#ukthxbye answers
ukthxbye · 1 year
Just wanted to tell you that I loved your tags on the Reagan post. *chef's kiss*
Thanks and fuck Reagan.
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regalpotato · 6 years
ukthxbye replied to your post: Do the vampires in this have fangs? 
I haven’t watched but I read the book if you want a spoiler…
yes, i honestly don’t care about this show (yet?) so gimme the spoiler. DO THEY HAVE FANGS?
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luminoustico · 6 years
“Breathing in the scents of the flowers, Shmi drank. 
There was more life in one garden than all of Tatooine, and in the last week, she had discovered more cultures in one teacup than she had watching any of the traders coming through Watto’s doors. 
She drank spiced nysillum tea and revelled in the sweetness. It told her of places she had never been. Of somewhere where the fields were emerald and the stars shone uninterrupted in inky black. 
Gatalentan tea calmed her. It warmed her blood, bringing to her a sense of tranquillity while her mind filled with snowy mountain tops and shimmering water.” – by the ocean’s edge (i am afraid, i am afraid)
For every 💬 I get in my inbox, I’ll post a quote from my own writing that I’m proud of! (If the word-balloon emoji doesn’t work for you, please feel free to use “____” instead.)
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simplyshelbs16xoxo · 3 years
Catch Up Tag
Tagged by @terrmissamorriver and @writingwife-83 ! Thanks, y’all!!
Rules: answer the questions and tag people you want to get to know better/catch up with!
Three ships: Sherlolly, Halice (Alice/Hatter; Syfy Alice), Kim x Ron (Kim Possible)
Last song: Blind Belief - Evanescence (x)
Last movie: Ghost Stories (I must say, Martin Freeman was excellent in that!)
Currently watching: Not right at this moment, but I’ve been watching Riviera with my mom, and we’re almost to S3 where Rupert Graves comes in!
Currently craving: Watermelon
I tag: @broadwaylover17 @strangelock221b @sherlollyandspoilers @darnedchild @ukthxbye​
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pennywaltzy · 5 years
My Fic Recs For OTW’s Feedback Fest 2019!
So I had meant to post this yesterday but I hadn’t realized I was going to be in the mood to write so much on top of reblogging the stuff for the WIPBB challenge. But here we go, my list of my absolute favorite fics that I posted to the fandom list (but with links here, because I am nice):
Some Kind of Condition by @ukthxbye – A cute bit of Sherlock Holmes & Molly Hooper fluff from a pre-relationship/strictly friendship standpoint. It’s really cute and fluffy and sweet.
the dogfather by @nonasuch – I’ve been following this on Tumblr and it’s an amazing Harry Potter AU that answers the question (and answers it so so well) “What if Harry had been given up for adoption by the Dursleys?” Like it is just so very good, I love it. One of my fave HP fics ever.
Collingwood Debutantes by PhryneFicathon & @scruggzi – A really nice look at the pre-series friendship between Phryne and Mac before Phryne heads off to England. I love it because the characters are just so well-written and it’s a really nice bit of the rebellious Phryne before we met her, plus it explains how Mac got her impeccable style.
Music of the Night by @thequeenofhades – One of my favorite AUs for the Steve Trevor/Diana Prince ship. It’s just so well written and pretty and guh, I am in love.
Heart of Stone by @strangelock221b – This is a superb twist on Greek mythology and specifically the myth of Medusa with a Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper ship. I think there’s plans for it to be a series so I’m really excited for that. It’s such a great concept and perfect execution.
Guardian Sniper by @strangelock221b – Another good one from Dreamin with the Sebastian Moran/Molly Hooper ship. A nice detailed story of how Moran came to guard Molly and switch sides. I absolutely adore this one so much.
Arm Candy by Unpretty – Absolutely one of my favorite Bruce Wayne fics. It’s just a superb look at the “ditzy playboy” persona he’s got and the reason behind it.
Always Molly by LaMorenaReina – This is absolutely hands down one of the best fics I’ve seen dealing with the aftermath of the phone call to Molly in “The Final Problem” from Sherlock. Like, it’s brilliant and I really really wish I’d written it.
Sail Away Sweet Sister by goldenadagio – One of my absolute favorite Star Wars fics. An AU that celebrates Luke and Leia’s relationship as brother and sister and as the tag says, get your kleenex.
From a Mustard Seed it Grows by @sobeautifullyobsessed – One of my favorite Sherlock/OC fics. It’s the start of a series, so there’s more to love afterward, but it’s so beautifully written and the characters are so brilliant and it is just lovely.
Novacaine by moonstone1520 – This is heavily angsty but seriously, so so good. Shows more of the darker side of Sherlock and how he deals with Danger NIghts.
