#using HZ... so everyone knows what episode it is
hupla222 · 4 months
Silly Little Summaries HZ001-HZ005
So I've seen other people reviewing episodes of Horizons and I really wanted to do the same but I don't have the time for full reviews. So instead I'll be writing very short, very dumb summaries of each episode in bunches of five. These are written with love of the show in mind and are just for fun so don't take them too seriously now. Without further ado here are the first five "reviews":
HZ001: Cat Girl starts school and is promptly attacked by Tofu and kidnapped by Pirates + she acquires Leafage.
HZ002: These Pirates are the good kind but Leafage gets yoinked + Tofu fights Mr. Doctor Professor and his partner Spongebob.
HZ003: Cat Girl reacquires Leafage and becomes a Pirate + proper introductions for John, Swiss, and Merryweather
Alternate Title: Cat Girl gets her p*ssy back
HZ004: Friede Jr. finds Hungry, a flag, and a dream 
HZ005: Friede Jr. is still Hungry + Swiss can’t sew but bugs can
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
some weekend sweets : asian games, roborock, duck and double standards.
before we all celebrate 9/5, have some candy from the past days. 🍭 i hope you are all having a good weekend.
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1. Last friday, a statement from Asian Games was going around and it’s about them recognizing the film One & Only. People were quick to connect the fact that GG is the Ambassador for the HZ Asian Games and this is an indirect collaboration for our boys.
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this is part of the statement :
The Organizing Committee of the 19th Asian Games in 2022 plans and exclusively authorizes Ruyi Pictures (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd. filmed the Asian Games-themed movie "One and Only" in 2022.
It started in Hangzhou on May 27, and was successfully completed on August 5. The film was directed by Dapeng, Huang Bo and Wang Yibo lead the cast, and Chen Zhixi serves as the chief producer. A new competition item, breakdance, will be added as a carrier, telling the story of teenagers who are pursuing their hip-hop dreams. Under the guidance of the coach, overcome many obstacles and shine on the stage of love.
The film integrates the beautiful image of Hangzhou city and the concept of the Asian Games into it. It lets the general public feel the charm of the Asian Games and the beauty of the city inside and outside the stadium, constantly deepen the understanding and understanding of Hangzhou at home and abroad, and enhance the popularity and reputation of Hangzhou city.
Turtles always ask when the boys will work together again or collaborate, and I think this kind of connection is what we will be having first. It may not be a direct drama/movie collaboration yet, but expect to see them be involved in the same efforts like this one. It is definitely on brand for them because they are all about representing their country and promoting things they love. This “thank you” from the asian games committee is decided by lots of people and takes into consideration that the film will be a good way to promote the games and the city. It’s nice that XZ/WYB are both ( in a way ) at the forefront of endorsing the games to the larger population.
I also remembered this bit today ( and thought about making a CPN post ) because in the let’s chat episode, Bobo was talking about the dance competition championship he watched. Then he said they have a better chance to participate in the Olympics. He really is serious in promoting street dance as a sport and i’m sure it’s no problem for him to lend his celebrity status to do so.
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I am excited to see their names pop up in other events together, where people don’t really have a choice but to shut their mouth and support whatever it is they are working on. The Asian Games are postponed because of COVID and is to resume next year. I hope it goes well and both boys get to be a part of it and represent their Country 🇨🇳
2. So funny because in SDC episode 4, we all saw Roborock as one of the sponsors. Not just roborock, but the G10s model, which GG recently endorsed. I’m not saying GG made this possible or what— it’s just a coincidence. Lol. Thank you Roborock for supporting this season of SDC 🙏🏼 and I think it’s a good thing they are gaining sponsors because it wasn’t that much when they started. Just shows that the program is popular so brands wants a piece of it.
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3. In the let’s chat episode 3, while everyone was busy playing — Bobo was fiddling with other things. Specifically, a Duck toy. Hmmmm. Why did he get that? Mayhaps, it reminds him of a certain someone who recommended it to use when you are soaking your feet. This is the kind of thing that only turtles will know because of what we know of them. ☺️
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4. I just have to spotlight this again! Ahhhhh!!!! I don’t remember the 🦴 necklace getting this much visibility before! and Bobo is extra happy/giddy in this episode. Having said that, I will be keeping an eye out on every frame of next week’s episode in case I see the reason why. Lol.
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5. Lastly, have some good old double standards in Yibo’s POV. 🤍
• When asked in his Cosmo interview how people often describe him, he says someone who doesn’t talk much. Well, not a new information, but with ZZ he is the most talkative. We see him interact with his colleagues and even on SDC, but he has to be prompted. Or he will say something and then it ends for a while. It’s not the kind of pestering he does with ZZ 😂😂
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I know I said I don’t like doing double standards anymore, especially like this, implying that Bobo won’t open up to anyone other than ZZ. We do like him having friends — and actually, what I think about is that his relationship with ZZ allowed him to be more relaxed in interacting with people. 💕
• A BAH bts showed one of his co stars asking him where his injury is. A normal question from a colleague, not really worrying much. Compared this to ZZ’s constant worrying even in the slightest chance that Bobo will get hurt 🥺
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AND OH, I noticed this in the Let’s Chat episode!
I don’t know what Bouboo’s relationship status is but his reaction and Yibo’s is making me 👀. Is he shy because he does not want to be put on the spot and talk? Or is it something else? I didn’t expect Bobo to do this. HAHAHAHAHA! He is like the kind of person who is in a loving relationship so he wants his friends to have a partner too! 😂😂😂 Bobo, not all of us can be in a sweet relationship like yours! 🙃
- END.
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sirfrogsworth · 5 years
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I never know how people will react if I correct them. Charlie is a friend of a friend on facebook. It was a discussion about how dark GoT was last night. Not dark like... emotional. Dark like “I can’t see what the heck is happening!” 
And this guy and my friend were basically saying, “GET A BETTER TV.” Like everyone can afford to just do that. 
But I’m not sure Charlie here knows what a “better TV” even means. He started talking about 60Hz and color despite them having nothing to do with each other. And I was like, “Do I get all nerdy and correct him? Will he get mad? People love being told they’re wrong, right?”
