#tom holland is totally a shit stirrer
msclaritea · 1 year
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Someone is continuing to push for Tom Holland to be a lead in upcoming Marvel films when the entire basis of those films deals with heavy magic and subjects like incursions which he knows nothing about. Plus his narrative takes him in a totally different direction. I can see him on the team but that's it. He's no match for Kang and it is pure bullshit for Disney/Marvel competitors to pull this. Doctor Strange is the lead of this phase. These trolls are going to mess around and make Holland as tiresome as Olsen is now.
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Update: This is how I know these tweets are coming from a source that's trying to cause trouble. Every time I post something they don't like, one of the things they do is make the Wanda tag trend. The Tom Holland rumor about Secret Wars is definitely coming from shit stirrers and unsourced.
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On Set // Part 3
Chris Evans x reader
Multi-part series following the reader’s life on the set of the latest Avengers film 
Part 3
Words: 2,797 (oops and its all trash I’m sorry)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of nudity, its trash writing 
So I wrote a lot of this after a colossal meltdown so this may well not make sense (I tried to fix it) and its kinda total trash but ya know; here it is! I really hope this is okay and please leave some feedback or let me know if you liked it!
Masterlist // Part 1 // Part 2
“Cut!” Anthony shouted from off set. “Well done guys, that’s it for the day, go get some rest.”
You’d just finished filming a scene with Chris and Tom where Spiderman and Captain America are chewing out your character for various reasons. And after the conversation you’d had with Tom the day before, he kept making the weirdest of faces at you every time there was a break in filming. Well, he was doing it during the filming as well until you cracked a smile and had to reshoot the scene introduction... shaking your head at Tom one last time, you turned, walking back towards your dressing room.
“Y/N!” Chris called for you, jogging to catch up to you.  
“Captain.” You winked, knowing how much it frustrated Chris when you called him that off camera. He starts spluttering out complaints almost immediately, as predicted, so you needed to get him back his normal focused self. “What’s up?”  
“Oh, right, yeah. I was just wanting to check in, see if everything was okay? You seemed a little distracted today.” That would be Tom’s fault, but whatever. Still, thoughtful Chris is cute.  
“Yeah, all okay, just couldn’t seem to keep my focus up for some reason.” Not a lie, to be fair.  
“Good, good. I wasn’t sure whether Scarlett inviting the sack of crap and his friends round for the weekly cast dinner would be an issue. I can have them removed if you want that, just say the word.” Scarlett did what now? You didn’t even bother covering the shock you felt. “You didn’t know... I’ll have them removed.” She’s planned something... you could feel it.  
“No, no, Chris it’s okay! I didn’t know they were coming over but it’s not an issue I promise. It’s all in the past, you don’t have to worry.”  
“You still look tense.”  
“I do feel a little tense, to be honest. I don’t think I stretched very well this morning.” That is true, you usually stretched before coming in, a habit your trainer Steve had instilled in you.  
“I’m heading to the gym if you want to join?” How sweet, it would be just like to good old days, except now you can actually keep up with Chris. You used to just be a flushed, sweaty mess in the corner of the gym, questioning if Steve Zim actually hated you.  
“That would be perfect.”
You could definitely focus now. However, your focus was how much you ached already, which was a lot. The conversation you’d had with Tom about how you and Chris acted around each other had been taking over your mind, and was driving you up the wall. You were debating every single interaction, trying to see what the motives for every comment, joke, and flirty comment could be. You'd flirted before and that hadn’t changed, everyone did it, but now you were really thinking about it. As a result, you pushed hard at the gym, and Chris took your lead. You’d worked out together for over a year now so knew how to get the most out of each other.  
Typically, you two would have a quick rinse in the locker room showers, known as ‘the gym shower’, before heading home in sweatpants, and then have what you called a ‘full shower’ at home. Tonight was no different, though you made sure to leave enough time to be home and ready for the cast dinner.  
Once a week, you would all make an effort to have as many of you as could be there, in the main dining room, for a huge family-style dinner and groups would take turns cooking for everyone. This week was Scarlett, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Holland, Chris Pratt, and Elizabeth Olsen, so you knew it was going to be a great meal, huge, but oh so good. These meals were always such a good laugh, and fans seemed to love getting a glimpse of them on everyone’s Instagram stories. It was easy to get 20-30 of the cast around for these dinners so they usually took several hours of preparations; hence the group of five actors on cooking per week, and planning it so people would cook when they had quiet days on set.  
Walking out of the gym, you headed to the car park, having agreed to meet Chris in the car, ready to head back to the house. Slipping into the passenger seat, Chris started up the car and headed back to the house. Almost instantly, you started to fall asleep as you left the town, driving back to the countryside.  
