's Uncle Donald. It's ridiculous how much he can go through and still come back. We need him so he has to be… he's fine!" Huey and Dewey are on either side of him, Webby has his hoodie squeezed in her fist, Violet and Lena are behind her, Gosolyn and Boyd inching closer to Dewey and Huey respectively. 
Everyone else is closing in behind them, those who understand looking lost and shocked, and looking back at the machine like he'd just… waltz out of it. 
Della sobs, something deep and bitter and broken, a wail so loud her ancestors must feel her pain. The clouds had dispersed with their victory, the sun mocks her as tragedy shakes the unshakable family. 
"Della? Whats wrong?" The crackly voice is unmistakable, Della fears she is hearing things, that she'll find his ghost when she lowers her eyes, but Scrooges gasp,
"Donald Duck." 
"Uncle Scrooge. What's everyone doing? Did we lose?" 
Donald is being supported by José and Panchito on either side- Della hadn't seen them leave, just as she hadn't seen them arrive- he looks drained, a gray tinge to his form and darkness beneath his eyes. He'd only been gone a few moments but he looks like he went through hell to get back- and well maybe he did. 
Della stumbles towards him at full speed, sure the others are right behind her, and tackles him to the ground. He wheezes, feeling too thin beneath her arms, but hugs back just as tight,
"I swear Donald, never do that again! Don't go where I can't follow. I… can't do this without you." She whispers it, a moment for them alone, voice trembling as she buries her teary face in his shoulder. 
"I'm sorry. I'm here now." He runs a hand through her hair, one more long moment before she moves and a pile of children replace her. 
"Uncle Donald!" The chorus is music to his ears, he'd thought he'd never hear it again. 
He thought he'd drift in a black void, his thoughts his only company, forever. He felt weakened with every memory, sucked dry and hopeless as he realized his many mistakes and had his trauma bared before him. Seeing José's glowing green eyes had startled him into a squawk he hadn't realized he could release in the silence. His shadow form was practically invisible with no light to define him, but his hand had led Donald home. What had felt like a lifetime, had been mere minutes, but he was glad he didn't miss too much. He wanted to see the- his- kids grow up. 
And give this whole family thing another shot.
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DS9 2x21 The Maquis Part 2 thoughts (I'm re-watching, so there may be future spoilers)
"You don't want peace, Cal. You want revenge." Yeah, that seems true enough.
It's interesting to see the Federation hatred of Cardassians so closely; we've seen a lot of Bajorans hating Cardassians, and occasionally Miles too, but while the Stafleet officers on DS9 sure don't trust Cardassians, it's easy to forget they were at war not so long ago too.
"What about Commander Hudson?" "... I'll have to talk to him." Sisko is the most loyal friend.
"Establish a dialogue with the Maquis. They're still Federation citizens. I'm sure they'll listen to reason." Oh you're sure, are you?
The It's easy to be a saint in paradise is SO good, I see it a lot on Tumblr, but it's so much better in context
Kira's stunned expression during Sisko's speech is wonderful :3
Hehe, I'd forgot they'd be interrogating Quark about Sakonna, excellent.
"Do you expect us to believe that a Vulcan would be interested in you for your lobes?" "Vulcans are a species that appreciate good ears." HAH. Also, are you jealous, Odo? :P
"How long do I keep him in here?" "Forever." Gotta love Sisko's deadpan XD 
"I don't see what difference it makes whether we do it [execute Dukat] or they do it." I don't care either, but will someone do it, please? As a favour to me?
"The Central Command wants him dead. That's reason enough for us to want him alive."
Evil mind meld!
Dukat is insufferable, but I do enjoy watching him be a villain
A wild Sisko appears!
Dukat is so completely puzzled by the attempt at dialogue and reconciliation XD
"Tell him I still have his uniform." I love this recurring motif in this episode.
Ugh, I don't like Dukat looking comfortable.
Huh, information setting up for Cardassian trials later on the show
"Cardassians don't make mistakes." "I'll have to remember that"
I am SO looking forward to Dukat being crushed by the news that no, Central Command were not trying to rescue you, they just blamed the whole thing on you and left you for dead.
HAHA YES, that took the wind out of your sails DIDN'T IT.
"I'm sure you would have done the same for me." Love how that has left Dukat speechles.
"Ah, but the Xepolites have never been caught."
