#this possibly makes sense to just me and me only but that is. Okay 😊❤️
dwter · 2 years
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c!dream — the spiral & birth of a false god
richard siken / luis de morales / alejandra pizarnik / the living tombstone / derek overfield / marina / janet fitch / jen mazza / blaze paul neubert / mother mother / unknown / unknown
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For the Spotify Wrapped Game 2023: 55 and Charles please and thank u ❤️
Hiya!!! Thank u for your request!
Song 55 - There Is A Light That Never Goes Out // The Smiths
Lol I’ve already written a Lance fic by the same name set in a zombie apocalypse AU so it somehow seems only right to make this a zombie fic too but with Charles instead! Enjoy 😊
Trigger warning for mild violence
“Get behind me!” You yell at the man running hastily towards you.
The horde of zombies chasing him snarl and grunt as they continue to tear down the hallway in your direction, their eyes devoid of a soul, leaving only the feeling of desperate hunger.
“What are you doing?” He asks, as you search through your bag as fast as you can.
“Saving your ass,” you mutter as you finally find the item you were looking for - a flare.
You quickly light the flare and the bright white light sends the zombies into a panicked frenzy, and they attempt to retreat as fast as they possibly can, climbing over one another in a great mound of flesh. They scramble for the door, desperate to escape the only source of light in the cramped corridor.
“Okay, let’s go,” you say as you pick up your bag and head for the stairwell.
“Uh, thanks, for saving me there,” the man says, and you nod.
“Don’t mention it. There’s enough of those fuckers out there for me to deal with, helps me saving you as it’s one less zombie for me to fight,” you say, and his face drops.
The two of you continue to head up the stairwell towards the roof in silence, before he breaks it once again.
“I’m Charles,” he says.
You crack the hatch for the roof, and send Charles up the ladder first, before following him out into the cool night air.
“How did you know the flare would scare them?” He asks.
“I’ve watched a lot of movies,” you reply with a small smile as you set your bag down and once again begin to rifle through it.
“You’re not much of a talker, are you?” He says, and you chuckle.
“Not really. Not anymore,” you say as you stand up and look at him properly for the first time.
He was probably the most attractive man you’d ever seen, and your eyes linger on his features for a little longer than you wanted them to.
Charles notices you looking, and raises his eyebrows at you, and you suddenly snap out of your trance. You inhale sharply and return to your plan, tossing the second flare you had taken from your bag between your hands.
“I have a ride out of here on its way. I guess you wanna come with me, right?” You ask, and Charles nods.
“I don’t really want to stay here with those guys,” Charles says with a slight chuckle as he gestures towards the stairwell.
“Yeah, that makes sense,” you say with a small chuckle as you realise how ridiculous your previous question was.
“So, I just gotta light a flare so they know which roof to land on. They should be here in,” you check your watch, “three minutes.”
“Great,” Charles says. For a moment he doesn’t say anything more, but he feels compelled to show you his gratitude. “Thanks again, for, you know, saving me.”
“Like I said, don’t mention it. I could save you, so I did. Us humans gotta stick together, right?” You say with a small chuckle.
Despite yourself, you found yourself warming up to Charles. You hadn’t met a person like him since the apocalypse hit. Despite everything, he still seemed kind. You used to be kind. You sigh.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“Yeah fine, sorry,” you say as you snap out of your thoughts.
You check your watch once again and head to the centre of the helipad, before lighting the flare.
The bright white light stands out in the darkness of the night, a beacon in the dark, a beacon of your salvation.
For a few moments, you see and hear nothing, until the sound of a helicopter’s propellors begin to become louder and louder, and you watch as it begins to descend from above you.
Charles runs over to join you as you signal to the pilot that it was safe to land.
“(Y/N), we have a problem,” Charles says nervously as he gestures towards the door of the stairwell.
You watch as the door begins to splinter and crack.
“Fuck, they found us!” You yell, as you gesture for the pilot to drop the ladder for the two of you to climb up.
With a loud crack, the door breaks down, and the horde of zombies flood out onto the roof like a wave of teeth and limbs.
“Go, go, go!” You yell at Charles as you push him towards the ladder, and he begins to climb.
You keep your eyes fixed on the zombies as they clumsily run nearer and nearer to you.
“(Y/N)!” Charles shouts, and you turn to see the bottom rungs of the ladder empty.
Hastily, you begin your climb as Charles finally makes it inside the helicopter.
“Get us out of here!” You shout, and the pilot begins his ascent.
