the-coffee-fandom · 9 months
Dick: ….I know I asked but this is *not* what I meant
Marinette: *looks up* What did you expect?
Dick: Anything but this?
Marinette: This is normal actually. I’m surprised this is what freaks you out with all the people you have in the manor.
Dick: Yeah I guess…
Marinette: So you think this will work?
Dick: I rather you not sacrifice my little brother to demons actually.
Marinette: Untie him and I’ll make you regret it
Dick: Yes ma’am. Sorry baby bird.
Damian: *muffled incoherent growl and a glare*
Marinette: Good. Now how exactly do we ensure it’ll summon his girlfriend?
Dick: I have no clue.
Marinette: Winging it it is!
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mochegato · 9 months
Sugar Baby Blues
“Where is she,” Zoe wondered aloud for what had to be the fifth time in the last five minutes.
Marinette giggled and clasped her hand to ground her.  “Zoe, she’s only a few minutes late.  She said she’d be here any second.”
“Yeah, but that was like ten minutes ago, and honestly with Sandy,” she rolled her eyes, “she’s worse than you used to be and I’m hungry,” she teased.
Marinette gasped in mock offense and swiped playfully at her.  “I am much better, thank you very much!”
“I know,” she crowed, “that’s why I said ‘used to be’ not currently are.”  They glared at each other, trying to stare the other into submission, but both broke down into giggles after just a few moments.  They were laughing so hard, they completely missed the limo that pulled up in front of them.
“Zoe!” a blonde-haired woman, who Marinette had to assume was Sandy, squealed as she launched herself out of the limo and into Zoe’s arms.
“Sandy!” Zoe squealed, matching Sandy’s excitement.  They both made the same noise as they hugged, jumping around in a circle in their excitement.  “I missed you so much!  It’s so good to see you!  You look amazing!”  Zoe gushed all of it out in less than 10 seconds and at a decibel that Marinette had a hard time hearing.
“Oh my God!  I missed you too.  You have to tell me everything about Paris and your life there!  You look so good too!  But I have to give credit to my Daddy for my look,” she preened and fluffed her hair as she posed for Zoe.  “He buys me the best things.”
“Your dad?” Zoe asked.  Her eyes shot to Marinette in confusion.  “But I thought you didn’t talk to…”
“No,” Sandy waved her off like the very idea disturbed her inner peace, “not my dad, my Daddy.  My Sugar Daddy.  Come on, he’s in the car.  I’m dying for you to meet him.”  She started pulling Zoe toward the car but froze after a step and turned to Marinette.  “Oh!  Oh my God!  I’m so rude.  I’m sorry!  You must be Marinette.  Zoe has told me so much about you.”
Marinette smiled and waved awkwardly.  “Yep, that’s me.”  Her eyes flicked to Zoe who suddenly looked uncertain, but she took a breath and turned back to Sandy again.  “Zoe’s told me a lot about you too,” she offered kindly.  “It’s really nice to meet you.”
“Sandy,” Zoe started carefully, her eyes shot to Marinette for reassurance before continuing, “I thought it was just going to be us at lunch and after.”
“Oh, don’t worry!  Gary’s just joining us for lunch!” she reassured Zoe quickly, her voice full of excitement.  “He’ll drop us off at Times Square after lunch and he promised to let me use his credit card for our shopping.  But he knows the nicest places to eat so when I asked him where we should go and said I wanted to take some girlfriends out, he volunteered to go with us.”
“Oh, that was… nice,” Zoe faltered, finally able to settle on a neutral way to end the sentence.
“I know right!” Sandy gushed.  There was no indication she’d caught onto Zoe’s anxiousness.  “He’s the best Daddy ever.  Come on,” she motioned them toward the door.  “We don’t want to be late.  Daddy doesn’t like being late.”
“Right,” Zoe nodded.  She shot Marinette an apologetic glance before following Sandy into the car.  Marinette sighed and followed Zoe into the limo.
Once she got in, it became clear Sandy had left out a few significant details and Marinette instantly wished they’d decided not to get in, because not only was Gary there, who she assumed was the man in the main seat Sandy had cuddled up to, but there were four other men in the car as well.  All five of the men were in dark, poorly tailored suits, which she could tell without looking very hard, hid guns in shoulder holsters.  The four men’s expressions matched their dour suits.  Their eyes had a hard, emotionless set to them, and their mouths fixed into neutral flat lines.
She turned to Zoe with wide eyes, hoping she was picking up the same thing as Marinette, but Zoe was watching the way her friend and Gary interacted with poorly disguised distaste.  Marinette had no choice but to grin and push past the four men, sitting two by two on the side benches, to get the seat facing backward.  She looked past the partition to see the chauffeur, accidentally catching his eyes in the rear-view mirror.
To her surprise, his eyes were not devoid of emotion like the other men’s were.  Instead, his vibrantly blue eyes looked almost confused at seeing her there until one eyebrow rose into something like a question.  She gave a crooked smile back and shrugged.  The question he was trying to ask was still a mystery to her but whatever it was, a shrug felt like the right answer.  It was the answer to so many questions someone could ask right then.
Somehow, that small interaction made her feel significantly more confident about the situation.  She could handle this.  This was nothing.  It was a lunch and then she wouldn’t have to see any of these men again.  She could do that.  She’d had dinner with Adrien’s dad… and his mom, not to mention Zoe’s mom.  If she could survive them, this would be a breeze.
Her resolve was shaken the moment she looked up and had the unfortunate experience of meeting Gary’s eyes.  He looked her and Zoe over like a predator, actually licking his lips at one point.  His lips curled up into a wolfish smile.  “So, who’re your… friends, Baby?”
“Oh!”  Sandy brightened up and pulled away enough to motion toward Zoe and Marinette.  “This is my old friend Zoe.  We went to school together.  We haven’t seen each other in forever, but we were best friends.”  Marinette silently thanked the gods that Sandy had enough sense not to mention Zoe’s status, or rather her parents’ status.  There was no way that wouldn’t be dangerous information for a man like him to know.  “And this is her friend Marinette.  She’s visiting from Paris.”
“Ahh, the City of Love,” he leered.  He leaned forward and waggled his eyebrow.  “Maybe we can help you find love here.”
Marinette subconsciously leaned away, but her eyes widened at the offer, which the man apparently took as interest instead of the repulsion she actually felt as his grin widened.  “I’m actually hoping for more corporate pursuits for now,” she said tightly.
“Maybe we can help you with both,” he offered.  He shimmied forward in his seat, still too far away from her to actually make contact, but he very much looked like he wanted to.
Marinette almost shifted further into the corner but before she could, the car took a turn unnecessarily sharply, knocking him back into his seat.  “Hey!  Watch the turns, incompetent jackass.”  He leaned closer to one of the goons to whisper under his breath, “Never hire this guy as a fill-in again.  In fact, never use that agency again.”
Marinette gave the driver a grateful smile while Gary settled himself again.  “I’m good, thank you,” she stated firmly.  “I’m going to do it on my own.”
“It never hurts to have friends,” he chided.  He had the audacity to pout like she was hurting his feelings.
