#trolls LaBreezy
artistmarchalius · 4 months
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Brushy brushy!
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aural4444 · 4 months
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My horrible fanart lmao
It is based on a scene from a favorite Trolls fanfic of mine that is much better than the drawing, here link:
It's super good, I recommend it<3
Enjoy it!!!
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doofazoid · 3 months
story time
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bobeaubow · 3 months
father daughter dance 💜💜
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warning-heckboop · 3 months
What do you do when you just want to talk about your trolls oc but you know no one is going to care
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storydays · 4 months
C'mon, baby! Let's Go CRAZY
John Dory X Male! Rock Troll! Husband! Reader.
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John Dory chuckled to himself as he watched his three children chase their cousins around. Currently, he was relaxing at the bar with his brothers', enjoying a drink and warm atmosphere.
After meeting Bruce, and knowing how dangerous things were, JD asked his sweet sister in law, Brandi, if he could leave his children safe on Vacay Island until either his partner came for them or he himself came back.
Of course, she happily kept the 3 Trollings. "It's honestly safer for them," she chided him before they left.
The oldest at 10 years old, Ash was a stubborn Troll and got along well with Bruce's oldest child, Cove. They were both super sarcastic but cared deeply about their siblings.
Cove would show Ash all of the cool hiding places on Vacay Island, and Ash was small enough that they could fit into the nooks and crannies that Cove couldn't reach. The two pre-teens bonded over learning about being non-binary and being true to themselves.
Ash took after John the most. Their hair color, eye color, and was a Pop Troll. Ash even wore compression gloves like their Papa, to keep their shaking hands still when drawing in their sketch book.
Then their only girl, Brooke, was an exact carbon copy of her Daddy. She was only 6 years old, but she was a wild card. She would jump off of stuff, then used her (h/c) pigtails to catch herself at the last moment. She took after John's husband in personality, looks, and even in music genre: Rock! John's favorite part was that (Y/N) and Brook shared (e/c) eyes.
Honestly, most of John's gray hair comes from that child. She was LaBreezey's little shadow. "She's just following what her big cousin does because to her, LaBreezy is her hero." Brandi laughed when John wondered outloud.
Ugh, John could just hear his husband's smirk when Brooke started talking about the government's control..or lack of it. Great, he already (Y/N) to worry about, now he's got two to deal with. Hopefully, that phase will pass soon.
The teal haired Troll hissed when he felt something tug sharply on his tail. Looking down, he brightened, seeing his youngest, Reed making grabby hands at him, demanding attention. John set his drink down before grabbing the Trolling.
"Reed! Finally up from your nap, little man?" Reed was currently struggling with speech, so he just made some babbling noises, before cuddling in his Papa's arms.
Reed was quite the surprise. John and (Y/N) thought they were done having kids, both of them in their late 30's. But one day, they woke up to Reed's egg sitting snugly in John's head.
Reed was a little miracle egg, and hatched looking like both of his fathers, John's hair, (Y/N)'s nose, but what was unique about the little dude, he had heterochromia. So his right eye was the same blue as John's and the calm (e/c) as (Y/N).
"So, where are you John Dory?" Bruce snapped his older brother out of his thoughts, making him realize his siblings' were looking at him.
"Huh?" John asked dumbly. Clay snickered, "John Dory has left the building, gentlemen." They joked, making the other brothers laugh.
"Ha ha." He chuckled, jumping slightly when he heard Brooke squeal loudly. BroZone looked over to where the little teal trolling watched excitedly as a (s/c) Troll went nacho diving.
Even though, there was salsa and cheese in their eyes, the new Troll got out yelling happily and excitedly. Bruce's children and John's older children crowed around him, chattering away.
Bruce frowned, knowing his kids wanted to copy the mysterious Troll's actions. "Ugh, that is so reckless. Now the kids are going to want to do it, and they'll be all sticky. Have you ever tried to give children in general a bath? Not to mention my kids are giants." He groaned.
John ignored his brothers' as Reed's tail excitedly wagged in his face, pointing towards the crowd.
Laughing, he adjusted the little Troll and stood up. "Okay, okay, we're going." He turned towards his brothers, with a raised brow. "Y'all coiming?"
