#this was absolutely not me procrastinating on unpacking no sir
denkisauce · 2 years
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i know we all headcanon adult todoroki as living a lux life on his dads credit card but what if: his journey of separating himself from his fathers legacy included making his own way in the world?
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 7
I'm glad that I've got joint prompts lined up again this week, it makes me feel better about being late on the @marichatmay schedule... Anyway, feelings are starting to bubble in this simmering pot, the slow burn is real 👀 Hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 7: In which Tikki makes insinuations Marinette doesn't care for
“Purl, knit, purl, knit, purl, knit… Dammit, I got half the row wrong!” Marinette sighed exasperatedly as she started unravelling her work.
“You know Marinette, I really don’t think Chat Noir would mind much if his blanket isn’t perfect.” Tikki hovered over her, holding a macaron. “In fact, he’d probably love it even more.”
“Maybe, but I know myself; I won’t resist fixing it once it’s finished anyway. It’s better to do it now.” She started knitting again, mindful of the two different colours she was using, as well as the pattern. “Also, I’m not sure I want Chat Noir to love his gift more than what is strictly necessary. I’m only making this because I know he’ll use it.”
“Because you don’t own enough blankets for each of you to have one when you watch a movie?” the Kwami asked innocently, taking a bite from her snack.
“Exactly.” It took Marinette a couple of stitches for her to realise what her friend was insinuating. “I mean, no! He can do whatever he likes with it. We won’t be watching movies here anytime soon; I’m breaking up with him next week, remember? I’m giving him this, but then I’ll be distancing our… encounters, so that it’s a more natural drift.”
“I still think you’re putting in a lot of effort, for a last-minute present…” Tikki trailed off. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a human work so fast.”
“Well, it does help that you can help me with my homework; thanks again for reading my lessons to me while I work, by the way.” The girl smiled, barely taking her eyes off of her needles. The central fluorescent green paw was starting to come along nicely - if everything went well, she’d be done within the two days she technically had to spare before the date Chat had indicated was his birthday, and she’d be able to invite him “via Ladybug” to come over.
She’d just have to find an excuse as to why Ladybug couldn’t join in on the fun herself, if possible not one that involved her saying she’d “leave the two lovebirds celebrate in peace”, but really that was the least of her problems.
“Are you sure that your zeal isn’t linked to anything else, though? Like, I don’t know, particular feelings for your local cat?” Tikki probed again.
“What?! Of course not,” Marinette scoffed. “I probably exploited you too much, because you’re really being nonsensical.”
“Of course I am.” Tikki placated her. “So, you’re definitely not planning on continuing to see him after you break up, even though you recently looked up ‘top ten summer balcony hangouts’?” She hid a smirk in her macaron.
“I… um… It’s not just for Chat and I, you know! It’s also for him and, well, Ladybug, and of course me and my friends, but that’s kind of redundant because Chat and I will still be friends afterwards, right?” Marinette stuttered, feeling her cheeks heat up. She wanted to put an end to the dating charade, not their friendship.
“Of course, Marinette. I’m just teasing you.” Tikki replied.
Had Marinette looked up, she would have noticed the twinkle in her Kwami’s eyes, which was a lot louder than words; Marinette was awfully worried about losing the extra time she spent with her partner… And really cared what he thought about her, too.
Enough that the blanket would be perfect and delivered on time, even if it meant procrastinating on other matters.
Two days later, Marinette shyly presented her gift to Chat Noir, carefully packaged in the special wrapping she’d bought for Adrien’s presents (Tikki didn’t dare comment on that fact).
She bit her nails as she watched him delicately unpack it, tempted to rip it open for him.
She held her breath when the wrapping finally fell to the ground and Chat Noir unfolded the finished product to hold it at arm’s length. His expression was indescifrable.
“I wasn’t sure what you wanted, or needed, for your birthday, and I’m happy to find something else if you don’t like it…” She fidgeted as his silence lengthened.
“Don’t like it?” Chat Noir’s voice was slightly hoarse as he thought of how thoughtful his friend was and how hard she must have worked on the project, all for him .
He delicately put the blanket aside and engulfed Marinette in a hug, knocking the air out of her lungs.