Her eyes moved from him to his goons slowly, uncomfortably before returning to him.  “It depends on the friend,” she said carefully.
Zoe grabbed her arm and edged closer.  “Marinette,” she warned, her voice was low enough for just Marinette to hear it.
“I can be very friendly,” he cooed.  His voice was so sickeningly sweet, it made her nauseous.  Combined with the utter disrespect he was showing Sandy, who clearly was not happy with the situation, Marinette couldn’t wait to get out of the car and breathe uncontaminated air.
She wanted to tell the creep that she was well familiar with the benefits of having the right friends because she had a friend who insisted on putting any new friends their group made through a thorough, slightly illegal… depending on the country, highly illegal in most countries, background check after the miraculous situation had blown up and they all discovered half of the parents and friends of parents were involved.  So he was welcome to become a friend and be exposed to that kind of check, but somehow, she didn’t think that would end well for her while she was contained in the small car with five hostiles.
She was saved from having to say anything by Sandy’s shrill squeak as she pulled a jewelry box out of Gary’s chest pocket and showed it to him.  “Is that for me, Daddy?”
He grabbed the box back and gave her a smarmy smile, though his eyes flicked to Marinette for a second.  “Of course, Baby,” he crooned in that same saccharine tone.  He held it out for her but pulled it away at the last second when she tried to grab it.  She giggled and reached for it again only to have it pulled away again.  They repeated the cycle a few times, Sandy giggling like it was a surprise each time.  Marinette shot Zoe an unimpressed look that Zoe returned, hers with a significantly more uncomfortable inflection at seeing her old friend behave that way.
When Sandy finally grasped the box, she had it open in a matter of seconds and gasped loudly, clutching it to her chest as she gave Gary a kiss on the cheek. “It’s beautiful, Daddy!  I love it!”  she gushed as she did a little dance in her seat.  She held the ostentatious diamond necklace out to show Zoe and Marinette.  “Isn’t it beautiful?  Thank you so much, Daddy.  Will you put it on me?”
“Of course, Baby,” he cooed.  He looked at Marinette and Zoe the entire time he was latching the clasp.  “It’s what I do for my friends.”
Marinette couldn’t stop herself from reacting that time.  She looked away and closed her eyes, forcing herself to take several long deep breaths as she edged closer to Zoe, trying to angle herself so she was almost in front of her, but Zoe wouldn’t let her do it.  She kept her right by her side but clasped her hand to make sure Marinette knew they were in it together.
Fortunately, they didn’t have to sit there long.  They arrived at the restaurant almost immediately after that.  If she hadn’t known better, she would have said the chauffeur had been speeding to get them there faster.  Someone opened the door from the outside and the four men on the sides filed out first, followed by Gary, then Sandy.  Zoe gave Marinette a significant look and a nod before following her out.
Marinette, however, hesitated before moving.  She needed a few seconds to calm herself down and build up her defenses before she could brave another extended period with Gary.  She let out a few long, deep breaths, counting to five on the inhale and five on the exhale.  “What have we gotten into this time?” she muttered to herself.
“You sure you want to go in there?”
Marinette jumped away from the partition, her hands flying to her chest.  She’d forgotten about the chauffer, which said something about how unthreatening she found him despite what she was positive were bulging muscles under his suit based off the way it settled against him.  Sometime while she was doing her breathing exercises, he’d turned around and settled his elbow on the partition to check on her.
When she met his eyes, she saw the concern but there was something else there, something surreptitious that should scare her, especially considering the kind of man he worked for, but didn’t.  His roguish smile didn’t hurt either.  It softened the sharp lines of his face, making him seem gentler than his scars indicated.  “No, but I’m not sure I have much of a choice,” she admitted, more honestly than she’d meant to be.
The charming grin dropped from his face and his eyes darted to the door and back to her in a microsecond.  “I can take you out of here,” he offered, his voice light in direct contrast to the weighted look he was giving her.
Marinette’s eyes traced the same path, to the door and him, but much slower than his did.  “I can’t do that,” she shook her head doubtfully.
“You don’t need to worry about him,” he assured her.  His hand rested gently on her arm and his eyes were steely, a reassurance that he meant what he said.  “I can get you out of here before he notices.”
She smiled softly at him and rested her hand on his but shook her head.  “I can’t leave my friend.  We’ll just try to get through this as quickly as possible and get out.  Won’t be our first dinner with a criminal.”
“You make a habit of dining with villains, do you?” he teased, but she could hear the edge of curiosity in her voice.
She huffed out a mirthless laugh but then let out a long-suffering breath.  “More than I care to remember.”
“If I can’t convince you otherwise, then just be careful,” he said, all teasing long gone.  There’s an exit through the kitchen, just past the bathrooms, a perfect cover if you want to get you and your friend out, and of course there’s the door in front.  The back is easier though, less men guarding it and they won’t give a few women a second glance, especially if you’re giggling.  Giggling women always get ignored.”  He squeezed her arm just enough to let her know he was serious about his concern, but it was the worried look in his eyes that made her breath catch in her chest.  “Get out, get to the far side of the alley, and start walking.  Don’t stop until you’re at your hotel or safe.”
His words struck completely through Marinette, setting her on edge.  There was something off in them.  It wasn’t a normal warning.  It was far too specific.  Either the man she was dining with had a history of violent meals or something was going to happen during this meal, and he knew.  She was just about to ask him about it when one of Gene’s men stuck his head into the car.  “Boss says to get into the restaurant.”
Marinette’s eyes instantly narrowed and her back stiffened rod straight.  “Excuse me?  I don’t work for your boss.  He can’t order me around.”
The chauffeur snorted lightly, just barely loud enough for Marinette to hear.  She wanted to shoot a glare at him, but the goon was her more immediate concern and she didn’t want to take her eyes off of him.  The goon glowered deeply at her and reached in to pull her out by force, but the chauffeur jumped into action, letting the limo jut forward just enough to throw the goon off balance.  “You sure about this?” the chauffeur asked under his breath.
She nodded determinedly.  “More than ever.  I can’t leave Zoe with men like that.”
He nodded but kept his eyes on the goon still trying to get up.  “Good luck then.  You better go before he sends more goons.”
“Thank you,” she said quietly and gave him one more timid smile before exiting the car.
Dinner proceeded with little fanfare.  Dinners with the Agrestes and Zoe’s mom had actually set Marinette and Zoe up pretty well for dealing with Gary.  It was miserable, but manageable and since he’d apparently rented out the entire room, they didn’t have to suffer in front of anyone.  Of course, that also meant there was nobody there to appeal to if anything happened.  They just had to hope that nothing happened to make it worse than it already was.
The entire meal was filled with self-congratulatory, pompous pontificating.  The only time he asked them a question was to get their opinion of something he’d done, and even then, he started talking before they could answer.  And the only break from the egotistical monologue was to overtly flirt, more with Zoe and Marinette than Sandy, who had clearly noticed and did not appear to appreciate the slight in the least.
Marinette and Zoe had strategically seated themselves as far from Gary as they could.  Luckily, he’d chosen a massive table, so they were able to sit far away from him.  Unluckily, that position also put them in direct eyeline for him, meaning he could casually ogle them throughout the entire meal, which he seemed to take great pleasure in doing.
