#though it's not actually a requirement it's just considered appropriate and respectful to the Fae god
atherix · 1 year
With the pantheon, how do they effect the culture? Like how certain religions have certain standards/ beliefs/morales. Qnd how with the fae one, they keep their hair longer.
(I'm bad at phrasing questions so I hope that makes sense)
Ohohohoho I only have like ten minutes to answer this but here we go!
I lied, I saved it as a draft in the middle of answering this. I rambled so much-
Of course the Fae Pantheon has the hair thing, but the hair thing actually stems from something else- head coverings. Long hair is viewed as a "natural headcover," and elves with short hair actually wear headcovers/scarves! Not all elves are comfortable with long hair (whether their job/role in society is just not good for long hair or if they just in general don't like having long hair/feel physical or mental discomfort with it) and will opt for a headcover of some kind. It's viewed as being honorable/respectful, and is 100% a cultural thing and not at all related to their magic. There are followers of the Pantheon who opt out of this completely (for example, Tubbo has short hair and doesn't wear a headcover despite being part of the Pantheon) but yeah. Just a fun fact. But other than that, their teachings are big on things like honor and respect and family and community and responsibility; self sacrifice (for the right reasons) is something to be honored and respected (by other people) but is not something to be done lightly.
The Death Pantheon is extremely respectful, in general, to all living things and especially honors the dead- thus why Vampires are considered such an insult to the goddess, having denied themselves an honorable death and funeral in line with the beliefs of the Pantheon (generally, followers of Death would have funeral pyres, where their body is burned in the hopes that the smoke would guide their souls. Of course Vampires turn to dust when they die so can't have a funeral pyre). Zombies and Skeletons do not get the same rep, as more often than not they did not ask to be infected/cursed. (Hi, this fact should in fact give you a hint to something I cannot explain) Death is closely related to Destruction and can be self-harming as well as extremely harmful to others, so those who are part of the Death Pantheon and have Death magic are expected to hold themselves to high standards and learn self restraint. L'Manburg is a perfect example of what happens when someone with Death magic loses self restraint and control. ( :) ) They are also taught a bit of a symbiotic family-group type relationship; the strongest is meant to protect and care for those weaker than them, and in return the weaker among them swear loyalty to the protector. This is why they group up- Vampires into Covens and Angels/Lower Deities into Flocks and (sentient/hybrid) Zombies and Skeletons into Hordes. It's a very "we take care of our own" family-group type culture. The Illagers are a favored group of Naturals who follow Death, and even they fall into this family-group take-care-of-our-own mindset.
The Old Pantheon is, if you remember from Midnight Alley, a very, very exclusive Pantheon not because you have to be born into it but because it denies all other Pantheons (it was The First of the modern age, when people first started picking up the pieces again) and is very Humans Are The Chosen People (Hybrids came about during the Ancient period (they started as mobs/animals with human level intelligence and started taking on human characteristics, and eventually humans started taking on animal/mob characteristics as well) but unfortunately small vocal groups of people can be awful, thus why many hybrids would hide out or live in places that didn't have humans). Which makes situations like Tubbo, a Hybrid's bio parents followers of this Pantheon rather ironic and extremely sad. The Old Pantheon was good for one reason; it gave people hope for the future and guided them to rebuilding, but in the modern age of Hybrids and Magic and the Supernatural it just isn't a Pantheon that appeals to people anymore, and only a few (well, less than a thousand) people still follow. The good parts of this Pantheon focuses on community and loyalty, which unfortunately fostered a lot of Othering feelings.
The Moon's Pantheon is wild. The Moon god's favored being were wolves, who would sing to her every night. As the Moon is very wolf-centric for this reason, packs and families and "it takes a village" style parenting are at the forefront of the Pantheon, and loyalty and pride is serious- namely, on the pride front, having pride but not letting it consume you. Not all followers of this Pantheon are Werewolves (as there ARE Natural followers of each Pantheon as well). Of course, most Werewolves live in their own villages where they function at night, under the moon, and the Natural followers of the Moon also tend to live nocturnally. That being said, Naturals are not welcome in Werewolf villages unless they come with the intention of joining and becoming a Werewolf. (This is where you should be side eyeing Ren and Martyn.)