The Dominatrix and the Pathologist by @onceinabluemoon13 – This is a collection of Irene Adler/Molly Hooper fics that I am absolutely enamored with. They’re so well written and it’s just such a great example of how femslash could totally work in the Sherlock universe.
Brother Dear by @whclocked – One of my favorite stories showing the friendship and love between Mycroft and Molly, especially if they were to be related through marriage.
The Clyde Job by akire_yta – I am a sucker for a good crossover and this is one of my favorites between Elementary and Leverage. It’s seriously hilarious and I love it so so so much.
A Prince Worth Waiting For by dioscureantwins – I can’t describe this fic to any capacity to say just how brilliant it is. Like, it’s a perfect set of crossovers for multiple fandoms all in one with a brilliant portrayal of Molly and I just adore it.
All Wet / Grilled by @strangelock221b – Two fics both showing the same events (Steve Roger’s 100th birthday) from the perspectives of Steve and Darcy. Such well written and cute fics, I adore them.
Christmas Getaway by @strangelock221b – Not finished but it has pretty regular updates. A really really great answer to the question “What would happen if Eddie and Venom went back to NYC and met the Avengers?” and just I cannot give this story enough love. It’s REALLY REALLY GOOD.
The Transfiguration Incident, Or Pettigrew's Problems by Kyra_Neko_Rei  - One of my favorite Tumblr posts cross-posted to AO3! I missed this in my first post of recs (along with the fic below) but this was just a hilarious “what if?” scenario describing what might have happened if McGonagal had transfigured Peter Pettigrew when the class was making the goblets from the animals. 
McCOY: Owner's Guide and Maintenance Manual by AlbusGellertAlways - A hilarious character study (with implied McCoy/Chapel if you read with a TOS slant) about our favorite med bay doctor, Leonard McCoy.
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End of the year writing meme -- A, D, F, H, N, R, S, U, V, and Z. :)
also:   ukthxbye said:  R and U for the end of the year writing meme:) and simplyshelbs16xoxo said:  A, M, P for the writing thingy
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Thank you again, ladies & fellow authors, for the asks; there are few things that rival my love of writing, but having the chance to discuss my writing comes pretty close!  ;-)
As the Christmas crunch has hit me full tilt this weekend, I’m going to answer this over several posts (also, because I’m dreadfully long-winded, and I don’t want to put any readers to sleep!).  So here goes part one…
A.  If you could rec a piece of music to accompany one of you fics, what would you pick? Why?
I’ve always been greatly inspired by music–it’s always had the power to move me down to my soul…so for certain characters that I hold dear, I have music that reflects them and gets right to the core of some pivotal moment they are experiencing. Most recently it was ABBA’s Andante, Andante as performed by Lily James in Mamma Mia II this past summer
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–refective of my OFC, Teyla, over the last few published chapters of Of Magic, Miracles, and Moonlight.
As I sat in the movie theater, from the very first line of the song, and the first strains of it’s lovely melody, I felt it was exactly Teyla’s song–for I was in the midst of writing the latest chapter, in which her slow-burn romance with Stephen Strange is finally (and beautifully, if I don’t say so myself) consummated.
D.  Any drawings or pictures that had a big influence on your writing?
Probably half of my works have been inspired by either pictures (in character or not) or drawings of My Muse (and Beautiful Obsession)! And there remain a good share of ideas that I haven’t yet had the time to flesh out and bring to life.  Most notably there was a photo of Benedict Cumberbatch from the publicity run up to Star Trek: Into Darkness; posed with a classic car on an arid California roadside, dressed in a spotless white tee & black leather pants, with his Khan-darkened hair *pauses to fan self*–he became John Harrison on the run from Admiral Marcus’s henchmen, pre the events of the movie, in A Khan By Any Other Name.
I also started a fic (In the Eye of the Beholder) about the youth of Richard Plantagenet based on a still from The Hollow Crown series. Benedict’s Richard looking darkly handsome, dangerous, sultry, in blue velvet–-a dark, magnificent prince with a cankerous heart; a villain so skillfully imbued with enough of a painful backstory (oh how his mother so cruelly rejected him!) by the Actor, that this author just had to plumb the depths of his childhood & teen years to discover why he turned out so duplicitious and power hungry (spoiler: there was a teen love affair that also broke his heart, thanks to his mother’s interference).
A Time and Place for Misbehavior was sparked by photos & footage of Benedict’s tipsy acceptance speech at the 2014 British GQ Men of the Year awards dinner, while Whiskey Kisses was inspired by his performance of ‘Sonnet 155′ in May 2010. And pictures of the dashing Major Jamie Stewart from War Horse were the seeds for The Secret of Salvation. I could go on, but I’m sure you get the picture–BC truly is the Muse for most of my works!