As you continue to climb, you feel something grab your foot, and you look down to see the gnarled arm of a zombie pawing at you, trying to pull you down into the pool of zombies below.
Frantically, you kick and kick, but the zombie doesn’t leave you alone, it’s damage jaw opening and closing as it attempts to graze your flesh.
“Fucking let go!” You yell as you struggle to maintain your grip on the rungs of the ladder as you thrash to get rid of the zombie.
“(Y/N), grab my hand!” Charles shouts as he reaches down, extending his hand towards yours.
Shakily, you release one hand from the rung of the ladder, and grip his hand tightly.
With both his and your own strength combined, you manage to escape the grips of the zombie, and with a swift kick, it falls to the horde below.
Charles pulls you up into the helicopter, and the two of you topple over onto one another, both breathing heavily as the adrenaline in your bodies slowly dissipates.
“Fuck, that was close,” you say, before you begin to chuckle lightly.
“Yeah, it was,” Charles says as he looks up at you, his eyes briefly flicking to your own before looking away nervously.
“I should… probably get off you now,” You chuckle as you roll off of him and lay on your back as you still attempt to catch your breath.
Now free of the zombie, the helicopter takes off into the night sky, taking both you and Charles to a place of safety and salvation.
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cassiopeiasdaughter · 10 months
Hi Lovely~ Please can I request a ❤️?
I’m Evie. Ava is actually an OC I created. I wish I was a twin but I am an only child. I’m 5”6, brown eyed, short wavy naturally black haired (used to bleach and dye it). Online quizzes and the stars ✨ define me as an INTP, Slytherin 🐍 , Horned Serpent, Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon and Virgo rising.
Academically I do quite well. I took Chemistry as degree cause it was most like potions ⚗️🧪 . But recently I had taught many students the wonderful mysteries of muggle science.
Relatively I am quiet except to those who know me and I’m comfortable with. People view me as bubbly 😊 and friendly and I can be. I am an over thinker. People would not imagine the lines I would cross for those I love and close to me nor how I would act when people cross my line or empty my patience.
I dabble in many hobbies - mostly creative arts 🎨. I love to sing <3 I have concerts everyday in every room of the house. Games 🃏👾 are a must in our household (board games and video games). I am not sports inclined - please never throw something for me to catch. 🍰🍫🍮 Dessert is my favourite course of the meal hehe
I am straight and I don’t mind which era my ship belongs in.
Thank you for reading 🙏🏼💞
Thank you for sending this 🫶🏼🥰
Okay so for starters, right off the bat you seem like a very determined and hard working person but your artistic nature and (dare I say) curiosity also make you a very intellectual one!
You are practical but you also have a love for things that require imagination and open an mind. You might just be the best of both worlds.
I love that you are loyal and wouldn’t think twice before defending and protecting those you love.
I think the perfect person for you would have to be creative or have an affinity for the arts. He would have to be entertaining and never bore you (and I mean this in the best way possible).
You’d love someone witty and humorous, who also knows when to be serious. So, someone who knows how to adapt socially, isn’t too stiff but also doesn’t have his head up in the clouds.
The only person that fits this description but also, in my humble opinion matches your vibe perfectly is our dear Draco Malfoy (!!!!!)
And let me sell you on this a bit more; we know he is witty and talented. He is sarcastic and he has a great sense of humor (so more points for his intelligence).
He isn’t too serious or childish, he is the perfect combination of the two. You’d complement eachother very well. I think he tends to be pessimistic and focus on the bad stuff in a situation , but you are both logical but also seem so positive (and a great advice giver, dare I say), so I think you’d be great at talking him out of his worries and the what ifs…
He’d chill out, your overthinking nature, calming and relaxing you and maybe distracting you by talking to you about anything he can. He really has no problem coming up with something to say, the boy is charismatic.
He would tease you, because ofc, I can sense a proper enemies/rivals to lovers sitiuation.
And you’d definitely get together after Hogwarts, mayyybe you’d work together at the Ministry? Or in a lab somewhere? He’d be amazed by your work ethic and how much love you put in what you do, but he’d tease you over it (because of course).
Your first date/or first time you spend out of work together would be at a karaoke place, he’d dare you to sing, you’d obviously accept the dare, and he’d fall inlove with you right there and then.