The Sun's Pantheon is quiet and low-key. Its followers wake up early to welcome the rising sun but they don't communicate with their god or anything like that. No, they kinda like... literally just worship the sun. They don't even know if there's a god attached to it, all they know is they wake up and the sun rises and brings them warmth and light and chases away the monsters of the night. The only thing a follower of the Sun is expected to do is greet the sun in the morning and bid it farewell in the evening, that's it. Nothing on morality or values or how they live, just greet the giant ball of fire and gas that gives us light, as if if they don't it won't rise again.
The Watchers you have to be brought in by a trusted member. It's very exclusive. I can't actually... explain a lot about the Watchers and their values/morals because it will be important later, and what they actually do I can't explain because it would be hella spoilers, but the tenets are very "community/chosen family" oriented; "Find your people." They're meant to protect their own and be loyal and faithful to those they choose to be "their people," which as we know wasn't always the case and still isn't in some communities.
Listeners are extensions of the Watchers, a special group who can sense/communicate with them, even when they're not physically there. (Again, you need to be side-eyeing Ren and Martyn here.) If the stars are the Watchers' eyes, the Listeners are their ears. They are meant to be loyal to the Watchers and are often meant to be silent, so they can serve their purpose without distraction. Listeners are a class of Observant, but they are very much so a servant-type class, their natural ability to connect the Watchers in [redacted] to the Natural world being desired and necessary. They're expected to travel the world so the Watchers can learn and, well... watch over everything.
Creation... well, Creation is just that. The First after Fate. The one who created the Natural world (or what we would call the Overworld in-game). No one follows this Pantheon anymore as all information about it was lost over the tens of thousands of years of known history (and however long it was before that), but there's still a sense of respect for it as everything around them, their entire lives, are all thanks to this long lost Pantheon. It was based in honor and respect for all things, whether living or not.
Destruction, well, I really can't explain that one right now. That one will be explained in-story, because there is a complicated-as-fuck situation going on here.
The Nether god created the Nether as an attempt at finding a peaceful place away from the Warden's wrath. Unfortunately, the Nether god was only a child of Creation and was, specifically, a volcanic god... so it could only create something volcanic. Thus came a world of magma and volcanic rock. It was utterly inhospitable for humans, which led humans to fear and revile it, until it was a forgotten piece of their history. Creatures found their way there and adapted, though, and Piglins evolved from the common pig and built societies, which pleased the Nether god. Unfortunately, some of the creatures that found their way there weren't so peaceful and honorable and wanted to find a way back... :)
What created the End? No one knows. Humans discovered it so long ago and explored it at the height of their technological advancements. Some never left. Strangely enough, prior to humans finding their way to the End, there were no Endermen in the Natural world... That being said, Endermen worship something. No one really knows what. It could be some kind of Creation god or it could be the Void that surrounds it all, it could be the Dragon they've bound at the heart of the dimension. Eye contact is disrespectful among Endermen and Enderman-related Hybrids, and generally non-Endermen (who will naturally avoid eye contact with each other) would wear a mask or veil to keep from accidentally making eye contact.
The Void... well, it's a defunct Pantheon now, but it was about community and loyalty, as many Pantheons are. Its followers would bring offerings- often bundles of food, sometimes things like precious stones and metals- to places that claimed to have access to the Void itself. Its people were generally hardy and faithful, with a strong work ethic. Of course, though, it had its... groups. Worship was generally held in small community houses or around a shrine... if you saw a giant temple dedicated to the Void, it was best to avoid it lest you become the offering.
Fate is Fate. Fate controls the fate of all things, and is one of the hardest things to defy. There's arguments on whether you CAN defy it, if you even have free will to stray from the path it sets out. There's debate on whether or not Fate maps out everything or just key points- if the journey to get to the end point even matters. No one knows Fate. Everyone is bound to it. Even the gods. Fate came into being when there was nothing at all, and set the wheels in motion for everything that came after. No one can even agree on if Fate is actually a god or just a concept. Many people don't even believe in Fate. Certainly, with a god out there who plans out all the paths and every turn the world can take- surely a god like that would never allow the Warden to come to be. Well, one thing's for certain among those who do believe in Fate; it doesn't like to be challenged.
I spent way too long on this :o I hope this answered... anything at all honestly, I had fun rambling about them~
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callistolivia · 3 years
Is there any divinatory Practice / spiritual communication that originated in Western Europe? I've heard runes Are historically originat from Roman occupation. And the use of runes Have no historical basis as a tool of divination. Don't want to steal anybody's culture but need a way to do Deviation / spiritual work with out cultural appropriation. Any ideas would be helpful and I would prefer something old as apposed to just make your own with no roots to anything.