Here is what I wrote but didn’t post. 
Charlie, 60Hz refers to the refresh rate which is how many frames are displayed in a second. It has nothing to do with the colors. 
GoT is filmed at 24 frames per second, so 60Hz is more than enough. In fact, higher refresh rates can actually make the motion appear worse. Either through motion smoothing (turn that off if you can) which causes a soap opera effect. Or it could even appear jerky because the refresh rate is not easily divisible by 24. It depends on if your TV has functions to deal with that. 
The only reason there are high refresh rate TVs is for video games and sports broadcasts. Despite its limited usefulness outside video games, they still use Hz as a marketing ploy for overall quality of the display. “Higher number is better!” But people rarely watch anything past 24Hz. Most people will find 120Hz and 240Hz displays troublesome if they don’t know how to adjust them properly.
I think the actual problem viewing GoT is related to contrast ratio. The amount of detail that can be displayed in light and dark areas. Cheaper TVs can't display good blacks and do not have a very high “nit” output (how bright the pixels can get). So the dark areas are gray and mushy and the light areas aren't very bright. Detail at the light and dark extremes can get lost easily.
The thing is, the colorist for GoT probably could have tuned the picture to display better on cheaper TVs. Unless the visual effects have no shadow detail baked into them (which I doubt since they probably want to release an HDR version someday), it’s actually not very hard to do. And it's kinda sucky that they didn't do that. 
Making your show only look good on $3000 OLED displays is lame. I can understand doing that for the 4K HDR blu-ray, but for broadcast and streaming they could have made a small tweak to the shadow detail that still would have looked good on the fancy TVs and allowed people who can’t afford them to see the content as well. 
For people having trouble seeing the episode, you might try reducing your contrast on your display a bit and then increasing the brightness. If you have a “gamma” function, you might also try increasing that as well. Also, watch it in the darkest room possible. 
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unseelieofficial · 4 years
Episode 31 | Why So Silent?
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SUMMARY As we all expected, our One Good Night goes to absolute shit from every direction. Some rebellion-flavored beans are spilled, Oberon comes back, Lugh experiences PTSD, Robin’s messy ex causes problems, and Circe arrives with a special party surprise.
"Of course, we never spoke." Titania nods, and looks away pointedly. "That's why I'm telling you this. I know it benefits me to have this branch of the family out of the way, but I don't care much for war. I'm not a Rex." Titania looks back at the intrusion. "It seems you're being summoned. Remember, you're stronger together! Particularly if you have a few people who are really, really good at magic."
After our HZ content, we reconvene by the snacks.
Mack is here
Sadie is Distressed
These things are overshadowed by Saoirse introducing us to Willow
Who... says some rebellion shit in Sylvan. 
Mack takes off, Jim follows, things are awkward. 
Ori summons us to talk to Cass
We eventually head over to see what kind of trouble we’re in.
Titania is here. Circe is here. Lugh is also here, but we didn’t bring him, Robin did. Our mission: get him the fuck out of here.
We text Lugh to track him down. He’s not much help. Wally calls, but we’re cut off, and things get a little more urgent. 
We head to the library.
The scene in the library isn’t great. 
Lugh is there, mask shattered, cowering in front of Oberon.
Othello tries body-checking Oberon. When that doesn’t work, he tries to help Lugh. Who decks him. Hard. Such is Othello’s life.
Oberon is confused. He doesn’t remember anything. Poppy Handles him. 
Sadie manages to calm Lugh down a little.
Jimothy pulls Poppy aside to say something’s up with Merowech. She sends him off to figure it out. 
Poppy exits with Oberon, and then comes back, because Circe is on the balcony ranting and raving to the crowd, her kids at her side. 
While they’re gone, Sadie tells everyone something’s up with Robin
Sadie had texted Robin asking about Lugh, and got some very scary responses from someone who definitely wasn’t Robin
Sadie shows us the texts and Poppy scries for when they were written
It was Titania. Robin was with her earlier. 
Poppy tells everyone this. Very awkward, trying not to outright say Robin’s with his toxic ex(????????)
Oberon knows where they are. He waits in the hallway. 
Time to send Lugh home. Poppy tries to calm him down. He’s a little better without Oberon in the room, but he can’t manage English. 
Fomorian eventually gives way to Irish, which Saoirse can translate. 
He gives Poppy his broach and heads back to the hotel.
While this is happening, Jimothy keeps us updated in the group chat. 
We choose Stealth over Riot
He has Kali guarding Mack and Ori on his side. He’s good.
He’s going to try getting eyes on Cass
Oberon takes us to Titania’s bedroom.
Poppy hangs back with Sadie long enough to warn her about Titania and Robin’s affair, which she didn’t even have to do, because...
Some investigation shows us Robin isn’t there. 
Titania is alone on the balcony.
Poppy and Othello approach, Acting Natural, while Saoirse and Wally investigate in the bedroom
Titania Knows All, and she’s giving it up pretty easily
She doesn’t want to be associated with Circe. She came here to see someone she missed. kill yourself That someone got called to her mother’s side.
Saoirse and Wally find Robin’s phone smashed in the bedroom
Titania warns us against re-joining the party, and starts spilling why. 
She knows Oberon is back, and calls him Circe’s failed experiment. 
Implies that Merowech has always been better at magic
It’s pretty clear that she’s saying Merowech is going Witch
Titania isn’t aligned with Circe, she’s doing her own thing. 
She says we’re stronger together, and stresses we need big magic
Like, say, Max, Merowech’s sorcerer son. 
Poppy and Othello leave Titania and rejoin the others.
Jimothy has been updating us this whole time. 
Cass and Merowech are fighting.
They’re in the basement. It was a bad scene. Cosmo is hurt. There was a mind-fucking fog. 
Poppy tells everyone Merowech is going witch
Oberon is going to fight with us
Poppy sends Oberon off to find us some weapons and tries to get a hold of Max over text. 
Ori is calling in the cavalry. Jim is with Cosmo.
