#this is general minecraft worldbuilding! i just happen to have my inspirations
locusfandomtime · 9 months
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Fake logo designs of various districts/companies in Hermitcraft S8! Something about Hermitcraft brings out the graphic designer in me (*cough* it’s because I love worldbuilding and making tiny details in a world) anyway!
Design notes under cut! (Alongside some headcanons - it is quite long)
Horse Head Farms: this is the logo that started this idea basically. I got such a cool image of an eclipse with a repeated b+w horse head pattern and I really wanted to make it happen. M.C. Esher has done designs like these but as tiles, which I used as inspiration. I think I could have made it look a bit clearer but for my first time drawing something like this I’m pretty happy. The text is from one of the default Procreate fonts and kinda makes HHF look like a law firm (which is the vibe I was going for, soul-stealers and lawyers are often sorta linked in fiction, and supposedly xB and Hypno are their own legal team). xB and Hypno are the only employees other than the people they blackmail into doing stuff for them.
Big Eyes: I wanted a red eyeball as a reference to Tango’s amazing prank on Boatem and I imagine it’s a goofy little mascot for the company. Some big goofy text felt fitting alongside this. I wanted to make a Pass n Gas specific logo too but I wanted to focus on the main “districts” rather than specific shops. I feel like this is kind of obvious but in-universe Big Eyes are VERY unsuccessful and actively losing money.
Hohenzollern Castle: not really a company but Joe and Cleo are cool so I wanted to include them and I had a tiny bit of blank space left on the page so here we are. I actually really love how the sign looks, the wood texture came out nice. They don’t have a logo as much as they do a sign outside their area, created by Joe, with the text written by Joe’s dyes. The “Hohenzollern” is kinda squished because he began to run out of room but was too stubborn to split the word in half. Cleo argues that it isn’t a logo and is just a sign with the castle’s name on it. Joe argues back with a deconstruction of “what is a logo, really?” and something about companies and capitalism and Cleo doesn’t care enough to respond.
Octagon: I am a fool who initially thought it was spelt “Octogon” and had to fix it well after I finished. Oh well. I wanted this to have a very evil look about it. You can instantly tell they’re the evil tech company running experiments on the quantum realm or whatever in a Hollywood movie. Between the unsafe work conditions and the tax fraud, it is a miracle they haven’t been shut down (reason: the government is scared of Doc)
The Evil Empire: the “the” wouldn’t fit so I had to make some sacrifices. Evil Xisuma is dramatic and edgy so he wanted the logo to be in fancy black calligraphic medieval looking text. It fits the evil castle aesthetic the whole area has pretty well too. The Evil Empire is kinda like a Hot Topic store and a Renaissance Fair combined, but it is also involved with Crypto. Despite being so weird it has a perfect niche of marketing to edgy teenagers so it is quite successful. The employees hate it there because their work mandated uniform is to “dress like an evil minion”. Jevin is a slime monster, Wels cosplays a knight and Beef turned into an alien so they thankfully didn’t have to change.
Boatem (BTM): heavily inspired by Grian’s simplified logo he made in Minecraft, where he shortened it to BTM. Despite already having a reference to work off, this was the hardest design. I knew I wanted it to be simple, all-white and leaning back dramatically but I spent ages fiddling with it. Boatem is the most successful company, being perfect for the general public and their shopping district a tourist destination in of itself. It nearly went into bankruptcy when Mumbo was CEO but has been very successful since his Robot took over.
Zedaph Laboratories: my favourite design. Hand writing the text was a nightmare but it came together nicely other than that. Sheep symbol because sheep are his brand. I used the same colour palette as his laboratory. “Laboratory” is misspelled for two reasons: 1) I realised my mistake too late to change it, 2) I think it is completely in character for Zedaph to not know how to spell laboratory and only realise after Tango points it out and be forever haunted by his mistake. Don’t let the sleek corporate design fool you, Zedaph is still wild and is the only person in the “Zedaph Labratories”.