F.  What stories are you planning for the future?  
So many, many, many ideas, and too, too, too little time! I’ve got a good dozen draft documents with initial paragraphs & notes just waiting to be dusted off and brought to life-–but I’ve also got a bunch of long-running WIPs that need attention first. A couple of my favorite ideas are Sherlock related; a fic that will explore how Sherlock came to play the violin (an idea conceived well before S4 and the reveal of Eurus), which will also feature teenaged Mycroft and a youthful sibling rivalry (mostly on M’s part); and a character study of what is going on in all the minds of Sherlock’s family & friends while they wait to see if he survives his gunshot wound in His Last Vow, which will prominently feature Mycroft & Molly.
H.  How do you write? Paper, pen, computer? Music, no music?
Currently, I work either on my tablet or small laptop, but I also keep a notebook & pen on my nightstand for those times I wake up with a plot detail or perfect bit of dialogue.  I’m so used to writing with the television playing as white noise in the background, I know it would be hard to adapt to silence–and as my work area doesn’t have easy access to play music (and I don’t have a smart phone or an I-pod) I don’t know if music would actually serve my best interests…although I’ve will play songs repeatedly on my headphones should they fit the piece I’m working on, and I have access to public wifi. 
I guess that will do it for today; hope I didn’t put anyone to sleep! And thank you most kindly if you read this entire post through–you are a trooper (or at least a gluttoin for punishment, but that is not the deadliest sin, n’est-ce pas?)
If anyone is interested, all the stories I’ve listed can be found on AO3, where my pen name is BeautifullyObsessed.
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mizjoely · 6 years
Favorite bits from the Mofftiss Q&A
Thanks to @ukthxbye for pointing me to the link.
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(I love how they are not ruling out a S5 with answers like this.)
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avidbeader · 6 years
I got tagged by @rangergirl3 for this one:
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers! 
(1) When I have the time and opportunity, I’m good at cooking.
(2) In general I’m able to let many things roll off my back.
(3) If I love a thing, I tend to love it forever.
(4) Although I’ve gotten very good at narrowing down what I love and compartmentalizing so I can keep loving the bit even when the larger picture disappoints me.
(5) My momma raised me well and I try to be nice as a first response as much as possible.
Good grief, ten people? Um... @ineverywordandsong @significantowl @lasersheith @flashedarrow @bosstoaster @gitwrecked @tattooedsiren @flusteredkeith @ukthxbye @evilsquirrel18
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The Final Problem Sherlolly Fics A-L - Updated 04/18/20
M-Z fics based on or set just post TFP, the S4 finale, can be found here.  Fics that take place at least a few weeks post TFP can be found listed as PTFP fics. Newest stories in bold.
A Certain Point of View by welcometothelosingside (Rated K+, One-Shot) tumblr 2018 
A Heart-to-Heart Talk by LadySolitaire83 (Rated T, One-Shot) SAW 2018  AO3 2018 
A Knock at the Door (Time of the Season series) by geekmama (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
A Long Night by daisherz365 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
A Means to an End by LadyLawyer1991 (Rated M, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017 
A New Start by Dreamin (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
A Pressured Confession by CretianStar (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
A Second Cup (Aftermath series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
A Song for Molly by Imogen74 (Rated M, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Molly Leaves fic, On Holiday fic AO3 2017 
A Stratagem (Aftermath series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
A Study in Deception and Devotion by katfevre (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Parentlock, Secret Child, Pregnancy fic AO3 2017 
A Stupid Crush by sherlolly-prompts (Rated K+, One-Shot) tumblr 2018 
A Thousand “ILYs” by mellovesall (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2017
A Visit to Molly's by ZeeIternity (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Abroad (Swedenlolly fic) by writingwife83 (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) On Holiday AO3 2018 
After the Final Problem by ChiefDoctor (Rated M, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Longfic AO3 2017 
Aftermath by auditoryeden (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Aftermath by calmersky (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017 
Aftermath by garuda-dreams-of-rain (Rated T, One-Shot) tumblr 2017 
Aftermath by GarudaDreamsOfRain (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
The Aftermath by quietlymischievous (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
The Aftermath by Canislondon (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017 
Aftermath by Sundance201 (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Aftermath by FluffySherlollyFan119 (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Afterwards by browneyesparker (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Alive by BriarLily (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Amo by penfairy (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
An Act of True Love by emonemotheturtle (Rated T, One-Shot) Alt TFP AO3 2018 