The team gets to take a breather while we wait for Oberon and Max to join us. 
A breakdown of some of the pieces on this 3D chessboard:
Circe: Occupied, ranting and raving over the party. A distraction, or is she that sure Merowech’s gonna wreck Cass’ shop?
Lugh: Safe at home. CP24 as self care. 
Mack: Here and pre-death. Guarded by Kali. Can NOT be anywhere NEAR his father or it’s gonna be bad.
Merowech: Is or is going to be a witch, fighting Cass in the basement
Oberon: Back, amnesiac, but cooperating. Circe either didn’t think he was a threat, or is going to turn this against us somehow. Was a “failed experiment.” Side effects? 
Prophecy:  "The Hanged Man (Khen) laughs, the Bluebird (Jasper) sings, and the Crow (Merowech) makes its move. Two arrows, one outcome."
Robin: Was with Titania, but was called to his mother’s side with Feli. 
Titania: Knows All and told us all of it too easily. Does she really want to avoid a war or does she have her own background scheme? Knows about Moonface. This will be bad. 
Us: Boned.
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theweekendbriefs · 4 years
Weekend Briefs - 05 June 2020
Hello Everyone!
What a week has this been. We had cyclone Nisarga hitting and skidding off the Island City of Bombay, protests erupting all across the US over George Floyd’s death ( at the hands of a system ), SpaceX + NASA off to space, an elephant falling prey to a trap bomb, and all the frenzy filled up on our screens and feeds. Looks like COVID-19 is defining our new normals constantly.  Amidst all this, the week has just flown and its Friday once again, The Weekend is already on our doorsteps. 
There is so much special love for The Weekend. We all are looking forward to some relaxing , reflecting, eating well ( and full ) and gearing up for the next week. Without much ado, here is the Weekend Briefs for 05 June 2020. 
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Image courtesy : mixit.co
First up on what to read :
Kindness is our sure shot of hope...post COVID-19
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Source : Getty Images / Thinkstock / Indian Express
Shelja Sen writes about why practicing kindness in these times of uncertainty is our survival drug. Her article focuses on the many things we could do during this time and her take on ‘Playfulness Quotient’ (PG) is a beautiful take on how to break the monotony and uncertainty of life during these times
This article was published on the Sunday Eye, Indian Express. You can read the article here.
Online Teaching
Yes, we are all gearing up towards an online semester and more than a response to the pandemic it's a pedagogical challenge. What and how will be teach online is one question on minds of educators, teachers, university administrators and of course students involved in all kinds of streams. The more probing question at the heart of the conversation is, How effective or special is online teaching compared to face to face learning?
LeighAHall writes on these exact questions in this article published at Medium.
Last one on the reading list for the weekend.
“Bangalore, what a rocking city yaar...”, when Aju ( played by the ever charming Dulquer Salman ) in Bangalore Days ( 2015, Malayalam, Available for streaming on Disney+Hotstar ) our imagination goes sky high with him. Termed as India’s Silicon Valley, Bangalore has been a hot shot destination for those who looking to work in the IT industry. However, there exists a sharp contrast and EPW’s Engage explores these contrasting images around the Outer Ring Road-Bellandur region. This interesting photo essay shows a tale of two cities, one shaped by the another. You can read the article here.
P.S Check out EPW’s Engage for interesting articles on Democracy, Gender, Power and much more. 
Enough of reading! Tell us something to watch!
What makes the best teams in the world? Cooperation? The strive to success? The ability to reflect and learn from failures? Well the answer is a mixed bag and who better to answer it than the battered yet resurgent Australian Cricket Team. The Test : A New Era for the Australian Cricket Team ( 2020, English, Available for streaming on Amazon Prime ) explores the psyche, camaraderie, bitterness of the new Australian Team after the famous Sandpapergate controversy. Under the aegis of Justin Langer and new leadership icons the team undergoes a tumultuous transformation captured up and close.
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Image Source : Amazon Prime Video
Recommended watching for a bunch of people going to work as a team very soon :)
Fans of The Office, you are in for a treat as Steve Carell’s latest outing “ Space Force” has just debuted on Netflix. Who knows better to tickle the funny bone than Steve Carell? 
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Image Source : The Verge
What do you think we should listen to?
Our dear friend Navnit, after constant prodding has agreed to curate podcasts for this page. He suggested all heavy lifting podcasts dealing with  Freak-o-Economics to India- Pak conflict. Finally, after much debate, we settled onto 20,000 Hertz.  
20k Hz talks about stories behind the worlds most recognisable voices, from Siri to Alexa to the many voices that fill our daily life. 
Listen to the first episode on Siri, featuring the original voice of Siri, Susan Bennet.
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and for fans of Lo-Fi playlists to work, study, relax over the weekend here is an excellent 2-hour playlist, “ Looking at the Sky ”  to lift your mood.
Well that's all for this weekend. Hope you all have a killer best of the time on Saturday and Sunday. 
The Weekend Briefs would like to thank Shreesha for her quick research for articles to read and Navnit for the playlist suggestion. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to write to us. 
Thanks all! Happy Weekend. 
Signing off, 
The Weekend Briefs. 
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Exploitation of Musicians
I am hoping that after reading this, everyone has more respect, a deeper understanding and a more mindful approach towards musicians.
There is an ever-growing unhappiness I see in the musicians' eyes, and just the heartbreak you hear in their voices, despite the lyrics or songs.
I feel a need to make a change in their lives as much as they bring about a difference in mine. I feel that everyone who listens to music should read and share this article. Even if it only reaches a few people this may help to change the view and actions people have toward musicians in a positive and more insightful way.
Musicians are not just entertainers. They too have to deal with life, but we (fans, industry) don't allow them to do anything peacefully and with clear thoughts, I know that I've also been guilty of this. We have put so much pressure on these people. Their lives are always under a microscope. It is not always possible for musicians to stay sane when they are continually pushed and placed under stress and scrutiny, I will elaborate on this later.