By the time the dinner was over, Marinette and Zoe were praying nobody ordered dessert so they could end their misery, but Sandy of all people, destroyed that hope ordering the chocolate entremet.  Marinette had to tighten her muscles to keep herself from throwing her head back with a groan.  However, her body’s already rigid posture straightened even further at Gary’s next comment.
“That’s a lot of chocolate, isn’t it, baby?  You sure you should get that?  You’re not going to fit into that new dress I just got you,” he chided.
She pouted dramatically at him and shoved her chest out as she positioned herself to look up at him through her lashes.  “But, Daddy, I love chocolate.  And I thought we could share.  I was going to eat off of your spoon,” she implored in a poor imitation of a baby voice.  “I was going to lick it clean.”
His eyes flashed and moved to Zoe and Marinette, his lips widening into that same predatory smile from earlier, but before he could voice what was obviously on his mind, the door slammed open.  Marinette jumped, her arm immediately reaching for Zoe, to pull her closer while she tried to assess the situation, but the only thing she could ascertain was that the bad thing the chauffeur had warned her about, had arrived.
“Girls, eat your dessert at the bar,” Gary barked at them, his eyes staring intently at the man who had just entered, only flicking away to note the men he’d brought with him and were spreading out throughout the room.
“But, Daddy, we were going to share our dessert,” Sandy pouted.
“I said leave!” he shouted at her and shoved her away.
Sandy was barely able to catch herself before she stumbled to the ground.  Zoe helped her up and rushed her over to the bar with Marinette.  Marinette eyed the door to the bathroom, but there was a man stationed at the door.  She motioned for the two women to follow her and took a breath before walking up to him.  “Excuse me, we’d like to use the restroom.”
The man looked over her shoulder to his boss before turning back to her with a shake of his head.  “Hold it until we’re done,” he grunted.
Marinette glared at him, but let Zoe guide her back over to the bar while they waited to see what was going to happen.  She didn’t listen to the words, focusing more on the men, what weapons they appeared to have, where they were positioning themselves, how much attention they were paying to the events around them, how confident they seemed.  All of it fed into her planning, so when the first gun was pulled out, she was able to react instantly, pulling the other two women behind the bar and pushing them onto the floor, but making sure she had a good view of the exit at the back, which now had two men defending it.
If they could just get the men to move, then she could get Zoe and Sandy through the door and out the back.  There was no way to tell if there were more men waiting for them at the door to the alleyway, but as the chauffeur had said, they likely wouldn’t think anything of a group of women.  They were probably keeping their eyes out for the men working for whoever the enemy was and wouldn’t think twice about some women, especially vapid, weak women, which it shouldn’t be hard to convince men like that, that they were.
She stayed there, hidden, just listening to the sounds of bullets and punches flying, her eyes never straying from the back door, until one of the men stationed at the back door started toward them, a slightly deranged look in his eyes.  Marinette patted Zoe’s shoulder to get her to look up.  She could feel the moment she saw the same thing Marinette did, her entire body tensing, but she moved into position instantly, ready to defend themselves.
However, it had been quite a few years since they’d had to fight and as became crystal clear as soon as they started fighting, they were far out of practice.  Zoe attacked him first, throwing punches and kicking him in the knee to force him down, but he seemed to not feel her hits at all, moving smoothly past her and bucking her off into the wall of bottles.  She crashed down onto the floor with a soundless groan.
Marinette stared from Zoe to the wall of bottles behind her critically for a split second before making a decision and backing out of his way.  The man leered condescendingly at her; confident he’d scared her into submission.  She backed away from the man, close to Zoe to let the man pass before jumping into action.  She grabbed the thickest bottle she could find, which had happened to be right next to where Zoe fell and swung it into the back of his head as hard as she could.
He fell instantly, his head smacking into the ground, but the sound muted by the cushioning matt for bartenders.  Blood trickled from the back of his head, but not enough that Marinette was concerned.  Zoe knelt to check his pulse, giving Marinette a breathless nod.  Marinette nodded back and turned her attention back to the fight, seeing the damage for the first time.  Several bodies were sprawled on the ground, but for the most part, the men appeared to still be fighting.  There were several groups sequestered around the room, hiding behind inadequate barriers.  Until two new players joined the fight with a loud bang of some kind of smoke bomb.
Marinette squeaked and ducked back behind the bar.  She eyed the back door again disappointed to discover the second man was still there and clearly on the defense, his eyes darting around the room as he took it all in.  She peeked around the corner of the bar which exposed her to the man at the door, but she was confident he wasn’t a threat to them, he was far too focused on the people with weapons.
Smoke had filled the room limiting her vision.  All she could make out were vague shapes of punches being thrown, men falling against tables, and the occasional arrow, which actually confused her more than anything else she was seeing.  Zoe popped up next to her, also scrunching her face to try to see better.
Finally, the smoke cleared enough she could see people’s faces and gasped.  The chauffeur and another man who hadn’t been there before were in the thick of the fight; punching men, blocking them from shooting each other and the other man was shooting arrows that did all kinds of different things, at the goons.
“Is that… who is that?” Zoe whispered.
“I’m not actually sure,” Marinette answered blankly.
She was awed for a moment at their skillful, graceful movements but then a movement caught her eye.  Two of the goons were creeping up on the men.  Marinette moved before she could fully think through her plan.  She grabbed two of the full bottles that looked like they had the thickest glass and deftly threw them at the men, both hitting their mark easily.  She cheered at her success but squeaked and ducked back down when the remaining men in the room turned their attention to her.
She stayed ducked behind the bar until the sounds of the fighting were done, even then, not popping her head up without knowing who had won and whether Zoe and Sandy were safe.  There was little to no cover behind the bar if someone bothered to come around the side, so Marinette tried to push Sandy and Zoe as far out of the way as possible, but Zoe wouldn’t let her leave, pulling her into hiding as well.
From her new position, she could barely see the entrance to the bar area, but she was able to see someone moving past the bar and into the back passageway.  She heard a voice that sounded like the chauffeur’s, but she couldn’t be sure, calling across the room.  “Hey moron, where’d you go?”
There was a pause before he laughed loudly.  Marinette looked pointedly at Zoe, communicating an entire conversation with just a few looks.  Finally Zoe huffed and rolled her eyes with a nod.  Marinette smiled and crawled over to the entrance to the bar area just in time to see the chauffeur’s partner wheeling a large linen basket into the room with two goons knocked out inside.  “Ahh, just taking out the trash then,” her chauffeur chuckled.
She took a second to take in the scene now that the fight appeared to be finished.  Men were laying on the floor all around the room, some bleeding, some handcuffed, some tied up, some in nets for some reason, and at least one strapped to the wall with some kind of restraints tied to arrows.  She ducked back behind the bar and shook her head in shock.  Very little of the sight made sense and she’d seen plenty of fight aftermaths before.
She didn’t even notice when the chauffeur approached them, getting close enough to rest against the end of the bar and watch her, his eyebrow raised in what Marinette assumed was amusement.  She smiled sheepishly at him with a shrug.  He chuckled and shook his head as he held out his hand to help her up.  As soon as she was up and standing on her own, he gently brushed the glass and dirt off of her.  “I thought I said to go out the back,” he chided lightly.  “Not hunker down and fight.”