"I'm not just any Cardassian." Again, I really love seeing Dukat in action, he's so skin-crawlingly good at what he does, even if it's awful. You can see Kira having bad memories of threatening Cardassians in the background.
Yiss Sakonna and Quark again
"My emotional state is irrlevant." "Well, my emotional state is very relevant."
"Do you propose to lecture me on logic?" "I don't want to, but you leave me no choice." XD
"Then I'll make it so simple that even a Vulcan can understand." HAH. I do love Quark's turns of phrases
"They have weapons. You have weapons. Everyone has weapons!"
I hate that Quark is so good at this, but he sure did just go and outlogic a Vulcan.
"So we'll have three ships and they'll have two. The odds are in our favour, anyway." This made me chuckle a bit just because it's the simplest maths and post-GE-reveal he'll be calculating absolutely ridiculous odds, not just 3 v 2 XD
"That's not going to give us much of an advantage, Julian" And added to that, he was wrong! 😅
Dukat's approving look at Sisko...
Oh no, Dukat is gonna fire isn't he.... Aghhhh don't do this to Ben!
Oh phew, he didn't. Glad I was wrong
I love how Sisko and Dukat play off each other. "I will not kill a good man for trying to defend his home." "You disappoint me." "Don't expect me to lose any sleep over it."
Hmmm, it's interesting to wonder if they hadn't succeeded and a war had begun at this point in time, would the Dominion have ever got involved?
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emsylcatac · 3 years
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Girl really went and linked her arm with his and snuggled close to him like damn Marinette 👏
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zhuhongs · 3 years
Okayyyy besties, so I’m gonna elaborate on the tags of this post now lmao. Also this obvious but like dont rb
SO when I was in high school i had many issues lmao and the notable one's for this story was that i was passive aggressive to a fault and could rarely if ever call ppl out on their bullshit even if it was egregious (i'm better now <3). AND SECOND that i grew up watching anime and made Being A Girl That Liked Anime my personality. SO loser dudes flocked to me bc i was a mostly conventionally attractive but still obviously “not like other girls” weird girl that liked the same anime. And in most cases I knew more than them about anime which they thoguht was cool and also felt threatened bc i was a girl. SO yea needless to say high school was insufferable for me but like, it was mostly my own design bc i had a weird relationship with wanting attention from guys even though i absolutely loathed most of the guys that liked me. Bc they were Rich White Guys That Liked Anime and said slurs and just sucked in general.
But there was one of these men in particular that was such a completely insufferable incel that somehow ended up being apart of my friend group bc we felt bad for him and he seemed like we could make him into a good person. Me and my friends ofc were wrong. SO I spent 3 years of high school being hit on by this guy to no end but bc he was a wimp he would never say it and endlessly drop hints and I knew but he was a bad person so i just evaded. Until senior year he became so bad about it I just Had to Do Something.
So this dude (his name is rhys.. I'm just gonna use his name it doesnt matter) was complaining about how he was lonely and said somevery misogynist and racist things about his ex and I was about to kill him until he said he caved and made a tinder bc he just turned 18 and I hatched a plan. I was gonna catfish him and teach him a lesson in a roundabout and safe way bc i was terrified of conflict. And then I did!!
I took some pictures of myself in a wig that werent very convincing at all and tbh I'm 90 percent sure we had seen that wig on me before but he probably forgot lol. And edited it and wrote a bio that was 100 percent guaranteed to get a swipe from him and worked my magic. It was so funny, esp bc one of my friends who thought it was mean tried to tell him it looked like me and he was like "what!! No they're completely different" ☠☠☠ I was just acting like one of those girls who want to be an anime character and are insufferable and he ate it UP and then after 2 weeks I told him I was a catfish and blocked him and he LOST IT!! He was telling me he was abt to get a plane ticket to his old state and just pack it up he was so upset. He told everyone abt this girl and I saw the whole thing and my friends were all in on it. And to this day he doesnt know it was me. He still messages me sometimes and *#*%&^*$*@ it's so funny. But yea... that's how I got revenge on my bigoted incel irl from high school ♡
And screenshots for fun and me time ♡
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My catfishsona and said white guy lmao
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Him liveblogging their flirting to me and my friends. There was a lot more but it's so cringe.. I hate this man.. I rlly do. Also the bad crop on one is to show that hed literally lb their flirting while on the next tab I was using tinder to fuck with him... he never ONCE put 2 and 2 together.. embarassing ♡♡
And the reveal!!
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LMAOOO... and that's the lore ♡
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