Tell me your thoughts on this!!!🤍
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caloroso-cosmos · 2 years
Hi Autumn☺️💖 I just had a little idea for an AU for you and Jonathan. How about a Scientist AU? I mean Jonathan is more or less a scientist. But instead of a psychiatrist, he's now a botanist who studies the effects of certain plants - especially the fear inducing effects. He regularly travels to remote parts of the world and he takes you, his eager lab assistant, with him.
I don't know if that makes sense😅 Feel free to delete my ask, this was just something that randomly popped into my head. Anyway. Sending you and your darling Jonathan lots of love🥺❤️❤️
Hello Sue!! 💕 It's lovely to hear from you, thank you for sending in this AU idea 😊 The idea you suggested is pretty unique - how did you think of it, I wonder? I'd love to know (whether in a comment to this post or DM)!! To be fair (and you might have surmised this already), my self shipping writings incorporate fairly light material from canon and sometimes they don't even touch on material from canon at all. When considering your suggested AU idea, I found it difficult to bring canon material in (and it probably doesn't help that I haven't watched the films or read up on him in a while) 😅 (more under the cut...)
Having said all that, and having considered the suggestion for about a week, I sat down to write the headcanons...only to discover that I found it quite challenging to come up with detailed headcanons because I got stuck on technicalities. But it's not like I had zero ideas/inklings so here are some headcanons but they're more like 'sketches' and don't even attempt to answer to the technicalities. I hope this is okay with you, Sue? 😅
Without further ado, here are the headcanons:
TW: mentions of anxiety and not eating well near the end
First, let's establish that this version probably took place before Jonathan Crane decided to work with Ra's al Ghul to bring fear and terror to Gotham City
And I actually first met him when he's already involved with Ra's al Ghul and so on so for the sake of this version, let's just pretend I met him earlier than that and have been in a relationship with him for some time (because if not, he wouldn't have asked me to go with him on his travels - that's just the type of person he is)
I think Jonathan actually enjoys sharing his knowledge so when he collects samples of the plants, he'll be almost giving me a one-on-one lecture on the plants such as "look at its leaves, they have these features....which are...." and so on (details are omitted because I know nothing about botany 😅)
He gives these 'lectures' in an endearing one in my opinion. Like there's literally nothing condescending about the way he shares his knowledge of the plants with me, all that's coming through is his passion
You can bet that whenever he says "look here at this...", I have a tendency to get distracted at staring at his hands, noticing the peculiarities in his movements like the way he gestures with his hands, how he handles the plants etc. Not because there's anything weird about his movements...you know how every individual has their own unique way of moving like walking, gesturing? It's basically me wanting to know him better by observing and taking note of his own unique way of moving
Oh and I can't possibly omit the fact that I'm pretty much just admiring him/his hands too. I mean I already observed him even before his travels and admired him but every time it's like I'm rediscovering it all again...
"...did he just trace the outline of the leaf with his finger like that, so sure yet so careful...breathtaking......oh wait, I gotta tune back into what he's saying about the leaf..."
Jonathan can read me like a book (you might have read this somewhere on my blog already) so he knows when I get distracted but he's gracious enough not to point that out. Plus, nobody in his life ever admired him the way I do so he's probably just savouring the feeling of being admired
Secretly, he's also kind of admiring me in a similar way...? Like when I'm writing down the measurements and stuff for him, he'll just, be wondering why he hasn't spontaneously combusted with how much love he feels for me in that moment?
The feeling of even though I'm on a strange land and pretty much everything is unfamiliar, being with him feels like home
Travelling unsettles my stomach (actually it's the anxiety that's the problem) so I tend to not be able to eat much/enough when that happens
So I really appreciate it that Jonathan doesn't ever try to get me to eat more and say things like "just one more bite, dear" which doesn't help at all and is a sure way to make me become even more anxious (I'm not going to go into the why and how because it would be too long)
Instead, he packs bite-sized snacks so if I get hungry later, I can eat those. And he lets me eat a few bites of his food without me ordering my own meal if that's what I feel like, without questioning me or making me feel guilty about it. He's just so calm and understanding about it that by the end of our travels, I'll be pretty much eating normally again because I don't feel so much anxiety anymore
And I'll give him massages to release his muscle tension from working. Actually, at the start it'll just be an offer because he's so used to being independent and not caring about this. But all that disappears when he got a particularly bad case of shoulder/back pain and I actually helped with that
...our fingers clasped together loosely, tenderly as we board the ship/plane one last time to return home...
This ran longer than I expected. Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed reading!! Thank you again for suggesting this idea 😊 I hope you and J are well ❤️❤️ Sending good thoughts and much love your way 💖💖
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