She raised an unamused eyebrow at him.  “Was there a secret passage we didn’t know about,” she asked sharper than she meant to use with the men who’d saved them.  “Because the exit you told me about was well guarded for the entire fight.  So, unless you have an invisibility cloak you meant for us to use, we didn’t have an option.”
He bobbed his head to the side in acquiescence and slightly sheepishly.  “Well, it’s done now, let’s get you ladies out of here.”
Sandy whimpered and hid her face in Zoe’s chest, who wrapped her up in her arms and hid her eyes.  “It’s okay, don’t look, Sandy.  It’s okay.  We’re okay,” she reassured her, speaking slowly and confidently even as she looked to Marinette for reassurance.  Marinette nodded to her and let the chauffeur take her hand to guide her through the back passage out of the restaurant back to where the car was waiting for them.
Zoe took a long, cleansing breath as soon as they got outside.  It took a few seconds before she could process everything again.  “Sandy,” she shook her head exasperated, “I know I asked for a blast of a visit, but this is not what I meant.”
Sandy looked around them, edging further into Zoe’s arms and away the trash and the men who had been knocked out, and whimpered.
The sound of sirens broke through the silence.  He whipped his head toward the sound and cocked his head, listening quietly for a few seconds.  He turned back toward them and jerked his head toward the street.  “That would be the police.  I’d say they’re about four to five blocks away.”  He opened the door of the limo as his friend pumped into the driver’s seat.  “Would you ladies care for a ride?”
“Before the police get here?” Zoe asked suspiciously.
“I don't think you want to be involved in a police investigation, do you?” he asked pointedly.
“No, we do not!” Sandy agreed instantly and jumped into the limo faster than she had earlier.  “Come on Zoe.  Marinette.”  Zoe bobbed her head to the side in agreement and crawled in with a sigh.
Marinette started toward the door but froze before getting in.  “Our fingerprints are everywhere though,” she pointed out.  “They’re going to know we were there and left.”
“We'll take care of it,” he assured her hurriedly.  “Now, get in, we only have about 30 seconds.”  He said it like a suggestion but shoved her into the car and followed after her.  Marinette didn’t even have a chance to brace herself before the limo peeled out and just in time, they turned the corner down the block just as the police turned onto the block in front of the restaurant.
Marinette climbed onto the seat and rubbed her head.  She studied the two men closely, trying to glean any clues to their role in what had just happened.  They clearly weren’t with the authorities, but they also weren’t with the gangsters.  But that didn’t mean they were safe.  And with all Sandy’s attention on her hands as she processed what just happened, and all Zoe’s attention on comforting Sandy, it was left to Marinette to make sure they were safe, or at the very least safer than they had been before.  “Who are you guys?” she finally broke the silence to ask.
“We're the good guys,” the original chauffeur grinned.  The red headed new chauffeur made a noise that didn’t really seem indicate agreement or denial to Marinette, but it seemed to mean something to the original chauffeur.  “We're the goodish guys,” he amended with a shrug to which Marinette hummed unconvinced entirely, but enough to not push it.
They arrived at the hotel in no time, again she was positive the new chauffeur had far exceeded the speed limit to get the back as quickly as possible.  As soon as they eased to a stop, the dark-haired, original chauffeur got out and opened the door for them.  “Don't forget, you ladies were never there.  You were together shopping and drinking all day,” he reminded them pointedly.
“No, we weren’t,” Sandy choked like she was insulted by the insinuation.
“Yes, we were,” Zoe insisted pointedly.  She turned Sandy by her shoulders to lead her into the hotel.  “Remember?  You must have had too much to drink.  We were drinking and shopping but didn’t find anything we wanted.”
Sandy blinked at her but let her lead her into the hotel.  “We did,” she asked carefully.
“Yep, we did,” Zoe reassured her.  She glanced back over her shoulder to catch Marinette’s eye, raising an eyebrow once she did.
Marinette nodded back furtively.  She waited until the door had closed behind them before turning to the man.  “You knew something was going down today.”  It was a statement not a question.
“We did,” he confirmed.  “The shooting was a surprise though.  It was just supposed to be a business deal that we were going to get on camera then steal the goods after,” he shrugged, “…to return it to its rightful owner,” he added quickly at seeing her raised eyebrow.  “I did offer to get you out,” he pointed out and put his hands out in innocence.
“Couldn't leave my friend,” she shrugged.  “Someone had to watch out for them.”
“That was very...” he looked away into the distance as if searching for the right word, “…stupid,” he finished.  She gasped and punched him in his unfairly firm pectoral.  She had to bite down the whimper at the pain that shot through her hand, refusing to let him know how it had affected her.  She hadn’t even hit him that hard!  But judging by the loud bark of laughter that echoed off the buildings in the street, she hadn’t been too successful.  “But noble too,” he admitted, his voice softer, more intimate.
“Here,” he handed her a card with a number scrawled on it.  “If you have any trouble with the police or that guys’ goons, or have questions, or you need a tour guide, here or Metropolis, or you get bored, or don't get bored, give me a call.”
She took his card and looked up at him through her lashes.  “And who would I be calling?
“Me,” he grinned back.
She rolled her eyes but smiled at the joke.  “And you are?”
“Jason.  Jason Todd.”  He held his hand out to her.
“It’s nice to meet you, Jason.  I'm Marinette.  Marinette Dupain-Cheng.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Marinette.”  He raised her hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to it.  He backed away, still keeping his eyes on her.  He maintained his eye contact until he’d reached the passenger door.  He gave her one more roguish smile before opening the door.  “Use the card,” he called as he slid into the seat.
“I'll think about it,” she quipped, but her warm smile betrayed her interest.
“Think hard.”  His annoyingly enticing voice carried to her even as the car pulled away.
She watched the car until it turned at the next block, only then whispering, “I don't have to.”  She was already planning to text as soon as Zoe and Sandy had calmed down and they were sure the police weren’t going to question them.
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boldlyanxious · 9 months
Value in friendship
ttt 2023
“Ladybug, we have been friends for a long time so I feel I must tell you that I wish to seek more than friendship with you.”
Ladybug startled. She had been watching the water from high on Wayne Tower, thinking about another man when Robin showed up. She realized that she had heard him land but hadn’t registered the noise because she knew it was him and felt no danger. She considered this their spot and they had even joked about it because it was hidden from view in all directions and they had never seen anyone else perch there. They frequently would sit and talk after patrol or even in silence.
She had no response. She was suddenly concerned that she had given him the wrong impression and that he would be angry. She remembered how Chat Noir had reacted when she didn’t return his feelings. She had second guessed every action after that, worried that she was somehow conveying things to him that she didn’t feel. Her shock was evident on her face though and Robin reached out for her hand. It didn’t feel romantic, with a small squeeze he held it while he spoke again.
“I have shocked you. I will give you time to think this over,” their gloves made a small noise as he released her hand. “Your response will not change our friendship. I may require a time of adjustment but I value our friendship.”