BroZone scrambled after their brother, watching in shock as the new Troll grinned and rushed to John Dory. John stopped him with his tail, and deadpanned expression. "You are NOT touching us, until you've showered or rinsed off, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) grinned mischievously, turning towards Ash and Brooke, who bore matching grins. "Come on, kids!" "Wait, no!" John yelped when he was suddenly pushed from behind and pulled into the stream.
BroZone watched as (Y/N) held Reed in his arms, with a smug grin on his face. "Well, I rinsed off." He cackled, helping John Dory out of the water, before leaning in and kissing the grumpy Troll.
John smiled into the kiss, and kissed him back.
"Daaaadddddssss!!!!" Ash and Brooke squealed laughed, as John and (Y/N) covered their children's eyes with their tails.
Pulling back, (Y/N) pulled his children into his arms, squeezing tight. "Sorry it took so long for me to get here. This place is a good 3 day ride by caterbus. And I forgot my snacks!!!" (Y/N) whined, ears pointing down, perking up when his children giggled." So when I saw those nachos, I had to dive in and eat something."
John laughed, shaking his head. "Papa, I think our uncles' stopped working.." Ash pointed towards the frozen BroZone where their jaws dropped and stared wide eyed.
"Oh, right! (Y/N), babe, these are my brothers! Spruce, who now goes by Bruce, Clay, Floyd, and Bit-- I mean Branch. Guys, this is my husband, (Y/N)."
"Husband?" asked Clay. They were cool with it, same sex relationships weren't taboo or anything, but Clay was just surprised that John Dory of all people was in one.
"Cool." Floyd smiled.
"Papa?" Bruce whispered, a smile growing on his face.
"(Y/N)?" mumbled Branch, your name sounding familiar.
"Dada!" Reed giggled, tail wrapping around (Y/N)'s forearm.
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 2 months
Part 6 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10
Trolls - having an egg on the way is known as an 'Eggnancy" 😂
BroZone - when the brothers weren't sure how to reconnect, they ended up playing rummy together.
Bruce - has attempted to set up John Dory on a date with Brandy's sister.
Bruce - kept having kids because he and Brandy wanted at least one daughter. When they finally had LaBreezy they decided to stop.
Bruce - learned to surf to get Brandy's attention when they first met. Ended up falling in love with surfing before Brandy fell for him. 😁
Clay - the Putt-Putt Trolls didn't have a sad book club as they had no books! After the reunion Clay was very excited about the vast new collection of books he could get his hands on!
Clay - finds out that he was Poppy's favourite Brozone member when she was little and doesn't he just boast about it any chance he gets!
Clay - for Clay to finally forgive John Dory, JD agreed to perform for the brothers+Poppy and Viva in ONLY the funderdrawers. "Do you feel like you're having 76% more fun yet John? Cause I am!" *Camera snap*
John Dory - he doesn't let it show but his ears are constantly twitching to check for danger, a side effect of living in the wilderness alone for so long.
John Dory - sworn off ever having children.
John Dory - pretty scrappy at self defence, can hold his own when boxing.
Floyd - did a few red carpet appearances during his solo era, he felt very out of place. @ssippingwaterfalls 💕
Floyd - after the Mount Rageous incident he gets a little bit reckless without realizing it. He has an "I just survived death so cliff jumping isn't scary anymore' kinda attitude.
Floyd - can read palms and tarot cards.
Branch - Kismet were the ones that originally got him hooked on ring pops.
Branch - learns phrases in other languages to build relationships with subgenre tribes of Trolls. E.g the K-Pop and Reggaeton Trolls.
Branch - started building the bunker while he was still living in the group home with other Trollings.
Poppy - wishes that Branch would initiate physical contact more often.
Viva - calls the older brothers Mr.Bruce and Mr.JD (Clay told her to)
Rhonda - when she was a baby she was more like a big suitcase than a vehicle.
Cooper - is actually smarter and more capable than he let's on (quote from Brooklyn 99, "If people knew how smart I was it would be harder to control them.")
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storydays · 4 months
Baby Mine
Bruce/Brandi X Daughter! Reader
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Bruce groaned as he massaged his temples. He's had this heavy pressure in his head for the last few weeks. At first he thought it was stress..But today, it was a throbbing pressure he'd only ever felt when he inhaled sharply, catching his wife's attention from where she was cooking breakfast. "Something wrong, darling?" wondered Brandi.
