layersofuntruth-a · 7 years
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“Neku...” Joshua trailed off, his eyes downcast. It... It’d been so long since he’d been able to see him. His friend. 
No, Neku wasn’t his friend. His friend was gone forever. Scrawny arms were crossed over his chest tightly, as if trying to shield himself from this. Seeing him face to face like this... it wasn’t easy.
“You’re right. I’m just one Joshua out of many, I’m afraid.” He glanced up at him, eyes practically glowing under his light lashes. “I’m not the friend you’re looking for.”
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belltolled-blog · 7 years
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   CURIOSITY  unexplainably unfolds unto her features. Different, different... she ponders, and her gaze ( blatantly ) studying him before an ‘ ah-ha ’ moment spreads to replace a curious mind. ❝What happened to your headphones? You didn’t lose them, did you?❞ They were almost a trademark, she notes, and she’s nearly brought to a worry at the thought ( if he did lose them, he at least seems to be coping well with the matter ).  
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tabooeddemon-blog · 7 years
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Kuro was wandering the streets for once, rather than lazing about in a tree. He knew his bright red colors weren’t exactly normal around here, but he liked the color much better than purple. 
Speaking of, he spotted that purple guy that the gerbil girl talked to a lot. He wondered if he was just as weird as her. Well, no reason not to see.
He caught up to him and greeted him with a, “Hey, Orangeylocks.”
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❛okay, but, consider this: i don’t care. i’m gonna do it.❜
bad idea starters. 
 “Never said I was gonna stop you. This may be 100% a bad, horrible idea, but I wanna see what happens.” He grins.
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024124-blog · 7 years
        he knows him / him knows he ; [un]lucky player thrice thrust into the fray of life or death , weight of a city on his shoulders , unknowingly , unknowingly --- & he survived , endured , now lives ( composer’s favorite pet , yeah ? he’s cute , he’ll give him that ) in a form of reincarnation absolutely unauthorized. ha --- how good for him. ‘ off limits ’ yeah , yeah , exasperation meets thoughts within own mind ; as if he’d wanted a fight anyway. 
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        ❛ . . . heh. long time no see. enjoying your time in the land of the living ? ❜ there’s bitterness in his smile , in his words , mockery ( jealousy ? ) slicked to the blunt edges of his words ; icarus flew , icarus fell , icarus drowned in phoenix fire and started right back at the bottom --- & atlas carved a name for himself in the heavens he was forced to hold. 
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shvrker-a · 7 years
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        -- SHORP. takes a deep breath. okay. i  ????  really don’t know how to start this sappy-ass message that i’m about to throw out but-- thank you ?? thank you so much ?? i don’t think you guys know,, just how much this means to me. darce is the first oc i’ve ever rp’d & really, i didn’t think he’d grow this much & have so many people love him. this ?? all makes me so, so so so happy. i think i created this blog back in december & my heart warms up every time i think about how much it’s grown since then & this is ? all thanks to all of you who have shown interest in him?? like, ya’ll ?? have made me feel so happy & loved these past few months and ?? i really don’t know how else to express what i’m feeling rn other than-- thank you. thank you all so much. but aaahh that’s enough of this sappy message tho-- ff under the cut ( in no particular order ) !
        -- &. Fam <3 ( people i’ve talked a lot ooc-wise & man i love ‘em )
           ➣ @aquaphiiles / @niinjas, @dfndr, @snuwmade, @bcyfrnd, @itschrissenpai, @offerriswheels !!
        -- &. The Skull’s ! ( ya’ll friends who’ve accepted my smol son into your makeshift family / those cool skull peeps i’ve seen hanging around & man tysm for putting up w/ him ! )
            ➣ @gloomyskull, @shieldarchitect, @bigcalavera, @alohalawaia, @runawayskull, @curiousobjecthead, @sekaava, @craniumaniac, @plumeriaxskull, @plumxxria, @apxcyne, @xbugz-n-skullzx, @grunt-r, @gruntadminloch, @gruntrp, @gruntemilia, @inplume, @teamxskull, @igxttabakeanothaxne, @hatedboss, @slickskulled, @inplume, @nullisms, @rocbites, @sistervenom, @nulledheart, @dxkuro, @numbskullgrunt, @skull-bxnes, @skulliisms, @mamakyu, @typenullandvoid, @nulledtype, @contritiohumana​, @punkgrunt, @fcilure, @skullchief, @iiridaceae, @thuggerysfinest !!
        -- &. The Bro’s ( ya’ll who i’ve talked to ooc & have interacted with at some point and ! ! !!! tysm for everything !! )
            ➣ @yvcltal, @shieldarchitect, @justbxfrxends, @boxdeveloping, @lunaveined, @althxea, @resfebxr, @nharmxnic, @moonkxssed, @strngths, @fxtelism, @fartoomanymuses, @acekuratetto, @faerykissed, @cryostasia, @lightbrcken, @firespun, @fireredrules, @traiinerruby, @calmereflection, @deathlyaviary, @cinderbled, @versusred, @pixie-hound, @virtusferocia, @itsburnet, @professordeerest, @alola-dad, @rexsilentium, @bookofriends, @ofsilenceandcourage, @ofstargazing, @fxtelism, @isleomuses, @meinior, @truthiism, @biaing, @mythologicalidiots, @lunahaule, @colorlcss, @ekkusumoi, @nimbasarailway, @changing-the-melody, @agricolor, @blindedbylv, @prxtectorate, @justbxfrxends, @molliavc, @aspearbarry, @jazzzdevil, @illunasionary, @narcdepsy !!