Looking at it deeper as discussed, we place a lot of pressure on these musicians. Pressures to be on tour, pump out new music, promote their music through interviews and social media with the expectation set of each album being better and crisper than the previous. This can cause anxiety, high-stress levels, and depression. They then turn to Substance abuse to cope and keep them going, etc. Talented people are left in this cycle running down a rabbit hole leading them deeper and deeper into self-destructive patterns/behaviour.
For a better understanding of the point I'm trying to make, below I’ve summarized facts that I found during my research for this article.
The truth is that not everyone can be a musician: dedication, hard work, talent, persistence, and perseverance set them apart from everyone else, as with any career where people are good at what they do. There is a deep understanding and passions, but apart from that, I’d like to share some studies done on the differences between a musician and a non-musicians mind so everyone can understand how special they truly are.
Differences between a Musician & Non-musicians Brain:
Using Frequency Following response (FFR) experiments, scientists found that musicians may have a better musical memory as well as enhanced verbal memory compared to non-musicians.
 Areas within the brain responsible for motor control auditory processing & spatial coordination is larger in musicians’ brains.
The Corpus Callosum of musicians is larger. These nerves make it possible for both hemispheres of the brain to communicate with each other.
In the book Musicophillia, that Dr Oliver Sack wrote he said, "Anatomists would be hard put to identify the brain of a visual artist, a writer, or even a mathematician – but they could recognize the brain of a professional musician without a moment's hesitation."
Everyone has read or heard that music is good for your soul and so on, but below, I have listed how important and good it truly is.
Effects music has on us:
Chemistry - When you listen to 'pleasant' music, for instance, this can lead to the production of serotonin and dopamine, which are the happiness hormones.
Chronic headaches & migraine remedy
It improves sleep.
In Sync - One thing that research tells us about music is that it can 'entrain' our brainwaves.
Increases verbal Intelligence
Listening to certain music can actually alter the way you perceive (see) another persons face.
Mozart's anti-seizure effect- The latest 2014 study revealed that listening to Mozart K 448 (Sonata for Two Pianos in D major) reduced the seizure recurrence and epileptic form discharges in children epilepsy.
Music greatly affects and alters our moods.
Music has the power to enhance some kinds of higher brain function: Reading and literacy skills, Spatial-temporal reasoning, Mathematical abilities, and Emotional intelligence, Recall of autobiographical and episodic information
Music improves concentration and attention.
Music improves mood and decreases depression.
Music improves neuroplasticity – this is the brain's ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury.
Music improves overall health.
Music improves physical activity and motivation.
Music reduces pain & helps the healing process.
Music reduces stress, aids relaxation & lessens anxiety.
It promotes Post-Stroke Recovery.
It raises IQ, academic performance, memory & learning ability.
Reducing blood pressure
The four central hypotheses explaining music's facilitation of exercise performance include - Reduction in the feeling of fatigue, Increase in levels of psychological arousal,  Physiological relaxation response, Improvement in motor coordination,  Body movement and coordination, Music helps to work more productively.
Tinnitus -Music therapy in the early stage of tinnitus can prevent tinnitus from becoming a chronic condition.
***Interesting Fact - Specific frequencies induce different states in our brain:
Beta Waves
Hertz Level: 14–40 Hz
Effect:  Awake, normal alert consciousness
Example: Actively conversing or engaging in work
Alpha Waves
Hertz Level:  8–14 Hz
Effect: Calm, relaxed.
Example:  Meditating, reflecting, taking a break from work
Theta Waves
Hertz Level: 4–8 Hz
Effect: Deep relaxation and meditation, mental imagery
Example: Daydreaming
Delta waves
Hertz Level: 0–4 Hz
Effect: Deep, dreamless sleep.
Example: Experiencing REM sleep
It is now clearer how music & musicians enrich our lives, offering more than we realize to us.
There are a few factors to consider when thinking of people within the music industry. They are placed under huge amounts of scrutiny and stress to live up to expectations, having to deal with life, and demands to make sure to stay relevant and at the top.
Studies found that due to fame many people suffer, and struggle. Although this is, what musicians want and work very hard to achieve these studies have concluded that the reason people strive for fame usually is due to a deep need for feeling accepted, loved and appreciated. When the realization that the void isn’t being filled becomes clear, it can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction, disappointment and heartbreak. The dire need to try to fill the void expands and deepens. This is not to mention the detrimental effects that fame has along with the pressure, and trying to deal with this "void" daily.
Effects fame can have on people:
No Privacy
Intense scrutiny if it is their personal lives or in their career.
Huge amounts of pressure usually unrealistic expectations from fans as well as the industry/labels/managers, etc. to stay relevant and achieve.
Paranoia increases
Feeling suffocated "like a caged animal"
Lost sense of self
Feeling unfulfilled /Loss sense of challenges
Fear of becoming irrelevant
Feeling inferior or undeserving.
Feeling alienated and isolated intense.
This can lead to:
Self-doubt and higher levels of insecurity within work- and personal life.
Self-destructive behaviour occurs.
Depression and anxiety levels rise.
Mental instability and stress heighten.
Due to above-mentioned musicians turn to substance abuse and alternative coping mechanisms, they are just humans that are expected to have god-like abilities in the sense of juggling everything in their personal and professional life. Trying to cope, keeping everyone happy, staying sane and at the top. 
The most frightening aspect isn't the abuse of anything but that supposedly “caring” fans, the "industry" and their management teams watch from the sidelines how the out of control spiral happens. No helping hand is extended as it is a "do whatever is needed” industry. If it is required to take something to stay at a certain level or achieve a goal, it will be catered for or even sourced, leading to a dependency in some cases.
Effects of long-term Substance Abuse:
Due to numerous factors, depression, paranoia, and anxiety, form or worsen this also means that the kidneys, liver, heart and lungs start developing deadly problems. Now, this is a bit of a catch 22 situation. Is the depression or substance abuse a result or a cause and vice versa.
Ways to Manage Stress, Pressure and Anxiety along with the reasons musicians struggle to break the cycle:
Take time out — Being on the run and having to be relevant doesn't allow proper downtime.