“I love it, Marinette.” He whispered next to her ear, trying to keep tears at bay.
Her heart fluttered as he pulled back slightly to look her in the eye. The satisfaction of a gift hitting the right spot, she reassured herself. Nothing more.
“You’re an amazing girl, Princess, you know that?” Chat Noir said. His face was so close that she thought he was going to kiss her.
She definitely wasn’t disappointed when he kissed her cheek afterwards, for slightly longer than for a friendly bise . No, sir.
Absolutely not.
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ouijaasylum · 4 years
Never Play Alone, Chapter 1
This is the first written chapter for the Ouija board au/asylum au. Let me know what you think about it, I will be starting on Chapter 2 soon.
Thanks again to @shaym3i for allowing me to do this, I’m so excited to expand on the beautiful comic you made. ^^ I also hope you like the random title I gave it, I wanted the title to sort of tie into what caused all of this to happen, and one of those causes was Ohm playing with Ouija board alone. I was also thinking of calling it "More than a Game" but when I asked a friend the other name was chosen.
ANYWAYS, let's get onto the story shall we.
     Ohm’s face beamed with excitement as he pulled up to his new home. The place wasn’t big by any means, but it was the perfect size for a man who was planning to start a new life outside of the big city of Chicago. From what he could tell, the one story house was in a decent and quiet neighborhood that sat nestled in a equally quiet town. The community that lived within the town seemed extremely tight knit, with everybody knowing everybody, so the change from a place so populated it was hard to walk down the side to a place where everyone in town knew your name was almost culture shock for Ohm but he was willing to give the quiet lifestyle a shot. He had been working on moving into his new house for about a month, and within that time span he had yet to meet a single one of his neighbors face to face. Of course, with him moving into a town that was practically filled with nothing but family he expected people to be cautious around him. In order to take his mind off of any anxiety that would try to creep up on him, he reminded himself that he was finally at his home with the last of his boxes and was about to be officially moved into what he legitimately believed would be his dream home. As he put the car in park he was genuinely surprised to be approached by one on of his neighbors, he turned off and exited the vehicle so he could properly introduce himself.
     “Hello neighbor! It’s great to finally meet the new owner of this place.” an elderly man greeted with a friendly smile, which Ohm soon returned with a small greeting of his own. “Hi, it’s great to meet you as well.” The brown haired male said back with his eyes beaming with joy. He gently closed the door to the car and approached the elderly man, sticking his hand out towards him with a smile. “My name is Ryan. I was shocked to find such a nice home for such a cheap price.” He said with a small laugh, as the elderly man happily accepted the hand shake. “I wouldn’t be too surprised, living here is fairly inexpensive when you actually find a place available.” The old man replied with a small chuckle of his own. “You can call me Jim.” He added, before allowing his gaze to drift over to Ohm’s car with its back and passenger seats both filled with cardboard boxes. Jim gave Ohm a knowing smile as he brought his attention back to his young new neighbor. “Why don’t I give you some help bringing your things inside, son?” He offered, catching Ohm off guard since he didn’t expect the man to offer his assistance after having just met him. “You don’t have to do that sir.”  Ohm said softly, despite appreciating the offer and not minding the help at all he hated feeling like he was inconveniencing the nice old man.
     Jim let out a laugh as he placed a hand on Ohm’s shoulder. “Come on now Ryan, I know you’re new around here but there is nothing wrong with accepting a little help.” He said as he gave the brunette a reassuring smile, letting Ohm know that Jim was more then happy to lend him a hand. Ohm sighed softly, then gave the old man a small smile. This was he absolute opposite of how he expected his first interaction with a neighbor to be. He had convinced himself that he’d probably be an ignored outcast for the first month or so until people got to know him, he didn’t think his elderly neighbor would approach as he was pulling up and offer to help him carry things in. It was such a change from what he was use to, from the life he was leaving behind. He knew that he had a lot that he needed to learn about the town he just moved into to, and now he may have just found someone who could help teach him. He was now more confident then ever that the move he made was the right choice, and that this town would be the perfect place to start again. No one knew him here, he had a clean slate and no one he felt the need to impress. “Thanks Jim, I really do appreciate this.” He told the man softly as the two of them walked over to Ohm’s car. “You don’t need to thank me son, its just how we do things around here.” Jim replied, sending the young man a smile as Ohm opened the car’s doors. 
