shikastudies · 5 years
Things I Wish I Knew Before My Sophomore Year
I got lots of feedback on my junior advice post, so I thought people would like this as well! If you’re new here, welcome! I am a rising/current senior in the US, so I am 17 about to be going to university/college next year. Here is some advice for rising sophomore year students or if you’re 14/15 going into your 2nd year of high school or secondary education. I had successfully compiled tips and tricks that I wish I knew before I went in/ completed my sophomore year, and I’d like to share them with you!  Disclaimer: These will not apply to everybody because we all work in weird ways, so if these don’t apply/work for you. Do not fret, trust your gut instincts and your mother.
1.) Plan Ahead: As with really any year in school, you should be planning ahead, so when you first get your schedule or your syllabus. However, if you are going to procrastinate, which I don’t encourage but I do know it’s inevitable, procrastinate on something that you care about so you’ll have motivation later on to finish. Although in general, try not to procrastinate at all or minimize it!
2. Space: Not everything that you are going to learn is going to click as soon as you learn it, so take some time to really understand the nitty-gritty and then give yourself some time and space away from the subject. If you still do not understand it, go seek outside help from teachers, other faculty members or a student in your class. 
3. Insecurities: Remember that everyone is in the same boat as you, so just because you’re taking hard classes and not having the time of your life means that others are also probably going through that as well. People are just people, everyone has their own fears, insecurities, worries, and faults. It’s good to be mindful of how others see you but keep in mind that their opinion is just information, not the definition.
4. Grudges: Don’t hold long term anger or resentment over people because we are all just trying our best and that looks different for everyone, so do be mindful of how you treat everyone and just be a nice person! There’s no need to be rude to anyone and especially teachers be nice because they are the ones that solidify your entry to college or university!
5. Classes are Harder: Now that you’re not as naive and gullible as freshman, your teachers and classes do get harder and especially if you’re in the US, you have the opportunity to start AP/IB courses, so please know what it’s going to be more challenging compared to freshman year. So challenge yourself, but if you’re struggling GET HELP! I, personally, am the type of person to be struggling but play it off as if I am 100% fine, however, I am learning to ask for help and how to know when there’s something I need more or that I need to do more. 
6. Be Safe: I know that vaping, drinking and partying is a “cool” right now, but I AM NOT ENCOURAGING NOR AM I SUPPORTING THIS! But if you will participate in any type of these activities please know that your health is at risk and so please be responsible! And do not drive if you’re under the influence ever, for others safety and yours!
7. Grind: Make your goals, try your hardest to meet them. As much as you might get tempted by sophomore kickbacks and parties, focus on what is important to you. Study for that test. Volunteer. Get a job. Whatever you’re passionate about. Bring coffee/ chai/ matcha/water/ boba with you. Get your work done so that you’re off to a good start when junior year starts to kick in!
8. SAT/ACT: Just saying these words in a class full of seniors can make all of us groan, but if you’re planning on taking additional subject tests or if you want to gage where you are when taking these tests, I would recommend taking one of these the end of your sophomore year. There’s no harm because it’s your first and you can get a feel of your strengths and weaknesses. 
Today was my first last day of public education, so I am well on my way to finishing high school! Now, for those of you that have gone back to school I wish you all luck and I’ll start trying to post more consistently for school tips and hacks, but I am very excited and nervous for how my life is going to look for these 9 months to come! So enjoy your high school years because it passes by in a flash, but take it every day. I find something good that I look forward everyday, and that keeps me grateful and motivated, so think about what you’re looking forward to and have a great rest of the quarter, trimester, semester, year!  
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