Eat healthily — when you are in the studio or on tour doing shows, eating healthy isn't always an available option.
Limit caffeine intake - When you need to stay awake Caffeine is usually option one.
Exercise daily — again on tour or having to be in the studio allow little to no time for exercise.
Get enough Sleep — again on tour, having to be in the studio, having to work on new projects there isn’t time available to get enough sleep. 
Don't Use Drugs & Alcohol — Dependency is usually created due to the need to stay awake, calm nerves when performing or whatever the case may be, this is already a lost cause. 
If you break down the Pressure, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression - all these require good sleep patterns, eating healthy etc. that is nearly impossible if you are on tour for months at a time or busy with new projects or just in the studio recording new material. Consequently, this spiral just continues daily.
Furthermore, according to the site "weheartmusic" from the 1st of January until the 4th of September this year already 439 musicians have passed away, in 2017, 589 musicians were lost and in 2016, 603. I find this very sad and heartbreaking to say the least. I will be adding the reasons and causes at a later stage.(As this is a lot of data to work through)
So, in conclusion, I truly hope with all the information gathered and presented that everyone that reads this, will be more caring, more aware, considerate and conscious in what they expect, and the demands they place on the musicians they adore or actually just musicians in general.
Below are interviews with just a few musicians we lost in 2017. When no one was listening.
Chester Bennington
Col Bruce Hampton
Chris Cornell
Gregg Allman
 In the future, I would like to conduct interviews with a few Musicians and get their views and their feelings about their own lives within this industry, so everyone can understand where they are coming from and going through on a daily basis.
Please see the reference list below:
“Do Musicians Have Different Brains?”
“Musician Psychology Accounts for Talent, Success”
“Behind the music: Why are musicians more likely to suffer from depression?”
“Insomnia, anxiety, break-ups … musicians on the dark side of touring”
“The Psychological Consequences of Fame”
“The psychological impact of being in the spotlight: the emotional struggle of celebrities”
“Fame is a Dangerous Drug: A phenomenological glimpse of celebrity”
“Music Affects the Brain for the Better”
“Music and the Brain:”
“How Music Affects Us and Promotes Health”
“How Does Music Affect the Brain?”
“9 ways music can improve your life”
“5 Ways Music Affects Your Life For The Better”
“How Music Affects Your Life”
“Musician Reveals 5 Ways How Music Changes Your Life”
“Musicians Who Died in 2017”
“Musicians Who Died in 2016”
“Musicians Who Died in 2018”
 o��K��� �
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vocalfriespod · 7 years
Vocal Fry Addendum
If you’ve listened to our episode about vocal fry, you might have questions about what vocal fry really is. (If you haven’t, please download it here. And if you like it, please subscribe!)
What is “phonation”? When we speak, we manipulate many parts of our mouth; this includes the larynx and vocal cords (also called vocal folds). When we use vocal fry, our larynx is compacted and the vocal cords become slack, which creates a lower frequency. When we use falsetto, our vocal cords are stretched, creating a higher frequency. More information can be found here. 
What is the larynx? The larynx is the part of the body that contains the vocal cords. It’s also known as the voice box.
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What are the vocal cords/folds? They are mucous membranes that can be opened and closed - and when they vibrate, they create our voice. (The sound that passes through the vocal cords can be further modified by moving parts in your mouth, like your tongue or lips.) I really like the visuals in this post (Fig 8.2), but here’s a visual from Gray’s Anatomy:
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Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body
There are videos of the vocal cords in movement, including a very short one of vocal fry, and a longer one involving screaming and singing:
Warning: some people find videos of the vocal cords a bit disturbing, so be forewarned.
You mentioned that some languages have creak as part of their language. How does that work? Jalapa Mazatec (an Oto-Manguean language spoken in Mexico) has 5 vowels (i, æ, a, o, u). (The æ is pronounced like the a in ‘ash’, and the a is pronounced closer to the a in ‘father’.) These base vowels can be modified by tone, nasality, length and phonation type. I’ll just focus on two values for phonation (modal vs. creak) here, since that’s the relevant feature for us. The near minimal pair below shows the contrast between modal vowels and creaky vowels:
        si                      sḭ́                                                                                                     ‘dirty’               ‘holiday’                                         (Silverman et al. 1995: 72)
The /i/ in si ‘dirty’ is not creaky, and is produced with modal voice (the plain phonation type). (It also has mid tone.) The /i/ in sḭ́ ‘holiday’ is produced with creaky voice (~ vocal fry). (It also has high tone.) It matters which phonation you use, or else you will say the wrong thing - like the difference between ‘sip’ and ‘ship’ in English. If you use the wrong sound, you are saying a different word.
What are some popular examples of vocal fry in the media? People really like to complain about vocal fry. So here are just a couple that we found either hilarious or obnoxious. (Spoiler alert: everyone who complains about vocal fry USES IT.)
Speaking of that, you said that Bob Garfield has vocal fry and that you had the receipts to prove it. I asked Megan to answer this question:
I mentioned in the podcast that Bob Garfield, previously of Lexicon Valley, vocal fried while he complained about women vocal frying. Here’s the (elementary) science. Disclaimer: The below is an analysis done by a non-phonetician (me). Phoneticians, forgive my superficial analysis. Also feel fry to let me know if there is an easier way to use Praat to prove fry!
A characteristic of vocal fry is irregular pitch (or more technically, the fundamental frequency... Pitch is the perceptual correlate). Vocal jitter and shimmer are two ways to measure this irregularity.
Vocal Jitter = frequency perturbation; normal voices are usually less than 1% frequency variability
Bob’s vocal jitter was 3.159%. (lololol)
Vocal Shimmer = amplitude perturbation; a mean cycle-to-cycle amplitude difference of 0.7 dB or less variation or less than 7% of mean amplitude is normal
Bob’s vocal shimmer was 8.659% or 0.869 dB. (lolol ^ 2)
I put purplish arrows to point out the variability of Bob’s fundamental frequency/pitch. You can also see him go down down (below 75hz) at the very end. I don’t have good enough evidence of Bob’s modal or “normal” voice, or if he, in fact, always creaks, so I can’t make a direct comparison, but going that low is pretty canonical “frying”.