He crouched and aimed with his grapple, preparing to leave her alone. Ladybug reached out and held his forearm before he moved away.
“There is someone else. I know he loves another, but I know I shouldn’t give up.”
Her jaw was firm and she tried to cover the concern in her eyes. She worried that he would be angry for anything she might have done to lead him on.
“That is ridiculous,” he said with an edge to his voice. “Why would you wait around for him to see the amazing person you are?”
Ladybug recoiled slightly and Robin relaxed. He was clearly calming himself.
“I feel like I’m reliving the past. My partner in Paris was in love with me. He said it would be wrong to give up on love. That it would mean he wasn’t really in love with me. I waited for years for the boy I was in love with to notice me.”
“How did that make you feel to have your partner wait around, hoping you would move on?”
She paused to think about it. “It was really hard, actually. I always felt like I had to control everything I said in case he thought I was confessing to him.”
“Is it the same with the one you love? Do you look for hidden meanings in everything he says and hope that means he returns your feelings?”
She covered her mouth with her hand and her eyes got wide while she thought about it.
“I do not wish to sound like I am telling you I am a better option. I will not bring this up again for some time. If you find that you are no longer single, please let me know. Otherwise after a period of time, I will be asking again after you have had time to consider.”
Ladybug had stayed out very late last night. Robin had left after his pronouncement and then she sat there until the cold drove her away. It was deep in her bones or perhaps it was the sinking feeling in her stomach at his words.
Was she just waiting to be noticed?
He had so easily told her of his feelings and she got the feeling that if she had flat out said she didn’t return them he would have moved on and gotten over them. The situation was so much like it had been in Paris. Her masked partner was in love with her in spots but she loved a man she knew as Marinette. A man who thought she was a great friend.
It had taken her years to get over Adrien. She pined for so long but never told him. She wondered how many chances she had missed because she waited around for him instead of allowing her heart to move on. It was a shock when he admitted one day that he was in love with Ladybug. She didn’t think she had made much of an impression on him as Ladybug although she had caught him in midair and the way they landed would have been the perfect romantic superhero moment. But she was Marinette, not Ladybug and he never saw Marinette as more than the everyday ladybug when he only wanted the superhero Ladybug.
If she wanted something different, she needed to do something different. She grabbed her bag and headed out. She was leaving early but she needed to grab a coffee on the way to fortify herself.
Damian watched as Marinette rushed in. She had a large coffee cup in her hand and she looked like she had drunk the whole thing at once. She turned to drop the empty cup in the trash and her hair dropped down around her face. She pushed it back towards the pony tail she wore when she was too tired to do more. He could see the circles under her eyes. He hoped it wasn’t because of him.
He smiled as she dropped into the seat across from him. She slung the bag over the back of the chair and it clattered to the ground as the momentum kept it in motion. People around the cafe turned to look at the sudden noise. He smiled as he reached down to get it for her but she stopped him.
“Wait, I have something to say.” She slapped her hand down on the table, people who hadn’t already turned at the purse clattering down looked over at the noise. She winced slightly, at the sting. “I need to be honest with you.”
“I think I already know what you are going to say,” he said, smiling softly.
He had known for quite awhile and had wanted to tell her last night but it had not quite gone the way he hoped.
“You know?”
Her reaction was not what he was expecting. She looked stricken, like she had just swallowed an ice cube whole. Her face went white.
“I have known for a long while.”
“Oh, okay. That changes things,” she looked down for a second like she was composing herself and then reached down to hang her bag. “I just need to run to the bathroom. I had a lot of coffee.”
“I’ll just order your regular for you then.”
He saw her rush to the back. The waiter came by a moment later and he just happened to glance at the movement. He saw her sneaking out the back. He told the waiter nevermind and dropped some cash on the table for the inconvenience. He wasn’t even paying attention to the reaction as he followed Marinette out.
She wasn’t proud of her running away. She would just get a bit of distance and then text Damian that she had to leave. She just needed a valid excuse. Like she wore two different shoes. Did he see her shoes? He was weirdly observant sometimes. She just drank too much coffee. She would tell him it upset her stomach. It was hurting anyway. Was she just hungry or was it from his smirk when he said he already knew about her crush. He was laughing at her.
She ducked behind the wall, checking around her for any suspicious people. It wasn’t a full alley, just a place with a dumpster for the buildings all right here. She dug out her phone and pulled up his contact. She should probably remove the heart from his name. She selected the edit function and stared at it for a moment. She wanted to cry but it would be silly to do that over a little heart emoji.
Damian popped up suddenly and she jumped, dropping her phone. He leaned down to get it but remembering that she had his contact open she rushed down to beat him to it. Instead she cracked her head on his and he caught himself, sticking his leg out further for the balance while she tumbled backwards. He had her phone in one hand and reached out to help her with the other. She scrambled backwards away from him instead and tried to reach out for her phone.
“Sorry,” she mumbled.
She didn’t say what she was apologizing for. She wasn’t even sure. She was feeling remorse for all of it. Mostly for her feelings that were causing all of her current embarrassment. She looked down but reached for her phone again. She couldn’t meet his eyes. She might cry and she was definitely embarrassed enough.
“You left. Are you feeling okay? You seem tired today.”
“I had a late night. I think the coffee backfired and I should go lay down.”
She turned to walk away but he reached out and took her hand to get her to turn back.
“Your phone had little hearts by my name.”
“I’m sorry. I’m changing it.”
He stepped closer to her and she looked up at him as he moved closer. His hand still held hers gently. She could easily pull it away if she wanted. She should. She liked it more than she should; more than he meant. She knew that now. Robin was right. She needed to not read into every movement.
“I think you left for another reason,” he said it so matter of factly. He was always clear, leaving no room for confusion. “Tell me what you wanted to be honest about.”
“Damian please. Don’t mock me.”
She pulled her hand back then and turned away. She blinked quickly and wiped away at the tears that slipped through anyway.
“Marinette, we have been friends for a long time, and I hope that never changes. I want more than friendship with you.”
She whipped herself back around quickly and suddenly remembered the knot on her head. She hoped it wasn’t as visible as her wet eyelashes. The words were not just similar to the ones Robin had said last night. They were nearly identical.
She didn’t know what to ask but she had questions.
“I thought when you said you were going to be honest that you were going to tell me you were Ladybug. I believe that I made you feel like I was mocking you.”
“You’re Robin?”
The words sounded like she was trying to convince herself as she worked quickly to make sense of everything. She was fully prepared to leave today the same way Robin had left last night. She would nurse her wounded heart and then try to move on.
“I am Robin and you are Ladybug.”
“You know I’m Ladybug. No one was ever supposed to know though.”
“Life doesn’t work that way. I intended to tell you last night. I cannot imagine how a truly beneficial relationship would work without sharing such a big secret.”
She let her arms fall down and relaxed against the wall behind her.
“I– but you were telling Ladybug this,” she threw her hands up. “I’m just Marinette.”
He took both her hands this time. His thumb rubbed the back of one. It was soothing.
“Marinette, you are amazing. That would be true even if you were not Ladybug. I like Ladybug as a partner. She is decisive and quick on her feet. She is dedicated to the mission. I don’t love Ladybug. I love Marinette. I could see you shine through in the little moments once I knew.”