An Unlocked Gate by katybaggins (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
And the Bee Loved the Rose by Rhiannon_A_Christy (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
And the Light of the World is in Darkness Now by chibiness87 (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2017 
and you can have it all by afteriwake (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Are You Going To Scarborough Fair by Lothiriel84 (Rated K, One-Shot) Another Nail In The Coffin series AO3 2017 
as inevitable as mathematics by Aerielz (Rated K+, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017 
As Simple As That by mizjoely (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Awakening by chibiness87 (Rated M, One-Shot) PWP ff.net 2017 
Baby Fever by simplyshelbs16 (Rated T, One-Shot) Married, Godparents ff.net 2020
Because It's True by Emma_Lynch (Rated K+, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Fill in the blanks fic AO3 2017 
Bedmates by Dreamin (Rated T, One-Shot) Post Reichenbach AO3 2018 
Benefit of the Doubt (Aftermath series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Blast Zone (Aftermath series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Bolthole Mixtape: Song 1 (Bolthole Mix Tape series) by ItsSweaterWeather (Rated K+, One-Shot) Songfic AO3 2017 
The Bottomless Well of Sentiment by Vega's Ring (Rated K+, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2017 
Brain on crack by agnessan (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Breakfast with Mycroft (Aftermath series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Breaking All the Rules by keeptheotherone (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Breaking Point by Annorahrose (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2019 
Broken (I Pray You’ll Have My Heart To Keep series) by moonstone1520 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Broken. Confused. Raw. by mizjoely (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Broken Promises by theSapphireSky (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Burned by Musixeer (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
The Call by madi_solo (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017 
The Call by beingonstageismagic (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Cameras by terrified (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
(Can I) Stay the Night? by Maevi (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Candy by mizjoely (Rated K, One-Shot) Valentine's Day AO3 2020
Caring (Deadlier if You Mean It series) by Emcee (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Caring is (Not) a Disadvantage by onceinabluemoon13 (Rated T, In Progress, Two-Parter) AO3 2017  
The Case of Molly Hooper by mouriana (Rated K+, One-Shot) SciFi AO3 2017 
The Case of Molly Hooper's Marriage by Carice (Rated M, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Prop/Eng AO3 2018 
Catharsis (Deadlier if You Mean It series) by Emcee (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Cause it would be a lie by Timjana (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Chemical Reactions by hobbitsdoitbetter (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2018 
Cigarettes and Splinters by flaignhan (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
Coffee and confessions by BarPurple (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
The Coffin Plate by Andristasia Grey-Darcy (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Coffins by fibrochemist (Rated T, One-Shot) tumblr 2018 
Come Into My Sleep by SiriuslyCrazyMav (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Come Undone by Annorahrose (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2020
Come What May by flimflam99 (Rated T, Complete, Two-Parter) AO3 2017 
Complicated Little Emotions by WritingWife83 (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017
Confession by examsarecomingbutimprocrastinating (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Contentment by bakerst_sherlolly (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Context by mssarahx (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Conversation (Deadlier If You Mean It series)  by Emcee (Rated T, One-Shot)AO3 2017
Courage by EllisHendricks (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Drunk!lock ff.net 2017 
the course of true love never did run smooth by emonemotheturtle (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) TFP Alt. AO3 2018 
Crossroads by katybaggins (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Crumbling Palace by MaybeSherlock (Rated M, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Swaplock AO3 2019
Cupcakes and Conversation by afteriwake (Rated K, One-Shot) Matchmaking AO3 2017 
Day One by vertual (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2020
Daytrip (Repercussions series) by MajesticMoments (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Days Unlived, Words Unsaid by EmpatheticVoice (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Defying Expectation (Time of the Season series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) Time of the Season series AO3 2017 
Domesticity (Repercussions series) by MajesticMoments (Rated K+, One-Shot) Repercussions series AO3 2017 
Dinner with John (Aftermath series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot)  AO3 2017 
Dirty Little Secret by hobbitsdoitbetter (Rated T, One-Shot) Shall We Dance?  tumblr 2017
Donatus by Lets_Summon_Sebastian (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Pregnancy fic AO3 2017 
Don't Break My Heart by flimflam99 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Dream Within a Dream by TaleasOldasTimeandSpace (Rated K+, One-Shot) Post HLV/TAB AO3 2017 