I'm assuming this is in response to the article I shared on tarot, so here's a couple things I want to clear up,
the point of that article wasn't to say "no, you can't use tarot" nor was it a clear "yes"; the main point of the article was acknowledging that profiting off tarot, particularly when you're someone who picked it up because you thought it was cool or trendy to do so, may be unethical as it takes away from/harms a particular group of that ethnicity who has cultural ties to the practice. I also wanted to address, I think in general, that there are a lot of spiritual practices adopted by people not of that culture who put in minimal effort to really understand its background and the ancestral ties to them. I personally believe there is no place for ignorance when learning spirituality (or I should say particular practices and ancient teachings), you have to be open and welcoming to the full history to actually have a good grasp on a particular practice. Cultural appropriation isn't necessarily about "stealing" culture, as we as humans have been borrowing each other's culture since the beginning of time. It isn't cultural appropriation to eat sushi in America just because sushi is Japanese cuisine. Cultural appropriation is when people outside that culture decide when something is suddenly appropriate to be practiced meanwhile all the time leading up to that point or even thereafter, the people of that particular culture are being harmed for practicing THEIR culture. So that's the essential pain that comes from the women discussing tarot in that article, and honestly I hate bringing this up again because a lot of people got really pissed at me for sharing that article claiming I said a bunch of stuff I didn't say, but there is a reason why there's such mixed opinions coming from that community. There's a reason why huge portions of that community have completely rejected or disassociated themselves from tarot and its past and it's because of the way people outside their culture, particularly white people, harmed them and continue to harm them for practicing it (among other cultural practices, of course). It's so easy for us 21st century westernized people to look at tarot, for example, and just see it as a game. We are very comfortable in our freedom, and that's great, but remembering what got us to that point is also very important. You can use this entire framework with any spiritual practice you may delve into; just understanding its history and listening to people who have incorporated it into their culture for generations. So if you were a tarot user, read that article, and thought it was the authority to tell you to stop, it wasn't. You should continue to do spiritual practices that make you feel empowered and connected. However, if you feel absolutely compelled to stop for your own personal moral and ethical reasons, that's perfectly fine too. There's no shame at all in extending deep respect to people who you don't know personally.
If you want something really ancient and you happen to have the privilege of looking into your family tree, there were (and still are) several indigenous groups all over western Europe. You may have ancestral links to one of these groups and you can research into their cultural and spiritual practices. This may be somewhat difficult to uncover and link to yourself though, as these groups were targeted, pushed out of their land, or forcibly converted to Christianity. Runes were used long before Romans invaded Northern Europe by different tribes (though the runes we know quite well today are an evolution of those roots) so I wouldn't write off rune work. And I know you don't view runes as a form of divination, but the point of divination is to gain a deeper understanding of something (e.i you, God, the world) and one of the many ways some of these Northern and Western European groups would feel connected spiritually was through rune work (particularly carving runes into divination tools, bones, etc.) I don't specialize in runes, but I definitely recommend looking into books or people who teach rune magic (if it interests you, of course) because Wikipedia isn't going to give you good grasp on the history or proper use. Anything esoteric requires digging.
-Many cultures around the world, including parts of Western Europe, believe in fae and many people presently incorporate this belief as a part of divination (as it counts as calling upon some other being to give you knowledge, technically). You could look into fae magick.
-The Oracle of Delphi; the Pythia; priestesses of ancient Greece who would essentially get high off of volcanic fumes and do trance work. I'm not condoning drugs or altered mind states at all, but this is one example of many where cultures will use something to put themselves into an altered state to perceive the world differently. You definitely don't need drugs to do this either, breath work can put you into altered states too.
-I don't know much about this one either, but weather watching is also considered a form of divination.
-I know you want ancient over new, and technically this is ancient, but dream work/shifting. Like literally there's an entire community on Tik Tok doing that shit and probably don't realize the spiritual element to being in control of your dreams. To add onto this as well, you can develop your own symbol system (and this is what a lot of psychics do to sharpen their understanding of psychic visions). Symbol systems are literally anything from numbers to words to symbols to objects, literally anything, that represent something specific to you so that when they appear to you, you know what they symbolize. To give an example, a lot of psychics will incorporate numbers having specific meanings in their symbol systems. A number can represent a binary answer, a birth date, a month, heck even a zodiac sign. A symbol system enhances your understanding of information being presented to you; in a lot of ways its similar to tarot or astrology, but it's a system created in your mind.