“You didn’t tell me this though, why?”
He cut her off before she could finish the thought.
“I chose the spot to tell you because it is when you are the most you after patrol. Also, it is a lot more private than anywhere else we could be and I didn’t want to discuss our identities as civilians too openly. I was only planning to tell you if you had felt the same.”
“I feel like I’m ruining everything. I made a scene and ran out,” she took a breath before continuing and placed her hand on his chest. “I was going to tell you that I loved you today.”
“How about I make it even and make a scene?”
She didn’t know what he meant until he leaned down. She definitely shouldn’t have chugged that coffee. Her heart was going to beat out of her chest. She pressed against him and worried that he would feel it. Surely he would have a bruise from it. But he didn’t seem affected. She saw his tongue dart out and wet his lips before her eyes closed and she tilted up to meet him. He moved his hand to press at the base of her neck between her shoulders. She no longer noticed that she hadn’t caught her breath, she clutched his shirt to keep herself upright.
For those few moments, she knew nothing else but their kiss. But as they slowly pulled away, breathing heavy, she could hear the noises from the people on the street. They really were making a scene, but she found she didn’t really care.
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duskyashe · 9 months
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I DID MARIBAT/DAMINETTE ART FOR THE TTT EVENT THE MARIBAT SERVER RAN THE PAST WEEK and COMPLETELY FORGOT TO POST IT Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò Luckily, I posted everything in the server and that counted for the event, so now I'm just playing catch-up (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)This post will have everything I submitted for the TTT event for convenience sake lol
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The two drawings at the top and the two just above are my Fae!Daminette au portraits, I spent a day and a half on them and I'm really proud of how they turned out (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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Next, I did Dickinette, Jasonette, and Timari as silhouettes/shadow couples, doing various couple-y things. I also did Daminette again, but theirs is a bit more special (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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I have three versions of Daminette's silhouette/shadow couple piece, simply because I couldn't decide which one liked better ╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭
I also submitted some screenshots from an upcoming vampire!Jasonette fic that may or may not count, but it wasn't finished in time to post, so that'll be coming out some time soon ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯
And that's all, folks! Have a good morning/day/night!
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intotherabithole · 9 months
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Couldn't find anyone who had done this trio before, so I made my own.
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abyssal-ali · 9 months
Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng Moodboard
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Thanks to @the-coffee-fandom @boldlyanxious and @tree-reads for giving their opinions!
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serenescribbles · 9 months
confess i loved you from the start
For the Tag Team Tournament 2023
Day 1 Prompt: Is that for me?
Hanahaki AU | This is my attempt at drawing a comic... | Lineart under the cut | Comic title from the song "From the Start" by Laufey
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The flowers pictured here are:
Dark red roses (unrequited love)
Red lilies (romantic love, sadness)
Pink lilies of the valley (love, understanding, admiration)
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bing0boing0 · 9 months
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Love at first glance
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ali-annals · 9 months
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maribatserver · 10 months
Final Round: Konette vs Cassette (Repost)
Do you ever belated realize that you've made a terrible mistake? Such as accidentally forgetting to change your poll settings from the default one day period to the usual one week?
The previous votes will not count so be sure to vote on this poll instead. The winner will be announced on Monday, July 24th.
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the-coffee-fandom · 9 months
Roy: Hey
Marinette: *hums*
Roy: Is that for me? *points to a box on the side*
Marinette: *doesn’t look up* Yep
Roy: I’m sorry.
Marinette: I know.
Roy: Please look at me.
Marinette: …
Roy: *sighs and sits down*
Roy: Look, I know I asked but that is not what I meant.
Marinette: *finally looks up at him* What did you mean then?
Roy: *sighs and slowly reaches up, giving her time to back away if she pleases, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear*
Roy: Marinette… You are the most beautiful woman in the world that I have ever laid eyes on and that I ever will lay eyes on. Every moment with you I feel like I can finally breathe again, like I’m someone. Like I belong. You complete me. I wouldn’t want to spend my life with anyone else. Please… would you do me the honour of marrying me?
Marinette: *shocked silent*
Roy: *pulls a ring out of his pocket* Please?
Marinette: *throws herself into him to hug him* Yes
Roy: I take it you forgive me then?
Marinette: Almost.
Roy: I can live with that.
Roy: Now then… I think we have something to talk about though, don’t you think.
Marinette: *pulls away and wipes tears from her eyes smiling* What do you mean?
Roy: *eyes the table* That’s a lot of chocolate…
Marinette: *giggles* Happy Birthday Roy
Roy: *kisses her forehead* A happy birthday indeed.
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mochegato · 9 months
Angel in Disguise
Jason was done with the party.  He’d done his promised time and now was absolutely ready to go home.  If it wasn’t for the fact that he’d stationed himself at the bar and not moved since, he would have done so long ago and grabbed a book and a beer, and curled up….  How ever he was going to end the sentence got lost as soon as she walked in the room.
Marinette stopped in the doorway with a glance around, assessing the room before making her way in.  Her hair was pulled back out of her face in a half-up style that looked like it had taken a while to pin.  Her long, white gown draped over her body with a golden rope cinching it in just below her bust.  It draped from shoulder to shoulder, covering everything below the neck except her arms, but clinging to all her curves, leaving little to the imagination.
Or rather, leaving much to the imagination, but Jason had quite the active imagination and currently it was taking up all of his brain power.  It took a few minutes before he was able to shake himself out of it and remember he’d had a drink halfway to his mouth when she walked in.  He straightened up and slammed the rest of the drink back before whirling on Roy with a harsh shove.  “You didn’t tell me Marinette was coming,” he hissed.
Roy held his drink away from him far too late to stop it from spilling on him.  He pursed his lips at Jason for just a moment before they pulled up into a smirk.  “Oh, did I forget to mention that?”
“I doubt it,” he groused and poured himself another drink.
“Marinette!” Roy called loudly mid pour, startling Jason so much he almost drop the bottle.
Jason was about to punch him, hard enough this time to actually knock him off his stool, when Marinette pushed through the crowd and appeared next to them with a bright smile.  “Well, you look ethereal,” Roy cooed.  He held her arms out to get a better look at her, but she batted his hands away.
“And you look like a tart,” she teased.  She made a show of looking him up and down, fully taking in his sexy policeman costume.  “Oh, I just noticed your costume.  That’s okay too.”
Roy raised an eyebrow at her and harumphed theatrically.  “I don’t have to stay here and get insulted.”  He motioned toward a group at the other side of the room.  “I could go over there and get insulted by some women who might actually go home with me.”
Marinette and Jason snorted out a laugh at the same time.  “Yeah, good luck with that,” Jason snickered.  He waited until Roy had left before leaning toward Marinette.  “He’s slept with all three of them already, he just doesn’t remember.  They do.  They only came because Tim invited them.”
Marinette giggled and watched Roy a lot more intently.  “Oh, I wish I’d known that before.  I would have stationed myself much closer to the action.”
Jason grinned and raised his glass to her in agreement.  “That for me?” she asked as she took the drink out of Jason’s hand and sipped it in one smooth movement.