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In this second image you can see that Bob’s fundamental frequency (the blue line) goes all the way down to 59.62hz: the mostly agreed-upon “normal range” for men’s fundamental frequency is from 85 to 155 Hz. This is a very low fundamental frequency and that = frying.
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(definitions of jitter and shimmer)
Where can I find your TEDx talk? You can watch it here.
If you have any questions or comments - especially if something isn’t clear - please let us know here, or by sending us an email at [email protected]. You can also follow us on twitter @VocalFriesPod or instagram @vocalfriespod or on facebook at Vocal Fries Pod. Send us your questions or suggestions for possible topics!
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Love & π - Review
Ok, so... I never write reviews for the dramas I watch mainly because there are only 2 dramas that have made it into my 10/10 list. One is “I Remember You” (If you haven’t watched that masterpiece... what are you waiting for?) and the other is, yeah, you guessed it: Love & π. 
FAIR WARNING: This drama is not for everyone. If you don’t like it when the main leads fall in love after years of growing up together, this is not for you. If you don’t like flawed characters who make stupid mistakes and decisions, this is not for you. If you don’t like a bit of melo in your slice of life, this is not for you.  
I’m cool with all those things because I believe they gave this drama the emotional punch and realistic feel it has. I like realistic and layered characters with flaws. That’s what we all are, to be honest: a bunch of walking flaws and bad decisions. 
Yuan Yuan, Wu Xian and Hou Zi grow up in the same orphanage and are inseparable. After they come off age, the 3 of them decide to head to Taipei in order to start their new lives. WX and YY get accepted in college, while HZ chooses not to study and let the school of life teach him everything there is to know. YY’s main reason for being in Taipei is not really her studies, though. What YY wants the most is to conquer Taipei before her mother does, because she resents her for abandoning her in the middle of the park when she was a child. YY’s bio mom had expressed that this was her dream, and YY wants to take it away from her as a way of getting back at her. Oh, yes, YY has serious abandonment issues that she struggles with. HZ and WX are more focused on their personal growth than their pasts, though. They seem to have accepted their situation and don’t let it affect their minds and emotions. While they want to move forward, YY is stuck in the past. Regardless, they initially support YY and stand by her when she lets them. As the years go by, however, YY gets absorbed by her need for revenge and starts making questionable decisions at work which, in turn, piss off the always by the book WX. Needless to say, this drives a wedge between the two of them.   
YUAN YUAN (Ivy Shao)
The story of our main girl opens by introducing a cartoon adaptation of the story of “The Little Match Girl” by Hans C. Andersen. You think you know how the cartoon is gonna end, until the tale takes an unexpected turn...
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Oh. Hello there, Zhao Yuan Man! You’re about to become one of my favorite heroines ever. 
As you may have noticed YM is the type of girl who thinks outside the box and refuses to settle for less than what she considers fair. She thought the match girl shouldn’t die because the cruelty she was suffering wasn’t fair, and made her a rich inventor with a happy ending instead. Even after everyone mocked her “for not knowing the real ending”, she stood up for herself and told them: This is my imaginary scenario, and no one gets to mess with it. YM is ambitious. She relentlessly fights for what she believes and wants if she believes it’s fair. The downside of this type of personality is that strong convictions can easily deviate into plain stubborness, and YM was a hard nut to crack at times. I loved watching her struggle with her job and with her life as a whole. She wasn’t a Mary Sue or a Wonder Woman. She was real and her struggles were as real as she was.  
WU XIAN (Ben Wu)
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There’s the Yang to YY’s Yin. One wants to change the world while the other wants things to stay the same. WX is a bit of a know-it-all and he can get a bit self-righteous from time to time, but he’s kind, protective, and loving towards YY. The guy just lurves her since they were children because he both admires and fears her brilliant and ambitious personality. He’s the papa bear of the group, and is always worrying for his friends and sacrificing himself for them... until he gets fed up, that is. I honestly don’t blame him when he basically tells them to shove it, because he was entitled to his anger and both YY and HZ were screwing up big time when it happened.
HOU ZI (Daniel Chen)
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Yep, you guessed it. This is the couple’s counsellor. He’s grown up with them (They were from an orphanage. I forgot to mention that!) and is their main supporter. Hou Zi (aka Monkey) is such a special and lovable guy. He loves his friends and wants the best for them as he faces a myriad of issues throughout the drama. One of his most poignant moments is when he falls for a girl who is in love with WX, and slowly drifts apart from him because he can’t stand seeing them together. Yeah, I know, I wouldn’t trade my friends for a crush, but HZ felt betrayed when WX decided to give himself an opportunity with Ruo Yun in order to get over his break up with YY. It’s understandable from both perspectives. Both were hurt and both felt betrayed and affected by the entire ordeal. WX was entitled to date RY because she had made it clear to HZ that she didn’t like him. HZ was entitled to his frustration because WX was blatantly using RY to get over his true love, YY. RY was just cool with getting used as long as WX acknowledged her, so there’s that mess. It felt like a punch in the gut because their friendship was precious, but that’s as true to life as it can get, and it felt strangely refreshing watching WX not sacrifice himself for a change.        
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There are points in the story when you don’t really know if YY and WX will be able to meet halfway, and find a way to handle their strong differences. They lock horns in more than one occasion, grow tired of each other, let go very easily.  WX figures out how to stop YY from pushing him away, and decides to stick it out till the end as proof that he will not abandon her like her mother did. YY is a bit of a porcupine, though. She gives the poor guy a hard time and breaks his heart in more than one occasion, ultimately “abandoning” him herself.  
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It takes years of distance, evolution and growth until they are finally on the same page. WX realizes that if he truly wants to be with YY, he has to be able to see eye to eye with her and deal with their conflicts maturely. YY realizes that WX only has her best interest at heart. She eventually understands why he grows increasingly frustrated with her when she self-destructs, and how hard it’s for him to see her get hurt by her own actions. 