Dust in the Air by flaignhan (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Schoolgirl Crush fic, Not A Game/S4 ff.net 2017 SAMFAs Winner Best Drama & Best H/C (K-T), 2nd Place for Best Sherlock (K-T)
Emerging from Deep Waters by Peach Momiji (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
Emotional Context by FunkyCeili (Rated M, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017
Emotional Context by Chica Plutinio (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Emotional Context by hbj01 (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Emotional Context, Sherlock by versarilaetus (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) Casefic ff.net 2017 
Engraving by MajesticMoments (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
Enough is Not Enough by Virtuella (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Evermore by SimplyShelbs16 (Rated T, One-Shot) Songfic AO3 2017 
Every Cloud by Ethanamide (Rated K+, One-Shot) Songfic ff.net 2017 
Everybody Loves Somebody by Lady Dudley (Rated K, One-Shot) S4/TFP ff.net 2017 
Everything Else (Aftermath series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Everything to Gain by TheresaWritesStuff (Rated K+, One-Shot) Unplanned Pregnancy, S4/PTFP AO3 2017 
The Experiment by ImpulsiveWriter321 (Rated M, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) Casefic ff.net 2017 
The Extravagant Cost of Hope by Ukthxbye (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2020
The Fabulous Destiny of Molly Hooper by wilhelms (Rated T, One-Shot) Pregnancy fic AO3 2017 
Far From the Shallow Now... by EmpatheticVoice (Rated T, One-Shot)  Songfic AO3 2019 
Fight or Flight by Ruta (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
The Final, Final Problem by garuda dreams of rain (Rated T, One-Shot) tumblr 2018 
Finally by literal_semicolon (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Finding the Answer by daisherz365 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Firelight by ladycumberbunny (Rated K+, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) A03 2017 
For the last time by Sherlollian2016m (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
The Forced Truth by AkamaiMom (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Forgive and Forget (Bumbling Towards Ecstasy series) by denisemp (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017 
Forgive Me by daughterofathena2 (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2017 
Forgive My Transgressions by afteriwake (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Game (An Experiment series) by orphan_account (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
The Game by IdrisSmith (Rated T, One-Shot) Alt TFP AO3 2018 
The Girl Who Didn’t Count by Babe-with-Power (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2017 
Go Away, Mary by crayonbreakygal (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Good Morning by simplyshelbs16 (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2019 
Goodbye, shadows by consultingpathologist (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017
The Grit on the Lens by Writingwife83 (Rated T, Complete, Two-Parter) Victorian, TFP INS AO3 2018
He did by Jayno (Rated K+, Complete, Two-Parter) ff.net 2017 
Head(lock) vs. Heart(lock) by TaleasOldasTimeandSpace (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017
The Healing Place by ThePash (Rated M, Complete, Two-Parter) AO3 2017 
The Heart of a Detective by shipsrulemylife (Rated T, One-Shot) tumblr 2017
The Heartbroken Pathologist by GabrielaHP (Rated T, Complete, Two-Parter) ff.net 2017 
Heavy by floosilver8 (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
His Constant by LadySolitaire83 (Rated T, In Progress, Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2017 
His Appointed Role by lilsherlockian1975 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Outside Looking In ff.net 2018 
Home by HexingQueen (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017
How Many Seconds in Eternity by TaleasOldasTimeandSpace (Rated K+ One-Shot) AO3 2017 
I and Love and You by PirateOwl (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
I Can't by Crazystupidstuff (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
I Don't Love You by flimflam99 (Rated T, One-Shot) Pregnancy fic AO3 2018 
I Just Wanted To Say I Love You by SimplyShelbs16 (Rated K+, One-Shot) Songfic AO3 2017 
I Love You by darthsydious (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
I LOVE YOU by Mrs.KJones (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
I Love You by librarianmum (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
I Love You by xxDustNight88 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
I Love You by quarto (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
I Love You - A Sherlolly TFP AU by maejones (Rated T, One-Shot) tumblr 2017 
I Love you, Miss Hooper by Sherlockianfangirl36 (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017
The "I Love You" Dilemma by sfmpco (Rated K+, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017 
I Mean It by luvcsouat (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2017
I Meant It by unole_fawn1010 (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
i was just guessing at numbers and figures by katanafleet (Rated K+, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
I Won by Dream (Rated T, One-Shot) Alt TFP AO3 2018 
I Wouldn't Change A Thing by SimplyShelbs16 (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
The Ice Cream Rule by beingonstageismagic (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