-Not specifically western European, but Psalm and Angel magick/divination is considered an open practice. I recommend Ariel Gatoga on youtube for more information on this.
Finally once again, I know you prefer something ancient or old over new and created, but don't underestimate your abilities to be connected spiritually without well known tools. That umbilical cord is so strong in us as children, before even understanding or really knowing about divination tools; we let the wind hold our hand, stare deeply into the flame of candles, collect things outside and make pretend potions and spells, believe every creak in our houses are a spirit, pick petals off a flower for a "they love me, they love me not," and make wishes on shooting stars. Divination is innate; our urge to understand beyond. You don't necessarily need ancient tools, though the tools make us feel connected to everyone who gathered knowledge before us.
I hope this was helpful in anyway!
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fountainpenguin · 5 years
So, not sure if someone asked this before, but what’s the typical drone lifestyle like? I know what a drone is and that they need pheromones, but what’s the day to day life of a drone? How do most get on with their gyne? If a drone found a gyne who treated them poorly but met their pheromones needs, would the drone recognize that and be able to seek out another gyne? Similarly, what would a gyne do if he had a drone he wanted to be rid of? Would that be possible?
You sound like someone who might be interested in the full transcript of the Cosmo Waterberry and Anti-Willow interview. Snippets of this interview appeared recently in Frayed Knots, but I actually wrote the entire thing while trying to work out what life for gynes and drones is like up close, and how that lifestyle looks to Anti-Fairy outsiders. You can read it HERE.
(Continued below the cut because long questions tend to get long answers. Also, to clarify, the / is used as a regular / and not to indicate romance.)
Gyne - Large male Fairies with freckles who produce powerful pheromones; gynes are territorial and sometimes fight to the death
Drone - A male Fairy who is strongly influenced by pheromones; drones are rarely seen far from their gynes, and if they are, not for long
Kabouter - Neither a gyne nor a drone; less susceptible to the influence of pheromones and other aspects of animal biology
In the older days, one might say a drone “belonged” to a gyne, but this is not considered appropriate in modern Fairy society (saying a drone “lives with” a gyne is better)
Asking a drone for the name of “their gyne” would be appropriate if you don’t know the exact relation, but asking for their boss, father, brother, or friend is preferable if you do know the relation.
“Primary gyne” is considered a more appropriate phrase in modern Fairy society than simply “their gyne” (though I’ll use “their gyne” throughout this post)
A “secondary gyne” has the same connotation as “mistress” while “primary gyne” has the connotation “beloved, respectable partner”
A drone is described as being “in service” to their gyne; for example, Sanderson is in H.P.’s service
In older times, it was appropriate for a gyne to say “My drone(s),” but in modern times it’s more appropriate to use words such as “companions,” “friends,” or “assistants,” as modern Fairy society doesn’t consider it appropriate to out a drone (It’s more appropriate for a drone to reveal himself if he chooses to do so)
Anthro Insect Society
The eusocial gyne/drone structure is an integral part of Fairy biology and will never be wiped away in full. Don’t assume gyne/drone relationships are inherently abusive or dehumanizing. Also, please don’t read my fanfics about the cultures of magical anthropomorphic insect people and interpret them as me promoting slavery. I am merely a high fantasy author who researches animal behavior as a career choice, so that’s what my fanfics reflect.
Gyne/drone relationships have always been part of Fairy society, and public opinion has shifted throughout fae history. At times gynes and drones have been viewed as equals, at times as masters and servants, at times as though they’re family, and at times as though they’re intimate partners. Sometimes Fairy society views these relationships in a positive light, other times in a negative one.
Fairy society will never transition to a point where it’s decided that gyne and drone relationships are immoral and should be put completely to an end. They’re anthro insect people. This is their biology. Rather than dropping the practice altogether, Fairy society will eventually progress to being more fair for all. This will come in the form of drones being allowed more life options (as bottled pheromones become available to the public, for example) so that tethering themselves to a gyne is more a choice than a requirement.
A healthy Fairy society is not one that eradicates gyne/drone relationships altogether, but is one that respects the needs and rights of both parties and allows them to live the life most appropriate for them.
Despite the title “drone,” Fairy drones function like worker bees (while gynes are the queens, of course). In that interview transcript, Cosmo explained how he sees himself as part of his gyne’s family, even taking Jack’s surname for his own.