When Chris realised that you’d fallen asleep, he turned the radio down and upon parking his car outside the house, whispered your name to see if you would wake easily. No one wants to wake anyone up from a nap; worldwide fact. Chris noticed that you had shifted in your sleep, trying to get into a more comfortable position and took this opportunity of you being restless to wake you up. He swiftly moved to your side of the car, opened the door and crouched beside you.  
“Y/N” He cooed. “We’re at the house now, you gotta get up so we can be showered and dressed in time for Scarlett’s big dinner.”
Stirring, you grumbled. “I don’t wanna.”
“I know sweetie.” Chris giggled at your tired response. “How about I give you a piggyback ride inside, take the hard bit out. You may need to hold the bags though..” Yawning as you try and wake up a bit more, you nod at Chris.
He chuckles again as he gives you a hand to help get out the car, the boys have always said it’s like dealing with a puppy when you’re sleepy.  You looked at Chris with one eyebrow raised, and a slight frown, silently asking whether he’s sure it’s okay to have a piggyback into the house and upstairs.  
“C’mon then you,” He handed you his bag to put over your shoulder like you did with your own. “Up you get.” He says in response, turning around and crouching so its easier to hop up onto his back. Once, he’s got you settled and starts walking towards the front door, you dropped your head down onto his shoulder, snuggling in a bit more, and murmuring a quiet ‘thank you’ into his neck. This earned you yet another chuckle.  
“Lemme take a photo”
“I want one too!”
“Is she asleep?”  
Wondering why is this such a big deal to everyone, you lifted your head to look at who was wanting to photograph you and Chris. Obviously, the first thing you could notice was Toms huge shit eating grin. Making eye contact with him, his grin turned to the smuggest look you’d ever seen, hands on hips and all. Trying not to feed his smugness anymore you simply rolled your eyes and whispered to Chris that you didn’t mind walking upstairs if he wanted to put you down.  
“I pushed you really hard at the gym, only fair I carry you up when I said I would.” He said kindly, starting off towards the main staircase. Taking a last look around, you noticed your favourite group of extras had arrived and were yet again staring at you with open mouths. Stood beside them was Scarlett, smug-faced and seemingly very happy with me being stared at.  
“DINNERS IN THIRTY MINUTES, DON’T BE LATE!” Scarlett called up the stairs after you. Thirty minutes wasn’t long.  
Your room was on the same floor of the house as Chris’, so it was easy for him to drop you off at the right door.  
“Alright then sleeping beauty, time to start getting ready for dinner.” Chris said, carefully putting you down once he reached your door. Smiling up at him, you thanked him again for carrying you inside and up the stairs. Chris being Chris, and just being an adorable human, muttered an ‘anytime’, whilst taking his bag that you offered out, before turning around and heading to his room.
After watching him cross the corridor and enter his room, you turned around and entered your own. You began emptying out the contents of your gym bag, putting the sweaty stuff into the laundry bag in the corner, and draping your gym towel over the radiator to help it dry faster. Once you’d finished your mini post gym routine; you stripped off your comfy clothes, wrapping yourself in a bath towel before wandering down the hallway into the bathroom. However, just as you reached the bathroom, Chris exited his room, having just done the same routine as you. With his room being directly next to the bathroom, he was half in the doorway just as you arrived at the door.
You knew you should have turned away, gone back to your room, and it definitely wasn’t the first time you’d seen Chris in such a state of undress. Something about him was drawing you in. Maybe it was the looks and gestures Tom had given you over the last couple of days; maybe it was the way he was so soft and gentle with you but also authoritative when you needed him to be (ie the gym cos you sure as hell wouldn’t work as hard if he wasn’t); or maybe that he managed to look both fine as hell but also cute and cuddly wrapped in a fluffy towel. Whatever it was, it was causing a feeling you weren’t sure you liked.
“Looks like we’ve got a stale-mate here Evans.” You joked, leaning against the doorframe.
“If you want to go first Y/N I don’t mind waiting.” Was Chris, nervous?
“Well I was behind you so I should wait, should being the keyword.” You started, currently sounding like an ass, great start here Y/N. “But you heard Scarlett, we can’t be late. So I was thinking; why don’t we save some water, and some time, and shower together.” Oh yeah, whatever this was, it was going to get you in some real shit. Tom would die if he knew about this.  
Chris was flustered now, even you could tell. The not-so-subtle way he drew his bottom lip in to bite was a mild give away. Building on this random confidence you seem to have, you took a step closer to Chris, separated now only by the two towels.  
“What do you say, Captain? I mean we’re both adult’s right?” You asked Chris, looking up at him. Calling him ‘Captain’ had the same effect as always. “You can close the door and we might make it to dinner on time, or you can walk out of here and I won’t take any offense.” You added, making sure he knew this was all in his control now.  