I'll Be Your Fix. Take a Long Hard Hit by Notawriterjustalurker (Rated M, One-Shot) PWP AO3 2020
I'm Sorry by huntere779 (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2019 
I'm The Etcetera... by Mistykins06 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
In a Scruffy Flat on Baker Street by Texadian (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
In the Garden (Aftermath series) by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
In Truth’s Company by likingthistoomuch (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
In Which John Still Doesn't Understand by trymeokiedokie (RatedT, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Incalculable by geekmama (Rated T, One-Shot) Time of the Season series AO3 2017
Incredible by mizjoely (Rated K, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Into Darkness by solange89 (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Intuit by ClasseySpanks (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) AO3 2017 
Iodine by hobbitsdoitbetter (Rated T, One-Shot) tumblr 2018 
Is it All a Dream by Indyjb (Rated M, Complete, Two-Parter) PWP AO3 2018 
It ain't love - until it is by loveliftsusup_08 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017
It Beats by Oishi24 (Rated K, In Progress, Two-Parter) AO3 2017 
It's in the tea by sherlollian2016m (Rated K+, One-Shot) Outside Looking In AO3 2018 
It’s Just Love by lilsherlockian1975 (Rated T, One-Shot) Kidnap fic ff.net 2017 
It's Just Right by lilsherlockian1975 (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017
It's True by benevolens (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
It’s That Simple by TheNewJefferson (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Just a touch by adesperatemelodifulsoul8 (Rated K+, In Progress, Two-Parter) Soulmates AO3 2017 
Kairos by Virtuella (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2018 
Kitchen Encounter by mizjoely (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Kitty Kisses by TheWhiteLily (Rated T, One-Shot) Toby Fic AO3 2017 
Knowing and Feeling Are Two Different Things by moonstone1520 (Rated K+, One-Shot) i pray you'll have my heart to keep series AO3 2017 
The Last Dance by flimflam99 (Rated T, Complete, Two-Parter) TFP AU AO3 2018 
Last Emotion by flimflam99 (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
The Last Time by mizjoely (Rated K, One-Shot) ff.net 2018 
Latin Nights by Tboy1971 (Rated M, One-Shot) Shall We Dance? AO3 2018 
Laughter by PrairieLily (Rated T, Complete, Two-Parter) ff.net 2017 
Leave A Message by maejones (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Legendary by Lono (Rated T, Complete, Two-Parter) S4/PTFP, Molly Leaves fic ff.net 2017 SAMFAs 3rd Place Best PTFP (K-T)
The lesser of two evils by welcometothelosingside (Rated T, One-Shot) tumblr 2017 
Let me Explain by RavenHunterintheTARDIS (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
The Letter by simplyshelbs16 (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2018 
Like Love Confession, Like First Kiss by AIahureruyo (Rated T, One-Shot) SAW 2017 AO3 2017 
Little Bird by Caffeine-Faerie (Rated T, Complete, Multi-Chapter) ff.net 2017 
The Losing Side by Zarius (Rated K+, One-Shot) AO3 2019 
Love by Doctorsmelody (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017
Love A Lot by Dreamin (Rated T, One-Shot) AO3 2017 
Love, but at what cost? by chibiness87 (Rated T, One-Shot) ff.net 2017 
Love Letter from Sherrinford by StraightShooter (MsLadySmith) (Rated M, One-Shot) AO3 2017
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ukthxbye · 2 years
hiya! i asked this to someone else but they couldn't answer it. but i was curious if you had any headcanons of jack harkness meeting river song?
Sure I guess. Certainly some adventures. Maybe they slept together? Very much just meeting each other’s needs as friends. Great fanfic I can’t find again but River has a really low night, and talks to Jack about her husband. Just sort of purges all her worries and hurt. And Jack listens. And they do sleep together but it’s very much to stave away the loneliness. I think they both understand that very well.
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obaewankenope · 5 years
Fanfic time asks: May
May: a fic you have regretted posting?
Uh... probably the Palpabinks just because it snowballed into a whole lot of incoherent screaming lol
Fanfic fandom asks
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regalpotato · 6 years
@ukthxbye replied to your post: 12, 22, 38 ☺️
I own that battle dress and the boots, and the belt. have for years and it’s a weird dress(literally a deconstructed dress) made for someone with no boobs. But God you feel like a bad ass when you put on the gun and everything.
See, it’s even made for me! (I have zero boobage)
I wouldn’t even use it to cosplay River, I just really like the dress lol 
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ukthxbye · 3 years
Hi! So I was curious... I know River only knew Ten through Thirteen-- maybe more, but that's in the show's future-- but... Do you have any headcanons featuring River and Nine? I feel like they would've enjoyed each other for some reason...
She actually knew them all, shows up in the video game diary texts and also loads of Big Finish stories. Four is particularly smitten, he particularly likes recalling their honeymoon 😈
Nine would either be smitten or run away, no in between. I recall an old fic where he and Mels meet up and go through some alien attack thing. But it’s very hot, so much banter and they end up having sex in a public restroom. Neither knows who the other is but both immediately attracted.