Jack’s family is HIS family. Jack’s wife is a sister-in-law to him and their kids are his nieces and nephews. Cosmo lives with them and helps out around the house like a third parent. Jack respects him and treats him well, but Cosmo is still a step below his wife. If the family were going to move, Jack and his wife would talk over the decisions in great detail, while Cosmo would be expected to go with the flow. As a drone, he’s not expected to have an opinion, but to faithfully follow Jack and support him in every way. This set-up is very common.
When more than one drone lives with a gyne, they’re called a retinue. One drone is given the title alpha, and takes the role of leader if the gyne isn’t around to give instructions. It just helps to have someone to settle disagreements (Too many cooks spoil the soup).
The closeness of the relationship can vary across gynes and drones. It’s common for an unmarried gyne to share his bed with a single drone, which is why Cosmo mentioned being confused when he wasn’t allowed to. In general, I would say most gynes tend to be very close with their drones up until they get married, and then their romantic partner ends up becoming their first priority. A well-balanced gyne won’t shove his drones aside, but things don’t always work out so ideally.
Abuse in gyne/drone relationships does happen now and again. In the Frayed Knots chapter “Age-Old Story,” we learned that Juandissimo’s father is a drone who doesn’t appear to have a happy life with his gyne, Jean Reddinski (who of course stood opposite Jack Waterberry during the Waterberry v. Reddinski case we saw earlier in Knots while discussing drone rights).
Juandissimo’s father is very aware of this, which is why we saw him trying to slip away when Anti-Cosmo arrived on the scene. In fact, Luis did slip away once upon a time and, desperate for companionship, somehow managed to find it in the genie who gave him his three kids. He was separated from two of them and more or less showed up on Jean’s doorstep with baby Juandissimo in his arms. They’ve lived together ever since, though Jean’s abuses increased after this due to jealousy and annoyance. Still, Luis never tried to leave again. Juandissimo was young and needed care, and Jean could provide it. Besides, if he did seek out another gyne, who’s to say that one wouldn’t be worse?
It is possible for a drone to leave a gyne, though it isn’t easy. A drone leaving a gyne would be the equivalent of a service dog running away from home: Physically possible, perhaps. Likely, no. Even if they do disappear for awhile, they tend to return to the gyne they’re familiar with. Perhaps future Fairy society will do a better job of investigating allegations of gyne/drone abuse, but in present day there isn’t an official drone relocation program or anything like that. Drones in troubled situations may seek out the members of their birth family, who will likely take them in if they can, but if you’re a drone without a caring family then you’re likely to end up with your former gyne again.
Drone Life
Drones can run small shops on their own, but it’s highly unlikely you would see one manage a large business, simply because drones are susceptible to the influence of strong pheromones and that’s not something that can ever be changed. Unless a drone has a lot of power behind him, it wouldn’t be hard to take advantage of one.
Gynes produce pheromones that relay information about strength and status to other Fairies. This is not a form of brainwashing or mind control, but it is an influence on other Fairies’ behavior. More on pheromones, gynes, drones, and how they interact can be found in the Pheromone Fervor post, HERE.
Like a queen bee’s retinue, a drone is an attendant to his gyne. He helps his gyne around the home or while out traveling. He functions as an extra pair of hands, eyes, and ears. There’s always a chance a lone gyne will be attacked by another since gynes are territorial, but the chance decreases if he has drones accompanying him.
Being able to satisfy drones with your pheromones is a sign of dominance. Having more drones also contributes to a gyne’s dominance (A CEO and the owner of a corner store are both heads of their business, but one is seen as more powerful than the other). The Head Pixie oversees more drones than any individual in fae history (due to being secluded with them in Pixie World), so he’s an extremely dominant individual no one would ever try to mug unless they’re also trying to assassinate him.
Drones spend a lot of time assisting their gynes in and out of the home. Even if engaged in free time activities such as drawing or playing games, it’s natural for them to keep an ear out for their gyne. If your gyne calls for you, then “Just a minute” is not the answer you would give. Sanderson is an extreme example of drones sticking close to their gynes, of course, but it’s a common trait across the board.
Drones are different from kabouters because kabouters are expected to make elaborate plans for their future. Fairies have long lifespans, so you’re expected to get around to doing everything you hope to do eventually. Gynes are expected to hold leadership positions and be very successful in life, so long as they maintain their dominance (and don’t get killed off by a more dominant gyne first).