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pineappleoracle · 2 years
can i hear more about hybrids n stuff? i love these and i’m keeping all the links to them in a folder so i can come back to them :D
holy crap its been AGES i hope whoever sent that ask still sees this
lets talk about my ideas for hybrids n stuff :D this time with some illustrations!
as i mentioned in those End hcs, "hybrid" refers to two wildly different things: mob hybrids and actual hybrids in the real sense of the word
but first to explain both of those, i'll have to explain how new players even... happen
because sure, there's the way we are used to, two people with compatible reproductive organs love each other very very much, but then since this is still minecraft and the universe still works like a really weird game, there's also the second option: spawning
Spawning: It can happen that players, just like mobs, simply... spawn into existence. It's quite rare in modern times, since there seems to be a "player cap" which means spawning can only happen in areas with very few to no other players. They don't spawn in as newborn babies of course, that'd severely limit survival chances. Spawned players seem to appear at ages between 10 and 20 years on average, but never too young (or too old) to be completely unable to fend for themself. They know how to speak and have at least basic reading skills from the start, along with enough general knowledge of the world to survive. It's pretty much seen as a fact that the ancestors of at least all modern player species were spawned players, created by the universe to fill the suddenly so empty world again. (if the ancient civilizations spawned or somehow evolved from mobs is hotly debated)
Spawned players are the origin of the Mob Hybrids. Their distant ancestors simply spawned into the world with their player code mixed with that of a mob and then evolution took over from there. (Suggesting somebody is a mob hybrid due to having a human and a mob parent is in fact seen as a huge insult, if not worse) What kind of mob traits mob hybrids have can differ by a lot, but more on that later.
"True Hybrids", as they're sometimes called, are on the other hand always the result of two different player species having a child together. The more different the species of the parents are, the less likely they are to have a child who is a hybrid with an equal amount of traits from both. (Basically, if the real world animal counterparts can have hybrid kids, a minecraft hybrid player is almost 100% guaranteed to happen too)
But why are true hybrids so relatively rare? What happens when the child doesn't turn out to be a mix of their parents?
- Depending on the specific species situation, it's very likely the child will simply default to the species of one parent with maybe a few minor traits of the other (these minor traits then only have a very low chance of being passed on further, and the chance decreases even more with every following generation)
- The code gets overwhelmed with all the different species information and corrupts. This gets exponentially more likely the more different species are mixed together, which is why hybrids of more than two species are EXTREMELY rare. Now corrupted species code sounds incredibly serious, but player code as a whole is a very robust thing. In the case of hybrid code corruption? The code still knows the player is supposed to be a hybrid of some sort, but what kind is lost, so it simply... hits the randomizer. The child can physically be any possible species of mob hybrid, completely unrelated to the parents in that regard. (Instincts can still be a bit scrambled, brains are very complex things)
Here now are a few graphs on this stuff:
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^Animal species closely related, hybrid child very likely
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^Possible results of two very different species having a child
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^Example family:The child of two wildly different hybrids with no species in common is basically guaranteed to result in code corruption and a randomized species
Now then, with all of this established, lets talk about some more Hybrid things!
First of all: While yes, player code is very robust, that doesn't mean its extremely resistant to corruption happening in the first place - rather, its really good at fixing any corruption. But fixing doesn't always mean returning things to their previous state. And magic, if used right - or completely wrong - can corrupt player code in really specific ways. If species code corruption happens to a player after birth, this can lead to completely random changes to their appearance (though completely changing species is almost impossible), but whether those changes can be passed on to descendants varies on a case to case basis. This is how curses that full-on alter a player's appearance function! Another thing intentional code corruption through magic can do is force dormant species traits to manifest in hybrids that otherwise wouldn't have, as these corruptions do not follow what's natural at all (which can lead to interesting things like extra limbs/eyes/mouths).
