isoleminori · 2 years
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Venezia, Tomaso Filippi, 1894-1897 Calle Dietro il Campaniel, San Pietro di Castello, Fondamenta Quintavalle. #venezia #veneziagram #tomasofilippi #canale #tuffo #isoleminori #isoleitaliane #mare #isole #island #sea #isola #adriatico #mediterraneo #photography #vintagephoto #vintagephotography #oldphoto #foundphoto #lostmemories #antiquephoto #oldphotos #oldphotograph #isoleminorifoto #lagunadivenezia (presso Piazza San Marco Venezia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjXj55FoO08/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lapioggiamiaamica · 4 months
Un tuffo nel passato:
Rovistando nel disordine di un vecchio cassetto, mi trovo tra le mani un libricino coperto di chiazze di muffa che sanno di antico. Lo apro e con sorpresa mi trovo ricette scritte sicuramente con penna e pennino in bella calligrafia, le leggo a fatica ma quella scrittura cosi accurata narra l’amore per quello che vi è scritto. La mia mente va a ritroso all’età delle mie elementare: quando il banco di scuola a due posti e sul lato destro di ogni scolaro, vi era un buco per far entrare il calamaio: una boccetta di vetro che il bidello tutte le mattine riempiva di inchiostro. L’abilità stava nell’intingere il pennino quel tanto che bastava perché non cadessero macchie sul foglio, per fortuna la carta assorbente era la nostra salvezza. Lentamente senza che ce ne accorgessimo la biro soppiantò il pennino. La differenza fu grande, insieme all’entusiasmo della cosa nuova. Tuttavia quel modo di scrivere ti insegnava pazienza e concentrazione, perché dovevi ben delineare ogni lettera per essere leggibile ciò che scrivevi ed evitare la tanto temuta macchia d’inchiostro, facendo nascere inconsciamente un coinvolgimento emotivo. La prima biro? Ma la vecchia cara Bic….
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Sofia Del Tuffo
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infjtarot · 1 year
Devil ~ Tuffo nel Mistero Tarot
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Human nature prevails over spirituality. Conditions surrounding Seeker may cause limitations on capability, achievement, and personal growth. Key 15: The Devil card is about bondage to the material and superficial, preference for instant gratification over delayed gratification; and as a result, the Seeker is being bound to a less-than-ideal present physical condition. The card can indicate incarceration, hopelessness, or pessimism. It represents the temptation to choose the material over the spiritual; the Seeker’s soul is in effect chained down by his or her strong materialistic desires. The Devil can also suggest addiction. It often appears in readings for alcoholics or those plagued by consumer debt. The theme of The Devil is the worship of false idols. Thus, one reading of the card suggests that the Seeker is being subjected to evil influences or the temptation to not be the most dignified version of him- or herself. The Seeker must overcome this. The card is a warning that there are negative influences preventing the Seeker from attaining his or her goals. The Seeker must break free of the bondage. If the Seeker is currently in a relationship, it could be an unhealthy one that is chaining him or her down. The card could also indicate perversity. The card suggests there are undesirable forces at play. The Seeker must work even harder at overcoming his or her inner demons. Note, however, that The Devil card does not necessarily mean the Seeker is entirely to blame. The Devil card tells of much greater karmic forces influencing the decisions and actions of the Seeker. While the Seeker is not entirely innocent and contributed adversely to the situation, the greater culpability rests elsewhere. Compare: Key 6: The Lovers in reverse is about the temptation to choose what is unethical over what is ethical, to veer from the Seeker’s own sense of right and wrong. Key 15: The Devil is about the temptation to indulge in that which is superficial or materialistic, to give in to addictions and seduction, to stimulate the physical senses and pleasures rather than pursue knowledge, understanding, or love. Key 6 is about one choice. Key 15 is about being led astray. Key 15 is also related to antagonism and dogma, despotism and enslavement.56 Recall that in The Lovers card, the Tree of Life and ascension toward God are symbolized by the burning tree with the twelve glowing flames behind the male figure. Here, in The Devil, the flame imagery repeats itself, with the beast causing the male figure’s tail to catch fire. The female figure’s tail bears fruit. The fruit on her tail is a reminder of why the pair of lovers are now here chained to the beast. If The Lovers presents a choice between virtue and desire, The Devil presents the aftermath of having abandoned virtue and indulged in desire. The Devil also indicates a Seeker who views his or her world with extreme negativity, distrust, and faithlessness. Compare: Key 17: The Star reversed also suggests pessimism, but in The Star reversed, that pessimism is a projected outlook toward the matter at hand, while here in Key 15: The Devil, the Seeker’s pessimism is toward divinity and the prospects of ascension. The Star reversed is about believing that the Seeker won’t experience a positive outcome, while The Devil is about believing that no positive outcome can possibly come from such a world. There is a streak of hatred and resentment in the negativity expressed in The Devil, while the negativity in The Star reversed is simply a frame of reference. The Devil card may call to mind Mara in Buddhism, the concept of demons tempting the Buddha away from achieving enlightenment. Mara embodies sin, unwholesome impulses, desires, and temptations away from a virtuous or spiritual life. Mara through The Devil also personifies the thirst for existence, the thirst for pleasure, the thirst for power, and sensual delights.57 The Devil is not a literal beast or demon; The Devil personifies human selfishness and indulging in that selfishness. When The Devil card appears in a reading, it indicates the temptations and vice that manifest as obstacles obstructing the attainment of our higher goals. The element of Earth governs this card; attributions associated with Earth will represent the external forces at play in the Seeker’s situation. It might also be significant to note that as the Buddha resisted the temptations of the Mara, the Buddha reached down his right hand to touch the earth and asked the earth to bear witness to the Buddha’s defeat of the Mara, the defeat of his own inner demons.58 Here, in The Devil card, yin energy is dominant. Key 15: The Devil could also relate to the sign Capricorn and, timing-wise, denote the period December 22–January 19. The imagery of the card is speculated to have been inspired by Baphomet, a horned idol purportedly worshipped by the Knights Templar, leading to their persecution during the Inquisition.59 Benebel Wen. Holistic Tarot.