Funny story told by Alex Kingston though. Eccleston was staying in her neighborhood while filming something. She saw him running one day and because she’s adorably naughty, she hid behind a bush and waited( I think. it’s been awhile since I heard it but she for sure did the next thing). When he came by she jumped and said “Hello Sweetie!” He proceeded to scream and run away without a word. So Nine also kind of does that in my headcanon too lol.
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ukthxbye · 3 years
Ooh, a snippet of Everything Has Its Place!!
Yes ooh ok. Well here’s the story synopsis and then a snippet. So from the Swedenlolly story we know that they are engaged. But they had a serious run in and Molly is dealing with some PTSD and depression. There is also a criminal causing issues so that’s the harder bit to do. Hmm what to show. There is a terse conversation between her and Mycroft. Yes or do I do the climatic chapter? Hmm let’s save that in case I actually finish this thing lol. Or could do her and Tom meeting randomly? Yes why not. Mind it’s just a rough bang out of dialogue mostly. I’ll give a long snippet
“So he finally went through with it all eh?"
Molly frowned, narrowing her eyes. “Finally? He and i have only been together a few months. Hardly seems finally"
She laughed nervously as he held her eyes for a moment, his look sympathetic and knowing, more than she ever observed when she was with him.
“Molly he has been in love with you for much longer, well or least he didn’t want you to be with anyone else if he was honest with himself.”
“I’m sorry…”
“When we met I knew, every bit of energy coming off him said it. “
“Trust me. I didn’t fully accept it until after the Watson wedding. That is where I found out how much you still loved him.
She looked down at her hand.
“Yeah maybe i wasn’t honest with you or myself when i said it was a little crush”
“I didn’t say the nicest things when we ended,” he sighed. “that was my pride. I hated losing you but you know over time I realize I never had all of you.
"No look, it's ok. It really is. I learned so much from it and fixed some parts of me that needed it.
And I am really in love with my fiance. And I'm quite sure you're the same.
We were wishful thinking Molly. We found our real happiness now."
Her heart hurt immediately at those words, one that she had tried to convince Sherlock of the same assertion.
“I don’t mean that in a negative way. We both wanted good things, but we were missing that one piece, that piece that we both found now.
“I don’t know what you have already gone through with him, I can imagine life is not quiet.
“Yeah, “ She half laughed, “We went to Sweden not long ago. That is where we got engaged”
Molly had no desire to convey the details of how it was perfect in a way though chaotic. A lot like them.
“Romantic i am sure” he sighed." Sure that man does nothing in halves. But I have to know, I need to be assured that he truly makes you happy Molly. I cannot tell by your look right now, it is so different, the blonde the clothes, I don’t think you changed for him, it seems more like you realized yourself… but I want to be sure”
She smirked “the clothes are part of a disguise in a sense. It threw off the tabloids for a bit and…”
Well she doesn't need to share too much.
“ and i had help with the look. I guess I changed for him in a way but I have grown accustomed to it.”
“Are you happy?”
She swallowed any doubts and focused her thoughts on Sherlock, his smile, his laugh and his arms wrapped around her at night, clinging to her like a raft in his darker moments. And that ring, more than just a pretty babble, a sign of his growth and the depth of his affection in its hidden meanings. Little secrets between them that to be honest have always been a part of their friendship. The quiet privacy they both find a way to protect.
She looks up at Tom and genuinely let her heart’s feelings burst forth on her face.
“Your face answers it,” “He makes you deeply happy and I am glad of it.My life would have been much too boring for you”
“Oh that’s unfair. I would have been very happy with you”
“No Molly you would not. Oh perhaps part of you would have. But you gotta accept there is a part of you that is built for this new life with him. No, quiet life is appealing to you in parts but there is the thrill seeker and a person who seeks a different path in you. That part I knew I could never match when I let you go.”
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ukthxbye · 3 years
Hiya! Today, I'm going to ask you... Five favorite Christmas songs. - Your Sherlolly Secret Santa
Even harder. Ok
1. “All I Want For Christmas is You” by Mariah Carey because it’s actually the perfect Christmas song. Literally music theorists have determined this, so it’s science.
2. “White Christmas” because in the south we don’t get those and the original song is about someone pining for such.
3. “O Holy Night” is a beautiful hymn with an oft omitted abolitionist verse. It’s alway awe inspiring.
“Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
And in His name all oppression shall cease.”