Drones, however, are not expected to have detailed life plans. If you’re a drone with dreams, keep them quiet and consider yourself lucky if the stars happen to align in your favor. Your gyne is under no obligation to help you finish your bucket list. You’re provided with a home, a job, plenty of food, and companionship (generally speaking) in exchange for not pushing your agenda. Such is the drone lot in life.
Drones are considered valued members of a gyne’s family, but they are looked upon with appreciation and affection rather than as life partners who should have equal say in big decisions. They’re like service dogs: you appreciate all they do for you, but you wouldn’t ask your dog for an opinion on where you move or who you should marry. Sure, you might watch for reactions, but you’d (presumably) put your own desires first. Your dog is along for the ride.
Pheromones and Politics
Gynes don’t need pheromone exchanges like drones do. Drones do a lot better with pheromones than without them. Pheromones calm them, help them focus, and help them enjoy life. Without them, drones tend to experience mood swings, loss of focus, and lack of motivation.
If a gyne doesn’t want a drone, the only sure way short of murder is to visit another gyne and slip off while your drone is there. The drone may or may not be told about this in advance, depending on how close they are with their gyne. The drone will quickly adapt to the new gyne’s pheromones, and life goes on. Emotionally a drone may long for their old gyne or they may carry the sting of betrayal, but duty and loyalty will turn attention to their new gyne.
We’ll discuss this later in Origin and Knots (and it was hinted in the 130 Prompt “Minion”), but Anti-Cosmo once became more dominant than H.P. This was shortly after Anti-Cosmo became Sunnie’s medium, and he and H.P. were on a trip to celebrate the Pixie/Anti-Fairy alliance becoming official. Well, H.P. and Sanderson had a fight, and Sanderson ended up under Anti-Cosmo’s wing. Eventually he returned to H.P., but feels a tremendous amount of guilt to this day. 
Despite the guilt and regret, we’ve seen Sanderson describe the dominant aura Anti-Cosmo projects multiple times in my ‘fics (That time in the “Grooming” prompt is an especially good example). He’s a drone, he’s attracted to power, and he hates it. He’s plagued by nightmares that he’ll abandon H.P. for another gyne while H.P. is still alive… and that he won’t care. Sanderson may have lived with H.P. his entire life, but he knows what it feels like to be under the influence of another gyne’s pheromones. He knows it’s possible to be separated from H.P., fall under the spell of a cruel gyne who won’t release him, and have his personal choices ripped away… and the knowledge that he would nod and go along with it terrifies him.
Drones are influenced by pheromones, yes, but on rare occasions, a drone may be the one to call the shots in the relationship (Anti-Cosmo’s schoolmate Mickey was a gyne who thrilled in taking the traditionally submissive role in the relationship, for example). In the most recent chapter of Frayed Knots, “The Bar Code,” Anti-Cosmo met an unusual drone named Rupert. Rupert has a very domineering personality, and tends to get passed from gyne to gyne because most don’t want to deal with him.
Rupert’s personality is too strong for pheromones to sway him easily. He’s bold, proactive, and knows exactly what he wants. When we met him in “Bar Code,” he was in the company of a rather passive gyne named Arthur Cracklewings. It will quickly become apparent that Rupert is the real manager of the restaurant “the Cracklewings” family runs. He and Arthur travel together for safety reasons, but Arthur looks out for Rupert more than the other way around.
It is possible for drones to get by without being in the company of a gyne on a regular basis. It hasn’t been revealed yet, but there is one notable character in my ‘fics who lives like this, and you’ll see his secret come to light towards the end of this year. Rather than exchange pheromones with a gyne through preening, he exposes himself to bottled pheromones, which is a lot like putting on perfume.
Bottled pheromones aren’t exactly over-the-counter in present-day Fairy society, and won’t become easily available until later. Psychiatrists could prescribe bottled pheromones to parents of very young gynes, but no one looked at young drones and thought they needed those (Drones can only be born to gynes or other drones, so there is normally a gyne in the household to provide them pheromones already).
In Timmy’s time period, a drone can’t walk into a pharmacy and pick up a bottle of pheromones. If they speak with a psychiatrist, the psychiatrist would provide the drone’s gyne with resources to help them obtain their own gyne’s bottled pheromones (and it would normally be the gyne who spoke to the psychiatrist anyway- you’d expect a gyne to show up and explain they’re having an issue with their drone, rather than a drone come in and explain that he needs help). The 130 Prompt “Do the Math” is actually about Remy and Juandissimo investigating a scheme of “black market” bottled pheromone transportation, and that will be fun.