         -- &. The Beauties ( peeps i haven’t had the chance to chat up much / interact with yet but would love to at some point & love seeing ‘em on my dash <3 )
             ➣ @shinigamikiddo, @orcmade, @shujinkuro, @renegadiers, @cxdxnce, @animinimal, @enginium, @1admincourtney1, @gurekis, @thundajagod, @froppii, @trustphyte, @wingedborn, @prinzessonne, @falseflower, @rocketdouble, @lookertickets, @terrortwerp, @pcrfaitt, @neidiar, @sangmer, @hikaup, @denkinokikai, @distcrtions, @lack--two, @museriants, @reversedcross, @boxdeveloping, @koyba, @alongcameacyborg, @chattychampion, @witchmade, @cxdxnce, @saiunn, @captainsekiizan, @theagentlooker, @pendeath, @hippestbarista, @strigoaica, @doktorschaedel, @rocketeertwins, @litteniisms, @differbeast, @vaonsx, @mocrosoft, @suiphaea, @vessuvius, @hardfacade, @musefated, @invisibilitii, @incensus, @asperiitas​, @rocketbcss​, @pcpyrus !!
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“ thanks for the dead bird. ”
Josh looks up at Neku from the couch he’s sprawled out on, tilting his head in mild confusion, meowing at him innocently. So maybe it hadn’t been the best prank, but it was funny, and he didn’t have fun in his Noise form often enough. 
Neku had agreed to come over today, and he’d been bored, so the logical choice was to surprise Neku by being a fully grown snow leopard. Which led him to snagging a bird and leaving it on the ground for Neku to see when he came in.
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xonmyo-blog · 7 years
Just answer the questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better.
Tagged by: @asciantas
Name: I go by Yozora or Yozo or Yoz online  Gender: agender Sign: Taurus Height: 5′ 7″ Sexual orientation: ace for the fucking win~. Hogwarts house/ASOIAF house: Ravenclaw & Stark Favourite colour: violet Favourite animal: foxes Time right now: 9:40am Average hours of sleep: 5-6 hours Cat or dog person: cat Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter/ASOIAF: Hermonine Granger & either Arya Stark or Jon Snow Number of blankets you sleep with: Two Favourite singer or band: too many to count, but I’ll throw out THE DEATH MARCH Dream trip: I would really like to go to Shibuya tbh. Dream job: author or librarian. When was this blog created?: this specific blog was created the other week, but I’ve been rping Neku for over two years ago, 03.10.15 specifically on Tumblr itself. Current number of followers: 28 & 103 When did your blog reach it’s peak?: I dunno how to describe “peak” in regards to rping tbh. What made you decide to make a tumblr?: well, for the rping side of Tumblr, I made Neku in response to a terrible breakup when my ex (who had introduced TWEWY) rped Joshua and I rped Neku and I still felt the urge to rp him and lo and behold, here is Tumblr.
Tagging: @composerwithashotgun, @deiryu, @trustphyte, @wingedeath, @pendeath, @selfvalued, @beattoherrhyme, @roguehrenjager, @nicedistraction
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mrxtwister-blog · 7 years
🎧 //start some twin verse stuff
Send '🎧' for our muses to listen to music together by sharing earbuds.
The changes in his twin brother had came out of nowhere, Takeo had realized.  For the past few years, after that tragic day, the boys had drifted apart from each other.  Takeo blamed himself for that one; if he hadn’t tried to get so much comfort from his twin, then maybe he wouldn’t have driven him away.  If Neku was going to avoid him that badly, then he would do the same. 
So Takeo had immersed himself with music, learning and creating and shutting everyone else out.  Before, his life only needed Neku and him, but now...he needed no one.
But out of nowhere, Neku had changed.  One day, he came home with a smile, and that sparked a revolution almost.  The older twin left the house more, received more texts on his phone, he went and hung out with other people, people he called his friends.
Takeo’s mind was blown.  He didn’t know what to make of the situation, he was almost tempted to accuse this person of being a fake, someone who looked like Neku but was nothing like him.But alas, that idea wasn’t logical in the least bit, and Takeo knew that.
And as for his and Neku’s relationship....it was complicated.  They have tried talking, but Takeo had grown too awkward around the other ginger.  Half of it was anger that Neku had basically abandoned him after such a devastating event.And the other half was fear of driving him away again.  What if he ruined their relationship even further with his attitude and actions?  Takeo didn’t want to risk that at all.But since then, he has left his room more often, hung out in the living room with Neku on occasion and such.  Except for when Neku had a friend over, Takeo would lock himself up and refuse to come out.  He really didn’t know what to do in those situations either.
One afternoon, Takeo had taken his laptop and equipment to the living room couch and was working on combining various audio clips together to form a song.  When he’s in this mode, his focus is only on his work and not on his surroundings.
So he didn’t even notice when someone sat next to him and removed one of his earbuds.
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selfvalued-blog · 7 years
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                             welcome to the dead meme squad.
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