#ughhhh i’m so annoyed
c-optimistic · 11 months
‘I got a favorable ruling on this issue from the judge’ blah blah blah and who wrote that opposition for you? Me. But once again, zero credit.
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wewontbesleeping · 2 months
lmfao I hate being around any swifties that aren’t on tumblr bc it’s like why did I just have to unfollow this girl on instagram for deadass sharing a tiktok about an Easter egg about Meredith being dead. like can you be a normal human being for a fucking second.
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I tried to rename my blog, but the name ended up being too long. Why do you do this, Tumblr? That really got on my nerves.
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milo-is-rambling · 5 months
Me vs outlining a perfect plan for my day in my head which I can be the only one allowed to change the schedule vs my mom asking me to do 2 simple tasks
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#she was like hey can you take the trash out I was like ughhhh okay yeah give me a min (I was still ordering weed)#my mom less than a minute later : hey if you want to break down all the cardboard out there I’d appreciate it Me: actually I’d rather not I#was about to shower right after I put this weed order in#then she gets all pissed at me bc I never do what she asks and blah blah blah blah blah#like. girl. I know she can’t see in my brain but I was not awake last night watching cleaning videos and psyching myself up for a day full#of cleaning my room and showering and doing laundry and cleaning funks cage and doobs cage and making my bed and dusting my ceiling fan and#taking apart my box fan to clean it and cleaning the water pitcher in the fridge and deep cleaning#like GAH I HAVE SO MANY PLANS TODAY WHAT DO YOU MEAN I DO NOTHING AND JUST SIT ON MY ASS SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP#ripping my hair out and screaming banging my fists on the floor#I literally was like yeah I’ll take the trash out no I will not break down boxes right now and she went off on a whole fucking thing like#just shut up.#I hate it. why do I make plans in my head of the exact order I have to do things and if one person suggest doing anything differently or#pushing my schedule back further than I wanted to myself I get so annoyed I explode into a ball of flames#I wanted to shower dry off pick up weed let out funk refill the humidifier clean the bathroom mirrors throw sort and clean the bathroom#shelves sweep start a load of laundry clean off my desk which means cleaning and organizing my closet or my desk dresser thing to fit the#crap on my desk and I have to clean and reorganize the space next to my desk so I can fit my boombox there bc the humidifier took its place#next to funk and like I want to just cry why does everything have to be so fucking difficult for me why is everything simple for everyone#else and for me every simple task is composed of one million baby tasks that I have to do in the correct order forever or everyone around m#will think I’m stupid and dumb forever like WHAT THE HELL WHY IS IT SO EASY FOR EVERYONE ELSE IN MY LIFE WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU JUST DO THING#IN WHATEVER ORDER AND IT DOESNT MATTER WHAT DO YOU MEAN A 20 MINUTE SETBACK DOESNT COMPLETELY RUIN YOUR DAY#AHHHHHHHHHH I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT#BUT INSTEAD. I WILL GO TAKE THE TRASH OUT. AND NOT BREAK DOWN THE CARDBOARD BC THAT MEANS GETTING MY KNIFE AND MY HEADPHONES AND PUTTING MO#CLOTHES ON WHICH IS COUNTERINTUITIVE#TO THE WHOLE ABOUT TO TAKE A SHOWER THING#UGHHHHHHH#I am the worst human on the planet and I deserve infinite suffering#fuck this whole thing I’m pissed I’m gonna listen to music and rage clean after I pick up weed and shower
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bigothteddies · 1 year
I hate when people like. misinterpret my politeness and respect for boundaries as timidness and soft personality. Like I hate it so fucking much. They like diagnose your personality based on how you’re just being polite to them and don’t give you a chance to be anything else
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 7 months
It’s literally Christmas.
someone just asked me why I was already playing Christmas music…
I’ve lost all faith in humanity
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yujinslovr · 9 months
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ckygetsjobs · 1 year
Urge to rewatch haggard JUST for the scene with Jess
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faithinlouisfuture · 1 year
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tacit-semantics · 1 year
Hate these tatting shuttles oh my god they are NOT working with me
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banrions · 1 year
Ugh. Tbh the main reason I am hardly every here anymore (apart from never being caught up with anything anymore/dropping so many fandoms and shows) is that my phone (new!) and my laptop (also now new!!) still hate this site and barely load gifs etc any better than they did before on my old devices. Being on my dash sucks. Nothing loads. I miss this site but it’s basically useless to navigate in any of the ways I enjoy anymore.
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chemicaljacketslut · 2 years
i literally should’ve been sorry cop my harry is sooo sorry cop but unfortunately i did not know what copotypes were when i got the sorry cop thought & i took personal offense to it calling me a sorry cop so i said man fuck you and the thought never came back………
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sharkkweak · 28 days
Prettty sure one of my friends stopped talking to me because she thinks I’m weird!!!
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k-atsukibakugou · 2 months
i know they’re fun and cute but i’m Hating how every party has to have a theme these days 😭
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puppypawprince · 6 months
im kinda hungry but there’s no food for me here and for once i did suggest some food i might like before she went to the store and she just seemed annoyed with me so i guess for a while ill just eat some cereal for breakfast and whenever i get my daily breadsticks
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Every day I read things and google them and google goes “this doesn’t exist” and then I look harder and google goes “this does exist! Only for space tho”
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