There is a completely natural and much more mild version of “code corruption” too, which occurs so frequently its not even seen as a glitch and is instead called “unlocking”! Magic is an extremely common thing in the world, being basically energy capable of altering the code of reality, but there’s both hotspots and places with almost none. Servers, since they are created with magic, are always hotspots, while the bigger and older a player settlement in the greater minecraft world the more likely it is to be a magic desert - that’s because players, no matter the species, absorb tiny bits of magic over time. If someone from a big city (or anywhere outside the servers and not near a different type of magic hotspot, if they’re young enough) moves to living on a server, it then very commonly happens that they suddenly develop hybrid traits after some time, despite previously appearing to not be a hybrid at all (they don’t have to appear to be human, though that’s most common). Their bodies suddenly have magic to absorb, and that magic ends up being just enough to bring out dormant code, and suddenly they wake up one day with dog ears or sheep legs that they “unlocked” over night. (Compared to forceful code corruption, which is comparable to torture and treated as such, the unlocking process is almost without any discomfort and often happens unnoticed while the player is asleep)
A few more things about code corruption:
Shapeshifting is a result of species code being permanently glitched. (Is it a bug or a feature? Yes.) There are many different types of shapeshifters, some being independent species capable of passing their abilities on to their children and others the rare glitch resulting from hybrid parents. (Or mad scientists or evil corporations attempting to recreate the shapeshifting ability artificially to use for their own gain.) As a general rule, the stronger the shapeshifting ability, the more unhealthy it is, as it raises the risk of corrupting the player code further (like a rubber band, it can’t be stretched indefinitely and will eventually snap)
Void Walkers are the prime example of the rare case where hybridization somehow results in a separate, “stable” species. (Void Walkers started as hybrids of End Avians, Endermen and Shulker Hybrids.) This does not happen often and for some reason seems most common with End-related species, possibly due to how weirdly the Void affects code. Due to this origin, Void Walker hybrids are very rare, since they still somewhat count as hybrids as well. (And its the origin of their shapeshifting abilities!) This rule applies to all other species of hybrid origin too of course (for example, all other shapeshifter species).
While there’s many horror stories about laboratories full of terrible experiments attempting to find a reliable and controlled way of code corruption, The Watchers are the only ones besides powerful gods said to be capable of intentionally altering a player’s code to their whims. It’s said this is how they forcefully keep their dying kind alive, kidnapping players and making them one of their own.
And now, back to more general hybrid things!
Having the instincts of their mob counterpart(s) is usually the case for a hybrid, but unless in high stress situations, those instincts are easy enough to control or completely ignore.
Hybrid discrimination can occasionally happen in some places, but overall doesn’t, because hybrids are just so common its extremely rare for a place to just not have many. Getting kidnapped by someone wanting to do weird experiments however is more common, but is usually not because someone is a hybrid in general but because of what kind of hybrid they are. Shapeshifters living outside of servers especially have to worry about that sort of thing, since they’re such an unusual rarity.
When it comes to a specific classification, hybrids as a whole kind of count as one big species (like how “avian” is a blanket term for all the different avian species), but at the same time the different types of hybrids are usually identified by what mob(s) they’re hybrids of, since that of course leads to drastic differences in their biology. A dog hybrid and a creeper hybrid are both under the “hybrid” umbrella, but physically so different that considering them the same because of that would be silly.
Speaking of creeper hybrids, they’re a good example of Centaurism, called that because the origin of the word was simply calling horse and cow hybrids that had the four-legged lower body of the respective mobs “Centaurs”. Inspired by that, more and more words were invented for other passive mob hybrids with the same four-legged body shape, like deer hybrid centaurs being called cervitaurs, and so on. At some point “centaur” became an umbrella term for hybrids with the four-legged lower body of a mob because all those individual names were too many and too unintuitive over time. And some more time after that, scientists researching hybrids with unusually many limbs decided that “centaurism” should be the term to refer to a hybrid that has either four (or more) legs or four (or more) arms due to their mob side. (The unofficial term for the very rare hybrids with a code mutation that gives them both extra arms and extra legs, doubling the amount they should have is “octotaurs” (spider hybrids with four arms and four legs don’t count for example, as that still adds up to the amount of limbs that’s normal for them to have)). Creeper hybrids are often used as the main example for centaurism, as either variant of it is likely to happen for them, be it because creepers are facultative bipeds (quadrupeds that can also walk on only two legs and use their forelimbs like arms and hands when foraging) or because they are classified as a result of glitched code.