“No,” he grumbled but made no move to take it back.  Instead, he grabbed a different glass and poured himself another.  “And neither is this.”  He took a drink before she could steal that glass as well and switched it to his hand further away from her for good measure when she leaned against the bar next to him, instead of taking the seat, forcing her to be closer than strictly necessary, her arms resting on the bar behind her, brushing against his arm.
He watched her carefully out of the corner of his eye as though he were protecting his drink and not because he wanted to watch the way the fabric of her apoptygma fell against her body, caressing it as she leaned back, the fabric light enough for him to make out her muscles and curves even through two layers.  It was almost distracting enough for him to miss the small white wings springing from her back.  He did a double take and snorted at the sight.  “Bit literal, isn't it?”
“Excuse me?” she asked turning fully toward him and he had to fight the pout trying to curl his lips down at the loss of contact.
He turned toward her as well to get some of the proximity back and motioned vaguely to her with one finger, the others still clutching ahold of his drink.  “You dressed as an angel.”
She crossed over her chest, her eyes narrowed playfully as she motioned to her head.  “No halo.”
He grinned and leaned closer.  “Ooohhh, fallen angel.  Even better.  Much more intriguing.”  He winked and topped off her almost full drink.  He took a beat to look her up and down.  His eyes unfocused for a split second and he leaned back into his chair, his smile becoming tighter.  “But less spot on.  I don’t think you could ever fall, even if you wanted to.”
“I’m Nike,” she huffed with a roll of her eyes.
He snickered and shook his head.  “The goddess of victory is hardly less literal.”  He took another drink and examined her outfit again, ignoring the way she examined his outfit as well.  “Nike have smaller wings or they small to be proportional to you?”
As soon as he heard the loud gasp he knew to dodge, just in time as it turned out so her punch only grazed his arm, not that it would have hurt if he hadn’t.  “It’s so I don’t hit anyone.”
He rubbed his arm dramatically.  “Yeah, you’d hate to hit someone.  Damn, Pixie use a bit less of your goddess power next time.”
She rolled her eyes and leaned against the bar again, this time facing him as she did so she could run her eyes up and down his finely tailored suit as though she were just trying to figure out his costume and not the way the lines of the suit accentuated his body.  After a few seconds she cleared her throat, hoping it cleared her head as well.  “And what are you?  A 1940’s detective?”
He shot her a dark look, not quite a glower but close.  “I’m a gangster,” he corrected.
Marinette choked out a laugh.  “Bit literal isn’t it,” she smirked over the rim of her glass.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about,” he sniffed and ran his hands over his lapels.  “I am a legitimate business owner and have been for years.”
“After you were a gangster,” she snorted.
“Crime lord, not a gangster,” he corrected, trying to keep his expression stern, but it was getting increasingly difficult with the bright grin on her lips.  It was always hard for him to grouse and grouch when she was around.  She was terrible for his reputation.
She quirked an eyebrow at him, amusement danced in her eyes.  “And the difference is?”
“Subtle,” he quipped.
She snorted and shook her head examining her drink before taking a long swig.  Her eyes worked their way back up to his with a mischievous glint and a smirk on her lips.  She leaned closer, further invading his personal space and flicked his lapel.  “I didn’t realize you knew the meaning of the word.”
He studied her eyes, leaning closer unintentionally.  “Oh, I know lots of words.”
Her smile widened as she leaned even closer very intentionally, but Tim cut in before she could quip back.  “Marinette!  Look at you!” he cheered.  His arm worked between her and Jason, pulling her away from the bar and therefore Jason as he hugged her.  “You make an amazing Nike!”
Marinette froze for the few seconds it took her to adjust to the complete change in atmosphere and realize who was hugging her.  She stepped back and looked him up and down slowly, studying every detail, but still couldn’t figure out what he was.  “Are… are you a gangster too?”
Tim gasped dramatically, pulling a hand to his bubblegum pink double-breasted suit.  “I’m Barbenheimer, of course.”
Marinette snickered and eyed his pink fedora skeptically.  “I don’t know what that word means, but you make a fabulous one.”
“Naturally,” Tim nodded solemnly.
Bernard pushed around him to hug her as well.  “Wow, Mari.  Authentic and sexy as Hell.  Completely covered and still making half the heads here turn when you walk by.”
Marinette smiled shyly and self-consciously crossed her arms over her chest.  “Thank you.”  She looked over his unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and board shorts in somber, muted colors.  She hadn’t realized they even made Hawaiian shirts in colors like that.  “And… are you Barbenmer too?” she asked uncertainly.
He chuckled.  “Barbenheimer.  No.  I’m Kenkitty.”  He grinned as he slung his arm over Tim’s shoulders.  “I’m here to support my partner on their journey.”
She nodded as though that made sense to her, but Jason barked out a loud laugh.  “Well, yours,” she motioned toward Bernard, “looks a lot easier to dance in than yours,” she motioned to Tim.
“I manage,” Tim shrugged.  “And you aren’t dancing,” he noted.
“I am not,” she agreed.
“Let’s fix that,” he grinned.  He yanked Marinette onto the floor before she could respond or even wave goodbye to Jason.  Jason had never hated Tim more.
It had reached the level of absurd.  Jason hadn’t spoken with anyone in at least an hour.  He had just holed himself up at his spot at the bar and watched the party.  While it had been more than entertaining watching Roy get slapped repeatedly by women he’d forgotten he’d already had a fling with, some women doing worse, it had not been entertaining watching all the different people dancing with Marinette all night.
It should be him.  It should be him spinning her and wrapping his arm around her waist.  It should be him pulling her against his chest and hopefully getting a better reaction than her dance partners had gotten.  But he knew it shouldn’t be.  He hadn’t been joking when he’d said being an angel would be synonymous with her.  She was kindness and light and everything that was good in this world.  Meanwhile, what was he?  A gangster would be too kind for what he was.  Even ‘reformed’ he was still too tainted, too corrupted for her.
He downed the rest of his almost completely full glass, almost spitting it out when a voice sounded right next to him.  “I think I figured out why I didn't know you were a gangster,” Marinette’s slightly winded voice announced.
Jason smirked, his lips curling against the rim of the glass.  His shoulders immediately eased at the sound of her voice, allowing a full exhale for the first time in at least an hour.  “Because my devilishly handsome looks distracted you?” he snarked.
She slid into the seat next to him and arched around to make sure he saw the unimpressed look she was giving him.  She pulled out one of the bottles and poured herself a drink.  “I didn’t know you were a gangster,” she repeated pointedly, taking a sip before continuing, “because you weren’t talking like a gangster from the American noir movies.  How was I supposed to know if you didn’t sound like one?”
Jason raised an eyebrow at her and slowly turned to face her.  “Look here, see,” he drawled.  “You dirty rat.”
Marinette stared at him incredulously for a few seconds before bursting out in laughter.  The laughter overtaking her body, shaking it until she could no longer hold herself up, folding onto the bar.  “It was better that you didn’t,” she gasped out.  “That was terrible.”
“That was amazing,” he scoffed, but his chest puffed out at the brilliantly delighted glimmer in her eye.  “Better than Eddie himself.”
