#this also was a sketchbook page that I extracted the lineart and colored!
sofilandstuff · 2 years
this is going to be a bit of a long post about my art process!
some of you may already know that my sketching and lineart are done traditionaly. what I do is after the lineart I scan the drawing through my phone, then I upload it to Medibang and extract the lineart, which I realize not a lot of programs has that option. it basically means I can color my lineart without putting it under a multiply/lighten layer, and the linearts quality doesn't get destroyed in the process.
but the way I need to do my lineart for comics sometimes it's the same logic as in digital drawing, but done traditionaly!
which means I need to do alot of floating faces
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and the result eventually after editing it digitally looks like that⤵️
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I just earse the the expression the character has and edit in one of the floating faces (sometimes it's the whole head)
and sometimes my character will look like a buddhist goddess
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and also floating heads
the result after editing and coloring
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my chat blanc comic is a perfect example because I had a lot of expressions there.
sometimes most of a comic panels will fit into one sketchbook page
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I try to make most of the page, and use all the space.
more examples when I need to use the same pose/body for a different expression or head
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I used this same pose in 3 panels ↗
but I also get weird sometimes.. like here.. I didn't calculate the space for the page right so I didn't had room for ladybugs head.. and for some reason instead of just digitaly drawing it, I decided to draw it on the side and add it later. I don't even remember if I used it or not. but I had no reason to do it that way ┐(‘~`;)┌
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this may seem like harder work than drawing digitaly, but when I sketch and lineart digitaly it takes so much more time for me. working that way helps me get my comics done quicker, and i just feel the results look so much better. sketching traditionaly can take me 5 mins to 20 depending on the complexity, digitaly will take an hour and more, and don't get me started on doing lineart digitaly. I lose the feeling of the drawing when I do it in the program and not on paper. I love working with my pens, i express myself better traditionaly. this is of course relevant to me and not here to judge other ppl process 💕
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nejishadow · 3 years
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My Carrd Commission Info Ko-Fi
The Shiro from my “Dreamworks Wants Me Dead” image
He was so small on the original page that the lineart was a mess when I extracted it, but I tried to not go anal cleaning it. So if you see fragmenting and little dots, that’s from the texture of my sketchbook because I took the picture mega close
I also tried coloring with the colors picked from his Paladin armor image rather than his casual ref, weird that his hair is so much more brown in that image, rather than black.  I like it, love shading brown, but I’ll probably flip between the palettes depending on who else is in the image with him haha
Anyways, you can drag MLM Shiro outta my cold dead hands. It gets me irritated to remember Lauren kept refusing to straight out say he was gay in interviews (after he’d been confirmed GAY), but she and Joaquim made the dang choice they’re stuck with it whether they like it or not
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