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Don’t you just love it when the leads in your drama have these kinds of breakthroughs? The idea of change is one of the main themes in this drama. Are you supposed to be the same forever? How does society change us? Is it okay to change? Which are the kind of changes that are really worth it?   
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WX was right... back when they dated for the first time, they were an unbalanced see-saw. He was a bit judgy and she was very stubborn. They needed to evolve more to be able to stand in each other’s shoes and truly understand what the other was feeling.
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Wu Xian: “Don’t push me away. Okay? I was wrong. I was too weak. I thought I was taking responsibility by doing what I did before. I hurt everyone because I never had courage all along. But now I’m different. I love you. From the first day we met until now. When you are happy, I am happy. If you’re sad, I am sad. All of my emotions are dictated by you. You taught me what love is. Do you remember when you asked me why I had never asked about my birth or wondered about my parents? It’s because of you. You made me feel that as long as you were with me, there wasn’t anything missing in my life. If losing those things, was the price to pay for meeting you, I’m okay with that."   
The scene when they get back together in the last episode is just so freaking powerful. The chemistry is through the roof (BW & IS worked together before in “The Perfect Match” but he was the annoying second lead, and I wasn’t aware of their power to warm my heart). Anyway, let’s go straight to the point. No matter what happens during the story, WX always wants to be YY’s hand warmers whenever this “little match girl” faces a freezing cold winter. Even when they are heading in opposite directions they manage to remain inseparable and bounce back to each other.
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Ugh, I’m such a sucker for brilliant metaphors and well inserted intertextual components. Props to this writer for the outstanding and seamless weaving of these elements throughout the entire drama. I’m just in awe. This is good and carefully planned writing, people.     
                                                                         final score: 10/10 💛
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emotoothtiger · 4 years
Film: the reason some of the past was in HD
As far as  know, in television, the UK, EU and most other countries used 25 fps based on a 50Hz obtained from the main voltage supply which those countries used. ISO regs made the mains frequency tolerances pretty exacting so your 50Hz AC mains was a handy cue. Voltges in the UK/EU can vary quite a bit during a day ( easily about 10 volts ) but NOT frequencies. Cine was 24 fps ( mechanically pulling the film through the projector ) so there was no real problem in transferring.
Because of incompatible tv systems, a lot of export stuff was filmed in 16mm and sent to the various countries for showing on their tv systems for showing movies particularly in the US with its 60 Hz mains and 30 fps NTSC tv system. This way, rare lost episodes of certain things such as Dad’s Army or Dr Who, and a lot of other stuff, have turned up in stores ( storage vaults ) or skips in the US, Oz, Africa, Asia, Saudi Arabia or anywhere else really.
The 480 line thing does not apply to the UK or EU. They used PAL and SECAM. I can’t remember who used what but I think the UK and most everyone else in the UK used 625 line PAL A or PAL B, and the French used SECAM or something like that. No matter, you get the gist.
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applecybermonday · 6 years
Cyber Monday LG 42-Inch 1080p LED HDTV Deals
Cyber Monday LG 42-Inch 1080p LED HDTV Deals :: LG 42LE5400 42-Inch 1080p 120 Hz LED HDTV with Internet Applications – Deals
There’s no better LCD display technology than LED and the LE5400 delivers that along with a whole lot more. You can tap directly into instant movies and entertainment with NetCast and cut free of your cable box and messy wires with Wireless 1080p.
[su_note note_color=”#e5ffab” text_color=”#000000″ radius=”10″][su_service title=”Do You Know ??” icon=”icon: question” size=”76″]
Offering energy-saving LED backlighting, 1080p Full HD resolution for crystal-clear detail, and TruMotion 120Hz technology for virtually no motion blur, the 42-inch LG 42LE5400 LED LCD HDTV is also great for watching sports and movies with fast action thanks to its 2.6ms (millisecond) response time. The latest in HDTV technology, LED delivers deep blacks, bright colors and crisp images to rival any display category, and are the slimmest, most energy efficient televisions available. Improved motion capture allows smooth, natural pictures, even with fast paced action. With LG’s NetCast, you get access to TV shows, movies and more, streamed directly from the Internet to your television screen. And the LE5400 series also provides compatibility with Wireless 1080p Connectivity (wireless media kit required and sold separately).[/su_service][/su_note]
Other features include an incredible 4,000,000:1 dynamic contrast ratio for more stunning colors and deeper blacks, two USB ports for connecting external drives for playing back MP3 audio, JPEG photo and DivX HD video files, stereo speakers with 20 watts of power and Dolby Digital decoding, and four HDMI inputs.
[su_spoiler title=”NetCast Entertainment Access” style=”fancy”]
NetCast Entertainment Access brings the best Internet services direct to your TV–no computer required. Instantly access movies and TV shows, news and weather and the world’s largest library of HD movies in 1080p. (Note: Internet connection & subscriptions required and sold separately.)Get your HD film fixIf you like movies and want major studio releases in Full HD 1080p and Dolby Digital Plus sound, you’ll love Vudu, the on-demand movie service with more hi-def titles than anyone else. Over 3,000 and counting.
Plus, there’s no subscription. So you only pay for what you watch.Access your queue from the couchMake the most of the extensive offerings on Netflix.[/su_spoiler]
Now you can watch your favorite movies and shows–from new releases to classics to everything in between–without your PC. Sit back and enjoy unlimited instant access to thousands of movies and TV episodes streamed directly to your TV set.
It’s YouTube on your tubeNo more crowding around your PC to watch web videos.
NetCast instantly streams videos and TV shows from YouTube for unlimited, direct access to the millions of Web videos whenever you want them. All you need is an active Internet connection. Watch that one fellow making a fool of himself over and over again.
Stay up to speed
Sometimes you want to see what’s going on in the world, but without changing the channel. Yahoo! TV Widgets delivers everything you need including news, scores, stocks and even photos from Flickr. Your pictures on the big screen Re-live all your family vacation memories with your Picasa photos on the big screen for everyone to enjoy, create galleries and slideshows for easy organization.