“I think your English is failing you,” she snickered.
“I assure you my English is just fine.  I can do French if you prefer.  C’est magnifique,” he grinned, swaying closer to her.
“Sad,” she pouted dramatically.  “Embarrassing yourself by being so wrong in two languages now.”  She giggled at his offended gasp and studied him for a moment before taking a sip and fixing him with a more determined look.  “I think I need you to prove it to me.”
He quirked his head to the side and furrowed his brow.  “Prove it how?”
“They’re playing Key Largo at the Monarch tomorrow night.  Let’s go and we can see if it really was perfect,” she offered.  She met his eyes straight on, but her voice wavered slightly, belying her confident façade.  “Maybe we can get dinner before.”
“Like a date?” he asked cautiously, subconsciously leaning slightly away from her.
“Yes, exactly like a date… if you want,” she added anxiously.  When he hadn’t answered after a few seconds she started backtracking.  “I mean if you want.  We can just make it a friend date instead.”
He studied her eyes as she anxiously babbled.  The pain and sadness started pushing through the hope and optimism she always had.  It was like a knife to the chest.  Actually, he’d gotten a knife to the chest before.  This hurt worse.  His hand gently cupped her face before he realized he’d moved.  She froze instantly, only relaxing minusculely when his thumb tenderly caressed her cheek.  “I don’t know if it’s such a good idea.  Angel with a demon is a dangerous mix, at least for the angel.  There’s only one way that ends, and it’s never good for the angel.”
“Not an angel,” she reminded him quietly, pointing to her head.  Her voice so quiet it almost didn’t carry over the music around them.  “No halo.”
He breathed out a mirthless laugh, the corner of his lips barely pulling up into a wry smile.  “You’re still an angel.  You’re just not dressed like one.”
“And you’re not a demon,” she insisted, her voice still quiet but resolute, keeping the moment only between them.
His eyes wandered her face longingly.  “I am.  I’m just not dressed like one.”  His voice was just as quiet but where hers was encouraging, his was resigned.
Her brow wrinkled and her lips tensed as she studied him, her eyes narrowing the longer she looked.  Finally, her eyes flashed with determination, and she edged closer to him, forcing his knees apart to move between them, still maintaining some distance but demanding his full attention, as if there was anything else in the world, let alone the room, that could capture his attention at that moment.  He lost his control over his muscles as he stared in her eyes, his hands fell to his thighs just barely grazing her hips.  “I think you like to fancy yourself a fallen angel, a devil in a disguise you’re barely maintaining, destined to fail at any second, still trudging through the muck and mire of the unredeemed, looking up at all the virtuous heroes, secure in their stain free existence.
“But in reality, not all angels’ hands are clean.  The archangels are warriors,” she declared, the fire in her voice matching the one in her eyes.  “Virtue isn’t judged by how much blood is on one’s hands but why it’s there.  It’s all about who you’re protecting and who you’re hurting.”
Jason was sure he was no longer breathing.  His entire being hung on her every word and her every micro expression, and when her hands moved to cup his face, her thumbs caressing his cheeks in a glorious mimic of his earlier movement, he was positive he’d died.  “You aren’t a fallen angel, Jason.  You’re an archangel, protecting the innocent from the forces of evil that want to use and abuse and crucify them.”
She took a step closer until his knees fully bracketed her and she was close enough that he could feel her heat against his chest and legs, close enough she had to crane her neck to still meet his even with him still seated and her in heels.  She leaned forward and pushed up on her toes until her lips were so close, her breath fanned out against his and he could smell the bittersweet scent of the alcohol they’d been drinking, setting his mind racing imagining what her lips tasted like.
“You don’t scare me, M. Todd,” she whispered against his lips. 
His hands fisted in her dress as he pulled her closer until she was flush against his body, every curve melding into his body.  He towered over her, the closer position accentuating how much larger he really was.  “Maybe I should,” he whispered back. 
Her eyes darted down to his lips, her own lips widening into a smirk.  “Maybe you’ve forgotten, but I may have been chosen by the universe to be the wielder of Creation, but I need Destruction to balance me out.  So, if anything, it sounds like you are exactly what I need.  Maybe that’s why I can’t stop thinking about you, why it feels like I’m going through withdrawal then you aren’t around and why it feels like my veins are buzzing when you are this close.”
He groaned and tried to pull her even closer against him, but she held her position.  For a few long seconds, both of them stared into each other’s eyes, chests heaving like they had spent the last hour dancing, until the impasse was broken.  Marinette stepped back, putting a small distance between them that suddenly felt like a giant chasm to Jason.  She reached out and Jason closed his eyes and angled his face preparing for her to caress his face again, but she changed direction at the last second and stole his fedora instead, placing it on her head.  He opened his eyes just in time to see it fall down over her ears, hiding her victory rolls and bright blue eyes.
She pushed it up with one finger, smiling softly at his snicker.  She took a breath before quirking her lips up and tipping his hat to him.  “I’m going to go.  If you want your hat back, you can come get it tomorrow.  Maybe Jack’s at 6?”  She waited for just a few seconds before turning and slinking out of the party.
Jason watched the door she had left through for a full five minutes, completely dumbfounded by everything that had just happened, before he finally rocketed into action.  He raced after her.  The night was still young… relatively, and he had no intention of waiting until the next night to get his hat back, or finish what they had started.
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boldlyanxious · 9 months
ttt 2023
Jason- I know I asked but this is not what I meant. I am a god
Marinette- of death
Jason- I am the god of death. What do we say to the god of death?
Marinette- can I get your number?
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duskyashe · 9 months
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I DID MARIBAT/DAMINETTE ART FOR THE TTT EVENT THE MARIBAT SERVER RAN THE PAST WEEK and COMPLETELY FORGOT TO POST IT Ó⁠╭⁠╮⁠Ò Luckily, I posted everything in the server and that counted for the event, so now I'm just playing catch-up (⁠;⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)This post will have everything I submitted for the TTT event for convenience sake lol
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The two drawings at the top and the two just above are my Fae!Daminette au portraits, I spent a day and a half on them and I'm really proud of how they turned out (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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Next, I did Dickinette, Jasonette, and Timari as silhouettes/shadow couples, doing various couple-y things. I also did Daminette again, but theirs is a bit more special (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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I have three versions of Daminette's silhouette/shadow couple piece, simply because I couldn't decide which one liked better ╮⁠(⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠)⁠╭
I also submitted some screenshots from an upcoming vampire!Jasonette fic that may or may not count, but it wasn't finished in time to post, so that'll be coming out some time soon ¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯
And that's all, folks! Have a good morning/day/night!
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intotherabithole · 9 months
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I decided to do some quick art for the story I wrote for todays prompt: "is that for me?"
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abyssal-ali · 9 months
Jason Todd x Marinette Dupain-Cheng Moodboard
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Inspired by The Protection Racket by @newdog14 on ao3
Thanks to @the-coffee-fandom for providing a second opinion💜
The Red Hood image is from RED HOOD: OUTLAWS Volume 2: Prince of Gotham (my absolute favouritest look, aka Iceberg Lounge Jason my love😍)
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