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^An example illustration of the three most common body types for creeper hybrids (excluding the rare octotaurs): One with four limbs (two arms, two legs), one with six limbs (two arms, four legs) and another with six limbs (four arms, two legs).
And finally: In some cases it gets very hard to tell what’s a hybrid and what’s an independent species, especially in the case of Avians vs. bird hybrids. Some researchers even say there are no real bird hybrids because they all mixed with End Avians when some of those first came to the Overworld a long long time ago, while others argue that according to the rules of player spawning, there logically must be bird hybrids just like with every other mob. Similar heated debates are happening about merfolk and fish hybrids. Minecraft taxodermy taxonomy is an absolute mess.
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So! Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint X Hermitcraft X Evolution SMP, a crossover that absolutely no one thought would ever happen, myself included.
Spoilers for ORV under "Read More"!
First things first!
What is Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint?
It's a Korean light novel-- but not just ANY Korean light novel! It's one of the most popular webnovels in Korea, and for a good reason! It's a masterpiece of a story, with intresting characters, engaging dynamics and relationships, fascinating worldbuilding, and an action-packed plot! The main character is an ordinary office worker named Kim Dokja-- meaning either reader or only child. Kim Dokja is the last reader of a 3,000+ chapter webnovel called Three Ways to Survive a Ruined World (Ways of Survival for short), with all the other readers dropping out early on. One day, the apocalypse begins, completely out of nowhere. And what's more, the situation is the exact same as the webnovel Dokja had read, with the same setting, characters, and everything. There are these creatures called dokkaebis, creatures from Korean folklore, who are basically magical Twitch streamers. And the viewers are these godlike beings called constellations, which are individuals with stories that have been told throughout history, ranging from famous war generals to literal archangels. They watch the apocalypse through the dokkaebis' channels as a form of entertainment, and can choose to sponsor a human, giving them their powers and aid. The humans-- now known as incarnations-- have to complete scenarios like quests in a video game, both for the constellations' entertainment and for their own survival, because there will be consequences for not completing a scenario.
There's a lot more to the story than that, and I do mean a lot. Although it's not nearly as close to 3,000 chapters, it's a good over 500. I'm currently on chapter 184, (and there's a Webtoon as well-- the art is absolutely stunning!) and totally hooked. If you haven't read it, I seriously recommend it. It's amazing. But I don't want to spoil anyone yet, so moving on, onto:
What is Hermitcraft?
It's a Minecraft server, an absolutely awesome one! It's been going on for a long time, about 10 years now, maybe? It's made up of 8 seasons, each lasting about a year. I'm actually a relatively new fan, since I started in Season 7.
Now, I could rant for hours upon hours about how awesome Hermitcraft is. How fun each of the members are. How much impact the creators themselves have had on the Minecraft game itself. How inspiring they all are. How beautiful the server is. It's an amazing series, and it truly deserves recognition. There's a reason it's lasted for 8 seasons, and I believe that the fandom and community will keep on running even after Minecraft itself falls out of the trends.
But I'm lazy! So, here!
What is Evo SMP?
*deep breath* I have a confession to make.
I never actually watched Evo.
All my knowledge on it is from Watcher!Grian AUs and fanfiction-- namely And The Universe Shifted.
I'm sorry. Take these cookies as an apology. 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
So! Uh, this is what I know about Evo:
It's a Minecraft server where everyone starts on the oldest version of the game, and these entities called Watchers make portals for the players to go through and get to the next Minecraft update.
One of the more notable members of Evo was Grian, who is now on Hermitcraft. After defeating the Ender Dragon, he was taken away by the Watchers, and I believe it was implied that he became one himself?
There's a lot of fanmade lore about the Watchers, like whether they're good or evil, their powers, the reason they took Grian, ect. It's assumed that in-universe, the timeline goes like Evo -> taken by Watchers -> ??? -> Hermitcraft. (And Yandere High School, but I'm even less qualified to talk about that.)
Additional little detail, one of Grian's friends from Evo, PearlescentMoon, also joined Hermitcraft in the latest season, so there's that.