4. “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree” classic fun
5. Here’s a more obscure one. “Maybe This Christmas” by Ron Sexsmith which never fails to be timely.
Maybe this Christmas will mean something more
Maybe this year
Love will appear
Deeper than ever before
And maybe forgiveness will ask us to call
Someone we love
Someone we've lost
For reasons we can't quite recall, mmhmm
Maybe this Christmas
Maybe they'll be an open door
Maybe the star that shone before
Will shine once more, mm, mm, mm, mm
And maybe this Christmas will find us at last
In heavenly peace
Grateful at least
For the love we've been shown in the past, oh
Maybe this Christmas, mmhmm
Maybe this Christmas, mm
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ukthxbye · 5 years
Sherlolly #4 - “Will you just hold still?”
“Would you just hold still?”
Molly glared at a fidgeting Sherlock Holmes, her fingers wrapped tight around his heel
“It is still stinging… and it tickles,” he yelped, his bottom lip sticking until she started digging for a splinter.
Rosie stood looking closely at Sherlock’s foot, and Molly attempted to peak around her but the  blocked her light.
“I’m sorry it hurts, Uncle Sherlock,” Rosie offered hugging her doll. “Wow, it’s really red. I ran into nettles and it itched for days.”
Molly sighed and looked at Sherlock, nodding at Rosie.
“Rosie, come talk to me and let Molly work on my foot,” Sherlock waved his hand at his goddaughter and she came to his side much to Molly’s relief.
“Now Rosie, we will not go running off again—”
“I was only looking at the ducks!” she protested
“I..” he paused to grimace at Molly’s digging at a spot in his foot. “ I know but I didn’t know that you have to tell us what you are going to do.”
A stern look, Molly risked a glance up to watch their exchange. But there was a gentleness in his eyes.
“Okay,” Rosie sighed and looked at Molly focused on her examination. “She’s a doctor right?”
Sherlock smiled, “Yes very much so.”
“Like Daddy?”
“Better,” he flinched at Molly’s slip of the tweezers.  "Well, more specialized"
“Yes.” His eyes fixed on Molly and he spied the colour spread across her cheeks. She only knew she felt warm in her jumper suddenly.
Rosie paused petting her doll’s hair, appearing to be in deep thought.  "But she can make you all better?“
"I’m sure she can… I only have to be still and let her,” he said low, lingering on the words as Molly met his gaze. But a gulp followed and Molly averted her eyes down at his foot again to release his stare. But his eyes remains fixed. Molly’s hand trembled, and she stopped to hold them together, deep breathing to steady.
“Okay!” Rosie grinned at Molly and skipped over to put her doll with the others across the room.
“I’m almost done,” Molly croaked out, shocking herself at her falter in her voice. She cleared her throat as she finished applying some cream hastily. “So no more running off into the briers with you.” She released his foot with an exaggerated grin looking away soon as she caught his stare.
“Thank you, Molly… always.”
“It OK… someone has to take care of you,” she giggled, all nerve ending exposed and she felt his stare like a heat lamp.
“Molly, I'm—”
Everyone looked to door, and an opened armed John scooping up his little girl.
He sighed, “ I hope you were good for Aunt Molly and Uncle Sherlock,”
Sherlock and Molly glanced at each other and opened their mouths to speak but Rosie began to tell the tale of her running off toward the pond and Sherlock chasing after her.
“I was just looking at the ducks promise!,” she cried.
“I happened to be bare footed and found nettles and briers,” Sherlock sighed.
“But Aunt Molly made him all better. Because she is special, and he stayed still!” she advised with excitement.
John snickered looking between the two, “ Yes she is. Now let’s head home and get some supper.”
Molly shot up from her seat, “I’ll walk out with you two.”
John stared at Sherlock as she retrieved coat from across the room, and mouthed, “Stop her. Ask her.”
Sherlock frowned about to mouth something back but flipped it to a large smile when Molly returned.
She swallowed hard, “I’ll see you later?”
“How about dinner with me instead?” That gulp again, not quite looking into her eyes.
“Instead of?” She paused, slipping on her coat.
“Whatever else you were going to do… though if you are—”
“No I’m not… I mean, I… dinner sounds great.” She didn’t flinch from his stare now.
“Great,” he smiled, soft and just at the corner of his mouth almost like in disbelief. “I can call delivery?”
“Great, ” she grinned, and he matched it.  
John grabbed Rosie’s coat and set her down., He chided her as she squirmed,  "Hold still.“ As he worked on the zipper he observed Molly and Sherlock standing in place, John cut his eyes to Molly struggling with her coat sleeves when Sherlock glanced at him.
"Yes… let me help you with your coat,” Sherlock rushed to Molly as she started taking it off.
“Oh no, it’s fine,” she moved away but Rosie cried out, “You gotta hold still, Aunt Molly!”
John chuckled and Molly shifted back toward Sherlock, letting him take her coat.
She glanced at Rosie but her eyes turned back to Sherlock, smiling, “You’re absolutely correct, Rosie.”
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