     The two decided to get the boxes out of the back first, since they were the ones Ohm would clearly need the most help with, and the duo began to carry the boxes into the house. Each man would carry a box in, with Ohm leading the way and telling Jim where to sit the boxes when they entered the home. It didn’t take the two very long at all to bring everything from the car into the house, especially since Ohm just had them put all of the boxes in the living room. The room now filled with over a dozen of boxes, with even more boxes scattered throughout the household. Ohm closed the car door behind him as he carried the last box into the front door, and into the living room where all of his other boxes and his neighbor were. “Thanks again for helping me out Jim, it would’ve taken me forever to drag all of this inside.” Ohm said with a smile, as he watched Jim sit down the box he had been carrying in. “It was no problem Ryan, I was just happy to lend a hand.” Jim replied, sending the younger man a smile smile as he walked with Ohm back to the front door. Ohm tried to offer the man a drink, or food, really anything he could to repay him for his help. Jim continuously denied his offers, telling him not to worry about repaying him for anything as the two made their way out the front door and onto the front porch. “If you need any more help moving things, you know where to find me son.” Jim told Ohm as the two stood on the porch, the comment alone making Ohm smile. “I will Jim, and you where I am if you ever need my help too okay.” Ohm replied with a smile, making the old man chuckle softly and the two shook hands one more time before Jim walked away from Ohm and back over to his own home.
     After Jim left, Ohm entered his house again, closed and locked his door, and turned around to bring the small box in his arms up to the attic. He knew he was far from done with packing and unpacking, after the family who lived in the house before left a lot of their belongings in the house, with a majority being in the attic. “I’ll just have to remember which stack of boxes is mine when I go to get rid of things.” Ohm said to himself as he started to climb up the ladder that lead to the storage area of the house. He sat the box on the ground at the top of the ladder first, before pulling himself up behind it and picking the box up again. He let out a tired groan as he saw the mess of boxes that quite literally filled the attic of the house. Since the day was still pretty young he decided go ahead and drag some of his boxes up the ladder, so he cleared out a corner close to the ladder, sitting the small box he had with him down there while he went back down to grab a few more of boxes that were filled with things like holiday decorations or out of season clothes. He grabbed each box and carried them up the ladder one by one, having to be very careful with the larger and heavier ones so he didn’t fall and hurt himself. Finally after an hour of moving things around and rearranging boxes so nothing would break, Ohm brought the last of his unneeded boxes up to the attic and over to where he had made his little storage corner for the time being.
     “That should be it!” He said softly to himself as he sat the last of the boxes down and let out a sigh of relief. “Finally I can start everything all over.” He added as he stood back up and stretched. He already felt happy in his new home, and now knowing that he had a neighbor who was willing to help him when he needed Ohm was even more certain that moving into this house was the right choice. The house was his now and the only thing he had left to do was clear out the attic and finish what little unpacking for the main area of the house he had left. He knew he was bad about procrastinating and that the smart thing to do would be to start working on cleaning the attic while he was up their and thinking about it, but at the same time he was tired from the drive he had to make to his new home and from all the box moving he had just finished doing over the past hour. He thought about it and debated on what his next curse of action should be. Should he suck it up and just continue working on the attic, or should he allow himself a bit of relaxation? “I really should focus on just cleaning this place up so I don’t have to worry about it...”  Ohm said softly as he glanced over at the mountain of boxes that filled the small attic. Instead of actually cleaning the attic though, he just shrugged and turned away from it with a content smile as he folded his arms behind his head. “But, for now I’ll watch some T.V.-” He said as he started make his way back to the ladder that left the attic.