It’s only after Poof and Foop have their kids that Fairy society starts shifting to the point that drones can go in and buy their own bottled pheromones. We transition to a point in society where drones can live completely independently from contact with a gyne if they choose to. I’m not sure if this will be discussed in Devil’s Backbone, which is why I’m tempted to write another ‘fic after it concludes… We shall see.
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A Light in the Dark // self-para
Silence, nothing but a deafening silence and the putrid stench of human misery. Most who were brought to the dungeons, betrayers of the crown and the worst of the worst, lived lifetimes in the poorest of conditions and died here without anyone giving a care in the world. No windows to allow even the slimmest of light in, cold drafts to chill one to the bone, cruel guards...this was no place for a Queen.
Amelia spent the time ever since she was locked away huddled in one of the cell’s corners with nothing to occupy herself but her thoughts, sleeping the first few nights in her ruined wedding gown, which only served as a reminder of what she did, before being given a shapeless chemise dress that was closer to a sack than proper clothing. His blood, coating her hands, his blood, coating the dagger’s blade. She replayed the night that was meant to be their first as a married couple but had been warped into an assassination. Why? That is the question she couldn’t stop asking herself. Why did she do it? Why did she draw a weapon against her husband and commit the most heinous of acts? Mia remembered, in that moment, feeling as if she no longer had control over her own body. That she was watching someone else holding that knife. And Sebastian, her Sebastian. The weight of the world crushed her chest with a loss not felt since she lost her parents when she woke up with his name leaving her lips. Amelia’s heart was ripped out every time she thought of him, not knowing whether he survived or otherwise, but never giving herself the glimmer of hope when she knew he had to be dead. There was no use when she saw how many stabs were administered. That was it...he was gone.
Amelia had been nauseous for a time, but the illness continued even after being placed within the prison so it wasn’t chalked up to simply wedding nerves. Depending on who was asked, that was either due to Sebastian’s demise or guilt for the crime. It mattered little what others thought anyway considered they suspected her of treason. Still, the court physician’s presence was requested to ensure she did not perish from what it is that ailed the werewolf before a trial was certain to be set. This doctor, an older gentleman with peppering gray hair and a caring disposition, found Mia sitting on the poor excuse for a dingy mattress when he gingerly opened the cell’s door with a loud creak. The sound immediately sent the blonde’s head snapping in that direction, making her flinch. “Who are you?”
The man mustered a small smile, quickly closing the gated barrier and stepping further into the room with caution. “You have nothing to fear from me, Your Highness. My name is Nathaniel.” Mia weakly scoffed at the statements, “I hardly believe titles are warranted any longer. I may be a princess still, but I am far from your queen. Amelia.” Nathaniel nodded once respectively. “I am a doctor, Amelia, I do not see titles. I only see patients in need of care when required and I have heard it is so in your case.” Walking over to the only piece of furniture prisoners were permitted, a small table, he placed the bag carrying the medical necessities on the flat surface. “The guards tell me you have not been able to keep your breakfast down, yes? And no other symptoms?”
Mia shifted uncomfortably where she sat, casting a small glance in the direction of the chamber pot used for such matters and shivered. This wasn’t the type of conversation a royal typically has, but the man was the first contact she had in what seemed like weeks. “That’s correct.” Nathan paused to give it a thought as he pulled various items from the bag. “How often is it happening? At every meal, once in a while, or in the evening?” He questioned, giving Mia enough time to respond, “That is what I find so peculiar, to be honest. It isn’t occurring at any time of day or meal other than during breakfast and that is if I manage to have an appetite. It’s only the morning when I awake.”
Nathan perked up and slightly turned around to face the woman, “Just the morning?” Something told him the King and Amelia could not wait until their wedding night to consummate the marriage, not that it was his business to pry on that notion. That is, if what he believed ailed Mia was not an infection at all but something...greater. “As a physician, I would like to perform a simple experiment.” Mia shot him a quick look of doubt while Nate busied himself making the appropriate concoction used to indicate what he suspected. “It won’t be painful, I promise. It’ll actually take only about thirty seconds.” Placing the finished product in a glass vial, he stepped forward and held it out. “Here, drink just a smidge and I want you to tell me what you taste.”
