#to be fair the dwarves basically are identical to their canon selves as well except in pirate outfits and whatnot
redbootsindoriath · 2 years
I just realized I never posted the pirate AU drawings I did for LOTR.  Shame on me.  These are from like 2020 and I forgot about them.
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The Maiar are sea spirits.  Gandalf has chosen to take a mostly-human form but his eyes glow and his ears are shaped like seashells.  Aragorn’s tattoo is the Evenstar necklace from the LOTR movies.  For anyone who asks if there’s any particular significance to Legolas’s necklace, no there isn’t, it’s just a merfolk necklace of some kind.  Also “The Fellowship” is literally a ship.  And it gets sunk when Frodo and Sam leave and Merry and Pippin are kidnapped and Boromir gets shot (with a sea-Uruk flintlock, of course) and all that good stuff.  Speaking of Frodo and Sam...
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Also a bonus Bilbo.  In the pirate AU, the hobbits are, appearance-wise, basically the same as they are in canon, but they can hold their breath for much longer than humans can (even for hours if they’re only minimally exerting themselves) which is why Gandalf keeps bringing them on adventures: they’re great at sea travel and all things water-related, whether or not they’ll admit it, and specifically Bilbo was able to swim through the tunnels that the sea serpent Smaug had flooded.
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