     As Ohm went to make his way out of the attic, something caught his foot and caused him to stumble slightly. He looked down in confusion since he had taken the same path dozens of time within the past hour and hadn’t stepped on anything. When he looked down and old and dusty looking box caught his eye. “Is that...a Ouija board?” He asked himself softly in confusion as he looked down at the faded dark purple box, it had little symbols and designs all over it, but the most prominent thing on it was that large sun and moon with the bold word of ‘OUIJA’ written over where the shapes overlapped. Ohm tilted his head slightly in confusion as he bent down and picked up the box. It had to of belonged to the previous owners, where else could it have come from? What had Ohm intrigued wasn’t the fact that it was in his new home, but instead that it had seemingly appeared out of thin air; he was certain that it hadn’t been in his walkway just a few moments ago. He was able to tell by the weight that there was indeed a board inside the box, making the smile on his face widen as an idea popped into his head. “You know, I may have just found myself better plans for tonight.” He said to himself as he tucked the faded box under his arm and exited the attic, unaware of the potential dangers the ‘game’ he just found possessed. He had never looked into anything supernatural and by most standards was considered to be a skeptic, but in reality he had just never put much though into things like spirits. When he stepped off of the attic’s ladder he closed the entry way up and made his way to the living room. 
     He walked into the main room of the house and sat the Ouija board on the couch as he cleaned the boxes off of the small table he was going to turn into a make shift desk until he saved up to buy himself a proper one. It only took him about five minutes to move the stacks of boxes somewhere else where they weren’t in his way. Once the table was cleaned he excitedly grabbed the Ouija board off of the couch and carried it over to the table and opening it up. “Wow! I’ve never seen such a nice Ouija board before!” Ohm said, as he looked down at the intricate and detailed board, it was definitely nicer then the boards he had seen on T.V. and in movies. He took a few moments just to appreciate the time and work that had gone into making the board before he actually sat it down on the table and pulled the rest of the items out of the box as well. The planchette seemed to be just as delicately made as the board itself, the wood had been painted an almost burgundy color and had symbols carefully carved into it, with an eye in the middle and other circular designs surrounding the eye. He sat the planchette on the table next to the board, then went to grab the final thing out of the box; a sheet of paper stating the rules that must be followed when playing with a Ouija board. Ohm scoffed softly to himself as he looked down at the piece of paper in slight disbelief. “Is this game really so hard that you need rules for it?” He asked himself as he quickly skimmed over the sheet, and then gave a small shrug. “Let’s just do this!” He said excitedly as he placed the planchette on the board, already breaking the first rule: never play alone.
     Ohm placed the planchette in the middle of the board where it showed a triangle that was the same size, then placed his hand lightly on the carved piece of wood and took in a deep breath. He didn’t know why but for a split second he contemplated on if playing with the board was a good idea. The only bit a reassurance he had was reminding himself that it was nothing more then a harmless game, nothing bad would happen by playing with it. Once he decided to just suck it up and plan he took in another deep breath and placed all of his attention on the board in front of him. He thought of what he wanted to ask, but decided to just go with what he had always heard the people in movies say when the first started to mess with a Ouija board. “Alright...Is there anyone who wants to speak with me?” He asked with a small smile, only for nothing to happen after he asked the question for about a minute. He started to think that the board just didn’t work and was about to just put it back up, but as he started to lift his hands of of the piece of wood he could feel the planchette shifting around under his hand. He watched it in awe with an excited smile as it slowly made it’s way over to the ‘NO’ reply. Once he got ‘NO’ as an answer, his smile turned into a frown as he glared at the board slightly. “That’s just rude!” He grumbled to himself as he kept his hands on the tried to think of a way to get whoever was refusing to communicate with him to be a good sport and play along. After a second of thinking he had an idea, if he just starts to ask questions that can’t be answered as a ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ maybe he could get something out of the mysterious spirit.