Taking the vial hesitantly, Mia carefully inspected the yellow-tinted liquid and after being given a nod of encouragement from the man, she took a small sip. The flavor on her tongue was oddly familiar. She took yet another sip and another before a memory stirred. “It tastes like...honey. Very sweet honey.” It reminded her of her mother. “What does this have to do with me growing sick?” As Nathaniel watched her taste test with anticipation, he slowly leaned back in realization for its meaning. “That potion does not have a flavor. To place in the best of terms, it is only detected by a certain type of someone.” The man fully explained as the girl only gave him a perplexed stare. “You do not have an illness, my dear. It isn’t a disease or a bug you have caught from here or anywhere else for that matter.” He sighed softly, “You are pregnant, Amelia.”
There was nothing Mia heard but the pounding in her head growing louder by the minute, deafening anything the doctor may have been saying. Pregnant. Pregnant. What was meant to cause celebration only filled her with dread and more agony. “No.” The single word came out in a barely audible whisper as the blonde used the wall to support herself while she rose to her feet on unsteady legs. “No, that cannot be possible. Listen, I appreciate the kindness you have shown me thus far, but that test you did...it’s wrong.” The man shook his head, “With all due respect, the potion is never wrong. The morning nausea fits, the timeline fits, it is the one explanation plausible. I know it regards the circumstances, but I do not understand why a child is a bad thing.”
“Why? Why!?” Amelia took a few steps forward, anger flaring for the first time and overtaking any sorrow she once felt previously. “Let me tell you the story of a girl who was forced into an arranged marriage by a father later murdered by the darkest of Faes only to discover she felt a love far greater than anything she has experienced for her betrothed. She cherished this man, coveted him as the one person keeping her afloat after the loss of her parents. A girl who, despite how much she adored her husband, chose to stab him again and again and again without knowing the reason behind what she did. I have harmed the only man I knew who could’ve handled my faults through thick and thin. I have been thrown in the darkest of prisons, my dear sweet baby sister who has already gone into the fire, might I add, thrown in a cell for simply being in this castle. There is a kingdom who now sides against me and you have the audacity to ask me why having this child is considered bad.” And then suddenly, the rage desisted while an unbearable exhaustion took its place. Oh, how tired Mia became. “You come in here treating me with respect when I have deserved none, knowing full well why these four walls are my new home, and you cannot tell me you don’t believe I did it when everyone else does.”
Nathaniel stood listening to the werewolf’s rant, hyper aware from experience that she needed to release this or it would fester. “I am able to see within a person’s heart and know what true malice looks like. Do you know what I see when I look into yours, Mia? I see a devastated young woman crumbled by actions she does not understand. I see a woman trying to be strong for the sakes of a twin brother willing to fight for his family’s freedom and a younger sister equally as confused by recent events. You feel as though you have nothing, Amelia. Nothing to hold onto, nothing to live for, when that is the complete opposite.” At least he possessed the comfort in knowing Mia knew her husband was still fighting for his life when the truth was no one told the Princess. “My word does not count for very far and I certainly cannot convince plugged ears, but I do not believe you did it.”
Mia’s hand instinctively dropped to her stomach as she processed the doctor’s advice. She did not have enough strength to keep herself from curling into a ball and crying, yet, even in the darkest of times, she was not alone. Andrew would fight, Emlyn would fight, she sure as hell would fight, and wouldn’t stop giving it her all for Winnie as well. She was Princess Amelia of the Werewolves, Daughter of Theodore and Annabeth, Queen of the Mer-Folk, and she will survive this. “I don’t know how to thank you. There are simply no words I can-”
A guard suddenly none so gently smacked against the bars, causing the blonde to jump and the doctor to release an agitated sigh as the younger man grumbled, “Time’s running out, old man. I have to escort you out.” Nathaniel held up a hand and turned to face the werewolf. “You can repay me simply by remembering everything I have said. You are not alone, my dear. Take it to heart, let it guide you.” He took the time to gather his instruments, “This is not the end.” With one last word, he disappeared through the cell door.
Amelia stared in the empty space that once contained the doctor and now left her feeling the desolate atmosphere close around her again, although it was not as tightly before Nathaniel’s visit. In a place of desolation and heartbreak, his light sparked a flame within her she once thought long extinguished. That man, perhaps, gave her the greatest and most powerful gift anyone could receive in Mia’s shoes: Hope.
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