Bruce didn't answer, instead he reached into his hair carefully, grimacing from how sensitive his hair was, and stopped shortly when he felt the familiar shape of an egg nestled tightly between his purple locks.
"Bruce?" Brandi called as she turned the stove off, and turned her full attention to her husband. "I-It's an egg." whispered the Troll, feeling a large grin spred across his face. "My love! It's an egg! We're having a baby!" Bruce laughed with glee, his wife leaning down with an amused smile. She kissed her husband's cheek, causing his blue eyes to meet her warm brown eyes.
"We're having another baby." She agreed.
*Timeskip to after Trolls 3 events*
The other Brozone members' and the Pop sisters watched as Bruce worked with his wife, and maneuvered around their 13 kids' chaos. "Bruce, you really should be resting." Brandi commented as she passed out more drinks. "Hon, I'm fine. The baby is fine, too. Their not set to hatch for a few more days." Bruce waved her comment off, as he passed the group's drinks and food out.
"Baby?" Floyd asked. Bruce winced...he forgot to mention the little darling in his hair to his siblings. His tail flicked nervously, but before he could attempt to lie his way out of the situation, Cove and LaBreezey came up with their notebook and crayons and a determined looks on their faces.
Oh no, it was observation time.
Ever since Bruce's two oldest children learned their dad can have babies differently then their relatives on their mother's side, they've been keeping notes, and asking questions about full Trolls' anatomy.
"Yep! And according to our notes, baby 14 should be hatching any day now!" LaBreezy chirped excitedly, as Cove gently checked their Dad's hair to check on the egg, ignoring their dad's hiss of pain and irritation.
Bruce managed to let his oldest child peer at the egg for all of 10 seconds before pulling away with a warning hiss. Cove nodded thoughtfully, before writing something down.
"Are you sure they're okay? I mean, after what Velvet and Veneer did?" Branch asked, fidgeting with his fingers, before Poppy took one of his hands and squeezed in reassurance.
Bruce smiled at his youngest brother, "Yeah, B. I'm fine. when the doctor from Pop Village came to check on Floyd, I pulled her aside and she looked me and the egg over, and--" Bruce let out a groan, dropping the spoon in his hand and holding his head.
Brandi was by his side in an instant and shooed the children away. "Go play, kids. " Turning to her hunched over husband, she leaned down to face him. "Darling, color?" she whispered.
"Red." he whimpered, tail angrily moving about. Moving quickly, but gently, Brandi scooped him and said something to a nearby waiter who nodded. Casting a glace towards the concerned Trolls by the bar, she told them firmly, "Stay here. I'll be right back."
Brozone shared a look and waited nervously for news about their brother and unborn niece or nephew.
After waiting for a good two hours, the Trolls had enough and stormed into the back where his brother's house was connected to the restaurant, and actually ran into Brandi, quite literally. Her eyes widen, before she knelt and allowed them to climb on her hand, bringing them eye level.
"Bruce will be fine. The baby is fine, but it was honestly rough on both of their bodies. They're sleeping right now, and you can come see them in a little bit."
"Mom?" called Freddy as his siblings stood behind him looking worried for their family.
Brandi set the Trolls down and knelt in front of her kids, allowing them to squish in her arms.
"Daddy's okay, he's just really tired. He'll be up in a little bit. The baby is also okay, they also need to sleep a little." She cooed, kissing all their foreheads.
"Mom, is it a boy or girl?" Windy asked, tilting his head. Brandi smiled.
"It's a........"
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 2 months
Part 4 Trolls Headcanons/ Theories/ Thoughts/ Ideas
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part5 Part6 Part7 Part8 Part9 Part10
Bruce - theorizes that his daughter LaBreezy will be the one to take over the restaurant.
Bruce - tries developing and inventing his own recipes, Brandy has to remind him that not everyone can handle as much sugar as a Troll can. He reels it back a bit.
Bruce - makes specific food for different reasons. E.g. makes bread when he's angry so he can take it out on the dough, makes lasagnas so he can use the leftovers as an excuse to visit someone, makes spicy dishes when he wants revenge.
John Dory - has been arrested before, he changes the reason everytime someone asks.