     ‘A name!’ He thought, surely if someone, anyone was in his house they’d at least tell him their name. “What’s your name?” Ohm asked as he felt the planchette to move around the board. First it went to the ‘L’, then over to the ‘U’, then to the ‘C’, and it ended on the ‘Y’. “Lucy?” Ohm’s face lit up once more as he realized he was finally getting something out of this getting somewhere with this game of his. So whoever he was talking was apparently named Lucy, but having this one question answered just raised even more questions. He wanted to know more about this girl, like why she was there, her age, if their was any way he could help her; her name was only a small part of it. He tried to clear his mind the best he could so he could focus on only one question at a time. After taking a second to compose his thoughts he continued his questioning of ‘Lucy’. “How old are you Lucy?” Ohm asked curiously as he watched the wooden tool slide around the numbers of the board before landing on the ‘6′. “You’re 6 years old?” Ohm said in disbelief, he could feel his heart break a little bit, fully believing that he was talking with a little girl who’s life was cut short. He din’t have a bit of doubt in his mind as he continued to talk to this ‘little girl’, letting down any defensive walls he may have had up when he started playing with the Ouija board. “May I know know how you died?” He asked again as he watched the planchette move around the board spelling out the words ‘fire’ and ‘burn’. It took Ohm a second to put the two together, now feeling even worse for ‘Lucy’ then he did before. “You burned alive?! I’m so sorry Lucy!” Ohm said softly, his voice filled with sorrow and pity for what he believed was a young girl.
     He felt horrible about what supposedly happened to ‘Lucy’, and at the moment he wanted to do nothing more then comfort and help her. “You’re such a brave little girl.” Ohm told her, he was giving this spirit all of the trust in the world for no reason. ‘Lucy’ did nothing to gain his trust, nor anything to lose it, but it seemed to Ohm like he was simply talking to a lost and possibly scared little girl. He knew he had to ask her what she wanted, what she needed him to do to help, but he was scared that he wouldn’t be able to help her on his own. He didn’t want to lie to a child, even of that child was no longer physical or breathing, but he also couldn’t leave her alone without at least attempting to get her to a better place. He took in a deep and calming breath as he readied himself for the next question he was going to ask. He had no idea what he was going to get himself into within the next few seconds, but he was certain that if there was anything he could do to get this little girl peace he was going to go for it. “Is there anything I could help you with?” He asked the spirit with concern in his voice, expecting something along the lines of help finding a loved one or help crossing over, neither of which he would know anything about. Once he asked the question he felt the room get a little colder, Ohm just suspected it was the little girl getting closer to him. There were a few seconds of absolutely nothing, the only sounds in the house that Ohm could hear was his own heartbeat and the sound of his nearby clock ticking. Finally. after what felt like hours of sitting in silence, Ohm watched as the triangular chunk of wood began to move around the board once again.
‘P’, ‘L’, ‘A’, ‘N’, ‘C’, ‘H’, ‘E’, ‘T’, ‘T’, ‘E’
“Planchette?” He questioned in confusion as he looked at he burgundy colored piece of wood on the board, lifting it off the board and holding it in front of him curiously. “What about it?” He asked again, as he lifted the the planchette in front of his face he thought he saw something moving through the center of the wooden object. He felt little alarms start to go off in the back of his mind, telling him to stop and put the game up, but his curiosity at the moment was stronger then his common sense. After all what’s the worst that could happen? The ghost of a little girl would haunt him? He doubted it, this was real life not a syfy movie. He didn’t think anything bad would happen to him, so he held the planchette up to his face, aligning his eye to the one carved into the wood. When he looked through the center of the wooden tool what he saw absolutely terrified him. Standing in front of him on the other side of the table was what he could only describe as the devil himself, but in reality it was a demon who relied on the inexperience and ignorance of humans to cross over into their world. he had red skin and hair as black as coal, he had almost glowing yellow eyes that seemed to stare straight into Ohm’s soul, with a scar in the shape of an ‘X’ over his left eye, no shirt was worn but brown pants were present, as well as red horns and a pointed tail. He gave Ohm a wicked grin as an aura that resembled flames so bright they were blinding surrounded the demon. Ohm let out a pained scream as he immediately jumped away from the table and pulled the planchette away from his face, dropping it in fear as well as in pain as he covered his eyes with his other arm. “MY EYES!” He cried out as he rubbed at them i an attempt to relieve some of the almost unbearable pain in his eyes. “They hurt so bad!” He cried again , as he lowered his arms with tears in his eyes.