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Aspettando il tramonto
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givemeanorigami · 1 year
C'è un documentario su una giovane Patti Smith e io lo scopro solo quando è già iniziato da almeno dieci minuti!? Cristo, ma ogni tanto pubblicizziamola meglio le cose belle.
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sorbet-and-gelato · 2 years
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felt like doodling a body swap with some of my fan part ocs, even if nothing like requiem is involved
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gattosmao · 2 years
Pov: quando sei in piscina e sali il trampolino più alto e fai un tuffo a bomba
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ilmondodishioren · 11 months
Un tuffo nel passato.
Ciao a tutti, amici, oggi vi porto con me indietro nel tempo, a quando più di venti anni fa (oddio ormai sono 26, sono vecchiotta 🙈) quando mi affacciavo per la prima volta alla mia passione, i manga e gli anime, in maniera seria e non solo guardandoli in tv, ma cercando materiale, info, e soprattutto fumetti. Cosa assai rara all’epoca, perché parliamo dei primi anni novanta, internet si era…
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movie--posters · 1 year
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sauolasa · 1 year
Epifania ortodossa: il tuffo nelle acque gelate dei fedeli a Mosca e in Crimea
Dal freddo delle immersioni delle acque a Mosca e in Crimea ai riti più caldi nel fiume Giordano, si rinnovano le celebrazioni dell'Epifania ortodossa
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littlevals13 · 2 years
Nun te preoccupa guaglio, c sta o mar forC sta o mar for, c sta o mar for
So so accurate today!
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girlcavalcanti · 7 months
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mi tuffo nella pece e mi trovo un impiego come spaventapasseri in australia
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infjtarot · 1 year
Judgement ~ Tuffo nel Mistero Tarot
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  Tuffo nel Mistero Tarot While certainly there are religious overtones to the name of the card and its imagery, religious feeling is not necessary to interpret the card. Most religions, from Egyptian to Christian, have had some sort of mechanism for judgment after life, and this merely mimics the idea. It is an accounting of your mistakes and the damage you have done, and a call for you to make amends. Judgment is at number twenty. How many of the world’s artists were terrible people? Oh, so many. The American writer Gertrude Stein was a Vichy France collaborator. French novelist Louis-Ferdinand Céline was a full-on Nazi. Arthur Koestler, the Hungarian-born writer, was a rapist. Legendary jazz trumpeter Miles Davis beat his wives, Michelangelo da Caravaggio, an Italian painter in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, was a murderer. And on and on. How many of them were able to fully understand and atone for their mistakes? Hardly any. I can think of one, though. Romania’s Emil Cioran, one of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century, fell under the sway of the Nazis when they first rose to power. He got a little too swept up by their rhetoric of strength and power; a little too starry-eyed in regard to the control and order they brought to their country. Many intellectuals and thinkers, from Knut Hamsun to Martin Heidegger, fell under the same spell—the exact people who should have known better. Eventually Cioran was able to see the error in his thinking, and he used that mistake to think through a new round of philosophical thought. He atoned through philosophy. He was one of the few. That is the feeling of Judgment. The need for absolution. The subject on the card here is the return of Jesus Christ to earth to judge the living and the dead. But to believe in that, we’d need to believe in the concept of sin, and we’re beyond that, you and me. Still, the sensation is useful to us: this idea of judging your past wrongs, dealing with the ramifications, and making amends. Probably you don’t have Nazi worship in your past, but there are all sorts of other ways we hurt others and go wrong in our thinking. Judgment is a difficult task, but it offers a karmic restart. In order to progress as people, or through a project, first we must find the moment that progress has stalled. There we will usually find an error. Instead of dealing with our misjudgments and the moments we were at our worst, we often just pile other things on top of them in the hopes they’ll go away. That time we betrayed a friend and caused her serious harm? We don’t talk about it or think about it; in fact, we don’t really even see that friend anymore. It is a bit like the Alcoholics Anonymous idea of making amends by going through your past, and expressing ruthless honesty and sincere remorse. This card doesn’t necessarily have to do with your personal life; it could be a problem with your project that you are refusing to acknowledge and for which you are now just trying to compensate. Maybe you stole a part of someone else’s work? Maybe you took credit for something you did not do? Maybe you willfully hurt someone with your portrayal of him or her? Come clean. Make amends. It might not be a comfortable card, but Judgment does offer a new beginning. A life after death. But it’s a card that knows that in order to be reborn, you must die first. RECOMMENDED MATERIALS The New Gods, book by Emil Cioran The Cantos, epic poem by Ezra Pound Don Giovanni, opera by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The Creative Tarot. Jessa Crispin
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miciagalattica · 2 months
...un tuffo dove l'acqua è più blù...nulla di più
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occhietti · 2 months
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Un tuffo in una tazzina di caffè
e la giornata può iniziare...
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