John Dory - occasionally uses 'chewing tobacco' (which honestly in the Trolls-verse would be some kinda chewing gum 😂)
John Dory - serial flirt (very bad at it, he thinks he's great at it)
John Dory - does weird stuff because of his isolation e.g. will eat what's left over on the plates when Bruce's customers leave, will ask when the baby's due but they're just overweight, will go into detail about gutting a fish in front of Trollings.
John Dory - can open a wine/champagne bottle with his machete and light a match with his teeth
Clay - occasionally tutors math to Trollings.
Clay - has a decent sized nest egg
Clay - graduated highschool early
Clay - has business cards stored in his hair
Clay - knows how to tie different knots for neckties.
Clay - can spin a pen around his fingers
Clay - is thinking of getting his own critter transportation
Floyd - was 100% sure he was going to die in the bottle. He now has a new outlook on life after being given a second chance.
Floyd - wants a long term relationship but is afraid of getting attached and being used.
Floyd - practices advanced yoga
Floyd - has developed claustrophobia
Floyd - released one solo album, one limited run, it was mentioned he is a former member Brozone on the cover to boost sales. It was a flop. This crushed Floyd.
Branch - toying with the idea of building plans for a Pop Village Castle. (Secretly a fortress)
Viva - biggest Broppy shipper. Already has their wedding planned in her head.
Viva - adrenaline junkie
Viva - no sense of personal space
Tiny Diamond - checks on Branch and Poppy's egg daily asking if his new BFFL is here yet.
Pop Trolls - King Peppy invented all these bizarre holidays when they were trapped in the Troll tree to keep hope alive and to boost morale.
Putt-Putt Trolls - all delayed having Trollings worrying for their future safety. The very few eggs that hatched are hidden and protected by the whole tribe. (Putt-Putt baby names: Birdie, Par, Ace, Caddie, Fore, Eagle, Divot, Links, Scramble) Clay and Viva were present for every one of them hatching.
Rhonda - locks JD outside when she's annoyed with him. "Who needs you, I wanted to sleep on this rock anyway!"
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 1 month
MeTROLLpolitan Museum of Art Gala
Symphonyville has finally been returned to its former glory!
In celebration and appreciation, the Classical Trolls have extended invitations for their most exclusive of art and culture festivities.
The Met Gala.
This years theme: 'Trolls in Nature"
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This will be the first year that art from other tribes will be included in the exhibitions. The Tribal leaders as well as the most famous names in all Trolldom are invited i.e. Kismet, Brozone, Sugar Gals, Bad Hair Day and Val Thundershock.
Bruce - beach/island themed. Secretly a homage to Brandy and his kids. That's his wedding ring in his hair.
It's a bit bizarre looking but I think Bruce doesn't care about looking 'good' or 'conventional' anymore. Originally was going to have a sorta 'gemstone' inspired thing for Bruce but thought naahhh he wouldn't want that. He's too down to earth now.
On Vacay Island: (The Gala is gonna be live on TV)
"Make sure you guys watch Daddy on TV! Brandy do you think you could tape it please?"
"Tape is ready to go."
"~God I love you" 🥰
And when the kids are watching later they're like "Who's that?" "Where's Daddy?" "Is that Daddy?" "Those Trolls have wings." "Does Daddy have wings?"
And LaBreezy is in Brandy's lap like "That's King Trollex, Mommy. He and the other Techno Trolls can breath underwater. Did you know that Mommy?"
@jorjafrozen ✨
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warning-heckboop · 3 months
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Finally got the motivation to draw her again. The very best (and only) fanchild I’ve ever designed, Clay and Viva’s daughter, Birdie!
My previous concept art of her can be found here. This new updated drawing is a design of her as an adult, rather than as a child like I drew her previously. I also made a few edits to her general colors.
Her overall design is primarily based on the fact that a lot of Clay’s concept art in the Art Of book made him look like a jazzercise instructor.
The biggest change you might notice is that she’s hearing impaired. This is something that I’ve had rattling around in my mind for a while, but I never really had a time to bring it up before now.
What else, uhh. She’s best friends with her cousin Labreezy (Bruce’s daughter), because there are way too many boys in their family and they are powerful, intelligent, independent women. She’s a major bookworm like her dad, but unlike him she’ll read just about anything she can get her hands on. She’s not a huge fan of large troll gatherings, partially because her hearing impairment means she’s not as into music as other trolls, and partially because her parents’ isolationist tendencies rubbed off on her. A few other notes are included in the drawing itself <3
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