     Ohm’s attention was brought away from his pain when he felt a firm grip on his forearm. The sudden contact made him snap his eyes open and look ahead in pure terror at the being who was grabbing him. Standing mere inches away from him was the same demon he had seen through the planchette. only this time it wasn’t near as painful to look at him as it had been a few seconds before. He had no clue how he was able to see the being in front of him so clearly, especially since he was no longer even holding the item that allowed him to see the demon the first time. He could feel the tears rolling down his cheeks, but at the moment he wasn’t sure of it they were tears or terror or of pain. He heard a deep chuckle come from the being in front of him, as the demon showed Ohm his fangs in a toothy smirk. “The fun is just beginning.” The demon told Ohm with a devious and almost mischievous glint in his golden yellow eyes. The demon’s smirk soon turned to a soft scowl as he saw the utter fear in Ohm’s eyes. “You humans are pathetic!” He proclaimed, making the human flinch slightly at the harshness in his voice. “You are not the first person to communicate with me through this same damn spirit board.” He added with the same harsh and cold tone, before releasing Ohm’s arm and leaning back on the table where the spirit board still laid, getting the mischievous smirk back on his face. “You all make the same mistakes, and yet, you never learn from them.” He told Ohm in a mocking tone, as he eyed the trembling man in front of him in pure glee. He was use to inexperienced people tampering with spirit boards and he got immense joy out of making the sufferer after summoning him, but he didn’t expect someone to be so ignorant that they would play alone, with a board that didn’t even belong to them. “I...I-I don’t want to die...” Ohm finally managed to stammer out as he stared at the demon in front of him. “P-Please don’t h-hurt me...I...I j-just...” Ohm tried to explain, tried to do anything he could to convince the demon in front of him to just leave him alone and return to wherever he came from, but all he could do was stumble over his own words and try to hold back the tears that threatened to continue to fall.
     The demon only chuckled at Ohm’s attempts to persuade him, as he tilted his head with the smirk still present. “Oh silly!” He stated as he allowed his smirk to grow larger. “It wouldn’t be fun to kill you now.I want to play with you for a while...” He tole the man, Ohm felt all of the blood rush from his face as he heard this, and his heart began to beat a mile a minute as the gravity of the situation finally hit him. He started to tremble as he tried to think of anything he could say to the demon to make him reconsider. Despite how desperate he was, Ohm could think of nothing himself and, hoping for the best, decided to ask the demon. “Is there any way for me to somehow redeem myself?” He asked hopefully as he looked over at the demon, who had moved from sitting on the table to sitting backwards in the chair facing him. The demon got an amused look on his face as he raised an eyebrow slightly, almost as if he didn’t hear Ohm correctly. “Isn’t it a little bit too late to think about that?” The demon asked mockingly with a small laugh as he studied the man in front of him, reading his emotions and body language like an open book. Ohm got a frustrated look on his face as he glared at the demon. It was clear to him that this being was simply toying with him, and even if he were to get an answer it probably wouldn’t be a straight forward one. Against his better judgment , and by letting his fear and frustration cloud his mind, Ohm yelled at the demon in hopes of getting a proper response. “What am I supposed to do now?!” He shouted, both anger and fear clear in his voice as he glared at the horned being.
     The demon’s face scrunched up into a scowl at Ohm’s somewhat aggressive tone, his own anger rising due to the hostility in the human’s voice. “Nothing!” The demon snapped at Ohm with a snarl, causing him to cower and attempt to protect himself by covering his face with his arms. The demon’s voice alone was something that instilled fear in the man, but now on top of that Ohm could feel an intense power come off the being and start swirling around the room. The power got stronger as the demon’s demons temper grew as well, making Ohm more fearful with ever second that passed and every word that was spoken. “Don’t you get it?!” The demon asked rhetorically as he glared at the fear filled human in front of him. “YOU messed up!” He bellowed angrily. However, his anger soon subsided and turned to shock, as well as what some may describe as concern, as he saw the man reach to his nose where blood had begun to gush from. ohm pulled his hand away from his face and looked at the deep crimson that now stained his hand. He looked down at his hand in confusion and shock, before giving a fearful glance to the demon in front of him. the demon sighed softly as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He shouldn’t have let his emotions get the best of him, not if he wanted to interact with this human for more then a few hours. Ohm’s face was covered by so many conflicting emotions all at once. He was confused about the nose bleed, fearful of the demon, and angry at himself for playing with the spirit board all at once. Out of all of the emotions though, confusion was the strongest one. Had the demon just caused his nose to bleed without doing much more then yell at him? How powerful was he, and how much danger was Ohm truly in by being near him? “You shouldn’t have made me angry.” The demon scolded softly with a groan, also having the statement act as a warning so the man wouldn’t do it again. Instead of getting the fearful nod that he expected to receive from the trembling human, when the demon looked back over at Ohm what he saw was the man running out of the room and down the hall.