Now, what does all of this mean?
It means that Grian became a constellation!
Finally, the actual freaking AU:
So in this AU, Grian and his friends are in the apocalypse, and they've all made a party, like in video games. The name of their party is Evolutions.
They've been surviving for a long time, and have gotten a lot of achievements under their belts. They're pretty well-known in the area, Grian in particular, who is infamous for starting "wars" between other groups.
One day, they go to slay this big, scary, high-ranked dragon. It's a tough battle, but they push through and they win. Great. The dragon is dead, the constellations are giving them coins, they got cool rewards, and everyone's alive, except-- hey, where's Grian?
So, MAJOR SPOILERS for Omniscient Reader, but an incarnation can become a constellation if they have 5 "legendary" stories. So Evo didn't know that-- but it's cool! I mean, they're pretty famous, but nothing that noteworthy, and it's not as if slaying this dragon would result in a "story", right?
So Grian's a constellation now. (Irrelevant to the story, but just imagine the chaos he would cause as a literal god. I mean, he started entire wars just as an incarnation!) And there's the question of why he can't go back to Evo. In ORV, Kim Dokja was still allowed to participate in the scenarios after he became a constellation. I haven't really worked that out yet.
So Grian's stuck, but not all hope is lost! After moping around for a while, watching his friends and companions deal with his disappearence, so close yet so far-- he gets an invitation to a famous nebula. (A nebula is a group of constellations.)
[The constellation 'Winged Seeker of Chaos' has joined the nebula 'Hermitcraft'!]
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I’m pretty much ready for NaNoWriMo; I’ve got my outline and character sheets and worldbuilding list at the ready. But I don’t quite know what to do to keep myself pumped up until November. I do plan on reading, but beside that I’m not sure. Any ideas on how to keep my creativity at the ready?
Staying Pumped Until NaNoWriMo
1) If you have Instagram, look for NaNoWriMo photo challenges like #preptober and NaNoWriMo’s #instawrimo for October.  2) Create aesthetics or mood boards for your characters and world.
3) Create a Pinterest board or tumblr gallery and save things that inspire you for your story.
4) Create a story playlist and/or character playlists.
5) Create maps and layouts of your world and setting.
6) Cast your characters with real models and actors.
7) If you draw, try drawing your characters or scenes from your story. If you’re good at Photoshop, you can try doing some photo manipulation. You can also find different character generators and avatar makers where you can create character images.
8) If you play The Sims, Minecraft, or other game where you can build things, you can build some of the buildings or other locations in your story. You can also look for apps and sites where you can design room layouts.
9) Look on YouTube for videos related to things you’re using for inspiration. For example, if your story is set in a fantasy world loosely based on China, watch some YouTube videos about China’s landscape, tours of China, etc.
10) Do some general writing prompts/exercises using your story or characters. Some ideas:
Do a character interview - imagine that you’ve pulled your character out of a story into the room and now have the opportunity to interview them. What questions would you ask them? What do you want to know about them that you don’t already know? What do you think the reader would want to know? What might be pertinent to the story that you haven’t thought about yet?
Do a TV Crew follow around - no matter when or where your story takes place, imagine that you’ve dropped an invisible TV crew into your story’s world to follow your character around through an average day. Follow them from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to bed that night. What are they like when they wake up? What is their morning routine? What do they eat for breakfast? How do they get ready? What do they do throughout the day? Who do they interact with? What else do they eat and drink? What do they do for fun or relaxation? How to they make money or meet their basic needs? What is their bedtime routine like?
Put your characters in a bizarre situation - not anything that could or would happen in your story, but something just really out of left field. Like, what if Harry, Ron, and Hermione were stranded on Mars, like Mark Watney in The Martian? What if Cinder from The Lunar Chronicles was a contestant on Project Runway? Do that, but with your own characters. Put them in crazy, fun situations just to play with them and get to know them a little better.
————————————————————————————————- Have a question? My inbox is always open, but make sure to check through my FAQ and post master lists first to see if I’ve already answered a similar question. :)
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