Key Features Cyber Monday LG 42-Inch 1080p LED HDTV Deals
LCD Panel with LED Backlighting Tired of dark scenes or dull colors?
LG’s LED technology provides a slim profile and delivers amazing brightness, clarity and color detail, as well as greater energy efficiency compared to conventional LCD TVs.
Energy Star 4.0Earning the ENERGY STAR means a product meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Energy.
For TVs, it means they save energy both in standby and active (when they’re on) modes.
ENERGY STAR qualified TVs use about 30 percent less energy than standard units.
Smart Energy Saving With LG’s Smart Energy Saving Features, you can conserve money and energy.Full HD 1080p resolutionThis stunning picture is the reason you wanted HDTV in the first place. With almost double the pixel resolution, Full HD 1080p gives it superior picture quality over standard HDTV.
You’ll see details and colors like never before.
 [su_spoiler title=”TruMotion 120Hz” style=”fancy”]
TruMotion 120Hz technology lets you see sports, video games and high-speed action with virtually no motion blur. Now your TV can keep up with your fast-moving entertainment.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”4,000,000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio” style=”fancy”]
No more worrying about dark scenes or dull colors. The dynamic contrast ratio of 4,000,000:1 delivers more stunning colors and deeper blacks than you can imagine. [/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Intelligent Sensor” style=”fancy”]
Don’t strain your eyes. Let your TV do the adjustments for you. Intelligent Sensor automatically optimizes the picture to the lighting and color conditions in the room for a more enjoyable viewing experience.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Wireless 1080p Ready” style=”fancy”]
The best place for your TV isn’t always near the cable. Wireless 1080p Connectivity lets you cut loose from messy wires, hang your TV where you want and still get a stunning Full HD picture. All those cords and cables are completely out of sight. And the only thing attached to your TV is you. (Note: Wireless media kit required and sold separately.)[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”AV Mode” style=”fancy”]
Sports, movies and video games are best enjoyed with customized settings. With AV Mode, you can easily select from one of three picture modes for “Cinema”, Sports” or “Games” to enjoy an optimized picture and sound experience.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Picture Wizard” style=”fancy”]
Get easy self-calibration with on-screen reference points for key picture quality elements such as black level, color, tint, sharpness and backlight levels. Take the guesswork out of picture adjustments with this simple-to-use feature. It’s not actually magic, but it will sure seem that way.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”24P Real Cinema” style=”fancy”]
Stay in for the theater. Enjoy a true cinema-like experience in your own home with movies the way they are meant to be seen. LG’s Real Cinema technology precisely displays 24p source frames on your screen, the same as on a movie screen. If you love movies, you’ll love Real Cinema.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”ISFccc Calibration Ready” style=”fancy”]
LG’s ISFccc Ready HDTVs contain the detailed standards necessary for professional calibration of brightness, contrast, tint, sharpness, color levels and much more to meet local lighting conditions for both day and nighttime viewing. Settings are added to preset modes for easy access from your LG remote.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Clear Voice II ” style=”fancy”]
Get audio the way it was meant to be heard. Clear Voice II enhances and amplifies the frequency range of the human voice to help keep dialogue audible when background noise swells.Infinite SoundWhat’s a great picture without great sounds to match? Infinite Sound delivers an amazing listening experience with deep, rich bass to make the most of your entertainment.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title=”Dolby Digital” style=”fancy”]
Dolby Digital lets you experience compelling 5.1-channel surround sound. And you can trust that you’ll get the same great Dolby Digital audio quality no matter what you’re watching–a DVD or Blu-Ray Disc, TV programming or downloaded content. Best of all, you can be confident that you’ll hear the audio exactly as it was intended, because Dolby Digital is also used to create the soundtracks for movies and games. [/su_spoiler]
USB 2.0 [su_spoiler title=”P” style=”fancy”]z[/su_spoiler]
Now reliving that fantastic family vacation can happen in the comfort of your living room. Easily connect your external USB devices to enjoy JPEG photos or listen to MP3 files. This HDTV is also compatible with playing back DivX HD video files from a USB drive.
HDMI V.1.3 with Deep Color [su_spoiler title=”P” style=”fancy”]z[/su_spoiler]
Make installation of any enabled device a snap. Get 10.2Gbps of bandwidth for deeper colors and more to take advantage of the best Full HD experience. HDMI V.1.3 connectivity lets you prepare yourself for tomorrow’s technology today.
Key Specifications
[su_list icon=”icon: arrow-circle-right” icon_color=”#d01004″]
Screen size: 42-inch class (42 inches diagonal)
Resolution: 1920 x 1080 (1080p Full HD)
Dynamic contrast ratio: 4,000,000:1
Viewing angle: 178 degrees horizontal/vertical
Response time: 2.6ms
Built-in tuner: ATSC/NTSC/Clear QAM
Audio output: 20 watts (10W x 2)
Speaker system: 2-way, 4 speakers D
olby Digital decoder: Yes
Surround system: Infinite Sound Input labeling: Yes
Swivel stand: ±20 degrees
VESA compliance: 200mm x 200mm
Warranty: 1 year parts and labor Connections
HDMI (version 1.3, HDCP): 3 rear, 1 side Component: 2 rear, 1 side Composite A/V: 1 rear, 1 side RF: 1 rear PC input (15-pin, D-Sub): 1 rear PC audio input: 1 rear Digital audio output: 1 optical, rear
USB: 2 side
Ethernet LAN: 1 rear
Headphone out: 1 side
RS-232c input: 1 rear [/su_list]
TV without stand: 40 x 24.8 x 1.2 inches (WxHxD); 36.8 pounds
TV with stand: 40 x 27.2 x 10.6 inches (WxHxD); 43 pounds
What size TV should you get? LG 2010 HDTV ComparisonLearn MoreProduct Features
LED Backlighting
NetCast Entertainment Access (Wi-Fi Ready)
Wireless 1080p Ready
TruMotion 120Hz
Picture Wizard II
From Cyber Monday Plus .com https://cybermondayplus.com/black-friday-lg-42-inch-1080p-led-hdtv-deals/
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