     The demon didn’t bother to chase Ohm as he fled, knowing good and well that there would be nowhere the human could hide from him. Ohm on the other hand ran straight for the bathroom. He hoped that he would be safe as he locked locked the door behind him and walked over to the sink. He was still trembling as he looked into the mirror. When Ohm looked at his reflection what he saw shocked him, not only did he have blood dripping from his nose and down his face but his normally vibrant green eyes also seemed to have lost their sparkle. “My eyes... He said softly under his breath as he studied the change in himself.His eyes were dull and glazed over, almost as of the life had been completely sucked out of them. He shook his head and tried to convince himself that he was fine, that nothing had changed in him and NOTHING had just happened to him in the living room. Once he had finished trying to deny what happened to him he decided it was time to clean the blood off of himself. He took a rag from the towel rack next to him and ran it under cold water in the sink to wet it, before using it to wipe away the blood that had been dripping from his nose when he entered the room. Once he was done cleaning his face and his hands off he looked at himself again. His eyes still looked so empty. “This has got to be a nightmare. yeah, that’s all just a horrible nightmare that I need to wake up from.” He told himself as he turned the faucet on again  and bent over the sink, splashing cold water on his face in hopes that he was only stuck in a vivid nightmare and the action would wake him up. It didn’t wake him up, but upon looking at his reflection again his eyes seemed to be back to normal again. Confused didn’t even begin to cover how he felt, he was dumbfounded, but at the moment he didn’t care to try and find any answers. “I have to get out of here...” He mumbled softly, still not wanting to believe that what he went through in the living room really happened. He needed to get dome fresh air and clear his mind, maybe after that he’d be bale to figure out a reasonable explanation for what just happened to him. 
     Ohm took in a couple of deep breaths as he worked on calming himself down a little, already feeling his anxiety start to rise at the mere thought of leaving the bathroom. After a minute or two of just trying to calm his breathing, Ohm turned off the sink and turned to leave the bathroom, but as he reached for the doorknob he froze. Despite his attempts to convince himself that the demon wasn’t real and that the interaction in the living never happened, deep down Ohm knew i was all real and truly did happen; that realization terrified him. He had no clue what he was going to do know. On one hand if he were to just act like it all never happened he’d risk making the demon angry again by ignoring him, if he stuck around Ohm that is. On the other hand, however, he would probably be seen as a mad man if he showed up to the local church and asked for help. Not only would he have to admit to playing with a Ouija board without knowing what he was doing, but he also just moved into this area and would immediately be labeled as someone who couldn’t be trusted. Either path would lead to the destruction of his plans to start a new life in the town. He sighed softly as he tried to calm himself down enough to open the door and walk out of the house to get some fresh air. He froze again as he tried to turn the handle, as questions started to swirl around in his head. What if the demon was still outside? What if he was waiting for Ohm to leave the bathroom so he could attack him? What if- Ohm shook his head slightly to clear all of the ‘what if’s’ out of his mind. IF that demon was still there or not didn’t matter, this was HIS home now and he wasn’t going to let himself become a prisoner in his own home.
Welp, there we go. Chapter 1 is done and Chapter 2 is now in the working. I’m excited to get more of this story out to you guys, but I need to work on a schedule to go by. Maybe I’ll try to post a chapter every week, if I’m not able to write the chapters that quick then we may have to go to every two weeks. ^^
The word count for this chapter was roughly 5,630(not counting my little notes at the start and end), so I’m going to try my best to make all future chapter as long or longer then that number.
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