His response? Placing one arm around your waist to steady you against him, he used the other to push the door closed behind you and obviously paired with a dashing Evans smile. Without wasting any time, you turned, dropped your towel and started up the shower, letting it steam up around you. You must’ve caught Chris off guard as he did his little awkward cough. Trying to help him get over himself, you reached out your arm, offering him a hand. When he accepted, you pulled him into the shower, making sure to keep eye contact with the very attractive, naked, man in front of you.  
Keeping eyes at eye levels seemed to prove difficult for both of you, Chris deciding maybe it was better to feel than see, and so closed the distance between the two of you. You weren’t flush against him but you were close enough that most movements would cause a fleeting touch. Reaching around behind Chris, you grabbed the body wash off the shelf and poured some out, handing it to Chris to do the same, before lathering it up all over. Same thing you did every day before now but suddenly it seemed to have another meaning. The fact that Chris Evans was naked and in the shower with you, seemed to catch up and the confidence shifted from you to him.  
“Can’t let you hog all the water, can I sugar?” Chris whispered into your ear as he placed an arm around you again, pulling you flush against him, and spinning you both, allowing him to be under the flow of water with you. Naturally, you wrapped your arms around him, in an attempt to steady yourself.  
“I’ve got you.” He whispered, eyes full of truth and caring. At that moment you realised that you and Chris may not be quite the platonic friendship, and you may not want it to be that platonic friendship anymore.  
Slightly reeling from this realisation, you quietly continued on with your individual shower routines. It was only when you were stood rinsing the conditioner out of your hair that you realised the revealing position you were stood in gave Chris a very good look at your figure - something the two of you had managed to avoid by staying close enough to feel rather than see. Opening your eyes to look at Chris, the effect you were having was very obvious. He was tense, eyes dark but he couldn’t look away. As you looked at all of him you couldn’t help but bite your lip, he was a gorgeous man anyway, but covered in little drops of water, tense muscles and rock hard because of you, he looked divine. Eyes flicking back up to his, making eye contact for the first time, you lowered your arms to start covering yourself. Chris lunged towards you, basically pinning you into the corner of the shower.  
“Don’t ever feel like you should cover yourself, you are gorgeous.” Chris breathed out, never once breaking eye contact. You nodded, placing an arm over Chris’ shoulder, leaning on his and running a hand through his hair. Following this affection, he pulled you in closer against him, flush enough to feel everything. Only now breaking eye contact, he looked at your lips before his eyes closed slowly, leaning in, closing the last gap between you. His lips had barely brushed against yours when an alarm sounded, Chris pulled away groaning.
“What is that?” you asked looking around outside the shower for the source of the alarm.
“It’s my phone, I set an alarm for five minutes before dinner.” Chris grumbled as a response.
“Fuck, we need to go then.” You said, squeezing the excess water out your hair before stepping out the shower.
Quickly drying yourself off and wrapping the towel around your body, you turned to Chris with a grin. “See you at dinner?”
“Not sure I’ll see anyone else.” God that look of his did things to you.
Rushing to change, you made it downstairs just in time for dinner. Immediately Tom came scampering up to you with a very smug face.  
“What can I do for you now Holland?” You queried.
“Tell me why you’re looking awfully happy? You looked basically dead when Chris so heroically carried you in. Very cute by the way, I may have to make one of those photos my new lock screen. It’s between you two and the look on Daves face when he saw you being carried by Captain America.”
“I will kill you. Anyways, it’s amazing what a shower can you for your mood. Although I can't be mad at Daves reaction, I assume Scarlett has a plan for this evening?” Just as you spoke, Chris came downstairs, running a hand through his wet hair, he locked eyes with yours, still looking a little flustered.
Tom followed your gaze, wondering who you were staring at. Unfortunately, at the same time, Chris was too busy looking at you to notice where he was going and tripped up over a chair leg, stumbling very loudly. Always so subtle. Although he was getting more and more flustered by the minute, it was so adorable to see. Tom looked from you to Chris, and back again to you. You could see the wheels slowly turning in his head, and then Tom made the highest excited squeak you have ever head. Again, always so subtle.
“You did something, didn’t you?!” Tom whispered excitedly, not bothering to respond to your question. “I fucking called it!”
“I have no idea what you’re on about.” You replied, still grinning at Chris. 
“You will tell me everything and you know it.” In time, maybe you would, but not now.
Taking your seat at the table opposite Chris, you thought his flustered state was going to pass unnoticed, but no.
“Chris, you look like you could use a cup of tea. Are you okay?” Tom Hiddleston, canonically the most British man anyone has ever met.  
Part 4
Tags: @dsakita  @i-just-wanna-live-gc  @dlb113 @ajosieface  @greyeyedowl01  @coffeebooksandfandom  @torntaltos
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