#tim drake is the living embodiment of the stubborn refusal to accept the concept of Batman as a loner hero
fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
tim is the batfamily's heart? 👀 -redbirdi
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Apparently this idea is very popular. Will take under consideration despite it being a fic that's MAJORLY on the backburner and has little more than a summary and some concept notes written down. Welcome to the "It's Tim Drake Appreciation Hours" fic, everyone:
Summary: “Tim is the glue that holds the family together. It’s a shame he can’t see it.” Or: in which I explore how the Batfamily wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Tim Drake being the living embodiment of the refusal to accept the concept of Batman as a loner hero.
I've made shitposts. I've written meta. I've waxed poetic and penned furious rebuttals about this topic. And now I have a fic about it.
Do I know exactly what I'm going to write it about or what the plot's going to be? No. Do I need to? No. This fic is about Vibes, Feelings, and the determination of one very, very stubborn teenager who self-appointed himself as Batman's emotional support therapist at the age of 13...and that's perfectly fine with me.
Ask me about one of my WIPs!
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fantastic-nonsense · 3 years
"What's the point of Tim Drake? There's nothing he brings to the table that the other Batfamily members don't have" buddy, I don't know how to help you understand that 7/8ths of those other people WOULDN'T BE THERE if it weren't for Tim Drake
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